Newspaper Page Text
gcrtiligtri. BAUGH'S RAW BONE SÜPEB PHOSPHATE OF LIME 3 We offer to Farmen, the present Fall sea son, BAITGH'8 RAW BONE SUPER PHOS PHATE OF LIM E as beim: highly improved. Raugh'it Raw Done Super Phosphate Is, an It» name Indicate», prepared by dissolving Raw Bone» in Oil of Vitrol—that in. Bones that have not been deprived of their organic matter—the grease and glue—by burning baking. It, therefore, present« to the use of the Farmer» all the valuable properties of Raw Boqes iu a highly concentrated form rendering it at once quirk in action and ve ry permanent. • 4 ' Farmers are recommended to tmrohase of the dealer located in their nelghlwrhood. In sections where no dealer Is yet establish ed, the PHOHPlfaLTE may be procured di rectly from the undersigned. BAUGH & HONS, K AMUFACTUKKRB, on« Ve. SO Be. Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. 01 X»-DON'T BE ONE DAY WITHOUT Pua Jakes J ALVE For all Cota, Burns, Bruises, Boros, Ulcers. Fore and Broken Breasts, Plies, Bites pr »tings of InsecAs, Ac., Ac. Its Power to ALLAT PAIN, to BOOTHE BUFFERING, to HEAL WOUND*, Ac., very extraordinary—" the like of 11 has never been known." All Druggists sell 60c. sixes (and $1.00 pots for families.) Ask for PIHEBE BA HER (take no other.) "Caatar" €•., No. 18 Ho vard St., N. T. BDDK-BINBIKB. The subscribers having purchased the Blok Bindery of bOUGHMAN, THOMAS A CO., Wilmington, Del., will continue the business of BOOK-BINDING AND Riant Root MamfacHrint AT THE 01*0 STAND Ne. 420 SHIPLEY STREET. Blank Books Made to Order. Paper, Rill-Heads Ac,, ruled to any pat tern, Old Books carefully re-bound, Maga sines, Music, Pamphlets RDd Newspapers bound at reasonable rates. 49"Buck numbers of Periodicals supplied. Orders by mall addressed as fr Hows will meet with prompt attention. JOHNSTON A BOG I A, Wilmington, Del Orders received at the Claytmükkald oct!9 Office. TAILORING ! 1 1 Having Repository, large NICHOLAS OREWER, ...Bnkhimabk. Tailor, or the mantown Buggies, sortmeut b . — «taring taken a ehop at Clayton, la now pre pared to execute In the moet approvedsty les and fashionable enu, all kinds of GENTLEMENS' WEAR, I won have noue t feel to all age. my »pare oy auowu •t the shortest possible notice. Having hud twenty years' experience In one of the larg est cutting ssUbllshinenU on Market street, Philadelphia, he feels confident that he can glre sntlsfiictiontoall. Having procured the designs of the LATE3T PATTERNS be Is able to salt the most fastidious In taste. Persons desiring SPLENDINU FITTING and WELL-MADE CLOTHING, will do well by calling on him before going elsewhere. July Repairing and Cleaning Neatly done at the shortest notice. Business atauil, Ju»t below the "Clayton House," Clayton, Del. [ap-S-ly. MONEV QUICKLY MADE by active men and women getting subscrip tions for the great religious and literary weekly, N. •ma) The Christian Union," i? edited by Henry Ward Beecher. Having in Its corps of Contributors the ablest talent of the land. A charming serial story, by the world-famous authosess of "Unci«* Tom's Cabin,', Just begun. Every subscriber for 1871 receives the paper for eight weeks, and the people's favorite, Mak SHALL'S WASHINGTON. alone worth $5.00), free. This new and un equalled combination, is taking like wild Are. All are doing well, many making from 16 to $30 a day. Now Is the harvest time, wisely and quickly. There is positively nothing that will pay you so well. Copy of paper, chapter of story, and rare terms, free. Audi act raw. A. H, HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 ( hestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. deo$-4w Ae. K'UOLAS GLATT, N Shot Gun, Rifle & Pistol manufacturer, SMYRNA, DELAWARE. perienoe In the above business, a an apprenticeship inGermany and worked in