OCR Interpretation

Blackfoot news. (Blackfoot, Idaho) 1891-1902, May 15, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88056017/1897-05-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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Report That the Line Is to Be
Extended to the Coast.
The toi lowing paragraph from the
railroad column of an Eastern paper
will be road with interest by Idaho
people :
"It reported that the Burlington rail
way will soon commence work on its
long projected extension to the Pacific
coast. The road, it is said, is not to
extend from the Billings terminus of
the Burlington, but is to be built West
ward from a point south of Sheridan,
passing near the headwaters of the Lit
tle Powder river, skirting the southern
line of Yellowstone park, thence in a
tolerably direct line to Boise, Idaho,
and across the Snake into Oregon,
whence two branches will be run to the
coast, one south of the line of Oregon
Railway A Navigation company to
Portland, and the other north through
Washington to Puget sound."
If the Burlington has determined to
build through this section, and at once,
the news is the most important for
Idaho that has been published in a long
time. The Statesman has no direct in
formation to add to the statement made,
but some matters that have been called
to its attention at different times are of
interest in connection with the report.
For instance, a gentleman who has
close connections with railroad people
has informed the Statesman that he
was told some months ago that a rail
road would be built through Washing
ton county and that it would become
a link in a transcontinental line. That
gentleman believes that the proposed
Seven Devils road is backed by trunk
line interests.
It will be observed that the report re
published states that the Burlington
has projected two branches, one north
through Washington and the other
south of the Oregon Navigation road
to Portland. One of the reasons ad
vanced at one time for moving the ter
minus of the Seven Devils road from
Weiser to Payette was that it would
bring it nearer to the line of the Ore
gon Pacific. It has always been sup
posed that the latter line would event
ually become a factor in the transcon
tinental railroad problem. No expla
nation of the statement respecting a
connection between the Oregon Pacific !
and the Seven Devils road has ever
been made, but if there is to be a fork
in the new trunk line the fact might
furnish sueh explanation.—Statesman.
What He Thought of the Bridge.
Secretary MeCreary. who presided
over the War Department during the
Hayes Administration, asked Chief Jos
eph what impressed him most with the
superiority of tne white man over the
savage in all that he had seen and heard
daring his journey.
"The bridge over the Mississippi riv
er," he said.
"Don't you think the Capitol a fine
building?" inquired the Secretary.
"Yes. it is flue.'' answered the red
man: "my people can pile stones one on
top of the other, but they cannot make
a cobweb of iron stand in the sky.—
Washington Letter.
Washington, May 9.— There is con
siderable pressure for the office of As
sistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
now held by Col. Thomas P. Smith of
Arkansas. It was thought that Quay's
Influence would secure the place for W.
S. Field's of Oklahoma.
The duties of this office are intricate
and require peculiar fitness, which Col.
Smith has shown to such a degree as to
make it very unlikely that his services
will be spared; anyhow not while some
very important questions are pending
before the interior office.
Col. Smith is at present Acting Com
missioner and this fact has greatly dis
couraged the candidates for the office,
as it shows the Administration's confi
dence in him. Some of the applicants
admit the Improbability of any opening
being made for them thefo within the
the near future, if at ail.
A use has been found for the milk
from which cream has been removed.
It is strained and mixed with some in
gredients, which are only known to the
inventor, un Englishman, and then
compressed. In three days the sub
stance is as bard as celluloid, and may
be shaped in any way. For seven
years the inventor has been trying to
produce this material of a uniform
shade, and has only just succeeded. If
coloring matter is introduced before
it U hardened any desired color
may be obtained. It forms a good
eub»tiUite for ivory in the manufacture
of billiard bails. For combs it is su
perior to celluloid, being less brittle
and not as liable to chip. It has a
creamy, glossy surface. It is expected
that it will be especially used iu the
manufacture of buttons.
" It Is the Best on Earth. "
That I« what Edwards &. Parker,
merchants of Plains, Ga., saysoftJhttin
borlain's Pain Hulpt, for rheumatism,
Janie back, deep seated and muscular
pains. Hold by Hen H. Fernish.
Ask your grocer for Perfect baking
powder, Iti ounces for 35c one-third
more than you get of any other reliable
(yak! ng powder for 10 or 45 cents.
\Vun#t on a time some boys wus goln'
down to the creek to swim,
An' there wuz one lil boy—his uiuther
she wuz a-feared for him.
He teased so hard to see the boys jump
off the springboard plank
At last she said he might go 'long an'
jes' set on tne bank.
