Newspaper Page Text
' if m 4 into' k aa* . ig before I you dojj^ Ç3 r/m{ ♦ m UNDAY, JULY 25, 1880 Price 8 Centos. WILMINGTON, DEL., 81 Yol. l.-ISTo. 4r. ROM* SUSSEX. FASHION'S POLLIES. brocade in two shades of brown. The frock SHORT LOCALS. THE DEMOCRACY. MEETING OF THE CITY ASSO CIATION LAST EVENING. The Onpleasantness "Cussed" and Dis cussed—A Committee of Conference Appointed A Big Turnout of Farrellites. From the agitation which had been accord ed the subject during the past week, it was pretty well settled that the meeting of the City Democratic Association last evening would be a lively one, and those who visited Squire Brady's office, under the impression that the proceedings would be interesting not disanDointed. By eight o'clock the room was literally packed with sweltered humanity, and Presi nent Farrell having called the meeting to order, Secretary Townsend read the min ward organizations. When the secretary had finished reading, Mr. O'Donnell moved that the report from S«r" S w«" Pt ' he SCVenth ' bC " aid A discussion followed, during which Mr. Mellon stated that he had received a notice to attend a meeting of the Executive Com mittee at the Lafayette Hotel on Tuesday evening last. He obeyed Hie call but found that the President, Secretary and myself were the only three who did obey it, and he thought something would be done in the matter. If the men who were selected to represent the different wards in the Ex ecutive Committee did not choose to do so, ward meetings should again be called, and men elected who would. The motion being called for, President Farrell stated it to be that " the reports of the wards which are in revolt against this asso ciation shall not be recognized." A vote was taken and a division called for which re suited in the adoption of the motion by 58 to 14 Mr O'Donnell then moved that the re port from the Seventh Ward, ami the rest of the minutes be adooted agreed to unani 1 P g Snuire Hradv reoorted that he had seen Mr lamente/ the ^Treasurer elect and that the latter had requested him to notify the acRorintinn that he accented I he nosition President Farrell spued th'it he under stood that while Mr Carne,uèr was wülinv to accent the position of Treasurer of th? association he Jls no wi l nu to acï t he same canacitv for the Executive Committee and whs? the'associatiotl wanted was a man c ! association wanted was a man who would accept both positions. Mr. Brady thought that Mr. Carpenter's acceptance should be recognized, and if he refused to obey the wishes of the associa tion, action would be taken on the subject. This was agreed to. A member thought it would be advisable to form a sort of permanent Hancock and Eng lish Club out of the association, to embrace all the wards, but was informed that the wards would attend to that subject, and he sat down, A motipn was made through the assucia tion to go into nomination for Vice Presi-, dents, one for each ward. The President decided the motion out of order, as these positions were already filled, and until the present incumbents were disposed of, the association could not elect substitutes. Mr. Wm. H. Quinn obtained the floor and made a speech in reference to the in harmonious condition of things generally. He said that the local Democracy of Wil mington were battling against the same evil that the National Democracy had to contend against. "There are," said he, "in this try some ninety odd thousand office holders, and these office holders are endeavoring to control the people of the United States, arrogating to themselves the privilege of dictating who shall be elected and hold offi ces, but the Democratic party of this try are determined to shew them next No vember that they have a few objections to present to this condition of affairs. Here in Wilmington we have forty-two office holders, and these forty-two appear to be acting in the same roll. But the Democracy of this city have uttered an emphatic protest to this condition of affairs through this association, and hence the dissatisfaction among the offi ce holders Let us have harmony in our ranks if possible, but let us have our rights frequently interrupted with comments of approval and disapproval, at one point councilman Blake asking him how he stood when he was an officeholder, to which Mr. Quinn replied, " I never under took to make a life job out of an office." At the close of his remarks, Mr. Quinn moved that a committee of five be ap pointed to confer with the other ring. The motion was seconded, and President Farrel put it: "It has been moved and seconded that a committee of five be ap pointed to confer with " Here the President stopped and wanted to know with whom the committee was to confer. Mr. Turner explained "with the Execu tive Committee." " So-called Executive Committee," amen