the principal es and the Mv long having servi tabllshments In Europe United States, enables me to executeall kinds of work 1» my line with neatness and dis can be done patch, as cheap elsewhere, and I would respectfully invite all persons who wish anything in my line of business to give me a call, stantly on hand a large awortment of ay, kinds of doub-'e and single barrelled SHOT GUNS, made c ftbe best materials. Also, s large OMortmrul of RIFLES and PIBTotA of the most Improved styles. Game Bags. Powder Flasks, Shat Pouches, Water Pro« 1 Caps, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Ac., which I s'jll at the lowest cash prices. NICHOLAS GLATT, Commerce St., next door below the Post Of flea. Rmvrna. Del. out 17-ly I have c< n AGENTS WANTED FOR MEN OF PROGRESS, by Jas. Parton, Greeley, and other promin ent writers It Is the most complete and eom pendions literary and artlstie work ever published. It contains »k etc besot Charles AND HARTFORD PUBI.I«lllNG COMP A NY, 205 to 213 East 12th Street, New York. surMw. ATCH Fit««', av d 8SO a day sure, and no humbug. Addiuw LATTA A OO., Mtlsburg, Pa SL TUifi Great Medical Discovery. DOCTOR AVAMtEU'« CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 4M Ea Bear testimony to their Won- og.g oa cas derful Cttrallve Effect«, g WHAT ARB THEY t 115 8a| aga Bei S,g3 More thaw 50,000 [Peroo 3 « SH an of of ve di 0" lit S3. ûflj » &|s «si n\ He 01 if 5 • ■ ill <8 u 5 n. B «•3 ■ Thty are ot a Vile r 9= ili FANCY DRINK, M'as . ! a a If Mode of Pure Rum, Whiskey, Spiritsof Por. and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please tne taste, called, " T lc," "Appetizers," '•Restorers," Ac., that 1 the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and Life Giving Principle a perfect Renovator and Invlgorotor of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condi tion. No person can take these bitters ac cording to directions, and remain long un 91 ÔO will be given for an Incurable case, provided the bones are not destroyed by mineral poRons or other means, and the vi tal organs wasted beyond the point of re P *For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma tism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and IntermlttentFevers, Diseases of the Blood. Liver. Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most suc CHHHful. buch diseases are caused by Vitiat ed Blood, which Is generally produoed by derangement of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through the skin In Pimples. Eruptions or Bores ; cleanse it when you And It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse It when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will PIN? TAPE and other WORMS, : in the system of so many thousands, fectually destroyed and removed. In Billons, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, these Bitters have ue equel. For full directions read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In four langua ges—English, German, French and Spanish. J. W ALKER, Proprietor, 32 Commerce sL, New York. R. H. MCDONALD, A C©., Druggists, and general Agents, San Francisco and Sacra mento, California, and 32 A 84 Commerce st New York. Sold by all Druggists and Dee [JtSMm, pr Ac., has 60c. for T. the the lurkln , are e: f. pat Maga will n. Walter mcmullen CARRIAGE lAMACrm COMMERCE ST., SALE - t SMYRNA, DEL. Having established in Commerce Street a Repository, opposite the depot, will offer a large assortment of C-A.HIlI-A.a-ES or the latest styles, such as Top Bngxles. G«r mantown Wagons, Jenny I,lnd«. Uoal-Bo. Buggies, at i edneed prices. Also a t sortmeut of second-hand carriages pre les choice as AT COST. Farm I won Id call your attention to the feet that I have secured the aervloes of both * Wood-Workers, and Painters, and using noue save the mî9T matebial, t feel confident of giving entire eatURatlon to all who may favor me with their patron age. «»-PwraonBdeslrlng to examine any of my Carriages, who have not the time to »pare to call on me at my place of business, oy Informing me of the iact by letter, wi ll be auowu them oix their premises free of charge. