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Evening capital news. (Boise, Idaho) 1901-1927, November 13, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

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David Goldstein of Boston to
Speak at the Pinney
Theater Tonight.
''Socialism in its Relation to Re
ligion and to the Christian Family,"
1 b to be the topic of the address to be
given at the Pinney theater tonight
by David Goldfetein, of Boston , the
noted anti-Socialist lecturer who is
making a tour of the country under
the auspices of the Central Verein, a
German Catholic organization for the
upbuilding of the home and country
He is also secretary of the Boston
School of Political Economy and was
associated with Mrs. Martha Moore
Avery in the publication of the widely
read book, "Socialism, a Nation of
Fatherless Children," which has been
highly'indorsed by ex-President Roose
velt, Samuel Gompers and other men
prominent in public life.
Mr. Goldstein is the man who is
given the credit of stemming the tide
of popular opinion in favor of So
cialism in Wisconsin and by his able
addresses and his thorough understand
ing of the principles of that organiza
tion, succeeded in routing the party
and administering an overwhelming
defeat to every candidate, including
Victor L. Berger, a candidate for re
election to congress, who had an
nounced that at the coming session he
proposed to have the Most Reverend
I John Bonzano expelled from this coun
try because he advised a Catholic in
quiry against Socialism.
Rev. Bonzano Informed his inquirer
that "Socialism is something more
than a mere political party; it is an
anti-Christian sect," he said, and as
evidence of his statement referred his
inquirer to Socialist writings on re
Beginning his lecture tour in Lewis
ton, Maine, Mr. Goldstein has trav
eled across the country speaking in
large cities and has met some of the
ablest exponents of Socialism in de
bates, his most recent one being at
I Beach, N. D., where he debated with
A. E. Bowen, the Socialist candidate
for governor, whom lie was success
ful In defeating in a most satisfac
tory manner, it is claimed. After his
address here, Mr. Goldstein goes to
Seattle and then Into California,
speaking at San Francisco and other
coast cities, after which he will fill
several engagements in Texas.
I win not bo responsible for any bills
contracte«! In my name after this date
without my consent In person. (SlKned)
H. G. Smith. N-14u—Adv.
Cuba Flora Cigar, mild and fine, tf
Burning coals dropped by a freight
engine started a fire on the Oregon
Short Line bridge that got beyond
control of the section gang armed with
buckets and called out the Boise fire
department shortly after 10 o'clock
last night.
When the department reached the
bridge, the second span was ablaze
The steamer was dragged to an Isl
and almost under the structure and
the suction hose dropped Into the
stream. The full power of the engine
. directed a powerful force of water
against the burning beams and within
a few minutes had the fire well under
control and out.
Train No. IS was pulled back to the
fair grounds, where the heavy engine
was taken off and a smaller one cou
pled on to haul the cars Into the city
While little damage has been done to
the bridge Itself, the span has been
somewhat weakened and the burned
beams will be replaced at once. Un
til that work Is done, the large en
glnes will be switched at the fair
grounds and the smaller ones couples
to bring In the trains today. Danger
■warnings were established last night
at both sides of the structure and the
train, that came In crept across the
span at a snail's pace until the last
coach was safely across the entire
Local Evidence.
Evidence that can be verified.
Fact is what we want.
Opinion Is not enough.
Opinions differ.
Here's a Boise fact.
You can teat It.
Mrs. J. H. Sullivan, 421 S. Thirteenth
street, Boise, Idaho, says: "About two
years ago l began to suffer from kid
ney complaint and last winter my
condition became alarming. I had
dizzy spells und was annoyed greatly
by a kidney weakness. My sleep was
badly broken and I was nervous.
Doan's Kidney Pills had previously
been used by my relatives with suc
cess and I was led to get a supply at
Joy's Drug Store. They proved very
beneficial and restored me to good
health. I gladly tell of my experience
■with Doan's Kidney pills for the bene
flt*of other kidney sufferers." (State
ment given October 28. 1907).