But he forgot, when the fun began, he'd
promised he wouldn't go in;
Non. when he'd cum out an'started home
he 'membered it agin.
An' wen they reached t hothouse it made
the fellers want to shout—
His muther said "how did it eum his
shirt wuz wrong side out!"'
An' nen he choked down in his throat,
and gived a kind o' cough,
An' said he "guessed it got that way
fum wishin' it wuz off.''
But wen she went an' got a switch, you
bet.he duin.t snicker.
Y' see hs eouldnt change his pants by
wishm' they wuz thicker.
—A. T. Saunders in Chicago Times
We have just what you want in ti
cleaning time, 25 different shades of
paints and stains in 25 cent cans at Ben
H. Fernish.
> tse
Ihe Best Remedy for Rheumatism.
From the Fairhaven (S.YJ Register.
Mr, James Rowland, of this village,
states that for twenty-five years his
wife has been a sufferer from rheuma
tism. A few nights ago she was in such
pain that she was nearly crazy. She
sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but
he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Bairn
and instead of going for the physician
he went to the store and secured a bot
tle of it. His wife did not approve of
Mr. Rowlaud's purchase at first but
nevertheless applied the Balm
thoroughly and in an hour's time was
able to go to sleep. She now applies it
whenever she feels an ache or a pain
and finds that it always gives relief.
He say» that no' medicine which she has
used ever did her as much good,
the 25 and M cent sizes for sale by Ben
H. Fernish.
Ringling Bros. Excursions.
Arrageraents have been completed
by which all who wish to attend the
performances of Ringling Bros. World's
Greatest Shows in Idaho Falls, Satur
day. May 2t>th, can secure special ex
cur-ion rates on all lines of travel. This j
will be the only point in this vicinity
where the great show will exhibit dar
ing the present season, and those who
fail to see it will miss the grandest
amusement event of the year. Since
last season Ringling Bros., famous ex
hibition has been doubled in size and
is now beyond ail question or doubt the
largest and best combined circus,
menagerie and hippodrome in the Unit
ed States. The performance is given
by over 300 high salaried specialists, in
three rings, on two stages, in midair,
and upon a huge quarter mile hippo
drome track. The grand free street
jiarad»: which takes place at 10 o'ctock
on the morning of the exhibition is the
most magnificent display ever seen.
Don't miss it.
Through Service.
The through service to Denver. Kan
sas City, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis,
ami other Eastern cities, via the UNION
Pacific and connections, is unexcelled
by any other line.
The equipment consists of Pullman
and Tourist Sleepers, Chair Curs, Din
ing Cars, Buffet, Library and Smoking
For tickets, time tables and other in
formation call on your nearest agent or
Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt., Omaha.
K. L. Lomax,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Philip Clifford, who was
convicted of burglary, November 17th,
1M>2,'at Blackfoot, Bingham county,
Idaho, will make application for pardon
at the next regular meeting of the
Board in July, 1897.
Signed. Philip Clifford.
Boise City, Idaho, April 24th, 1M97.
Xotire for Publication.
Land Office i»t Tiliiokfoot, Tdrtho, I
May Ilth. IM/7. (
Notfco in hereby given that the following
named wUlftr hu« fik*d notice of hi* intention
to make final proof in support of hi« claim,
and that said proof will he made before tbf?
Register and Receiver at Illnckfoof, Idaho,
Juno 2I«t, IHi 7 f viz: Kc*plcr .Sessions, of Chen
tojflfjld, Idaho, for the HK* NB*. NB*
i*ec. 30, HW* NW*. NW* riW*. Sec. 39, Twp.
fi It. 99 K. B. M.
He names the following witncss<*«i to prove his
continuous residence u(Kjn and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Anson C. Loveland, Robert V. Call, Robert
C. Ueddee, Ncphi Moss, of Cbcsterfleld, Idaho.
JNO. G. BROWN, Register.
Kotlcc for Itc-l'iiblicntlon.
Land Office nt Halley, Idaho, I
March 29th, 1*91. f
Notice Is hereby *lvnn that the fnllnwlna
named settler has died notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said prtKif will be matle ts.-fore the
Realster und Receiver nt Halley, Idaho, oil
May Iftth, 1*97, viz: John tt. Rodat rs. IL E.
No, rn. for the 8!4 NB>*. N'A »Eli, S«.-c. 24. T.
« N. R. 2SE.
