Newspaper Page Text
in were Hie (Tliuiion frjcralb. Vvvk i .1 i V boon ■ J s SJui iH from (| ■V. ■ of Mrs. XI. 8. McCONAUGHY, EDITRESS AND PROPRIETRESS. CIiAYTOX, DELAWARE, Saturday Morning, July 31, 1869. Our thanks are due to Mr. George basket of the nicest' Whitlock, for peaches we havo seen this soason. it Peaches.—E ight car loads of pcaelies shipped from Clayton, on Friday were the 30th, by tho different shippers, to New York, and two cars to Phi'adel-1 contained five hundrod | pliia, each car baskets. Camt Meeting.—T here will bo grand excursion to the Camp Meeting at Golds borough by way of Md. it: Del. II. R. on Sunday from the several stations on tho railroad. Round trip ticket »old at reduced ratos from all tlio Sta tions to Goldsborougli during the camp. ill b e Cuba.—T he Spanish military authori ti«*s in Cuba, are becoming desperate, and are adopting Jeff Davis' system of tlio cradlo and ilio grave,'' tri .il .vrT-j^nti rotnppTnng them to join tlio Spanish ranks. Noth ing more is needed to show that Spanish rule, liko that of Jeff Davis' ixnder simi lar circumstances, is near its end. ïrtfi srs u Change of Hour.—T ho passenger train on tho Md. & Dol. R. R., on and | after Wednesday next will arrive at Clayton at 8.10 A. M.. instead of 11,30 A. Iff., as heretofore, and will leave go ing South at 12.10 P. M. A regular freight train will leave Hillsboro at 10 A. M., daily and arrive at Clayton at 1.45 P. M., will leave Clayton at 3.00 P. M.' and arrive at Hillsboro at 4.45 P. M. Our latest advices from Wyoming are that Prof. Eaton, being quite homesick had taken advantage of the College cation and left for his home in Ohio.— Prof. Grumbling in the mean time has become quite a traveller, visiting Phila delphia, New York, Round Lake, Brooklyn, kc. The attraction in Brook lyn, wc believe, was Beecher. In all his travels ho fai'od to reach tlio far famed city of Clayton. We cannot ac it for tiiis slight to so important a place. If the Professor will s« ml an ac count of his travels to tho IIeiiai.d, wo will cxcusothim this time, but will not promise to bo so lenient if it occurs again. __ m vu m -, brooms soon en lire onded That Mr. A. E. Yyordcn, who ships peach es from this place, would not receive any at this point, but would turn his at tention to various points on tlio Md. «t Del. R. R. This rumor is without any Mr. Worden has narrow good stream. makes " Roth Smyrna sengers the sengers this run trips tlio mud ing creek, points. "«jigger" ing it •Smyrna foundation, whatever, chartered hi» ear» for this pl»co, and ■will ship from ono to threo daily, peaches mature. lie »hips to Messrs. Leigh it Blew, of No. 4 and 5, Vcscy Pier, Now York, ono of tho best com mission houses in that city. Mr. Worden lias been intimately acquainted with Mr. Leigh tor a number of years be fore ho went into tho commission bue the incss and can vouch for his reliability* and means, and bosi lo that can give tho best of references the firm ami tho promptness with which they remit to those doing busi them. Mr. Worden being a mi strict integrity and well kiiow-ii to our community uccds no vouchers, his word is suflU-ient guanantee. I'l to tho stability of » with fimm.V liis Issue of 1 j| or the into They tliey and begged to bo excused,' all of which I is a positive falsehood. Wo wore ailed j o. not for anytldng that we wrote, or for j " " charged any ono with, rat tlo-brained Democrat j wo pleased to term an exposition of tlie ras-1 entity of some of the leaders of his own w nartv Ho was to prove hl» assertions, ' men. but he took good care "to wilt" tbo time came. Those who instituted j of the suit, finding that* it would injure I >jo. them and their party if it was brought i before Ihe public, more Ilian it would us, likewiro "willed." From facts we urSi have learned since, the whole «flair a deep 1 lid plot to break down tlio Her AI.D, and obtain our material, with which to start a Democratic paper 111 j this locality. . rod This wo do not chargo to tlio Demo- 1 cratic rartv, but to certain individnals Professing' to bo Democrat»,) but with- , out any of the principles of true Dt-moc known to 11 », and | H of DELAWARE GAZETTE.' Tho editor of this paper i Friday in trying to make a point against I years) the editors of the Commercial publishes ' as . what hi* knows to lie a positive falsehood itguimt 11 ». Ho says " She was very lav ish of her charg« » and quite as determin ed in maintaining them until she began to look for proof to sustain them ! Ami then she look the wisest course ; up to talking without 'facts' to sustain her words; and she willed, o! course, that ti« rned any acts that but for what racy.) Tho men oro wo regard them in the same light that 1 "■« <10 ihe editor or tho Gazelle ■» a seal la wag of tho meanest kind, that at t nones | himself to tlie Democratic party, merely | hy their mi (franco, to do (heir dirty work. Wero tlie members of Hie Legis i.ide up of tho same material ns this editor, wo could believe them capa- j Me of being bribed or of being guilty of any kind of underhand work that would , place money in lln-ir porkets. '> <-> aro | acquainted wllli a number of them, anil know them to bo honest men, and do not believe they woo'd do anything .hat j tlieir consciences dictated to them was j not strictly rigid. It ia true they did ; IV tl ing» at Dover different from y ' h ,., , i , W41 , ! hut we would havo done, bad we Loon 4 luture . in their situation, but wo bavo charity enough to believe they thought they were doing what was best. They could not see things from our standpoint or with our eyes, hence the Unless the Editor of the Its ber 49 difference. Gazette can display mere common sense, principle and truthfulness than ho has boon doing Tor some months past wo think it would be better for the' Demo cratic party and for the community in which ho resides if lie would " wilt' 1 from sight forever. 