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THE WILMINGTON DAILY REPUBLICAN. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE^ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1897.' / 1 ONE CENT. ONE CENT. / CHIVI ul Mr, Halstead Must Have Misun ) derstood Ohio's Governor. THE SUCCESSOR TO SHERMAN. She Governor Will Take No Action Until tlio Senator Resign* Ills Seat, as Sher man "May Change His Mlud"—N«w York and tha Cablust. fa ) ' New York, Jun. 30.—Governor Asa S. Bushnell, of Ohio, is still In Now York, i and has not deoided to appoint Mnrb expired term of Sen Manna to fill the ator John Sherman, when the latter re signs to become secretary of state. Murat U M 1 stead last Sunday, and the former then went to Interview / / the governor the hotel Cleveland, whore he gave out to the effect that Governor Bushnell said he would appoint Mr. Hanna for the short term, and then let him fight it out for re election the governor said yesterday: astouishedtoread Mr. Halstead's Interview given in Cleveland. Ho Sunday morning, and not Sunday he said. He said to year hence. To a reporter "I \ i/.G t way, 'If I were you governor, I would ap S olnt Hanna for the unexpired term, and tien let him fight It out for re-election.' 1 answered to the effect that 1 had not de sided and would not decide what I would do until Senator John Hhermnu resigned. I made the same answor to Mr. Halstead interviewer, which in a frank > that I made to lhat I had not decided and would not til the time came to act. Now, Mr. Hal stead, by quotes himself In his conversation with credit for saying It. I wish distinctly and categorically to deny saying that I would appoint any other gnan to suoceed Senator Sherman. "In the first place the senator may ghange his mind about going in the cab inet, and nevor resign. He has three weeks atul until he does resign I do not propose to ftiitictpat* things. I s' not he foolish a bridge before notice, too, that some Mr. Halstead's interview that I will not extra session to elect Mr. Sher Plan's successor rather than appoint, |ng to the large expense it would he to the ptate. The oxponse would be compara tively nothing. One thing is foot make up my mind to appoint Mr. fShenuan's successor until he resigns. He vmy change his mind before March 4." ( I str.augo mental process, , and givos ; to chango his mind, and ■I 5 ;h It. ugh to o" J says below / •e, I will MEW YORK AND THE CABINET. Hr. Lautsrbaoh Think* tlio $t*te Will Get ie Navy Portfolio. -1 Canton, O., Jan. 20. — Mr. Edward (jautorbuoh eonferenoe of president-elect. Ho said the conference was very pleasant, cordial and satisfactory. Be said he ganlzatton In New York. He said the tire situation in New York had been In the conversation, and that yesterday aftor his hoar and a half with the '• > here representing the many names had been mentioned in its t •on nr„ Was asked as to the place New York trould probably be assigned In the final makeup of the cabinet. He replied that In his opinion New York, being a seaport, •at appropriate. However, he did not wish It understood that ho was speaking definitely, as noth to* conclusive had been reached. As to Hr. Platt's possibility for the cabinet, Mr. Han ter bach said Mr. Platt was satisfied grith his prospects of representing the Em pire state iu the senate. He said the names i»f Benjamin F. Tracy, who was secretary of the navy durlug President Harrison's ud palnlstratlon, J. Sloat Fusset, ex-Governor Stewart L. Woodford, Sylvaults Pay pud many others, together with General IRorace Porter, wore mentioned. Ex-Gov •rnor Mortou, lie said, was hardly consid ered as a cabinet possibility, but may be ^he representative to London. the y would be ) ( i } ■ ' .f General llarrlsou at Washington. 1 Washington, Jan. 20 —Ex-President tiarrison arrived in the city yesterday idtsruoon rather unexpectedly, direct from liishome nt Indianapolis. He is staying •t the Arlington hotel, where he met Hon. W. H. H. Miller, attorney general in his binet. The ex-president aud his former lew partner uro here for the purpose of making arguments in the supreme court Iu an Indiana case in which both are in terested. General Harrison's attention «rns called to the published statements that his name had been mentioned In Section with the ambassadorship to the •ourt of St. James, and he very promptly ■aid that he had not been offered tho po > Hi V I 1 •itluu. « r Fassett A nailing the Verdict. f ' New York, Jhu. 20—The Press says: 2- Slot; Fttssett , hotel last night Awaiting news from Ed . ^prard Lau ter bach, who presented his name F* Vor postmaster general, or secretary of the Major McKinley yesterday. lie and admitted that he ■ at the Filth Avenue pavy, jams in good hu fvould be glad pould get there. Mr. Luuterbach is acted here today, und Fassott is living be In the cabinet, if 4io l ! I i The North Carolina Neuatorshlp. 1 Raleigh, N C., Jan. 20.—The first day's ballot yesterday for United States senator insulted In no election and a joiut ballot 11 be taken accordingly today. Iu the use Pritchard (Rep.), received 62 votes: mghton (Dem ), 27; Thompson (Pop ), P4. In the senate Pritchard received 24 ,Votes: Thompson, 18; Dough ton, 7. Sixteen populists voted for Pritchard, ten in the pousoand six iu the senate. Senator But v Sir's friends seem to hope that they may ' pe able In joiut session to scatter the Ro bllcans, but it is the prevailing opin i that Pritchard will be elected. E I : / C 1 Many Hou*es Wrecked by Explosion. Mobile. Ala., Jan. 20 — Fire last Ing destroyed th planing mill of the Dixie Lumber company's extensive estab + lishment at Magazine Point, six miles north of the city The flames commiinl pated to a powder magazine containing $00 kegs of powder and six cases of dyna mite, which explodod with a terrific i port, wreckingovery house within a radi f a quarter of a mile. No one was killed, hurt by flyiug debris k J [ E oof Ut ay die. Deadly Earthquake on a London, Jan. 20.