Newspaper Page Text
|trtUi«r0. IB A XJ G IET 3 S RAW BONE Let And We SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME OUR and ten tronage ing lsfactlon have and cannot STANDARD WARRANTED. We offer to Farmers, the present Fall sea eon, BAUGH'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOS 1*11 ATK ( >F r,I M F ns bei up highly Improved. Baugh's Haw Bone Super Phosphate iaj Its name Indicates, Raw Bones In Oil o We and shall Every When ladle« Chains. prepared by dissolving r Vltrnl—that is, Bones that have not been deprived of their organic matter—the grease and glue—by burning baking. It, therefore, presents to the use the Farmers all the valuable properties of Raw Bones in a highly eoneentrated form rendering it at once qu!:& In action and ve ry permanent. Ml Dishes, 93T -Farmers are recommended to purchase of the dealer located tn their neighborhood. In sections where no dealer is yot establish ed, the PHOSPHATE may be procured di rectly from the undersigned. arge BAUGH & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, Large Office, No. SO So. Delaware Avenue, X*hlla<3.elpblsi. will having houses ever Our do F. Jnly-17-Sro. Engle, Rethermel & Co., SHIPPERS A DEALERS IN All SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION WHARVES WINDMILL ISLAND, DELAWARE RIVER, OPPOSITE LOMBARD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. n.rn«inir<a / 108 WALNUT STREET, OFFICES, I *08 SOUTH DEL. AVENUE. N . B.—Coal »npplied by vessel In large or ■mal 1 • pian title*, in lots to suit purchasers. ap-10-9m. ICE CREAM ! ! ! oiPZEnsmsra WO. OF THE NTew n»««? And HE subscriber would respectively an nounce to his worthy patrons and the public in general that he has opened to-day place of business on MAIIsT STREET, (Opposite SMYRNA BANK,) Where he will be prepared to furnish any thing in his line of business at lower rates than •will be used to make this the very place for AJLIi. Thankful for past? patronage, he will strive to merit a continuance of the same. T bla which for cent, A dy and m ly before. Everything ln bis power JOHN W. FUCK, BAKER AND CONFECTIONEER .MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE BANK, SMYRNA, DEL. JVHt -90-tf. the DELAWARE H O51K OITl CE — "Exchange Build |nf"«ww* 7tl1 and Market street«, WUmlngtsa, D « ! - TABL1 -8 oF RATES, •.„A any informa 'ion required, promptly tarnished on appllc atlc n to the dome Ofllca .or to an y -of the Oon pany's Agents. JOHN P. MCLEAR, President. Jun GEO. W. ^TONE, Vice President, M M. CHILD, Becretary. BENJ. NiELDS, Counsel and Actuary. D. W. MAULL. M. D., Chief Medical Exami ner. DIRECTORS : Bamnel Bancroft, Jr. Ed. Brlnglmrst, Jr. Wm. G. feibbons, 'George \V. 8toue Jno. V. Rice, W. U. Swift, John P. McT^eah, William Bush. Thos D. Webb, William Canby, George W. Bush, William ft. Hilee, Jnly-31-ly. GEO. F. TURNER, General Agent for Delaware. WALTER. McMULLEN • CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, COMMERCE ST., SMYRNA, DEL. c Having «établi slied In Commerce Street a Repository, opposite th* depot, will offer a large assortment of o CARRIAGES Of the latest styles, such as Top Buggies Ger mantown Wagons, Jenny Linds. Coal-Box Buggies, at reduced prices. Also a •ortment of second-hand carriages choice as AT COST. I would call your attention to the fact that I have secured the services of both First-Class Wood-Workers, aud Painters, and using none save the BEST MATERIAL, 1 feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patron age. «r-PersoMsdesiring to examine any ot my Carriages, who have not the tl spare to call on me at my place of business, ey Informing me of the fact by letter, will be «■own them on their premises free of charge. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done WALTER McMULLEN, Nmyrntt, Del. to July 8-tf. COME OUT OF THE of Death! J aws u That Cough will kill you." Try HAUK'JS COUGH REMEDY. 44 Colds and Throat Dlseaftes lead to death," Try II U K'S U'Ol'till REMEDY. 44 Croup, Asthma, Ac., Try HAI R'S COUGH REMEDY. All Druggists sell 50c. sizes (aud 11.00 bottles for families.) Ask for II AUK*» (take , x „„ 4k Costar A Co., No. 18 Howard st., N. Y. be cured." other.) pa- DON'T RE ONE DAY WITHOUT S TOBE split For all Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Sore ami Broken Breasts, Piles, Bites or Stings of fhsocts, die., Ac. ■ Hs Power to* ALLAY PAIN, to »OOTIIE ftUfFKRIMAiit to HKAL WOUNDN, &c., is very extraordinary- " the like of 11 lias L, vorW known." All Druggist« sell 6;c. Ki/t-s (and $1.00 pots for families.) Ask for BAH** cake no "<»>«•) "tostar" Co.» No. 1^ Ho .varc. St., N, x. grwtlvtj, iu. It is Finished! Let those now come who never came before; And those who always came, now come the more. We have completed OUR HEW JEWELRY STORE, (The old stand of Rev P. Mansfield,) and feel safe in saying the Store and Stock y ; (not of ten there) aud thankful for the liberal pa tronage which we have received since liv ing among this people. Hoping to u lsfactlon In the future, as we bell__ „ have done In the past, we ask you to call and see cannot be beaten short of the cit ive eat JEWELRY ! JEWELRY ! ! We have a splendid assortment, both Fine and Rich, Fancy and Common, and you shall know exactly what you are buyli Every Article Warranted as Represented When Sold. Watches, fine gold watches, for ladle« and [gentlemen. Rich selection ot Chains. SILVER PLATED WARE! Castors Spoons, Forks, Berry and Butter Dishes, Individual Salts, ete., eto. WpcctwclcH, arge stock constantly on hand. CLOG IK S - Large variety ot the best make. Warranted. SUPPLY : y artiele desired, not found with us, will be immediately supplied, by order, having made with some of the first-class houses this arrangement. Don't forget to call, and remember what ever yon buy SHALL BE AND PROVE, represented ■V«- B> x * 1 •* ■-'■* g, Our main dependence, and we are ready to do all kind« ot work, at the «hortest notioe. F. n All work guaranteed Feb-27-ly. year. J. V. SMITH, Opposite Bank, Smyrna, Del. MORO PHILLIPS' Gknuime Improved Si.per Phosphate of Lime. STANDARD GUARANTEED For »ale at Manvfaeturer»* Depot», WO. 27 WORTH FROWT ST., a de> Iplxl st, AND JW. 95 Mouth Ml rett, ItalUmore. And by Dealers In general throughout the Country. Th* SOMBRERO GUANO, ot which MORO PHILLIPS PIION PHATE i* and always has been manu factured, (and of which he has sole control for the United States,) contains fifty per cent, more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore it Is more durable. A large percentage Is Soluble, and will Im mediately yield its nourishment. The Ammonia it contains is pure and rea dy to yield Its value—not animal matter, pable of yielding Its ammonia after decom position in the sell. Nothing Is spared in Its manufacture to render it the most valuable Super Phosphate and Crop Producer in the market. Eight years' experience has proved to the farmer that it Is durable and can always be relied on as uniform In quality; and the m er oil« unsolicited testimonials continual ly received of Its other Fertilizers, fully attests that it has not been excelled. Price, «50 per ton of 2,000 !bs. Discount to MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor und Manufacturer. For sale by J. C. A A. IL Stockly, Smyrna Delaware. mar-18-Om. In competitiQn with deft] OB. THE Jr. THE Great Medical Discovery. DOCTOR