Newspaper Page Text
r THE WILMINGTON DAILY REPUBLICAN. ONE CENT. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1897. ONE CENT. HI TD III M ll u Eeport of New York's State Fao tory Inspector. OOMBEBBOAB SOLVE THE PROBLEM Inspector O'Leary Calls Attention to the Violations of Law In Families, Against Which There Is ' Made Clothing Is Mauufaot Law—How Iteudy red. I Albany, Jan. 18.—"Congress V#yy large degree solve tho problem of ab olition of tho sweating system by passing more stringent emigration laws and by a tax that would force the workers out of the tenements into shop buildings, whore ftnte legislation That is the most important paragraph S tho eleveuth annual report of Now ork State Factory Inspector O'Leary, And he alleges that the greatest evil labor Is bored with is York city thnn It is in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco,Hartford, Newark,St. Paul, St. Louis and evory other large center of population, and ospeclully In cities Bali ties whore tho manufacture of to a i reach them.' prevalent In New lo cloth any extent. In his Ing Is enrried on Xvport Inspector O'Leary says: "With knee pants bringing from fifty to seventy-five cents per dozen, vests from |l to $3 per dozen, trousers from twolvo and a half to seveuty-five cents per pair, and coats from thirty-two cents to $1.50 qach, with a percentage off these prices for the 'boss sweaters' and anothor reduc tion off for cost of oartlng—whtoh the Workman is obliged cunuot ex po nent to find anything but destitution, suf fertaff, intellectual and moral depression gyifng amongst the unfortuate victims l pernicious system. New York city alone $00 wholesale clothing manufacturers e bbers, and nearly ull of theso utlllzo this ad of labor. There •ale oloak houses in the Only a few of them have suitable shops *nd workrooms of their do the work. "Nearly all ready made clothing is iPAde up in places of this kind. The tTAOtors who operate fairly good shops A rule de sot compute the garmeuts, but ^Ntfeel #Qt th# minor parts to sub-contrac tors of fAttmM who do the work In teno fbent ft dwelling houses at prices which, tfte* long hours of toll, will produce only A few cents. The condition of the clothing trade In Now York Is worse today thnn •ter before. We find men going to tho employers und offering to work Ihi'ee hours extra if only given a chance to -work, thus voluntarily subjecting them jSllves to a condition of slavery, und right litre Is where all the evils of tho sweating system come in, for all complaints based upon the amount of wages earned, •pd the laws of the state piesorlbo •dy which can be applied at this point. "The power of the officers of the bureau Is limited und their duties prescribed by law. The department can abate the evil >f overcrowding factory work rooms, but it cannot prevent the overcrowding of rooms In tenement:) which are used Work rooms by members of the family. "The officers of the department c force the child under 14 years of age and the illiterate child out of the workshop factory, but are powerless to molest them when they are found employed In their •wn homo circle. The department the reduotipn of excessive hours of labor requirod of womon under 31 and »ouths under 18 years of ago, when ployed in shops, but It cannot prevent snob long hours of tolls being Imposed E rsons of the home." have about * nearly 150 whole city, and in which to ago when employed Mrs. Jausway's Windfall. PHCENIXVILLE, Jan. 18.—Word has been nceived here confirming the report that lirs. John T. Janovvay, of this pluce, has been bequeathed $1,599,000 by hor uncle, Augustus Smith, the millionaire paper magnate of New York, who died days ago. Mrs. Janeway was the favorite niece of Millionaire Smith, who bachelor. Some yours ago she Jolm T. Jaueway. About a year ago he died, sinco which she has lived with her children. Tho money Is loft to her in trust as long as she lives, and utter her death it goes to horohildruu iu equal shuros. rlod Found Fortune in nn Old Building. Millville, N. J., Jau. 17. -While work ing OU an old building on the Hayes prop erty, ni'orit two miles from Port Eliza beth, Somors Cole, a carpenter of tlie latter place, found a snug fortune secreted in tho eves of tho structure. The fortune found iu a long box and whs In the ohapiiof bonds, mortgages, gold and slli uoiu aud largo rolls of paper money, and amounted to nearly $85,000. It is believed tho money was hiddon there years ago by John Hayes, and is claimod by bis grand ion, Lorenzo Hayes, now 79 years old. Dewpoudeut Man's Plunge lo Death. New York, Jan. 18.—Charles Rotbohild, formerly in the cloak business In Brook lyn, killed himself in the Cable building Saturday by jumping from the eighth floor through the light ■hufi. to the ground. He Bluntly killed. Ten minutes after tho act rived with a letter offering Mr. olhnhild a position • factory feticide Broadway almost iu is wife porintendeut of a salary of $76 per week. Tho pted by busiuess reverses. ipre Slartxcll's «r»v* Struggle for Life. SilAMOKlN, Pa., Jan. 18.—Harry Start lell s bi plane resulted in death. He had boeu ihovollng ? the incline ami met a loaded wagon uscond Log. Stnrtzell grabbed at the l'rout axle off. A second later broken, but he held the Burnside light for life and slipping rolled do Ud •even ribs and saved his legs, although he w Irlbly squeezed. Ho died ared and released. after being Judg* Arrested While In Red. Fort Scott, Kun., Jan. 18.—While sick Id bed Judged. P. McDonald, Ihe embezzlement of several thousand follars In fees uud moneys paid as c plosion der bond for sed of promise lu tho Froutenuc Wus arrested uud held $1,783. The warrant alleges that McDon ald collected $5,000 lu fees In the and that he is still holding $1,80(3 due Mu Levorty. Italian Inlaaaed by the Turk*. Constantinople, Jan 18.