ded Mr. Mellon, and this term appearing to suit the association, the motion was put and carried with an amendment of 10 instead of as the committee. Upon motion, the President was authori zed to appoint the committee, and the fol lowing were named • Messrs. Henry Turner, E. C. Knight, Wm. H. Quinn, Charles Cannon, James W. Ware, Francis » McCloskey, John J. Toner, Frank Kane, Edward McGuire, August Bicta. Charles Jefferis delivered an eulogy upon H. B. Moindre, proclaiming him the best worker in the party in Wilmington. The following resolution was offered and after a lively discussion laid over one week: " Bt it resolved hy thc Democratic City Association, that the action of the Executive Committee in ignoring this as sociation meets with our unqualified disapprobation." It was moved that the secretary be in structed to notify the Conference Committee of their appointment. Adopted. Mr. Mellon moved that the committee be governed in their action by the rules of the association. Mr. Turner hoped the committee would not be fettered in any way. Let the commit tec act according to its own judgment, and thc association can either reject or adop t its report. Mr. Mellon withdrew his motion. Presi dent called Mr. Blake to the chair, and tak ing the floor, made an earnest speech in de fense of the action of the association in naming the chairman of the Executive Com mittee. He strongly condemned the course of what he termed " the Democratic papers of Wilmington,''saying that their slurs and Mr. Qui s, inuendoes were a peculiar method of "pour ing oil troubled waters." Mr. Turner folic wed, hoping the Commit tee of Conference would be able to straight en matters. A motion to adjourn was carried, and about ten o'clock, the meeting adjourned. -—-— The Mirror wishes to call especial atten tention to its outside correspondence. Its Philadelphia, New York and Sussex letters are from former Wilmington newspapermen " , vviimingion newspapermen and are replete Wlth matters of ,nterest t0 Wilmingt.onians. Our Eastern Shore letter is also from a Wilmingtonian, and will be found to be interesting reading. " *» . —--"7""". . . , A FEW P eo P le ob J ect to advertising in the Mirror simply because it is a Sunday paper, and they are so good that they think ~ ^ Sunday. The Mirror wishes simply to call their attention to the fact that a large proportion of the work on every newspaper P" d °" Monday, especially a Monday morn,n 8 newspaper, is done on Sunday, Ergo-stop your Monday paper, or be inenn sistent. __ mr mpr nnn i mr |) J ll.E 1,(j i t A 1/ 11 _ Associated PreBS Dispatches from both ntin.nt. imminents. * " Weather Indications." July 25, 1880 .—For the Middle and At/antic States, clear or partly cloudy weather, southwesterly winds, nearly sta tionary,and temperature stationary or lower barometer. - » , mt % » . — a T? ore ig. n Arrival a uoreign Arrival. AsRocia,ed Pre8sDis P a,ch - sats"" B^now Âdîred Vatly News says. It is now considered certain in official circles that Premier Cano vas del Castillo has over-ruled_ the objections ra,s ? d b Y thc Queen's Austrian physician, Sf"!!» heat'ïfTumrt* ,n lhe . beat of August. The state apart ment5 in lbe palace at Madrid are being sumptuously prepared for the Queen's ac couchmcnt which ls expected at the end of All 8 ust ' The Q ueen ' s m ° tber > the Arch P, u< £f" Elizabetb ' of Austria, will arrive in Madrld next week. F.x-Queen Isabella will t the it t , t * The Mormons. Associated Press Dispatch. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 24,—The Mormons celebrated their first entrance into the valley 33 years ago to-day, with the usual elaborations. Good order prevailed, and the discipline of an army was every wheE apparent. A procession, embodying ten brass and military bands, representing senti ments, ideas, agricultural and horticultural {products, trade!, industries and manufacp, was an hour in passing and was wit nessed by from ten to twenty thousand spec tators. An Important Fact. iated Press Dispatch. Asst Madrid, July 24. —There has been _ occurrence of earthquake in the Philippine Islands during the last two days. The Indians. Associated Press Dispatch. Denver, Col., July 24.