WAEIUDU'H CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. El 3 • * More than 50,000 Person* S3 *2 Bear tcstimCJ'y to tfcelrWon derful Curat 1 vo Effects. p WHAT ARE THEY Î fie CXJ Il 3 = : c . ii ®ü o a cH a 3 j: Ï5 • ■„•j,:.. Ill ilS I Is Äif i'zZ In ? They are not a Vile FANCY DRINK, gg hua Made of Pure Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liqùors. doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Ton ic," "Appetizers," "Restorers," «See., that lend tippler on to drunkenness aud ruin, hut a true medicine, made from the Native Roots und Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle, a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of the Hy stem, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condi tion. No person can take these bitters ac cording to directions, and remain long un ft 100 will be given for an Incurable provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vi tal organs wasted beyond the point of re ^For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. Diseases or the Blood. Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been cessful. Huch diseases are caused by Vitiat ed Blood, which Is generally produced derangement of the Digestive Organs. I«; ^2 C r 8« U the the Grout ■ bi Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples, Eruptions or Mores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse It when it is foul, und vour feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will f °P?N * TAPE and other WORMft, lurking in the'system of so many thousands, are ef fectuftUy destroyed and removed. In Bilious, Remittent aud Intermittent Fevers, these Bitters have us equel. For full directions read carefully the circular und each bottle, printed lu finir lunguu ires—English, German, French and Spanish. " ALKEK, Proprietor, 82 Commerce st. f N rT H .MCDONALD, A Co., Druggists, and general Agents, Han Francisco and Sacra mento, California, and 82 A 34 Commerce et New York. Hold by all Druggists and Der. lJe25-Pm. or lias 6;c. for I italics anti Sinwarr. Middletown Stove House. 8. W, BOnEBTS, Takes pleasure In announcing \o his friends of Middletown and surrounding country, that tlie liberal patronage he has •$r fck received has Induced him to offer to the public the greatest variety, and stock of Stoves, both *N^^^Oooklng and Heating, ever offered In Middletown, and at prloes that cannot fall to please. Among the assortment are the following the the wllh the ject. the g Ac. it out In COOK STOVE». NIAGARA, NOBLE COOK, MON I OR WM. PENN, CORAL COOK, LEHIGH, and others made In the city. PABL.OH 8TOVÉ8. DEW DROP, ' BRILLIANT, GAS BURNING BASE, UNION AIR TIGHT. OUR PARLOR, GEM, Also, SEXTON'S PARLOR HEATERS. Stoves of all kinds suitable for Stores, Of fices, Bar-rooms, am. School Houses. Also, the Morning Glory and the Oriental, both unsurpassed la beauty and efficiency. They can be seen In operation at the store of the proprietor. All sizes of Bar-room Stoves and Ten Plate Stoves repaire«! at short notice. Old Stoves taken in exchange. AJF*Tln Ware at wholesale and retail. *®ft As I have practical workmen employed, I think I can give satisfaction to all who favor with their work. Particular attention paid to Roofing and Spouting. Middletown. Sept. 12,1868-tf N. ROBERTS, EDMÏDfl) SUV AVION, New Tinware anä Stove Store, Commerce St., Smyrna, Del. The subscriber, having taken the stand formerly occupied by J3. V. Weldon a Shoe Store, has commenced the Sale and Manufacture of Tin ware, Japanned Ware, Fancy Cham ber Set«, Lantern», Ac., at City Price». Everything In the Tinware d mad« to order. A full ly by 89 line kept on hand stock of STOVES, Comprising