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THE WILMINGTON DAILY REPUBLICAN. iWw'% ' ' r;V-' 4 'V : V <M r i ONE CENT. WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 189 ONE CENT. <• cr lT| ill Two of the Men Had Killed Fivo of One Family. IIST FIGHT JUST BEFORE DEATH Their Self Appointed Uxecutloi milled the Tl Bucli Other nnd Middled Their Bodies with Bullet*. Per to Pummel Negro, hen 8truog Them (Jp id Amite City, La , Jan. 21.—Three negro murderers dead. They and John Johnson, who at tho last mont oonfeused their guilt of the killing of five of tho Cotton family, and Gus Will iams, alias Morrissey, who shot and killed his young wife. The bodies of tho two former ■tout oak In the woods about half a mile from tho house iu which they butchored their victims. Arch Joi •e found hanging to a limb of Johnson's story of tho slaughter of tho Colton family was peculiarly brutal. Ho laid that he had always liked the family, and would not have harmed them had It not been for tho fact that ho was bullied Into what he had done. He said he armed himself with an ax, not to hurt any of tho people in the house, but to prevent their escaping, as he had been told to watch a door. The murder, Johnson said, planned by Bud McKnlght, a white who was a suitor of tho girl, Maude Miller, whose mother, Mrs. Cotton, whipped her for allowing McKnlght's attentions. This Is the only motive he knew for the crime. He said at first that Arch Joiner shot Cot ton, tho head of tho household,withagun, theu struck Merveu Stevens, the son of Mrs. Agues Stevens, with i forehead, knocking him back on the bed and killing him. Joiner finished tho and then wont Into the room which occupied by Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Cotton and Lizzie Miller, with Maude and several children, and killed the throe woman. Three hundred men approached the :t house, the greater part on horseback, and immediately bogun searching the deputies, so that they could get the keys. After a delay of about ten minutes the found Deputy Wainwright iu one of Wio rooms of the hotel and forced hi deliver up the keys before he lmd Lime to attempt to hide them. The work s simple, d slipped that when they opened his tho make of getting into tho prist Johnson his shirt, •ell door he would be ready. Joiner loo, and Immediately sob up could be heard from outside. Ho $hat he was Innocent, but the were to take charge of all three throw him flown nnd tied his hands behind his back. Johnson askod one of tho tying his hands If they meant to burn him or uot. He was told that the crowd meant $o do so. Williams claimed that ho shot his wife accidentally while endeavoring, •b 1 o'clock in the morning, to kill a rat with a Winchester. Ho was Jeered at and told that rat killing was a bad practice, end ho should bo hung for It. Knowing that his fate was scaled, Williams said , going with his captors his rati told that ho would bo taken, wail.that who ho nothing quietly. The three negroes led out. Into the here the horsemen ratted a little while cod court greeu, Founded them and until tho captain of the squad bis readiness to depart. Before going the captain thanked the people, and said that ihey there for business only, and if runted to join in nnd take a hand Id the execution they were weloo $hreo captives, with long ropes attached $o their necks, were led by horse the Little Zion church, this place, and thore it hang Williams to a tree that did duty be fore as a gallows. One of tho men climhod 'Up the oak and fastened the ropes, while smother slipped tho $uunte's head. While this was going on Johnson said to the men about him that if they bung Arch Joluer, wh previous statements, they log "an lnnoceftt 1taan, as the * .i fcalpod him. were not in the country. F his pains he was given a rap over tho head with a heavy piece of rope, which quieted him for the time. Williams was told to pray and ho did so, after which ho was ordered to get upon a horse. He became c necessary for some of the mo upon the back of tho thon quickly strung up and tho party pro ceeded with the other two prisoner# Joiuer and Johnson walked about a tulle, when Johnson said he could g< further, as he Was procured nnd both negroes hustled Into it. Tho rain came down In torrents end the night was dismal, and this, Lined with tho grotesque appearance of they rode slowly along muf s enough to fill III j - The Oak street. In decided to the unfor he had implicated In raid be kill trnrv and it was lift hi imal. He w s exhausted. A wag every fled In big overcoats the hearts of tho negroes with deepest awe. There probably 2,000 iu lino, all ex ceedingly orderly and quiet. When they arrived at the Cotton plane oilier set up a pitoous moan, and begged to shoot him, as ho preferred death by being shut to any other mode. He thou requested to be permitted to fight Johnson, saying that Johusou had gut him into all the trouble Johnson signi fied his desire to fight and they an opportunity to gratify their passion for a fisticuff. Johnson, though much ■mallur than Joiner, put up a good fight, and dealt Joiner some telling blows. Tho ■pectade of the brink of the great hereafter, fighting h probably uever been witnessed before. first decided to shoot Joi Is capti •o give: It. ■mi burn Johnson nt tho stake, but tho ards changei^to kiaugiug for both of them. At this tlmo tho negroes were brought faco to face with each other, and Joi that he had killed Mr. John Cott mode of death was afto confessed, saying ,and Joh when ho first caught, to the effect that he killed Mrs. John Cotton. Miss Agnes Miller and Miss Lizzie Millor. After this statement by the negroes the ■non conveyed them several hundred yards from tho Cotton rosidonceaud hung them *lde by side, uud fired a volloy of shots lute their bodioi. Joiner's head was al most shot off and Johns bullet hules. Mr. Me mu Stcv ■ted his first confession, filled with ident Dies in Cuba. American Corrcsp , l General Loo telographod tho state department yes terday that tho American. H-jnry Delgado, Correspondent of the New York Mull and boon a prls , died In the hospital there Tuesday of Delgado's abscoss of the stomach which Washington, Jan. 21.