—A Times dispatch earth the island of Kishm, tn Jnn. 11, attended by from Teheran, Persia, says that Buuke occurred < the Persian gulf Enormous loss of life. Kishm is •ntriinoj to the Persian gulf, and is the largest Island in that body of water, be ing surrounded by many smaller islands. Its length Is seventy miles, and Its pgo breath twelve miles. The popula tlon is estimated at 5,000, chiefly Arabs. the * • < ♦ ( I IT'S CURES THAT COUNT. * Many so-called remedies pressed on the public attention account of their claimed large sales. But sales cannot deterraiue values. Sales simply argue good salesmen, shrewd puffery, qr enormous advertis ing. It's cures that count. It is cures that are counted on by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Its sales might he boasted. It has the world for its market. But sales prove nothiug. We point only to the record of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, as proof of its merit) J. yEARS I OP CURES. 0 l ■t MANY PENSIONS GRANTED. Gsnwml's Wiaews Oat Liberal flams and Man Who Fought a Fittanea. Washington. Jnn. 20.-The old soldiers had a flold dity la the house yesterday. Under a special order adopted the whole dfty eratlon of private pension bills. Of the 900on the culendur fifty-two of during the five hours' session. Among those favorably acted upon were bills to grant pensions to Major General Julius H. Btahel nt the rate of $100 per month; the widow of Major General Erastus B. Tylei at $75; Hannah E. Rodgers, the daughter of a revolutionary soldier, at $12, and the widow of the late Generul Matthew M. Trumbell, of Iowa, at $100 a month. Most of the pensions granted rate. 1 Monday devoted to the consid disposed at the $12 The session of the senate yesterday wai without iucldeut. Senator Turple spoke against the Nicaragua canal bill and the reading of the legislative appropriation bill was completed, with the exception ol sections making provision for the congres sional library, which porarlly in the ubsence of senators Inter ested In the subject. passed over tern Dr. Conaty a Installation. Washington, Jan. 20. — Very Rev. yesterday rector of the Catholio Unlver Thomas J. Conaty, D. D., installed eity of America. It In the history of the Institution, and drew together a distinguished assemblage of churchmen and educators. At 4 o'clock Cardinal Gibbons,in a scarlet robo,hoaded the procession across tho university grounds to McMahon Hall. He companied by Mgr. MontelU. McMahon Hull a notable event handsomely decorated for ths event, the papal oolors and the Stars and Stripes being entwined above the plat form where the ceremony occurred. Car dinal Gibbons delivered the opening ud d|ess, and Dr. Conaty's address closed tha •else s. Steamer Sunk by Collision. New York, Jan. 20 —Tho British steam ship British Quoeu, Captain Smith, which arrived yesterday from Antwerp, while coming through Gedney channel at 2:14 in collision with the outward bound Atlas lino steamer Alvena. The British Queen struck the Alvena amid ships on tho port side, teurlng a large hole in her. The Alvena and pilot boat Walter Adams went to the Alvena's aid and took off tho passengers , bringing them to New York. the edge of the l»n full of water, aud her cargo is washing of her. • into u shoal filled with water. The steam and cr The Alvena is Investigating a Convict's Death, Norristown, Pa., Jan. 20.-A apodal meeting of the trustees of tho hospital foi tho Insane is being held at tho hospital, tho object being to furthor probo the mys •rounding tho ffeuth of tho couvicl toi'j patient, William McCue, who died fr thooffeotsof shocking brutality. Suspi cion points to one of the hospital employes, audit is mot Improbable that his arrest will be ordered, although nothing connect hi to with tho has yet been do Greenwich, Conn., Jail. 20.—Antonio • Angelo, employed by Joseph Christaino, a contractor, placed frozen dynamite the stove iu the kitchen ol veloped. fCIIUd by "Th king" Dynamite, cartridges his dwelling to thaw out, and later his 10 year-old boy, who was playiug with one, placed it on the stove, when it immedi ately exploded, wrecking tho house, kill ing the boy and probably fatally injuring Angelo and his wife and Gulmpp* Nlnoli, who were in the house. Ktramer Bariswortlt Still Aground. Tuckkrton, N. J., Jan. 20.-Thesteamer Badsworth, which went ashore Beach Long unloaded yester day with tho assistance of tugs and light ers, and will probably got off at high water this afternoon, unless storms winds should interfere with wreckers. She lies In an easy position and shows donoe of damage. Monday, Epidemic of Measles at . Carmel. Mr. Carmel, Pa., Jan. 20.—T dred o him sles have been reported to the Mt. Carmel health authorities, and it Is feared that the schools may have to be closed in order to stamp out the epi demic, which sho of abating. Death from Hydrophobia. Shamokin, Pa., Jan. 20 —Mary, the 15 -old daughter of William Phillips, of ship, died from hydrophobia a result of a bite from a house Jordan tc yesterday dog about three weeks ago. The Weather. For ouster sylvunla, N but with increasing cloudiness; not cold; easterly winds. Now York, eastern Penn Jersey and Delaware: Fair, STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quota!Ions of th* Ne Philadelphia Exchanges. York and Nkw Y new In st than inactive ' The movi • ftTan. 