OCR Interpretation

Blackfoot news. (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1891-1902, July 08, 1893, Image 8

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

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/The BlsicHfoot llewrs
One Year .
Six Months .
Three Months. ...
Advertising rates furnished or application.
Entered at tlio postofflee at Blackfoot. Idaho,
for transmission as second class mail matter
Extras always come high, but the
country can stand the bill for an ex
tra session of congress this summer
when there is so much of thirst and
hunger for a square meal of finance.
__ i
The time is at hand wheu the
ilders of the State wagon road!
should step down from the lofty
mountain top, report progress, tell how
the $135,000 is induing oat and ask
leave to climb up again.
from Washington. Until his return !
President Cleveland is absent
after the 20th, the wheels of tlje ap
pointment machinery will be at a
stand still and the hopes of the expect- j
—- • —
Europe will furnish a good market j
this year for all the wheat from this
country which can be spared. This
of the
shortage in the crops on that side of j
the Atlantic.
ants will grow siek and faint.
much can be predicted with the |
utmost confidence because
«mo non non I
is distributed inthe p He 1 ' • I
nte eÏ r 1 Irai m T
interest and dividend payments by ,
corporations about the 1st of July f
every year. If this be true, this im- !
mensc sum ought to case the situation !
and make itself felt in ail trade chan
The ' hold over" pigeon hole in the
President's desk will he the popular
one for the months of July and
August, tlis absence from the Na
tional Capital during this month and
the meeting of Congress jn August,
will prevent iiira from giving that at
tention to appointments demanded by
the office seekers, and their npplic.v |
tions will go into the hold oyer.
The call for an extra session of
congress to begin August 7th will!
have a good effect, for it will put :
the members to thinking, and cause j
them to discuss the subject of the call j
with their constituents and thereby j
return to the capitol prepared to do
something and do it quickly.
Secretary Morton puts this prob- '
Jem on the board for the class in fi- !
panee : If the purchase of 4,500,000
ounces of silver per month be paid
for in gold and tbe purchase be con
tinued for months, which will hold
out the longest, the gold of the United
Somethino is being done to purge
the pension rolls of unworthy mem
bers. Lists of persons found to be
undeserving are being made up, and
they arc being weeded out little by
little. In one list made public this
week eleven appear from the records
of the War Department to be desert
ers at large. Others did not serve
the required ninety days, others draw
ing widows' pensions had remarried,
several were found to be drawing pen
sions ou account of disabilities result
, ing from their own vicious habits, and
the facts are represented in these cases
there can be no doubt of the propriety
of dropping the individuals in quee-1
tion from the rolls, and the process
of purging cannot result in any harm
to the deserving objects of the nation's
India's action in stopping the free
coinage of silver for private account
has contributed a powerful reinforce
ment to the influences which for some
time past have been making for the
'repeal of the absurd Sheiman silver
purchase law. IIow much of a sup-'
port to the price of silver that piece
of makeshift legislation could be of
itself has been sufficiently rieraonstrat
ed Since us passage, hut this week it
jectnved strikiu| IllusUatinn in the i
States or the silver of the world.
onc had never beeu in tbe military
naval service of the Government.
Our Xino of
]NTow Complete
| Grenada Cloth j Zephyr Ginghams | White Goods | Embroideries I Etc | Etc
b» %
Largest line of LADIES and GENTS BOOTS and SHOES
in the West at very close prices for cash.
Ingrain Hemp and
Body Brussels Carpets.
Misses and Boys
Straw Hats and Caps.