—A Tribune the 22d inst. the Indians special says : came into Los Pinos from the north, and had their first council with the commission. The provisions of the bill providing for their removal but said nothing and mountains. explained. They listened went to the _ _ ., - Friday afternoon our popular and terpnsing ship builder, Col. Enoch Moore, Jr., at his ship yards on the Christiana, put m '° tbe for sundry repairs, the schooner Helen Lieds. This statement, m * tse If> 15 n0 '' very interesting, but thereby ban S s a f?le, as follows : I77 b an English war vessel, name mentioned, came galley sailing into the Delaware Breakwater, on a mission of mercy ,. f u ' was laden with money to pay the Eng . t J'°®P s - But | be money " 1Ved the Vab ent red-CoatS of King George, for a Spruce young English Earl, w ho commanded the vessel, countermanded the orders of the pilot—thinking, of course, that he knew more than the pilot did—and the consequence a shoal, the than all, the money lost, The pilot escaped, and some years after he left to his eldest son papers giving an accurate description of the location of sunken vessel. The son sold the papers a New York wrecking company, and the company has undertaken the job of resur recting the wrecked ducats. The company was engaged in that work all last week, and report states that the hulk of the old vessel has been buoyed, and that the treasure is expected to be secured inside of two weeks. It was while engaged in this work that the Helen Leeds became disabled and haA* f turn in for repairs. The Oar in Canada. Associated Press Dispatch. Montreal, July 24. —Great exertions are being made here to get up a boat ing the Dominion Exhibition, Courtney, Warren, Smith, Ross and other celebrated rowers have promised to compete. dur No Cholera. Associated Press Dispatch. Washington, July 25.—A report having been pnblished that Cholera prevailed at Memphis, Tennessee, Dr. Quiner, secretary of the National Board of Health, to-day addressed a telegram of inquiry to Dr. Thornton, President of the Memphis Local Board of Health, concerning the truthful ness of the report. Dr. Thornton's reply states that there is no truth whatever in rhe report. The Compensation Bill. Associated Press Dispatch. London, July 24.—The Times says : We believe that the number of Lords who will vote for the conpensation bill will be curious ly small. At least a third of the habitual supporters of the government in the House ol Lords will abstain from voting. LOST IN THE SEA. Humanity and Lucre gono the tom—The Account, but a Lively Search , for the Latter. never re* that the vessel ran into drowned and, worse the ov ci y uneasy muugut away. ~ / NEW ÏOHK. Political Events—The Tammany Leaders Tricky—The Greatest Dry Goods House in the World—The Obelisk. New York, July 24th. Garfield feels uneasy about the prospect of political affairs iti this State. His uneasi ness is very evident from the tone ofalet S r he , sent t0 ^ h ® president of the Central Campaign Club, in which he speaks as fol ' Of course you know that New York settles the case if j* particularly anxious that the State should be g ?' ned for him * , Wlll ,ï be ? thls question, we may ask another; will Tamma ny remain faithful ? This latter inquiry may be looked upon with ridicule by some, but during the past few days the bitterness be f we , en Ta " 1 "} an y a, ? d Anti-Tammany has SÄgÄÄras concealed, faring the consequences of an open rupture. At the meeting of the Board 0 Aldermen on Tuesday last,the Tammany JSriSeJ&di onlheir plrty, sided wfth the Republicans, and prevented the confirm ation ot an honest and faithful Democrat, Justice Murray to the position of Police Magistrate. Tammany's members and the Republicans made a tie vote against the Democratic members. The only objection Tammany can have against Mr. Murray is Ï®* K e ,' Y an f '"«ssantly <° r ( Gov ' Rob , lnson s elect , 10n last fall ; and by opposing him now, only serves to open wider, j be 8 a P tba * separates them from the regular' Democracy, and shows more strongly that t0 *? et , r ' d ^ tke " pest," they must be crushed out ot existence. Time will accom Pj . tbat * . From Tammany s actions it is piam that in local politics they are deter mined to be Republicans; and the hatred against them for so behaving might still bi the cause of more injury m the National con test. Tammany is so treacherous, that the withdrawal of their electoral ticket, is look f UP ° n bl . ind w , ith w ? ich to cover doings, of which they alone would be guilty, that is, under the guise of the friendship which they promised at Cin cinnati, they withdraw the State Electorial îï*« and M '. 1 " n SeCretly give their support to the Republican nominees. You cannot derstand Tammany, and they would as likely do that, as turn Democrat.. The Republi cans are now bidding for Tammany, and they will get the " p?ck," because they the only bidder; and are now looking for another victory next fall, as they won the , s , 1 d u,. „ . The Republican National Committee is n Ju ^ e g ant quarters on 5 tb Avenue, a ove 28th street. The Democratic National opened house on Friday, also on S th Avenue near ipth .n palatial quar ,nL S 'AoZîîfKi 0r Ç n , K - at , t0 î ° f b ? th Pf 11 " ,n t^ A ^Ä dl " have alr , ead >: be « ua j F " \ f° k out for a most determined ïSKrKSînîSJî'ta M - ,. . J° bn Davenport,to tyrannize over Naturalized " g ' P yS ,, , „ I', ,, , , . « w veiy awiaent uu dwm The Base Ball Record, Auocfced ° -i ab d was speamn^_B ÜS tons d whispered distinctly iti Ivily } Special letter to the M carry it." He the part of ing with rapid strides. Our wholesale houses are busily preparing for the fall and winter trade, which promises to be unusually brisk. While conversing with a gentleman who is engaged in one of our largest wholesale dry goods houses, recently, your correspondent obtained some information which impressed him with the greatness, i point of view, of New York City. The leading dry-goods house of the world is situ ated here and does business under the firm name of H. B. Claflin & Co. The trade of this company has become so great, that they sell more goods, yearly, than the big gest house in London. Last year their sales are said to have amounted to $30,000, worth of goods. Next comes the firm of Bates, Reed & Cooley, who last year sold about $12,000,000 worth. law has just gone into effect here which makes it a misdemeanor for minors to steal rides commercial stand on the platfo street cars, omnibuses etc. Many children who are accustomed to endanger their lives by jumping rested and fined, guardians of and off cars, have been ar In case their parents or with them, they are fined for permitting those under their care, to violate the law. It is being prosecuted with vigor and the benefits Peaches already be plainly begining to appear in more plentiful number. They are of a delicious, healthy color, and sell at $1.50 a crate. New Yorkers are preparing to bat large number when the time comes, fo them to be more numerous. 4 Mr. Thomas Sherman, a son of Genera Sherman ; Mr. Thomas Kernan, Senator Kbrnan, of New York, and Mr. Vanl Rensselaer, of the well-known Patroon fam J ily, of Albany, who have all been in Engl land for the past two years, during which! time they have been studying for the priest^ hood, arrived here rqpenly. > 9 The obelisk has arrived, but the prospects-! of it ever adorning Central park arc very 1 doubtful. William H. Vanderbilt who j seems to have been the prime mover in the | enterprise, and who is the Barnum Museum Company, desires P that it should be placed within the new Mu | r seum Building which is about to be erected | where Madison Square Garden now stands. 1 The poor will be unable to see this wonder- ' ful piece of ancient work without money. J Remington. 1 extra son o connected with Run Over. An accident, nearly resulting in serious , occurred about 9 o'clock last night, on Fourth street between Market and King. A carriage, the pants of which 1 injury to two ladies, was coming down the street at a high rate of speed, and o/er who resides at 1310 French street, badly bruised taken into Taylor & Fullerton's drug store, where his wounds were dressed, after which he was sent home. Th # e speed of the carriage was not lessened after the acci could Another man, whose also run by the same carriage and hurt, but not seriously, in the back. His wound was dressed by Dr. Simms. After the accident the carriage rapidity. In addition to the females above mentioned, it is asserted that one or more men old gentleman named Hanison, He was the face and limbs, and dent, and who the occupants not be ascertained, name could not be ascertained, driven off with great in the carriage. "Rash youth, dashing youth, not, I shame thee not ; still sH üdies the Political i Views Thereon lily—A Rain of i-toned Wed tral's Gen SOMETHING F Our Correspondent i Map and Gives Hi —A Suicidal Fan Wealth-A Hig ty. ding—A Gen, erosi Special Letter to the Mirror. Georgetown, July loaf around Lingo's st the Prothonotary's officRiis Fall, the first im Long's story, relating M jo a final conviction holder is to be busted tt&re sure to elect not pression would amoui^lesidency but also fill that the GreenbackersApudiationists. The only Weaver to the PviLj think there every other office with .*<fi members of this partjüft dozen in town and po^R fifty fol thls but be has an the the is <° r ( by be is bi of to for is ,n j . yS 23.—If one would and then call at j and listen to Capt. ow the bloated bond He are a hundred and \Kffct tïevMj îe , t hc ! 0 , 1 >! 1 1 1 cs thi . m 187.1 Moi but ^Brnot only lost JJp(r is worse, the Bryoroken heart, fe Arobably fight aifa should he be lin ra de ^ eat ! f° r [ l°w among its Kinife man who Eg nigh he is a f £iet canvass, would would ls >/e lower Ä de to star fe x hea tor.; or ful, iicn, of 1 > ii< ii"! ! was a good fcfl| opposed by the coveted Shel poor fellow actuS On the other hai Houston insicUfl nominated ; cnnilitu^^H JÊ ":!■ : ' ' . 