19.—The volume of bus!* Iks today was about one-third lighter d tho usually sterday's agfrcKiite ucidedly • it irregular, l undercurrent Closing bids: Baltimore & Ohio 18 f st gth w disoei uible. Lehigh Valley . . 80 Torsey Cen York Cob Chesa. & Ohio 1021 ,' • • m sylvunia ... 62'« . Del. & Hudson.. .112 D., L. Erie Luke Eric & W . N W 150 P 15)^ Itoading. 18 St. Paul 41 W. N. Y.APa,... 2^ , Lehigh Nav. All s t j paid. Gonera Mario Phil , Jan. IP.—Flour weak; vvin ra, *8.25@3.50; *, $4.38@4.40; do. do., winter, clear, Ol'aWio. Data quint; :e timothy, Bent' steady; beef ady; family, $10.50® , $4.25. Butter to.; do. factory, arnamery, 11(0 do. creamery, •hnlosale, 22n.; 28(a)28o. Cheese quiet; Now 8$ll.tst0, part ♦ar superfine, $2.80 <53.10; do. Pennsylvania roller, c straight, $4.50.'$4.85; $4.2,78)4.40. Wheat dull: Jan itcady; January, 28' /a>M ry,28}fi((Ji2i9ic. Hay firm $14.6O;c01o for lurgc bal hanik, $18® 18.50. P< 11. Lard quiet; we .iu tamery, 13(4,2 Klgius, 20c.; imitation iv York dairy, 10.915V^c. 7(418c 18c.; N 13(«IBc.; extra state prints, prints jobbing York largo, 7^£<ftll! skims,4(48'4c.; full skims, 24<6)3o. Higgs stoudy; York und Pennsylvania, 16j$18 L u u.; fresh, 12(0150. Live Stock Markets. Nkw York, Jun. 19.—Cables quote Am eric oorH at 10V6911 refrig nals, $5(46.30; barnyard calves, $3(<$ i. $3. Sheep and lambs quiet; beep. I8.7S94.2S; iambi, $4.75® 18.0004. dressed weight; ukoop rbeofat- 8ft9'ic. Colv ${(98! a 8.871$; k; s 5.50. Hogs steady East Libbkty, Pu., Jan. 10.—Cuttle slow aud ,$4.70(44.1)0; fenders, $3.80®4; bulls, stags aud cows, $2 43.60. Hogs Hteaoy; prime light aud best medium, $3.85(4)8.70; oo fair, $8.00(38.85; heavy, $8.40(0355; roughs, $2.25 ady ; prime, $8.86@4; fair, $8.20 18,14.00(15.16; 0$y. 10. 8hee ,12.41X08 ichotoo.lo ($8 SO; voal calves, $0.60(3)7. Tlio Water Commission vosterday after noon granted Georgo W. Bush anil Sons Company permission ti their property. A proposal for printing the annual report of tho depart mont was .1 from tho Mercantile Printing Company who agreed to furnish 500 copies printed on hand inado book paper, with paradox cover, for$1.40 a page. Tho awarded to them, berlund Manufacturing Com pany of Boston, Mass., se tion offering to furnish a blow (liter instead of the compressor use. Tho matter will be acted future meeting. John Kelley asked for a discontinuance The C coiumunicu for tho in ut a s on his unoccupied property Shallcross avenue, and also to bo relit of taxes not i ilmt notification of red his bath tub, which ho Bays Is . Tlio rule of the department stbe made in Decern enforced and Kelley will have to lie remainder of tho year. Tho in bank wi 260 27 which is $5'.H) ponding ported of lirt yo her, reported to bo #31, thau tho corral Oysters by tho plate or quart at Frank (iurd.nor'B oyster de|>ot, corner of Seventh and Shipley f treets. FORM mils HER | | I 1 Detectives Searching for an Heir ess to a Vast Estate. DESERTED HER HOME FOR HER L0VI The Daughter of Ashbrook, tho Million sep King" of Australia, Wedded the Man of Her Choice and Was Dis owned, but tlio Father Relented. alre "£ Chicago, Jen. 20.— Alfred Ashbrook, a millionaire sheep owner of Melbourne, Australia, died in 1895 and left his es tranged daughter Edith one-third of his vast estate. The holrosa Is supposed to b« In Chicago or its vicinity and detectivei trying to find her. The estate of the sheep king, as Ashbrook was known, ii estimated to be worth at least $2,500,000. Two daughters beside the missing Edltb the beneficiaries. The story of Miss Edith's leaving horns and her estrangement from her family ie romantic. In spite of parental objection married the man she loved and celved a father's curses and promise ol disinheritance. But the latter promise develops, never fulfilled. In 1880 Edith Ashbrook, then 18 years old, met and loved Edward Townsend, American civil engineer, nt a ball in Mel bourne. After a few months' courtship Townsond proposed and was accepted by tho girl, but tho parents would not tlon the union. The girl, howevor, ried Townsond. The following year Townsend anil his bride left Melbourne, going to San Francisco, where for a while he was om ployed papers. In 188(5 the couple went to Pori Townsond, Wash., and luter to Seattle. Later they drifted to Victoria, B. C., where Townsend is wild to hsvo died of pneumonia. Mrs. Townsend has moved from one placo to another, supporting her self and her one child as best she could. Two years ago, advices from Melbourne state, sho was employed as a clerk 1 of tho »>lg department scores In Chicago. That of tho morning tho last heard of her. Kx-CougreMt Mason for 8«nator. Springfield, Ills., Jan. 20.—Ex-Con uoini gressmnn William E. Mason nated for United States senator at tho Re publican joiut caucus last night after of the most bitterly fought battles in the history of the Republican party in Illi nois. Although he had been canvassing the state as a senatorial candidate for two years, Mr. Mason's selection was regarded Impossibility up to within two hours of his nomination, the choice being the re sult of tho sudden withdrawal from tho I J I of Congressman Willi; who had hold tho almost solid votoof Chi cago and Cook county, lection Mr. Mason' s a distinct defeat for the com blnation of politicians km s the " chine," and a victory for McKinley's forces In tho state. Imtructlug Sum tor Tliurat< Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 20.