C. Bunting & Company.
marked drop in the price tvheu it was>
known that India's support was with-'old
drawn. The demand for the repeal
of the Shermau law has naturally j
grown in force, and during the week j
numerous memorials asking that it be
removed from the statute hook have 1
been adopted by commercial bod*es. j
With this demand has ususually been !
coupled one for the holding of an ex- j
tra session at a date earlier than that I
first indicated by the President. The ;
President and his advisers have rec- j
ognized the force of this demand, and j
cabinet meeting held yesterday j
it was decided to call an extra session
on August 7. The silver men havei
not underrated the importance of In- j
Thc free coinage men
in Congress give notice of an oner- '
getie fight in favor of the white metal, j
- - 1
dia's action,
and the Colorado mine owners and
8u>e ^ tera ^ avo decided to cease opera- j
UuUS immeJmtel 5' wlCh Review of
tbe W ° ,ld ^ tra0 '
8act it8 business without the use of
s ji ver as money.''— Bradstreet.
Bingham county with her grand
possibilities and advantages should
have a big influx of new comers this
Columbian year. If others could see
and know her advantages as we see
and know them, many would come.
We Lave homes for thousands. Let
us tell the outside world about these
ODDortunities for iinmo sppkpr* in
uppui luume* lor uome seekers in
Bingham countv To know will Bp
to come. The proper advertisement
1 1
at the Fair at Chicago would attract
the eyes of thousands and from these
thousands wc might get a goodly
number of citizens of enterprise, in
teliigencc and of means to settle with
us and be as one of us. Multiplied
thousands are looking for new homes
and there are thousands of worse
places than Bingham county.
The appointment of J. C. Straughan
to be surveyor general for Idaho was
a sudden victory for the general. No'
oue, we take it, was more startled by I
' cs suddenness than he. lu point of
t ' cne H was a surprise to every one in
Idaho. But The News of last week
j rea d tbe sign aright and gave the cor
rect interpretation of it.
j A letter received from Washington
! touching upon the matter of the ap
j pointment says in substance about
this: The general's application
tbe only one on tile; the secretary was
! considering land appointments; strong
! eastern friends of the general knew
| these facts and by a coup de main mov
j ed upon the secretary for the nppoint
ment. There was but one applicant
; for the office, there could be
test, no friction; the secretary yielded,
; the appointment was made,
! the story in a nut shell,
j tion won a victory in the appointment
! over the State organization and Mr.
j Beano of the National Committee is
: without any foundation. The
pointment was plainly due to the ef
forts of eastern friends and
J- M. Bennett, of Pocatello, is
enlisted in a most commendable work.
She has been to the World's Fair and
knows from personal knowledge of
tlio attention paid to Idaho's exhibit,
She knows of the eager, earnest cn
quiriee made about Idaho aud of the |
eagerness with which information
touching her advantages and capabil-1
dies is asked for and sought. These ;
enquiries arc mostly from interested .
parties who arc seeking homes in a !
new country. Mrs. Bennett proposes
to place this Information before them j
so that , they may read aud learn. 8be I
no con
Ttiis is
The claim that the Stevenson fac
:i ! ;
was no
victory or defeat for any one in Idaho. ;
is desirous of adrertisiug exclusively !
Bingham county, now made up of ^
Fremout, Bingham and Bannock
counties. To this end she asks each
county to contribute to her pamphlet 1
of information. The commissioners
of the respective counties should io
spond with the appropriation asked |
We believe Bingham s commis- '
sioners will be prompt to do their
duty in this matter, and in doing it |
they will have the plaudit of the tax
payers for it. j
Bingham properly advertised will,
become a populous, wealthy county, ;
and Mrs. Bennett is to be endorsed
and encouraged in her plans to secure
a successful advertisement :
— .... j
"The duty of everyone of us is to ;
j 0 every right thin* in our power to
Jo o
help the president and congress to re ]
Heve the situation," wrote Whitelaw I
Reid in a recent letter to a Republican |
«**■ That is a noble sentiment and i
the expression of a patriot,
Financial Matters First,
Speaker Crisp, of the house of rep
resentatives. speaking of the extra
session of congress, soys :
"Financial matters will first come j
before this congress for consideration j
. .. . . . . ,, . I
for that 19 tbe reason for the call of
. !
the extra session, aiici the presuleot I
... 1 i_ fc 4 ,
W B1. DO doubt, enter into his reasons
. . . . j
* or ca " more in detail when he j
. . .....i
aen( * s 111 "*• message than he did in t
I,* _ — ^ *_.. . , , .. . j
113 proclamation, and by that mes
_, , , 1 *
s "£ c congress will be largely guided.