He ohiiicr tbe followln* witnesses to prove
his continuous reside, me upon and eiiltlvn
tltm of nf said land, viz:
7.111a Hcdlekor, E>l«ard A. lied Inker, Morton
Hawley, Dewaln Hanley, all or Howe, Idaho.
W. H BUODHEAD, Register.
Every- Day Excursions
To all parts of the world can be arrang
ed for auy day in the year, for one or
more persons, upon application to any
principal ticket agent of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, itiner
aries carefully prepared for excursions
to California, Florida, Mexico, China,
Japan, and to any part of Europe. Es
timates furnished, including all ex
penses. Tickets furnished for the com
plete journey. It is necessary to wait
for any so-called "Personally Conduct
ed Excursions.
In these days of pro
gressive enlightenment, with the Eng
lish language spoken iu every land un
der the sun, one dues not need to depend
upon the services of guides for sight
seeing, but can go it alone or iu small
family parties, with great comfort and
security, and at one's own convenience.
Write to Alex. Mitchell, Commercial
Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, Sait Lake City, Utah, for de
tails if you are contemplating a trip.
To Chicago or St. Louis via
Omaha or Kansas City.
The service of the Union Pacific via
either route is the very best. The equip
ment consists of handsome day coaches,
Chair Cars, Pullman Buffet and Draw
ing Room Sleepers. Dining Cars and
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars
Fewer changes than via any other line.
For time tables, rates, etc., call on
J. A. Collins,
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at blackfoot. Idaho»
April 5th. 1*V7
Notice is hereby given that the following»
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of hts claim,
and that proof will be made before the
Register & Receiver at Blackfoot. Idaho, oil
May SOth. 1SV7, vu: Fred J. Kohlhepp, on il
E. No. 2887. for the B* of NE*. NB* SK*.
Sec. 19, NW* of SW*. See. ai. Twp. s S„ H.
il East.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vlat
William Neeley. Chrlstnia Neeley. Pratt
Diliey, Ella Kohlbepp. all uf American Falls,
Oneida County, Idaho.
JNO. G. BROWN. Register.
Notice for I'uhliration.
Land oSlcw at Blackfoot. Muho, •
April lstb, IsPÎ.
Nutlco U hereby riven that the fotlowlmr
rallied settler has dll-1 nutlceuf hi* Intention
I to make Bnal pnmf In support of hi* claim
j and that said proof will be made b»>fore the
Uetrtoter nnd Kecelvt*r at Uluckfooe. Idaho, on
June 9th, I*WT. viz: John T. Aston, for the N »
NE*. S 4 *otlon », E'i SE*. Section «, Town
ship S«iuth, Kantre 3» East.
He names the foUowtnir wltne«*eM to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of *aid land, viz:
Jud«on A. Tolman, Chesterfield. Idaho: Jo
seph H. Toltnan Jr.. Mitcbel It. Johnson, Jo
seph II. Tolman, Bancroft. Idaho.
JNO. 0 BROWN. Register.
Notice for Publication.
[Desert Land Proof.)
Läu«! Office at Black font. Idaho. *
May 4 th. I fan. Ç
Notice Im hereby given that Met ta Maria
Chriatensen.of Shelley, Bingham c
ha* filed
on her IH*M<*rt-l 4 ind Claim No. 1710. for the
Unsurveyed W*i BW*. Hec.fi.and NW* NW*.
Section 7, Twp. 1 8 , It. 3» E-. before the Reg
ia ter and Receiver at Black foot, Idaho, on
Wednesday, the Ifith day of June. 1^97.
She name« the following wltne**«*» to prove
the complete Irrigation and reclamation of
said land
Janiea Christenson, Anton© E. Chiiatenaen.
Christian Anderson, Frank Mun«ice, all of
Shelley, Idaho.
I ty. Idaho
ntice of intention to make proof
JNO. O. BROWN, Kvtriiter.
Notice to Creditors.
Iu the Probat© Court of Bingham County,
Htato of Idaho.
I s TiiR Mattik <>w thk E«tat* or John
R owi.ea, Dsckared.
Notice in hereby given by the undersigned.
äainiiei Loyd. Executor of the Edikte of John
Kuwiee, Deceased, to the Creditors vt and all
persons having claims ag>tin*t »«Id deccft**».*d,
to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers
within ten months alter the first puiiiication
of this notice, to the snld Executor at the
former home of the Deceased In Black foot,
Dated. March 29th, 1A07.
SAMUEL LOYD, Excciifor.
F. 8 . Dierutcn, AUorncy ftvEinmlor.
Notice for i'nbUrntion.
