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« rr i i ♦ • ■ '¥ AND THE 9BUWABE STATE JOURNAL. • iiMlÄGföNi DBLiii tUURgDAY, JtJNÊ 14, 1877, VOLUME XI. NUMBER 544. Ü nur Lorm. TUae rales us olL And Ufa. Indeed, la i The t aus we p l se a e d it eût ere hope I ten we < Kueh matt he berae whleh It le hard to hear, Mnrikgtrsn away whleh it were sweet to L-*hoSpasall! wh sl jtt I know ? the Shepherd levee His R r'Î^TSTÂà know, a., cod go. 1< mo,004 rlw' I here heea—ok! what, X darn not riinsA ekenseS. 0*4 JeSgee for us best 'âtetras»- eg na st tUnee, sad >ewe too gey sad llfkt: Wmtê itiS£, t9MW 4Mp ' Who knows tbs post I sad who mb Judgs wosssNksrd wrlgktt Ak! wee* wa lodged by wkat we might have i âpâiïtuïü are a r e ' tee opt to fout etosps mod smiles bet an la Heaves ws —Joua YTabd Howe. BARBARA'S DIFFICULTY. ■ Hawkins owed a good deal to her etep-aaother could not have oooesaied from herself if aa a to of a fact that she ■or father** house had been a very tens o* discomfort during the dull interim between her own mother's death and the Boirai o i te youthful and winning stran ger who had been somehow persuaded by ! 'r'-f- Hawkins to "come and take keer toe tittle darter." The hittory of the next five years, in id grown from girl included all the gen uine sunshine of Barbara's life, and she *ew to whom that change and a good tf»ny othgr excellent things were due. _ '^oe the 'Squire had been gath 4 toTtii" father's, what a notable mana bad Widow Hawkins proved herself .«#t he very moderate property he had It was jurt there that the difficulty was bow c o min g in, for that which, with such good m a n age m ent, had kept the two women very nicely so long as they 1'ved **q**h«r, could continue to do so only '"** tuet that state of affairs. ~ S if set apart by itself, would r name for poverty. True, ai tor, or at least whioh the two nearest to a proper condition •ttstibn, would oare to "marry a iSn»w," and a step-mother at that, A-euSsawifo? "And she understands it," said Barbara to herself that September afternoon, "as well as I do. She's as polite to both of them aa if they were courting her I must say it's been very convenient onoe or twice, for they both like her. In fact, every body likes her, and that's what makes my position so very peculiar." The A very pretty girl waa Barbara Hawkins; prattler than her stepmother, and something; in spite of the years. A bit of a belle, too, was the "heiram" in that unambitious r means without characteristics which put the village goarip a , at times, in mmd of " 'Squire Hawkins' feet wife." At the present juncture, however, the publie Opinion of the Dorcas Society more'than usually perplexed. The best ledges of such matters " guem BO! Emmons is a leetle ahead," although this was sure to be followed by Iff* Murk, " But then, you know, Dan Gsotart he's am ta£*. widows' »unity, and by at a . in to inclined to ten dollar« to Bill's eight etiddier." in a worse quandary about it than the Dorcas Society knew how to be, for at timee ahe almost petted her heart of threatening an imper tinent interference before her head pould have a fair ohanoe. "She'd be ï not ighty , and titled to a third, I sup pooa." arifioquized the fair maiden, " and ■Wen wonderful hand with her needle. There's no danger lota of folka'd have has And Barbara did not know it, but a train of thought very nearly related to hear own waa at that moment passing through the mind of the widow, as ahe ■lapped lightly to and fro among the household duties of which she so kindly relieved her etep daughter. "I don't hear the piano," murmured the soft, low voioe of the widow, "and ytt I know ahe wanted to practice that new piece. Young Emmons'll be here this evening. 1 ought not to say a word in such a matter. She's old enough to decide for herself, but why that Dan Grover's worth five hundred of him? not to mention hie big form, and that's something nowadays. I wouldn't put that in her head, however—not for ihe world. I've paid dearly enough for just that sort of a mistake. Better have rone out to servira or taken in sewing. That's what I may have to do when Barbara's married." Tha nett, tidy figure paused in the kitchen doorway as she said that, and a ■hade of radneos swept acroes her face. "live in the house, with Bill Emmons for the master of it?" "Not I, indeed! She won't have sense enough to settle on Dan Grover, I'm afraid. Would I stay, then, if she did? Not so long aa I oould earn at beg any other shelter!" The last exolamation came out with un neraeeary en er g y , and the widow caught up a broom and mpde an immediate as soit on te kitchen floor. The sweeping of her starving, be glad enough to with them." and live of 't she it Barbara's morning walk had carried her prat te fine old homestead of the , O rorare, now the rale property of the promut fondly representative, and «b* ^ noted only too pcecttely the renovating and be autif y in g process on which Dan the proceeds of that ! j very unnecessary in Barbara had clearly misunderstood her *top-mote * ,and te widow bad also failed to penetrate te mind of the 'Squire's pr e tty and sensible representative. only too good a reason why the sheet of musio forwarded by Mr. Emmons had r«waived so little attention There that afternoon. year's wheat crop. n arms, 'she know, about te extravagant waste with whi ch te old-fashioned interior was transforming. Mor* than one village critic had added to ktt other valuable thoughts the surmise, "Looks kinder bad for Bill Emmons;" and Barbara henetf oould have assured of their reasoning, too