Newspaper Page Text
A SCOTSMAN IN TEXAS. *-* yjg P ^Qtff If MTAM MTATM. JL 6 !■ RftMk C—tnr-Batf If u»n rtkr tea by Mt Ik. «a!!*. Tho Edinburgh Amémum, qm at the tergeut «nd boat MWMpm of tbn United Kingdom, «took, Indood, notelm roinporison with Mb TV fc y w to R , |HNKU'llt to this "" saaalqr «a hwMpU •rlmltan, wiU *«B S I th. WfinH i U — ml kw to À American r.'f- rcuce to Orrat Hrtetra, «hick Mi ta* dmlopod so greatly off late, and whioh to ozeltte^so •■«»V r «»lwd coplw of Ik. «,*,*■■ ooo- t ' t Uiiro'.jjime*. h. hu pm «hon ha am ' i> u tho bottom of the nbjooh tho >.it.ris quit, Intamäng, b«topoMonly p.niiit, to publish lolt'iwUig is doted at Qtio.Mii, April M Vcv people la Qtaat Britaia, vbra talk or read«! Texas, kora ear idea that thfy aw talking tad rnadlag of o ooaatry nlKmlf.vo timaa tho riae of of a sis Tbs «■«tond, I at mom '1 area of orar 176,000,009 e exact, 176,587,840. This ' to *wondarful l ountry" forms tha »outh« es te nt point of the United Stetes, Usa b e t« at u DO dsgroas aud 3«; degrees north latitoda. «he roll of the genial Quit of about 400 miles. Prom oast to west it nn-Msures 800 miles ; and from north to south, 700. A rery large extant is "roll- ing" prairie and woodland lying at vattoa of under 1,000 tost, out still there area of mountain ranges n- i high tableland, Tarring tram *,000 to feet abore sea lereL the highest jHiint bring S, 896 feet, tte climate hasoeen tho Hubjoctof much dirsnity of statement Homo ssy they would not change it for »my other climate in the world; others hold that It is unfit for habitation of white . Aa far of t'ueaa two extremes would oonee pretty Hear the truth. In a country lying (lie frozen and tropical regions i ta'u thut tho climate will be characterised rapid changes of heat and cold, and wb y these rapid changes are the worst ? of the climate of Texas, aa well ae of tin 1 Northern States of the Union. The ? lidillo States have more equability. Both and winter it is warm in Texas, UTjept when a "northern" sweeps down (the Texans have little lore for :• hailing from the north), and then tho atmosphere is chilly aa long aa the north wind laata. Bomeumea, in the apace of live or six hours, the thermometer will an I can laara, tha "maan between b !> f I ti fall from 82 (1 grcps when a "northern Kutlclouly. In this beautiful 83 to 51) " springs little town of ttwrat !$0,000 inhabitants, and all along the coast, tho heat is tempered by a constant breesn from the Gulf, aud the thermome- ter solde m exceeds 84 degrees in the shade; but in (he interior the heat is often very much too intense for white b»l>or in the height of the day. Snow full* occasionally, but never lies a rew hours, while winter often without the pools ever being coated with Vegetation begins very early, and several varieties of fruit and other garden produce have beeu in use for a couple of weeks. On the whole it must be admitted that tho climats of Texas i up than spring and * is not conducive to health, os may .