Isinil Office at Blnckfnut Idnhn, I
April l«t. IsiiT. I
Notice Is hereby iriven that the follow In*
named settler has died notlceof her intent!,m
to make final protjf Insupisirt of her claim,
aud that said proof will be made More the
Register and Receiver at Blnekfoot, Idaho, on
May 14th, 1SW, vtk: Tilda Friedman, widow of
Moses Friedman, deceased, for the SEq, Stic.
19, Tp. 18.. K. ,IT E., Bi M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous rtsddcnco upon und cultiva
tion of snld land, viz:
John Amour, A. O. Inglestrom, James
Byers, Milan D. Andrus, all of Basalt, Idaho.
JNO. o. brown. Realster.
Biscuit and Manuf'g Co.
Successor* to
Utah Cracker Factory.
Manufacturers of tho Colcbratcd
These «nods ore seht by nil the wholesale
Grocers In Utah. Horn! in your orders.
■142 Houth Hccorid West Htreot,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, second door south of C. Bunt
ing & Co.'s building.
Land AHorne\|.
Real Estate anti Insurance Ayent.
Contests a Specialty,
fcgrOffice next door to U. S. Land Office.
Stewart & Dietrich,
plackfoob, Idaho.
J. M. Stevens Stenographer, in UJIU-e.
Insure Your Buildings
Against Fire with
Pioneer Insurance Agt.
Of Bingham County. He
represent» Five of the itest
Fire Companies, also the
New York Life Ins. Co
c/ihpeiMter 4»
— AND—
Blackfoot, - - Idaho.
crCfl AS HARNESS. firaiTH. SHOES, Ilf !
o ••yel't. ate. V» m aï?«.» upholatrr * hair- «»».i i
Louiigek. and make Harne»*, Horw- CoSUir* an«l j
9ftddie«i. Try me with what y»m want repaired.
Mhop in Fair Store llnlliliiig.
it **
Ha* been cleaned up and
newly furnl.hed throu*h
out ami will run a* a nr»t-cl«*» bouse. Hot
cookln*. Everythin* neat and cleun. We
will Ini plearunltomeet all of our old friend*
T. S. .MOURSON, Prop.
liny For Sale.
H. Fornler, of Wolverine, ha* 200
Tons of May for sale. Will sell in quan
ties to suit buyers at hard times prices.
Partie» writing to him will address
Presto P. O.
Notice for Re- Publication.
Laml Office at Ilnlley. Mahn. I
March 29th, wu. (
Nntlee Is höret, y elren that the fellow [up
named settler has file,I notice uf her intention
to make Anal proof in support of her claim,
and that snld proor wllp tm made before the
Realster und Receiver at Halley. Mahn, <
May ISth, IWT. viz: /.Ilia IP-,linker, formerly
widow nf Fletcher Ireland,deceased, If. K. No.
I3T«. for the HEq, 8 ,»,. . 12 , Tp. « N . R, 2 p R.
Hhe names the fnllnwlna wltne
tier continuous residence
?s reprove
upon and cultiva
Hon of said land, viz:
John K. Rodgers, Edward A. Rctlickcr,
Morton Hawley, Dewaln Hawley, all of Howe,
W. H. BltODHEAD, Realster.
Notice of Issue of Attachment
Judicial District of Idaho, In anti for the
County of lllnaham.
J, A. Murray,
W. F. Mellick, nnd C. !
Buntltiv. 1
Défont lants. I
Notice 1* hereby «Ivon that 0,1 the loth day
of April, A. D..ISB7, attachment Issucl out hf
the District Court of said ... In the nt»ive
rendants, W. F. Mellick and c. Hiintln«, Tor the
sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars. Two Tho,.«
and Dollars Attorney's rocs, Intercstand costs
of suit.
îtlon naalnst the property of snhl <p -
In witness whereof, T have hei
hand and affixed my official
this April 12th, 1*97.
canto set my
enl at lllackloot,
GEO. F. 0A0ON.
Clerk of snhl Court.
Oreyon Short Line By. Time Card.
No. ft. Mall aud Express,
»* 2S, Through Freight,
" 30, Local Freight,
7 Mail and Express, 4:12, a. m.
8:35, a. in.
2:45, p. iu.
j. A. Collins, Agent.
1:40, a. m.
1:55, a. m.
12:05, p. in.