kind-hearted, however, not too add to herself : "Bo much the better, too, for Mrs. Hawkins. Neither Dan nor 1 would object to her living at the old ptaoa till we oould find a buyer. I only . wish aha oould mbs the money and bay it heraelf." It vu, therefore, m the mis t res s of the renovated mansion behind the maples at the tom of the road that Barbara Hawkins was considering herself when tea time ras quite willing to hurry parlor while her ready» tded stepmother supervised their tu^^ 1 help " in putting sway the baok into the By the time poor Bill ■ _ __long drudge» in the one taw offioe of the village where he waa the Junior, and therefore befhvie the time Barbara , ci Till, hin. to Trick ha Wcttkt bctli^ot MtiUdcMBU "frciT. him la M mach better stylo." And jet thot nicht, of .O nigh to, the youno kajer hod modo mind to pot htt Mo to the tart eeiTed up me ml "end win mom than eme mffeotad h— iknirrlnghr eonrantafft waa tha tanaltaa at tha How lift tha te whaiiaffataafetahttaljhaantifal. Bid war the trtal to hit iamataant ftd when all the ekxraenoa of whleh he was matt e r —and ha had long considered himself master of the situation in as weB—only resulted in obtaining for him a promue from Barbara that ahe ouM OMtttalt nef irtep»m other/ "W ich a change ft would make for her I should leare her I" 'sighed Barbara. "Not at all, not at all," eagerly axohumed IL "She could live With us. you know. ■ "Such if Ish BilL "She could live With us, you know-. erybody likes ter. rill efife I do. She wouldn't be in the way at all.'' But vain waa all be could say or do, except that Barbara's vision of the Grover farm and house may haVe receded some what aa ehe listened to the pleading of her sailor. She aim oat hoped Dan might not come that evening, for not only the pres ent situation had ita charms, te it might have its perils as weU. Dan Grover was not a man to be trifled with, she knew, for all his quiet, self-contained ways. And so it was with something of a feel» ing of relief that Barbara listened, at last, to the bar of the big kitchen clockstriking nine. It was at the same instant that the shadow* of two who were walking side by side in the moonlight feH on the gate in a singularly unified manner ; and then, as the gate opened, Barbara sprang to her feet with a slight exolamation. She bad been sitting close to the low window-seat, and she had not seen fit, or hsd forgotten, to light a lamp. There may or there may not have been any cause for surprise, but the way of it had been this : N things out of the way than Mrs Hawkins remembered an errand she had in the vil lage, and had slipped quietly out to per form It. Nor would no simple matter have taken two long hours, but that, just aa the widow was stopping across the little footbridge at the brook, the form of a tall, broad-shouldered, vigorous man of, say, thirty-five summers, stood before her, and a deep voice remarked : "Bight about face, please. I want a bit of a talk with you, and there'd be no chance for it at the house." Not a word said the widow, as Dan Grover drew her arm in his, but ehe thought, "If h# wants to Barbara, he's right, for Bill must be there by this time ! What a fool she is ! He don't begin to compare with Dan.' It must be confessed, however ,that it seemed wonderfully pleasant, Dan turned up the shadowy lane toward the grove, and when he seemed disposed to put off his express business and to talk of the farm and the house, and lastly of himself. "I have £v the tea o sooner of mono when around me fixed as I oould ask for," he remarked, at length; "bnt I grow lonesome every day. The tact to, I've determined to have a wife, if I can get the one I want ; but there's only one in all the wide world. I'd be lonelier »than I am now with any other." » . "Why don't you speak to her then?" eaid the widow, with a half-choked feeling in her throat She's a very sensible girl, but I don't think it would be right for to try to influence her. I believe a woman has no right to marry without loving." Quick as lightning—very different from Dan's ordinary calm, slow style—was his responsive query: "Have you always been of that opinion ? Have you acted it?" The his arm was jerked away instant, and Barabara'a step-mother was almost sobbing with angry ana wounded feelings, m she stepped back from him, exclaiming, "How dare you! What have you to do with that? Ask Barabara for her secrets, if you wilL Mine are my own." "Exactly," responded the steady-minded Dan, but his voice was shaken now in spite of his self-control "You have told me part of your secret, Marian Hawkins, whether you meant to or not I knew you could never have loved him. Now I will woman tell you mine. Yen without whom I must forever be lonely. You have been only too faithful to Barbara, before." Rapid, earnest, passionate, grew the strong man's words as he uttered them, e closed with a sudden forward movement. Before the widow knew it, Dan's tears betrayed her. It was too late for Dan have his fellow he was too. And when at last the going homeward, their the you would hpve Been it around her, and even her ny thing but to let Such a willful way widow insisted arrival at the gate was signalized by just such another theft as he nad perpetrated twenty timee already, for Barbaras excla mation had been simply, "Kissed her !" Never was a lamp lit so quickly in all the world before ; but, between the find ing and the scratching of the match, Bill Emmons managed to my—for he was a fellow of excellent mind—"Perhaps, Bar bara, that may remove some of culties." And Barbara made