-ined from the fact, that with the view of chocking the spread of fever and such contagious diseases, Texan cattle prohibited from crossing the Red River into the Northern States during these Fuium be ini; seasons. The total area under tho various kinds of farm crops— Indian corn, wheat, rye, onts, barley, potatoes, and hay—in 1875 was about 1,700,000 acres; the area under Indian corn being about 1,500,000; under wheat, 140,000; and hay, 60,000 acres. Indian corn yields els per acre, wheat e of 20 bush , , _ 18 bushels, rye 18 bushels, oats 32 bushels, barley 30 bushels, potatoes 100 bushels, and hay about one ton. On the first of January 1876, the ber of cows in the State was 500,100; and other cattle more than 2,343,700, sheep numbered 1,601,400, and hogs about 1 , 000 , 000 . Regarding the history and characteristi of the Texas cattle a sentonoe suffice. They Spanish cattle, direct descendants Of those unseemly, rough, lanky, long-horned ani mals reared for so long and in such large herds by the Moors on the plains of Andalusia. The Spaniards wno __ covered Mexico, and afterwards settled in TVxas, brought cattle with them, » nd r.o exclusively have the descendants ;hese been reared in Texas that the Tskan cattle of to-dav may be called full-blooded Spaniards, inheriting and displaying all the characteristics of the herds t roamed on thsir native plains. In Texas, theso imported cattle, though compara uvely tame and quite at home, had such unlimited ranges to wander over that they yvy soon became perfectly wild, bound ing off with fury at the sight Of a human being : aud two will indeed none else than of yet many of the herds m a semi-wild state, and furious uan on foot could not venture to approach them. The herd boys ar mounted, and the wild cattle know a on horseback, and foot is a stranger and id they at llicsu . ircumstances, it is not at all wonderful that the millions roaming at deserve • bestowed on the original The characteristics of the Spanish n > generally recognised, may be « up thus—long, spreading, half .racked horns ; long legs, thin lanky . iU*pUt-together bones, throw V,' : Ul " MH V high nt the hooks aud low i and loin« ; coarse head, thin ■ waist ; that all from him; buta enemy to give battle. Under of ilu ROW Texas than higher » : d. , light great amount of mpared to I be weight of beef ; and > «»lor, generally yellow, red, roan, I black, rith ry often npe along the bark, u regarded as , ok a rule, is iuferior. iou nearly 20,000 Texan cattle, U there certainly were a few very among them. I could above terms in deHcrib- «1 They have good milkers, and I have lb h J. ; ; any of (l ".».go »rjeci dowiug graphic sketch of certain J f-; Texan life is .writeu from Hous .»*ril 28. too. -a S:unlay i a Texan town presents accuwtomed to see that much revered «-»y of rust. In the "land sf brown heath m. i shaggy wood," at any rate in its rural ihstriotdfOiie's ears are seldom offended by tiw porsistent shout of the "shoo shiner," ».r.ivjk of the sportsman's gun, the t-har*. tap of billiard balls, the rattling of h jr jugs, the scraping of the barber's or the clipping of his shears, ai hubbub among groceries, cloth, i^k. Nor is ho accustomed to hort iuterval i uy «Rh ortliuilox Scotland t:io IS Ink , and such church before the t.rrival of the "diviuu" spent in reading in bar I faced flirtation ; nor it.:- s i the qui: t hours of a Sunday •:ioo:i whiled away .by a round tho thimble tri. k" for "only half casting "dice" n- wspap rs, <lf> manufac i 'nt soap v bon all "other sports" pi Yet all these to be answered * worldly inhabitants of a Texan timed To r hiul 1 •* power 1 many oh •ng ; vll , aud situated of tho State, where " last Sunday, (be npot whore this modern Sodom * *. .