" 20, I-oral Freight,
" 27, Through Freight,
County IU rectory
E. P. Cullman
Auditor and Recorder, Geo. r. G agon
Probate Judge and Hupt. Schools,
A. G.Whittier
W. A. Woodln
A^tWHor wut L'ollw*U)r, W, D. Itulfukur
- Lester T. Mitchell
• Cha». D. Chapin
i J. L Bumgarner
: ? Milen D. Audrus
I Robert D. Smith
I 'orouor
United States Land Office.
Office hour» : » I» a in. GU » 00 s>. m.
John O llrown
.. ..John W Jute.
Pogtoffice Hours :
ê DiJ » m. to !:<*) p to
10 . 1 ») lu li t*)«. m.
Week Day»
Suu*I»ys ..
M »11 cluse» al : AW p m.
C. tt Wnuema. p M
• Masonic. Regular
communication, o f !
Grovet itv Lodge No.
/ \ 33. A F. k A. M will
\m*»m- held at Mammie
'yN. Hail at 8:00 p. m., on
Tuesd») beforv lull
\V/ un«>n each month.
Alt visiting broth
er. In good »landing are cordially In
vited. George E'. GaOON, W. M.
N. C. Titus, Secretary.
No. 24, t. O. O. F
meeta on Thunr
day evening, every w.-«-k. at 8 o'clock,
in Masonic Hail. VUiting brother»'
are cordially invited.
I • Ll > E Haflk.
JNO. N. Downing, Sec'y.
N. G. i
Georgk it Thom ah I*o»rr I
No. W. G. A. R., hold» regular
meetings on the Fir»t Tue*
day night of each month at
the M as o nic Hali in Black
!i»>t, at 7 ixdiR'k. AU com
rades in good standing ar«' !
requested to be present.
J. <' Fish Lit, Commander.
J i'. Porter, Adjutant.
Ling «v**rjr Hit ml* y
•I It j
Uwk Pntjrr j
«•»n fr
I rut *l
IfWMlâf "V
4, Mur»4»y A ft*'
Kpwi.fth \a -nar*.
U y «t <1

Sunday «'ho*,
tili 4 or lock,
Mcvtiog h
1 1
BAPTIST Krt.LW.Sonii.ruN |-rr.,h
uw i verr »uiMla, mumm« «t II » cluck
«ml In nvcmn«»i T ku rk- k Crater mc-i
In« WHiiruUf rvrnlngal « >*> »'dock,
»ami«, .cht*,|, Sun-l*, (rutukuullU I». I«.
f. 8 . Laad um«-. UI.rkfnut, I I«Ihi, i
Arm *1. Lvt
No! loa t* hctrbjr «IT.U 1 that lb- fulm. In« j
whole «ii*l (rarllonal Tuwn.hlp Fiai, hare
Bled III tbe United Stole. Land OHva,
BUw'kf'tftt. M«h<>:
Towmhlp No. « South. Kature C Fj««t, Idaho
•< eg..
*• " I
•• - 8 «
•• i;> ••
" •* U ••
" " 1» "
" M 2 North.
" •• » ••
11 " IS South.
The.e plot* will he open U. tl*»' public at the
United State, loud « MBoe. Black(uot, Idaho,
for the puri-we of mäkln« entrie. and min*
Identification« on Dmert Fntrie* already
made, un ard after Tuawday, May Sltb. IW.
J. G BROWN, lU-Bt.ter.
.13 •*
M '*
33 **
•» -
as ••
as "
Sol Ice fur riihliratlon.
I.iml Office at lllnekfeot. Mahn,
April IMh. PVT.
Nntlee la hereby «Iren that the follnwln«
■tllerlia* filed nntlee of hi* Intention
In make final proof In «Iippnrt nf hl« claim,
nil« that said proof will Is- made bwfnre the
Re«lsier nn.l He, »«rer ,,t Hlnekfnnt. Idnhn.
June 9th. Pvt, vlk: Jnseph ll Tnlman Jr.. fur
the N-; Mi>, and N'-j NWq. Seetlnn 2t. Town
ship s Smith. Ilan«e ;*» Kn.t
He names the followln* wltnesaes to prove
hi. eniitlnnohs residene
nf salfl land, rlr,:
Judsun A. Tnlman.UheaterfleM, Idaho; Jnhn
AsPm. Mltehel Johnaim, Jnseph H. Tnlman.
Baneruft, Malm.
u(Mai and Gtiltlvatioii
JOHN 0. BROWN, Realster.
Nolle* nf Assessment,
ulïiTsîl!!' r 'tm! P* I Plane ,,r lluslnsas.
Hliu kfooft. Hlnghrtui County, Idali«».
