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Evening capital news. (Boise, Idaho) 1901-1927, November 13, 1912, Image 4

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Published Every Afternoon ut Sunday Morning at IMm, Idaho, n
11,010 People by
City at
Entered at the Poet Offteo at Bolaa, Idaho, aa Sacond-elaaa Man Matter.
Phone*—Business Office. 214; Editorial Room*. 214; Society Editor. 1201-J.
• • o • o o •
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• • • • •
There are no jokes that are not old-r-they all came down from ages
dark; the freshest of them all were told by Shem and Jäphet In the
ark.. So say the scholars, who have sought the pedigrees of Jests and
things, through musty tomes of tommyrot, and In the tombs of ancient
kings. The jests we see In almanacs, which we Imagine freshly canned,
were old when Moses made his tracks toward the milk and honey land.
You cannot spring a cheerful gag that wasn't known in Pharaoh's
time; and Cleopatra used to brag of how she framed the comlo rhyme.
But let us never take it hard that all our Jests are old and stale; a
Joke, though bearded like the pard, is always better than a wall. I'd
rather far come down the street dispensing Jqkes that Noah knew, old
things with whiskers to their feet, than go around morose and blue.
While I still frolic on the stage I'll strew around my harmless chaff;
and If the same is green with age, what difference. If people latigh
The chestnut Is a noble fruit that should not by mankind be feared; I
don't respect the fresh galoot who
damns it merely for its beard.
• Copyright, 1912 by Georg* Matthew Adama
The futility of attempting to reform the Republican
party along lines that would be satisfactory to all ele
ments in that party ought to strike those who are still agi
tating such an effort. Cummins, Hadley, LaFollette and
that class are proposing to reorganize and rehabilitate
the party. Taft, Hilles, Burton, Penrose, Barnes and the
class now in control of the party have already announced
that Taft shall be the leader in maintaining the reaction
ary attitude of the party. Now how can these two ele
ments hope to find common ground, one trying to make
the party progressive and the other trying to keep it re
Besides, Taft and his advisors have the best of it inas
much as they have control of the organization in every
state. If there were no election to be held before 1916,
the difficulty might be overcome through the enactment
of a presidential primary law by the Democratic congress,
which is the real hope of the Cummins-Hadlev-LaFollette
element, but there are general state and congressional
elections to be held two years from now. With the reac
tionaries in control in nearly every state, how can the pro
gressive element of the party hope to accomplish any
thing? With the exception of Kansas, Iowa, South Da
kota, Wisconsin and California, the reactionary element
lias full and complete control of the Republican organiza
tion. In some of the states there are direct primary law's
but in many of them there are no such laws and the re
actionary machine would absolutely dominate.
The people of Idaho have opportunity to figure out for
themselves just what chance there is for the progressive
element to get control of the regular Republican organiza
tion.' This state has the direct primary law', hut the party
organization is in the hands of the reactionaries from the
state committee down through the county organization in
nearly every county in the state. The Short Line and the
beet sugar trust would again command the 15,000 or 20,
000 votes that they can throw w'lierever aud whenever
they demand it to go to the reactionary candidates for
office that w'ould be placed before the primaries and the
Republican party outside of those counties and those
votes, doesn't amount to enough to consider; it stands
second, third or fourth in every other county in the state.
And even if the progressive element of the party
should gain control tw r o years from now and nominate pro
gressive candidates, those same 15,000 err 20,000 votes
would be throw'n against them to the Democratic candi
dates and the result w'ould be defeat.
It is just as impossible to mix the progressive and the
reactionary elements of the Republican party into a whole
as it is to mix oil and water. They simply cannot mix.
Their elements are antagonistic.
The only purpose of the Republican organization now
is to prevent the success of progressive principles. "We
kept Roosevelt from being elected president any way,"
President Taft is quoted as saying, "and I believe we can
keep him from being elected again," he continued speak
ing of his belief that Roosevelt would likely be a candi
date for president in 1916.
Thatg'epresents the true attitude of the remnant of the
old Republican party. It has dropped into a party of
negation and the worst sort of negation at that, inasmuch
as its sole ambition now is to negative the desire of the
people to rule their own government.