—Cc Express, who h In Ha Light The 1 floath was an refused to yield to treatment Consul Qeu had odiute c siral Lom'i reports show that tho tbo best of attention ev was brought to his attention. since his Shiloh's Coi other&fall. It tsko an j goos r :«j li. Dnnfoith, an: Jlnu Cough ii bo . Pie i (1 Market by N. o CdtHiitlon Box'd. Ai the Board of Education had not paid to tho Board of Health yesterday afternoon the bill for plumbing work done at Nos 3 atul 4 schools, the latter has decided to bring suit. The in value |ts $1,086.80, with Interest from February 1, 1890 Tho Board of Health will be represents! by City Solloltor Har man. Tbs trouble Is well known. (* Dr. J. J. Pylo explained the action thus; "Tho Board of Health became tired of tho dilly dallying method of the Board of Edu cation. If that body sues fit to the suit and th taxpayers of Wilmlngt to blame but Itself, over from the old Board of Health, and tho preaout board has takou this moans ■ecure tho amount due It. The members Of the Board of Education themselves, Acknowledge that the bill Is owed by the Board, aud there Is no reasou why thoy should uot pay their legitimate debts." ^ The Christiana rlvsr Is full of floating :ou rage burden the trials of tlu . it has The bill v s left ARE THESE MEN MUTINEERS? Singular Manner In Which the llrlg Electric Light Halted Away. New York, Jan. 91.—The Nova Scotia bn,? Kibotrio Li^ht, which put in ham a week ago with four feet of water In the I bald, galled yesterday on her way to Rio Grandodu Sol with acrew of four muti neers and five'longshoremen, commanded ptaln and mato. The mutt- j threatened the captain with he perslstoiTln leaving the port by a pi d violence if under tho circumstances. Tho trouble arose from the alleged condi tion of the ship, whleh 1 b deeply laden with a general cargo. The men who brought her here, four negro sailors from tho West Indies, say she is not seaworthy, and they demanded a hearing before the British consul. Her captain, Cronin, and mate abandoned hor when she cast anchor off Stapleton, and were succeeded Tuesday by Edwards as captain, and a new mate. Tho crew meantime, according to their statements to local boatman who went out to the vessel, were kept prisoners. Yesterday the tug Guiding Star wont alongside the brig with the 'longshore , and Edwards ordered tho negroes to holBt anchor and make roady to sail. They refused to move, reiterating their demand that they be put ashore with their dun nage. The captain doclluod to do so, and ordered the 'longshoremen toproceod with tho work. They raised the anchor, the tug took the brig in tow and proceeded out to soa, the mutineers meanwhile sit ting on their bags near the forecastle. PRITCHARD RE-ELECTED. In the North Senator Detea Carolina Co Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 21.—Senator Jeter C. Pritchard cent! himself in the United States sonata yesterday elected to sue by the legislature assembled In joint ses sion Mr. Pritchard received 88 votes; Thompson (Pop.), 43; Dougbton(Dsin.),83. There was six members not voting. Eight Populists voted for Pritchard, aud Democrat voted for Thompson. After tho result had been doclared Mr. Pritchard entered the chamber, accom panied by Governor Russell and Congress Skinner. All throe made speochos, Pritchard saying that lie Blood on tho sll question where he stood twoyearsago. Mr Skinner said his course fcid beon taken for tho good of tho Populist party, aud he did not see how any harm could it In electing who pledgod to fr Senator Butler was in the Populist cuslast night, which mot for the purpose of mapping out legislation. It is thought that the bitter feeliugs silver. by s during the contest will result in the c sat I of further co-operation, both dur ing tho session of the legislature and uf* ward, betw and the supporters of Pritchard. It looks may be drawn of the results of Butler's defeat. the regular Populists s if tirely II Is .Schlatter a Suicide? Ogden, Utah, Jan. 21.—Francis Schlat ter, "the divine healer," or his double, i9 In this city Iu h precarious condition. He attempted suicide Tuesday night, and probably succeeded. About 7:45 o'clock into tho lunch of the Uuion Paclflo hotel, drank a cup of coffee and went out on the platform. Soon after ho openod a pockoi knife and cut his throat, rorlng the windpipe and most of the arteries, but missing the jugular vein. He was removed to (he city jail, and a physician called. The man urged the doc tor to let him alone, as ho wanted to die. Ho talked asked for his suffering Physicians say he will die. he a rambling man nor, nnd once , that he might end Senator Better Defeated. . 21.