1 LOCAL AND STATE NEWS. bc number PEACHKS.—There has he of «rar loads of peaches shipped from this station this present week on the Dela ware Railroad. •hose Drowned.—A young man, nnmo wc nro unablo to ascertain, was drowned at the* head of Sassafras* yester day, It is supposed, while in bathing. Thanks.— 1 Tiro Printers of this ofllco extend to Benjamin Hurlock, E»q., their thanks for tlio splendid peaches ho rith one generously regalWd them dav this week. May bo bo like a good Physician, who cares— well —for bis pa tients, and repeat tlio dose when Aethinks it nally necessary—not before. Steam Boat Burned.—T he steamer | Chicopee, plying between Philadelphia and Bombay Ilook, was destroyed by tire, on Thursday nightlost, while laying at the wharf in waiting for a cargo ot peaches. She was burncal down to I ho water. Was owned, with the exception «ff a sm11 portion, by a young man whose name we In.vo not been able, as yet, to learn. No insurance. e Feabfui, Accident.— Lnst week a son of the lato John Wesley Clark,'aged 12 years, living with Ids mother near alary del I,.lumped on a sylliojust whet ted hy the crndlers and so severely in jured his lbol thiithalfof it had to be amputated. The Linde passed through all the joints fastening the toes to tho foot— thé tiig toe w as Jij hl ii v Ojiin pnnimry ?nvrîf* inn g 7! ppG'-ultlCO. (icrstuiid he is doing \vo'Mm>w. of Wo Repairing.—YV orkmen arc now busi ly repairing Delaware College. Tlio roofs have been renewed. Hie lloors re laid, the windows adjusted and every thing is being tnado as goo., ns new.— 'eepinterest in | The citizens all take the work, and look forward to the opening of this institution with feelings of pleasure. By this time next year we presume it will be in successful opera tion, and Newark be more lively and prosperous than over. at 10 R. R. Acc ident.—L ast evening as tlie passenger freight was on her way up she met with an accidental Wyoming. They were making a running switch when tlie engim or of the train on the track ahead of tin in reversed liis onginc and ran into them, demolishing lour _ arul very seriously injuring a brakesman by the name of Mnclary. He was jammed between two cars of lumber, and although no bones we broken ho was badly bruised. Tho cars had to be uncoupled before bo could be extricated. The fame man was jamm ed between two coal ears at this place a year ago. r : ' j Neaiu.y a Fuie. —A few nights since ono of the large lamps over the dry good» counter of MT l vaine «t Dunn, 6 Mary dell, pulled from its fastening in the joist ami fell on the floor, breaking the lamp, and of course scattering tho Kerosine in every direction, which in stantly took lii/c, and hut for the tro ttyiudmyyijamyons of Mr. Dunn, and a HUM in a l«*w A -, rr-r—nv I i. < brooms and flames wore soon smothered. The counter had tak en lire however, nml somo article» sus onded over it were badly burn*. small, and tlie escape i To The very va» narrow one. Smyrna Creek.— There is quite n good «led of biminesH done on this little stream. A steamer, the " Jersey Rlue," makes daily trip« to Philadelphia troin " Roth well*» Landing," two miles from Smyrna Landing, carrying both pas sengers and pea. lies, as an opposition to the railroad monopoly. She carries pas sengers to Philadelphia f-i* Ç1. Besides this there are several grain packets that run from Smyrna Landing, making two trips per week, and also a lino steamer, tlio "Perry," in.-king tri-weekly trips tin* old stoamboat Landing, mud mae.hino lia» boen engaged in . ing out the various shoal place» ii creek, and widening tho saino at somo points. It i» hoped, now that there is a "«jigger" in operation, that it will be employed in deepening and straighten ing th«* creek its entire distance, making it navigable for a ste»»inbout to run fr •Smyrna Lauding, the head of tlio creek. A I'l cion ii the iOnwnrelBlUe "Sth.i. gl . fimm.V tt |l 0 Kr"«t Aineim'a>i contfi.pitt. j| or name stands (as It has for many hoWbl° city nnnUotM, t i many poreoni from alf dlrM- to »flock to her soil «luring tho fruit season»? It is not, when wc consider the vast sums of money inwio by mtoU venturesome speeulatoi». lueji come into our midst, not as "Thirty-Day«" individuals« but as "Cash on Delivery." They come with unimpeachable: social tliey liberally pay. Tlicy arc rapidly re I pieubdiiiig our money market—so re j o. mly {'"y'y w ,,ronn§ j j " " O 'k-b'*vi'ro*cou amply supply tluir „ants. Tliey are doubly welcome, and I j wo hail them as our trno delivers. Wo j v m.quSntanJe'lb"? demeanor w lilêli constitutes and governs gentle ' men. j of Philadelphia, (i'ier K'o. 1«, Division I >jo. 5 .) who are young, ful^ of business i energy, and well "stamped." D affords ^JJ^gn'Ænsthenrto'our "Peach (Jrow urSi '> or of any other kinds of fruit. .g omo timo since while a gentleman living near the Trappe, Montgomery j " oi'/o'rt 'üSia' Ô" "he'ilgh!'.'.".« rod of »'building. A cloud was visible 1 n(m| . t j l0 |,oriz«m upon which the light nlng was pluying, but there was none , jmsr nt ban,..^ *o — ,had the gen knockei j t | own senseless by an electric | H ^ 0 ck, and remained in un unconscious for two day». It very often ben persons a.e «.»versing j bovo accident years) in as i.xcclsioi. that s' ti« ii-' 1 conditioi ihnt | ke lightning rod ; tlio | shows' tho danger of Mich it proceeding " ns . A bf)V of j„ m nc kliawk county, j ow:li w |j„se father died three yeura ago, of [caving liis widow mid BO, < •*'' '''Bh'y , jjr. -arm burdened wit& aro | tiVeiarun, hiring Help only in need-time, anil luuvent, mid threshing, paid off tho do mortgage, purohaced a harvester, a Htil .hat j was j nn d i 8 now' out «ff debt. He did ; ^aiiionibir «ff the Cedar Valh y Agiicul-1 t ural Society, «nd ntt» nds «chool three ! months ca h winter. Loon 4 v OUR BOOK TABLE. id trr>,C,nod Health. A Journal of Physical Montai Ualture. It is the only Magazine ol Its class In the country. The August num ber Is «V« u more interesting than its prede cessor. Published by Alexander Moore, 21 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. 