Newspaper Page Text
A LIST OF LICENSES Issued by James H. Wright, Clerk of the Peace of Sussex County, from October 1st, 1903 to October 1st, 1904. Merchants Yearly. A Abbott, C D & Co.. Ableman, Able. Ammerman, C W.... Andrew, J M. Anderson, H J. Anderson. LouosaA. Andrew, W G . Andrew, C W. Audrew, J G . Arnell, Robert. Atkins, Chas H. Allen, Wright J. Allen, E J. $ 33 00 6 50 6 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 9 00 8 10 11 00 35 00 7 00 6 00 B Baker, Andrew H. Baker, John B. Baylis, John R. Beebe, Clarence. Beebe, Richard. Bell, O L. Bennum, George W. Betts, & Collins. Betts Stephen K..'. Black, J I. Blackstone IC C . Blackstone Wm P'. Blizzard, Joshua W. Bradley, J S. Brasure, IJ. Brown, P' red . Biyan, GW. Bryan, Jacob PC. Bryan, WG. Burford, P' S. Burton, DD. Burton, Henry P. Burton, Theodore . Burton, Theodore & Son... Burton, Jacob A. Burton, PC M. Burris, W W. Burton, W S. Burton & Lingo,. 8 95 6 00 20 00 6 9 00 7 30 6 00 20 00 9 80 12 33 6 00 6 00 10 84 1. 12 30 6 00 10 6 00 8 00 8 90 7 6 00 7 00 7 50 6 00 6 70 6 00 23 68 6 00 C Cain, Arthur J. Calhoun, Thomas II. Calhoun, J II & H W. Calloway, John W. Cannon, R W. Conner, Clrns A. Conner, Clias A. Cannon, Wm & Co. Cannon, Wm H. Carey & Carey. Carey & Wharton . Carmine, J J. Carter, L L. Chandler, J B & Son. Chipman, Wm H. Clendaniel, George B. Clendaniel, R J. Clifton, L H. i Collins, D G . Collins, J T. 1 \ Collison, Joseph G . Conaway, J P. Conaway, EG. Conaway, P W....Ï . Coverdale, George. Covey, F J. Cox, Webister J. Creaderick, W H. Cubbage, J H & Son. Culver Samuel J. Culver, L M. Culver, R A. Culver, George W. 12 37 10 00 7 00 6 00 6 00 12 35 12 00 7 13 27 7 00 6 40 11 00 6 00 7 40 18 00 9 00 6 00 6 00 8 80 13 00 9 69 6 50 6 00 6 50 7 5" 6 00 14 90 9 00 6 00 16 20 8 00 12 00 D Daisey, G S. Daisey, Samuel C. Darby, R H. Davis, Ira. Daisey & Godfrey. Davis, J E & Co!. Davidson, Nathaniel. Davidson, G W. Davidson, Schellenger & Co Delmar Union Store Co. 22 40 o 30 8 00 6 00 9 0(9 7 6 20 6 10 10 60 8 co 7 50 20 00 Deputy, J H it Bro. Dick, Allee W. Dorev, George W. Donau ay, Frank W. Dodson & Chambers. 6 ■> Dona way, Win J. Don a way, Robert. Downs & Lynch. Draper, H R. Dukes & Holloway. 19 70 Dutton, James. Dutton, Levin P. 6 00 8 20 i 75 7 5< <■ 7 30 E PLUegood, Robert. Ellingsworth, J C. Elliott, Clias F,. Elliott, Elias T. Elliott, Frazier G . Elliot.PL W.. Elliott, T E. Ellis, CL..-. Ellis, J L. Evans. H D. Evans, SC & Son. Evans. Stephen E. 6 40 y 80 6 00 17 70 - 8 5 i> .o 10 6 90 <) 6 F Faucett, W A & Co. Fassett, Bro. Fields, Joseph H. Fooks, J W.. Fowler, Warren B. Fowler, Wm. P'rankford, Hardware Co... 