—.Senator Ran som, of Dot teriinj a joiut resolution roo'iilng spoof • Mid letters of Seuator Thurs silver question (luring the 1803. At thnt time Seuator Thurston quite an ardent advocate of free coinage of "tho American product" at stated ratio. After quoting about 2,0(X) words of the senator's utterances the joint resolutions call on him to now "sup port and voto for any and nil measures that will bring about an abandonment of existing gold monopolism and that will bimetallism." count,v. 1 •dured y»s the I pnign of isult in a rctur Exploding Holler Killed Sevet Fan Francisco, Jan. 90.—One of the boilers of the Freuch steamer SngMflien exploded whilo the vessel Dec. 2, bound fn s off the Chi Singa pore for Hong Kong. Eleven of the stok of the engineers by tho escaping steam. > badly injured that he died a few hours afterward, and four othor firemen died the result of their burns. The vessel crowded with passengers, and for a time s and killed by the explosion Tho chief stoker s the wildest scene of confusion board. Train Robbery AlatlsUes* Washington, Jan. 20.— Some interest ing facts concerning train wrecking_ presented to the judiciary committee of tho house yesterdny by Representative Hubbard, of Missouri, who has intro duced a bill to provide tho death penalty for tho crime. Mr. Hubbard showed that tho number of train "holdups" iu six yours had boon 183, In which 73 persons killed and 58 wounded by shots. Tho record for 1806 was 23 holdups, In which 33 passengers anil trainmen were killed and 7 injured. Four robbers wore killed aud 2 injured. _ Tho Election of 8om Harrisburg, Jan. 20. — Senator h ie; s yesterday aftei a United States senator in placo of J. Don ald Cameron. But Pc unv oice ted Republican v east against him, that of Daniel F. , of Chester. Mr. Penrose did not taken today at a vote. The final joint, convention of tho house and,senate. One of the features of the election astho , presenting of resolutions of thanks adopted by the labor c Senator P so of a serlos ,-ontiou held in Pittsburg tho 15th Inst. More Trouble for Uruguay. Montevideo, Uruguay, Jan. 20.—The situation bore Is critical. The lending pa pers openly demand that tho government shall resign or shall radically reform its policy and annul tho recent, fraudulent elections. The government defies public opinion and persists in making obnox ious appointments. It is feared that tho deadlock will result in financial disaster or revolution. Business is painfully de pressed, and there is a wholesale emigra tion to Argentina. L«ow'» Tn ligation. Albany, Jan. 20.—The Lexow resolu tion culling for an investigation of trusts and combinations s passed by the ate today. An umendmeut providing that tho investigation shall pro ceed with a view of suggesting legislation the quostion anil ni .1111 -1 umendmeut incorporated in the bill fixing March 1 tho date when the committee shall report the result of its deliberations to tho legis lature. Charge of M< rder. Shamokin, Pa., Jun. 20.— The cor jury found that Stephen Gore and Frank Baun responsible for the death of Tho ophllus Gurst, of Mt. Carmol, who beaten by beer bottles In tho hands of the defendants. Martiu Gorbia, William Gur kin and William Ryefskl the crl held . All the prisoners were committed to jail. I'UriAL iHKNTIO.N Is to dry, 602 West Front St. IllOCIIIll^. I'll tf. Suudii Ml American Lt ppiDfcttitd M. F. Davla, Jeweier. u K. 3ml B ft Ho to Dr. Simms' drug store. 600 King . You don't have to when you havo a tried it street, for eye suffer with sore ey bottle of his oye cure. W and It has proved a sure All tired feelings me quickly relieved by I)r. Simla's Vegetable Liver Pills. Tho Standard Llvor Pills of tho world, 60J King streot. -■ft Lots of home references in favor of Dr Simms' White Pulmonic Balsam as the groat is iu throat and diseases of lungs. It always oures uud prove sumption, for coughs, etc., 606 King street. for You will find underw mouth ..fc Wyatt & Co.'s, 603 Market St. bargal this For first-class dyeing ami scouring go to tho Delaware Dye W r orks, 210 Ktiffc street. MRS. MOORE'S LEGAL FIGHT. She Gave M00,OOO to the Son Who Waste Her Declared Insane. Philadelphia, Jan. 20.— Mrs. Bloom Hold H. Moore filed in the orphans' court yesterday her answer to the petition of her son, Clarice B Moore, for her removal as executrix under the will of Bloomfield H. Moore, deceased. Mrs. Moore Is at present In Europe, and the answer, which was prepared hsfe and sent to her in Lon don, where It was sworn to before Patrick A. Collini, consul general of the United | States, was presented to the court bv her | attorney, Joseph P. McCullen. This fs the I second chapter of the litigation. Mrs. Moore, acting under the will, sought to remove Clarence B. Moore as co-exocutor and to appoint Edwin Jessup, "who was named in the will, In his stead. This was combated by the son, who Is seeking to prove that Mrs. Mooro is Insane. These proceedings are pending. Ia the meantime Clarence 13. Moore brought the proceedings to have his mother removed, alleging that she is In 9, and it Is the answer to this suit that filed yesterday.'' The answer is sweeping and scathing, and among other things points out that her son, who declares her Insane, did not question her suully when she permitted him to act as her uttorney in fact. She declares also that, though entitled to the Income of the estate, sho gave from 1878 to 1805 out of the revenues $1,511,000 to her three children, aud over $205,(300 to her grandchildren, and that to her sou, who charges her with insanity, she gave up wards of $500,000. Further than this, she demands a trial by jury to pass upon the points raised as to her montul condition.' N«w Jersey Officials Re-elected. Trenton, Jan. 20.