no reply ; but when Dan and the widow came into the parlor, it was not easy to say which of the two women was blushing most violently. "It's all right, Bill," remarked , "I don't know that any explanations are required. You have consent." The virions of te newlv-painted house had fainted from the mind of Barbara ! Hawkins, but ft wra Dan's remark that j called her attention to te maimer hi diffl Dan. entire Emmons. The latter was equal oooaaion, however, for he replied : " Well, so long as I've got Barbara's I don't mind having yours and then he added quickly, "I say, Dan, you and I are two fellow* of remarkably good setae. " Bo Barbara's difficulty about her etop mother'« future ae well as her own was removed from her entirely, and curiously enough. Dan Grover spent the remainder of htt natural life in tho unbroken assur anoe that neither he nor htt «dmji nfrU . wife had ever known but one lorn PHILADELPHIAN LETTER. MMTiMw cmomnrawr Tonern ow kiMttta and fttaV Oeertiathe ties» AS. Pnuimnu, Sw» 8.—Th. pmJwWI OMÉon Hou» iav«Uatfka I« whioh vUi mh lag to pepaUf «m ura in tkc wider flenee, and thew f ee r not oaming ander the bend of wn m tton o Hem , ie jet of th. trueot internet, tt »ttwite Ike a ttanH o n of tko inner oiooa, of tke _ ** ' moke opinion, and ita affoota will eittmotol/ be folt in ofc , wi<tar Ikon the StaStata iaolimu inTolrad. Il ta n S n of reform ud k o n ealp iff »K and il ffutaïba community will in tiai# fett M Malta tMtatket conao i omfr or not TktattUUtargetUrt.tiiMtfm mût« importent thmt the primeiy relief given to Importen sod othersJmvte htt nev with tb<Ouetom House.*! teewttd that impression of any great corruption in thisdepartmendf there are abuses whioh it is hardly possible to term less roughly. Wholesale smug gling at this port, such as has been provad against the Custom Houses of Hew Tack but and Boston, we 4 may gladly believe tÔ be ÜiiknöWn, but some peotfla think there ie no fast difference between euch 1 the saddling of a lot Of bto and tended workers on Uncle list, then tfifee tinfy kite month oonsiste in « gnl"g | certain dollars for uneArned wages. " This is bad enough but my original remark good still, for this sinecure businei the benefit of partisans on the winning side is the outgrowth of a tradition and practice as old ment and has been until recently a sort of political higher law, outranking whatever acta of oongrev there may be on the subject Men of ordinary, easygoing hone# have taken the inapeotonhij without ever intending to inspect Any thing and clerkships without ever antici pating to do any such clerking, have taken them with aoomfortable conscience, orat most with only a few qnalme, easily anieted by the reflection that ever ainee the days of *'01d Hickory," to go no further bock* men aa good as themselves had been doing the same thing. The chief wrong was In the svs of high personal honor would such a puce, but 'a the pi to* tha Govern* tern, a man notaooept very few men, compara tively, have this severe sense of rectitude. However, a time of blessed change has come, and assuredly it has its lemon, one full of promise for the wholesome life of the Republic. This matter of make-beUevs political appointments will be the princi pal point in the investigation, but there are other important questions relating to the administration of the Custom House, the delays visit# upon shippers Ac., whioh hopelemly de have long and until mended inquiry. PXBMANENT EXHIBITION QUEUE*. What is to be done to make the Perma nent Exhibition largely popular f Wo All admit that it ia a great show, that the ad* it ev erv way deserves to soooeed, yet it ■ impossible to get up any grata in terest in it The truth ia about perceived that the exhihite in themselves, end won derful as they are in l! ' _ " are not a sufficient show is open every day and people take their leisure, nor do they feel that they have to pay as many visits as they did to the Centennial The present ran of visitors would crowd the Academy of Music, and oould not be squeezed into other building in the oity, but »»ta slim showing in the huge ling* Very likely the Exhfbi For the Main tion to doing as well as possible, yet the result to depressing. To answer my own question I should say there are (leaving Sunday ' >g out of the discussion for the t) but two things to be done: organize frequent excursions from surrounding parts, and 2d, to enlarge the entertainments given. mmmu !. To points are vitaL As to the Aral, some thing has been already done, and word to given of other work in the direction; the great receipts must oomt that way if at aU. The second point is more difflîml» The building to not suited for theatricals ; instrumental music by itself is not sufficient, and vocal musio (except chorus singing) is out of plaoe. There might be floors for danoing, though that might offend some people. Or to manage. l might be tableaux oh a barred by natural limitation, but things of the kind mentioned might be attempted. The risk of fireworks would be too great, besides which the building would have to be darkened, and that would not be the thing for various reasons. If prejudice could be overborne would be one of the surest of schemes,for in that the performance would be given by the public itself, and experience teaches that men like the thing« beet which they have an individual h^ml in. To make the Main Building popular in this way, and select at the would be to make the fortune of te exhi bition. On these two points however, of excursion parties and enlarged amuse ments, depends the