Lasting Effset
a later interview, Mrs. Sullivan
"Doan's Kidney Piii« effected a
permanent cure in my cate. I am al
w|yd glad to give this remedy my
highest Indorsement."
For sale by all dealers. Price 5«
cents. Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other- Adv.
Lawson Leads the Entire Ticket
in Vote Cast in Ada County

H. A. L AW80N.
study of the election returns Just
canvassed by the board of county com
missioners shows that H. A. Lawson,
representative-elect and well-known
newspaper man, polled the highest vote
of any candidate on either the national,
state or county tickets in Ada county,
With the opposition of a full fledged
^j^n 10Crat C * eK * R ' a, * ve ticket, he polled
«460 votes, more than those counted
Tor Judge W. C. Dunbar, who was
without opposition of any sort and who
led the ticket outside of the legislative
Thls enthusiastic support of the peo
ple for the ticket is considered a re
markably good showing for the legis
lative candidates. Their votes, taken
individually or collectively, are from
1000 to 1500 stronger than that cast for
the ticket two years ago, and is the
largest vote cast for any legislative
ticket in the history of the county.
The ticket received not only the nor-j
mal Republican strength, but in nddl
tion was unquestionably given manv
Democratic votes as well as the total
Progiessive strength In this county. In
voting for the ticket so'MIy. the elec
tors showed that they wished to take
no chances for fear of Jeopardizing the
Inspection of Alfalfa Ship
ped From Idaho Shows
No Weevil Pest.
(Capital News Special Service)
Vale, Ore., Nov. IS.—Idaho alfalfa
hay will not be quarantined from the
state of Oregon, according to A. Res
ter Lovett, assistant entomologist of
the Oregon Agricultural college, who
is here today investigating the re
ports of the weevil pest Infesting al
falfa hay coming to eastern Oregon
from Idaho,
Mr. Lovett, after spending a day in
looking over the alfalfa hay that had
been shipped here said: 'There is ap
parently no infested hay here and, in
fact, I have found no weevil In the
hay examined. I am certain that if
there is hay in Idaho that Is Infested
with the weevil pest that none of It
has been shipped to the railroad camps
west of this city. The weevil pest Is
the worst of all pests and must be kept
out of the state. As far as 1 am con
cerned. I will report that there is no
Infested alfalfa hay here and that
none has been shipped In. As to the
quarantine of Infested hay I will leave
that to Goverlnor West and to the at
torney general. Governor West has
found no law empowering him to place
such a quarantine as petitioned for
by the Vale ranchers and so can do
nothing In this matter. However, 1 un
derstand that Governor West expects
to pass such a measure during the next
session of the state legislature."
If your watch doss not run right,
lot us rspsir it. You will bô satisfiod.
CON W. HE88E, Jswslsr.
Chicago, Nov. 18.—Mr*. Ell* Craw
ford, a wealthy widow, murdered her
nine-year-old 'daughter, Eleanor May
Crawford, and then made two unsuc
cessful attempts to kill herself at her
home here today.
The mother, said by the police to
have become insane, drowned her
daughter In a bath tub. The woman
then attempted to hang herself and,
falling In this, she struck herself on
the head several times with a hatchet.
| interests of Senator \V. E. Borah, to
I whose re-election Ute Republican lcgis
i '"'JT « t ' Jod umtuulJtiedly ptedgod.
