OCR Interpretation

Grimshaw's messenger. (Wilmington, Del.) 1858-18??, April 01, 1858, Image 4

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The man who leaves his home, be it.
high or bo it low, be ho rioh or bo ho poorj
always finds cause to complain ef the
change. We read In books of English
Inns, of roaring fires in old-fashioned fire
places, of tall candlesticks, bustling wait
ers and tidy landladies; but wo often have
, felt that those descriptions were the fruits
of the imagination of the author. Most of
OUr hotels, or taverns , or inns,
(dense to call them, in Amorioa,
Hble places to live in. Of course,
only speak of America, not having,
yet, 14 expanded our body or enlarged
mind " by foreign travel.
We are led into this train of thought by
finding on our table a neat littlo note,
Allmond's Indian Qubbn
The proprietor of this Hotel,
Mine host Alltnond, is a Delaware
When we say that, we say a good deal
for him} but wo are prepared to add that
be keeps a first class house, that bis
are neat and clean, bis furniture new and
elegant,bis parlors commodious, convenient
and cheerful ; his dining room spacious,
his table loaded with substantial well
cooked and delicacies well sdected j bis
BAB well attended and tfyppliod with
choice brandies, wiuea and other liquors.
We do not hesitate to reooinmend
friends to make their homes nt tbo Indian
Qubbn, when business
ma d
I iomi
pleasuro culls
tbem to Wilmington. We copy Mr. All*
mond's Note :
The looatiou of thia old es*
and deservedly papular First
w in the most"plvAftwSfcpart
of the city, and in tho immediate vicinity
of all the priucipal Schools, United States
Courts , Custom House and Post Office, as
well as all other important places of busi
ness. The rooms are large and well ven
tilated ; the furniture of the finest mate
rial, and made to order expressly lor this
establishment. The recent additions, al
terations and improvements render it tho
most desirable Hotel iu the city, and by
strict attention to tbe comfort oi guests,
the undersigned hopes to merit and
ceive a liberal share of public encourage
ment. He therefore respectfully solicits
your patronage. ; •
Charles M. Allmond,
. 5 ) ; \ f jf Proprietor.
Pear Sir —
Grimshnw's Catalogue.
Tlie following articles will be furnished,
Wholesale and retail, at No. 101 Market
street »
Grimshaw's Cough Mixture,
Qrimsbaw's Ink,
Grimshaw's Pile LinimeDt,
containing Goulard's Extract and Olive Oil.
Grimshaw's Vegetable Cathartic Pills,
do. Snntonine Lozenges,
for tbe Handkerchief.
Extract of Lemon,
Extract of Rose,
Extract of Orange,
Extract of Vanilla,
Extract of Bitter Almonds,
"' v * * 'Jfiiach Water
Essence iff Lemon,
Essence of Peppermint,
Lavender Compound,
Ct5tor Oil ;
Besides all the usual preparations dis
pensed by Drqggi&t*.
Our new preparations will bo noticed
from month to mor.th. Wc sell at Phila
delphia prices :
Tho most oonvouient form for adminis
taring medicines is iu the form of Fluid
Extracts, which oombino efficacy with
minuteness of dose :
Fluid Extract of Dandelion
Useful In affections of tho stomach
and liver.
Fluid Extract of Senna
Convenient as a purgative or laxa
live i especially useful in iu
fat,tile oases.
Fluid Extract of Pink Hoot and Senna
-A good Vcrtnifugo.
Fluid Ext* ot of Bucliu—
Unlike the humbug preparations,
so much advertised, this does
contain tho virtuos of Buchu.
The leaves of the plant from
which this is prepared act ou
the kidneys. It is also bene
j filial in affections of tbe blad
Fluid Extract of Lupulin,
Valerianate of Iroo,
Phosphate of Iron,
Citrate of Iron and Quinia,
Citrate of Iron,
Compound Syrup of Phosphates of Iron,
Lime, Potash and Soda. This is a most
useful preparation iu affections of a tuber
cular or scrofulous nature.
Fluid Extract of Ergot.
Dr. GrIMSHAW offers a few choice iiquon;
for medicinal purposes.
Good Brandy, (not warranted) 81 per
ffJlU« »•
Fine Brandy,
Extra " (just out of bond,) 88 50
F*uo and Superior Whiskey ;
Wolfe's Sohiedam Sohnapps—a pure
— modic ioo t__
"F° rt ai »d SfierryWlti.x; *
London Brown Stout ;
Scotch Alo.