success of te enterprise. MULLEN OOUBT. somehow here, whimsically re minded of the William J. Mullen court in the exhibition. I do not pretend to report for you the attractions and beauties of the big show in detail, but from time to tfa— I hope to revert to some of its features. I no appreciative citizen of Wil will fail to note with admiration I mington Mr. Mullen's contribution to the general hilarity. Mullen tt one of the beet of men, but also vainest. He tt the prison agent, and he has oollectad in htt oourt, in te vicinity of the scarcely leas attractive Art Gallery of the Exhibition, all the various tributes which have been paid him in the character of Philanthropist during a long term of years. We nave Mullen setting tho prisoner free, in all manner of shape«—monument, statue, bust, and laurel wreathed portrait. People who enjoy the study of personality, must by no means miss this display, for ft tt unique. There was another public character onoe, with a name somewhat of the well-known " similar to Mr. Mullen's,—an actor named Mullet, who constituted in blw»««if the * i strength of his dramatic troupe, who was consequently a rtar of the first magnitude. I used to know htt Bill by heart but ean now remember only a few odds and ends of ft ; ft was all of a peiee however; it ran something in this way: Highlander's Broad-sword Combat— Highlander, Mr. Mulfott; "Laughing Hyena," laughing Hyena, Mr. MuUett. Live Injun on te Black Wire—live Injun Mr. Mullett. Mullen and Multttt-I pro test they have many pointa of resemblance. Yet you muet rightly understand Mollen has done a great deal of eolid good ae prison agent; he is funny, but wo often lough over thing* we like te boat. me: Mr. iniver. much boon written latterly publie intimation was nmrsanonilmfli. Although been feweamd hTSTS tes te aellett now taka netted to soon. Uwes not beU teas of mtà foil estlid , but of w! the this eved the be or* hatte, btt Jv 'ruiAfcnfl or XTommors âortttt and the ; fe Prof. Ohio, hM bMO to ibo Chafe of ragnar rnin SfU join onrrimlnm, Of whioh IkoTa fallj written, will ho panned hart ik<fr opalin inthomottarof Tbnetk* «3! r Tha <«j lathoritaaa of ivy amdasa the high rued whioh for it i aooUty can be made to enfler vitiates the only food of a very large popolattoB. Oommon sense class of the the beet that tapue ttitetef cdttsebf 4U othc unduly wai hälfet m ruhout legal intervention lite&loM. " * wt* ta**# of the ipeaktag of tk# ohildren, it ia pleasant tote that the free excursions will soon bo oommenood again,—probably next week if the weather continues charity if there eft* WA# one ! It refreshes the A true heart to think of auch goodness. Index. #01 £iVf| MMMTCMÆM, Qrigbam had made considerable money, 4 eared ft too, so he retired from the oduea business and invested in six per oenta. Then he took a notion that he'd like to to tiie Legislature.—"it would be so noruble vou know''—but as he had in politioe—in for years,—he how to so about it a noticed candidate«' cards in the papers, announcing them •dree for offloe, and ho oonoluded would be about the beat way to start the spatter, aa it would probably bring of tha party workers around, and then everything was plain sailing, as he had made up Me mind to throw the cash find uvttÿt Bah#putsoaid in the mörnlng papers annomndng himself for the Legalst ore, "at the urgent .solicitation of many votera," awl sure enough that afternoon, t house add to boob as Grignam 7 : never taken an active part voted fact had not didn't know ex* Hoe r o oai s he had that afo three towards him a* if he had known him all his Ufa, and, Grigham's jivety^manntr, assured him that he rv -- better, and asked after the healtii qf the family generally. Grigham was wondering when he had seen the fellow before, when he turned to his comrades and introduced them by name, stating that they were the oOoecs of the execu tive oo mm i tt ee of the party, and had been looking around for some time for available candidate to plaoe in nomination for the LoftoleAuto, and the evening be fore at their meeting, the oommittee had settled oh Grigham, and sent them around If ha would aooept Now hose was just what Grigham craving, and for a few completely overwhelmed with the great ness that was being —* Then he fold the elEitne mitttee wanted him on tha ticket he perfectly willing to ram. Bo they all again ■hook Grigham weemly by the hand, and told him be needn't bother Umaelf about the matter any further, ae he would reoeive was be that if the oom te nomination aura, and that, with their party, waa equivalent to election. Then the^f remarked that te —semant was for the campaign, and they were ready to receipt for it. Grigham thought ft wouldn't do to appear "ctoae" with the party worker«, so be got te writing material rea# and told them to make the rooeipt a no doubt they oould plaoe this bttanoe where ft would do good eervira. The chap' told him that mme knew how to "get their work in" better than they, ana declared that Grigham ought to boa Congre— man, and they'd do all in their power to make him one. Then one of the chape slid toe two hundred dollars into a side pocket, te llin g Gridtam to be sure and oome around to the next meeting of te oom mittee, of whioh he would reoeive notice, ter left. Twenty-four hours later the loot linger ing doubt was dispelled from Grigham'« mind, by a neighboring politician to whom he had confided, that the three epruoe l oo kin g ohape with te elaborate breast pins, were "strikers" from a neighboring oity, who made a business or flooring just euch ambitious