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 G Gardiner, S F.. Giles, Isaac S. 9 00 6 00 Goodman, D. Goodman, A. Gibhard, M E. Gilliams, W M. Gordey, Win B. Gordy, John W. Gordy, Cyrus. Green, David M . Green, Philip C. Griffith, S J. Gutowitz, Ellis. 9 75 [7 00 8 00 7 00 7 50 6 00 6 00 6 20 7 00 7 00 6 50 H Haines, W F & Co. Hall, George H. Hallett, Hankins & Zerden Harder, Myron G . Harmon, John E. Hart, Harry N. Hastings, Bor. Hastings, Eli R. Ilastinj s, Levin. Hastings, Gardiner L. Hearn, Annie S. Henry, John S. Hickman. Washington. Hickman, Wm J. Hill, S I). Hill, W E. Hilyard, W B. Hitch, H B. Hitch & Crockett. Hitchens, Isaiah T. Hitchens, Edmund. Hitchens, Edmund. Hitchens, Flora. Hitchens, Flora. Hitchens & Phillips,. Hitchens, Wilber. Hitchens, Win R. Holland, Joseph E. 105 00 Hollwaay, F W & Co. Hollaway, Joshua C. H oison, F J. Holt & Knowles. Horn, Chas S. Houseman, F C. Hudson, Anthony L. Hudson, WJ. Hurley, L W & Son. Hurley, J B. 7 00 35 00 10 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 12 60 6 00 12 50 10 50 6 07 6 90 6 00 6 00 7 00 6 00 14 00 16 00 6 50 6 30 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 11 00 6 00 7 13 6 00 6 50 9 80 7 00 6 50 10 OO 6 00 00 6 60 I Ingram, A P & C< 14 50 j Jacobs, Pierce P. James, H B. Jarvis, Sidney A.... Jester, J II. . Johnson, Charles W. Johnson,Jacob L— Johnson. James N..., Jones, Mary G . Joseph, Roland. Joseph, T II. 8 50 6 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 7 00 6 00 10 00 6 20 9 K Kern, John A. King, Jolu^L . King, S. Ma>. Kinnlkin, Siçohen G.. Kinsenger, ÄrE . Kline, Sol.../. Koepple, Joi^ph.. 6 00 14 46 6 10 6 00 6 00 10 90 6 80 L Lank,J C. Lank, Albert J. Layton, Philip R. Layton, W Layton & Layton. Layton, H C. Layton. J E. Lingo, A B. Lingo, Asher. Lingo, John of H B. Lingo, R D. Lockerman, HO. Long, Daniel G . Long, Bros. Long.I W. Lowe, R II & Co. Lowe, S M. Lynch, Archie M. Lynch, W S.. Lynch, ET . Lynch. GT. Lynch,Joshua A. Lynch,J G . 50 7 00 7 73 6 00 37 50 10 61 H 8 00 10 6 90 7 50 7 50 7 07 6 00 6 00 10 00 11 60 6 54 11 20 6 7 00 9 00 7 00 7 00 M Manning, W T. nrshall, I.ouisa C. Maish 11 & Chipman. 10 68 Mar c, .i. EJ. Martin. James C. Marine, D Henry. Marvel, J H of L. Markel & Hartman. Masten. James T. Matthews, George H & Son Maull, Franklin C. Mclson, G W. . Melvin, James S. Melvin, C PL. Messiek, John W. Mills, Edward. Miles, Bennett it Co. Miles Bennett it Co. Mitchell. Charles W. Montgomtnery, Albert N... Moore W B. 8 50 6 00 6 00 7 70 6 50 6 00 28 6 50 8 10 5 c»o 6 00 6 or* 6 00 6 50 8 00 8 30 o oo 7 10 6 00 Moore, D O. .Ioni* it Mason. i 00 6 00 6 50 Mt rris. J W. Men is. 1,0. Moi 1 iss«»n. Will & Marlin. M1111a. Musgiove, Mrs. A B. 6 35 Mc Mc Cabe. Joseph. McCabe & Davis. McCabe. A J . McGee, John E. McCleary, Milligan.. McColister, James H 6 29 23 6 6 7 00 1. X Neal, Jacob