—A Object named Mm mil, who ihipped fr Italian secretly Trebizond for exile at Krze reum. and whoso peremptory r Constantinople for proper trial ■landed by the Italian ■ threat to send gunboats If the porte did Botgivelt* written promise of compliance, hue been liberated. •turn to as bassador, with j The Woman, I • The Man, And The Pill. She was a good woman. He loved her. She was his wife. The pie was good; his wife made it; he ate it. But the pic disagreed with him, and he disagreed with his wife. Now be takes a pill after pic •nd is happy. So is his wife. The pill he takes is Ayer's. Moral 1 Avoid dyspepsia by using ! Ayer's ! Cathartic Pills, j BUSHNELL'S AMBITION. May Hlineelf Hucoee.l Sherman a Senator from Ohio. United Springfield, O., Jan. 18 — A close rela tlvo of Governor Busbnoll, whose name cannot lie used for obvlousreasons, makes the statement, the authenticity of which there Bushnoll In so many words stated to him that ho would not appoiut Marcus A. Hanna to the vacancy in the United States senate. The governor and the relative mentioned had quite a talk ject, and tho governor gave him to under stand that Hanna's name could not be considorod for tho place at all. The rela tive further along stated to a local that there doubt, that Governor hi' the sub doubt wlmt of Governor Bushnell's desire to go the senate himself. Ho added that he very ambitious politically, and the oppor* i ■ |.;.l present situation afforded him tunlty to gratify a long cherished wish aud get into tho senate. In connection with the above a number openly governor and of Governor Bushnell's friends requesting him to resign then let Lieutenant Governor Jones, who would be his successor, appoint him ator. Jones would in that event, It Is urgod, be the Republican candidate for • next fall by the turn of affairs. govei To strengthen tho above statement, if strength is needed, all nowspapsr who have tried to Interview Governor Bushnoll about Hanna's candidacy for the senuto kuow that he always teously declined to talk about It. In viow of this fact it Is argued that if there objection to Hunna the governor would speak out. Oyster Famine lu Maryland. Ckisfield, Md., Jan. 18.—Tho scarcity of oysters in Tangier sound has mado the season a short and not very successful , and a largo number of the dredgers havo laid up their boats for the winter. The packers of stock. F market at presout, and have bundled all tbo oysters that have been brought here during tho past two weeks. While local option aud a variety of other reasons are advanced by oystormon for the dullness in tho trade here, the fact remains that tho decline of tho industry upon whioh this town built up is due mainly to the exhaustion of the natural oyster beds iu tho sounds iu its neighborhood. plain about tho scarcity boats come to tho Crisfleld house could Cx-Mayor iVIsgoir Married. Trenton, Jan. 18.—Ex-Mayor Frank A. Mugowan, of this city, and his wifo, who formerly Mrs. J. A. Barnes, together •ived hore with the child of the latter, today for permanent residence. Mr. Mu go wan deeli amount paid Mr. Bar meat of the latter's $50,000 suit for aliena tion of hi's wife's affections. He, however, gave out a statement that ho and Mrs. Barnes ything about the for tho settle married at Milwaukee, Wig., Immediately after hor divorce last June, and that they dolphin feat any attempt of my political enemies to make trouble." remarried lu Philu Saturday last, "In order to da An Eight-Y< ir-ODI WitiH Moncton, N. B., J of John F. Sullivan, 18.—At the trial •railroad brake* of tfils olty. who is charged with murdering Mrs. Eliza Butcher, at Mead* owbrook, last September, Maggio Dutehor, tho 8-year-old daughter of the woman, testified that the prisoner broke Into tho house In the middle of the night and killed her mother and brother, a boy .younger than horself. Ho then attacked her aud slio 'derod toll what, hap unable penod after. Tho child was terribly In jured by the murderer, aud her head being backed In several pi: cousuious for nine days. . She • May be a Dolt la Delaware. Dover, Del., Jnn. 18. — There is much talk here concerning the probability of either a bolt tonight or a refusal by of the membors of the general assembly to enter the caucus. One contingency which may arise In case of oltlior a fall ure to p ticlpate or a bolt is thut when the fight ensues ou tbo floor tomorrow John Biggs may be a formidable factor. If the caucus fails to agree upon a candidate, and the struggle is transferred to tho floor iu joint of tho a choice may be brought years ugo. Sixteen Children Iturued to Death. .. Jan. 18 —Fire comp letely destroyed the Buckner's OrphotiSMiomo • here early In the morning. Sixtoou chlldron were cremated aud niue injured, thrjo of thorn fatally. The dead children ranged In age fr dead except one were buried in the c tery of the home. All tho farmers in tho vicinity turnod out and assisted iu mak ing coffins, digging graves ,und burying tlio victims. There 147 boys and tlmu 190 girls in tlie homo, but all are uc tod for. session, the quosth up, as it Dallas, T 3 to 17. All tho 6 y [amle'e Alleged Murder* r Ret New York, Jnn. 18.—The police believe that the mystery of pretty llttlo 13-year-old Mamie Cuu nlnglium, who was strangled to death In hor mother's flat, at No. 315 East Thirty seventh street, has beon cleared up. Fran cis , P. F was arrested at tho ti •ouudlng tho death •ell, a young printer, nder suspicion , but who stody, has •rested, charged with •der in tho first degree. The authori ties claim to have convicting evidence. I 10 of havlug mittod tho eri later discharged fr been indicted aud r oged Thieving OIBulal. Glovkksvillk, N.Y , Jan. 18 — J. Frank Davis, city chamberlain from 1890 to 1894, was arrested charged with appropriating the oity's funds. It is said that his short than $25,000 Davis' arrest, following that of City Clork Wilraurthon a similar charge, has created a big sensation, and rumors are rife that other arrest* Another Rfl likely to follow. Davis' cash of his books for all the y 'ru of office ;o missing. He is also charged with ful released slfylng other books. He $4,000 bail. Keeper Dead. Well Km rn Hot Washington, Jan. 18 —Joseph C. Will ard, for many years proiniuent in the business life of Washington, died ut his home hero yesterday from a of diseases, aged 77 years. Mr. Willard vory wealthy, and the hotel In this city hearing his name, which has been the stopping place in from the en plication of s tho Washington of public tiro country. Alleged Forgar Taken to Rodhtitcr. Wilkesbarrb, Pa., Jau. 18.