individual* aa te # 200 , he had and ex produce dealer. And Grigham, now thoroughly disgusted politics, spends moot of his time running htt hands wond eri n g With thro his front hair, how those knew he rated to go to te Logisiatara. But he forgets "the nttie card." Addison Dunoon, of Luray, Va., te for te Washington, Cin cinnati and 84. Louie Narrow Gauge rail road, accidentally shot and killedhimeelf at 1 e'etock yratardoy afternoon along te Une of te road, 10 mitte west of Harrtton ville, Va. It an that Mr. Duncan a forge number of oon gaged in constructing the road ; that a guu used by one of the guards waa lying upon an embankment. Mr. Duncan took te gun by the muzzled and drawing ft toward him the hammer caught on a twig, causing the gun to dia eharg* te eontants. Twelve forge buck shots entered Mr. Duncan's breast imme diately above te heart, killing him in ■tantiy. The deo ta aed had long been a f ridro t of Luray, and Is related to the mort influential aid wealthy famille* of the valley *f Vttgtafe He was shout 46 years of ago. viele who Fio n a Ughtalag Thursday's Evert Evhnzno and Com mercial stated that a man William Louder had Wea struck by Ityhtning and wan «Bed wh# teftarttp, with several otenL ta a abed in a atrawbenp field throe mitt e . frt ta Dover. Tfomah none of the ured, nearly all of oettio wore were rtunned. atejjflCl Two GREAT LOSSES BT FIRE. * Ä rmuonow or rr rwAwn tmot MMTT TMtTMJ Raw Th. tit ftrta it « in IT S IVXBf dtc •ttiona Are, if we take MIS S ' Aha lorn of &>e, nag anarienood in Bielge Imt, Mearred ojehMt midnight Than. dlaeorared n light in thé !tSttOM okw 1 of Ô Sorer, Sonferd & Som'l footorj. An alarm woo immediotajj aonndad and tha whole Am department rwpanded. rtoiiU tbeeeneu Brid As is » ihe. etroet mate, the ÏM&.XfSS Is. but in .the aesntee the lire It appears to have originated If* the dyeing or mixing room, in the northwest the third story of the main, ut that building, and ran along reached the dummy, fry floor until it means of whioh the tft&fies the Are below. The main building waa 280 feet long, 00 feet wide, and 4| stories high. To the top of a high basement the brick walle w came à communicated to [note thick, but above that II fee I;, an a two others 10 t high: surmounted bf fe Attic,- all ported by 12-iqch walls, the windows 48,inohes wide, fed the columns tern tt# febchs. It will be seen that tue "e Httle probability of the walls standing. It is in oonsequenoe of this fact that the loss of life occurred while volunteers were engaged in feinotiag goods from the building. An entrance was effected in the office, a one-story building at the north east corner of the factory, and a dozen or twenty men rushed in and commenced to get out the aafe, oo unter end other appur tenance«. when suddenly mid without warning to thttee ftlSide the b#ok wall and then the front wall fell hut: leafing the two highest walls unsupported. The one adjoining the offloe leaned outward and as a shriek went up from hundreds of spec tators, feU upon the roof of the .office, crushing through to the basement and burying in the ruins those who had been engaged in the re&tiö. One man who escaped with à gash his forehead, when interrogated as to whether anyone remained inside, replied that there were a dozen in there, whioh number proves to have been nearly cor rect, eleven bodies having been recovered, nearly all of them being fearfully crushed less burned. At the time the east end wall also fell, carrying fire into a wing 110 feet long and 50 feet wide. This Was also completely des troyed, together tHth the engine and boiler rooms adjoining. Tne walls fall about 12.30,and as soon as possible search for the missing was commenced, but it 5 o'clock before the first body recovered. During the next hour eight found, and by 10.30 two others taken frotn the ruins. The lfl feet and had been names of those recovered are as follows: O. J. Acker, aged 50 years. r pd in directing the removal of the and was found head downward with limbs burned off to the knees. He leaves a wife and two children. George Acker, son of 0. J. Acker, 20 years, crushed, but not badly disfigured. John Gallagher, 35 years. He leaves a wife and two children. Edward O'Toole, SB yean, body fdderably mangled. He leaves a wifi children. Charles F. Dart, 8« yean, badly and arm and leg burned off. He wife and four children. Hugh Smith, 26 years. He leaves a wife and two children. His remains are not much burned. John Maloney, 28 years, hand gone. William McIntyre,aged 22 years,had his head completely severed from the body, identifiai by oards in his pocket. John Tomlin, 39 years, was burned be yond recognition, but was recognized by a watch and ring on his person. Two other bodies prove to be those of James Coyne, aged 84, unmarried, and John Killingbeck. The latter was only recognizable by his hand, from whioh he had previously lost fingers, and a truss his body. This oompletes the list of killed, II in all. The original building was erected at a cost of #110,000. Sanfords have since made extensive addi tions. Their loss on building, machinery and stock will reach about #250,000, ou whioh there is an insurance of #150,000. about 15,000 hats nearly ready for shipment, most of which troyed. The hat shop at this time gave employ ment to 250 hands, but He was oon e and crashed leaves a He - The There des to have started with a full forra. The Sanfords say they will sell or lease, rather than put up factory, without better facilities for uishing a fire. The bad hose every floor, but no water could be had. The