49 Corporal. The contents of tho Au STüliSWÄÄmoir&u: ! Freddie, a California Pic-Nie, Minnie's the and lh<$Gokhisli^The* SriW Pie* Nh-, Oval for Hometiling about Coal. The Breakfast hnawl, f'nrclrKK Peonle. PmdV s Pocket, dec,, 1 un llshed by Alfred L. Sewell & Co„ Chicago, lUlnot».' ly jtTlic Children's Hour.— 1 The August nnm 1 H- r contains : The Will tor the Doou. Icj" ■ linage. The I.l(tic Girl Who W anted to \ Heroine, Mattel's Story. The King's Mistake, Tom-Tit, M.v Sister, Mury J. Jones, Swnll- wing Filteen Cows, I.lttle Missiona ries, Something About Eves. Anecdote of a King. Sowing Little Seeds, Carrie und her Cousins, My Dollies. T. H. Arthur & Sous. «ja, Once A Month—The original articles in the August numberere: l ttriosllles of An imal Idle, The Mills of Tuxbury, Around the Switchback, and By and By. The, selected matter is good and taken all together, Once one of tho most, entertaining -e receive. Published by T. H. bc A Month is monthlies v Arthur & Sons. ^ I -o tfÿ-Schoolday Visitor. Pluck is continued In the August number,then comes rwolianus. Cruel Jim, In Search or n School. 11m Bid Man's Stratagem, Chuffy. Ikunin»« among the Insects, M.v Fancy, Low Life in New York, Lightning Hods and Superstition, Postage stamps. My Kitten Cat, Johnny, Little Goosey, The Good Samaritan, V rank s J. et ter, Our Stairway, IIo*v Can I Keep from Singing, Editorials, &c. Published by Ihuighaday & Becker, 424 Y\ alnut Street, Phil«., Pu. t^-Tho Land wo I.ovo, and The New Eclec tfc Magazine for August, is a very interest ing monthly. It opens with an Interesting story from The Overland Monthly, ine > ° Little* Barefoot, Home, Some thoughts ; Christ iun Unity, Unreason, Cats, Glen I ruin, Benjamin G. ifimiphreys, Coming Together, PoeYi " Eureka." nml rec«*nt HeientitlcSpe«, ulations. Creed, The Naval Fight in Mobile Bay, A Southern Home, Love's Regret, fho of Emigration to America, Uur Southerir Colleges, Mosaic The Haversack, The Green Table, Ac. Published by i n bull & Murdock, öl Lexington street, Balti more, Md. « - jG 2P*Arthur* s Home Magazine—The contents of the August number are: Beenes m xm* Lives of a Nine Days Queen. 1 he I^rd H LiLumui Tft.< Graham's ami tho Arm Dollar. Havrtlf UiL. Words out of Henson. Retrospection. Our Early Dead. Ove r tin* way. Tin* De«*rlngs of Mednury. Utile Fingers, A Lobster Tak ing his Dinner. Natural Curiosities. Moth er's De u ry. The Horn e Ci relé. F i ft y paring Fruit. Toilet and Work Tabfe, Ac. Published by T. H. Artliur & Sohh, HOD Uliest nni street, HliiladelpUla, Pa. Tin* Last *nt. Boys' and Girls* Treas y s of pro «^„Wood's Household Magazine. Two years ago Newburgh gave birth to lier sixth pub lication by 8. s. Wood. It was first it-siied tus of a general book agency bn siness. and lia« since b«*«*ii twice re-elirlHtoii e«l—first to Wood's Household Advocate, then to Wood's Household Magazine its pre sent title, Tilt* first number was in a small eight page form, at ton cents a year. It has since been enlarged lour times, with scrlpllon prices twenty-tlv«» cents, fifty ets., seventy-live cents and one dollar. We learn that tlio back numbers are all published In the i The successes of ! ti to l»e rfe *nt Mngazino form.— Wood's enterprise is one of tin* marvels of periodical literature in these Unit«! Status. Froni comparatively notliing It has grown to be one* of the most extensive and important concerns of tlie kind in tin* country. Tlie circulation of the Houst'lioM Magazine is we believe exceeded but by one mont lily in tlio eounlry—Harp er's. It Is largely taken in every «me of tin* thirty-six states, in all the Territories, in Mexico, Uannda, Europe, We attribute M r . Wood his attractive Ws largely to ... .. .... f getting lie fore tlie people. The following card from tin* July number of his Magazine will illustrate: "A PARTNER WANTED, either with or without capital. ' The butdiiess includes pub* Hulling and printing ortiecs. and Wood's r : Household Magazine (formerly Advocate,) j which lias an «»dition of over one hundred thousand copies, and is the largest and best dollar monthly in ti»o world 1 No individ ual of the mule persuasion need apply, as I am nNiaehelor, For fail particulars add rest« S. 8. Wood, p. < >. Building, Newburgh, tNcw Y'ork.Rost masters niiiLnewsdealers ilinvagli out t/iR United Htateti arc lurnist^^tfllh ; 1820, To thcUjtaylon Herald. T-odd-itlcH. Oh ! don't, Mr.Todd; don't. The more you write, the more you proclaim yonr ed, self an ass. Therefore, Todd, keep thee subscriber del-signed is still. The to tho Delawarean , and wishes it but its patrons up this way say ti ey don't like to pay $2 per year into its cof 1er« to advertise " 11. Todd «V: Co." A PEACH GROWER. veil, Ijooii of M. and of Iras of [Written for tlie Clayton Ilcrald.J Ple-Nle. The M. E. Sabbath school Pic Nie, which was to have come off at Blackis ton*s chapel, on tho 22d, according to announcement, was setback and held on tlio 21*t lust., perhaps for the sinister mo tive of disappointing many whoso inten friendly vis t tion it was to have paid to this long-to-be remembered place of resort, not for the exclusive purpose of indulging in the luxuries, which may the hnvo been prepared for tho Sabbath ut gl . hooIi bl|t willl Umvlmvof uioetingand ,,f n.inglin« In