—Detective Robert Swantou, of Rochester, came to this city Saturday and arrested Louis B. McDowell, who Is wanted in Rochester for forgery. Swanton had requisition papers, and took bis lust uight, back with him ■■ C'linrli loorr noail. Charles C. Moore, of this city, died in New York City yesterday, from typhoid pneumonia fi Tuesday. It will he remembered that rent to Now York ou Tuesday to purchase goods for Adams & Brother, aud while about tho duty The best medical attention Mooro and until yesterday fidently expected. bich he suffered Mr. Mo stricken, given Mr. ning his But "wry aebaug camo several hou afterward aud In an hour Mr. Moore was dead. At his bedstdo was his wife and Mrs. Joseph K Adams. And they brought tho body homo Inst night, reaching this city at 7.40 o'clock. Mr. Mooro's death removes fr community body the who well liked by wlfo nnd five always kind *fed g*od He was a member of tho Knlgfet* of Phythius. Services over his remains will bo held ut his homo to row afternoon. Interment will be made lu Mt. Salem d fr h father, who uh tli ?tery. of Jonathan Rumford the great grand father of E. H Rumford, tho hatter, came to this country nnd had his corded in Philadelphia, July •tlficate 25th, 1733. NEW CASTLE NEWS the and the ing we our NVo bo Correspondence of the Republican. Newcastle, Jon. 18. . Undertaker Clewcll in speaking of the anti-life insurance bill Introduced in tho Legislature says that in his experience he never knew of an unnatuiul parent, Every time when u child died, whether it be twenty years of ago, the parents are always bereaved. In many iustunecs had it net been for tho cheap life lusu many a respectablo family would bo lrom tho obliged to obtalu assist county. Tho funeral of George C Hnnso nlng from Ills late Rose Hill school house •0 held took sideneo • place this Services the house by R«v. G. S. of Mailoly M. E Church nml ' ' St. Georges. The Hopkl Interment pall bearers White, Giles Lambson, Joseph Le/evro, Richard Ruthwell aud Charles Meggiu Tltol Me Karlin, Win. The comiug wedding of Miss Beatrice Coffman uud Frank Meredith, two highly popular young people of this city, is an nounced to take place tho latter part of this month. William J. Martin, who has been at tho Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia, for the past two weeks Tor the purpose of get ting a glass eye, is expected homo to night. At tho meeting of St. Poter's T. A. B. Society held yesterday afternoon John P. Murphy was elected president to succeed Phi! p Shoriduu rostgnod. George Tobin by chance caught ou Saturday evening attempting to steal a Lug of flour. Tho officers of Division No. 3, A. O. H., attended tho meeting of tho county board in Newark yesterday. Tho nexttimo they go from Now Castlo they ink lief us dog In this she his 80 and tho iar fall fall that tle to ed I b .'ill Saturday killed Mali Ion Lancaster ten clogs at Fort Delaware. morning at 8.13 o'clock, Captain Rogers and 80 members of Com pany 11. N. G. 1). will go to Dover to at tend tho inauguration of Governor Tun* nell. Charlo 3 Sidney Kin 0 . ceremonies on Saturday night Columbia Athletic Club's ilauco. About les enjoyed the pleasure of tho stio. Music was furnished by master of ! !)" R light Duncan aud McPike. Tlio twenty-first Baptist Sunday Hcliool Saturday oveulng. Superintendent II. G. Coe provided an interesting program sisting of songs by tho school, recitations by Miss McKay, cornet solo by Mr. Charles Edwards accompauiod by Mrs. Edwards and addresses by George L. Mc Cracken of Upland High school, Rev. Dr. Cook aud others. Tbo school wishes to return thanks for in which tho people turned . to tho entertainmout in such goodly numbers, A prominent young man of town Is pected of pilfering a business man's - els and tlio latter has received $13.50 isclo nivorsnry of tho celebrated tlie nu pock money. Mathew Chamberlain, of Philadelphia, ud Mrs. C. K. Edwards of Wllming •e the guests of Now Castle relatives Mid Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Keeblos havo returned homo from a visit to Philadel phia friends. Mr. Marvel left this morning for Mrs. L Toledo, Ohio. .Miss Duffy is visiting in Philadelphia. Tho funeral of Miss Laura M. Fleming will take placo to-morrow after no o'clock from the residence of her father, Samuel Fleming, No. 1037 South Carlisle street, Philadelphia. Iutormont will bo made at Mt. Moriah Cemetery. cd the he "I tried a bottjo of Salvation Oil wound and was cured within several days. • had such a good remedy as Salva Llou Oil la my hands. Mrs. J. C. Duu Lexlugtou, Mo." I I Ylll llnvo No Chib. Wilmington Dennis Long, manager of the old Wil mington Base Ball team will not bring his club hero again next players here have received information Mr. Long to that effect and sequence the players themselves nro dissa poluted. Tho club goes^o Reading. Tbo club will bo greatly Improved, Two Syra Minnabau and Hill, will play, lie former in light and the latter iu field. Brown of Baltimore will play in left field. Anderson lias signed another year as pitcher. Long also has MoCafforty, the clever Wilmington boy. Ho was not seen to advantage lust season on account i trouble ho and Manager Long bad, which led to McCufforty being sent to I'nttersou. lie did groat work there, however. Amole >vi 11 bo among the pitch will bo fixed for pltcliors. y" Newell will play probably on at third baso. Klusolla e of tlie catchers. sou. Several fr* ot tes had of ;rs and the t "Job liif. old positl will be KoelilAtid I at was An observer reports theso queries eg coming froi When wl Iho boy ? When will our grocers do business cash basis? When his first When will oof ill iho father kuow much 19, special police officer make ill young ladles uuiiopolizo the company of those ild enough for their fathers? s from this of lo ho him rites up tho Wl. lyn, on lief tho When will tbo Rockland letters appear in this letter is whittled too ful nnd sit Dougherty lias bee If tlii it lightly. sharp, be Miss Hi rick list f tho ;h Improved. .'ho has boon two mouths, is Improving. Sim Simms, John 11. Davis is Miss Katie MoGourgh, sick for: Itlflrd. ll? Yostorday after tho remains of Th held in the Covounnt Kefor pal Church by Rev of the d( fu as S. Hampton was :d Kpisoo F. Wend ricks. From bo church a diluent from Garfield •ebed along Bug he ii. 1 cd fine dr ; l] •ps 1050 f Vet side the hearse. At tho church there w bora of tho difforo the city. The bearer Lewis Cooper, Bliss, John ( Wade, all of DuPont's Post, tou havlug boou zaiiou. G. A. R. Kills Goorgo R. Lurisi Uippotgor und Philip Mr. Hnmp omber of tho orgaui nosts of A. Cloud it tor not Farmer Fall* Allen Pieri nslmry, Pn.,(lied suddenly a fow <1; tho c ) of tho oldest residents of P ago. Ho had bee villo with milk, Fair the tho ■ry d his re II: transact so In the act of unhitch he tottered and fell business. As he w ing his h sdous. Ho but died in a fow mluutcs was an upright s curried hi and a kind neighbor. Tayl <& Fullerton • and Wild Cherry os cold* and boars VV. C. Taylor, 393 King street. 's Cough Syrup of and Wood Naptha . Prepared by is T Said Testimony for Dr. Simms' Worm Killer the best children's Algen, 823 Bon tors had civ able, 1 du lo known, tt street after :y daughter up as being sed Dr.S Wm. , is s' W.« Killer udly cured, passing large 50c. GOti King and she ll titles of worms, 25 J. II Porter & S( ilk dealers, : and Madisou stiee Pliouo 041. , wholesale nnd 4. E. Corner S ts, Wilmingt ■■ dl ", , Del. mid Hoof Tea Pi n I blood. Clears the >1,1 by N. It, Daalcrth. 