Newspaper Page Text
SCENES AT LONG BRANCH.* SKETCHES OF WHAT IS TO BE SEEN DURING THE SEASON. Many Hotels, Cottages Houses—Pretty Girls Chairs—The Halt! on rhll Daly's. id Gambling Shell-Shaped Dude In Paradise. Of the four great seashore resorts New York city, Coney Island is tho place for day excursionists, Ocean Grove and As bury Park the gathering place of those whom other people call poor and pious, Long Branch is the spot where wealthy Hebrews and summer guests from points outside of New York city congregate, while Newport is where the blue bloods, the self-styled real aristocracy of New York city have cottages during the four warm months which called tho season. The chief features of Long Branch hotels and cottage* and the gambling houses. It is getting tho fashion dining room, kitchen and restaurant to be built, with a limited numbor of lodging rooms attached. Clustered all around it called; in reality, ornate and usually the for a central cottages, large houses of wood. These built without kitchens. The proper thing, that i * to say, the fashionable thing, to do is to rent tho o.Mitral a cottage d take your meals thore. restaurant II I > m m » A m mm n w ifl il 1 ; Ja# 11/ »HELL CHAIRS. Such a group of hotels and cottages is tho Elberon, with the Francklyn cottage, whore Garfield died. Such is the Hollywood, the most gorgeously decorated, perhaps also ponsive, hotels in America. of the most This establishment belongs to the property of Mr. John Hooy. A limited number of splendidly finished and furnished cottages in this group. They coloring and woodwork. Upon the porches of these cottages made in imitation of the shape of a s that you observe in the picture. They foreign fashion borrowed fr watering places. They and willow, and shelter remarkable in the chairs shell French made of occupying them from rain and draft East Indian bamboo lounges, with a little pocket in them to hold a glass and bottle, wood porch furniture. It suggests dolicious laziness unspeakable. At the best of times, night to Monday morning, there women to all wutering places. also among tho Holly from Saturday three at Long Branch, o, n?»l % V t!m\ -'P m * ! CLOVER. I The marriageable young man who is ! t here, who has plenty of clothes and money I to pay his board, may be considered to be in paradise. Sweet girls flock around him. They look up to him aud adore him when he is there; they dream about him and sigh for him when he is not. He has nothing to j do but change hiß clothes four times a day i and look bored and a little meluncholy, ns | though he had secret sorrow. He will be as great a man as a turbaned Turk in his own harem. The gambling housos have boon tioned. The most splendidly furnished and most renowned one in the United States is here, to make use yet Branch superlative. Vi of a Long f, '• I 1 I : 'v[v I 31 i m - I i4*u. W: .1 U m PHIL DALY'S. It is called the Pennsylvania Club house, because it is said to have been started, in the first plan?, for the accommodation of rich Philadelphians. However that may bo, for mnde all over.the country are lost here, and tho relentless "per cent." on them goes to fill Pkf] Daly's already bursting coffers. He built a Roman Catholic chapel with some of his wealth last year, as if to pacify the Lord a little while getting the devil's help constantly. But somehow people of any