<!■», "mi .» ! th. n li Ostes«" of the Cos ("tho only tirrit-cla«« hotel in ' according to the boy at lilt the first house less than 5 and, like most American insti bs village «eeni« to have ::shro( I » • the grown pace. It has a populu uncongenial mixture up it » i.u . of 3,<ioo, lalkUmklM Sr*** TaakMB, at !■ tfc. ml «( Uw nr tea oonuRiuhr | by mj ote«3i to «tarabU ip« tea vutafn fitTmri-4 WiA Uatm -mfiaml lllart fnTtoit rabwnd, «Mt huen, DM rMUiîrla^ tm. «km I ute Mia imàf two Mt «TK. «ai «a rim* Ik. mSb brio* *nwn ETS _ it Ik *40*. I À lurll oi hop >nU 6km bj, *4 rri- *m»r MO of tkaoo Ht* Oiitl <«**. - it of «jo ooo fil l l y Th> «mm» imi»am mm ««• * mfooMIUril tad q«iat«r Irai on Ik. wh«li it rarat b. inMsnw, ■ 3B5BTsL$ Tolas is not nsrtleulsrfar dssdsvitb tbs mSvsTSni Wwta hülfe sis traquant tekapteoa a ot max sr-ss? on to n. at torus tog. and toad oaky soma nr my bat tes tha ■ w a.Mg tar a Ä ona other dajy. date as I oaaa asking Ms ndtoao es A 11 safer." aa ana tehani H. i those was tbs prsrtou arentog to asriat him into town with some teothaa. 0s The law on thia of the two fter *•$, ■tKra mule to the other : ratuts ■took thiarsa are hug fMra I tara, M arar, by 10— mu £3S Mterely—for stage robbroy. er, to other Goremment off robe another of hia life bMotoy toaetup the slightest possible amount of proroea- Buft a who point is frightfullv lax, become almost Bootiand. ▲ quiet, genilemanly-loohing fellow was pointed out to the writer yester- day as having the distinguished reputation of shooting eleven men to different quarrels! as oomuott here theft in ith »U this wild work, how- , it is only fair to state that a careful, inoffensive man who minds Msottn business (an important point in America !) make his way through Texas wll alarming danger. can thout 9 m AUmtUmrnti. îkrî 1 «53 "IS. "•'CANVASSERS $600 REWARD ! SEfHEM SK PbUsdalphU, Ootwral A«wU for United btetes. J«44w ETteMl fwr CtreBlar._WS "*mrtlte 30 KSZ? 1 " 0AB Kindarboofe.Now s'&oUti'ss: Vote PB—w jrrw-'säötsgÄ A HABBATH.KEEPING Temperance Boarding Homo ►n w mutuel prtnejpl—, with m.e«.lUS«r eshosi el 30 hay of in all TOARMMINTHH BEET P ITLANP LIVE AND HBALTH WITHOUT B1UQA nr. fhMoaat'i grant werk te MOW ERADT «OR AGENT«. LI .J^SÜrtjïSSWÏ & will C.C. HOPPER MANUFACTURER AND DEADER Of Fine Furniture, of BIB» BIS, BBO Noth Batwaao Esea aad Vtea, PHILADELPHIA. Hacete Pnrnlahed bp C. C. HOPPER to 18T«i Ü? aSS - _ fll4 Ik a«E»T REDUCTION! to all be all HOWE to Sewing Machines of I Will hereof rav te rate to 30 DOLLARS 1 Frlean nf all atker atylen Rteawd In «hg ie prgggrtten. Every Mise Warrants Perfbct Having di bin«*, «« are rraparad chant* and other« aa will tinned es«! ng MubtOM y in ottor mar -^1 in^ar 1 ^*,'Sail'd?? number of intobia«« «nUrad. l plaom «har* «• ar« not rap -îptljf fll'ed. * - r illustra ■i'Hit "HOWK MACHINE COMPANV « Cheatnut atraat, Philadelphia, Pa. W. R. DRONBRROER. Agrat, 831 Market street, Wilmington. Dal. of die«. W« will ««Il reJ who da* ira to s I book I chine, and < CHROMO DEPOT'Sy.orV.