coroner's jury were in session all e afternoon, and after an exhaustive amination rendered the following unani mous verdict: extin the The jury find that 11 persons came to their deaths by the falling of tho east wall of Glover, Sanford A Son's factory, oaused by the burning of the building. They further find that the supply of water from the hydrants was wholly inade â uate. Had there been sufficient water ie fire department would have stopped the conflagration whioh caused the falling of tho walls. THB GREAT OALVS8TOM FIRE. At 3.30 o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in the kitchen of the New York restaurant, on Market street, near Twenty second street Galveston, Texas, and spread ing north and east was not extinguished until it hsd destroyed nearly all the build ings between Market street and the bay and Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets. After consuming a number of shops and retail stores the fire crossed an alley and attacked the Grand Southern Hotel, Murphy A Brockle man's hardware establishment and several frame buildingB Mechanic ^street, J the ington Hotel, Odd Fell Market street tho south side of old Wash ' Hall,(8eelig ■on's Bank, the First National Bank, Marx A Kempner's wholesale grocery house, Jaoobs A Beckhardt's wholesale clothing house, T. C. Thompson A Co.'s wholesale drug house, J. 8. Brown A Co.'s whole sale hardware house, Bartlett A Ce.'s ship ■tores, George Schneider A Co. 's wholesale grooery house. AH on te south ride of te strand wen destroyed. ■trana LAE Blum's Crossing te wholesale dry goods house, A. C. Crawford A Ban's crockery house, G. SoeUguoa A Co.'s grocer y house, Friburg, Klein, A Oo.'s liquor store, D. T. Ayre's p ooeey , te Cotton Exchange and other buildings were destroyed. The total num ber of buildiug* destroyed tt 26. Eastern and Northern insurance companies lose heavily. L. A H. Blum lose on stock #600,000, and on building about #150,000; insurance about #660,000. Man à Wompner'e lose en etoc* iS é*m #107.000, fed on buildig g_#32,00Q ; fuHy M M Ui i A f m , ' Jte: Mto tmMin*. »fitol* inüÜïiiMni «.£3rä£Sttm het wll not, H is thought, exceed #*0,000. Tile the ml tan* tarsus it delei, 8t Obvie*. Philip sod First «tenta, wan burned yeeterday. Lov vttaoatsd * M $>0,000. vtootmJ» MMrmMxtor. ■.laMM-kMtttttaf hltrirm' i Jm (»«• a* Soon oven Oot-* tio" The tow«, Wodneedaj mornlffffj At 10.80 o'efeok So for tke pert fti At È cfm ddfevs! eW pects of the —, ... several oflloisl duties psffSttsed oonrse of the past year. He B the diocese healthy and prom the ,ef Of ylteiB the eon vention proceeded to the Sleottte clerical and 8 lay depute to the Convention, appointed to mdeft Jn Boston in October next. The balloting waa eott ■ " 4 * o'clock, resumed at 7.S0 fed p e te tad in entU t o'alook y morning, idken ftp Again ttmrtly after 9 o'olook. and dobed at ll o'dOok, Witt* the föDbwihgfestdt : Clerical debifle#/ Ejtfo: L JL B. Brooks, of Seaford, Benjanufl #. tkwigtta. of Georgetown, J. Leighton MoKtn n, of Milford, T. G. LttteU, of Wilmington. Lsy Depute i Meows. 8. M. Ouvtts, W. J. FeU, GeÔéft*t af that General it P., Thu T. Ma P. H. H. The - --, pro to the election of (he committee and on tha flnt ceeded following were choeen: Revs. Spenoer, L. W. Gibson, J. A. mono —, öTifee Laity, 8. M. Curtis, Dr. Hontoe Wit.' ballot C. 8. and; customary cTHJ^totTf jfftoterwaa i Tuesday evening, the Kef. WnBam addressing the children and the Rev. Dr. Frost the t each er e. On The held D. Hanson Thursday evening the annual mission ory meeting, displaoed from Wed ing bÿ the ÿlfofehff btohiesi vention, was held id 0L rf Admirable and made by the Rev the Rev. Dr. Frost, of Wilmington, the Bishop who closed the serrioes d the apoetalio benediction. fc of etiitpg ad dr ess ee were . L. W. Gibson,of Dover. with prayer Anne* i o coRAMMromMjm, Useful Uinta I« Those Who Write tor Tko 1**00*. Tsa Bir The Burlington Hé * ttq eellent advice to correapon Never write with pen or gether too plain,and doesn't hold the mind of the editor and printers closely enough to their work. iras this ex* af te ' you are oompttlad to use ink, never that vulgarity knöTü ft# teUetting If you drop a blot of ihi fltt tta If be pad. paper, lick it off. The intelligent pod tor loves nothing so dearly m to road through the smear this will make across 80 words. We have seen him hang 20 over such a piece of copy swearing like a pirate all the that good. Don't punctuate. S unctuate all manuscript sent m't use capitals. Then we can punctuate and capitalize to snH ourselves, and your it in print, will does not please you. this 8 We prefer to artiole, when astonish Don't try to write too pb sign of plebeian origin and breeding. Poor writing to of genius. It's about tne o of genius that a great many men pome—. Scrawl your article with eves saut and make every word as illegible i We get the same prioe for it from the rag man as though it were covered with copper-p Avoid i/it g . It to a Mr. ae you late sentences. painstaking names. We know the full , woman, and child in the States, and the merest hint to a sufficient. For instance, if you write a character something like a drunken figure "8," and then draw a wavy line, and the letter M and another waving line, we will know at onoe that you mean Maine! Merrison, even though you may think you mean "Lemuel Messenger." It to â ntt mistake that proper names should bo written plainly, Always write on both sides of the paper, and when you have filled both sides of every paper, trail a line up and down every margin, and