—The senate yestor* day passed two bills. One of these pro vides that in case of murder trials tho prome.cuurt judges may sit without the law judge of tho passed regulates tho time which notices to bo published In newspapers of pri vate legislation. The house passed a reso lution requesting the Now Jersey gressmeu to nty. The second bill for the passing, of the bill Increasing tho pay of letter carriers. At a joint session State Controller Han cock und State Treasurer Swal elected for torms of three years. Later ten Republic governor In fav secretary of tho senators waited of Senator Stokes for Tho governor did nob nit himself, but the senators were impressed with the Idea that Mr. Stokes will not be appointed Bank Commis sioner Georgo Wurts is thought to be the governor's choice. Convict Karol ivite. jnvlct out* I outbreak at Cavite, Philippine islands, Doc. 5, was the occasion of more actual fighting at the J b'»cn pnrllcipatju I tion» Of tho Spanish troops. On that dale 147 prisoners In tho house jail suddoulyrnso in open revolt, killed the guards and ef fected their escape, divided themselves Into two gr whole of Cavite seemed to have a hand at the destruction of tho unfortunates Fan Francisco, Jan. 20 —A StfQilpold than hag »>y imf ire opere, The runaways (hen a. Ti their jecapto VS, th t.l.o fc ir> to Dee. 37 was eighty luffed and eight I • twenty captured. Yale's "Frt li" Students. vkn, Jan. 20.—The city of Now terday was put to « botween $10 and $15 by playful students of Yale. Unit New 11 Huv bersof the fresh an class (luring the night threw to tho tho flagstaff on the green a bearing the in Ting to mammoth blue ban A." Tho police scrip tl detect the perpetrators. The college fac ulty after tho students, and If thoy caught summary punishment may bo expected. The Idaho Sot cnillock. to rial Botes, Idaho, Jan. 20.—The Populists throe yesterday voted for Frank Walton ballots for United States senator. He also received throe Democratic votes. Biilt of each of tho three ballots was: Wal The re ton, 28; Dubois, 35. The Democr. for Lewis (Pop.) (Pop.) id Nol tho other. There is also a deadlock in tho Utah legislature. bnllots, The lelui re Elect Ion Muddle Again. DOVER, Jnn. 20.—The judges of the su perior court yesterday decided to call a iet in this special session of that body ti town on Friday morning cation for mandamus in tho West Do appll s. This is the se In which nvass throw tho Democratic board of c out the votes of several districts because of alleged bribery aud c ptiou. Man and Woman Arres Wadena, Mjji., Jan. uud MrsuSinkkaraimm, of N Mills, have just bee Irwin,charged with tho Pikkaraiuen, husband of the w< Lindruss admits having pushed Pickka ruiiion off a moving train, and claims ho was hired to do so by the murdered wife. . 20.—A. A. Lind York sted by Sheriff rder of I)an Mexicans Abolish Hull Fielitlns. Chihuahua, Mex., Jun. 20—No bull lights, prize fights or cock fights will be allowed to take In this state, tho legislature having issued a decree prohib iting such sport and providing a rov penalty for the violation of tho law. Op* id Wrong D Philadelphia, Jan. 20.—As the result of cnonlng the wrong door Walter P. C. Kramer, 66 years of age. of Allentown, a patient at the University hospitul,plunged dumb waiter shaft at tho hospt s instantly killed. id Plunged to Iienth d ta), anil Mrs. Sent r Harrh Dying. . 20.—Mrs. II Paris, Tex., J SenatorIsh Is, wife otexpected or Is G Harris, Is tho day out, and tho s ifiued Ktill e caused by his rapid ji his fr fatig W ■ 1 1 NUGGETS OF NEWS. Chieago's city council has adopted a resolution looking to a "greater Chicago." Tho comptroller of tho currency has given authority for tho organization of the First National hank of Summit, N. J. Vice President-elect Hobart has leased for four years thohuudsomo residence of H. L. Barber, the asphalt king, in Wash iugton. Thogruml jury at Jacksonville has failed to find a true hill against Gcuerul Emilio z for aiding .in filibustering expedi tions to Cuba. N Secretary Lament has sent to the estimate of tional hi tion of $75,000 for the construction of a sea wall at Sandy Hook. A bill introduced in lature abolishes the theater hut. Dos Moines, la , city council has passed ttuti-theut/.v hut ordinance. nppropria* Colorado legis In South and North Dakota, relating their stales, have boon published in pamphlet by tho Chicago, Milwaukee &St. these letters romely Interesting, aud the Is finely illustrated, to any address postngo stamp. Applv to John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, 486 William street, Willliamsport, Pa. personal experience in those ft Paul Railway, and pumphlob copy vvl receipt of two oenfc b(-Bt Coutrh Cure. io mill Jough with Slilioli's Cure. Tlio 'roup promptly. jllev -■ft cts. Sold Uy N. II. Duufortli. Hud and Mar ket streets. for st ye Dr Simms' Worm Killer is surely (he finest and best worm modicino now offered. .Saul a gentlemen to us: "Now my little daughtor was attended by two physicians, without success. I was recommended to your worm killer. I used it and my child is now restored to health and gained her usual weight again. There is no mistake iu this being the best medicine of the country. Depot 006 King. The best placo in the city to go* 1 * g Wt enjoyable me*l at) a 1 h Urt oi th ft . Gardner's, Seventh and Shipley NEW CASTLE NEWS at as Is is Correspondence of the Republican. New Castle, Jan. 20. The Epworth Chorus of Wilmington, augmented by the choir of the M. E. Church, will give a pleasing concert to night. The following is tLe program: PART 1. Organ voluntary, Alrsfrom "Tannhauser" Huivey Brobst, First Church, Wilmington Chorus, (a) "Praise the Lord, O Jerusu . .. Clure. (b) "Wuke the Song," Excell. Epworth Chorus, Georgo E. King, direc tor, (Epworth