They have taken to talking of the constitution. "Save
the constitution," is their new cry. But what they mean
is simply "Save the construction which the special in
terests have managed to place upon the constitution." If
is like the defense made for the supreme court of Idaho in
the disfranchisement decision. "They but enforced the
law," it is pleaded. Care is taken by such defenders not
to mention the fact that the court had first to enact the
law which they used to set up as their defense. The Re
publican party is talking of "saving the constitution"
only for the purpose of "saving" for the special interests
the wrong construction they have placed upon that docu
ment. _
"If that road (The Oregon Short Line) was in the
fight against the Democratic party, why had it not ap
peared so in other parts of Idaho where that road runs?'*
______________-JH -________________________ , .
inquires the Salt Lake Tribune in discussing the peculiar
situation developed in the polities of this state whereby
seven counties of the state were enabled to elect a governor
who nan-second, third and fourth in every other county in
the state and who carried not a single county in the state
save the seven that went practically solidly for him.
We are surprised at the Salt Lake paper's stupidity.
It also discusses the influence of the beet sugar trust in
the state as suggested by the Capital News. Why does it
not inquire why the influence of the beet sugar trust was
not so manifest in Nampa, Meridian and other places con
tiguous to the sugar factory at Nampa, as it was in Fre
mont, Bonneville and Bingham counties?
Such an inqniry would be just as pertinent to the beet
sugar side of the controversy as it would be to the Oregon
Short Line side of it. >
As the Tribune very well knows the political influence
of the Oregon Short Line in Idaho and in Utah is not ex
telligent voters of any class of citizens in any state. This,
is particularly true of its Engineers, conductors, brakemen
and others whose occupation takes them from place to
place, and the Capital News in referring to the influence
of the railroad never for a moment supposed that any one
would include this class of railroad employes in the list
subject to such influence. Some of them, of course, are so
influenced. We have seen that influence exerted and have
known of its effects directly. But such instances are even
fewer than are the instances wherein small merchants,
professional men, stock shippers, and others are in
fluenced by small favors which would make most of us
blush to think that we were so weak as to consider them at
all. We know merchants who would almost lay down their
liveà for the Oregon Short Line because of the pride they
feel at having been the recipient of some such small favor
as a trip pass, a reduction in the weight or the rate of a
local shipment and the like. There are not many of tliïà
kind of small merchants, but neither are there many of the
actual employes of the Short Line who take their politics
by order.
That is why the same influence so noticeable and so re
markable in the southeast was not likewise so noticeable
or so remarkable elsewhere along the line of that road.
It is the same reason why the beet sugar interests whs
not so manifest elsewhere in the state.
The truth of the matter is there are several thousand
votes in the seven counties referred to, just as there are
several thousand votes in the state of Utah, that take
pride in their reactionary tendencies, and in their fidelity
to these two great interests. They actually and really be
lieve that their prosperity is dependent absolutely upon
the prosperity of these two great interests and accordingly,
when those in authority in these great interests tell them
that the election .of the Democratic party tfould be bene
ficial to them, as was done two years ago, they are only too
glad to vote the Democratic ticket, aud when the same men
tell them that it is to their interests to elect the Republi
can ticket, they just as willingly aud just as gladly "roll
over" and obey the injunction to "vote it straight." Some
of these are employes of the two great corporations, hut by
far the greater number of them are hot directly connected
in any manner with them. They are simply content to live
the life and to. pass it on to their children and their chil
dren's children after them, which condemns them to sub
sist, like Lazarus of old, upon the crumbs that fall from
the rich corporation's tables.
C" "...
And now more warships called for? And to be sent all
the way to Turkey this time? Really, these wars scattered
around all over the world are getting to be a nuisance!
After taking a look at the government's report of this
year's bumper crops, consumption must be convinced that
it will have to sprint a little to keep ahead of production.
la(U> SAMS
If This Is Your Birthday
Your health I* In danger. Be temper
ate In all things which effect your
well-being. Good fortune In financial
things la- also Indicated for you.