-w.Yd" leek and white mate. Bond for Illustrated Gala »-"»•iasa Âaçtfrt.xrjgc see by the of PhEääpU FLORENCE OIL 8 T 0 VE, ~ SUMMER COOKING www,%,B1 '"a HAFKST, AND MOMTI f'watlaw Lera Thu ECONOMICAL. | T "*hf/i3. ' NO UNNROIB8ARY HEAT! NO ODOR! ! POR THE HEBT, we ¥JS£3r the nor half MiLt-BN, G, 1'bUad.lpliia. Cf-Anentn Wanted. J. W. SMITH'S IMPBOVEO IBOK-BQOHD MilU Can, Patented Jaly 20tb* 1875. Call and Examine Them Before Purchasing Elsewhere. in 5 the 710 GIRARD AVENUE, j Ill Maw nr JtV tnimrs ä wr AND LÄ«! •M HdhAsateHfMAVA a. BSBa. UA SteTa-a IAIAsm, Nate StaUsM AM. a m.. JM at ^ILMINOTON * NORTHERN R. B. WEDNESDAY. APRIL ten. NTT, as- a g If is :s 18 tS rSd: SS 100». 7 10 1044. » IB N. OOMNBOTIONA with LÂüïrtiaÂ'iÂ'TSÿSs jar MUm H B Butf oB st Lanap« «UUv~ .... DALTUIORI Sc POTOMAC B. K. NEW TORE AND WASHINGTON THROUGH A M. Anten WaaktasteB m r * **' AlTtN Wrahtegtea WTU, 117*. with tha I.M P. M., oitf tte—. Rrrtnuawo. Iparo Waabinstoo 8.10, A. M., oi« tin—. Arrive WtlninctaB 1AM. P. M. JtC-gSemyîr** k ' M ' P * M " cit * Umt ' Alrin m. 7.U. P AH, A.M.. A», AK, 7W. ona o. wtuiit, LäVlf Ptf.VÏS'Kri 2 Sïü"«î" R teal If ^gARYLAND A DELAWARE RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. •ad «fUT_MOrfDAY^ NOV^gTU», 187«, Ob at its — is is a T-k. te 7AO » AM W IS 8 S taw Its P.M. Ate HilGbera, IS tth. „ An. A«a to a. «00 *" at te« varteoa atetteBa at m bafora «taiting of trataa, SnparteteBdaBt IS freight« an tkïïtf (te) a»... wtaa fhagwtil lay < ■ SOLUBLE BONE lf tetew fl a o t f od ««1er » Mow Pro o «so. by whlob tho Hlghrat Grads of Bolnbility is Obtoiaod. Ravnltaof Analyaia by tha foUowkw M«d PHOaPHATKS, **May «ÏTLÎÎ^. I T\Tl*Sllii^Btet« Ch«oi««t of Srfire 5 -'(S 53 & ****is ik>nb^^?iu$? i, ofum£ujd pra MANUFACTURED BY ro, i» c i,mnj T,uzBo I 1 Works, Ooapor*a Orook, Oamdaa. Now Janay. OBraand 8L, Philadelphia. , Raitimora, MdT For Pamphlete and fnrthar Information, apply tka prtnoipal dealer» ia »our n«Aghhnrhaod, or at I «hg 1« South St. n i m m tw T- to^d ^ ft * rap- ÎCS*_7rî r«ra»n*oi 'wa -Jüïï £ w pßr lom«, th« «hol« of th« Um«, or for their Businma M«, liebt and profitable. proportional «um by devoting the buelnera^ Boys^and girla s & ! id waU turned will «end ona dollar bl ting. Full particular*, s of°the°larg««t a copy of Hume aod J •bwt Illustrated Pab Header, if you wan t fra« by mail, rolltehl Ei O BORGE B «h MU SIC BOO KS! The Shining River I _ _ •"—"■ Prioa, 3A cents. Badaotiom for q n anti t iaa. ' Of thia and aimllar book* r Sabbath aohool* it of th« bymaa «r« «quaDy good • youthful Btugor*. Tkara a no Mrs. Van Cott's PRAISE BOOK. t book to te taka ite part in th« fstura work * u o «— ful ravtralAat, rad wUI bo mmt by all •f ai DODD NEW 8 ! GOOD NEWS! g-uTSESfarm BB eawta. Eed ra teow for q nanti A ■a «? Ditson & Co.'s Musical Monlhly, jS^arVîiSiljShJSSSJ'.-îîX 1 A^ bâûtewt toteSL »Mt fraa, «w raedpt ti prtmm all 0. H. DITSON A GO , | J. R DITSON A OO MS Braadway, «ma te Lra* Walter. «w Tara. rnuwStoftto HJUW8RIDGE * GLOTMUE CONTINUE THEIS OFFEEINQ8 OF DRESS GOODS, AND ARE STILL MAKING LOWER AND LOWER PRICES Mm IN BRITISH GOODS. IN FRENCH GOODS. PLAUT ALL-WOOL DUIOB.M tte lia BTKIP1 ALL-WO OL D EBKOBB...taste PLAID ALL-WOOL DUUBl.Meta tbs dsr PLAID MOD AIM. .»•( SLACK AMD WBITIPLA1D9, BH sank. i aOFT-TWILL BMIOBS.14 Mate TAFFETA ALL-WOOL DKBBQES SSsts STUPE X0XA1ES. ite lT^aante ALL-WOOL O A BUM EKES (New «Ulk OOLOBED OASHMEB1 BILK PLAID MOHAIR*...IB state .... Laissante PLAID BElOBB.a.a AttMUBBB. BOFT-TWILL BEIOES (Entra BuSwSbuK MÔHAÏBB CHENE MOHAIBS.... OOLOBED OASHMEBEB (Doubla Width). . T* ate ALL-WOOL MATELASSES .