How long the extraordinary session
will last no one can tell, for there are
other things members will naturally
be desirous of entering upon, notably
the tariff. There will be no delay in
getting to work upon this most impor
tant suhjeot, and the committee on
ways and means will begin their pre
liminary work as soon as it gets here.
Even should tbe extra session ad
journ without action, this committee
** l )ro B ° a ^ ta '* r -i l li the wurk
during the recess so there need be no
delay in prosecuting tbe labor of tariff
reform. This is one of the questions
upon which the party has decided
there shall be persued a vigorous pol
icy, and the early fulfillment of that
pledge may be expected.''
A pile of nearly 50.000 tons of coal
in storage at Buffalo has been
for more than a week and the only
thing that can be done to save any of !
it is to carrv it away. In this manner !
some 10,000 tons have b-en saved
and t|je rest will prove e total loss
together with the immense coal shed*
and nearly 100
.1... . -II
correspondent of the Orangeville
Free Press writing from Elk City,
says: The country is Ailing up witli
people, and you could find a man here
# . . .
now from almost every mining state
in the Union, although many of the
, . ,,
prospectors are from the Cœur d'
,, , ,,, ...
Alene country. Of course, this is
_, ... ...
only the advance guard of tbe army
.1 . _i, i. i ... ,
ttiat will oe here tills season, and you
I., I
m:.y look for soipe rich strikes, as this ;
.hi i. ., , ,
district will be thoroughly prospected
this summer and fall. About 40 men
catne in last Saturday, and still they
The streets of this little burg
are thronged every Sunday with peo
ple, mostly strangers, although an old
timer bobs ups occasionally, and, by
the way, it seems tbe old-timers
more glad to see each other now than
they used to be in the days gone by.
bigger the crowd gets the more tickled j
they are to see each ot her.
fire !
^ the woman's buildixo.
Just south of the 59th St. entrance. ]
Dimensions 200 by -100 feet. Cost
1 $140,000. Every lady should visit it. 1
Don t forget that the Chicago, Union!
Pacific and Northwestern Line offers
| the liest service and rates as cheap as i
' anv n oe u > Chicago.
No change.
For additional information call on I
| the Union Pacific agent, Mr. U. M.
j _ — -.—————--- ;
A hale and hearty old lady ot uine
; ty-four years, residing on Long Is
^ad the misfortune a ftw days
a „ 0 to f u || uu j ^n-ak her leg
: i^j D g carried to her tied she raouru
j fully exclaimed : "Well, I suppose
; now that I shall be a cripple for life."
] Clarence White, son of Judge
I White of this citv, ha* been selected
| os chief engineer of the state wagon;
i ,oad survev an., already commented
; work.—Rathdrum Indepedncnt.
; Silk nutts and gloves
J Mrs. Holbrook.
Desert Lands—Jlotlec of Intention to
Make Proof.
Usitkii Statch Lam. (irrirr, <
j Blackfoot, Idaho. July »ta, i-m. t
. I I. James Heat ley, of Soda Hprlnir«, Idaho.
who made di*i»ert land entry No. dm on the
! 22ml day of July, l**t. for the whole or flection
I one, Twp. 5 Houth, Kangr w But, hi r>*by kiu'
, notice of my tnteutiun tu umke final proof to
<-»uibliah my claim totbe lanrlftbov*'«i«>*. tHhhJ
j before the Me#uiu.-r ami tteceiv.-r at Bln. kroot
j on Saturday, the I2tb day of Auiru»t. |m*i, ami
that 1 expect to prove that *at«J land ha« l»« «11
t properly irnimted and roeiaimetf in the
j ner required by law, by two of the following
wftne»seii :
C. A. McCrac, Pink 8 flrereton. than. n.
wiiaouMnu George e. Up ay. nil of Bannock
°'* u °*
James lliAT(.r.r
Jnnsfl. Bnows,
Desert Laud—Notice of Intention to
make I'roof.
r.viTED Statw Laud Owe«, »
Mark loot. Idaho. Juno SttiU, IHM. s
I. Mary A. It. Jrnktimon, of Pocatello. Idaho,
who rimtji* Ifc-m-rt Land Application No. IJHU .
on the llth of Hcptciiilicr. lrto. for S't NW'$ !