denomiqation do not take kindly to his meeting house. He has openly defied many years, and no attempt has been made to raid his house till the other day. It wns done then by the aid of a callow young theological student %vho played amateur detective. He was so awfully set up over It that ho burst Into the gambling the head of some policemen, and brandished a revolver and cried iu n loud voice: "I take the credit of this. This is mine." He was a very meek and lowly young Christian, indeod. Daly and some of his gentlemen rested, but the plucky old gambler showed fight und succeeded i enough for the customers to get away cover of it. They were well known New who did not want their names in ths SZ confusion York the papers. But the gambliug goes samee. Phil Daly's all w ■ One feature of Long Branch is that dny show at all there. No rhich to stero, elephants, bearded any of the nickel entertain the hearts of children and there. Long Branch is high toned os to be very dull for the 1 «. along tho bluff, which is very woll kept up, however. The fashionable part of Long Branch, other place, is the End hotel ending with tho Elberon cottages. It is not a very great space, but it thinks it is very great. excursionists have merry go round, with monsters ride, womon shows, ments dear mi nstei rustic rover* A driveway f ory end, from the West ! Ilim. Ills Wit The following story is told of the individual who ha«l long offi«-iute«! as the gar«! presidential mansion in Woshingt« Cleveland had henni r the gardener was drunk itors at the White House, so one bright ing he summumn! him i eeive bis dismissal. "Jemmy," said the p stories about you. It is *ai«l y< stantly drunk and Jemmy was puzzled for he said: "Mr. Frisidint, be «lad 1 hear storiee about you, but do y them? No, by tho powers, I know they lies,"—Washington Capital. the ora that , rn . ident, "l hear bad ! •eply. At last •h w think I believ« i CARLISLE D. GRAHAM, The Cooper Who Shot Niagara liapids in a llarrel. liave passed through the Niagara whirlpool rapids and come out alive. In 1801 the little steamer Maid of the Mist passed through. The ed of her captain, Robinson, and two tie less than a mir NN ado the occupants l tho craft shot the rapids and ull I "tie consul ■ I 4 M . Bylit out alive. The boat had been sold, and this her captain's way C. I). GRAHAM, of delivering the goods. In 1883, Webb, tho English swimmer, lost his life in attempting to pass tho rapids. It left for a lank young Philadelphian to accomplish tho feat in a barrel. Graham is 31 ye ch of his life knocking ah Ho has boon all around it, for is of slight build, dark coinplexionod and thin. IIo is of At the time Webb lost his life Graham In England. During the excitement at that time it occurred to him to try the expert* wliieh has just resulted succes-ifully. Being a cooper, the idea of making tho trip in a barrel suggested itself. He went to BuiFulo began working nil with his high, and egg-shaped, somowhut It whirled through the rapids big end up. The small end wns weighted with lead, to keep it old, and has spent tho world, thing. He adventurous turn of mind. months ago, and tliu barrel. He inado it bands. It is seven feet •V do 7 speuded a ham mock of strong d notting. It long and to admit 's moving about comfortably in a sitting or half standing posture. The resemblance of its shape to that of