back to the first page, closing your artiole by writing the signature just above the data. How do love to get hold of the man who sends them. Just for 19 minutes. Alone, in the woods, with a cannon in our kip pocket. Revenge is sweet; yum, yum, yum. Lay your pape» on the ground when write—the rougher the ground th* aU proper of every United te be rion name * is Of top of te had tter. Coarse brown wra best for writing your tear down an old circus pooler and side of it with a pan pping-paper tt the artiriee oo. If you write on the pasty stick, it will do still better. When your article tt completed, crunch your paper in three This rubs off the superfluous vour pocket, and carry ft days before all to fu two ft in. and makes it lighter to handle. If you can think of ft, lose ana of the middle of your article, easily supply love to do it. We hav* nothing else ta do! A rrlfhteari Town of On Wednesday evening, a singular look ing and disguised tramp visited tke town of New London. His ways and talk were peculiar enough to raise suspicion. An attempt was made to arrest him, but not carried out. Two other* iug around. The tramp bar room and guarded by men. At a late to on. was looked in te in of hour peculiar noieee were heard, he ten wanting out to go to the barn and sleep. The store window of L F. Iredell had been disturbed, arousing the family they went to see, but the soamps oould not be seen. The town was soon aroused by revolver shots, bells ringing, Ae., even of the female sex guarded themselves with pitch forks, knives, Ac. It appeal they kept better guard tea te aa In the morning the tramp others have not been of .»r.Aynv. The Russian Oourt invited Dr. Ayer and his family to the Archduke's wedding in the Royal Palaoe. This distinction wm arded him not only I tins ns« he wan an American, but also because htt — — as a physician had become fovenabty known in Rueria, on ita pai ge 'round te wucld. ■ SC I el BMW Without hating r which «MMspIttedsnyef the it tt S*e in May is CTSf wfte BsH i b I Hbekley in tensed toredTOiril w I SMS. Tfe * JH« *> ■ Be» tmt far omdt ZSK «tub. dwiiMwi m moke os effort to toko of the hand , of eooh men na HttLittfST number of repr ■ran *f tha different mllrentie^n tai|ram> ttnffe were alto p r êt an t. Dr. wus opened wifhansddrsv of Philsdelphis, who fe; -a^jw -d"Ä53 0 vid could be dOB* ter 4* oants s ton. Th* «■a, M he could *SE York. ainutts of tha last masting weft adopted, Ihe repost of the oommitte* ,ef ttflavfttfettmB, who bad the subject Of * safeattcc af teght given them at last "ltoa.V t^Eni ititil t*irt tin urn VMvhadmtt Mr. Hiuddey la hieottoe it was avvd that the committee would adjourfl to a fatum day, whan oflttials from aO the grand tronk raUroada A sub-oommff#e* ad flvewao they met thelfdftowing __ ne 6th, in Mr. Hinckley's otBeei Isaac Hinckley, President P., V, A B. B. R., A. i. Oaeeett, H. Ï. t n. it Freight Agent Feataeylvantt ' railroad ; Chartes E. Pugh, General Agent Pennsyl vania railroad ; Charles Bock well, General it Agent N. Y. A H. H. AH. railroad; Freight Agent railroad ï F. Thompson. Gendfil Manager PenhsyHrnu* railroad; T. K Btufod, a A O. nUroffd j W. T. BÎoak, P. A R. milrad ; Ohâriea K. Id., Ma ta Ham artotk F.,W. A a nil Mfct A Off ta ttff iMtwMn Ml thm P. Otaris Genen# Manager Griffith, W, T. I General and the oom bom The result not the oommtftfer tftrt Mr. Hinckley, k hie matter of transportation, in I Mr. Biggs, by Utter, what attkm Arrange fc mente were stated to have been completed to ran e* ears to any point in the West flittttii, and a réduction or on per made id Aft potato West of the Ohio river. The report of the oommittee being fln a l e tt er from Charles K. Ida waa give in full : Pam&MtLPBZA, June 6th, 1677. Hoh. B. T. Biooa, Chairman Oommet Tsa Peach Growers' Convention. —Dear Bir :—Aftof cons ul ta ti on with the ofloers af tha Femmtlttnta Railroad Company, tttipmente of Πte have to the currant i The rates to all Wattm potato to be red tided M per fraoa Ihie* ta fore* in 1871, andre be named to all principal potato on the ltaa af te Pennsylvania railroad, its hnsÉMi tel sennieHoeis based on the Anpty hatatstt ratarned MfoUowa : For sc thee* hi foiet hi Empty baskets returned at 2 oenta each te Jersey Oity. It to understood in this oo nn e o tio n that the chartered oar a ffistanoe of 100 to 199 a distance of 800 to 499 miles, 8 omatt; for a dtotanoe of 500 to 1,000 atitto, 4 oenta. Rates to Jersey City and 1676. g ttent^Jje ealqfora in fofee, will be and that the basis erf oalouta ba tor oarloada of 16,000 pounds. Charles K. Id*. Master of Transportation. Gov. Gasten moved that the report be sustained by rejected, and the motion waa Mr. Samuel Townsend. As this was the main question ft was opened for lengthy Mr. Townsend mid the oommittee had ■fully by te railroad offloiale. and he hoped their attempt to do away with the present manner of procur would be discountenanced. R. B. Griffith eaid he did not want te proposition rejected precipitately. He oould see the object of it to be to do away with te return of empties, which would be to aU growe r * a great advantage, as they oould pel a reduction from commis rion men and carters if empty basket« "K wen not to be returned. Who ever heard Of empty ooffee boxes being returned or or date boxeB being empty expeoted. The present system tueiuy be done sway with and pty orange, it book ? No had would even why not now. Cheap baskets could be secured. Mr. Townsend raid that though baskets were now 7 rants each, adopt that propo sition and they would soon be up to 15 cents. I 8. 