friendahlp wllli tbc young j| and rising generation, as v t i 109eQ f r | per »gp, wllli wlioiu they used to assrmble in tho capacity of church worship and Sabbath school exercise, in io the days of yore; when it was conducted ncrilb , B ]eai1ov( , like j lord ami gone to rest from tlieir labors, and their wol .k s t p, follow them. These brethren threw not from them with disdain, all tiro wholesome precepts set before them py tlieir ancient superiors, but scorned j theactofecifisl.inhumanily which would exclude Iheir fellow-associates from the I enjoyment of tlieir own bountiful pro j v j^i onH) us i s sometimes tlio case in tlieso our days. It has been justly said that this change was made for tlie purpose of excluding out side visitors, as tlie means ^ " d ' joining counlios in Maryland, which no one wished or expected. We hope, and, lhi , lk tlle p., r |y passed off just in tho stylo a part of the leaders desired it, Ihe visits of stranger ry, school repaired to tho tables, under L, je j 0 m , k trees, which wero spread j withdellc i ou9 1>lxu ,. icS) c!lko „ tld ico | cream, lemonade and confectionaries, which wero literally distributed and sumptuously enjoyed hy those present, who were personally i . . , .'«•11 as with j Stevens, v Jones, who havo long since ing "like angels, few and far between. The meeting opened in tlie church with singing and prayer, by tlio Rev. D. I. Price, after wh'ch the Rov. Mr. Hough made quite a lengthy speech, followed by J. Frank Hazel, Esq., in a short, but spicy ittle a hire««. A collection wa« then taken for tho support of the Libra ,*hteli amounted to about $10, when ii-' ago, tho Htil 11 He Cheater county. He evidently did not .sympathize* with the nreiudiees of some three blpcts of hH own color, as he was in company with u colored »«r»x. * riled. OUTSIDER. July' 23d, 1SG0. ......Governor Wells,'of Virginia, requests a denial of the statement that ho is exert ing himself to procure tlio rejection of Hie fifteenth amendment in that State. A white fox—a very rare animal— West Bradford, •ecentlv ble it. I Our Washington Letter. Washington D. C'., July 20, '00, A prominent igi*mbor tho Radical wing of tho Republican party, in Vir ginia, which ran the Wells ticket, told me, in tho course of a lengthy conversa ! .ion, on Saturday, that he lolt confident the cause of Republicanism had gained, for both tho present and tho future, by Hie eloction of tho Walker ticket. This . tallies with expressions made to me by other gentlemen Id the same bout ; and I am led to opinion among o)L.»lio had, and have no personal pass corned in tho rfl. ly charged with thrusting himself on to tho ticket in an intensity of selfishness that preferred to |eoperdiàe the cause rather than relDtqiiih tho place of chief beneficiary, in euso of success, to anyone else of all Ihe State j and so caused tho division and tlio second ticket. expected that tlio na ty, a ■gard it ns tlio prevailing a H. a anil in to rests con pJSTéïis îs extcnsivo At that *, too, it was would take courage at tlio split, and put candidates of their own into tho field, and, in view of our divided forces, no foretolling with what result. Secrétai y Boutwoll has written a let ter, it is said, to Stokes, the Radical can didate for Governor of Tennessee, ex pressing the earnest wish for his election, on patriotic grounds. My impression is that this contest is pretty much a second odition of the Virginia affair, in this, that ^ I tho existence there of two Republican tickets, is, at bottom, more a personal than a patriotic matter. Wni. F. Purcell, for many years Judge of the Orphans* Court, in this eitv, has brought criminal Arthur Shephard, reporter of tlio Repub lican, for producing a lengthy and laugha ble account, for that Journal, of the way a person, not named, in his nice white duck suit, w water , a t BUidfusfoiirg, and directly af ter, roll «-<* :., x l y û.«.U*v il Ui — the neighboring vilhifo, on the railroad —by way of abating the nuisance His Honor (?) laid mad«* of himself by get ting drunk, sv/aggiring Fnlstalllunly, and insulting sonic iv.ndcnsbm g young tii tiv s by fho Uur n it for lible against xm* H Our of Ac. first tl.rown into 20 loot Last pro women. Shephard wa*examined bofore Justice Walter, on Friday, and Judgo Purcell was on tho stand almost the whole of the session, giving a modified version of the affair in question, as far as the wrang ling between himself and counsel, oii one side, and defendant and counsel on the other, to the amusement of tlio au pub bn pre has ets., ti io other, to the great amusement of tlio au dience, permitted. Ills testimony loft the facts of tho ducking and mudding as reported, hut, of course, they were mi desei veil. The proprietor and managing editor were then put upon the stand to prove Mr. Shephard the author of said report; Tjut neither of them knew, end tho copy, hy wlfcli the hand-writing might have b» en ident ilied, had Leon de stroyed, as all copy was after use. At Judge Purcell'« suggestion, the exam ination, at ihitA point, was continued to next Friday; and he intimated, in reply to a coaxing iijMieal to Hits good un! lire— of which he buela fund—by the defend ant, that ho migW decide to abandon the pros« eut on. t: !m-famonsJ^tjuo wotihT say, iiifadu was burned down it was bullt ft» H* ing. Friday theatre, the tif 1820, ran fofl "American < 11 , about in NYnshii cars as t! burl y 20 liiitre," and then b»id Tl w eompctiiionpJj Was* * ed, under'the 1 candidate, into Rooms," for billts, Ae , d< bollion, when it broke out with nog •an, Ao. f t«» catch I lie •e was changed to •w Assembly vn to tho ro Canterbury Hall. minstrelsy, ct soldiers, and tho m f I: is supposed to have Ijooii set on liio.lo rid tlio noiRliboifiood of Hint blond closs of perform ' neos. J. M. Young, tlio owner rf t!:c buibiing and of a stock of carriages in it, is re ported loser of ?