a coffin will be sug gested to the most eareless observer. Tho pictures show the insido of the barrel in a section cut down through. Tho netting hammock d to the rides of tho bar inside could £ . I THE PARREL. rel with ropes, so that the not be too tremendously bumped while tossed about in the whirlpools. Opposite *re two holes. Through these he thrust his bauds and grasped two iron loop3 in the sidos of the barrel, to steady himself. The barrel staves and a quarter inches thick. tho should* 1 M 4 X - ; m ) ■jj 52: ••X «y WATER. left in the top. Into this G 1 fastened it. This lid is shown in the illustration and looks like tho air hole. was rowed out in a boat from the ancient landing of tho Maid of tho Mist, Le low the falls, and was dropped overboard, He passed under the two bridges, tho cantilever and the suBpausion. Ho had ft P^ug out of the top of the barrel, them as he passed under. From the time the barrel was sot adrift till it was picked U P at Lewiston, below tho rapids, was just thirty-two minutes. Graham was fearfully shaken up. He says ho intends some mnnov out of the experience, 1mm crept, put the lid up rer of a butter firkin. There * to make Tito Grey hot id Not Kutlrely Valueless. (jjLjf l»e used 'olutod—Tid-Bits. Bi ra fishing-pole if properly Let tlie Slgnuture Be Legible. should write n long letter mid write it plainly, signing it nt the end with a name that would have bothered Daniel to decipher, is may bo a little careless about my penman ship while writing in a great hurry, trying to keep up with my surging thoughts, but I most always sign my name so that it can be deciphered. I have written letters where the Eignatur3 was the only thing that was abso lutely beyond the [»ossibility of doubt. But signs his to him and ask him what the balance of his letter was about, it is better t han a long, beautiful letter fr knowablo person. In the latter case y left to kick the empty air.—BiU Nye. Why than I ci k-rstaml. I if a so that you » unknown und Brcvl Why don't sot nterprising nows|»apei iv a hall girl ultout the mound liuildersf—-Meivht Bjomstjcrne Bjorns has gjc I »juck tjo wants Njorway, where lie ejxjx spjend Don't sjtop him.—Bos the sjummer. Record. "Is that dog feix Arkunsa N« I in't feroei ter bite ev Sun. but he's the dunulest yc seed."—Goodall's Chi' Mr. Talnmge thinks tlmt newspuiier •o miserable. Romo of then « dead, Mr. Talni A rknnsaw «>f the Traveler. ivcotte«!. A porous plaster has Ikh; defy the best orguniml lioyeott in America to discourage a porous plaster after five minutes' start.—Burlington Free Pres». At the •nest roques Harvard college compulsory prayers in that institution have Ik give the students u baseball, English his other brai :i F .. i m- D •: i- I to devote tc rowing and bo Biggs sa vs he has Ihv « lilTife i one that 'P half a doze in, I» I, P all alike, li things print well ei the «•« !• - ! TL-. ;h, but tin «-om-ctly.—Bust Transcrip ^40.500 vorth it of July. it iinmI t«i A It -nii tin* i: II I I p KBS ■M ! C.J' _ .-„EXTRA , i Co.!|Jïip*' e ■ i-" : " Invaluable far Hums, Suuhui us. Diarrhoea, Chajlnys, Slings of Insects, Piles, Sore Eyes "— Feet, Jn/la CAUTION_Sc EXTRACT" are «■lose Sore Dj/es, Sore, ation of all hinds. «Is "POND'S cli bottle, I li mer, bearing de-murk—none other is genuine. Sold ercnjuhcrc. 1'rices. 