8:ul und Mark: Dr. About Canada PI Cough Syrup is that cry year tho redpo is changed so as include any newly discovered throat 1 This is why It bolds Hs lung ?dy. I bo greatest of ull "Cold Cures. Pine drug stores. £000 lbs I lav not Second and Blilploy streets, at LO cents a pouud, City Market Cigar Far toi v. Shorts fot aata it 8. IV. ii. F. Bou&uon. prop. _ in 1 In fa at uni. I Di Tlie Blood! The Blood is always re quired to he looked after. So fcdmins' Blood Purifier, tho always sure and never failer In mild 01 strong diseases of the blood. -hOti King sli eel. Dr. ft lloraeleas V' 0 * 01 . 1 . Tbo Messrs. Cylmer, Third and Orange stroots, liuve been making inquiries In re gard to the construction of horseless wagons, but thus far they cannot Boe that the demand for thoro vehicles will bo such render the enterprise profitable for somotlinc to come, Thoy say that great improvements must bo made in tlio roads and ulso in many of theso vohicles c citrons generally nro not prepared to put the roads in the condition of the thorough fares in Europe and until a change is made horseless wagons cannot bo success fully operated, Tlie time Is tant, however, when our roads will ho greatly Improved and the modo of travel ing may then bo completely revolutionized. Groat advancos lyivo boen made in country in evory utilitarian project, and we do iiot believe our countryman will allow Europeans to leave them far in the in'this ur any other mode of pro pulsion. If the lubor of tbo tramps in our prisons oould bo properly utilized great advanco could be mnde in road im provement at comparatively llttlo cost. NVo hope that the Messrs. Clymer will bo prepared to take advantage of the niing revolution in travels and that their efforts to keep peace with the times will bo liberty rewarded. streots, bofore lw safely used. Our ar dls • Old Relics. Joslali Lot u>n, of Christiana Vlllago called at our uftico.a fow days ago,carrying with him a book filled with various r • coipts for difforont diseases, published iu Lancashire, 1758. The work is in a good stuto of preservation, the paper and the ink being litllo impalrocl by tho lapse ' time. Mr. L. feels an Interest in the re lief of suffering humanity and loft with us several recipes for hydrophobia of mwl dog bltos, rheumatism and other diseases. Two of thorn havo been published and tho others will appear iu tho course of a day two. IIo also exhibits to us a specimen of penmanship on parchment paper, written In 18U3, by Ills grand-father, Johu Lowdon, which was executed iu a masterly He went-to tho West Inilios, and having mnde a fortune was about to roturn to this country, and took passage on a vessol bound for Philadelphia, but on iho way she foundered, and all on board were lost. This manuscript which was obtained from his effects, is pro-ervecl to perpetuate his memory. Mr. Lewdon is now about 80 years of age, and is remarkably active, and still takes a lively interest in tho uf State and country at largo. The Scarcity ol \\ Throughout New Cusfle County tbo springs and small streams were never lower fori twenty-five they villo lack of waror has able inconvenience. In the lower part, of tho county tho water ia .'much lower than usual. The old White Clay Creek famil iar to everybody has diminished to ouo half its usual flow. This creek is the main source of supply for a great many people—for thomselves as woll as their stock. The condition is attributed to tho fact that for three years iho winters have af fall very llttlo snow. Besides tho rain fall for tho same period Las been much below the average, except dashing rains that camo in such volume as not to set tle into the ground in an umlulabtng hilly country like this. Far lously awaiting some old fashioned snows to bring about a proper adjustment. Don't be JlopelCHs a ml' It.Hciiiirnued, of I'.iir. >| than Iu the vicinity of Centre id consldor You need not bo discouraged and lose bopo just because local doc cd to euro you. It is only tho specialist in such complaints who can euro you. Dr. Greene, 35 West 14th St., Now York City, the most, noted and successful physician bo consulted by letter free. His experience is enormous, he has cured muuy cases like vi through letter correspondence." He you. Writo to him without delay. Remembor it costs nothing opinion and advico iu regard to y h fall I ing direuse, got his Nporilns Non New York, Jan.—The boxingexhibltion ot tho Polo Athletic Club was well at tended last night. Tho principal bout betwcou "Spiko" Sullivan, of Boston,and Mike Farraghor.of Youngstown, O. Tho reforoe stopped the contest after two minu tes aud 55 seconds of tho oleventh round had lieou fought nud declared Sullivan tho wlunor. Tho other contests "rr" t™ round bouts between Charles Parker aud Jack Koske, both of Newark, N. J.; and Tom Broderick, of Yonkers, and Henry Apfoll, of tills city. In the former "go" Koske was knocked out in tho eighth round, and tho latter bout was declared a draw. Vet fo-ifidont, Mr. el fc dored his infant daughter William .Tosiah M Willis who 1 at Ilockcssiu four months ago and who was sentenced to bo hanged ml, February i, is confident that his Immediately nell is inaugurated Tuesday, Mr. Marvel will present many recommendations f< Among thosu embers of tho jury 19, for the crl bo client will after Governor T r a reprieve, the Court and ho convicted Willis believing thocour rould sentence him to life imprisonment. I. W. Marshall, of tho firm of Marshall Brothers, paper manufacturers of Yorl - lyn, wont, to a Philadelphia hospital o Friday. Ho has boon ill for with what Is suspeetbd of being abscesses on tho kidneys aud ho will uow seok re lief from the highest medical source. Tho people of tho community will ,1th puxioty, for Mr. Marshall besides having revived the prosperity of tho neighborhood, is highly esteemed men in the community. . the of 1 I 10 most • l a Colt. I)LI Miss Emma C., daughter of Abner Hoi* •tli of Christiana Hundred, had a Thursday Bug fine two-year-old colt to dio died a day foaling, and Miss H. raisod the colt by using a suckling bottle; it grew finely, nths of ago it weighed 1050 pounds. Miss 11. took great pride in d had broken it to drive in light bar hen twenty it Its ileal h bo hud bee greatly attached to it. Iniixo Ii Dirty. plaining of the )iise. Sinco jani Many people condition of tlie C tor Hanna has be not 1 •t Hi ill the court ro dust cove ml to d: cleaned Viow. Complaint is :»lv» ado of the loafing which is tolerated i the building after dark. It Is said that empty whisky flasks have been found in tho court room of late, which reflects dangerously upon the county's seat of justlco. ) advertised pos exit? It Many things which s no value; but who would say th: Bull's Cough Syrup possess: is the standard remedy of o age. ely tho Killer Is nedieino 1 I)r Sinuns' W finest nnd best Said a gentlemen to 11 s: "Now attended by two t offered. my little physicians, du ugh tor without •nded t, d my child health and gained her stako vdicino of tlie I used ii now restored itinl weight again. There is no , this being the best mi country. Depot 990 King. is ll American Laundry, 093 West Front St. M. F. Davis, Jeweler. 