—William A. ivas nominated for Topeka. Kan., J Harris, of Liu wood, United States senator in the Populist last night the thirty-fifth ballot. Senator Peffer had dropped out a few bal lots before Both hous will meet In Tuesday, hen Harris will be elected United States senator. Mr. Harris Is 54 years old, and a native of Vir ginia. Ho came to Kansas In and Democrat until 1890. Iu 1892 he elected by tho Populists ns congress iil-large, and hold the pi; til 1891. nnan English Critically III. Ei-Cot 21. - William E. nd millionaire, II English,Is lying In this city. F ho has been suffering fr stomach trouble, and within tho past few days malarial fever 1ms doveloped This has resulted In a kos his condition precarious. In NA1> English, of t ho late Willi critically ill at his v lplication which Congress Wllb. tils Dnugliti-r. no ton, Jan. 21.—Tho differences Representative David F. Wilber, ired iu rderod Edith, ■pus proceedings wore Instituted, bo restored to her father. Wash i bet w York, d his of N court yesterday, ami Judge Cox that the 14-yoar-uld daughter, whom the haboni Gall Hamilton's Fo Beverly, Mass., .1 . 21.-An l .' of the late Abigail Dodge of the os (Gail II the Sale ilton) as filed yostorday in •t. Tho estate is probi $31,029, of which f. valued 0 is 1 1 this city. *i ties. n:A 1! ilt> d 81,000 estate There is $27, Youthful Skater WlLKE: SB. Pa , Jan. 21. — Three Johnson, Edward uud skating on the George Ight when the lee thrown Into the o Griffith boys wor s drew nod. boys, John Griffith, w water. The cuud, but Johns ced for Forgery. r« New Y< , Jan. 21.—Walter B. P •rested • Nov. 0 last f. for gory, In connection with W II. Con T. V. Th t,erday pleaded guilty and to stato prls ths. and "Kid" S lith, yos is sentenced uid six for six y Senator Harris Hercft. Mem s, To . J . 21.—Mrs Martha Marla Harris, wife of United States Sen ator Isham (4. Harris, died yesterday at her reside at Paris, Tenn. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Mine. Carnot,mother of tho assassinated , died in Paris yester president of Fr day. Tho of the Republican party, In Pittsburg last night, A socloty for of setting forth nnd perpetuating the history of the Irish gauized lust ion nnd rnlly of the founders kublv enthusiastic. In thin night in Boston. The Washington legislature took three effort to elect a untry ballots yesterday In xessor to United Stuten Senator Sguira, who had two votes. Oyster? by the plate :lepo"2 quart at Frank ."of Seventh s cy* 1 Shipley street*. 0. & Ohio Railroad grade c bo a thing of the past. At of the officials of tho Sower directors. Haiti legs will a reoent con for pany and St tho matter general way discussed. The Street and Sower Departinsol maxing every effort to de irti d the o&olals anxious filing to do All in their to get away with tho grade cross Fourteenth Another conforonoo wifi bo lear future wh gone K grado crossing, n t the ll & O. railroad them. Thoy aid gs, particularly Soott st held i «<i pi a acted upon. I be It Is expect 111 bo presented aud probably Bond Ordinance Hluaed. Mayor Jeffcris has signed tho ordinance providing for the Issue of $173,000 worth' of sinking fund bonds uml at the mooting of Council to-night tho document will lie declared ordinance of the olty. Bids for the bonds will be received by City Treasurer Adams until uoou next Tues day. Britons Have No Case Against I j AN ENGLISH LAWYER S DUPLICITY, the Alleged Dynamiter, Though Acting cased Men He Urged Him to Uonfei That III* Conviction Counsel for Ac * ! Assuring III* Certain* ! 4 London, Jan. 21 —There was a great surprise at the Old Bailey central crimi nal court yesterday when the crown pros ecutor withdrew the charge of conspiring to commit a dynamite explosion brought against Edward J. Ivory, alius Bell, of Now York, who was arrested In Septem ber last at about the same time that P. J. Tynan was taken Into custody at Boulogne -Mer, France, and John F. Kearney and Thomas Haines, alias J. Wallace, captured by tho police at Antwerp, Belgium, on the same charge. Thore very few people In court. Among them Thomas Meric Jones, the informer. John F. McIntyre, formerly an assis tant district attorney of New York, who acted advisory counsel during the trial, said to the Associated Press representa- j tlvo: "While the result surprise to mo, I have all along contended that Ivory used as a stool pigeon in ordor to enable the police to make capital out of the I am glnd the prosecution lmd tho fairness to drop tho matter." Ivory said last night In the course of interview: "They wanted me to Implicate William Lyman, president of the Irish National alliance, but that senso. 1 refused to have unything to do with it" Ivory said that ho had no Idea of 6uiug the government for false Impris onment, but ho suggested that tho United States government might do so. He is going from hero to Dublin In a few days, and will depart for the United States in a weok. Tho withdrawal of the charge against Edward J. Ivory is regarded in Dublii being due to the crown's dread of tho posure of Jones, the informer. Two wit hand trom that city in order to testify for the defense in regard consatlonal overtures made to them by Jones a week before he appeared at the Bow street police court to testify against all Ivory the An editorial in Tho Chronicle Ivory case says: "If it not a put up do not job it is a hideous muddle, and why tho Irish mombers should not demand a parliamentary inquiry." All tho papers donouuce tho trial I "fake." THE DEFENSE OF IVORY. Handicapped by One of His English Lawyers. How He Wn , Jan. 21.