Those born today will be lively and
attractive and will succeed beat
careers, which, though full of action,
are under the supervision of others.
Traits to be subdued are paaelon and
The ETCuing Chit Chat
By Ruth Cameron.
^ HEN you are debating any ques
tion in your mind do you give
the lawyer for the other side
a chance, or have you long
ago silenced him?
What on earth do I mean?
Just this:
There* is a woman in our little cir
cle with whom It Is a pleasure to
discuss anything because she is so fair.
I asked her once how she was able to
be so Just and reasonable and get the
other person's point of view so won
derfully, and this la what she said:
"I guess it's because I've always
tried to encourage the lawyer for the
other aide Instead of silencing him.
"Why, what do you mean?" I asked
—just as you did.
'"Well." she said, "It's this way. When
you are thinking over any matter that
has two sides, something like a wrong
you feel someone has done you, or some
disagreeable thing you know you ought
to do and Just hate to—there's a part
of you that starts in to tell the other
persqp's side of the case.
"Of course, your first instand is to
hush that part of you right up and
dwell on your own side of the case.
Now If ypu yield to that instinct the
next time the lawyer for ihe other side
speaks up inside of you, he isn't quite
so bold. And every time you silence
him, he gets more and more timid un
til he doesn't speak at all. And then
you gradually get to be the kind of
person who never sees the other fel
low's point of view of his own accord
and can scarcely see it when it's forced
on him. But if you start out by being
willing to listen to the lawyer for the
other side he's always ready to show
you the other person's point of view.
And if you give him plenty of prac
tice he learns to do it so skilfully that
he teaches yeu to be fair-minded.
"I'm mighty glad to have you say
I'm fair-minded. I mean to be, and If
I owe It all to the lawyer for the other
side, and the fact that I ve tried not
to silence hint."
Do you recognize In yourself the con
ditions that the fair-minded lady de
Perhaps it will help If I make her
concrete for you. Suppose you have
done a great deal for a certain friend,
and suppose she has some spare tickets
for a play which she knows you are
very anxious to attend, and suppose
she gives them to someone else. Of
course, you feel very much Injured and
you are rehearsing your grievance and
all you have done for her when the
lawyer for the other side steps up and
says, "But she didn't really have time
to get the tickets to you." Do you
say "Stuff and nonsense!" and try to
silence the lawyer for the other side
by your emphasis, or do you consider
his atgument? Do you refuse to listen
to him, br do you encourage him to
bring forward whatever Justification
ha can think off
ft la Mt w*r to bo fair-minded,
but K surely is a splendid quality.
And of aU tha deserving personages I
know I'm sur* non* deserves mors en
couragement from all of ua than the
lawyer for the other aide.
Th* Progressive Victory.
(The Philadelphia North American).
Now let those who fear that thla
week's election was a Progressive de
feat consider what it really meant.
Governor Johnson recently made a re
mark to us which illuminée the situa
tion clearly. He declared that the
moat statesmanlike and patriotic act
of Theodore Roosevelt's career was hla
Insistence upon th* formation of a
new party, not only In the nation, but
In «very etate and every county, be
cause this, while it made victory Im
possible in 1912, would make It Inevit
able In 191«.
Had It not been for Roosevelt's wise
and unselfish devotion to this purpose,
there would have been compromises
and combinations between the two
groups of Republicans, a division of
the electoral vote In eafely Republi
can states between Taft and Roose
ocratlc victory. But success by that
method would have been apparent, not
real, and would simply have delayed
the final conflict and the triumph of
the right.
velt and possibly a prevention of
------* I - ..i-tn— wit, hv
As a result of the Roosevelt policy.
a new party has been established. Its
foundations laid on the bedrock of
American life* and cemented with the
truest patriotic conviction», ft la a
nation-wide party, with like appeal to
the citizens of all states and all sec
tions and all parties. It is destined
to be the Instrument of. all who be
lieve that the paramount Issues of this
day are the re-establishment of genu
ine popular rule and the conservation
of human rights.