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done hud larg street, can the Town ijarge In In In to ed taste. WALTER JIcSfLlEJ, Smyrna, Del. going July 8-tf. Engle, Rothermel & Co., BHIPPER8 A DEALERS I* To for by more hove siring the Business House," MADE subscrip literary SCHUYLKILL NAVIGATION WHARVES WINDMILL ISLAND. DELAWARE RIVER, OPPOSITE LOMBARD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. rdciriciru J >«* WALNUT STREET. OFFICES, 1 g* SOUTH DEL. AVENUE. N. B.—Coel supplied by vessel In large or •ma) 1 quantities, In lots to suit purchasers. ar-10-öm the serial of Every for Mak FRUIT MS. Ml FRUITS, and un wild from time, positively Copy of free. Ornamental Trees and Plants. CHOICE Street, Pa. Garten ant Fielt Seets, Ae. A splendid stock of the eholeaet verle Um business, inGermany es and the I3JNB4I for Descriptive Catalogues and Priced List.-®* me to 1» my and dis be done All Trees well packed, so as to carry safely to any part of the United Btates. invite my line of ay, SHOT Also, s PIBTotA Bags. Pro« 1 which I Post Of 17-ly Small Fruits and Small Plants of all kinds, sent by mail, poafop. paid, to Post Office lu th. United Stales. EDWARD J. IMII A CO. Ifunerymen and Seedsmen, have c< n Ml I Y OIL It, PA. septl0-3m. S KAFNESS, BLINDNESS AkdOatabbh treated with the utmott succms, by J. spvæ» Ä «SÄ? Arch street, Pbllad'a. Testlmonlali s«M> at lila office. The medical facdlty are Invited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted without pain. No chorge^for^ex Files and Rasps Of the best quality, at the New BL, FILE WORK», 211 New felreet, P 5 , i5 d £if*Y5 l i£j: Race and Vine, 2d and 3d Bts..) where may be found the largest assortment In the city. Old Files and Rasp« re-cut and made equal to new. at an average saving of 60 per cent; on the original cost. smith marcn-8ra. J. BABION SMiTR. pa N ('ft 11 promin and work ever Charles COMP A York. amination. I tv . .-I. sure, and A OO., DK. TA YLUii'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. Extracted entirely from (U ER BS and ROOT». Highly oeneflclal in DY8PPESIA, ' A ' f A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMO 1AW. OTOaatlHlt and CARMiXA m TMwm BITTERS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECTIVE far per sons suffering from Disorders nf the Bwwala,, da SOLD EVERYWHERE. Depot. 41S Market Street, Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR A CO. it sept 26-ly, $tal ««late. WANTED ! In DELAWARE and MARYLAND. ~ LARGE Sa AMD EiSMALL O F every description, to Sell; Mill Pro perties, Town Properties; and Building LoU, Ac. Persons having Properties to dispose will find It greatly to their advantage place them in xuy hands. of, to A. JWcConaugby, Real Estate Broker, Clayton. Del. fob It f Over 200.000 Acres OF LAND FOR SALE ! f. IN DEUM.HlETLll.milH. AND OTHER STATEN. Bend Post-Stamp for A. McCONAUGHY'S 'National Real Estate Gazette,' OR OTHER INFORMATION. A. MeCONAUGIIY, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Clayton, Delaware. P. 8.—Minute information regarding gin la Lands given, and the securing of pertles in said State, for parties desiring to purchase, mode one of our specialities.