— „« ALL-WOOL MAT ELAS SES . BS «ta ABM UR ES AND MATELASSES.... SB ate I IN CHOICE OOL'R'NOS7S ote . «SX ate .SS easts. .SS aaate .SS aants. .SS aants. DAMASS 1 ORE8ILLES, PLAIN... . ABHUBES . QLAOS MATELASSES .STKoonts. its. OSES ILL E8, TWILLED. TAFFETAS (New Shade«). GAM ELS-HAIR SUITINGS.... .*7)4 Mata. BAGNOS SUITINGS^...*7)41 BLUB AND PINK OOLOBED ABMUBB8..I BEST CALICOES, S AND 6 CENTS YARD-WIDE CHINTZES, 6 1-4, 8, 10 CENTS. toT By our system of filling orders we give customers at a distance aa nearly aa possible every advantage that they would enjoy if dealing personally at-*— fiJTThe prices ire always the same for goods ordered by mail as for goods purchased at the store. 8TRAWBRIDGE A CLOTHIER, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET 8 TREET 8 . PliUadelplilA. a :: Direct Draft Eureka Mower, ■win.: Reoelved the Highest Awsrd-Qrsnd Medal and Diploma AT THE GREAT CENTENNIAL FIELD TRIAL, No. •  Si PUILADELPBU, JUNI M, 97, 38, M, 187S. At the Great Field Trial at Philadelphia ths term of Thomas A Yaudagrllt, held' re. r by ths Csutsnatel Agricuitunu Oommlttee, Jone te, *7,18, », 187«, 4 The Eureka Mower was swarded First Premium, Grand Medal, and Diploma. Th« folle wing is the report : P. PSILADXLTHIA, NOV. 18, 18TA of exhibitor—The PRODUCT.—Wilber's Direct Draft Banks Mower.—Name end add Tow tads Kireka Mower Company, Towaada, Ps. The undersigned bavin« examined the pro duct herein described, respectfully reoommend It to the United States Centennial Commission, for sward, for the following _ . , . , v ^ _ Fissv—For the introduction of an entirely new principle by thnt of Direct Draft. 8nco hi»— The horses'ere attached to ths centra of the machine, the cat grass Is not trodde. This»—O wing to ths presence of doable clearer« within the oover comprised of light Iro rode, the «mes 1» left raised up and so light that caring follow* without the aid of tedders, Ac. Fouira — For the great advantage of being able to work the tend *jx any direction, and thng attack dlfflcnlt crops In the best way. R Fifth—F or the excellent arrangement by whlob flexibility of tho knife is secured. Burn—For the Lightness of Draft. Ssvbkth— For its great capacity for rapid work. JOHN COLEMAN, B. OLORNDONF, JAMES BRUCE, at S IKEDA KENZO, PEDRO PABHLEINB, JAMES 8. GRINNELL. The United StntM Centennial Ocmmiation has teed the report of the Judges and eepted ths above, and decreed an award in conformity therewith. FRANCIS A. WALKER, Chief of the Bureau of Awards. at Given by authority of the United Btatae Centennial Commlalon. A. T. GOSHORN, Director GonoraL J. L. CAM PBELL, Secretary. J. R. HAWLEY. Pretedent. large dlaoounta to Caah buyers. Correapondrace eollclted. circulars mailed on appUoatton. Don't Forget—The Largest, Cheapest, Lightest Draft Mower te the World ARE YOU COING TO PAINT 7 Tben Buy CHFMioAL PAINT SrÄtÄKawaanWÄ i 5 ïsir- 5 ïï f VMS tha Union. Sarapte «ard of «oiora mm* Iran. Addrm kaM i O aw, and will late twiraar dateraA la on arany th raai a d of > «U f«a»a, and saw took aa wall a* " at twantf mt tea Stete Ya» «4 YOU A! EVEITBODT CAN DDT A PIANO or ORGAN of Of GOULD & FISCHER, 1210 Chestnut street Spacial Attention is Callad to New Xnatalm'ent P lau. Ou MASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS iviteg« of pnrobaM, any organ of whioh tho prioo in *l u f te" P* r ««to! th« prioa mt th«oma,parable qaarterly ia a ui b« «DÛ), tha rant I» «DO quarterly ; if it ba «*0. tha raat la «10 quarterly, time Durobaa« th« organ. In wuioh oaaa they wilib* allowed all rant whtea haa 1?