60c, 81,81.75. Controls HEMORRHAGES, FEMALE COM PLAINTS. BLEEDING N<»so, Mouth, Stomach, Luagaor from nnv canoe, stopped as V. y ft charm. It is called tho WONDER OF HEALING. User ,i,y. Wo have an aval book (Mailed i in a 1 lorcil laudscup EXTEMfALLY A V anclio of testimonials, Beudfo Wee.) it t cill till you all about it. IT IS rSHAKE TO USE ANY 1'UEPAIO Genuine with ocnroiuwTioxs. PriecaßOo $1,11.75 1 W EXCEPT 1 Mi FOND'S EXTRACT C 0 „ 73 6th Am, «far Yak, 1 in K>s. SIM.ruXS, III VUltIMI A, ST I XUS OK IXSKtlS, |>II KS I ; Y MS, SOUK F LET. (IIAUMJS, THE W 0 NDF.F 1 OF HEALING! For Til Blind, III ding or Itching, it nds, Iti-nlscs G <1 : '(»a,, ■ il. 1 ; P is Ici -moi h F d d its 'IT«. lv It i l. I -Ail F I lit •I I », oil Open \\ dH . T Hit F «• thus ! •. - FXTHACr ■■ ' • IC7- ' ( 1'O.XUS f.vtu , /' Ik or by measure. .Sold everywh ll.KT with Hist FREE Prices 50c., $1, $1.70. Cû'Ot'u N I* POND'SEXTEACT 00., 76 6th Ave., N. Y 'il jTi I E. A. HARRISON, THE-:-BUTCHER, -AT 423 KING ST. lie has tcmlur beef,sweet beef, first-class beef in every respect every the day, every day in the week (Sunday's excepted) and ever)- week in the year. O-UD, HILL, Manufacturer of Fine Confectionery, Icî Cro m Ices and Fancy Pastry. Entimatt's I'm uislicd fur Private juuticr, Festivals and Exci 605 DELAWARE AVENUE, Wilmington Delaware. D.B. JONES, SU MA HK ET STREET, ICE CREAM OF ALL FLAVORS. FANCY CAKES AND CONFECTIONS. All oublis for private fa promptly lilhvl. nllies and paille» IT STANDS AT THE HEAD. • ■ [pH Mm v*s \ ÆêêIë It is light that a child can i So «iiuet that it wi'l imt • ary conversation. So durable that it vilt ist, with «a It is adjiiBlihlu so t-h; be take Il has the !> most durable evi The attachments oi ond without the use of the thumh-sen screw driver. ail lost II« »I.IOI . «I ill. bet oi U bi: placed «m i Every attachment works pi rfcetly ; be used id va ith case by any one. 111 is far above t-1 :t* ave jpntatii to is asked to buy No util they are thoroughly satisfied ; o its eed as mey is refundcl. Do not (stake, bave io other, If it is not all that tiy it, and be c« ant in a y«> Domestic Sewing Machine Co, No. 814 Market Street, DELAWARE. WILMINGTON, JOHN B. STRADLEY, SIGN WRITER. No. 502 Shipley Street. 4-11-85-ly. THOMAS MITCHELL, FIIKNISIlimJ :'UNDERTAKER': AND Practical Embalmer, 412 King Street, Wilmington, Del. Residence: 103 West Seventh street. Tel ephone cull, office or residence, No. 312. .1. H. Hofkeckbr, Jr. F. II. Hokpeoi HOFFECKER Sc HOFFECKER. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW. IN LAW BUILDING. NINTH A MARKET STB., WILMINGTON, DEL. •e on Market Street. En 4-581 tt FURNISHED ROOMS PurniHlied Kooms lSlcgantl.v located without board, will be KKNTKD to responsible parties. 8 o 4 :-:KI NGxSTREET. GEORGE H. ASH, MERCHANT: TAILOR No, 705 Market St. Complete Bu.ek of all the Latest Style» constantly hand. l«-17-85tf Felt*, T »I, Satine», Plushes, Spangles, Stamping, Arrasenes, Filling Silk, Bolting Cloth, Brass Cresents, English Crewols, Pineapple Cloth, P.riggs' Patterns, Embroidery Silks, ( hitliuuing Cottons, Embroidery Linens, Perforated I'attfcrns, Embroidery Chenillos, Gold and Silver Coins. STAMPING. SIAM 1*1 N(i. FLORENCE M. BALDWIN, No. 814 Market Street, [0PEUA HOUSE.] STAMPING AND PINKING DONE TO ORDER G24 W. FIFTH STREET. MHS. ADDIE I, CRAB 15 Eclectic EVIagazine OF Literary, Science, and Art '•THE I.ITKItATI'HE OF TIIE WOULD ' 1886. 