Newspaper Page Text
t I* • — i* fMsu'âiro wjcuKLv, nir v ' H MORROW & CRAWFQSD. M»%, EastrThird'St. (Up'-Etairs.) S3 CD • Wilmington, Del. ' " «û -s * SATURDAY. DEC. 6, 187$. P Ail iw1verti«ementB «lue after three inser tions, except by special"contract. nisenitmt* sttftt in not marked the 1 11umber of insertioii» , 'iefelred,' , \vill be conti n . uetl until ordeiea out, ami charged at regular •Jates. «8 Ad m 0) > f 'i'uic editors of a puny Sunday sheet have gane out of their way in their issue «! - last Sunday to at- of empt, m their broken Dutch, to bur lesque the Senior Editor of this pa per because the. latter took home a tonner member of the M. S. R. A. ^ • or temperance "apostle" as tlicy -sneering] y .term him. We seldom .'take up.the space in our paper to notice the slurs of people i of their class, but our sense of right,propriety > and decency prompts us to,denounce such an article as a disgrace to any paper and about characteristic of its beer-drenched author. To be sure we cannot expect much of, those who are habitual, drinkers,] who purchase their'drink by the quantity and secrete it-in their office —who have studiously opposed, by tongue and pen, the temperance works of the past three years,who •have been "blasted" by a city daily for drunkenness in a. public place, and who run- a Sunday paper up holding socialism, infidelity and rum-mills. The.editor of the Ad vertiser is well founded in his temperance principles, and has char ity of feeling for the poor slaves of strong drink and considers it no dis grace to take home due who has fal len in a moment of weakness. The rum element are only too glad to glory in the downfall, of the unfor tunate individual spoken of ; who, by the way, is one of their bitterest opponents, notwithstanding his fail ings. We are only made more .and more strong in our convictions as to the iniquity ,of the God-cursed traf îtïTwîrëîrWîrsuê g^örtlTiCirnrirl valu able citizens fall under its, power. We hope our neighbor will see his error and that he may yet posess that feeling of charity .which distin guishes mankind from thio 'brute creation. , , . . , .1' !, s a c3 O 0Î 09 m . Tiib Holiday Journal says that we have in our two medium« tried to injure their business prospects. Why, my dear sirs, we said nothing special about your holiday circular at all, regardless of our opinion of it. What we said was tc w'ATf advertisers against bogus sheetë^and we do so still. But why does our neighbor squirm so ? Is it not a verification of the old proverb that "a guilty conscience needs no accuser?" all at The West Presbyterian Church folks will hold a fair in the main hall of the Opera Houbo on Thurs day, Friday 1 and Saturday of next week. _ A 1 daily paper will bö issued by us in'.their interest and distribu ted gratis to ah visitors. We in tend to make it a pleasing feature of the occasion. Parties connected with the Fair will doubtless contrib ute to its columns.- Communica tions forthe same can be sent to this office at any time. Miss Mary Anderson, it is under stood, will appear at our Opera House about the; middle of January next. ' I :, , Considerable temperance revivals are in progress, in the . anthracite oal regions of Pennsylvania. Special NLemtioia. 'latest novelties. Ladies', Misses' and'Children's Furs, Fur Robes, Fun Trimming by the yard, ladies'.fur oaps, ladies and gent's seal skin caps, plush caps, labiés' Derby and square crown stiff and soft hats, silk and.teassimere caps, children's stiff and soft hats Silk and gingham umbrellas,trunks' va lises.- &6., at Rumford Bros-, No.' 404 Market street. . ,, V The biggest running jump ever made on a level, bynarthl map, was 2tf;. and ot inches /'one by E W. Johnson of Çamifton, Çanndn on a wager of g,500 - i* «■ » ] ■ «■ -i Time, patience and industry are thp ,br »4fri.ud masters of the world. Ti: : an- , viqrth half n^fniich as o.ish dow ., pA .t-taper e. çp«*| deal of patience ami gy off for one hnndred .<■ 1 ^< W. i *>2^ iriithp it\ I. ; :..fc. £ f $ •,© CD S3 l- E P3 Ü O ü? S 3^X0 ^ ® S' > 5° ^ lL 455 fej *1 "-ogs _ o • © Sf- 'Cl^ id (/)g.So «S ?g.«g w CD P2. a| «a P B-sS g# «■£ s 6=3 -3 CD 3 O 8 ■♦a ^ ^ Ö • c3 Q r • r-S= *j3 t>* 03 'T" irî - ® FT "3 h3 ] I 1 ^ ë» Q <1 ! Ph -*-* W < fl & ë § .a ai . 1 TS fr Ö--8 -g^ É> - O c 'S (P r g © fe | ^ o - ^ o ... « So H « CO i •8 OL $ •: o ■■§ s i § o 3 £ O «û ,"ïl ; C+ -s rü tO ' œ "S P M r* D m 1 «8 & I, - 8 m it m I w 0) cc > o p "3 >•• of ^ P s ft i 's_ _ GQ S ' £ r 3 a> o :T p a o J c3 Ö* O OB ffl S -R 9 ■î.-'S C+- « W s © PI ►Ï 0Î DO c M -a 09 © O .£ < JN m uo^§uiuj|i/vv U! Me|sj v H. F. PICKELS I No. 7 &9E. Fourth Street. > » .• FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF . STOVES, BANGES, And " House Furnishing Goods of Every Description. I Oct.. IX 3m. 33 1 H 1 \ (J t PÊjfn 01 ]r f» / |! ^1 P4ll m W T0X S'* iV ml ng j Our Roofs invariably give the greatest satisfaction. Wo warrant all où» work, and make No Charge fori. Repairing'Roofs unless' we effectually stop all leaks. « • ROOFS PAINTED, COATED, OR CEMENTED at 50 cents per 100 Square feet. Pilbeam & Mortlpck, 109 STREET, Wilmington, Del. by and of thp : ., For the Fall Trade I have all the New patterns of PARLOR, HE ATING AND COOK ' STOVES, Now ready, and for sale at the lowest Market Prices, at North West Corner Third and Shipley Streets, IFF. MOFlRISSOlSr, ' WILMINGTON ICE AND COAL COMPANY 4 HAVE THE BEST i v/ Onr Coal is prepared especially for Family use, and put in ; with Patent Dump Wagdns Free (if Charge. 2240 LBS. TO THE TON. NO. 2 EAST SECOND STREET. OFFICES: and OVEJt THIRD STREET BRIDGE. NEAT job printing-. i Vi OF 'V EVERY DESCRIPTION, ti? ax omn, ProinpilvTthd at tlfd Lowest Ratës. v 4 East Ihird Street, (up Stairs)' WUmington. 4S- The Public .<■ •»'.»vitod ?all, cMimiiie bef 9rw rontrac^hp clh^wliorc f- ' tl^r Job>iint1n S . '■"t'&Ji&by. 'ti.» ^.mYUAWFOUD, MUltlW Yi 4M witii n A L ait 1 TKJK FALL .CAMPAIGN -OPENED, a - i J > ' !.. .-', , - A .... rf\ - * * ÀT THE .WILMINGTON CLOTHING HOUSE i * v ** j- * £ •*> £ N. W. CORNER FOURTH ANJ) MARKET STS. WII.DKIIfoéoK, SSI.,. The Recognized Leader ! ; J " ;- V ^ » f , \ A ■ > £<• ■■•■v . i The citizens of Wilmington and the Peninsula, during the past month have beeh availing themselves of the opportunity given them by thé 1 >'* Opening of the Wilmington Clothing House, t '* 1 ' y \ ^ • . ...* . * r To bny Clothing by the single garment or sait, at ... • Prices Lower Than other retail dealers oan bny them to sell again. i,t i <n a, t* ! • .. This statement is affirmed simply by the following reasons, vis: we save both the Jobbers and the Manfacturer's profit by getting our goods direct, and are giving the same to our patrohsr s <> . 1 During the entire campaign we will keep OUR STOCK, Whioh is Entirely New, complete in every department and add weekly all the nb'w desigiis that the market presents. ' . I Our very low prices fôr the gride of goods we sell will be retained, __ know it is our Best'Advertisement, and what has given us the name which have already earned by prrctical demonstration, viz: ,The Pest Peady-Made Clothing for Men, Youths, Poys and • children, At the'powest Prices in the city of Wilmington. B®, Our Styles are New. Our Designs are Original. Our Suit 8 are trimmed the Best?. Our Clothing sewed with silk. Our prices Lowest; * • a* > <<*... > j. And you are invited to join the number that visit ' 1HE as we we l ONE PRICE Wilmingtoini 9*Tl hing House ! And examine our goods and prices, for we wish to make yon our Customer An inspection incurs no obligation to purchase and polite attention is assured! JOH N W. DIEFENDORF, M anager y.— O.X. jOAyiij attft'H'ALTI.Ti * are attociatetf tril/t me and would-be happy to teet/ieir f>td frtendt, and drangen mAo with to examine wood ,/oode at JfQW 7-i tcer, Anowmu toey ran do t better bj- the'" tha„ they have done in thepaet - .- '. - _■ tf • ». Manager, W. & D. IVIcELWEE, S33EjßM.EItS XXW t ©00=. Stove^ and Household Goods, No. 504 Tatnall Street, Wilmington, Del. TO PHYSICIANS AND Consumers of Cod Liver Oil. WILLIAMS' Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with llypophosphite of Lime is a combi nntiort Inf the finest Nnrwi-pian Cod Liver Oil, (-50 per cent.) with its most valuable adjunct, Hyjinphnsphite of Lime, an invaluable remedy not only for Throat and Lung affections«, lint for the large class of di-eases requiring tonic and nutritive treatment. It is perfectly pleasant to the taste, ns fluid and mobile iis the Oil alone, while it is rendered much more effective -by the addition of ilypophosphite'of Lime. It is borne and assimil ited by the most delicate and sensitive stomachs. It lias been largely prescribed by phvsieians lor the past four years with unvarving satisfaction. This Emulsion keeps perfectly ; will not separate, precipitate or ferment, will gladly he furnished to any. physicians who may desire them, pint buttles. Price $1.00 per bottle. For sale by all druggists. i-ö~ Prepared by i Samples Supplied in full W. E. WILLIAMS, Pharmaceutical Chemist, O >rner N oth and iVÎu-kefc S raets, Wilmington, Delaware. A LVRGESTOCK OF American Gold and Silver Watches. AT THE LOWEST PRICE, Pine Gold Jewelry. ol tha Newest Styles ; Gold Chains, Spectacles, &c., &c., AT. SMYTH'S, r /' 311 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, Del. * VM ft mi & ML ■* SKA w. hi 'Æ * IM S»