« par oant. pwr annum on pay mam* anticipated. and a d«dn th« GOULD Ss FISCHER, IBIO Uhaatnut street, Philadelphia. PIANO* We sell the we lo the MABOM dfc HAH LI H ORGAN. 8teck, Decker Bros., Bradbury, Haines Bros., and other Pianos. In addition to the above Elegant Tent rumen ta PIANOS and ORGANS. Orders by Mall promptly attended to, and Instrumenta selected personally by »IA WILLIAM G. F1SOHEB. have nlao a etook of Low-Priced GOULD & FISCHER, 1210 Chntnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I Flame Fro mi MOO Upwards. «Ptowl j GLIDDENS PATENT \ 'BARB FENCE A it no GAN Bl BRB0TKD AT 1-3 THE COST all FURNISHED BY ALL HARDWARE DEALERS. Brad for ILLUBTRATID CATALOBUB and PRI0I LIFT. THE SELLERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, HO. 1 CANT AMBER WAT ED. A ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT 7 CmmCAXPAJNT. all whnC Uatea. le aarda of eolara ml 9 miurj Of IjISAD w ITS OrnOB, THIBTT-raUT «TUST, XSMINaTON UWIM MACHIMEI—-FIIE-ARMI-—AIIICULTUIAL IMPLEMENTS. Th« BMDNOTUR 81 WIN a MAUHOn has npllk into fmr as possssslan Mm boa» oomMnnttoa of goodqaaUUos, namely : Liebt running, «Booth, noteolsss, rapid, ij *'u'k 't - («•'■mSam' «I th tatoouMo «rap fMd. DmI(d bMttUll, OB« i-- — **— tbs United S lates, and vltbout stort took lbs_graad Modal of Pngfsaa—ths tiffcaot or- dsr of Modal that «sa awarded at tbs late Vienna faposltton. BsssehdosdbM gun, snap sod posUIrs sotten, with patent joint obook, a narrai of bsss ly , toten naapnsoo, and tbs oslsbratsd RanInktan Btflao, adopted by nias differed hm» A and renowned throughout tho «and for Military, Banttng and Targol pnrponaa. i binds of PlatoU, Rifle Oaoaa, Matallte Cartridges, Ao. * Agrteoitnral Implamanra.—Improved Mowtef Maehlnao, Steal Plows, Steal Hoe«, totals. Com raton, Boad tampon, Patent boaratoau, Bay Tedders, Cotton dins, Bridges, Ao. Good ----- 39 Quaker City Organ Comp'y P11V08, 0ITT BiaaMfmS1 ite ite I £ A 3 £S£ SS s» 35 e UafT—MOB 4 W ■■ ira .I vaatadmawayMr, ten,ul aa QualK-er City Organ Oo- A.DDKI88, jattiviyw-smd BEE MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA RifaUsvMM. J^UKNTM WANTED. k Goodyear's Pocket Gymnasium, ■ri-sÄs Thai Urad »tendlnci lit- teu or (sellâtes. Handrad, of rrs kML'itnla. FRIGS LIST. 4 'to 6 ) No. I for ohildran 6 to S.SU0. No. A lor obildra« • lolü.tl W. No. 4. for ohUdran 10 to 14. SI B No.  for lodira and ohildran 14 IM« «d npwwdo, Si 40. No. A tor coatlomon of nradorate otnnsth, Sl.M. No. 7. BMd by lodios. ohildran or gonte, W«. No. t ,for contl«—an of Mtr* rtran*tb,jmo. Knll rat, fo—ily dm, I ooeh, (1 lo 6) Two 7*o ond Two ^1*00. Nn 7 Md 8 ira fitted with • re. to ntteobtotho woll or floor. A pair of . AcmoIm «ranted in unoocupfod lory. Rxoloaira richte to .ell th. Pockety Oyin StSÄ r nnderatôod. For illustrated deaoripttre circular., Goodyear Rubber Curler Go., Broadway. N. Y. jenlH-tfw P. O. Bos 6.1H Rubber good, of ev description J. E.Tygert & Co., STAR BOMB PHOt HÂTE, And PURR GROUND BONE.