9 K. 2nd R Go to Dr. 81rams' drug etore. flOfl King street, for eye cure. You don't have to differ with sore eyes when you have a hotllo of hi* eye cure. We nave tried It mid it has proved 0 quickly relieved by 'h Vegetable Liver Pills. The Standard Liver Pills of the world, GdJ King ft root. All tired feelings Dr. .Si of Dr 9 tho .ses of Lots of homo Simms' White lie, Balsa..., aud dh lungs. It always cures 11 ml pro sumption, for coughs, etc., < Pah >90 King ,r bargains this , 903 Mark," * _ You will find undo ^fcouth,t W 'lrlng go 1 first-cl dyeing Dyo Works, 219 King lie Delaw I street. OABTOHIA. ft 1 f»p* liDllt •iffMtun !l ft ti Jj re for is ho in bo liv ii 1 The Nicaragua Canal Bill May be Pushed Through, NON-PARTISAN LABOR Q0MMIS8I0N Senator Perkins Will Endeavor to Get Up Such a Body. HIs Bill the Creation Ing of Startling Import met In the Not Washington, Jnn. 18.—The friends of the Nicaragua canal bill expect It to be takon up early in tho woek, and that it will retain its place at the hond of the cal endar until disposed of. Tho bill will lend to considerable debate before voted but its advocates very hopeful of its passage. Senator Morgau has charge of the measure m the senate, aud will try to reach a vote before the end of tho week. His success in that undertaking will de pend upon whether there tors who desire far very few have indicated to speak. Senator Perkins will make the bill. So intention lira nl • iu ' of to of effort, If opportunity offers, to get up the bill for a •partisan labor commission, and In this he likely will be antagonized by Sen ator Frye with the Hawaiian cable bill. Senator Chaudlor today introduced tho caucus committee's bill for of Inter national monetary conference, and asked to have it voted upon tomorrow without going through a committee. So far Senator Pettigrew is the only member of tho senuto who has announced an intention to oppose the bill by vote, though It is expected that others, while giving it no effective opposi tion, will take tho position that nothing be accomplished by international action. Mr. Pettigrew will make a speoch against the bill, taking the position that international agreement amounts to ra&kiug this oountry a sup pliant of Englaud, which is, he says, the chief beneficiary of the present nitem. The legislative, executive aucT judicial and the military academy appropriation bills to seek reported from the committee appropriations today and their early sidorution will bo asked. Efforts may be made in executive session to reopen the discussion of the extradition treaties, but this will be resisted by the committee on foreign relations. The coming week in the house is likely to be uneventful. There ar bills of the house to be debated, unless great national importance calendar which tho supporters of the Nicaragua caual project should succeed In persuading the inittee rulos to assign them days for consideration of that Today is being devoted to District of Columbia legislation. Mr. McCall, of Massachu setts, will bring up the Yost-Tucker elec tion contest from the Tenth district of 1 Virginia. Tho committee report is in favor of Mr. Tucker, the sitting member, who is a Democrat, aud his side of tho contest will bo managed by Chairman Mo Call, 11 Republic only liopublloan member fr will handle Yost' while Mr. Walker, the Virginia, se. Ouo duy of the week will bo given to tho pensions inittee for the passage of tho bills which have been reported to the house from the Friday night sessions. There to be acted upon, the agricultural aud In dian, wiclied into in two appropriation bills ready both of which may be sand of the spare hours. McKinley's Cabinet Nearly Completed. Canton, O., Jan. 18.—This is the way President-elect McKinley's cabinet staiyls today, so far as selected, though it is true that Senator Sherman Is the only whom the formal invitation to enter the cabinet has boou given and accepted: Sec retary of state, Johu Sher secretary of gan; secretary of tho navy, John D. Long of Massachusetts; secretary of tho Inter ior, Joseph McKenna of California ; tary of agriculture, James Wilson of Iowa; attorney general, Nathan Goff of West Virginia. It is known that New York will get a place In the cabinet. CO a of Ohio; , R. A. Algor of Michi Triple Alurdor at a Dance. Bei.LAIRE, O., Jan. 18.—A triple der occurred at Flat Rock, W. Vn., a fow miles south of here. Jesse liussell, Elmer Moore and John Grim went to the house of Lew Grim, where a dance wus in prog ress, and attempted to interrupt tho fes tivities. Grim ordered them away und a fight ensued. Going iuto the house Grim •ured a shotgun and fired at tho Russell was shot in the breast and the other to r time. Gri in the buck as they started ray. All threo died in a short gave himself up. No Jerseyman for the Cublnet. Newark, N. J., Jan. 18.—Vico Presi dent-elect. Garret A. Hobart said in an in terview yesterday that there would be cabinet appointments from New Jersey, particularly for the reason that Now Jersey seems to have been pretty woll pro vided for. Ho said that the talk of a mili tary escort for the vice president-elect from New Jersey to Washington amounted to uothlng. He did not desire anything of tho kind, and the matter will not _. ~ be submitted to the legislature for ci sidoration. - a Welcome Snc iu the Northwest. St. Paul, Jau. 18.—Saturday night and yesterday throughout tho Dakotas, Min nesota aud Wisconsin a regular old fash ioned snow storm has been prevailing, and the •oury is dropping slowly. A ■'fall has bee heavy y generally reported, aud a galo has drifted tho suow badly, demoralizing street cars in the titles I generally Interfering with tho will Jruusporration facilities. The be good for the coining crops, uud is, therefore, welcomed by farmers. Drowned Bailors WasI 'HAM, Mass., Jan. 18—Tw bodies from tho wrecked sch B. Oroutt shed, mipu the beach lighthouse. They Examiner Munset.nnd one of them proved to bo I he body of Captain Edgar Bearco, which was identified by a gold watch his body, with name engraved Ilis clothing also contained a roll of bills amounting to $97. Ashore. Calvin covered yesterday, boing Monomoy •e viewed by Medical found the t Jail Official" S Ncgllgci , Jan. 18.