The negro of Louisiana delights to suck
tho juice of tbe " Sugar Canegreeu ''-—the
Mexican peon imbibes the fermented juioe
of the Cactus or Maguey —tho yankee
revels in tho luxury of his sugar camp;
but, we wish to coniine
milk juices of plauts. All of our reader-,
are familiar with the Cactus, in its uioui
mauifold shapes—it graces the conserva
tory of the wealthy and adorns the cottage
of the poor. This plant is ouo of a nume
rous tribe of milk-bearing plants which,
when wounded, exude a white, milky juice!
We select this as a familiar Kpeoiuieo. It
our intoutiou, however, to speak in this
tide of one species of the milk bearin*'
plants, viz :—the Cacutchon*', which yield«
the gum elastic. This tree is found iu
Brasil and Guiana—probably in Central
America. India Rubber, as their hard
ened juice is familiarly called, derives its
name from ;ta geographical looation and
the early use of the article for erasing pen
cil marks. In boyhood's day
ber that this substance, now so familiar to
oil and so general in its applications
only used by the artist or
erase a mark on paper; then
ber the first gum shoes —ugly, uncouth,
ill-shaped ebneerns, which have now
yielded to tbe elegant and oomfortable
sandal and
and flesh by India Rubber Springs under
our railroad cars ; the huge, stroug, swift
locomotive is buoyed up by it ; tbe baby is
swung to sleep in its .jumper on this omni
present bouncers the boy has bis bat,balls
the girl, her pu/lur bull / the baby, his rat
tle ; we cut our teeth on an India Rubber
ring, and wo comb our beads with India
Rubber combs, of which we have endless
varieties. The Machinist and the Factory
man press it into their service ; it ia used
flat and it is used round. Surgical in*
sinmwmt* are made of it;* indeed, what is
remarks to the
ï mem
, was
schoolboy to
we remein
jr-shoc. We save our bones
not made of it 1 If wo commended its use
by making protections for our feet, we
lire about to adapt it now«a-days to the
important use of sheltering onr heads.
Caoutchouc is almost indestructible. It
is not affected by the atmosphere. Oxy
gen, that universal element and powerful
combiner, docs not seise upon It as upon
.ho hard iron or stately Iroo. Moot mine
ral aetds which decompose all other snb
stances, leave it uninjured. Possoss.ng
hose properties, it is one of tho most use
fuU.t.ole to man
. * " ,8t . ™L.tMrtib!e and not be
tng subject to decay it is the very sub- j
Jî'" 0 ",?" 1 , of KoofiD 8
°," r 1,0,1 a ' I . ,h * LEB & 1 ampbelu, of
I * l,0,n m 8 P oko 1,1 ° a \ «PP 1 * W* T *
1 Patent Galvanic Roofing, which is
:''«bt an, durabia. It can bo applied over
I ?" °' d - *■"■«. r °° ! «*»* , <18U ' t rb "'K
tho ' h '"»> 'bo house
C ° f mfort of the , ,nm f 8 ' Bcin S 60 b S b '.
'>>" £•"'«>» " d r f?" "*"> bo corlos
poud.ngly light, and thus much money ;
." ,a * be 8ave(1 tbe firM of » bulld ;
. Tn "l .PT,'"?- , ***"»
Wheeler & Cathpbe.l, W.lm.ngtou, Dole
" arö * j
We have neither time nor inclination to
outer into a disquisition on the meaning of
the term which stands at tbe head of this
article. Wo have not space to devote to
a history of this hydra-headed monster,
which has withstood the Herculean efforts
of suieuce and of satire. We desire, at the
present moment, merely to show the in
consistency of those who advocate and en
eourugo the nefarious Quack Medicines,
oonnuonly called Patent Medicines.
«If a man offers the community any sort
of spirituous liquors at three or six cents a
glass, it is tbe fashion of the day to call
him a rum seller , and to pour upon his
head all sorts of curses and abuses. We
are not prepared to say that we will turn
rum seller,"and retail "double distilled
damnation," as John Barleycorn " is eu
phoniously styled by teetotalers ; but we do
say that wc would as soon retail grog, un
der its own name, and believe rum selling
to be as honorable as the pressing of Bitters
upon tbe community.