-- . Fartiluung Mnterlaïa of all kino«. : 4« M. DoUwnra «rann«, Philadelphia. (tUMaw Ofi THE GREAT FERTILIZER, I WHANIM'S Raw Bone Superphosphate STANDARD GUARANTEED 200 Pounds. MANUFACTURED BY Walton, Whann & Go. WILMINGTON, DEIs STORES) •03 Wont Promt St* Wiloaftn tom. LOWEST PltlOES YET FOR BTBIOTLY PUNE, AND GUARANTEED GOODS. IN OAR »/.« — - GROUND BONES att II anil they olio *in*kiodrot Ground Raw Bones In bags. Warranted Para. «28 per 3,0001 ind*. Bone Meal, , per 3.ÛU0 lba. In Bag*. EXPORT BONE, Btaaraed Stock and Fl »ab, «98 per 1.000 BAUGH'S RAW BONE super-phosphate, Price, $30 per 2000 lbs. IN BAGS. All Fertilizer Supplies. BUOil AR OIL OF VITRIOL, SULPHATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF POTASH, SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, A A NITROOEN, LAND PLASTER, in ba|S barrais, BONE BLAUK, As., Ae., At the Lowest Prices at Whioh GOOD ARTICLES Can be Bought for in any Markat «AMPLES BY MAIL ON APPLICATION HP* Goods dallvmd from ot obarg« te any wharf ia Pnlladwlphia. Prl Hubj*ot ^o^Ohunf* WltLout BAUCH to SONS, NO. 30 8. DKI.AWAKK AVFNUK, PHILADILPHIA. SAsntinwl. gWARTHMORE COLLEGE, TM site fro* PhiteMpbla. nad«r owe of Ftteada, flvee a thorooch «ollecUta miomIoîi to both min, wba bars pom« tea bnmm comm of itadrud f«B«i«e HXT&A OHlfeoJSM. Fweateioio«. rtvtac (nil k u tte te i aa to oomnm of iteiijp, «te,aàdre— .KDWAUD H. MAÔILL, Pr-Htent, S| M-ted« H wait ha—, Dalawan touty. Pa Mtetew. Awn Two . "lÂÆ|g mod Oil ktSSSSS!:^ ra A*.. WUMi-teMTh«. Mills*« TO TEACHERS. BY SPECIAL REQUEST THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL OF DCSIQM FOR WOMEN, Car. Penu Nsu. asd Filbert fit.» Will hold as for TKAOHERM durinr nr dnya «ach weak, from I of InatrnotKMi to moled of July, cirina four e. m. to 1 p. m. 1 bo oosno o Frao-hand Drawiur, Object Drawinr, Paiapootiro retire Art. Terms, |10, pay abU in adrnaoe. l-taw 0 B. CHOAWPAI.F, Primel pel Business College 39 SOUTH TENTH DTK. ET, PHILADELPHIA. PA ELEVENTH COLLEOIAtE YEAE. THOMAS MAY PKIRGS, M. A. PRINCIPAL AND PROPRIETOR. R*V. JOHN THOMPSON* BUSINESS MANAUKR, AMteted by a oorp« of Hbarsllf ad Mated taMhin, who ha»« made this branoh ot «daoatlon • ap«oial tf. Tho OMtw of inatraetioc r— »*— — A FINISHING SCHOOL FOR THE PREPARA TION OF YOUNO MfCN FOR THE AO. TTVK DUTIES OF BUSIMkSS LUTE, *" IPARTMINT, adapted to tho«a whoa« aarlyladaoatlon hna baan cm« tec ted. Th« «ubJ*oU taaght «nabla th« pnpil I To Writ« Xtoally staff LtglUy, To figwa with EspMlty and Gsr AN ENGLISH ] To ExprtaD Himaolf in Clear Btetotk Saglisk Bontoteooo, ro BE READY BOOKS OF WELL INFORMED AS ACCOUNT. PKOMIbhOKY NOTK8. CHECKS, DHAFTH, INC, bOMMKUCIAL LAW. COKKKtiFoNDKNCK, TO BANK AND And tha varions forma d of ballot«*, waking buu aa fit to dUch linl gradual« Diplemaa. tho«« «ho oomplate th* and satis aoterilf paaa tha rsqolrad aiaml Pupil* attending th« lnatllnlioa daring th« pra« nt raina «Ul have aa opportunity of vuiting tha INTERNATIONAL CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. without totarfawa •a tha Ool day at moon 8aturd*j*. private famiiiaa at «A par «rook aa d ba had on application at tha OUI la Botin Boarding m sssr*"' Hand for oircalar. CorraapoadaoM promptly at tended to. Vi*ltora to the Centeaolal oordiall, in »Ulya vited th« Cell««« in aeMion. :MID8UMMER3BKS8I0N1 WEST CHESTER mal^kjhSul Carter, of Mam. normal An botany, M. W. Harrington, ot Mioh ogy. Prof. Uraff; Uoologv ana i