—Sheriff Tanisen has suspended Warden Roe and Keepers Rumpfo'iil b'lnkolstein, of tho Ludlow street jail, aud designated Deputy Sheriff net as temporary wurdon. lie failure of Mulvuney The sheriff believes it tho keepors to obey tho rulos and the gleet of the warden to that tho rules •0 enforced that mnde tho recent escape •3 possible. of the four federal prl.« Gay Jackets of Fishskln. The Eskimos of Alaska make jackets of tho skins of tho red spot ted trout, of that the Dolly Vardon, which tills purpose. The Dully gi.m, k they l: 1 Viivdc is a hands. 10 fish of a pule pur* plisli gray color; It attnin.i longth ota'i feet and a weight of lu to 12 pounds. Tlie .'proof, aud with Its bright rod ll spi ts it nmko.s •y showy jacket.—Ne HtiHeil. Edward Jcfforls, former resident of ; Union Mr. Jefferls lived rs, but sinco the oon nn inmate of has been buried Hill C In this city death of his story Hie , at Hi where ho died, ho having served' In a Delaware regiment. Death resulted from paralysis of th ii Idlers H pt.m, Vn.• hr. and for lontlis beforo death Mr. Jefferls w h ido to swallow, lie leaves five children. Among those who attended his funeral his only sister, a Mrs. Martin of tills city. V T. Vail \vi in Wilmington last week. did;not kill his wife. " Dtath by The Bride of a Day Met Accident. Philadelphia, Jau. 18.—Investigation has cleared awfty all mystery as to the cause of the death of the bride of a day, Mrs. Patriok Donohue. Her death found to havo been accidental, for she fell a victim of the treacherous stairway of the house, Her husband spent tbo best part of a day in jail, but Saturday night liberated. Much sympathy Is pressed for him. His hesitation to explain nil the circumstances of his wife's death Is accounted for upon the ground that, ho of temperate hublts himself, I 13 deeply ashamed that both himself and his wife should havo taken too much liquor in celebration of their wedding. Tho ing riot, out held tie. Lynched by "Unknown Forties." Whitkcastle, La., Jau. 18.—Saturday night ^George P. Bruvais bbed and beat. waylaid, the head by a negro 1 n the Pacific yards, the weapon used be ing a coupling pin. Bruvais ro&ched the hotel and gave a description of his assail ant. Beforo midnight the htghwaymen had been arrested and brought before his vic tim and fully lndontifled. The negro then placed In jail, but at daybreak yes terday his body ter freely A to thus L. lision street doued the found dangling from , where it remained for several hours. The coroner's jury investigated and returned a verdict of "death by hanging, at the hands of some known parties." UM tho Three Dead fiom Gas Asphyxiation. Boston, Jon. 18. — Three young lives destroyed by gas in a tenement house at Itoxbury Saturday night The disoov made yesterday by the father of due to tho for cry two of the chlldron. Death carelessness child. Tho dead Ignorauce of tho older : Mary N. Reynolds, 4 years old, and Annie Conneally, 16 years old. Tho two vounger children daughters of John D. Reynolds, a laborer, who occupied the middle floor of tho tene ment house. The Conneally girl niece of Reynolds' wlfo, and to take school in ■e the employed of the children. tiou Emigrants Held Up and Robbsil. upon shod. Guthrie, O. T., Jan. 18.—A party of emigrants en route from Missouri to Okla homa by wagon train wore held up and robbed of all money and valuables in tho mountain country on the western line of the Creek reservation. Tho robbers cured about $1,000. Ther dlts under the leadership of a of tho Missourians reoognlzed George Taylor,the escaped murderer of the Meeks famllv. This is the of held cision to past. the priests church section iu which a traveling man recognizod Taylor a month ago, and is a rough, mouutai district where the Dalton,Cook aud Dolau gangs had their rendezvous. the inittee Polos until To be Tried for Old Time Munler. Pensacola, Fla., Jan. Hall, of Mobile, who w for a murder oummittod in this twenty-five years ugo uud released bonds of $15,000, 18.—Colyear aged und highly respected citizen 'rested last summer 100 ilies inty in court Saturday answer to the charge. His c Feb. 8, and Hall decker und at soaked floor guged of the ouok, for trial Into custody by tho sheriff aud rnltted to jail. The strangest part of the Is that nearly every witness to the crime of a quarter of a century ago is alive and appeared before the grand jury. s taken In Indiana. Anderson, Ind., Jan. 18.—Yesterday af ternoon a hurricane passed tral purt of Indiana, doing danmge at various places. The greatest loss here the destruction of factory No. 4 of the Anderson Window Glass company, tho roof being carried away, and the walls fell the fired furnaces. Insurance the loss. The thi well that In Christi tions the wall of the old three story opera house block burued out recently leading to it s blown down, and streets blocked by debris. islaud thut be tou Nwhs Guide's Perilous Fsat. London, Jan. 18.— A telegram has boen received from the Fitzgerald expedition reporting that a Swiss guide, Zurbriggen, had reached the summit of Aconcague iu the Andos, over 24,090 feet above the level. Tho whole party on Jau. 13 blvouaced at a height of 20,000 foot, and on Jan. 14 all reached nn altitude of 23,090 foot. Fitz gerald Davies, place, killing with erate I think j effect ! wus CAMBRIDGE, Muss., Jan. 18.—Harvard | under and Yalo may yet come together In ath- J wus letlcs this spring. Up to a short time ago j ages it was supposed that in case of no boat! •e all negotiations for contests in other sports would bo dropped. It Is settled ! that there will be no boat race, and | Ml yet information recoived from liabio souroes makes it oxtremely likely that there will bo baseball games aud per haps a track meeting with tlio two col taken 111, but Zurbriggen reached tho summit at 5 o'clock iu the evening. Fitzgerald hopes to accomplish the feat this week. Harvard and Yalo May Yet Get Togeth chael dent voles of the wus Made No State Cleveland, Jan. 18. —Chairman Hanna said yesterday thut ho had authorized to stuto thut I 10 ha d c candidate for United States senator jceed Senator Sher mutter which he with anybody, ho said, further that ho had such anybody. of , . . i editors not discussing liill8(1 H. declared I That statement ! had been given to the press to tdo nalislic Since number Rub >ot • Western Toi Perry, I. T., Jnn. 18.— Late Saturday night robbors took in th* town of Now kirk, north of here. Saloons of all boer. Residences things were taken. Offlc robbers came into ti tented urday Eisenh( bbed 37 aud quantiti of whisky and ue entered and many think tho uder the guise of tramps. Five tramps were arrested hero Saturday for highway robbery. motion 1:1 ' Tho passed lias the Czh To London, Jan 18.