Notice is here I, y «Iven timt, nt n tnec tin* of
the Board of Trustee*, hold on Tuesday. April
I Ith. IS9T. Assessment Nu. IS. of fifty (to, cents
per share „»« levii -,1 \i|a,n the taipital stock nf
their corporation, payable to John Mont*mn
ery. Herretat y and Treasurer. East Main , im I
Muho Ht rents. Illitekfnot, Idaho, i
upon which this nssessiuent shall I*
on Monday, the 17th tiny of May, IW.
<lelln,| 0 ent and advertised fur sale nt
it Ion. un, I n u It
any stock
will tie
pay,nett, |* made Istfore,
♦ hough of ♦•nob r>»m»| ,»r nOH-k will Im» «old on
HiiturriMv. tho I2U» (iiijr of Juno, IMry. to pay
snhl a««- «»meut, with
nnd ez pense of sale.
costs of ndvortlsln«
BeOretnryand Treasurer.
Ithinkfont Irriantkjal Uo.
Blackfoot, Idaho, April (;itIt. I 8 U 7 .
East, West, North, Soitli,
Build Vestibule Trains kroe fh, lr
Tb« Gn»I Tbfoofh Cm Um to
Operatm« through
eil Bluffs ■
-mud C. a N 'tffuj 1 *' 0w " h
Chkaffo or 8i. Luuls vis. (Uns«. CJlj c a .
PurUsud VL O R. a N. Ou., situ b. Hsi, V»
oneV. Los Au«cle. sod Furl W.Jrtx""'
Pentarh U*ht. Hiram liest, p„ u ,„ ,
Plums Car* and Lunch l ouiur^X**
akiiai I lie lute iiisnasnl by the
Hotel lie (fartaient.
Pur maps, time tables. i«m
of territory trav.nrd
Facts«- b> eternal
J. A. UILLMA A«,. Iliackfuot. 1 . 1 . 1 ».
D. K. HUHLEY.Geo. A*t., Hall LakstYty
K liu ais.il», Omaha, Neb. ï. L Lis*»
Gen. Manager, Gen. r * t
» I.,
The Blackfoot, Houston
& Challis Stage Co.
Tiw chewpaat. lb» mpirvaal aid weal ima
rout» l.i.mi the Nur Ik Ba«t and
» cat and I be point* aaw*d.
Carrying Mall, fawwagrr* aad Etprtw
I«*« Kla'-kfiM daily at * a m tar ik* ft*
!,»t Rivet Mum. M-.u.toe i bain* hratuia,
Urrli«. CUM«. IbibUMiM Vi '__
t-.«"-»*»» »»» cart led to Srsi-chu» lait
kutM coacbea.
Laon« bmwaa ott tbe Una at» -nn (
Fut fur» bet lurutmaltMi apply tu
F. W. VOGLER. General Maas«w,
biacuruui. laabc.
We have
Money to
well Improved Earns
! Firmer» make your ap|iHcatlofwa» un
a» (WMsible.
p.'cBSy of
I»«h uo
Idaho Falla. Idaho
1 orrhiHtft and Hand Mc««te, filwri firtlk »4
«ni Muai« Urv*at Hua*h la Idaka.
AU.» »Ttw Watehra and Jew-dry. Wa
tH>t>rrr, |bv»ka. Blank and
mvhFHd |u«»aa. iYUtn. MWk
t onfrrtk.na, T»d<wer»>. Ogmr*.
Mac him» Nerdi««. Etc.
Aient 1 er The Minus Brothers Orpn.
Idalio Falls, - - Idaho
Herman A. Mondschein,
Watchmaker & Jeweler,
Doe* All Kinds of He pairing
All Work Warranted. Price* ReiMMkH*
OFFICE In Curti»' Hardware Store
Tetter, Halt-Hhntim and !:»*««»■
The Inlonsc Itching nnd smartitn; wu
dent to theMi dim-iuws I« Instantly hi»!"
by applying Chamberlain i W
Hliin Ointment. Many very bad
have been permanently cowl by • j
is equally cfflclent for Itching P« ■ . .
a favorite remedy for PÇ
chapped hands, onllblalns, fr<
aud chre 'io sore eye#. 25 cts. per
Dr. Cady's Conditlos ^4
just what a home needk Fhpn * j
Tons. bk-Jg-JSSl
vermifuge. They
medicine ami tho bent In ««
horee In prime condition.
cenU per package. DrUß «Ut
For Halo by Bon II. Fernish, Drug*
Job Printing
honk at

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