—The news of NEW Y Ivory's release, owing to the abandonment of the prosecution by the English govern ment, Irish-Amerlc Lyman, president of tho Irish National alliauco, who sent John F. McIntyre to aid In Ivory's defense, and who also ployed the resident lowing statement •ecoived with rejoicing by mis in this city. William nsel, made the fol the Associated P jry beginning I believed a scheme of the "I that this wholo matter tho British home office audits agent, Scot land Yard. The collapse of tho Ivory case that Gallagher, Indicates plainly Daly and other prlHonors would have boon convicted had their friends stepped out of the c to make a proper dofense. The English permitted to have their way. veutional aud dared thorities Tho Irish National alliance determined to act differently, and defend Ivory to the last ditch. |The presence of Mr. McIntyre, American lawyer, had nil to do with the abandonment of tho prosecution. "I believe that the conduct of at least of the resident lawyers retained f< jritlcism. F 's defense Is open ample, Edward Carson, Q C., deavored to Induce Ivory to plead guilty. His advice to Ivory found guilty and sentenced to twenty s if he attempted to defend himself, and that it would be bettor for him to promising Fenian and having lie li that he would be plead guilty, ov plea of being a entrapped by dynamiters, llo was assured that If ho did so plead ho might expect not more than a five years' sentence, and possibly the prison door would be opened to him provided he loft the country la twenty-four hours Ivory would not so plead, upon tho advice of friends, and thereupon Carson threw up his brief. other of the resi dent counsel, has done admirably, and • opinion of Mr. McIntyre will besh( in tho future. Tho scheme to have Ivory plead guilty went so far as to take the form of a letter to his friends in this c( try urging them to advise tho prisoner by eable to so plead." "Mr. J. F. Taylor. I Murderer loch Elect Ml. Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 21.—John IToeh as executed by electricity in tho st: July 10, rderod Minnie Iugovsoll, 10 yoars of ago, at Chapel Hill, girl lived with hor brother Kugono and ul Nicholas Strife, at Chupel here yesterday. Hoeh, 1895, Lowville. The old Hill. Hoeh had repulsed him, and for this ho deter mined s iu lovo with her, but she kill hor. He w o hor house tho evening Indicated, secreted himself ar tho barn, and whon the girl Strife appeared he fired. She was Instantly killed aud Strife badly wounded. 1 for Cuban Recognition. the Senator Man Springfield, Ills., Jan. 21.—Aftc formal vote electing William E. M -Congressman Uuitod Statos mi hors snorted Mr. yesterday, a committee of the house and a to the hall, and ho made a short •so of his remarks ho declared himself emphatically iu favor of tho recognition of the belllgorency of the Cuban Insurgents. This was grouted with tremendous applause. Mas. address. In the to Visit China. Cr.s London, Jan 21—Tho correspondent of Tho Daily News at Vienna says: ' Informed thnt Li Hung Chang took homo with hi ably tho czarina will visit China upon the opening of. tho Siberian railway, and will then visit Pekin, Tokio and Seoul. lie will thou invito the monarchs of China, Japan and Corea to be his guests Vladivostock." tho news that the czar and prob Charged rith a Triple Murder. Columbia, Pa . Jan. 21.—Detective Wit tick has arrested a John J. Jones, who doued three RUSpOCt of tho Jgro believed to be Jan. 17. 1890. at Springfield, O. porfootly tho description , who was minus his loft bunted off. The •de , which American Laundry. 602 West Frc riipptiJKiia M, F Davis, Jevrelar, 'J K. 2nd R it St is Go to Dr. 8imm3 diug store. 600 King street, for eye cure. You d suffer with sore oy bottle of his eye cure. W 't ha when you have a tried it to J it has proved a sure Ail tlrod feelings are quickly relieved by Dr. .Si 's Vegetable Live Standard Liver Pills of tl King street. Pills. The rorlJ, Odd •s employed nt tho t^blo cloth iuiiis of tho Chester company went on strike yesterday. They claim that they wero notified yesterday morning of a reduction of eight cents per cut iu tno goods they wore making. The ipany claims thnt they wero paying the hands as much iu proportion as for other goods, and that they w tho sculc already set. Fifty-four we. n g in is The wc ers hold a meeting late yost-er d decided to wait day afternoon Dennis Howarth, president of tho com pany, meat. -Jew muklug a settle THE VIRGINIA CONTEST. tli* Deni A Republican Contestant Sco ocratio Flee '•fill IT*. Washington, Jan. 21.—The house spent the day debating the Yost-Tucker con tested election glnla district. Much interest fasted In the the Republicans in the committee who re ported the c with Mr. Tucker, the Domocrnt and sit ting member, and but two with the Re publican contestant, Mr. Yost. The latter ber-elect of the next house, and of tho most prominent the floor. Me. tho face of from the Tenth Vlr* manf , owing to t#le fact that dividod, four siding * ! !