1 think iHgg rin owly t ie ver part ol natura il d he 'U'! that few red _ry. TWettes io |js is ,uy U ly put ,H(ive a high lt .text Fall or lard •g parties," flhem in the newspaper dour e ft he wears, rfe. ^ey-Gen- skirt vvt * to Reho er there, is of is of in Reh inter importance •Mrain that p aÈ; If I ^'■estimate concerned, l the value A 1 est u to has fal should BO. upon 1 I shou of thel Ruf ! Willi Wglgi ! ! ,i coulcff| and a daugu er there, p *ill. You Republi (.«JH* may, unwonted ► •» A eral of the Ste The ne of both Gen. Torjj know thJl or it nd gene A J 9 1 j | P | r | 1 ' J 1 James H. cob Pusey went rrday. Fish in expected to be year old son of f The Mirror, Wednesday, !e in front of the feet. The result ;little sufferer is i-cmineton's swift K now manioula Angers of thought e l He thinks Wil nl to New York New York, was in re is the same gen flfcjUid his many him. President of tv for Beth J\ 'a week or omiftg a. _ j 1 I ed r-' yesterday for o^piss his genial L. B. BradiwüHRil D. T. Bradford, pr£--Y! met with a serious acJÉ by falling from the M house, a distance of™ was a broken hip, l r ^ rapidly recover» 1 i W. A. Steele, j est and best compv . ting the little metalicy/ the New YorkiZ 't hol«. John O'Byrne, town again yesterday ial gentleman as of friends here are alwa Col. M. L. Lichj City Council, lefUi| lehem, Fa., :er M . mington H (II 11 i Things appropos to the Season about Ladies' Toilets—Costumes for the Traveler and the Seaside Visitor. [Specially compiled for the Mirror. 1 The ladies who regret not being able to wear in summer, bodices of a material differ ent from the skirt, may rest content ; there are yet several combinations which allow of continuing a fashion above all others, nomical. With black or dark-colored skirts, they may wear a bodice of black figured silk or wool. With skirts of lighter shades, in self-colors, they can put foulard, with a printed or brocaded pattern —especially if they use for the trimmings of the skirt a little of the same material, either as bias-bands or as plaits dividing a flounce at regular distances. Among the silk tissues suitable to at ei 0 a bodice of summer toilettes, surah, in all colors, is employed in preference to all others—black surah for elegant under-skirts ; handsomer and thick er twilled surah for mantles ; similar surah, in black or colors, for costumes, in combi nation with light woolen or with figured ma ilJerials. A few descriptions of modern toil ettes, however, will give a better idea of , T ucb combinations than any general re hc f larks. The costume for traveling and for the* luVountry or beach is made of fancy woolen 0 JOods—-woolen armure, beige, or chaly. , Uhe skirt is cut round and trimmed with a 1 ited tlounce or deep kilting. .The front ►Iay,irt is then shirred, and the back is looped linUnto a narrow diapery. The bodice is a TiAg-waisted jacket, either buttoned all the way down in front, or slanted off over the hips, and forming square lappets in front. Deep indigo-blue, garnet, and seal-brown are fashionable for such costumes as well as beige and gray tints. Traveling-cloaks for the railroad or steam er are of dust-gray or beige material ; their shape is that of a paletot, half-fitting behind and loose in front. They bias bands of silk >! at to It A you that days but that next high more will he the is The where what swered 1 edged with fine cashmere put on inside, and showing just beyond the edge, called dépassants. The paletot is made either with a long bernouse hood or with a treble cape, formed of superposed collars, all edged with silk as above described. The trimmings for beige or gray mantles mostly of some dark shade of brown prune. A few unique models, however, have the dépassants of deep red silk. But tons are large and ornamental. The walking-costume is often finished with a jacket of some pretty brocaded terial different from the skirt, but not black. Thus, with all beige, gray, and in general neutral-tinted dresses, a jacket of seal-brown or prune brocaded wool and silk fabric looks very elegant; and to light-colored washing-dresses a jacket of In dian cashmere is very stylish as well as use ful, especially at seaside places, where the weather changes ning. with white suddenly towards eve For the beach, the short costume is universally adopted, and also for the coun elegant of walking-toi made without any train what _ry. Even the TWettes are io ever. |js The tunic and the double-skirt are equally is fasionable. ,uy A very pretty dress of Pompadour foulard, a pattern of floriated stripes, and of self colored merveilleux surah is made thus : Tunic of the Pompadour foulard ; long waisted, glove-fitting bodice ; tablier turned U P,. apparently to show a lining of the surah, plaited across and looped # up behind in a drapery, in which both materials are happi ly combined. Under-skirt of the surah, trimmed with a flounce in which the plaits, put on in threes, are alternately of each material. The sleeves of