M. E. Church). Quartette.Selected Grace Church Quartette Choir. Declamation.Miss Malinin Wells Glco songs, (a) "Wo Hock Away," Dauks (b) "Dashing on Before the Gale" Mooro Epworth Chorus. Mandolin trii . .Selected Misses Carter ancl Miss M Soprano—"A Message from the King," Mendelssohn—Master Harry Carter, St. John's Church, Wilmington. PART 2. A nthem—- "Laudato Doiniuum".. Gardner , J. M. Davidson, Director (First Church, Wilmington.) ilto Solo. Miss May Morrow, First Unitarian Quur tutto Choir. Clu .Selected C ..Selected ;o Church Quartette Choir. Chorus—"The Mountain Laird".. Emerson Kp worth Chorus. Quartette. «. Baritone Solo. Fiualo—"Gloria'' (twelfta moss)....Mozart Invocation.Rev. V. S. Collins .Selected A letter was received yesterday from a knitting factory in Now Jersey to the ef fect that tlio proprietor is favorably inclin ed towards New Castle as ho must move from his nresent location in April for want of 1 olp. John T. .Stoops answered the letter to the effect that New Castle furnish him with all the girls required to operate tho mill. From 75 to HH bauds will be employed daily in the $10,000 plant. It will cost $1,590 to remove the plant. Electric pow will bo used. Tho telephone yesterday afternoon brought the following New Castle; "Stop tho pair of blackened eves who Is driving to • City. Ho ran off with af erward Thou o City drove i ited by Officer Morgan, wo youug men drove in vn and accused Lynch of taking the ill) a Gird Delaw; tho buggy." Lynch of Do! d buggy. The la 1 ter persi lug s then m i le the follow t to Wil obi colt ent ; Yesterday I w nglou and traded my six ye . L: for Hus pacer I have with i IN • roughly ii bon ingthey pounded o trading. To-day 1 met them on the causeway a ul $1 boot with their buggy the worst Gooff - ffny street saloon. It is all i ti»'y «< 1 hiT r.i of (ho trade they pro kicking. buys. At a meeting of (lie Colum Club last evening Samuel T. signed 'ho pasitio da Athletic Bao< of treasurer A 1.K* oJecCuO Ibis ..'mg to fide 0! (1 .\d I\iy. Baton ; the izn i office oin< •ho kept John 1). cigar I) .aw d the goods and furniture to parts uni ds had h.: day night. The for rent by Constable WindLli .\ •imlcr, of W ilmington.a mi! Fs, had to quit work Cn count of a sore eye. Harold Suddell, the Single Taj dug seen fit to air himself i ho lust mt ail vo: .cling of tho d advisable give the following letter from Glasgow City Chambers, Glasgow, January 8th, The Lord Provost of aiu officials of the Cor afterno ■ ii. .■ ircial Club i (leu 1897. —De: (i red a bo poi atiou lli: vc l reiving a con munlcaiious f de.'iring confirmati which hits evidently obtained wide circula tion and considerable, siderable II parts of A rica of •edeneo in tho he effect that as fr»»m mmeucument of tho present year ihn citizens of Glasgow ;s in cousequenc dint those t! ubl be fn all ! fn tho profits derivabl • fn la other. wqpds, tho civic, ail various det-artments of publi *!< t eh ftiv t t a.r.ways, ga , itc jij bgnbiug and othor undertakings which ire uniler tho charge of tho C leorilingly boon orporatiou. requested by rou that this a he Lord J' st tl foundation In fact, and mlortakingd s'a turnout has n that while tho isful, there is no probability of this :lty being exempt from taxation. Will you therefore pardon my asking to do His Lordship tlio favor of giving this c 7 •mlictio (lie si publicity hm been give to thee to cuts to which I h; •efeM? s faithful! ' y» r has remweil from Fred Sin ill street. Company H N ed by Ad jut u* yesterday, for Uieir Fu highly cumpli of al Ha spl'-mlid •liiiig. in the First ill. Rev. Will. T. Lamb* : Sunday Beginning Baptist Ch M'gi il incach jrly pastor of the eh •ch fu the opening sermon. Sheriff Flin tuned In d his four deputies re l Dover last evening, fn ritli the ballot boxe furnished t< il private families by G.ird lco ere parties i To the l'olnt. I j i heard a shout that sounded ni "I if It (lame from the very heart of tlio tlon," said n Indy few days ago. "It j of General Grant's I the eh public spciccheR.' "Did you heurof "Every word." eh?" 3meinher any of It?" "Do y beginning to end. "I e , Springfield, Mass. 4ranfc and J It was their way to Do. Ids p be pre it tho laying of the cu postollice building, I think, and stopped nt> tlio Mussusoit house fora 1 "The .•h. ;«s a crowd of people hoping got a glimpse of the great spnnso to repeated calls lie e the little balcony and said: glad to see you, my friends, but the railroad e< upc " 'I t * j I 1 | tho ti I shall havo to bid y puny and not n good titteireqon. ' , , "Then the shout lip as if from o to the simple presence ho had dono something to throat in res pi of the prove hi anil of the highest position in their gift." demonstration would havo heel love of tho people ilf worthy his impossible for n way by his owi: who had not s.