— Part ies desiring to purchase there, can save money by calling on me. before looking fur furhur. (uiyaO-tf] A. McC. Vlr pro UHŒA, PLAINT, SPIRITS, Ac. It Is in a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE, BY. 9 - t A^ffcCON A UGH Y,_^ Real Estate Broker, CLATTOIST, DEL. nov Farm LaihIh, Fruit I-ands, Truck I«nndE. Suitable for either large or small FrnlU, Town Properties and Building Lots, Sic. ijarge and Small Farms In Delaware. Lauds In Maryland—cheap. Lands in Virginia—cheap. In Texas, over 4000 Acres—very eheap. In Tennessee—over 8000 Acres. In Minnesota—over 000 Acres. Property in Pennsylvania cheap. Also, an extensive Copper Mine In Texas, to lease to a responsible company—has yield ed 2000 be. of ore per day; newly discovered. And or 11 . d u. SPECIAL To Persons wishing to dispose of Property to Advantage. Having made extensive arrangements In various ways, and having many ad van tag for the profitable sale of properties, we fe justified In M»atlng that those who have pro perties to dispose of cannot do so better than by placing them in our hands. Our mode of advertising, and extending information to Inquirers, Is almost universal, and is surely more advantageous than any other mode we hove ever known of; therefore, persons de siring to make profitable sales can do so by placing their business in our hand«. We buy and sell, exchange, rent and collect rents,and In fact give strict attention to all the varions branches—combining the whole definition ol Real Estate Brokerar A_ Jan4 1 1 «•fl or In of A. MeCONAUGIIY, Real Estato Broker Clayton, Del. THE SECOND VOLUME OF A.H.STEPHENS Great History of the War Is now ready.— Agents wanted. Bend for circulars, with terras and a full description of the work. Address National Publishing Co., Philadel phia, Pa. July9-4w. AGENTS WANTED (Male or temals) for the PHYSICAL LIFE OF WOMAN: verle BY GEO. H. NAPHEYB, M. D. This bravk, purr, Book Is the grsat suc cess of the year. 40,000 have already been sold. It *till sells with a rapidity quite un precedented. Agents all agree that they make money faster selling It than any ether. Much first-class territory Is still open. Send atonoe for pamphlet, Ac., address GEORGE MACLEAN: Publisher, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK and BOSTON. scpt24-4w. safely to LIVE AG ENTA WAN F.D FOB WOMEN Of New York, OR.SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GREAT CITY \7onderfol developments among t*»e aris tocracy. Married women exposed, Ac., Ac. Price $3.26. The best book to sell published. The best terms bo Agents ever offered. Ad dress, N. Y. Book Co., 145 Nassau St., N. Y. oct 22-8W_ by J. are as be eyes FILE l i£j: where In the made 60 per SMiTR. AGENTS WANTED FOB "Lost Abroad." Send for specimen pages, circuUrs, terms, etc. Addneaa 8« M. BETTh A Co.. July a-4w. ilarMord, Conn. pa 11 A WATCH FREE for evervbody, and $80 per day, sure. Business light and hon orable. No Gift Enterprise, No humbug. Address It. Monroe Kennedy, Pittsburg, Pa. nov 16-4 w. 4 filENTB WANTF*D-<ff»5 A MONTH) A -by the AMERICAN KNITTING MA i HIN - U LOttlON, M*La., or 8T. IX)UI8 sept 24 8m. Mo. JertUUiru, At. BOWEB'S Complete Man ure. MAWUFACTI'UKI) BT HENRY BOWER, CHEMIST, PHILADELPHIA, ■un mon and Potash. .WAKBAOTBD >SU FROM iimLTlS»n«, This manure oontalns all ths elements to produoe large crops of all kind*, and la high ly reoommendsd by all who have need It also by distinguished Chemists who have, by analysis, tested 1U qualities. racked in Bag » oj 200 lb*. Xaeh. DIXSON, SHARPLESS A CO. aonn agxkts. S8 South Water and 40 South Del., Ave., PHILADELPHIA. For Sale by WM. REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, ; T •' -ft. BALTIMORE, MB And by dealers generally throughout the country « J *• SSW40»'W'«di S fao'w««! x JEREMIAH BRINTON, Dealer in STOVES, AND MANUFACTURER OF SHEET-IRON ail TINWARE. COMMERCE STREET, SMYRNA, DEI*, Next door to W. H. Hall A Oo.'