■* Mr. Tucker is ! and popnlor Democrats 4 Tucker had 892 plurality returns, but several thousand imper ballots ft rejoctod under tho then ex isting Walton law of Virginia, which the contestants claimed if counted would have reversed the result. Mr. Yost him accordod the privilege of address ing the honso in his very sarcastic In his reference to the Dem ocratic election of olfioiuls of the Old Do "chival* self Iiehulf. He minion, characterizing them Virginians who assaulted the tally woukand unarmed and robbed them of their rights.'' The dobate will bo closed at 5:80 o'clock this afternoon, and Mr. Tucker will probably address the behalf. Tho senate yesterday proceeded with tho consideration of tho Nicaragua canal bill, j Mr. Turple continuing his speech In op* house in his position. Ho did not conclude, and today is tho third day of his speech. His remarks bitterly antagonistic to the Nicaragua Canal company, the senator characteriz ing its methods as those of Peter Funk. Mr. Morgan will ask to have a tlmo fixed for a final vote as closes. The legislative, executive and ju dicial appropriation bill,carrying approxi mately $23,000,000, was passed during tho day. Mr. Pettigrew, of South Dakota, severely criticized the executive author ities for concluding tho Venezuela bound ary agreement, which ho said plate surrender of Venezuela to Greut Britain. His resolution calling on tho refcary of state for reference was referred to the committee on foreign relations. Unanimous agreement was socurod for the taking up of tho bill for an annual mone tary conference on Tuesduy next. is a s Mr. Turple a com Alleged Perjuror Sur New York, Jan. 21.—Henry G. Allen, at one tlmo the head of the Henry G. Al len company, publishers, surrendered himself at the district attorney's office yesterday, having learned that there was indictmont against him charging per jury. Tho Allen company company, nnd failed in 1892. The capital stock was $100,000, and, under the law, at tho first of the year must fllo a state ment of tho condition of affairs. In Jan uary, 1892, the company's officers filed a report that tho assets were $240,000, with liabilities under $135,000. The company failed In March of tho stock Just year. after tho filing of tho report the c have satisfied $1,000 at 50 per cent., showing that they were thon practically Insolvent. pany judgment of is id to A Young Woman's Sad Death. SllAMOKlN, Pa., Jan. 21.—Miss Helen Musgrave, a pretty young woman of Cam? __ township, Is dead as a result of blood poisoning, brought about through an ef fort on hor part to end a lovor's quarrel, Several weeks ago she cut an artery In her tongue while trying to soal a letter she was sending to her sweetheart, Herman Shultz, of Pittsburg, in tho hopo3 of bringing about a reconciliation. She paid but little attention to the cut, nnd It hud apparently healed up. On last Friday, however, It began to swoll and became rapidly worse until her death. Meanwhile the letter had reached Its destination, and Shultz arrived at her bedside In time to heal their differences before she died. New York aud the Cnblnet. New York, Jan. 21.—Edward Lauter bach, who had a talk with President-elect McKinley at Canton Tuesday returned Now York yostorday afternoon. Speaking of his trip ho said: "I went to Canton speak to Major McKinley about the wishes of tho regular Republican organization of New York state, nnd had a talk with the president-elect about New York's place in tho cabinet. Matters shaped that New York will probably got the secre taryship of tho navy. Tho names I sug gested are J. Sloat Fassott, Sorono E. Payno aud Stewart L. Woodford. No promises with the interview." ade, but I w satisfied Mattie Oven IMttNll PiTT, sbuRO, Jan. 21.—Miss Mattie Over , who figured so conspicuously about hoeccesllustlral trial of Rev. cisco, Dr. C. O. charged with immorality, has been rolled as a worker In the Hope Mission of says that when convortod slio could not expect less she confessed anything that might bo wrong with her relations with Dr. Brown. Under this Influence she said: "I testified falsely at tho doctor's first trial, for I wished to shield him. After my con version I believed that if I wished to have peace with God 1 must tell tho truth, and I did it." Brown, of Hi Fr this city. Miss Ov P 'onvicted of Employing Mrebiigs, IIOI.LIDAYSBU , Pa., Jan. 21.— A jury In the Blair c victed R. Bruce Hutchins y court yesterday o , a well kn< •haul of Kip althy dry goods plo, this county, of employing f( iu ceudiaries to burn the place of Pheasant & Wagner, his rivals in business. When accused of tho burning stod they told the officers that Hutchln do the tho son had; oed to give them $100 irk. Hutchlnar ras the stod. The trial lasted three days. Hutchinson's defense was that tho prosecution hail bo trumped up to ruin him in busiuess Columbus nigliwaymon Captured. Columbus, O., Jan. 21.—The police have effected tho capture of three men who had held up Frank Wilson, proprietor of a sa loon In tho east suburbs, ltors in tho place last Saturday night, looting tho place and robbing every per it, afterwards holding up several pooplo on the street In wild west stylo. They are: Froil Fassett, colored, vlct/ John Allen and Anton Papette, while. They were fully identified by vic tims, and tho musks they their possession. olvo vis in mly drought IIoi San Francisco, Jan. 21.—The remains i>f Albert Shelby Willis, Into Uuitod Statos minister to Hawaii, wore brought here by Iho steamer Australia yesterday lust for Interinont. Mrs. Willis Minister Willis' I oiling taken to Louisville, Ky., d hor son accompanied tho remains. llitary Honolulu by the Ha waiian government by tho special request of Mrs Willis, who dosirod to make the journey unattended. fr inrfc I. d North Dakota, relating Tn South their own personal oxporlonoo In tin states, have boon published In pamphlet form by iho Chicago. Milwuuke thoso letters Paul Railway, nud extremely Interesting, is finely illustrated, • >1 tho namphlot •opy will bo sent eipt of two-cunt postage stamp. Apply to John R. Pott, District Passenger A gout, 180 William •eet, WJllllamsport, Pa. address, to t and oysters furnished to nnrties and private families by Gardner, Seventh aud Shipley streets. Dr Simms' NV finest Saul a gentlemen to us: "Now my lltfclo (laughter was attended by two physicians, without success. 