I The standing of the ticket on the
! vo t e cast In the county is as follows,
; H. A. Lawson 6460, Charles D. Storey
I 6*^6, Frank M. Gardner 6442, T. H.
j K ( ^h 6340 64 ° 8 ' a " d Char ' eS F
i Outside of the legislative ticket, the
j highest vote cast for any one candidate
, was that rece | V ed by William C. Dun
bar> probate j ud8e> wh0 se total
j Btren g th was 6 361, and against whom
| no opposing candidate appeared. The
I two highest votes for presidential elec
I tors were 3512 for Kurland (Progres
I sice) and 3198 for Rii-ks (Republican),
! Burton L, French, candidate for rep
resentative In congress and probably
j the best vote getter in the state and
: the leader of the ticket, fell below the
votes received by the legislative candi
^ dates in this county tills year. His
vote was 5711 and stands next to Judge
Dunbar, the leader of the ticket out
J side of the legislative candidates,
1 The overwhelming vote cast for the
! Republican candidates for the legisla
. ture showed the enthusiasm for Sona
j tor Borah and the men who had pledged
> themselves to vote for hint for re
I election to the United States Senate.
I Near the body of the child the police
! found two white silk shrouds, one In
tended for the child and the other for
the mother. Beside the shrouds lay ;i
note, telling of the use they were to
be put to. The note concluded:
"Put the body of Eleanor between
lier papa and I. I always said she
wanted to be burled beside him. Put
me next to her."
Mrs. Crawford's husband had been
dead three years.
Another element was added to the
tragedy when the police learned that
John Buchanan, 72 years old, father of
Mrs. Crawford, and with whom she
lived, disappeared yesterday.
For Stomach, Liver and In
testinal Ailments, Ap
pendicitis and Gall
Tf vou are suffering from those ail
ments and unable to obtain a cure*.
Don t Give up Hope. One dose of
Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy,
the most widely known Remedy for
»Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments
Gastritis. Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Pres
sure of Gas Around the Heart, Sour
Stomach. Distress After Eating. Ner
Exact oho
toqraph of
Mucoid and
Bil. Acer.
tiens re
moved by
vousness. Dizziness, Fainting Spells.
Sick Headache. Constipation. Conges
ted and Torpid Liver. Yellow Jaundice.
Appendicitis and Gall Stones, will posi
tively convince you of Its great powers
to cure.
It has cured thousands of sufTerers:
It has saved many lives; it has pre
vented many dangerous surgical op
erations. Put It to a test. Trv one dose
tonight. Let one dose prove its great
merit. You are not asked to take this
Remedy for weeks before you feel
benefited—one dose will convince vou
that it should cure you. Prepared bv
Geo. H. Mavr. Mfg. Chemist. 154-156
Whiting St.. Chicago.
For sale by McCrum & Deary and
other well known druggists in Boise.
The ORRINE treatment for ths Drink Habit can be used with absolute con
fidence. It destroys all desire for whisky, beer or other alcoholio stimulants.
Thousands have successfully used It and have been restored to lives of so
briety end usefulness. Can be given secretly.
ORRINE Is prepared In two forma: No. I, secret treatment, a powder, ab
solutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly In food or drink; ORRINE No. 2,
In pill form, is for those who desire to take voluntary treatment.
If you fall to get results from ORRINE after a trial your money will be re
fused. Costs only 81.00 per box. Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 13.—W. S. Brown
of Pittsburg, Pa., Imperial tre asurer of
the Ancient r.nd Arabic Order of the
Mystic Shrine, a, visitor In Dallas last
week, In company with Imperial Po
tentate William J. Cunningham of Bal
timore, lid., for the purpose of ascer
taining Dallas' ability to properly cure
for the Imperial council meeting in May
next, gave out a statement In which he
expressed himself as highly pleased
with the results of his visit and as be
ing confident that the facilities of this
city were ample In every way to care
for every visitor. He was especially
pleased with the results of a campaign
conducted by the Chamber of Com
merce, in which approximately $55,000
had been subscribed to the Blirine en
tertainment fund.
"Dallas' ability to handle conven
tions of the largest kind is known the
country over," said Mr. Brown, "but X
must say I was astonished at the met
ropolitan city 1 found upon my arrival.