Pompadour fou or lard have revers of the surah and white frillings. This same toilette can be made of Pompa dour cambric and self-colored ditto or linen, Simpler costumes are made with a double skirt and casaquin-bodice, trimmed with 'bias-bands or flutings. One of the prettiest fabrics of the season is called " nun's veiling." It is a very light semi-transparent material, which combines very effectually with brocaded silk Thus a very elegant costume is composed of heliotrope-colored nun's veiling and satin of the same color. The front of the skirt is shirred; on each side is a robing formed of four plaits of satin. in that I a of Batin, The bodice, in the shape of a deep jacket, is made of satin, ^ith passementerie brandebourgs of the *pr; round the neck, a double ruche of e rayt d'esprit tulle coming down into a quil /ijjffle down the front of the bodice. fi the bottom of the front part of the 3 there are two narrow flounces of ruche ! toother very tastef ul costume consists of |jrt of buff surah, trimmed with flutings, a of a very long polonaise of nun's veil 9 primmed with satin and beaded passe °}xrie of the same color ; it is looped up .4 silk cord. The neck is trimmed round » a necklace of amber bead fringe. A lady can always be known as such from El foot-gear. She may go out dressed in K^ery simple dress of dark-colored fancy HEalen material,but her boots and stockings, W^well as her gloves, will be faultless,and the bow of real old lace artistically arranged at her thioat will proclaim at once who she is. The silk stocking is of course, the most elegant. It is self-colored with embroidered clocks, shades by son this and for else it has some tiny pattern in two more ; or again, the clocks alone of a different tint. The filoselle stock ing is not very pretty, and still less durable, therefore the fine lisle thread stocking is to be preferred, excepting the fine silk stock ing. White underskirts are made very short, gored, and trimmed round the bottom with three flutings edged with narrow lace. All under-clothing is more fashionable trimmed with lace and fine tucking this summer than with embroidery. For children and little girls this style is a favorite. It is long waisjed and loose fitting in front, while at the back 11 sets P erfectl y close to the figure. r A !™ n g lhe prettiest of children's toilettes for tbe month August I may mention a frock of blue s P ottet * muslin-delaine. Two hollow plaited flounces entirely cover the short skirt, while the bodice comes down very low, and is divided from the skirt by a blue sash tied in a bow at the side ; this bodice opens in front with facings edged witb white lac e> over a long plastoon of P uffed wbite surah > and is finished at the top with a deep colIar ed 8 ed with lace. The «^eeves have.cuffs of the white surah edged ed through ttieV»«.*$Qunces tbe skirt are also and Will's dfhis is for a little girl "Lj^'.ng ißim 0 i d . P^ToSTuMe for about the same age, lght beige material and fancy wool the the and shrieks brocade in two shades of brown. The frock itself is of the beige material and trimmed round the bottom with a deep kilting of same. A drapery of the fancy brocade arranged across the front, forming paniers at the side, and disappearing at the back under a loose puff, formed of the beige ma terial, just above the kilting. A deep collar and cuff of this same brocade complete trimming. This model can also be made of plain cambric, combined with figure, ditto. For a girl of fifteen, a dress ^Iso of same shape, made of any light, fancy wool en material, is trimmed with three close shirrings down the front, and with deep fluting round the bottom. To mitigate the stiff, straight look of this dress, a second skirt is added, in which merely a sort of scarf drapery plaited across the front, and draped up at the back into tournure. This can be made either of the same latter, the fancy fabric should also be used for the collars, cuffs and pockets of the dress. to there of of 0 of in for of re the* a a of some other material. If the PHILADELPHIA LETTEB. Interesting Gossip from Our Big Sister City—Notes of News About Delawareans. Special Letter to the Mirror. Philadelphia, July 24» —We get a peep at The Sunday Mirror up here and must agree with Every Evening that it comes up to the requirements of first class journalism. It supplies a vacancy that needed filling up badly. Philadelphia is again getting muddy water. A stretch of the imagination would induce you to take it as a good substitute for cider. There are so that Dr. Tanner could get fat on it. Gove. Saulsbury days ago. He would not talk politics much but was in a glorious state of happiness about the peach crop. I hear, however, that he still has his eye on the United States Senate. I was told by a gentleman from Seaford