-10,ono U*s ?5,(>00 Insnr ancp. Ko ntlior lun*cy loser. Minnie Caines, tho colored woman, noipiiltod here on tlio ground of insanity of tlio nun-dor of tlio white man I agio, Iras boon admitted into tlio United Slates Lunatic Asylum, upon tlio order of Secretary Cox of tlio Interior Dopart mont. Judge Fisher charge 1 in tlie ea- c, that the prisoner should be g'vcn tlio benc ut of any reasonable doubt the jury had ,,f fier " t'ifUjlt i ftÆ Kvidoi.lly, « mmlillvU loading intolligi'iii o judicial meaning is approach io the literal unconsciousness cd mind, si bio, men», view is b« ing taxon ot insanity, by the The y d. f the w cealer in; hieb 1» simply •nning, vhclhcr for a It seems to bo tlio share -, day, or v paying more regard, also, t of responsibility properly resting upon society for the condition of its individual members. Hence there is apparent a greater reluctance, in aP doubtful cases, to decide that tho unsoundness, how or transient, did not pass tho prisoner beyond tlie paie of personal responsibil ity ; and more disposition to save, if pos as a sacred trust, hitherto badly kept, than to inflict vindictive punish' Geo. B. Vashon (colored), a graduate of Oborlin, and subsequently a professor in Alleghany College, Pa., w ted to tlie Bar of this District, Saturday, on motion of A. K. Brown. TI 10 Commissioner of Internal Rove-1 ; lias just returned to his ofllco and admit f nue labors after an absence of three weeks in tl^e West. In.a private quarter I hear it stated that Commissioner Delano is undecided to contin ue hi his commissioners hip. No special mtxffîï Nivas* assigned Ollier timn t foat the office sought him, not he t |, 0 0 fli c e ; he did not need it, Ac. If the opinion had not come from a person ac qua In ted with tho Commissioner and with ids family, I should not have tho't enough of it to repeat it. And after all duo respect to that acquaintanceship, I do not think the opinion sound. It is not Mr. Delano's disposition to look hen once he has put his hand to not sought for the supposed to have not in back tho plow. Hew place because he w that disposition ; and he was not selected by'gentlemen who did not know him. My informant opined that ho was se ganizer to re-start the of •looted as « good Bureau and the service; nnd that tho Commission feels that his special task is done. Can't seo it. A hundred men bo found ingenious enough to con trive the machine, for every one capa ble of uottiiiK sultafactory work out of it. The lutter was the purpose for which Mr. Delano was singled out to tako the place. And ho will stick to the place Olio while, to carry out thatpurposo, or I miss my reading cf the character of the man. J. EVANS. Floo«l» In Texas- «reHt DWfrui tlon of hi Property. a correspondent of the Galveston Ifcics writing from LaUrango, Fayette coun ty, under dato of July 11, gives tho fol lowing account of the recent di8u.str.ous lloods in that region : " For u week past tho Colorado nvor has been very high, rend «ring it «litll cult and very dangerous to cross oven in a wkiti', thus outling oil' nearly all com munication with Bastrop and Austin, tho stag« 1 » and mails being hemmed up und unable to got out. "Thursday night tho good people of La Grange wont to their bods, leaving tho river still somo ton or fifteen foot within its bank», and at day it was found to have risen seven feet, and at nine o'clock it broko over its banks ftbove and below, thus throwing two immense tidos of water upon the town. At eleven o'clock the waters had met in ihe Hats, or valleys, betwoen town and the south-west side, and .as swolling vory rapidly. At twelve '«dock it found its lcvol, and having driven all the inhabitants out of tho w«*storn portion of the town, it began turning over the small houses and Hunt ing them away toward the gulf. At one «/« lock it was within a block of the pub lic square, and rising so fast that it drovo tho crowd back from its edge. "Great crowds of women and cliil dren Ktood at tho water's edge, and saw their homes tilled by tho Hood, and many of them sWepfc dwny or turned o>or where they stood, while tho crash of furniture amt smashing of doors windows told of tho ruin that was going on within. Mon rushed back and forth horseback ilics or asking for assistance to tie a houso already swimming, or claiming ihe idle lookers on t«> move their furniture from tlioso not yet inun dated« "Wagons loaded with furniture rat-* tied to und fro, somo to tho high ground with their confused mass of household wares, and others to take off the re mniniug wares, Bvforô three o'clock un» ptroi» square was r if irot of wntor. Store doors were thrown open and mer chants and clerks strove to save their goods, or piling them in tlieir second stories and on the counters ; while every man and everything available Was put into requisition to save tho women and children from the torrent which was now rushing over three fourths of the town. A boat was made ol' til» boards of houses and tilled with strong oarsmen, who went through tho streets and yards searching lor those who needed help. There was no parly distinction ; friend and foe were allied together to meet the common enemy. and found tin? Irttlê the river • nfoutseeking their fum help fr "Saturday, came, and found tin? Irttlê town deluged, tor on tho square and In every store stood four or live feet of wa tor. It was wholly descried, inhabitants had lied to tin* high ground and hills in the northern and northeast ern suburbs. Quantities of provis were destroyed in the stores—such as sugar. Hour and coffee—tho essentials that were in barrels and too heavy to bo lilted on counters or upper Honrs. At Chalk Bluffs, four miles above, on the river bank, far as the oye could reach to the north, west and smith, the country was one unbrok<*n sheet of wann*. "Hue and there, i*> tho distance among the clumps of oaks, might he roofs or houses but y« s occupied by prosperous plainer», now lilleil by tin* waters. " Last night tho water had not recoded and the fugitives wen* not permitted to go to their bonus. During tin* night the town was guarded by. armed in boats against tl<o mgr«*cs, Mi rah toned l*o enter and seize the pr ions and food for which they «•groo.s had lived-in tlHtsj*^ r, »<.