It should be left to the sodden reac
tionary to say that th* Progressive
movement, because it did not elect a
president last Tuesday, suffered a de
feat. Let the followers of special
privilege comfort themeelve* with that
Is it a defeat when à party, bom
only 90 days ago, at its first election
springs into the place of the chie f mi
nority party of the nation? When It
thrusts back into third place a party
which had ruled the nation for. 40 out
of the last 50 years? When it reduces
Republicanism to the pitiable feat of
carrying three states, with 13 electoral
votes, as against 30 states, with 321
electoral votes, only four «years ago?
When it has carried Pennsylvania,
proof against assault for a generation?
When It has carried Illinois and Mich
igan and Kansas and Washington,
boasted as impregnably Republican?
When it has won the advantage of be
ing the chief minority party in most
of the counties in New York and In a
score of other states?
If this be defeat, let the enemies
of Progressivem make the most of it.
Its followers know that in the apace
of a few months a great national party
lias been born, its standard planted
firmly in every state in the Union, its
aims supported by the ablest leaders
of thought, its principles upheld by a
militant army of patriotic Americans.
They know, and their opponents will
learn, that the war has Just begun,
and that It will not end until the evil
of special privilege has been destroyed,
self-government restored and the
rights of humanity under this flag
"Sinister Influences.''
(Salt Lake Tribune).
It would appear that the opposition
to the appointment of former Senator
Dubois as United States senator from
Idaho to fill the vacancy created by
the death of Senator Heyburn, le quiet
ing down, and that the advantage of
appointing Mr. Dubois is being point
ed out to Governor Hawley in very
plain terms from leading Democrats
all over the United States. These ad
vantages are that Senator Dubois is
well known in public life and la stroiig
with the senators that are now in of
fice. They know him well, they know
him to be trustworthy, honest, able,
and efficient. He would have no
maiden plunge to make, he would not
be a stranger in a strange place; he
would be at home upon the first day,
and heartily welcomed by many friends
among the sens tort; he knows the
senate's ways also, and Its methods of
doing business, all of which a new man
would have to -learrç. These advant
ages are such as ought not to be ig
nored in this appointment by Gover
nor Hawley.
Governor Hawley, gfter his election,
pursued a very conciliatory course to
wards the element which has now been
his undoing In Idaho; and It la certain
that he deserved better treatment from
that element than he received from It
There need he no wonder, therefore,
that in telgraphlng congratulation* to
President-elect Wilson. Governor Haw
ley took occasion to refer to the rea
eon why the Democrats lost the etate
being "on account of sinister influ
ences used In certain counties
could not be guarded against."
These Influences could not be guard
ed against, it la true, for there iojio
way of counteracting these Influences
once they are set In motion. The edi
torial In the October Improvement Bra
signed by President Joseph F. Smith
of the Mormon church, undoubtedly
had Ite influence In the counties re
ferred to by Governor Hawley,, pre
cisely as it had the deciding Influence
In Utah on the election In this state.
It took the heart out of the Bull Moose
movement at one fell sweep, and it
elated eorresoondlngly tho old reac
tionary rule here. It te evident that
Governor Hawley knows what It was
that hit him, and he has put hi* fin
ger firmly and squarely upon the sore
spot In Idaho politick
The triumphant Democracy will
hardly consent to rest quiet under this
ltgn Influence so distinctly pointed
out by Governor Hawley; and It need
cause no surprise to anyone if there
should be some form of action taken
by the victorious Democrats that
would be at once expository and. cor
The Evening Stay
Pot* Morgan was a criminal whoso
normal ststo soomed in Jail rather than
at liberty. Ho had served a term ter
burglary, was resrrssted on another
charge, brought Into court, triad and ac
quitted ter want of evidence. White
waiting for th* paper* In bis ease to
b* mad* out ho heard the prosecuting
attorney say to a messenger:
* "Go to my houa* and ask my
daughter to look In a Un box marked
Schneider a Co. In th* vault, get ont
e dead she will find there, give It to
yon end bring It back to mo."
"Are you la a harry, air V asked the
"Why do yon ask?"