that Dr. Hugh Martin might be the next Democratic candidate for Governor. Five little girls have been sent to the House of Refuge. They accused some very high toned citizens of immoral practices. It clear case of blackmail. There are more beggars here than ever before. They will take from a penny ..up, not being very particular. Sam Randall is going to find the road to Congress very hard to travel the next time he tries it. Brother Bob, who lives in Wil mington will have all he can do to help Sam. Singerly, of the Record, is already heating the poker for this fight. George Alfred Townsend's trip to Europe is much talked over in newspaper circles. The first and most important thought is, where does a newspaper man get enough money for a trip to Europe. The next is what takes him over. This might be an swered by saying a steamer. It is thought, however, that he goes to interview Glad stone. George is getting fat but not rich. He makes money and spends it faster than he makes it. The fashions are decidedly loud this sea son. Trimmings of old gold purchased with new gold are very fashionable. The rirls are a little masculine in dress, especial ly in hats. They will wear the breeches after marriage. An old bachelor's club has been formed in the west end. They* vow never to look at a woman. How many have vowed before not to do it, and yet they all do it. We expect to have at least one speech from Tom Bayard during the campaign. He is the kind of man everybody likes irre spective of party. Col. Jack Farra comes to Philadelphia quite often. What can be the attraction ? The popular drink now is lager beer. He at it a many organic substances in it at the Girard a few whojwould have turned up his few is a duck does to water Going to Ratify, Sure. The Hancock and English ratification meeting of the Excelsior Club, which was to have taken place last Saturday, but did not come off, owing to the failure to obtain music, will, the officers of the club say, positively take place on Tuesday evening next. It will be an out-door meeting, and will be held in front of the City Hall, larger crowd than the Excelsior Club rooms would be able to accommodate is expected. The speakers are not yet announced, but a expected. The musical inspira tion will be furnished by the Millard Band. Philadelphia Clothing. putation for fine and lipsed by no city in the union, and in the front ranks of Philadel phia's merchants in that line are A. C. Yates & Co., whose immense business extends far beyond the limits of the city, and who in clude many Wilmingtonians among their patrons. This latter fact is no doubt due in a great measure to the association with them of Mr. J. W. Canary, formerly of 406 Mar ket street, this city, who has hosts of friends here. A the of the number Philadelphia's cheap clothing is of up in at Jeffersonian Relics. The Jefferson Club has added to the por traits that adorn the club rooms, a steel engraving of Thomas Jefferson, published by Bettoni, of Paris. The workmanship is very fine, and the picture is taken from the portrait painted by Baron Desnoyers, in 1787, during the visit of Jefferson to France. The publisher dedicated his work to Gen eral Lafayette. Mr. Jefferson presented to Joseph Corlidge, Jr., in 1782, the writing desk on which the Declaration of Indepen dence was written, accompanied by a note, stating its historical value. This desk was lately presented to Congress by Mr. Jeffer son Corlidge, of Massachusetts, and the Jefferson Club have received a fac-simile of this presentation note. The asticles were given to the club by Senator Bayard. Wilmington City Railroad, that leaves Rising Sun Depot at 7.25, Sunday Morning, arrives at Fourth and Market Streets in time to take the boat for Cape May. Wharf, at 8.15. Ihr Boat leaves Fourth Street A New Dish. Mr. W oodward, connected with Fullmer's street well-known restaurant on Market above Fifth, has gotten up a new dish, and the demand for it shows its appreciation by the epicures of our city. "stewed crabs." It is a n introduced in any restaurant until and everybody wants a taste of the delicacy. The dish is thing—never — new the is the or the a is a SHORT LOCALS. Blue Fish ! Blue Fish ! direct from the seashore, at Ainscow's, 711 Shipley street. The general committee of the Catholic societies will be held in the Shield's Library rooms at 3 o'clock, this afternoon. Hancock & Garfield Cigars at Seventh and Tatnall Streets. Deviled crabs at Fullmer's. Stansbury Murry's barber shop, in E. Water street, is open, six days in the week, from 5 a. m. till io p. m. Go there for a good shave. of Why not get up pole ? A Wilmington fat other night that he excursion to the north dreamed the bathing in the Arctic ocean, and with the dive he made from the top of the pole, he woke up to find