S*j NE 1 * und South half of Section 2t$, Twp X, i
South. Rature itt Eaft. hereby «Ivo notice of
my intention to make final proof to PMtuhiith
my claim to the land above de*c;-ll**d i**r»>r»' !
the Register and Kecelver nt IllMckfont. on
Saturday thetirhday of August, |MM, and that
I expect to prove that said land hau In-en prop*
crlv irrigated and reclaimed In the manner re
qui red by law. by two of the following wit
Luthor M Capps, ('bnrlea 8. Smith. W m. A
Woodin ami Frank W. Iltrane, all of Hluckfoot.
Mart A. il. Jexki.vron.
Jour Q. Brows,
Delinquent Notice.
A corporation : Location of principal place!
of huiine*«i l iiiackioot. iiinffham cv»., idnno.
i„5*^^at«ïk on n,,,,nnt "^' n tho ,ol, " w '
• nt ' nt, "" ,> ' 1 «ockhôMcr :
Name. Certificate rhan*». «rnt.
jamea H. Briley, No. km*. 2 , n.oo
BlackfootTowatto {». Wo. i«b, i. «.no
Anil In nccorilancc with law ami tbe order of
the Board of Trontcd of the corporation malic
the said anbdajr of April, low, lb« above do.
scribed ahero of stuck win im m.iii at public
auction at the office of the company, (thick
foot, Idaho, at :i o'clock p. m.. on Hatnniay
the ciithlh tutti» day of Jul)-, ism, to pay ilclln
quent auMnamcnt. conta nt «ilicrtlAln« mul
I cxpcnaca of sale. By order Jlnanl of Truntccs.
; .inns »itiNTnoeaHr,
Secretary Eastern Iilaho Water Company,
Blackfoot, Iduho, June 15th, laui. *
•count of >H«4 a «nrnt*nt ;
m il on the -dth day of April. lwf{.
nt »ft opfMiHitc the nuuiu of tieluw
The Idaho House,!
The Rr»t Hotel in tho city. Strictly Flr»t
Class. Centrally located. Terms
II.AO per Hay.
tm ail Fancy Groceries.!
Choice Fruits, Berries and Oysters In season . 1
! iVui-s a n> Coi;fcclloi)erl«s
Cigars ai|ci Tobaccocs
Copin and bo Convinced, flood! delivered to
any part of tlio city. Don't forgot the plaw.
n. mi'i'KL,
! Mcèin House,
Blaekfoot, Idaho,
It is an Acknowledged Fact that
Bull's Grange Store, Blackfoot,
*•!•+♦♦ ♦ ■»+ ■F+++4-t"M-4'f44+44+44'»4 +++++ i+Hf lWW 'HIHH
-t+HtW w t) ♦ I HH »+♦■» ♦ » 44 4444 -:-» 44 + 4 ++-S 4 4+4 *
Is the Cheapest Store in the
Snake Hiver Valley.
>\ hy, those Ladies and Children's
and Piece Goods, the latest
Nothing like thorn ever in Blackfoot before.
and prettiest
Mrs. S. E.Holbroolt's.
Co-op Wagon & Machine Company
•lohn Deere and Moline Plow«, Harvesters and
Gilpin and Cassady's Sulky Flows.
and Press Drills, Planet Jr. Goods, Kaiif
Lever Harrow, also large assortment of
Full line ol
Garden and Grass Seed and Harness
our 1 rices before purchasing elsewhere.
O. ( 1 . WBTGrtT, MANAUKK,

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