—Youth's Com pan ton. An Agile Marshal. The whimsical Suvaroff, press Catherine's favorites, marshal's baton, ordered commanded in the center of tlio church, officer his senior. Ho appoared iu tho edlflco thing less than their equivalent, and pro ceeded to vault of tho F.m reiving tho "Te Deum" and in her of chairs to be plnccd for ch n d •nyod 1 Jils pyjamas, or Rome t those files of chairs, t taking ouoh iu its due succession. It wu9 not until tire conclusion of this porform oe that ho donned the desired the horror stricken clergy to pro ceed with the office. uniform and Whir. The word "whir" Is regarded by philologists ns a natural symbol of the Idea of revolution. The German has "wlrreu," to twist; the French, ••virer," with the meuning; tho English, " "wear," the latter Used with reference to the turning of a ship. The root of the word is found In whirl, whorl, world, warp, worm, writhe, wrench, wrest, wrig gle und many others. ir" mid Tho present king of Greece Is George I, who ascended tho throne iu 1868. Otlio t, prince of Bavaria, was elected king hy ihe Greek assembly May 7, 1832. F his accession to the prose but twu kings. <• i iiu'l Unmet I'nira'it I stnte Register of Wills Crossnn this grmuoil tostamontary lot o-iiatn of Daniel Farra, late of this city, to John C. aud Sarah A. Farra. Ing tl.e BATTLE WITH POACHERS. Five Men Were Shot, and It la Feared That Three Will Die. E. to Crown Point, Ind., Jan. 20—In a pitched battle between Tolleston clnb gamekeepers and poachers serves the pro of the Tolleston clnb of Chicago, here yesterday, five three of them fatally. The woundred Frank Ooetwick, shot through bbe lungs, will die; Theodore Pratt, shot 3n body, will die; John Blaukbarn, shot in temple, will probably die; Charles Pratt, shot in body; Alvin Bothwell, shot imbody. the club groulW'thad given its caretakers much trouble of late, and seven gumekeopers, well armed with shot guns and pistols, day when fourteen young of the families of neighboring farmers, in vadod the duck swamp and prepared for a day's sport. The watchmen bore down the boys In a body, aud hailing them from a considerable distance ordered them off the club's grounds Instead of plying the poachers made a rush for the gamekeepers. The latter opened fire at three rods range, and four of the youug full to the marsh ice rkldlod with •tally wounded. were shot, Poaching duty fyester , members shot, two of the Their enmrudea returned the 11 ro, and Blankburn, with a shot in his skull. Sheriff Farley arrested Barnoy Whit tall, the Blackburn brothers and Alfred Taylor and lodged thorn In jail. Several others of the watchmen, fell •rested today Tho shooting as done at such a short distance that •ory shot wont through the bodies of ;h of the nded. In tho body of Theo 160 shot a dore Pratt ov bullet which struck Costwick through the body. counted. The Conferrees Agree on the Iiniulgruilon Rill. Washington, Jan. 20.—The conferrees of tho immigration bill agreement yesterday aud the bill as agreed upon will probably be ported this afternoon. Many oJLfche pro visions of both the senate and the house bills the two houses ached retained, but those fled so as to make it a very different hill from thnt which passed each house. The Lodge educational qualification copied, but Its application was limited to l>etwoen the ages of 16 and 50 years. The Corliss amendment adopted by the house and rejected by the senate was re stored, but In a very much modified form. The amendment made It unlawful to ploy any alien In the United States. As changed the prohibition Is less stringent and is inado to apply only to the employ and moui« a pew mont of aliens who hubltually c go—"birds of passage." Carnegie's F Pittsburg, Jan. SO.—Tho of tho A merle ildablo Rival. nsolidation •liciblo steel business of Thom: Firth & S field, England, v of Pi s, limited, of Siiof rith the Sterling Steel nffor tha tb> tho Pirth-Scei will be tho namo of the g 8t)el c »P corporation, was effected yesterday. The capital stock Is being increased from$1100,000 to $800,000, and the works at Dommler will be larged steel that may bo required. Tho steel de partment at Pittsburg will bo under the direct management of Louis J. Firth, managing director of tho Sheffield com pany. Tho projectile dopar entirely under thechargoof C. Y.Wheoler, the fouuder and president of the Storllng Steel company. lit any quantity of .nt Will Ii A New UilUnrd Championship. New York, Jan. 20.—The establish of a now billiard championship, that of champion of tho United States and Canada at the fourteen inch balk lino game, is contemplated in a proposition by George E. Slosson. Fora tournament to be held iu New York during next month Mr. Slosson offers $1,000 In four prizes, $400, $'500, $200 and $100, tho winner of tho first prize to bo known as the champion of the United States and Canada. A suitable BUiblom will bo provided and no entrance •.ted. Players who have 'uaiueuts for not eligible ! fee ill be the world s championship to this tournament. i Fayerweather Will Case Kudod. Albany, Jun. 30.—Them yesterday decided the Fay reiving the distribution of $3, ing twenty educational insti tutions all over the country. The c of appeals eather will st, i 000,001 in the case, which was entitled denislo "Amherst collego ami others, respondents, versus tho hi tors of the will, appel lants," is: "Judgment affirmed with costs to all parties uppearing by separate at torneys, payable out of the estate." Died After Rcveu Days of Sleep. Philadelphia, Juu. SO.— After a period of unconsciousness lasting seven (lays al most to tho hour Ida Melcho died at her hoinii on Hurtvillo street yesterday. Al though it was known that she dangerous condition, her death was not taking i ported s ishmont throe (1 day, and o live ft r months, 11 up :os she was a bio oven if sho could not be recalled •iousness. Plot to Addlcks. i Dover, Dol., Jan. 20.— J. Edward Ail s in the I difris was waited upi j Hotel Richardson yesterday by i km hi >11 who informed him there ssussinato him. Aildicks was a visitor to the state houso Monday night during the progress of tho Di erutic caucus, and was warned to leave by citizu j I was a pl< eal's Mayor Forbitls a Prise Fight. J Montreal, .Tan. 20. — Mayor Wils Smith, at tho instigation of the Citizen's League, has Issued an order forbidding the j ten round sparring match between Slavin i •heduled for 1 Hall, whi-di i ; Efforts will bo undo to have hii rensider his decision. I York of I'rofesBioiialn. t New York, Jan. 20.