himself spread out on the floor. Ice cold beer can be had at thc bar on the Felton. Salt oysters at Fullmer's. Go to Powell's for all kind of fresh fish. BPFor diarrhea, dysentery, cholera .. w . bus, looseness of the bowels, summer dis eases of children, &e., no medicine has stood the test like Dr. Simms' Cholera Syr up; 35 cents. Depot, Fourth and King. There is every indication of an exodus to Coney Island—yes, of two exoduses , so to speak; one on the Jefferson Clubexcursion, and the othet on Smith's. A first class Restaurant. The finest Deviled Crabs, produced in this Country for the epicure and consumers,is the Stewed Crab ; do not fail to try it, all at Joseph Fullmer's. Go to Ainscow's for clams and crabs. 3-cent brand of Smoke Harkin' cigars called the Hancock. Mr. Fred. Sturgeon,the well-known baker at ninth and Poplar streets, who trated by a sunstroke a week ago, and seriously ill, i The velocipede man is traction on Fourth street. Fine confectioneries and cream are fur nished at the stand on the Felton, at low rates. Ainscow's for first class clam soup. Mr. John McCaffrey, ofSaenger Hall,who badly iujqred by a kick from a horse the other day, is recovering rapidly. Go to Fountain's for neat shaving and hair cutting. " Let's get a bottle and a pack of cards and go a fishing," is the latest thing in the amusement line around Hair cut at Fountain's by the machine. pros* convalescent. the main at clipping Powell's,in Third St. Market for blue fish. Kelly & Co., owing to the great demand for their fine soaps, have been compelled to increase the facilities for their manufacture. Third street, below Church. ^ Do not forget August 5th, the Jefferson Club go to Coney Island. Tickets only ftollars and seventy-five cents. Fullmer's celebrated crab salad, be obtained Meals low prices. the Felton at If you wish to get suited i Summer Hat, both in style and price, go to Dubell, No. 2 East 3d St., where you can see the largest assortment in the city. The Jefferson Democratic Club will leave Cony Island returning at 9.15. Why like Kelly & Co.'s soap? Because it washes cleaner and lasts longer than any other make. I prefer the Borax Linen Soap made by Kelly 8 rJZ o. So do we all. Those who wish to patronize a good bar ber and enjoy a delightful shave, shbuld call " Stansbury Murry, the tonsorial artist, at 111 East Water street. The cheapest place to buy Mason's fruit jars, jelly glasses, tin cans and preserving kettles, is at Simpers, No. m West Eighth street. Call and see. Hot coffee and sandwitches the Felton out the Avenue try Har vey's Soda Water. It is pronounced good, and it is just the place to get a good cigar for five cents. When you The "Dorgs." Special officer Hunt slaughtered eleven dogs last night, that being the number of unregistered canines unredeemed and there fore doomed. During the week about thirty unregistered dogs were captured, and all had to pay the penalty of not being attached to the necessary tags. No complaint can be made that the clog ordinance is not being enforced. Some complaint has been made, however, of offensive smells from the cells, in the hall basement, where the dogs are confined. A Mirror reporter was taken into the dungeon yesterday afternoon by officer Hunt and shown the condition of the place. It was found that every precaution is taken for the preservation of cleanliness, in fact, nothing is left undone to keep the place as pure as possible, and, instead of censure, the highest praise is due for the manner in which the law is being carried out. The difficulty of the work was illus trated during the visit to the dungeon yes terday, when officer Hunt in trying to age the dogs was attacked by the largest of the group. The dog was quicjdey control led, however, without any violence being used. Off for West Chester. A number of the members of the Young Men's Republican Club left town at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, for West Chester, to take part in a Republican demonstration there last night. Their handsome suits,com bined with their handsome face, gave them a decidedl) good appearance. A Fresh Schedule. time table goes into effect on the P., W. & B. R. R. to-morrow, and the fol lowing are the most important changes which it includes : The train north, which now arrives here at 11.35 A. M., will arrive at 2.17 P. M., and leave at 2.20. The train north, which arrives at 5.38 P. M., will here after appear upon the scene at 5.57. The train which, by the old schedule, leaves Philadelpeia at 10.45 A. M., will, under the arrangement, leave at 11.00 o'clock, ar riving here at 12.00. A Changing Off. The steamer Mary Morgan takes the Felton's place to-morrow, on the route be tween here and Philadelphia. The Felton takes the " Harvest Home " excursion from Chester to Cape May.