(Tür newspapers
filled with an
nouncements of Bitter;, which unblush
ingly claim for the respective articles
whose merits they set forth, tho virtues of
celestial drinks. The proprietors of the
** Bitters " manifest either their own igno
rance or thei r contempt for that of tho
community, by naming their Nostrums
Oxygenated Bitters . Any child, who
has studied the simplest elementary chem
istry, ought to know that this is a hum
trange to say, the most rampant tem
perance men, aud those preachers who
have been most violent in their denuncia
tions of rum sellers and rum drinkers,
most frequently found as endorsers of Pa
tent " Bitter«." It is a crime to sell good,
genuine Brandy, or first-rate Whiskey, or
to take a glass of Old Jamaica,
sip ot tart Cider; but it is no crime to in
duce your neighbor to swallow pints of
Alcohol , made bitter with a little Quaasia
or Gentian The old toper takes his " bit
ters " or bis 44 tod " j there is no humbug
about the matter ; he wants stimulant and
he takes it Your very temperate man—
your sleek individual, who screams out—
" Liquid Poison -*touch not, taste not,
handle not 1 " is the foremost in the rank
of venders or endorsers of some alcoholic
stimulant, under the name of Bitters.—
Wo like things oalled by their right names;
say, therefore, that the temperanoe
man who indulges in " Bitters," is only
taking his cock-tail under tho name of
Medicine; aud the Maine Law man who
certifies to the efficacy of Alcoholic Mix
tures, only betrays bis ignorance and in
consistency. His ignorance, inasmuch as
he don't know what good drink is ; his in
consistency, in condemning one form and
reoommending another form of alooholio
B 11
even a
If you want a drink, use the very best
Bt audy, or Whiskey, or Malt Liquor. Do
not cheat your stomach by buying
dollar Brandy or fifty-cent Whiskey! If
you want a drink, be "honest aboutit—
take a drink ] don't take Bitters.
* " ■ » — - ■
Tb e ]ost number of „ We#kIj
baa a port r.it of >• Mr. Brown " whose „to
raach |i ad bc011 f(lll id ' od f bo "
, vcr h - a miud bad boon neglected, eated
in a book store for the purpose of furnish
in hia HbrarJ . .. Ll / m P 80 , „ II
j take , fcet o( tben ,*
blue" red and yaller bindings, and two and
a q Uurter f oct 0 f tbem , pott( , d backed vol
lui», to fill up over the door of tho libera.
„ p ttbora
Anotber pil . turo „ prc(0IJta
Mr. Crown vWting a picture factory, for
purposc of pur b bagi P paiuting, for H
magnificent gallery of art? 8
Brown -" I want a picture i by 6, ox.
acU „ , l8 1 ba ,„ j(Wt t , P t0 're"
Dealer- •' Any pa.tienlar subject.—
Me,„light, Eruption of same of the Volc.
nCK „, * u ' doIU P tio Bubjet ™... _!!_>*
Browu—" Dou't
what subject, or
who is the painter, so that, it is 4 by 5 ex
Brown id a'commoduted.)
Third and Oua.nue Streets,
Wilmington, Delaware.
We notice that our ftiend, Mr. it. D.
Hicks, has taken the large
of the late Enoch Roberts , cornor of Third
and Orange streets, Wilmington, Dels
Country storekeeper« will do well to call
on Mr. Hicks, at tho
and Soft
and purchase, White, Jh j
Soups, also, candles, Äc.
Mr. Hicks has l etn so long known to
the people of this vicinity as Cashb r . f
the Farmers' Bank, in which situation his
promptness a: d courtesy m de him a uni
versal favor to, that wo need not assure
our readers that all who buy from him,
will reçoive the utmost attention.
f[ ie at the Delaware Soap
Works will bo regulated by the rates in
tho Philadelphia Market.
F. II. Penulelton,
Corner of 4th and Market, sts ,
All kinds of Hair Jewelry manufactured.
Also, Plain Gold Ring«, Studs,
Sleeve Button«, Society
Badges, &c.
Old Jewelry repaired and made to
look as woll as NEW.
Dr. Grimsuaw will furoish, either by
his trader, who will call at each stör«, or
at his store, (only wholesale) all sorts of
"Notions," such ns Suspenders, Belts.
Combs, viz Bedding, fine tooth, obil
dren's long, puff, pocket, Sut. Brushes,
Harmonicons, Patent Jowelry. Indiz
Rubber Goods, viz t—Balls, Rattles, Gum
Rings. Fiddle Strings, Pins, Needles,
Cottons, Boot Daoes, Stay Daosts, Hoops
Spool Thread, Patent Tread, So., Ao. '
All sold at Philadelpltix' prioes, aud de
livered at the store.
Country Merchants will save freight by
purchasing at No. 161 Market street, Wil

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