—Tho police say j Mint the theft of a bag containing $3,600 I from the sidewalk in front of the Pacific 1 bank | perhaps three, professionals. They havo d it is unlikely Monday was the work of o clew to tho thieves, that the i». ey will bo recovered. Seventeenth Victim of the Dalian Fire. Dallas,T ex., Jan. 20.—The seventeenth victim of the Buckner Orphan home died Monday. Ho was Danny Grace, 6 years old. His last, words were: "Is Father Buckner burning?" Charles Friend. Rich ard Bunmll and Charles Braun pec ted to die inoineut. The Obitlui iltau. London, Jan. 20.—A Constantinople dis patch to The Daily Mail says that the sul flrmly resists European control of Turkey's finances or administration. This dispatch also says that Russia is secretly of u port on the t treating to obtain the Black sea. RED ROUGH HANDS Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, shapelem nails, finger ends, pimples, blackheads, , und hilling bnir, Itch ing, scaly scalps, ail yield quickly to w BoiP, nnd gentle i •ily, mothy skin, dry, with Cuticu with Cuticu ha (ointment;, tho gre lugs Ikln rotlcura fcaf.'irfis -How eworld. Pot SfcflSfe. H.ndi,' i ■ ITCHING HUMORS 1 ' MITCHELL & BASH J MITCHELL & BASH a Wilmington, Del., Jan. 20th, 1897. We Are Sellinng Out Our immense stock in Chester. Going to quit business there. To close out the stock QUICK we have moved a part of it to our Wilmington store, 219 Market street We commence selling here Friday, January 22, 9 O'CLOCK A. M. This lot consists of Drilling, Linens, Cambric, Selicia Hair Cloth, Fine Table Linens and pretty Silkalines, goods that wo don't usually carry aud that we MUST got rid of. Also an extra big line of ( COATS' ' Think of this—two stores filled with coats,more than we can sell under ordinary circumstances. There is but one way to rid ourselves of them—that is to cut the price in halt and away below half. We intend having a greater sacrifice sale than has ever been held in Wilmington by anyone. Can't quote prices now—too busy getting stock ready ancl marking down prices. Later news—]„tei'. I Don't forget the date, a FRIDAY, JAN'yr-y 22 ND. MITCHELL & BASH, 219 MARKET STREET of ! jauunr Edw. C. Cook. 513 Adams Ave., be ton, Pa.,slates that he considers Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup tho most efficacious remedy for coughs, colds, otc , ho has yet found. l.Ut ol nth and «v.. v»».. House. Estate, lituaiid Froach strei :Q - Hi i Middletown, Del. ran. New ( T-iy . Del. Station, 1' 9, 1IU< I M. llai L-5 o. Hd. Ne\ illy Nervous. id for or. it Karl's Clover Hoot g lie ii gib lief took I y y <i ! 1 w s Hya cm. I v itile. ll iiO' Kidney »ft'pi sod my Y 1 >i< ihl! rotfa t. 11.1n . M <<iil M tils. Bold by N. U. 1 Tho Blood! Tho Blood U always re quired to be looked after. So use I)r. s' Blood Puriflo", the ulway icvcr fuller in mild or strong disease of the blood 600 King f ml iet. Killer s' W fter i ii.y (laughter up as bekig sod Ilt'.Slnims' Wor mil she was soundly cured, passing large iimntitlcs of wor Testimony for Dr. Sim the best children's Algca, 823 Bennett stn tors had give Killer curable, I il 5'Je. 606 King . wholesale id J. II Porter A: milk dealers I Madis Phono (ill. 3. K. C ts, Wilmington, Del. st loasaui I\ Boot Tea nilios live. Bp blood. C iituJ pi Haul H i sv V> make : Id by N. li. | I I ! i nd M d'rlii s Gough Syrup of Taylor & Fulle and Wild Che and Wood Naptha I j i Prepared by colds aud h W. G. Taylor, 3J2 King rm sale »1 H. » _Second and Snip.ay etreets. at ! ; 20 cents u pound. City Market Cigar Fax* H. F. Boubdon. Drop. GOTO lbs llavi \\. I to IV. WE MAKE A SPEGIALTY Of all kinds of J o b Printing. Come in a hurry Wo like hurry work and excel in half tone or plain printing. Samples sub mitted on appli cation. JOHN M. ROGERS PRESS OA-STOniA. Till f»o ■iatls •Igsnars U Hit? tapw U The Clotbiiif* purchase children's cloth while tho cloth lasts 1st at Max Ephraim's No 416 Market street.: He also has a largo aud complete lino of men's clothing and overcoats ' " which lie is selling at romarkablv low prices. Ho solicits a call from the public, and ho will cheerfully show his gooda. Tho place ing that will w hand' IU For Cholera i Infantum, l Tooth ing ' Dlarrb Wo take Inventory of stock Fob. 1st. Wo will sell all broken lines of underwear . Wyatt & Co.,603 Market. about P KOI'ORAI.S VOKI 7fi,0OJ SINKING FUND LOAN. Wilmington, Delaware- Propoi sals will be received at the CityTreasurer's' office until 12 o'clock nt no on Tuesday, j uary 26, 1897, for tho purchase of all 1 f the above loan to be is ultlples thereof. Said bonds are being Issued by authority < of an act of the Legislature and pursuant ordinance of City Council, the pro to be used for tbe redemption of No. 27and part of Loan No.28, boing $150,000 and $20,000 respectively. This loan will bear iutcrest iit „„ of 4 per cent, per annum, payable ally on the first days of April aud October in each year and is redeemable us follows: April 1, 1010.. October 1, 1010.. April 1, 191 i.. October 1, 1911 . April 1. 1912.. October I, 1913.. April J, October 1. 1913_ The successful bidder ) settle bonds of $5 ends the rate ,.$3,700 : ..26,550 ..27,400 ; ..28,200 J .. 29,030^ . ;.30,800 . 350 bidders will be M* the bonds nt or bo , 'U Saturday,Janu tuired i | ary 30, 180 Address alt bids 1 Joseph K. Ad "Proposals f. sealed envelope to or, marked (1 Loan." all bids is re s. City Tre served rlSht reject any THOMAS E YO' XG, OTIIO NOWLANI), JOHN S. ROSS ELL. Sin king F d Ci F. .J McNULTY, JAMES B. OHF.RLY. HENRY W. ZEBLEY, J OSKPH K. A DA MS, City Finance Commit tc \ lest: Tr j!8 EVERYBODY WANTS GOOD BREAD CLIFTON F F F FLOUR MAKES IT.