8. Hoff stated that a manufacturer had informed him that a basket strong shipment could be fur for 5 rants m any quantity, and that he believed that sum oould be raved through cartage and commission. An extended dtteusrion followed, par ticipated in by Maare. Townsend, Biggs, Hon, Mills, Smith, Cochran and others. enough ntthed tor one lengthy, and often tedious, that all interest in Gov. Cochran's motion aub Gov. Cochran finally withdrew motion, and a resolution retaining the committee, with instruction* to seek further proposition« and especially fu rt her reduction of rata*. Altar other small matters were ■staled, te meeting adjourned to meet ■gain oo June 23d, in Middletown. On* thousand shingles fold four inchee to te weather will oover hun dred square feet of eurfooe, and five pounds of shingle nails will fasten them on. One fifth more riding and flooring is needed than te number of square feet of surface to be covered, because of the fop in te riding and matching of te floor One thousand lathes will oover 70 yi of eurfooe, and 11 pounds of lath-nails will yards light bnehsls of good lime, 16 bushels of sand, and one bushel of hair will make A aoid of rtono, 8 bushels *of lime, and eonbée yard of nad will lay 100 cubic _of brick wiU lay 1 foot in hatahth on a ohiamey, 6 bricks in a wilT make a fee 8 inches wide i__ taahee long, and 8 bricks in a oouree will make a flue # tehee wide and 16 inches Mr. Water, of te London Timet, eayi that American lager can ba drunk freely ■ te c at injurious ^eci. HERE AND THERE. it on. as mach aawe popnaman. **#•00,660 worth of water Hai«nrba«taMB»Mi> Iktbwl. »W* S* tarn out Phjtto, far the moat pmt, in'n enhetttate itai k's The N. T. holla'll * Inn •mrw, . .myae^ i feofeStS. i CESSÂT" tt M fest The avenge length of lift of Am ettt a n presidents has been 79 years. Every moment deprlvv us of a portion of Mfs. [Gloomy exohamge.J We take Japan's whole he erop ytt aha buys oompanttotty Utfe of no. Boston will eafety and thriftily ohorrve the Fourth without pyrodtehuioj Juliets, ie played at Booth's, H. T. Qakey Hall, much broken, tott leaaly around the London gardens. Ceorgl # a fugitive tnm juste ia o hate "m ina i htt was hing " la It ia fourni tt# a wnwaea, urn, "strychained te deptated'e eo ff se." A Carolina débatte the foreign war is no good to I ta n te A good suggestion is Ilka a eryfof baby a oonoert; it ought to be carried out. Carlyle says young men r ea ch the max~ * imum of detoetobflHy about the age of 25. iavd# 1 *®* Fred Doeglam for not kttping thei* cauta, The rear," ia a ttgn on Gantt ta rn t, Mew York. * A young-!-11^ T-!_1 spring telegraphs borna r " Fatted ealf for one.'' The mason to «wap spruoe gum over the front gale has arrived.— IFMtdAnR Tin mc. backed and low-mated, tt a dr aaa tag -rpoa» nOTeltj. ' Alexander H. Stephens And# hie obit« ties a great help in writing Mography. etojptome a raÿ ww » eluttve and delusive cota. There is to be a etyU of bate this mar on the Turkish plan; whleh ought to be rather fes-tiv*. Deep square collars of white and bin# td ptak Torchon tnettttU laoa are mueh in vogue for of te peat We didn't know that tha gratia, maairtt mosquito was tt aff inclined to drink, yet we me people putting *P tee for them.— Hercuiaa wool knit in at short Interval—the peettiett bring of Boms of te beet ttdtoe of Japan have for wonyn in the Orient. ▲ novelty in brnttkerahiefe te ce n tra of white l inen, with EX l n high much fea to h a t ed for many pews round she might not fool so vain. knew how The ooming man in short troaosn, with marbles, prom to— to add novelty and variety to the record of etrott a—idnnte. The streets in front of employ—ant d obetructed offices in San Francisco are so ten seeking petitioned lately nkoaieke. hen raked i Thera what was waa an old doctor who, w! good for mosquitoes, wrote bask : do you suppose I ran tell unira# the mosquito?" fashionable hose forehlldrea "How what alls The are te French, ribbed with plaide f cen se d by a loop stitch of colored rawing talk, about midway of the «tacking. Thera bora are in te paient sh odea. The Philadelphia police are to carry rattan canes this summer, and ft tt a auery with them how they are tt» knock dow n cripple etrangers for life te Hew York police. neatly as do "Ah," he raid, "another circus in town sec the white tent in te diet sura." He near-righted, however, and ft proved Gilt and silver buttons are very ranch worn now, to match the tinsel braids eo much need to trim jnnlonaiera effect tt particularly briluata at ntabt, te gilt looking well lrith cardinal tnmmlng and te rilver with blue. A woman may give intellect, geni virtue to a p ro f rario n and fall t patronage; but if te earn# woman w put on ughta and stag a oomio eon« citizens of our g reat republic would fill house, and applaud unt &tey —Danbury Iftton. A girl who The us and to find to the the «an put a pantatnmie a pafar of who but she ia of more real yellow ground, i value m the Bulk**. One of the very ptae tree riilDiage which ka up the bridal dower—hee weight in silver—of Mrs. Chief Juetio* Bewail, of Ms eaohhartta, has lately been plaeed in the old Month Exhibition. Th* Bewail family hav* «arafufly preserved it oommunity. —NorwicA bel to for two ceaturtta. A complaint is made against the in. creaeed expense of ftiaw a tt One reason of this oerttt that oonraay friande want to Danbury JFmn. The n deoe iv ed port to warble thnety: A'd l took all br ■ id «Miede« off, A 2 i°,v!OT«S 5 tttyr k By dees rads all day. a'd toted, A'd b ed t riée d*d*t ta ady eood : ä'