42cJ YEAR. The Foreign Magazines embody the best thought» «if the ablest writers of Europe. It is the aim of the Eclectic Magazine to se lect and reprint a!l tho representative arti •mid. eles thus given to il The ph f tho Eclectic includes "Sei »," "Biogiaphi "J ' "Re "Hist •el«," "l'oelry and Short ay i\ Papers." "Art al. •Sketcl Its Editorial Department "Lit mpr I erary Notices," dealing hooks. "Foreign Literary N and Art," sitmmai i/.iug hr ully the new dis tbe field, and ill! rent In .g of ein • I'm Is II ubjoined list» bene i exhibit he principal so al ui leading atlthois In my 1 e VX|«.Utl tu.pi.-HI 1 i-ioil icals. a mi K . Ki ll ui. - ■ ladstoiu Alfred '1 > nPui-gh R I lluxl 1U . T\ Riel.. A. I »r, H A. F. R. S. J. N Nii i Max Muller, Miscellany, »«id's Magazine, gazine, Mucil- illan's Magazine, i-:. h lor. pi " : i . ! A i . D. r. I, M J. » A i I dc liar ; : Hugh Helg «I |.' G nid« Mi n day It« In ;n« i' i \ . i. i ■ i • • ■ At I «lj K I int I Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc. •m of the Eclectic i* to he instructive 'd sriunttiunnl, «./.«.' it connue ml* itself nil intellii/nd and thomjhtfnl 'I he and no particularly It . loi hi. STEEL ENCRAVINCS. The Eclectic c mpib oliiim s of.iviT 1700 pages. Each of acli year two ..I col graving, h a.Ids di In? attract ich to of the j 45 Terms Singh 85: li ceins ; one , «2 ■ Trial I ■ "1 itith», The 1 Eclectic :, »»1 «»»y ** magazine. »?8 P«»> tago live. : tl l*t ; I*. R. PEL I ON, Publisher, 3.1 Bond Mree», Ä« * York. RIVER LIRE. On and After Thursday, Juno 3, •'* % r ri 1STEA AI EI « « BRANDYWINE - L, AND J» 0 • WILMINGTON Y Will leave Fourth street wharf daily, for Chester and Phila delphia, (week days) at 7 a. m., 10. a. m. and 12.45 noon, and 4.15 p. m. Sundays at 7.500. in., 10 a. m„ 1.15 p. in. and 4 p. For Marcus l look (week days) at 7 a. 111.,and 4.15 p For Marens I look (Sundays,) 7.50 a. m. and 4.00 p. heave Philadelphia (week days) 7 a. in., 10 a. m and 4 p. m. Telephone No. S7. m. . m. 1 2.45 IlOO.l, PIANOS PIANOS THE »EBER. IttllU INI) MSIUM, 4 URNDRIX TAKE THE LEAD IX THE PL\NO TRADE. ORGANS! ORGANS! ORGANS! The Estey and The Dyer $c Hughes HhVE BUT FEW EQUALS ANI) NO SUPERIORS. S. H. BAYNARD'S FIFTH AND MARKET STS. W. H. MULLEN, [SUCCESSOR TO F. A. NORTH A CO.] in MLCO^/ifET ORGANS Also tho famous I lazvlton Bros., Pianos, McPhail & Co, and the Grovcstein & Fuller. 1 : SÜ! Warerooms 713 Market St. SECOND FLOOR. I*. S.—All sheet music as soon as issued will be found at my musical warerooms. To my friends and the public generally 1 am pleased to make the announcement that my store 507 Mr.rkct street is reopened and restocked and shall be pleased to have my friends come and see me. good goods at lowest prices is my motto. W. H. SINCOGK MORROW & CROKER, 417 FRENCH ST, IOOFEKH, I'ltACTICAI. Gravel! PlasticSIate Roofing We keep Put on in the liest manner at reasonable prices. on hand the CARBALCRYSTLE tin: threat Moth destroyer and disinfectant. » ^ SjtM Ooo^ s PLES OF Send ta a Hansa LI Baling EXCLUSIVELY IN DRY GOODS, ünd thereby bbcutb t'na Edvanta^en offerad by tha caiicBntratinn upon nr:s sii brauch of bueinaee nf all cur vast facilities. Tha present reason u r 3 ars showing a stock ilggrBSating iully Two TVliUion Dollarn In Gilks, Erecs Coadr, Cloths, Ladies' and Children's Waari n g_Äpp aral, H n us e f nr n i sh in ^ Qo o ds, Uph p lsterin g Mata rials ^ Hosiery, UndErwear Fan cy Qnods, Uress Trim* mines, &c., &c. &rz. ;la Glo VRS, ^TRTIV/BRIIIQB (^IiOTjmiR. anti Marlu't StriTts. PR1LÄD6LP5IÄ.