1 was recommended to Killer is surely the nmficlue now offered. d best wor killer. 1 used it and my child restored to health and gained hor usual weight again. Thore Is no mistake in this being iho best medicine of the country. Depot 000 King. is Tho best placo in tho city al nt a 1 h u Beveuth and rjhiplejt atretls. mt a good i tlu - a enjoyable Gardner's J ) The Trio Who Want to Repre sent Delaware in the Uni ted States Senate. DO! , Jan. 20:—Tho finishing touch tho Kan by the Democrats •y certificate when in joint session the unpared. •nals ofjbotb houses w jator in the day Governor Tunnel! and Secretary of State Boyce signed tho tificate and to-morrow the thorn in the side of Snulsbury will go to Washington and nak to be seated us United Slates Sen ator from Deleaware. The Republicans refused to go Into joint session with the Democrats, uml at Hotel Richardson John Edward Addicks the unanimous choice of both houses. Governor Tunuoll and Secretary of State Boyce refused to sign tho certificate. Mr. Addicks will also bo In Washington morrow uml claim that as the Senato was illegally formed tho actions of that body illegal. The second Senate and House adjourned sine die to-day but before doing so adopted resolutions of thanks to the hotel and Issued a manifesto to tho people. This Is 11 long but vigorous document. It asserts that tho common rights of citi denied to many, that qualified disfranchised, that the State Treasury is looted In tho interest of a political party, that the legislators, elected by tho people, are evicted from tho State House; that tho legislative and Executive uthortties ure overthro ballots defaced and destroyed and election returns uro falsified by State officers, lug ns agents of a corrupt political oligarchy, that leaders of the people our the laws and defy tho Courts. Tho other Important parts of tho manifesto "When through tho corrupting iuflu of unscrupulous partisan leaders a free pure ballot, a frlr count aud an hon est return of elections cannot be had, when the c either right tabulation all tho votes of all tho election districts of a county in which tho majority of votes have bee majority of whoso adherents control tho canvassing board; when tho Courts of it bo Influenced by prodjudices; when political boast of their deflanco of law in the mission of outrageous political wrong-do ing, are brought before tho Cour pel the performance of a public duty, not ly avoid doing of duty but go unwhipped in all tho de ls of corrupt politics completely overthrow expressed at the General As bly, In both houses of which are mem bers whoso seats uro held by fraudulent titles,and when these revolutionary bodies in possession of tho capitol of the State tho exclusion of citize rightfully chosen by tho people to repre t thorn in those bodies, It becomes tho duty of every citizen whose public spirit Is in Its decadence, whoso energy nnd courage httvo not been paralyzed by the poison of political corruption and fraud to protest against such destructive invasions of the common aud snerod rights of free citizenship. "We, therefore, tho representatives of tho people of Delaware,in General Ass bly convened, appealing to tho Supremo Judge of tho world for tho rectitude of intentions, do, In tho name of tho people of Delaware,appeal to tho Congress of the United States for tho fulfillment to tho State of Delaw Constitution, tho guarantee of a republl form of government to each of tho States of tho Union. "In doing this wo aver general election in this State lently determined by tho S of canvass, and that In both houses of Congress bear cro. dontlals made invalid by fraud, nnd In peti , tin vassing boards, without cause throw out of tht i • party, Vendors, of justice structivo indue have conspired the will of the people ballot box, have organized ,'heu, u! •ho wor of tho United States that tho last s fraudu boards claiming bohalf of tho people of the Stato tlon for a recount under the direction and supervision of a commission appointed by tho Senate and House of Representatives of tho United States of the tho last genorul election in Delaware. "Adopting and committing this doctor int of fact to tho pooplo of Delaware wo, their representatives In the >ral Assembly of the Stato, recommit thorn the legislative commissions given by their votes on the 3d day of Novem Lord, 1890. God at at ntion and aver fi ber In tho year of c save tho State." uni ewe Catarrh Ct ;d, A clear -Bliilnli'i sly Sold iJMaritec *is sold by X. U. Danl'ortu. 2nd DOVER, Jan. 20—The funeral of Wil lardsSenatoriftl Boom took place to-day hold Iu The House of Representatives in tho presence of tho mombers of both houses by General It R Kenney. In his remarks ho said that young Boom had beon a constant fig iu Delaware for years over since John Snulsbury brought him into suclety; nt the count of the returns in Wilmington last November ho showed his faith to bo of tho true Democratic kind although ho had failed to attend tho mooting held by class loader Bryan. rk of Senatorial grip killed him Monday night despite thoeffortsof l)rs. Dickey & Co., who left the old ra. Services F. i diool of Wuiul edlclnc thnt day in order •d W. Chenlrs. Tho pall bearers were Messrs. Donaldson, Dempsey, McCullough .ind Taylc a Ilazell