-The Daily Mail dis Vienna says that startling patch fr* the whose Nh nt that the czar and rumors czarina ffeiing fi poisoning, but the only ground for them seems recently beon made in the kilchou of the winter palace. indications of ho be that ten.-ii changes have ho «f a police •jld, for AlclieniLta. Washington, Jan. 18— The German millers havo offered a prize of $259 for a method of destroying the meul moth whioh has b#on ravaging the German mills. United States General Do Kay, effers to delivor to the proper any method forwarded by Americans. Tho the Duke Spain, of Maria Berlin, thorities icrilart Fishermen Rescued. Marinette, Win., Jan. 18.—Tho flshcr Ico floe Inst Fri soued. They escaped Island men who day havo all b the lee to Gri For sylvauia, much winds. fr. day all we their homes, ere several exciting Incidents con nected with their escape. returned There FACE an 0 Feb 11 Pimples, blotches, blackheads, rod, rough, oily, mothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin, and falling hair, andjiaby blemishes prevented by Ctmc effeotivo skin purifying, neap in tlio world, as w sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery Bo> tlio d be; bold (pticura 8oap la aold throiiahout tha world. Pattib Dbp« A. itd fVee. It U.mlomt of tli< tlMinir cure ii.ii - Ill Alien EVERY HUMOR "Urur.d [Tvn n ur Murders Over an Election in the Village of Byron, Ga. FOUR LEADING CITIZENS DEAD Tho Battle It ran lied Ovi tion Held to Decide a Tio lu a Special Elec UleotioE Previously Held, uiul It Is Likely That Further Troubled III Follow. Americub,G a.. Jan. 18 —For ty*four hours the village of Byron, lu Houston county, hus been in a state of riot, in whioh four Richardson, C. L. Bateman, C. G. Bate shot, and others held in torror. The trouble grew out of held two weeks ago, whioh resulted in a tie. The town t wen . Mossrs. C. C. and It H. Baskios. election for nlclpul office! divided into two bit ter factions, and charges of fraud* freely interchanged between the leadors A second election was called for Saturday to decido tho contest, lu which every 70tei brought up to the polls, not a change taking placo in the political alignments, thus causing fear of a second tie, whioh actually The lenders of the factions L. Batenient and 0. C. Richardson. Un fortunately they approaohed the polls at moment, when a personal col lision took place, in which shooting begun. Their followers made a rush homo , and In a few moments the villnga street presented a warlike soeue. The telegraph operator, who doued her key in terror, and thus for hou the outside world wufe cut off from the result. Charles tho for ar a indy, ubau muuicatlon. Tho arrival of the sheriff restored paratlve peace, but at 9 p. m. the trouble renewed, and at the ringing of the school bell the entire population in the street. The sheriff in establishing his authority, but the feud started, and especially since tho elec to do neia over agulu, is looked sure to result in further blood* < 001 !,"<i tiou has upon shod. The St. Stanislaus Chi rch Row. Bay City, Mich , Jan. 18.—A meeting of the Poles of St. Stanislaus ohurch held yesterday afternoon to hear the de cision of Archbishop Martinelll designed to settle the violent troubles whioh have agitated the church for several months past. The decision indicates that the demands of the opponents of the priests who have been in charge of tho church have boon ol ceded to, especially the request (or appointment of a inittee to examine the church's financial records Polos attend until St. Stanislaus ually. It is desired thut the •vices at other churches be opened. Firebug Caught New York, Jan. 18 — The lives of 100 persons, comprising the twenty fam ilies who live in the fi the story double decker tenement at 108 East One Hundred und Thirteenth street, Saturday night, when a fire at the bottom of a shaft which had been soaked with oil. T Adolph Meyer, who lives floor of the house, standing fanning it. The man guged that he did not notice the approaoh of the two the fire extinguished. Meyer, who is a ouok, had his furniture insurod for $500. endangered started tenants discovered the second the flame busily en Meyer arrested aud The Corbett-FItz Fight. Corpus Ohristi, Tex., Jan. 18.—It Is a well known fact among certain parties that while Dan Stu: Corpus Christi last May he held several consulta tions with a leadl ng Brownsville attorney, the result of which the lease of islaud in the Rio Grande river from the Mexican government. Several knowing hero assert that the possibilities are thut the Fitzslmmons-Corbett fight will be pulled off on the island, which is about tou milos from Brownsville. Clgaretto Victim's Awful Crime. Rugby, Tenn., Jnn. 18.—Benjamin L. Davies, proprietor of Tabbard Inn, at this place, cut his wife's throat with a razor, killing her, and then shot himself to death with a pistol. Mr. Davies was an invet erate oigurette smoker, and his friends think that this practice hud a deleterious effect on his brain, und that his rash not wus committed while I 10 was laboring under temporary mental aberration. He wus kuowu to smoko from six to ten pack ages of cigarettes a day. Ml National Miners Elect Odlcers. Columbus, O., Jan. 18.—The National onvention Saturday elected Mi chael Hatch ford, of Masaillou, ()., presi dent of tho organization. He received 128 voles 17 for Patrick McBryde Alexander Johnson. John Kune, editor of the Mine Worker#' Journal, of this city, wus elected vice president,and W.C. Pearce -elected secretary and treasurer. .1 2 for Well Known Journalist Asphyxiated. New York, Jnn. 18 — Rudd Smith, of the best known newspnper writers and editors in New York, liill8(1 bj .senping gns fn in i he Pntn.m: s accidentally a defective jot House y Mr. Smith did his first jour •k in this city fifteen y morning, nalislic Since then ho has be ago. connocted with a number of New York papers. Kisouhow Sentenced t< Death. Pottsville, Pu. Jan. 18.— Thood Eisouhower, of Shenandoah, w tented to death by Judgo Savidgo on Sat urday for the murder of Johu Scbwindt. Eisenh( convicted recently, but a of judg s made by the pris motion for ar I and a 1:1 ' counsel, r'emiled the motion nnd Tho passed sentence of death. •t A Victim of the Clinpiu Trial. . Jan. 18.—Williams. Moore, the stepfather of Annaholle Mooro, on whose c Nh Yf plaint Captain Chapman raided ; Sherry's, died ho Seeley dl ho iu this city yesterday the result «f a cold contracted during the trial at police headquarters. Mooro was 63 years •jld, und was a native of Philadelphia. Bpnnlsh Prinoeas Uetrothed. London, Jnn. 18.