all the bee* patterns, both Wood Coal burners. Stoves polished at short notice. Particular attention given to Roofing, Gut tering and Spouting. All kind« of Job work in his lino promptly attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed in all ease«. Intending to keep flrst-cla«« artiele«, and work, he hopes to receive a lib KDMUND SwANTON. Commerce St., Smyrna, Del. do flrst-cl eral patronage. SB T JEREMIAH BRINTON, Dealer In STOVES, AND MANUFACTURER OF SHEET-IRON aM TINWARE, MARKET STREET, SMYRNA, DEL., Mrs. Can's Trimming Store,begs leave to inlorm his friends and the public generally, that he 1ms and keeps constantly o I and a full line ef STOVES, Just below SHEET-IRON, TIN ANTI BRITANNIA War. Which he will sell ns low for cash as can be had anywhere else in market. Strict atten tion given to • ■pairing neatly and promptly done. Call d examine our stock before purchasing JEREMIAH HRIYTOX, Market St.. Smyrna, Del. Re elsewhere. may-21-70-ly. |Ual instate. wanted! In OELAWAUG and DI AIIYLAX1). LARGE is AND 9 M AIL -JE JW- 3SJC M , O F every description, to Sei 1; Mill Pro perties, Town Properties; and Building Lots, Ac. Persons having Properties to dlspc Will find it greatly to their advantage to place them in my hands. A. HlcConanghy, Real Estate Broker, Clayton, Del. of. r.biif Over 200.000 Acres Over 200.000 Acres OF LAND FOR SALE ! IN Ill AND OTHER STATES. Seed Post-Stamp for A. McCONAUGHY'S 'National Real Estate Gazette,' 0H OTHEIt IHFÛBMATtÔY. A. MbCONADGHV, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Ola. y ton, Delaware. p. 8.—Minute information regarding Vir ginia Lands given, and the securing of pro perties In said Htate, for parties desiring to purchase, made one of our specialities.— Parties desiring to purchase there, can save r by calling on me, before looking fur . [my80-t*| A. McO. >ncy furher REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE, BY A. McCONAUGHY, Röal Estate Broker, CLAYTON, DEL. Farm Land», Fruit Lands, Truck Tands, Suitable for either large or small Fruits. Town Properties and Building Lots, ho. JLarge and ftmal 1 Farms In Delaware. Lands in Maryland—cheap. Lands In Vlrginlnr-cheap ik Texas, over 4(XX) A «• ^ In Tennessee—over 8000 Acres. In Minnesota—over 000 Acres. Property in Pennsylvania cheap. extensive Copper Mine in Texas, to lease to a responsible company—has yield ed 2000 Ns. of -very cheep. Also, per day; newly discovered. SPECIAL To Persons wishing to dispose of Property to Advantage. Having made extensive arrangements in various wavs, ar.d having many advantages for the profitable sale of properties, we re justified In ***t!ug that those who have p ^erti.-s to «nspose of cannot do so bett er tli by placing them In our bands. Our inode of advertising, and extending Information to inquirers, is almost universal, and Is surely more advantageous than ever known of; there siring to make profitable sales c placing their business In We buy and and collect rents, and In fact give strict attention to all the various branch«-«—eon blnin g the whole definition ol Real Estate Biok«* A. McCONAUGHY. Real Estate Broke- Hay ton, Del. eel j other mode persons de \ I ui by Jo bant*». Jan4 AGENT» WANTED FOK ^Lost Abroad." Send for specimen pages, clrcul etc. Address p H. BETT» July 2-«w. , m rms, A Co., Ilartferd, Con |erttUwrig, &r. Kntnre'a «rrat Hestorcr. SCHEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL. This medical preparation la now offered to a relluble substitute for the the public . many worthless compounds which now flood the market. It is purely vegetable composed of various herbs, gathered from the great storehouse of nature, and selected