C... Newton, W T.... Nichols, Francis Neal, J G & Co. 7 4° 7 00 10 00 10 00 O Otwell, Charles G. 7 00 Otwell, Lowe & Tull. Owens, L M. Owens, L W. Owens, & Go. 15 10 10 00 11 86 6 50 p Pennewill, S W. Parks, David H. Parker, W I. Pay liter, Marsh.. Phillips, Henry L. Phillips, A M & M L. Phillips George K & H Clay . Phillips, T J. Pierce, Edward C. Pierce, & Carmine. Pierson, N J. Porter, Frank J. Pretty man, Harry. Pretty man, James. Prettyman, John. Pretty man, John B. Pretty 7 50 9 00 6 00 12 35 I 6 6 00 6 50 15 01 25 7 7 li 30 7 80 7 00 9 00 7 20 6 60 , S E. Prettyman, Nathaniel L. .. Prettyman, N J. Purnell, Thomas R. 7 6 00 12 64 Q Quillin, J B & Co 9 77 Radeliffe, W II. Rayner, Henry. Reed. S E. Records, John T. Records, Thomas W .... Richardson, IC J. Riggin, PC B & Son. Roach, W W. Roach, Daniel. Robinson, Willie. Robinson, T B. Rodney, Harvey B. Rodney, J C. Rodney, C B. Ross, Finley L. Rothman, Mendal. Russell, A R. Russell. C PC. .. Rust, G F . . 10 75 6 00 8 45 6 00 6 00 7 00 6 60 6 00 6 00 8 58 6 00 13 5° 8 00 10 11 00 6 00 6 60 6 00 6 00 S Satterfield, W W & Co Scott, C M. Scott, E M. vScott, Robert. Short. Mortung G . Short, G L. Shepley, P'rank A. Short, G L. Shott, Hiram S. Short, DJ. Short L W & Co. Short, Wm II of T. Short, Wm P. Short II C. •• Short, Thomas. Slater Clare P. Small. AW. Small & Adams. Smith, Asbury . Smith, George PC. Smith, Mrs Lizzie. Smith, Samuel T. Smith, T. Southard, H C. Spicer, Robert T. Starkey, Wm T. Stay ton, Wm H . Stevens Bro. Stroup, David. Sussex, Drug Co. Swain, W J. 9 00 6 70 6 00 6 00 13 00 6 68 • 7 60 6 58 7 50 7 50 7 50 8 00 10 00 1 1 6 7 00 6 10 7 50 16 12 17 5° 6 00 8 50 17 LS 11 00 9 00 9 91 6 05 8 00 6 00 7 27 O 51 7 20 T Tatiiian, C M. Thawley, J C. Thomison, Wm E. Thomison, & Martin. Thoroughgood, Wm J. Thoroughgood, & Tunnell Todd Bros... Torbert George E. Tingle Chas I I. Torbert & Faucett. Townsend, D C. Tracey, Edward. Truitt. Wm. Truitt, G. F . Truitt, J. W. & Co. Tull, W. C. Tunnell. George P. Tunnell, John V. 7 25 10 70 8 70 21 16 21 57 6 58 11 80 6 00 7 80 9 00 12 38 7 00 12 30 9 9 5°. 6 001 20 00 6 00 ! I IT United Store Co. 8 V Venable & Chaipman. Vessels, John M . Vinceny, J. W. Vincent, W. W. 6 50 9 34 j 7 00 ; 7 30 W Wagamon. J. T. E. ,. 17 00 .. 7 66 .. 14 03 7 5° 6 00 I ! 001 Wallace, Waller, Thomas J.. Waller it Ford..... Ward, E E. Ward. Wm. 8 00 Walsh. Win. K. Warren, Jacob L. Warren. Joseph E. 15 00 6 00 j Warren, J. W. Warren, W. II. Warrington, James H. 6 Warrington, Levi J . 