"Because I'm to go on another errand
that'n very Important*' x
Dem-i"';«* Ion may dothat an
drat I won t need tha dead netew
.. . — —. M .
mis ■nsniwjn.
Pet* know th* nemo of th* pio e a c ut -
tng attorney very well. Indeed, he had
been made familiar with It by th* fact
that Mr. Wilkinson had arranged
his lodging'In prison on divers occa
sions. Moreover. Pet* bad greet per
ceptive faculties.
AM aeon as Pat* left th* cou r troo m
he sought a drug store end In e tew
minutes was taming over th* leaves
of a directory bunting for Mr. Wilkin
son's bom* address. Upon finding It
be proceeded, to that gonttenua'n
bouse, rang tbe doorbell and called
for "Mias Wilkinson." A young lady
came Into th# hall and asked Pete
what ehe could do ter him.
"Your father sent me tor e deed In
a, tin box marked Schneider * Co. la
the vault, miss."
"Oh," said tha young lady. "I rap
port he means the silver end. Jewel
vault I believe he keeps eom* law
papers there. I'll go and find them."
Misa Wilkinson tripped npetalrs to a
recess In the upper hall and began to
turn a knob on a vault door with a
view to getting inalda Pete's original
Idea waa while tbe young lady was off
looking for tbe deed to help himself to
any article of vain* In small bulk ha
might sa* and get away with It The
mention of the silver and Jewel vault
opened np new possibilities.
Peter was hesitating whether to fol
low Mias Wlnklnaon and force hla way
Into the vault when hla heart waa glad
dened by hearing her call from the
landing above:
"I find two deeds In the box. Did fa
ther aay which one he wanted?"
"I think," said Pete, "I'd know It If I
waa to see It"
"Coma up, please."
Pete sprang up tbe stairs with alac
rity. Here was the chance of hla life,
the Jewel and sliver vault standing
open with no protection except a girl.
He might not hare to do any open
work at all. Hla wlta were sharp, nnd
it waa quits possible he could make a
pretext to go Into the vaplt and slip a
few gems Into hla pocket without being
detected. He found Miss Wilkinson
standing by a table on which waa an
open tin box fall of papers. She show
ed him two deeds and asked him which
he thought her father wanted. He ex.
amlned both vary knowingly, when the
girl, noticing the name on th* box, ex
"This Isn't It at all. This te marked
'Parker & Trenadate Co.' I'U get th*
other one."
"Couldn't I do It ter yon, mlasT"
1 wish yon would. It's dark In
there, and I have trouble with my
•yea There are several boxas an the
shelf. Look for th* one marked Schnei
der A Co. end bring It ent Into th*
"Tea, min. My eyes ere first rata"
Quits beside blmeetf with Joy at this
unexpected advantage. Pet* went te
th* vault entered and. Instead of look
ing tor the boxes, cast hla eyas about
for th* valuables. There wee nothing;
so ter aa ho could see, hot a lot of tin
boxes and musty papers. But before
he could qnlt* take In tha situation he
heard th* door of th* vault shut the
knob quickly turned, end he was n
Mr. Wilkinson, sitting at hla desk In
hla office, hoard hla telephone hell ring
end took np tho receiver.
"Papa, did yon send n man tor n
deed In th* va alt?"
"Tee. Why da yen nah?*
"Whom did you send?"
"Edward Beam."
"Edward Beam didn't coma Bnt
another man came, and from th* mo
fluent I laid
"Gnat heavens!"
"Hew did rack a man know whet
yon wanted?"
"I don't know. Tell me what has
hap p ened Anything stolenT An yon
"Ob. ira all right"
"What's become of th* kuP ,
"He's bon." '
"Hen! Whet do yon mean?"
"I've locked him la th* vault"
"In th* vault r
"How la tha world did yon got Mm
thorn P
"I enticed hla."
'Tell me ell about It quick."
"Well. i told him th* deed yen want
ad was in the Jewel end stiver vault
Then I purposely took out th* wrong
box and sent him In for th* right
it I laid ay go on hlm I know ho
a hardened criminal."
Thank haaren! I wonder yen
weren't murdered."
Peter waa returned to bis accustom
ed domicile

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