wllh the utmost care. It is not recommend as a Curb All, but by it« direct and sal utary Influence upon the Heart, Liver. Kld heys, Lungs, Stomach and Bowels, ft acts both as a preventative and cure for many of the diseases to which those organs are sub ject. It Is a reliable Family Medicine, and be taken by either infant or adult with the same beneficial results. It is a certain, g rompt and speedy remed HŒA, DYSENTERY, _ PLAIN* 1 , DYSPEPSIA, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, PAINTINGS. SiCK-HEA DACHE Ac. For CHILLS and FEVERS of all kinds, it is far better and safer than quinine, with out any of Its pernicious effects. It creates app'etlte. proves a powerful digester of food, and will counteract the effects of liquor In a few minute«. ' y for DIAR )WEL COM I ' PREPARED »T JACOB BCHEETZ, Sole Propriété, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Race SU., Phllad'a. Fa •old by All Druggists. nov 17-ly IBCTWEIl'S Complete Manure. MANUFACTURED BT HENRY BOWER, CIIEMTST, PHILADELPHIA. MADI FROM IVuper-Fkeefhate of Limo, Armenia and Potash. .WARRANTED FRKR FROM ADULTERATION. This manure contain« all th« element« te produce large crop« of all kind«, and 1« high ly recommended by all who have u»«d it also by distinguished Cherniaks who have, by analysis, tested its qualities. Packed in Bags of 200 lb». Eueh. DIXSON, SHARPLESS A CO. SOLR AORNTf, 89 South Water and 40 South Dal., Ava., PHILADELPHIA. For Snla by WM. REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD And hy dealers generally throughout the country Jy II ICHOLAI O Vi ATT, N Shot Chui, Rifle A Pistol fffanNfaeturer, SMI RNA, DELAWARE. My long experience In the above business, havingserved an apprenticeship InOermany aiul worked In the principal *a tabllshmentalnEuropeand th* United State«, enable» me te executeall kinds of work In my line with neatness and dis patch, aa rhea)» as can be deae elsewhere, and I would respectfully lnvlt« all persons who wish anything In my 11 b« of business to give me a call. I have con stantly on hand a large assortment ef all kind« of doub'e and single barrelled SHOT GUNS, made 'the best materials. Also, a large assortment of RIFLES and PISTOLS of the most improved style«. Garne Hag», Powder Flasks, «hat Pouch««, Water Pro I Caps, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Ao., which I sell at the lowest «**h prisa». NICHOLAS GLATT, Commerce St., next doer belew the Post Of fice, Smyrna, Dsl. est 17-ly &*st;uaaiuj, At. nsroapxcjjH. lONEPH X. Vf AIT B Has nothing to do witli the No. U97 Mar ket ftt., andliavlng sold It to Mr. Kelley, has removed to his Hotel and Restaurant, semer of Water and Market Sts., Wilmington, Del., where he will he happy to see Ills old frleacls th* public In general. CL OYSTERS rrii served In «very style, and Kamille» supplied wtliA Sw any part of tbs city, by the quart, hundred, or bushel, delivered free of charge. OAXI In season. MEALS ot all hours, at the low price of 81 cents. Country people coming In town, will find It a convenient,cheap and pleasant plus« to get a good meal. *** Permanent and Transient Boarders ac commodated. and In JO«. T. WAITE. 