«i bakery leave to Intorm his Meeds and the public generally, that he has and keeps constantly on hand a hill line öf STOVES, SHEET-IRON, TIM IA War«, Which ho will sell as low for cash as can be had anywhere else in market. Strict atten tion given to If ïSÂÂffiïlïï elsewhere. JEREMIAH BRINTON, Commerce Street, Smyrna, Del. may-21-70-ly. Nature's Great Restorer. SCHEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL. Tills medical preparation la now offered to the public as a reliable snbntitute for the many worthless compounds which now flood the market. It Is purely vegetable composed of various herbs, gathered from the great storehouse of nature, and selected wllh the utmost care. It. is not recommend ed as n Cuke All, but by Its direct and sal utary Influence upon the Heart, Liver. Kid heys, Lungs, Stomach and bowels, it acts both as a preventative and cure for many of the diseuses to which those organs are sub ject. It Is a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taken by either infant or adult with the same beneficial results. It Isa certain, prompt and speedy remedy for DIAR UHŒA, DYSENTERY, BOWEL COM PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, LOWNER8 OF SPIRITS, PAINTINGS. SlCK-HEA O ACHF. Ac. For CHILLS and FEVERS of all kinds. It Is far better and safer than quinine, with ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄS* S in a few minutes. Fa ° t the effect« « tfueutj S.'fif.cor.l (IT Iliad's. Ph i and Rat . ' Kold by All Dragrglsta. nov 17-lF I therefore I A ] I The ! dy to > I pablo DEIjAWARE wm lift nwici t noJlK OFFIcr. — "ExflisuK® Bnild-1 position inar,** ferner 7th sBvlJUrkelslrseU, Wilmington, Del. render and Burner relied TABLES nF RATES, And any information required, promptly furnlsl>ed on appllcath n to the Homo Office or to any of the Company's Agents. JOHN P. McLEAR, President. 11 . M. CHuÎd^' S ecretary! K * V1C6 Pre **^ en *' 1 mero d wSÄSÄffi:>y u. w. ai-nui-i., "• other all DIRFJTOBSl been Samuel Bancroft, Jr. Ed. Bringhurst, Jr. Wm. G. 'Gibbous, George W. Stone Jno. V. Rice, W. H. Swift. GEO. F. TURNER, General Agent for Delaware. John P. Mcl«ear, William Bush. Thos. D. Webb, William Canbv, George W. Bush, William 8. lilies, July-81-ly. 1 I HOOP SKIRTS, 111C Konkin's "Own Make.** lllj 1115 . In all the New Snrlue Styles, for Ladles, Misses and Children, the qnality and price of which will recommendI themselves Iff every customer. CORSETS I CORHETY41 !. CORSETS!!! Just marked down U> gold at Has par; making our prices lees than they can be I ^ afforded, until gold declines to that point, I and 88 per cent. Jess than theprloe ■one year of ago. we were the first In Philadelphia to I w give silver n change to our customers. Ana 1 now fake tbe lead In giving them füll ad vantageof tne return to a specie basis, in ad vance of the Gold market; which will be fnlly appreciated by all who examine our extremely low Prioejk «mVii 1 b F Own Make, at 87,40,60 r 66, 60,70,80, 00 M, fl, I Ac., to$2 20. . VA m I . n ^? d î.^î R ®iî 0 i» e oent 75. 90, $ 1 . 00 , Ac,, to EaE at I flnd Woven Corsets at 75 c. reduced from $1.00; at I to $1.00, reduced from tram 97 I I2.M, Ac., Ac. . „ Thompson'« Glove Fitting Corse,« at Il.TO, reduood from H.®, Ac . Ac. Mrs. Moody s ÏÎMuctSn ol^Ä K Il3l" 1 cVrtlng W q«my M Alloth« go^. P propor tlonallX reduced. Skirts and Uorsefc made to order. Altered and Repaired. Wholesale and RetAll—One Price (Wly—Call or send of fordescrlptlve^lrculari, Ho | mar-l»-Sm. No. 1118 CheetnuT Ht.. Phlla. F suc been un they ether. Send lng THE HAND IN HAND MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE ^■thls Atrents. Company, wants » also a goodgeneralA^nt for western ren ^ «ylvanTs, also a goodgoneral A*«nl lor is. Ger.nan Counties of PennsTlvanls. Annress Hand In Hand Offioe. No. IU South «h »t-, Phlla., Pa. 1 I KURORS OF YOUTH. CITY aris Ac. Ad Y. A gentleman who suffered for years fio-> Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and ». the effects of