coffin, mounted with free silver Tho remains were o dies, and wore Interred in tho Logisln iu tivo cemetery. The floral offerings sistod of a broken column fn Castle e the New ty Democrats, a "vacantchalr" ' .7 7" m r 1 L John T. Dickey, nnd buds from Du Punt and Addicks. fr DICKEY'S OFFERING. After tho funeral tho into joint session and after ) road Speaker Hurring al R. R, Kenney elect s Senator At Hotel Richardson t and after tho journals road Speaker Hanby declared John E. Addicks elected United S both j< ton doclared Go ed United State I rx Senator Higgins both Houses I r. Ui lick's Talk. s a good sized lira There Y. M. C. A. last evening to he Bundlck, tho Virginia tempernuco orator, who proved tho poor lecturer who has spoilt hiding pathetically to cldcuts in his own NY. T of any tompornuro ra hero. After al y touching in experience us u drinker ong otlior things: y wo tire nil temperance ho said of Abandoned drunkards. The is a great -co-partnership which tho active part tho flesh nnd tho devil. Tho afionc pari the sober met Christian Church. Th tho inactive sober pi standing busil tho state and responsibility ! ■ rente up "We epoch in the history of Hie prohibition of tho llq com.' Thl? work wi wo sleep in death." George NV. Todd also made a fow murks. tli of ■Id. '1 traffic wifi r '' ,i ••RUMP" MANIFESTO. It Mitkei Most Sweeping Charges of Cor* ruption In Delaware. Dover, Del., Jan. 21.—The "rump" leg. Islaturo Adjourned alnedloyesterday after . but before doing so Issued a mani festo. The document declares that the rights of tho people in Delaware; that the laws discriminate against non-proporty holders; that the legislature and executive authorities have been overthrown; that legally elected leg islators have been evicted from the state capitol; that ''a corrupt oligarchy" has usurped the executivo powers of a free state; that election returns have been falsi fied by state officials, acting as agents of o corrupt machine; thnt leaders of the peo ple corse the laws and defy the courts; that violent, profane and obscene lender* of partisan mobs overthrow the will of the people by falsifying election returns and ce.-tillcates, and that the courts of the state are Influenced by partisan prejudice. The manifesto concludes thug: "Adopt ing and committing this declaration and averment of fact to tho people of Dela , their representatives In the general assembly of tho state, recommit to them the legislative commissions given by their votes on Nov. 8, 1895. God si the state." The instrument is signed by the clerks and speakers o$ ixffh "rump" houses. tinually denied the the a Torpedo Boat No. G a Snccess. Newport, R. I., Jan. 21.—Torpedo boat out of Narragausett bay yesterday for her first official builder's 6peed trial. She No.-3 s tak s taken ured mile course under three boilers and a full head of steam. The a light southeast wind prevailing. The boat calm, in charge of Captain Nat Her reshoff, and tho result of her first work hour. The torpedo boat Cushing attempted to follow tho soon distanced, break the crew a it Is to of In 26 85 knots vessel, but she It will take several days In, and the boat will be dockod and pre pared for the official trial, which will be the final test. Loo Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 21.—The trial of Thomas Loomis and Frank Day, alias "The Sailor Kid," Jointly indioted foi stealing uel Doebler in November last, ended yes terday iu the criminal court by a confes sion of guilt the conviction of both. Judge Livings ton sentenced Loomis to seven years in the Eastern penitentiary and Day yoars in the s not yet been tried. (I Day Sentenced. i • $900 from the of Sara the part of the former and fiv Institution. Swartz has Liberal Pousloi for }eneral9' Widows. Washington, Jan. 21—The house pensions yesterday voted I of $50 a month mittee port bills for peusl the widows of Brigadier General August B. Krautz and Roar Admiral Queen. Another bill reported to pension the daughter of a revolutionary soldier, Mrs. Lucinda Stone, whose father, Thomas Thornhill, fought in Colonel Lee's Vir ginia legion. Tho amount of tho pousion Is $12 a nth. Will Not Arbitrate with Strikers. Leadville, Colo., Jan. 21.—The mine owners, It is understood, will pay tentlon whatever to the strikers' request for arbitration of the questions at Issue between them. E. V. Debs considers that the strikers made a mistake In rejecting the terms offered by the ml The strikers preferred to foil vice of President Boyce, of the Western Federation of Miners, rather than that of Debs. 'ii owners, the nd Mr. Bryan at Houston. Houston, Tex., Jan. 21.—W. J, Bryan arrived here Tuesday night from New Or leans, accompauied by his private tary, R. F. Rose. He pot by a crowd of mediately to a hotel. He yesterday by Governor Culberson aud other state officials, and last night deliv ered a lecture at the Auditorium. mot at tho de* 200, and went lm tortainod by of at Sherman Inoompe Denver, Jan. 21— In terdny afternoon Mr. Teller icized tho selection of Senator Sherman for secretary of state, saying "Sherman has absolutely affairs, nud he Is the most Incompetent the presideut-elect could have Tell* Dec interview yes ely crlt knowledge of foreign named.' Lexo Albany, Jan. 21.—The senate yesterday adopted tho resolution presented by Sen ator Lexow providing that a special mittee i legislate to remedy the alleged 's War on True stigate trusts aud report to tho by March th a bill Intended •Us. Th* Weather. For eastern New York, eastern Penn sylvania and New Jersey: Probably clear ing by thi#evening; southerly winds, shifting to westerly ; high on the coast. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Ouo ons of th* New Y Fhlladnlphla Exchanges. ul Nkw York, Jan. 20.—The decided shrinkage i stocks today .and price level. Closing bids: further vo! Baltimore & Ohio Lehigh Valley . . 30 ten .100*6 -n .. 94G ylvaula. . . 62}qJ Reading. . St. Paul .. W. N. Y. & Pa ... Ohio. 17% N . ill Del & Huds D., L.& NV. Erie _ Lake Erie & Lehigh Nav. Yo P W... 7tP. ... 4tf 'All asa'ts paid. Market Pim.An .Jan. 20.—FI > •ady • win Huporliuo, i2.8Q(c$3.lO; do. f roller, clear, I4.S Fenn.sylv igl.t, ffnO'cHM; $4.35(164.40. Who ly: Janv •ady ( iy; ats s N . Ha; , 24L<t26< timothy, $10.60(^)14. S18@18.60. Pork steady; family, tl0 50'$ll. Lord ady; firm; choice Hoof steady; >of ha (4.30. Rutter steady ; ,7$14o.| ery, ll®lflo. * New ery, 18@10o.; o. facto Eights,: York dairy, 10<$15V t ZMXo. Cheo lo. hole? e, 22c., p Job quiet; Ne . 8*911.Sc; p w York large, skims, 6(<teo.; 1.1,0, - full skims,2} £@3c. Eggs steady: New York and Pennsylvania, 14@10}*c.; western fresh, 12$l5o. Live Stuck Inrkets, Nkw Y , Jan 30.—Bee fairly active d o.' li! ; bulls weak; dry c , $;i.90&»; stags find oxen ; bulls, $2.85(<js5.26; dry ,co' steady for best ! 9, 11*00$ 20 Calve, dor grades, veals 1 onrnynrd calves; riilvos, $2.75(<pU.2'>; w. eady, but qui $5'ii/7.V0; barnyard 5'*3.25. SI. sheep, $3.7tWR30; lambs, $4. East Li prime, «4.25®4.50; $3.00® 4. TV, Pi eady i ive; prime ligl common to fair, ghB, 12.25 $J 10. $3 20,$3.50; un, (2.40^3; choice lambs, 15^5 25, voal calves, $8.60$7. (1 best, Hum, f3.(13363.70: ivy, 13.40(1085 , 13.36 5; h< - si ; fa ■ : 1 Blood Whether itcldug, burning, bleeding, scaly, sted, pimply, or blotchy, wl ofulous, or hereditary, from i age. baths with Cr speedily ci ! , the gre; Mt of blood .,i - - puriil. at rid. Pom Kv ,i FACE HUMORS GS%SA,i MITCHELL & BASH MITCHELL A BASH Wi,m ngton, Del., Jan. 2ist, 1897. , We Are Selling Out Our immense stuck iu Chester. Going to quit hnsiness there. To close out the stock QUICKLYwe have moved a part of it to our Wilmington store, 219 Market srteet. We commence selling hero Friday, January 22 9 O'CLOCK A, M V This lot consists of Drilling, Linen?, Cambric, Selicia Hair Cloth,Fine Table Linens and pretty Silkalines, goods that, we don't usually carry and that we MUST get rid of. And Laecs, Embroideries,Notions of all kinds,Kid Gloves Underwear goods that wo do carry, but that we are over, stocked with, because of the addition of the Chester goods Also an extra big line of COATS. Think of this—two stores filled with coats,more than we can sell under ordinary circumstances. There is but one way to rid ourseives of them—that is to cut the price in halt and away below half. We intend having a greater sacrifice Bale than has ever been held in Wilmington by anyone. Can't quote prices now—too busy getting stock ready and marking down prices. Later news—later. Don't forget the date, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22ND. MITCHELL & BASH, 219 MARKET STREET. 5C A POUND. \ 5C A POUND. A carload of fish, consisting of pike perch, ' lute fish and Labrador herring and haddock.on Friday, Jan,22nd at Front and Madison, and al so at 4J2 Spruce street, from 6 a i until sold. ;ilo\v Hi i\ slPW £*-\Vc bolnti* binatinn and respectfully desire tho patronage of tho o fish Ask for Savillo & Co's, fish car. public. BAYILLE & CO. The Blood! The Blood is always qulrcd to be looked after. S Simms' Blood I* of the blood, 00*3 King st ■ifie-, tho alwa. 55 lid or strung di failer i Killer i : i s' W Testimony for Dr. Hi the best children's tunic k Algon, 823 Bennett street n W fter two doc laughter up as 1 ns' W< « of 1 i Incurable, 1 and she was soundly cured, p; quantities of and 59c. GUd King i : hulesulo nnd J. If Por tall mills deal and Madison 641. 1M. i > is, Wilmington, Ph igh Syrup of | and Wood Nnptlm | s. Prepared by i ect. Taylor & Fullerton's t Tar and Wild Chorr quros colds and hoarse W. C. Taylor, 392 King Havana Slioits foi salat*, fl. it Second and Shipray streets, at j a pound. City Market Cigar F u- J U. F. iiouanoN. prop, i eooo i IV. 20 cents ton. In favor of Dr of homo referent* ' White Pul L tho uulc lials. d dis i tl great cure for f It always cures uml pu-v. lungs. Jd King iptlou. for coughs, etc , ■treet V Ol all kinds of J o b Printing. Come in a hurry Wo like hurry work and excel in half lone or plain printing. Samples sub mitted on appli cation. JOHN M. ROGERS PRESS kith ad Orugt Streets. roi .Nt) II El HOI ME FLOODED, 55 White Mrs. TowtiRc nn in Th!« City 1 roubles i : i erday Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend, of mod to hor homo from this city where she had been for weeks at tho bedside of o N. Cl lysis or hing home she found the house e. The water pipe iiiiM in hud. jiuwsifr^nrt of time the water flowed the room and through tho possible a mechanic w t mend the break, but It Circs to period sister s stricken tho third of October. « of Artec 1 i Mr.*. Al Hill pa On rc ■•as all right, dm exception, and i hat a : boiler in the bathioo i > lavl ) I1 S Fcuty freely ab. | ,ut | s i 11 before tho ho j 111 g ;n cidont. Mrs. Clay hose health has iin is constant d Wilming d but li :! •con West Chest d b .—ind of Mrs. Townsend is kept fully occupied, j J i It Fut nholer* 1 n raut um. 'Teeth lug ! 1 first class o the Delaw F lyclug and scouring go Dyo Works, 210 King WANTS BREAD CLIFTON F F F FLOUR MAKES IT.