4-27-tf AnilRkT LOOK TO YOUR INTER AnilRkT LOOK TO YOUR INTER EST. F The subscriber would Inform the general S ubllc that he still continues to accommo ate the Farmers in Wagons, Cans, Plow* and Harrows, at his old stand, ou the corner of 6th and Broad St reets, ODESSA, DEL. experience of.25 years, and seek f the Farmer, h< flatters himself to give sat lsfactlon in his branch oi business. All orders slial! be attended to with prompt and despatch. He has tbs solo right ol this Htato for the Farmers Favorite Hecken dorn Plow, which he keeps constantly hand, and manufacturers all kinds of Plowf to order at short notice. With good mate rials which he aims to keep at all times, hi/ object is to give entire satisfaction. Renali Ing done In Rlacksmlthlng and Wheel* wnghtlng with despatch, merous friends for past liberal patronage he hopes by strict attention to business, tc merit a continuance of the same. L. V. A8PRIL, Oilsasa, Del After lng to know the wants A 1 hanking nis nu K'ptlälf PHÖTOMINIATDHES, Photographs, Ämbrotypes, —AND FERREOTYPES or ALL RIZES AND IN ALL «TTUB8, -ALR0,— Cepitt Jiaite of ftoEUtrrtotttpr*. Jttuhi' typet, Eh rrating» or othtr H'ork» NEWGALLERY, COMMERCE STREET, (OPPOSITE THE DEPOT,) SMYRNA, DELAWARE. EDWARDS &. HINES, VIEWS TAKEN OP BUILDINGS ANI - LANÇBCAÏKS at file mylbtf Look to your Interest. R. F. DELL has taken^the formerly conducted! by Allen & Bell, and Is manufacturing a superior article of both STONE & EARTH'NWARE figures for cash than It be had at low anywhere else. No charges for package and delivery. Fine Clay and r** Constantly on hand. ap-9-70-0m.] R. F. DELE. Smyrna, Del. Ä Great Chance I Agents Wanted! 575 to 1200 per month. Wo want to employ a good agent in every County iu the U. ft. on commission or salary ■ o introduce our Werld Renowned i'atest White Wire Clothes Unes; v 111 last a hundred years. If you profitable and pleasant employment, address R. K. BUSH A CO., 75 William Ht., N. Y., or 10 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. (ap-0-lw For FAMILY UHE—simple, cheap, relia ble. AGENTS WANTED. Circulars and samples sent FREE. Address. HINKLE Y KNITTING MACHINE CO.. Bath Me., 178 Broadway, N. Y. 8m. THE HERALD C UE A.3P 75 Of ly JOB PRINTING OFFICE Pi ■MYRNA, DELAWARE), IS THE PLACE At WHIM YOU CAW G«T Y OK* JOB PRINTING IN ALL IT* VARIOUS BRANCHES AN* a o x, o m s, jAx I AT TMS Mort R,&*onat>l* Rat** I AND AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. ORDERS BY MAIL I I WILL RECEIVE STRICT ATTENTION. DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS, A mild and agreeable TONIC »TIMB I, AKT. STOMACHIC and CABMIMA. TIT* BITTERS, Extracted entirely froi ROOTS. Highly osweflslal la DYSPPESIA, IBIBB« and 81 ac GENERAL DEHILITY, and Losä of Appetite ; and an excellent COBRZCTIYH for per sufferlng from K>i»«r4ers af the Bewein, Flatstlewee, 4a BOLD EVERYWHERE. Depot, 418 Market Street. Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR * CO. •«,t 26-!r. h< BOOK-BINDING. The subscribers having purchased the Book Bindery of BOUGHMÀN, T1IOMAft A CO., Wilmington, Del., will continue tbs business of BOOK-BINDING AND Blank Book Mannfactarinn AT TH* OLD STA2VD Ne. 420 8HIPLBY STRB3T. Blank Books Made to Order. Paper, Bill-IIsads Ac... ruled to any pat tern, Old Books carefully re-hound, Maga zines, Music, Pamphlets and Newspapers hound at reasonable rates. «-Back numbers of Periodicals supplied. Orders hy mall addressed as fallows will prompt at tention. JOHN8TON A BOGIA, Wilmington, D «1 Orders reoelved at the ClattnUkrald Office. meet with Blacksmithing and Wheelwrighting I n all the different branches. Carriages re paired, trimmed and I ulnted,plain or fan cy. Hlioeing of Hor . Manufacturing çf, or Jobbing on alldescriptions of Farming Implements promptly attended to at the fthops on corner of Commerce and Delaware street, Hmyrns, Delaware. «EO. W. TILOHMAN. TAILORING ! i NICHOLAS GREWEB, Fashionable Tailor, Having taken a shop at Clayton, Is pared to execute in the most approved styles and fashionable cuts, all kinds of pre GENTLEMENS' WEAR, at the shortest possible notice. Having had twenty years' experience in one of the larg est cutting establishments on