yo'ithiul indiscretion, will, to r the sake of suffering humanity, wnd free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making he simple remedy by which he the cured. Bnfferers wishing to profit bv the advertiser's experience, oan do so by an dressing, in perfect confidence. I AoIsh B. ysfwew. I No. 12 Cedar street. New York. | . li# . .. î  Great f.hanrp ! AeentS Wanted! ureax unance o $75 to $200 T»*r month. We w»»^«2 employ n too<i agent In «very County | ln the U. S. on commission or salary to introduce our World Renowned Patest White Wire Clothes Lines ; will last a hundred years. If you want profitable and pleasant employment address R. 8. RUSH A CO„ 75 William Bt. N. Y„ or 16 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. [ap-6-4w | terms, $80 hon humbug. Pa. MA IX)UI8 8m. To doubleyour money— Advertise. THE HERALD O HE -A»IP JQB PRINTING ornCE, Of ly SMYRNA, DELAWARE. JOB PRINTING IN ALL IT8 A \RIOUS BRANCHES AND OSO LORS, r \c CHEAP, NIAT, and WILL SOUS AT THE Most Reasonable Rates! AND AT THS SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. ORDSÉI BT matt WILL RECEIVE STRICT ATTENTION. MORO PHILLIPS' GBNUIWB V PROVED Super Phosphate of Lime. iVr sais at AuHiyuaucn« UtpoUf JVO* »7 NORTH FHONT ST., Philadelphia, AND AV. 95 «Mf* aVr*«f, mmtUmt Aha by Dealers In general throqgboul the Country. *» SOMBRERO GUANO, of which pnos PIIATE i and always lias bean manu factored, (and of which he has sole rontroi for th. United State.,) contains fifty P«r esnt. more Bone Phosphate than Raw Bone, therefore It la more dnrahla. A large percentage la Bolabls, and will lm mediately yield IU nonrlshmcut. I The Ammonia It contains Is pare and rea ! dy to yield IU ralue—not animal matUr, ca I pablo or yielding IU ammonia after decora Of position in the sell, Nothing Is spared In IU mannlkotnre to render it the most valuable BoperPliosphato and Crop Producer In the markot. Eight years' experience has proved to the Burner that It U durable and can always be relied on ss uniform In quality ; and the ao 1 mero n. unsolicited tutlmonlaU eontlnual ° f ,u — ,n c rr:r w,lh other rer ,ui Mrg> fully attssU that ithas not been excelled. Price, $56 per ton of 1,060 lbs. Discount tc MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor und Manufacturer. denlen. For sale by J. C. * A. H. Stockly, Smyrna I Delaware. mar 3ßtstaurautö. &(. jNK «Triej-iK.'' JOSEPH 1. ftxlTE Iff !. at Has nothing to do with the cellar No. 237 Mar be I ^ ^t., and naving sold it to Mr. Kelley, has I removed to his Hotel and Restaurant,corner of >y a te r an( j Market Sts., Wilmington, Del., to I w ^ere he will be happy to see his old friends 1 ptlbllc In general, ^ OY8TEH« /^v served in every sty le.l^\ f|Jf be and Families supplied AtàmâUÊL an y part of the city, 1 b F the quart, hundred or bushel, delivered fl, I ^ ch ar ge. Gams in season. m I MEALS at all hours, at the low price of 80 oent «. Country people coming In town, will at I flnd Ha convenient, oheap and pleasant plase at I to got g good meal. • 97 *** PennSment and Transient Boarders ae I «»mmodated. 4-27-tf JOB. T. WAITE. s 1 The subscriber woa!d Inform the general J}»,»"« «-«t he .UM contlnne. date theFarmera In Wasonj ÄrMj Plow, hUold sl«nd, « tns of 5th and Broad Slreeta, | OÜEHHA, DEL ARMEM' LOOK TO TOUS IKTEK F After an experience of 25 years, and seek lng to know the wants of the Farmer, ht * - flatters himself to give sat« Is branch ol orders shall lsfoction in h business. AH be attended to with prom pt ness and despatch. He has the sole right of ^■thls State for the Farmt.