—A Rome dispatch ... Tho Daily Mail roports the bethrothul of the Count of Turin, tho brother of the Duke of Aosta, und the Ttifantn Maria of Spain, sister of King Alfonso. The Col_ 1 of Turin was born I 11 1870, aud the Infanta Maria do las Mercedes, the princess of tho Astuorias, wus born In 1830. The We For onstern N# sylvauia, New Jersey York, eastern Penn* 1 Delaware: Fair: much colder tonight; high westerly winds. ot •Snle.v. an- II..r 11th nml lioi 0 11 aide i: Feb 11 Del. T y'< p. Del. 1G—1* I'd Station, M. New dfnllT Nerv< 'ou*. and for Hoot TfU. It ■I I fully v K. d my d Rowel Constipation, an iMHy Hat tt or 1 .1 bold by N. lb Da 1 forth. *n> feet. 1 It r< au,i U.mlomt il Bill.' at all of tli<- aye. Allen h Fo tlMinir 01 new shoos idol cure for: ii.ii foot. 'I ry 1 ji>t it 1 1 hot, tlreu. •Jay. Hold by ail dm by mall f I oh I Trl H P » - Ill pTBOlpn. Alien S. Olmsted, Ls hoy, * lUTl fn ll The evening congregation of the New Jerusalem Church yesterday heard a ser* by Ilev. William L. Warchestor of Philadelphia, who took his text from St. Paul, 13, 15. His subject was ' The Lord Example." Kov. John D. C. Hanna held another "Chlldreu's Church" yesterday morning and to the many litllo people present ho spoke on the subject "Our Idols and what to do with them." He took his text from I .John v, 31, "Little children, keep your selves from Idols. After describing Idol as a heathen God he said, people of christianized countries possessed idols, mely, pleasure, money, self and grati fication when they are loved better than God. lie requested the children to care fully examine themselves, and if they liud they have any of the idols to ask God for ce from them. Tho points wore Illustrated with many appropriate stories that charmed the chll •enred their closest attention. The Kov. W W. Sharp, pastor of Wes ley M. E Church, preached a very able last evening from tho words found in Isaiah G3, I; "Who is this that coinoth from Edom with dyedgarmonts from Boz ruh 'r This that Is glorious in his appurel, travelling in the greatness of his strength. I that speak in righteousness, mighty to At the service the choir sang "Victory's .Song" the now composition by Mr. Tyro the choir leader. It was well sung and the piece rdlecis credit upon its composer. Evungellst E. T. Walker spoke at tho Reformed Episcopal Church last evening where ho will speak each af ternoon ut 3 30 o'clock and each oveniu ut 7.30 o'clock. An augmented oholr wl furnish music. All nro invited. At Bethany Church Rev. F. 8. Dobbin® preached yesterday morning. Proff'essor Batten is supplying tho pul pit of Christ Church. Tho Rev. J. B. IJriggs, a mlsslouary of the Episcopal Church, who spent some spring has ar Hopo Alaska, 0 friends here. At A.><bury Church tonight Rev. Ed ward Livingston Allen, D. D. of Wesl Elizabeth, Pa., will speak. Mr. Allen has a military record equal to his eooleslaati* cal Ho enlisted in the Thirteenth New Jersey Infantry three years' as a sergeant J a ll C 1 ! in Wilmington in the 1 In Point rived at his stati d has writtou a letter August 14, 1803, for discharged vice. He 8, 1805. Ills regiinont first connected with the Twelfth afterward put in the Twentieth Corps, inndt' up by consolidating the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps. With this regiment young Alien took art In tho following battles; South fountain, Antietum, ChauoeUoraville, Gettysburg, Rocky face Ridge, Resaca. Cnssvtlo, Dallas, Pine Kuob, Culp's Farm Kunesaw Mountain, Nancy Creek, Peach Tree Creek, Siego of Atlauta, Anderson* villo, Savannah, Averysboro and Benton villo, besides lu many skirmishes. Ho by rebel bullets, but ills command but a puss, when the color 1 wounded th aver abac ut fi 30hours, and that t lor spooial duty, lie guard for two years, when he frequently passed through thrilling danger. amp Relinked. A fow days ago a tramp stopped at the house of Mrs. Crawford, at Elsmere, and asked for something to eat. Mrs. C. brought him a piece of bread, when ho iu formed her that he wished somo coffee and moat. Mrs. O.' returned iuto the house and calling out a la> ge dog, said to the trump, hero is your meat, and make yourself scarce. Thu tramp at once when the dog seized him bv the scat of ins brooches, making a large careful started off It neoeaspry for him to put patch. Hereafter ho will bo aud coffeo. iu asking for me Denili'K Domes. •Tames M. Roney, father of Thomas Roney of this city, died at his residence iu Kell nett Square, ou Thursday evening, aged 89 yoars. The funeral look place div. alter sen os u iho Keunctt Presbjr 1 Church. ter Ray Llnvlllo, of this city, who pnssod Chester, Pa., assist ing o arrange their stock, Saturday. ek in W last Mullin & Li returned • city In South and North Dakota, relating their personal experience in those os, have boon published in pamphlet by tho Chicago, Milwaukee &St. theso letters ud the pamphlet copy will be sent cent John R. Pott, , 18U William Paul Railway, •omely interesting, is finely illustrated to any postai; Distrh rocoipr. of address, o stamp. Apply r. U'aHsengor Age , Pa. root, Willii d" igli wllli Shiloh v. Relievos (ho promptly. for 1 h mi Mar lust Coiilh hy l N. C |*°l l )aii V SPECIALTY Ol all kinds of J o'b Printing. Come in a hurry AYo like hurry work and excel in half tone or plain printing. > Samples sub mitted 011 appli cation. JOHN M. ROGERS PRESS lixth and (hare Streets, POMAl.n F f TV KING FUND P ,: V o- Propo 10 City Treasurer's noon ou T uesday, of all I the above loan to bo Is $59 or multiples thereof, •dug issued by authority nd pursuant ill, the pro • iigt ■<l at ifllce lil ll for iho purclms 18<.i any pu -I In b is of Said bonds are net of th ! •dl •e of o I lompMon of No .d pa I I L No 28, being 1 This lo: 'st. at tlie rate of I 1 mi the first days of April nud di\ in each year aud is redeemable folio April 1. 1910. Octobor 1, 1910. April 1, Octobor 1, lull April 1, 1913 October 1, 1912 April 1, 1913 $3,709 i .... 28,299 ... .. 29,050 .39,950 ... ;;i,8 0 October 1. 1913.. 359 The sue required 1 fore 12 o'c ary 8«», 1897. ful 111 be the bonds nt or be* Saturday,Janu* bidders lock at Addresi.ull bids i aloil envelope to .marked Joseph K. Ad "Proposals fo The right tu reject any served. king Fund Loan. all bids ia ro* THOMAS E YOUNG, UTIIO NO WLAN I), pilN S. ROSSKLL, Sinking Fund Commissioners. F. J. McNULTY, JAMES B. OBEltLY. HENRY W. ZKBLEY, City Council. FI nan Committee ot 1 st: JOSEPH K. ADAM A City Treasurer. >18 HANSCOM'S Hnnscom's Best Mixed Cleaned Bird . Seed In pound boxes, Go. HANSCOM'S. 7lb aud Murkut streets.