15 50 8 001 >5 Warriugton, Mary IC. Wanington. Silas J. 7 45 6 00 Weisman, Ellis . Welch. J. B. Welch. F. B. Welsh. M W. Welcome. Reuben S.. West, J. G. & Son . Whaley . Dukes & Co White & White. White, PLli N. & Bro. White, J. T. i*c Co. 13 White. Wm. J. & Son Whiteley, T. O. Wiley, M. L. & L. E. Wiley, Preley M. Wilgus, Robert. Willey, John PL. 6 6 00 9 00 7 7° 6 88 11 60 23 00 10 40 6 20 6 00 I 8 3° j 7 3° 1 7 6 00 Willey, J. H. Willey, O. J. Willey & Conoway. Williams, Isaac N. Williams, P. Jefferson. Williams, W. G . Wilson, James T. Wilson, Samuel J. Wilson, Thomas K. Windsor, J. I. Windsor, Samuel D. Wolfe, James A. Wool ford, George. Wootten, J. E. W&ctten, Bro. . Wootten & Fooks. Wood, Robert A. Merchants 6 Months. ii 75 6 00 14 bo 9 00 6 00 6 50 13 00 II OO 6 00 6 20 6 00 14 00 6 40 7 50 9 52 12 30 8 50 A Argo, Mrs. E. A. $ 5 00 Adams, M. E. & Co. 5 00 B Bakre, Annie. ... Bakre, Wm. Brown, H. C. Brown, H C. Ben net, Miles & Co. Betts, Edward F . Brittingliam, H C. Barnett, Charles H. Bay lis, E W...... Bistic, James E. Betts, John P. 5 00 5 00 5 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 S 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 C Calhoun, J T & H W. Cook. W H. Cran field, R B & Bro. Carey, Frederick. Calhoun & Jones. Chase, DR. Carey & Carey. Calloway. J W. Campbell, Andrew Ij. Collison, T L & Co. Cannon, Wm S. 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 D Dick., PCmma J ... Daisey, Samuel C 5 00 5 00 1 '. Elliott, Samuel J... Elliott, A Herland. S 00 5 00 F Ferrell, Wm S.. Fox man, Louis. 5 00 5 00 G Gomes, Wm G . Gordy, Co. Gordy, Thomas J..*,. 5 o° 5 00 5 00 H Ilitch, C W. Hudson, W J. Hitchens & Quillin, Harder, MG. 1 kitchens, W R. 1 Lay Holt, McKora. li'ugiies, Elizabeth Hastings, M A. ... Hackett, F M. S 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 s 00 5 00 S 00 5 o° , Harry J Jones, John W. Johnson, W N & Co. Johnson, J Horace ... S 00 5 00 5 00 K Kemp, Thomas W. Kenney, Minnie ... 5 00 5 00 L Lcng & Oennel. Lynch, Arthur.. 5 00 5 00 M Morgan, Charles T. Morris, S L. Marshall, Isaac H. «5 00 5 00 5 00 o Osten, PLmanuel. Outten, S A. 5 00 5 00 P Parker, C J. 5 00 R Russell, Arthur.. Pettenson, Fiona 5 5 00 5 00 5 00 Phillips, H Clay. Rafferty, Gtorge. S ! Smith. Marvel A. I Short & Hearn. Stewart, W. H. 6 5 00 T j Truitt it Lowe ; Thompson, Mary E....'. ... Truitt, W. S. Thompson it Maish. 5 5 00 5 5 t,u w Walls, R. B. it Bro. Wheatley. C. T. Watson, John T. Watson. H. B . Ward it Son. J. W.. Waller it Son. Valiant. I West . Lovaugie A. ! Welsh, Mary K. Wilson, W 5 01. 5 5 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 1,0 5 00 5 00 J . T. Waples, C. G . j Wheatley, W. L. Wainwright, Grocery Co.... Waples. M. C. Willey. O . J. 5 5 00 5 00 Manufacturers ) 'early . A Adams, PL. W. & Bro.