<! 1» tl.ojp.Sfc.ffr'y.'M». •cd c:»o»i£^tf mi | ( | them house« io and birv^lHr jmreels of ground, lr LU'^'Vimy gained their support. Th Twero now undor twenty feet of water, destroyed, and their l'cncos At twelve «lcd from tho Houses id all the id a y seen tlu , liule ds IVoreil. 'iliesr* in* ri liHve I their crop and bouses »wept away niter had roe town, but it has left its mark. cy or »willig acro-s the streo*, i »wept away, boxes, furniture re deposited here and the mkldh* 'clock tho f • ami »mail house» there, in wild confusion, i of'the »troot or in stranger»' yard». The street» tilled with wagons loaded with furniture and people returning to their house«, to find their crops ruined and floor smeared with tho slimy rod mud deposited on them by the recoding wa to Y» yet the amount of «lamotfo to the town and iuliabiiatits cannot bo esti mated. Yet It 1» $100,000 surely ; while tlio (bitnago don« crop« and country it {Ilions to recover. •ires an* down between here, ,n«l Austin, therefore no news would lake "The v Bastrop ; from either. "This eq u alle«! tory of T"xns. ha« county ami it» prospects, •ction along tho river bott< I'rllow, which lias never been tlie Colorado within the hi« ruined Fayette The greatest farming r that all these, or «I on both »ides, nearly so destroyed, it will ho 11 a much hm tho inhabitants can do to save food and r liment for the ensuing year, wiili out oxpecting to make money. What j will b«* the story from tho lower river svo do not know; wo may expect tho y *• Wo havo no news definitely from the No one lias wo have heard. n to a othör side of tlio iiv« r Vet. bo I been drow'ned I Humors nro float dow float of men being a the current of tho riv < h house-top«, yesterday and day before, supposed to have been from above." A clam-buko was given at Long •h in honor of General Grant on Friadyjast, and a ball at white Sulphur Springs in honor of Gem Leo on the same evening. .Tho editorship of the N formally tendered to lion. John Bigelow, "at n very liberal B. lias excepted, and B York 'I'inies has be salary." Job will assume liis duties at once. ; .The abstract of the condition of all tho National Banks of the country on June 12 shows resources and liabilities aggregating $1,504,175,000. Tho specie amounted to $18,455,000. ..An immigration agi' nt has started un Memphis to China for tho purpose of importing 1000 Chinese Immediatlely, so that they can bo at work in tlie cotton fields before tho close of* the coming picking season. .Tho New York world says that But ler winters in Washington, summers in Massachusetts, but whore ho will fall it does not profess to know. An exchange thinks it would ho well to pursue tho subject further and ascertain if possible whore he will spring. f I is to .A young lady nt ono of tho summer resorts is said to*have thirty breakfast, afternoon and evening dresses, half a dozen jockey hats, parasols innumera ble, and two boxes of kids. And she is not an agent for a New York dry goods house, either. .James W. Davis, nnd others, sub contractors, havo brought suit in St Louis, against Oliver Ames nnd'other contractors, on the Union Pacific Rail road, for 8(504.000. claimed to be due them. The defendants allego that the claimants w se the overpaid ?57,000. .Tlie Mechanics' National Bank nt Trenton, New Jersey, had to suspend business on Monday week, because the safe could not boj opened. The maker of the sale sent Ills best workman to open i it. but he did not succeed. A continual plying of crowbars and sledges finally broke it open. tho is Woman Sufl'rago. vomen of New The strong-minded York, in convention at Saratoga, adopt ed the following platform : Tho convention ot delegates from the Stato of Now York, assembled, without distinction of sect or party, in pursu ance of a call upon all persons in luvor of demanding suffrage for the women of the nation and the passage of an amend ment to the Constitution of tho United States, by which the ballot can bo se cured to them, resolve as follows : Resolved , That tho question of woman suffrage is tho great moral and political question of tho day, and we demand the ballot for women, because the laws of justice precede tho laws of states, and the rights of humanity underlie the rights of government. Resolved , That an governments are in stituted for the maintenance of tho prin ciples of justice, and as every human being can do better for himself than another for him, tho right of evory hu man being to »bare in tho government under which he byes should be recog nized by that government. Resolved, That we claim for woman the inherent right to share in the gov ernment of any country of which she is a citizen, by virtue of her existence human being and bur natural capacity for self government ; that while resting tho responsibility of woman's present political disability upon man, wo deny his right to define woman's sphere ; that as we deny the right of one class of men to define the rights and duties of anoth er class of men, so do wo as emphatical ly deny tho rigid of one sex to define the rights and duties of another sex. Resolved , That wo gladly recognize the advancement of