« Favorite Hecken Idorn Plow, which he keens constantly on hand, and manufacturers Hit kinds of Plows ^ order at short notice. With good mate is. rtn|t whtch he >lm , to keep at an times, bis obJectlslo _, ve en ur. satisfaction. Repair* »t-, J flf)ne BiocksinUblng and Whetk 1 .righting with despatch. Thanking nil na I merous friends for past liberal patronage tentlon to business, to he hopes by strict at merit a continuance of the same. L. Y. ASPR1L, Odessa, Del ■eptutf fio-> ». to r to xheadvertlserhavlng been restored to health he ln a few wee kH, by a very simple remedy, af bv ter having suffered several years with a se an- ve re lung affection, of that dreml dis e ase— I Consumption—is anxious to make krown be I ^ls fellow-sufferers the means of curs. | To alJ who desire it, he will send a oepy ol prescription used—free of charge,—wifa .. î the directions for preparing and using the same, which they Will find a swn« Cumb vob coksdmwioh, asthma, bbonchitis, etcj— The object of the advertiser in sending the | preacrfption is to benefit the aflllcteo, and salary 8prea d information which he conceives tebe invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will Lines ; try hl , rem edy, as It will cost them nothing, you ftnt j raft y prove a blessing, parties wishing the prescription will pleas« Bt. ^ddre«. Rev. Edward A. Witoes, | wiUiamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. s TO CONSUMPTIVE». the Advertise in the Uesal». GRAFS VINES. 78.000 Concord, on«, two HO three years «W, 18.000 Clinton, on«, two cod three years old. 10,009 Hartford, and 00 Other varieties Also, 3? 5,000 Peach Trees, ffi Of leading varieties, t.000 Wilson's Early lllackberry Plants for sals. 00 bushels Ear ly Rose Potatoes, tor seed. PURE GRAPE WINE Tor Medical and Church use, all at Market Prices. A. SCOUT. Smyrna Landing, Dai. ALSO, of MR. WATSON D. HULL, At his restaurant, on Commerce street, (near the Post Office), who Is the miqiafactursM authorised agent. All orders Smyrna, Del., will receive prompt at feb-12-Öm. to JOY COE &. CO. PUBLISHERS' AGENTS TRIBUNE" BUILDINGS, NEW YORK Are authorised to contract (hr advertis ing In our paper. IX. C. DOUGLASS, DEALER IN GRAIN. LIME. &C., Olrjton. Delaware. •T r lie IMPORTANT W 33 TO Mf 1 KFSJ ■ N* M* BZ ' (i j The subscribers wou d snaounce toJBulld era and others that they are engaged In mnn t. lîfttBER if V Of »11 dPwr1pl!onsJ#n(N^ Pf« * **fur hish, at short notice. /LOOMS ÎKLL0W PISS ) blDEING, FENCING 80 ae Or Boarda or any requirad thicknev : Alio, Pin., Oak or Gum, FRAMING, ht sat« ol shall pt of on mate bis na to Of any dimensions, manufactured to order, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders solicited and pro mptly a Del health af se ase— be ol the vob etcj— the and tebe will pleas« Y. s Thos. & Sam. Bacon P 1 if LAUREL, DEL ip. * THE HERALB FOR THE TEAR -* mm m WILL BE MORE INTERESTIN« IT OAINS AGE r w »■ IS THS WORKING MAN'S FRIEND AT A LL TIMES AND UNDER ALL CIR CUMSTANOBS. IT IS BOLD AND FEARLESS, AND MEANS TO BE THE DEFENDER OF RrQHT AGAINST WRONG AT ALL HAZARDS, democrats, democrats, DEMOCRATS, democrats, •MS I «1J1KI democrats, democrats SUBSCRIBE FOB AND SUPPORT THE PAPER THAT IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK FOB EIGHT AND JUSTICE. f WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE MEN, MEN, MEN, MEN. men; MEN, MEN, MEN, MEN, Î, { /■'î OF ( SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD, « if jan woaU m . warmly piMba mim jew^ we have just commenced WE HAVE JUNT COMMENCED WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED WE HAVE JUST COMMENCED OUR BATTLE. WE WANT EVERY DEMOCRAT TO TAKE THE HERALD, AND REPUBLICANS, TOO, IF THEY WANT IT. It will be the -ventilator o Radical corruption in Del aware and other tpmr ters. % look;out for squall«, LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS, LOOK OUT FOR SQUALLS, UX>K OUT FOR SQUALLS, : At toon at we are at Liberty to "Siving Around the Cir cle. 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