$ Atkins, Bro. 5 95 5 75 B Bacon, Samuel & Son. Brown, W. H. & Bro. Broadkiln Canning Co. 14 00 6 25 15 00 C Campbell, D. W. & Co. Calhoun & Jones. I Calhoun & Jones. j Caulk, L. D. 1 Cannon, Henry P. 5 50 6 50 6 50 15 00 16 57 D Lumber M'fg. Co... 20 12 Oisharoon, Ék-nry L. 8 00 Diamond Tray & Basket Co 8 00 Donoho & Co. 6 00 11 40 6 00 7 25 i>- : Douglass & White Draper, George H.. Draper & Hirsh. K Enterprisie-Milling Co Emery & Dutton . Gordy, S. J. & Son. Greenabaum Bros ...... ... 21 50 8 00 6 50 5 50 H Hastings, Levin. Hearn, M. W. & Son. Hirsh, Daniel. Houston, Perry & Co. Hurdle, W111.T. Hurley, L. W. 7 00 10 00 6 25 i° 45 6 00 20 K Kemp, T. W. 6 00 L 8 60 16 00 Lingo, R. D. Layton & Owens. M Marvel Package Co. Morgan, Culver. Phillips, George K. Pollitt, Lewis A. Pollitt, Lewis A. Prettyman, Wm. H. 17 00 7 00 9 5° 5 5° 5 50 7 00 Records, W. T. Reed, S. E. & Bro. Ross, PC. C. Robinson, J B & Co.... 11 00 6 25 6 00 Seaford, Milling*Co... Short & Hearn. Sir man, Wm L. Stevenson. W H & Co Straudley, George W & Co 20 00 Smith Mfg Co T The Delmar Lumber Mfg Co The Fisheries Co. Thoroughgood, Wm J. Townsend, Geoige H. Truitt. B F . Twilley, E W. 8 00 9 66 5 85 6 50 1 -■ 97 50 12 00 6 75 5 50 9 00 W Wagamon, Hamilton K— Walls, Bros. Woolsey, A S. Wright, Jesse A. Manufacturers six months IAcense. 5 00 5 00 5 00 13 00 « 25 6 00 7 Adanu, R B. Ben net Medicine Co. Brown, S P. Bowden, B B. Collapsible Barrel Co. Dagsboro Canning Co. P'rederica Canning Co. Laurel Fourniture Mfg Co. Lawson, P'rank Morgan, & Culver.J Milford Lumber Co. Perry & Stockley. Rawlins, Thomas N. Savage, R L. Smith, T R. 5 S 00 5 00 S 00 f 5 00 > 5 00 s oo I 5 00 5 5 00 5 00 5 o° Auctioneers License. Cahall, R T. Hazzard & Hickmon Jester, James H. Littleton & Simpler. Pusey, S B. Simpler, J J. West, PH. 10 00 00 . 00 00 Physicians License. A Ammerman, C W 00 i Bradshaw, James 00 C Cahall, L M. Carter, C H. Carlisle, Paris T. Chipman, James H. 00 00. 00 p; PLUegood, Robert. 00 P P'arlow, PL H R. Fooks. Andrew J . Fowler, Edward. P'owler, Edward. p'rame, Joseph K. 00 00 00 00 00 H Hall. David. Haines. W F . Hitch, Joseph M. Hitch Thomas A. Hitch, W J. Hocker, James K. Mocker, Ulyssus W . Hopkins. James A & R B . 00 00 Of 00 00 J James. John W . James, John W . James, John W . 00 00 00 Johns, J N. 00 s G Fiank. Jones. Wm T. J 00 00 K KnowLs. J C. 00 M Martin, Joseph M. McCabe, EH. 00 00 o Orr, Wm PJr. 00 P Palmer, D D & N W. Palmer, P* R.. Paynter, Rowland G . Prettyman, J S & Son . R Robinson, Oliver D 00 00 00 o 00 Sanson, P'rank E. Shipley, Everett.. Shipley, Annie C Sudler, Wm T Teas, Nellie 00 00 00 o 00 T o 00 W Waples, Joseph B Wilson, R Ii T... o 00 o 00 Lawyers License. Cahall, Joseph L. Causey, Trusten P. Cullen & Worth. Davis, Robert P. Hearn, Edward D. Lynch, Andrew J. Jones, Frank M. Moore, Charles L. Marsh, James A. Polk, Alfred L. Richards, Charles F & Son Reynolds, Edward F . Richardson, John M. Whiley, Charles W. White Robert C. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 I o 00 10 00 Dentist License. Ben net, L R. Cottingham, T F . Cannon John G . Grier,Walter L. Hitch, Gayl A . Hollis, Charles M. Murray, Levin E. Robinson, Thomas.. Wiltbank, John C. Veterinary License. Marshall. Henry. Frederick, Ruhl. 10 00 '00 i' 10 00 10J00 io"oo £ 10 00 10 00 [O 00 IÔ 00 10 00 10 00 Gypsey License. PC vans, Edward. 5° 00 Mary-Go-Round. Hitcheds & Mooney.. Circus. 75 00 Welsh Bros. 100 00 Real Estate License. Hires, W N. /Photographers L icense. Depp, Wm R. Dougherty, W W. Loker, J PC . Marshall. H P. Payne, PCdward. Waller, A 1L.... 50 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 Peddlers License. Betts & Collins. Roach. W W. Zerden, Lewis. Conveyancers LicoBc. 100 00 100 00 100 00 Beebe. James C. Hearn, Edward P\. Mustard, W J. Mellson, Samuel H Maull & Ingram.... Tyre. James H. Wootten. Elijah PC. Wilson. Thomas R . Hazzard, John C ... 5 00 5 °o 5 00 5 Is OO 5 00 5 5 o° 5 00 Stallion License. Beach, Joseph W. Boyce, James P. Burton, Wm C. Cannon, L B & W A. Clendaniel. John H. Donovan, Wm B of A. Ennis, Henry W. Hearn, Joshua J. Hudson, James S. fohnson, T II. Johnson, Win F . Jefferson. C P'. Kinder. W W. Kinder, J J. Morgan, Bradley. Roach, W W. Short, Elmer B. Smith, Z M. Todd, Milton. Tyndall, John S. Tingle*. Elias N. Veasey, John S.. Willey, Whiteman... . West, John H . Wilson, George of J. Wright. Wm M. o 00 o 00 o 00 OO o 00 o 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 o o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 Tavern License. Bermcnder. George II alloway, James J. 200 00 DeYalii ger, Clias. 200 00 200 00 Hitch. The mas A. 200 00 200 00 200 00 Hearn. Snnuel L [ohns. A'tl m D .ockett. Enoch. . 200 vjnn ove J. A. & Bio. 200 00 vfori m. F . . 200 00 Admer. James H. 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 'ussell. Louisa II. 200 00 Re\ in Ids. Edward F . 200 00 Van loin. George H Vn ibor, Harry B. 200 00 A d ,»s Ebb ioss, V . M. 200 OO Special Inn or lav Jermender, George PI... DeValiuger, Charles. 25 00 learn. Samuel L. 25 00 Johns, Arthur D. 25 00 Lockett, Enoch. 25 00 Man love. J. A. & Bro. 25 00 Phillips. Eliliu A. 25 00 Ross, William M. 25 00 Vandom, George H. 25 00 Static of Dhlawark,. rn. 25 00 ; Sussex County, ss I. James H. Wright, Clerk of the Peace, in and for the County and State afore said, do hereby certify that the above and afore going is a true and correct list of the names of per L. S. sons to whom I have is sued license and the amount received for same from October ist, A. D. 1903. to October ist A. D. 1904. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at George town, this ist day of October A. D. 1904. JAMES H. WRIGHT, Clerk of the.Pçaçç,