our just principles, îtion of the Irish lie as shown by the publican National Convention recently held in Washington and Chicago, in which they demanded that suffrage should be extended to all not guilty of crime, irrespective of color, race, or sex. Resolved, That we also rejoico at tho course of tlio Metlioilist Episcopal Church of the United States, recogniz ing as a Kt«*p in tho true direction their recent action in admitting women of that church to veto on lay delegation. Resolved t Tlmt, in recognitlofi «ml furtherance of tho principles of justice, tho Constitution of tlio United States should be so aineuded as to secure the right of surtrago to tho women of the nation, on tlij* »aine terms that it is held by tlio men ortho nation. Resolved, That we invite tlio co-opera tion of every urm and woman, no mat ter liow differing as «o party politics, creed, color or nationality, in Svcuring such an amendment. Democratic RcgislrorN. A Nashvrllc cfeftprtten* to Saturday*» Cincinnati (Juzettc »a va. Tho Do o showing their hands all over the State, emotiraged by the appointment of ivl»«*I and Démocratie registre I », -who pny xioutteiition to tho requimrents of the franchise law/ They are repudiating both tlio Senter and Stokes candidate» for the Legislature, and nominating men of their prospect now is that very tow Republi cans of any kind will get into the Leg islature/ There is a good «leal of excite ment in tho city, and the Denfocrafie element fool that everything is in their hands. The next n. Tho ieipal ekvtion will take place i.»x &f»|>t**rrrbcr, aifd they »acting that they will not have in «î (11 ce a Republican of any kind. S »mo of the Conserv»itivo newspaper» are endeavoring to restrain their sanguine bretueni**, but it is like attempting to rule a whirlwiief. Tlie rebel D. iii ynwy s* more to have ils day. an* already loudly » bound once j llrtuicli. . €Se:ios*i«l t.nud at 1. rand bull given in honor t tfrant <o «»j< p l «ay y àii.n siii.tA Tr î im 2!ui-. Jio «lining room« Tim II At ten vlbck t! bind, of '»re'« band, of Bo»ion odconibiii ' the Pr» 1 » fe. Ex He. I wife. Geimral W. T on. Phil Slierl »« Ing.ill». Ri*'*vc». Moi an.i Grafuhi* r York; Oil d the G« v**rnoi'» island I* ed, pl »y«*d ''Hail to thet'hief,' idont entering, with h ! c -et»*ry Borie Sherman and dsught« I lad v, fl dan Ames, Porter, U mist riit and Limiteuaiittl Othordistingulshcd gue k, Wald lfor I. rum fr* in all parts The ball nt. I» ted with hand American bunfcii tho room cl y dee* At cloven o'clock knd h# it« lit a great »uccee». room t ca i ball w Tl pxuKy. . Eustea Dr: racy. B »ton Detnooracy is not recognized pur«* arlie!o in that »ti-oiigh<»l'l of tlio failli, Kentucky. "Judge Abott, Democrat," of this cirv is soundly bo rated by the Kentucky » Standard, for suffrage nml of tlio past, having »aid that, reconstruction ni 1 - 1 o till . materially done up, laro their work I that io attempt t»«h II and void, and begin bring upon tlio country greater limn it will sutler by accepting the situ atioti.*' Ti e .simulant m»vh he speaks lioroiically, und that Lie Democrat who would dftro to tak Stale would get h to leave the parly , would u il» in that way in this orders imined'.utoly —Boston Advertiser^ ,, y J .T!.e most expensive luxury in i nig Cl! it. l.y city people, says lie; New York Cummcrciul. is plnying "gciitlenie * Never rural homo« for spring and summ been tilled with seats" for sale. It is a little remarkable how short a stay some folk» make •'un der tlio greenwood trees." Not 0110 in n hundrod of the beaiitilul retreat» on the Hudson remain in the hands of the owners, and most of them have been sold half a dozen times. Only a family with an income of $10,000 or $50, 000 eau keep a house* in the countary. I »Höre •ei o so un lain a« during this The papers havo lur Î1-. . 1 to I csi ruble 1 Fr origi •respondent says that In itial costume» are now remarka «ble chiefly for their simplicity. "No iamonds. no lace nt tho alter in tip-top society. The thing is a white poult silk robe, trimmed with rouleaux of wite sa tin on the train, sleeves and bodice, and nothing but a ruche of tulle called il hi »ion round the throat. Plenty of orange blossoms mako up for costly ornament. .A Paris fashion it .The Forth District Court in S: •isco lias granted a divor«*o to a young and beautiful lady who was mar ried to Joseph J. Smith of salt Lake Ci ty. Tho lady testified that Smith is a deacon in the Mormon Church, and that he always treated her kindly, they hav ing lived pleasantly together for several years. Recently, however, Smith con eluded to have a second wife, to which Mrs. Smith objected, and so, when dea con took homy his new bride, wile No 1 returned to her mother. I .Three men, named Iroland, Duke and Turner, brought suits against the Nortli-Carolina Railroad Company for damages sustained by an explosion of powder stowed in a car in which they were riding, nhoutthe time the war clos ere tried lust week, anil a is od. The cases . . , , . wliilo damags were awarded to Ireland and Duke, the judge decided that inas much as Turner was a confederate sol dier, and on liis way to report for duty at Gen. Johnston's head-quarters, thus violating the law, ho was not entitled to recover du muges from a common carrier. .The palace constructing at Tsmailla for the recepton of the Empress Eugenia during her stay in Egypt will be one hundred and eighty feet wide nnd one hundred and twenty feet deep. In the covered with Persian blinds, and on the ground floor there will ho the ball, reception no less than 17,400 eubio feet of masonry, and it« estimated cost is 700,000 francs. St the nt the of JSpcrtol jßoficfS. KRKOKS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for year» from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the «'fleets of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, tho receipt and directions for making he simple remedy by which ho tho cnre<l. Hutterers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience, cun do so by ad dressing, In perfect eontldence. ' ' v.' •Ioli h II. Ogden. No. 12 Cedar street, New York. TO COSSIIMPTIVES. ThoiKlverttHcrlmvingbeon restored to health In a few weeks, by a vory simple remedy, af ter having sorter«*«! several years with a se vere lung affection, of that dread «liseuse — Consumption—Is anxious tonmkeknown to the means ol his fellow-suffe To all whod«?sire it, he will send a copy ot the prescription use«i—free of charge,—«villi the directions for preparing and using tho same, which they will find « HUHE CuKKKOk tion, Asthma. Rkonciiitis, etc.