Market street, Philadelphia, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction toall. Having procured the designs of the LATEST PATTERNS he is able to suit the most fastidious In taste. Persons desiring 8PLEND1NG FITTING and WELL-MADE CLOTHING, him before going to Ht., will do well by calling elsewlieré. Repairing and Cleanin 0 <» Neatly done at the shortest notice. Business stand, Just below the "Clayton House," Clayton, Del. and Y [ap-O-ly. (2(1 A DAY—Business entirely new 'AJF A-A# and honorable. Liberal Induce ments. Descriptive circulars free. Address J. C. RAND a Co., Biddeford, Me. July2-3m. ^fliurtijifwrubi. GRAPE VIMES. ,000 Concord, one, two »nd three year» old, 16,000 Clinton, one, two and three year» old. 10000 Hartford, and 60 other varieties Also, 75 ® 5,000 Peach Trees, @ Of leading varieties. 6,000 Wilson'« Early Blackberry Plants for sale. 80 bushels Ear ly Rose Potatoes, for seed, PURE GRAPE WINK For Medical and Church, uae.^all^at Market Smyrna Landing, Del. A i AO, of Pi la** MR. WATSON D. MULL, At his restaurant, on Commerce street, (near the Post Office), who is the manufacturer s authorized agent. All orders sent to box 148 Smyrna. Del., will receive prompt attention, feb-Ti-Om. JOY, COE A CO., PUBLISHERS' AGENTS TRIBUNE" BUILDING», NEW YORK ) Are authorized to contract for advertis ing In otir paper. H. €. DOUGI«AM 9 DEALER IN GRAIN, LIME, &C., Cl « y ton, Vftlawftv«* IMPORTANT TO JEIM» S Tkt snbssrlbsrs wosld snnovacs to Bulld sts ud othsrs lbs, tbs? «» s*(»«v4 la »W ofe* tu ring LUMBER ; per the Of all deecrl plions, and are prepared to ftp nlst, at short »otloe, YELLOW PINE FLOOEfflG, ' the tbs SIDEING, FENCIKG, Or Boards of any required thloknese: Also, Pine, Oak or Gum, FRAMING, Of any dimensions, manufactured to order, and on the moet reasonable terms. Orders solltltsd »vdpi« n p jet Thos. & Sam. Bacon, 0 <» laurel, del THE HERALD FOIi THE Y£ia WILL BE MORE INTERESTING A» It gains age. I8_THE WORKING MAN'S FRIEND AT A LL TIMES AND UNDER ALL CIR CUMSTANCES. IT IS BOLD AND FEARLESS, AND JièAns TO BE THE DEFENDER OF RIGHT AGAINST WRONG AT ALL HAZARD*. DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS, Democrats, SUBSCRIBE FOR AND SUPPORT THE PAPER THAT IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK FOR RIGHT AND JUSTICE. WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE MEW, ME., MIN, MEN. MIN, MEN, MEN, MIN, MIN, OK □E& « JL "WW W 9 SUBSCRIBE 10* THE HERALD, wwinlj plk.W If jou would «o« • battle thU jtu. WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED, WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED', WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED, WB HAVE JUST COMMENCED, WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED, WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED K ' OUR BATTLE. \ \ i p., ■ WE TTAII IVEIIY DEMO TAKE YO* ». THE HERAL AND REPUBLICANS, TOO, It THET WANT IT. f ,It will be the ventilator tl Radical corruptiem in Del aware and othör quar ter*. LOOK OUT rOR *QUALT.B, LOOK OUT FOli SQUALLS, LOOK OUT FOK »QUALLS, look out ron squall*, At soon at we a*e at Liberty to "swing around the dr CM. » \ TERMS ; THE HERALD PER Y] COPIES, »2.00, IP p. VANGE; IP NOT TlltL END' OF YEAR, a.:'«. iR, SINGLE iD IN AD* I CLUB RATLES : T?en copies, one year, Fifteen 44 *' ** Twenty 4 * *• 44 Thirty 41 44 »• I Forty * 44 «« Fifty 44 44 h . $18.001 25.00 . 80.00 . . «5.00 . » 0.00 i . 86.00 \ Any one getting up clubs as *P 0 oitied, will receive a copy of tw© P a P e one year for their trouble. Th«\i nam* 9 of a club must all go to orne Posa 0$®®» and the orders be accompanied t 1 cash. Address \ 1 1 THE HERALD5 Smyrna, B I 1, \