L*Mart*! Priuoi'pa?. 0 ^ I Jllij! II, wing. C. M Bet, iatry, P SMART'S C0U0H-SYRUP, jf the SMART'S SELF-CURE fo b« b'addar and Sidney*, grav«l, 1 "bo Mb' - U) —• * or to druggi»ta Groan traete. PhiladalphU. DoritAnw «to. WHERE TO BUY IN PHILADELPHIA, A Dirac tory arranged for tho ««.. Raaden-Out thia oat. C EDAR VATS AND TANKS FOR BREWERS, Dy«ra, Chemist*, Manufacturer* and private dwelling«. GEO. J. BURKHARDT A CIO., But tonwood street below Broad, Philadelphia. j«S4Bw M arble works, van oundrn a young. lit! Spring Garden «tract, Philadelphia. Bast aaaortment of Monumente. Work in MarbU and uwitely Granite PUBBER GOODS OF EVRRY D EDO RIP AI» tion. Baiting, Packing. Hom, Boote and Sho«*, Clothing, * 0 . RICHARD I.KV1ÖK, SON A OO. 734 Chestnut street, PhiladalphU. Agente National Rubber Company. i -""~ «3 ^jrate For tenu addrara ÜOULTIB A OO. SEL 2 " Ttæïvssrï Owtfit nSZRp •DEAUTIFUL CORAL RUB IS BER TKKTH—«AM to «8.« p«r rat guaraat—d, Imurwaalou In tha morning, teeth ia tea after Nitron* aakte r** *" CQQ *aoh wrak te agent*. Geode Step)*. 10. ftjt/ CM) leatimoakala 'learn« liberal AutteuUn trea. J. WORTH 4 OCLjUmk CONSUMPTION CUBED u<« Ai A ■yi te (ifeMyM auk ^jTawoHrJBj|lgS ft roam pAT,roiAMny ng»i $999 ij 5SB cu « s£r 5JA lot «W5AS 1 ..rayg--_ 39 ITOETU LIEIBTV RBIir, ■ALTIMOHU, MS. A fMwlirlr 't- [»Cm, IwIi'i t« ■L. anjmiM lf papas f>aa al fia, I I laWM sf fba te» Tata Inal latteMmtel fori HATS AND DAN. 4 DARE-' ion Slltm AÎ* e NO. II NORTH BBOOMD STBBBT. ""•issïïsaaar 4 - Hra'a, W. a DRUM. *!St o I M vasMtewiM (Bbmmo iulSs^SlB WM. 1 ? •1 J.J HONEYWELL! THE EAtLICIT OF PEACHES. A. HANOI A NON, Nsr—rymM amd PUrUte, 1877 . 1877 . 8 PRIN 6 GREETING. MAIZE A CO •» I AND Military Furnishers, 1108 Market Street 9 PHILADELPHIA. AWASOIO^T UNITED STATES OSNTENN1AL OOMMI8SIOH FOB W« praDOM to lot no hem»« (Urn or ntell) "■ **» tefcotlon of good Ufcrie*. From whioh w nwkstpordarM low prio«d. or W»«r, Umm ui Sulioitio •>«, v«ry raagaotfally, gW~Rem«mbwr wa gaarant— • ft! Sk, fell. baan FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES Made wtththe Latoriaad seiet ValsaWetopraromsto! % TO SCALES THE WORLD'S STANDARD. I asomvas murr kidiu at J &Ma..187G 4 ...1851 'York-1853 1873 Wer d'i Fair th* Werld'i Fair, » -torl«...l«S7 Wc pra« 00FPEB sad BPIOB KILLS, TBi and 00FFZB 0118, STORE TRUCKS, to ■naerOi _ KWINQ. à , Phi Indra ph la -1 Um 1 FAIRnAHM A Ool \71fi Ohsstnnt Mi. d 17 Smw ÇJ.BO. H. PHILLIPS, at in DEALER IN WOOL, SHEEP SHINS, BEEF HIDES mo our tun. Ih. 414* 410 Tats—11 ««„ M aoNR-U WILMINGTON. DEL I. H. KENT A CO., MANUFAOTTRRR8, Iron, Hardware, 8t<o), IMPORTERS AND AGENTS AND COACH MATERIAL HAVK THR LARORHT STOCK __ _ GOODS m THF 8TATR INTHRIR LINE. AND THE BE8T AH80KTFD RT* MJK In THR UNITED STATES. MOM. 90S AND 907 >HIPLIT| B 910 A »19 ORANGE BTRBBT, jantetf WILMINGTON. DEL Received Highest Honor* con ferred at OontennlBl. WILLCOX' * GIBBS But Bast and NEW AUTOMATIC RIP SILENT 8EWINO MACHINE. totes*. Inveatioa, Prodariaf UArvrtont Imlti. Id the only Scwin? Machine In the world with Automatlo Tension* and Automatio Stltoh Indicator; is Always Ready for Work,tud is Altoffother Unparallelod. Wille ox & Gibbs 8.M. Co., 6M Broadway. N OO. T3HILADKLPHIA BUBGEONV BAN DAO B tara of M roan' «undiag. "wartio A dominai «apport«ra. I tl aat i o 8b Hr*cm, Anna Bandages, Burrat 10. $■