— !* DELAWARE COLLEGE* KEV. .1. II. CALDWELL, A. M., I). I)., President, will open wit'n enlarged facilities Sept., 1st, 1880. Three cour ses : Classical, Scientific and Agricul tural. Expenses not over#215 per annum, information, catalogues, etc. ADDRESS, TIIK F President, Newark, Del. JOHN H. PORTER. Manager of tue KDGEMOt )R DAIRY, Dairy is stocked with Thorough Hied Cattle, and the quality of Milk and is guaranteed to bo first-claa» in Thi Ci or every respect. SUPPLIED WITH PURE CHE AM Three Milk Wagons onlhe Route JAMES G. BLAINE'S hi sells Oil : •kr IS k H ■ . . . ' : - III 1 teilte 1 « API« Tin- Henry Hill Pub. Y OR CORONER, isse » George T. Barnhill -OF THE WATCH CLUB AT CH A DLLS HEEBNER'S Is rapidly lilliug 'Hiding. $«5.00. i ïï'ios «35.00, " Silver gold watehCR Htem «13.00 to all. do forget tlie plac less for cash. Btreot. 315 81 tt. S* Marie Don't y < RENTS COLLECTED LOANS NEGOTIATED HARVEY B.VANDEGRIFT RJÜL ESTATE AGENT AND CONVEYANCER, sohl and exchanged, S- E. COR. SIXTH AND SHIPLEY STS. Wilmington, Del, RAILROADS. gALTIMOKE & OHIO RAILROAD CO. LANDENBUKO BRANCH. CHANGE HOURS. Ou and after June 6tli, 1886, trains will us follow» : Wilmiugt aud 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Landen burg 8.50 a. *2.50 and 0.50 p. m. Lunden burg 0.55 a. 7,05, 10,50 a. 1 ., 130 ; 12.00 Lei 1 .; 1.00 and 2.10,,. m. Arrive at Wilmington, 8.00 a. 1 .; 2.10 and 7.011 p. m. Sunday traius leave Wilmington 10.15 a. . ; and 6.00 p. m. Arrive at Luiidouburg 11.20 a. >. 1111(17 10 Leave Laiideiibnrg at 8.00 a. i. aud 4.30 An i' at Wilmingtou at 9.00 a. D. CONNEL, i. aud Superintendent. ALT1MORE A PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD, JUNE 7,1885. I .cave Wilmington, 7.05,1050 a. m., 1.30,5.40 p. m. Arrive at Lnmlenberg.S 50 a. m.,12.00 m.; 2.50, 6.'7 15 Leave I-amlenberg. Ö.55 a. in.; 1.00, 5.50 p. m. Arrive at Wilmington, 8,00 a. m.; 2.10,7.00, p. m o Wilmington 10.15, a. in. 6.00 huulay p. m. Leave I.andenberg 8.00 a. , 4.30 p. m. D. CONNELL, Superintendent AlflLMINGTON & NORTHERN >> ROAD Bt'HKDULE, JULY, 1, 188«. GOING NORTH, DAILY, (Except Sunday.) RAIL Stations Wilmiugt p.iu. p. in. 5 00 «.If» ( 1.15 I i I mi 1.03 11.50 Chad's E'UJ 7.11 . 33 B .13 ai 160 W. >ge). svillo.... dm'gJr .10 .55 III .... 4 .. 12.50 . !3 »t. 1 : 15 7.: ■ 1 1 1 I1I2-U M ■■ ; . 10.06 2. H 5.30 8.12 Ho .40 2 t SOI NO soul'll, DAILY ( Except Hunday.) ition. K 15 K «00 8.10 .... Bat. y tl< . P i; . Hi It 8.32 10. 3 32 5.4 II. ilhdd H* II. Is 11 3 !ôll .i« Wi -■ !* II W( .10 1 .13 7.11 ■ 'I' il'ït in .02 .51 H.I2 10.5! D 'ill .«.21 8.43 11.15 .... «.45 ....1.357.20 SUNDAY TRAINS, is will lea Fr ing North 7.15 p. m . Dupon ch » i l ilmin i, F 7.32 p. Cliadd'8 8 .: P »' 13 p in d I. :th <1 •'I 7.PJ and ill« «I M P *yi P Jm ul I« p. i pringfie 10.5» a 10.29 a P n. Iti P It. 8t II.a lh.W5 p. in. 5 3-'; 10.32. R ill leave Reading I*. Birdsboro di dug Hu I3.15| A It. i. and 3 pringtiel k •». V «I 1.31 and dies die 7 |> I id I, n i hadd s F«»r«l'» -I i-bridge 31 p in np *P •gi""- 1 Wi.IiicmI «1 Sa day A.hlilic V ilu 10 . 1 . lg«>. Ril mi ■am I* ilia n, l ludd s Ford F« li. n. I .«'I K D Iti •U A u.Mif.Msl.AND, U A. BOWER,