—* ;t of the advertiser in sending tho Proscription is to benefit the nfBtcte.1, and spread Information which he conceives to foe Invaluable; and he hop« 1 » every sufferer will try bis remedy, ns it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blcRSlng. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. Edtvnwl A. TVIImoii. Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. COX 8 XT The ob s KAFNKHH, RMNDNE8K AND Catahhk treated with the ulmo>t success, by J. Isaacs, M. D., and Professor of Diseases of the Kye and JCar ; (his specialty) in the. Medical College of Pennsylvania, twelve years expert* enoc, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. W)'» Arch streift, Phllnd'n. Testimonials cith of» rtf his ofllce. The medical faculty nro invited to accompany their patients, ns h has no secrets in Ids practice. Artllleinl eye inserted without pain. No charge f« amination. I) Feb-27-1-j rphe Mlsslsquol POWDER JL actually cures Cancer and Scrofulous disenacH of the Skin. See report to !.. 1. Medical Society, ami statements of Physi cians in cbcular, sent 1 'ro«* on application to (HAS. A. DUBOIS, G en '1 Agent, P. O. Box IttûO. 182 Pearl Ht., N, Y; July-lO-'(iD-3m. ISTEW Flour and Feed Store IN SMYRNA FLOUR AND FEED hand, Wholesale and Ite ^'onstantb) THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE raid forall kinds of GRAIN. IE I 1 EXXY. Commerce, opposite Market Street, in Hmyrim. Del, Jy.21-3 ^ET'^lSL'ELiTHS.TBr S $20 REWARD ! % wa £7; Stolon fr« tlu* subscriber, near MarydelT* Delaware, ON FRIDAY evening, Jul\* ltjfli. IS«!), a DARK BAY ITOItgE, 4 years oM last Spring, rntlur lu»av.v bu llt » black mane and tail, in gout es, rather dish foe »a, but li.Ts t»eeil s!>"rron*fror«t fe lid driver, and carries up Wt-IL paid for tlie appr Icondili between tlu » Sill M»h riie *li<*nsi<»n M the tlilel*or her. turn of tlie hors«* thesuhseri T HO MAS S. MUORE. Jy.2l-tf. ^IRVAKfc A€A1>1*:TOY< NEWARK DKLAWÂH-E, PROF. ED. D. PORTER, A. M., PrlnelpaL A First-class Ma then mtical, Cl:\s:«!«^l and Sviei 1 .. BOARD IKi .*■ .lien, will «M l first Aemtemlt It: * hundred » 1ST, ÎSSD. UiUld circular. S! X-ir For full Info lutlc CLAYTON PRICE CURREN T. JftY « 1 . IS 09 . MnrphoyA: Parry's Family Flour V.bbl Brumlywim* Flour Y bbl. Y(t l>n... mV ] i;o ■bite Wheat i r> mV Ini ■lilt« bu. Corn, yell* Ô0 Oats V bu. Flaxseed. Hvo r* I«|. Clover Weed '0 bu 2 i in !<•."■) Family Marketing-. ÇI200 Doric. ? nvt. an E»b I'otntooH, m Kugs V doz Butter V ll> Shonhters y. Sides ï' 1»<.. " 11 I. Va 20 20 2ft Lnrd p r< 12 hbl. 7"»r V bi Herring, new, Shad, -p hbl.. .. Shad, -p hbl.. .. Business a means of Grace.—I n stead ot bindnoss becoming a feeder to covetnuaiu'tts under tlio promptings of nature, it must become a stimuli!# to benovohuieo grace. Dr. jlawes, in bi» biography of J Forman Smith, gregation, »ays lie never grew in graerf rapidly, or shone Brighter a» a , than during tlio last six or nier the prompting« of merchant in his con 1 inoro Christ! seven years of his life, when he hail tho greatest amount of business on his hands. tho timo when he devoted all to God, and resolved to pursue his busin a part ol his religion, ho found tendency in his worldly engagements to chill his piety cr enchain his affection« to earth, liis businoss became lo hi means of grace, and helped him forward in tho divine life, just as truly os tho roadiug of tho Scriptures and prayer. Fr ess .Postmaster General Creswoll lias 10 - turned from Long Branch. Commis sioner Delano is again at his post, llo will give some close inquiry to the al leged income fraud« in New York City. Gen. Ames,'the military commander in Mississippi, has gone to Long Branch to confer with the President on Missis sippi affairs. .Mr. Parker, a Rwedcnborgian in Toronto, pretend» that lie wa» taken up to heaven, and saw heaven divided into zones likes the earth, and when there he saw tho Unitarian» living in tho frigid zone. [Loud laughter.] They wore lions' skins on their heads and tigers' skins on their bodies and hear skins on tlieir foot. They drove in chariots mado of ico, drawn by horses without tails. a a 1 of .Vicksburg still exhibits sever» marks of the siege of 18Ö3. The mimer re s in tho sides of tho hills where the inhabitants took refuge are still open. of these cuves wus opened OllS . to one one the .Miss Mi teholl, teacher of stronomy in no Vassnr College, is going to Burlington, Iowa, with li« r class of young ladies, to observe the solar eclipse. Recently and found to contain the bones of a family, supposed to have been suffocated by the closing of tlie entrance. .There is a rock in tho Androscoggin river, just above the toll bridge at Bruns wick, which rises some fifteen feet abovo the water and will weigh fifteen to twen ty tons, but which was never visible there befpro this spring. It is supposed that it became frozen into the ice last winter and was thus hoisted to its posi tion.