I like the spirit manifested by your
business men as evidenced hy the suc
cess of the Chamber of Commerce sub
scription campaign. Jt Is gratifying to
know that your citizenship appreciates
the importance of the Order of the
Shrine and of the high standing of its!
membership. Plans for the entertain
ment of the imperial council gathering
should he laid months ahead and the
fiuct that Dallas Is doing tills Is highly
commendable. One feature that es
pecially impresses me is the splendid
hotel facilities of Dallas. In fact in
this respect Dallas offers better faclli
• es for handling large gatherings than'
many other cities In the country which
have convention prominence and the
hospitality of Dallas and old Hella is
well known to every Shrlnor In at
tendance here in 1898."
Mr. Brown was convinced that the
plan to give Shrlners an opportunity
of visiting Galveston. Houston. San Au
tonlo and other cities of the state
through the medium of special side
trips. Immediately following the cloW
of the convention, would be especially
Anti-Socialist Lecture
David Goldstein
Pinney Theatre
8:30 P. M.
Come early and choose
your seat
For aale only by SMITH â CO„ Ltd.
Reeds, Hay, Grain Bags, Twine, Flour. Feed, Coal and Wood.
Eighth St, Myrtle to Fulton. Rhone SSL Belee. Idaho,
My Name is Stil Reel
I haven't changed my name hut have changed my
politics. I am now a full fledged Democrat But I
always did like Wilson and more especially Mrs. Wil
son, for she always uses a Jewel Range to cook Wood
row's grub on, and "Wear Ever" Aluminum ware to
cook It In. She knows a good thing when she sees It or
she neCer would have married Woodrow.
Loree & Son Hardware Co.
By Feet,
•0» Main St
Protection is not expensive; it amounts to an investment
that is continually paying for itself—the peace of mind—
the sense of security—that comes from having one's valu
able papers lodged in a fire and burglar proof vault, is
worth many times the nominal cost of a safe deposit box.
Boxes in our thoroughly modern steel vault rent for $3.00
to $15.00 per year, according to size. You or your auth
orized deputy alone have access.
Boise Title & Trust Co.
' Quarterly Interest en Savings Deposit*
Varicocele, Weakness, Contracted Dlee ee ee , Prostatic Trouble» Bleed Pal—lb
Stricture, Functional Disturbance* Hydrocala» Kidnay or
Bladdar Troubla» ate»
I use Prof. Ehrllch'a wonderful new discovery, "606,' In case of blood
disorders, it Is the greatest marvel of medical science. Thla new remedy
has been used In thousands of case* Let ma explain It to you.
Impairs vitality. I dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be cured In Marly
aU cases by one treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts
are preserved and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy
circulation Is raplly re-established, instead of the depressing condition. 1
guarantee you a cure to stay cured.
Rooms 201-2-3-4 McCarty Bldg., Boles» Idaho.
Office Heure 0 a. m. to • p. m. Sunday 10 a m. to 12 m.
W. C. Williamson J. A. Ross
Poultry and Produce Distributors
The only house dealing in farm products ex*
clusively. This is the place and now is the
time to lay in your winters supply of apples and
vegetables. We also carry all kinds of dressed
poultry. :: :: :: :: ::
14th and Main St. Telephone 1306 J
The COAL That Gives Universal Satisfaction
Once Tried Always Used
The Co» 1 tb#* win net slaoki and free from dust.

popular. This matter Is now up with
the railroads and definite Information
will be given out at an early date.
The plan 1s to have four of five spe
cial trains leave Dallas at the same
hour over different railroad lines, the
itinerary to Include the principal cities
and sections of the state. In this way
\lslt«>rs will havo an opportunity of
visiting Galveston on the Gulf of Mex
ico, San Antonio, famous In Texas his
tory and the home of the Alamo; Aus
tin, the capital of Texas, and many
other places of prominence or historic
Interest. It is suggested that the trip
last three or four days, the special
trains to return to Dallas at the same
time, when arrangements will be made
for prompt railrna«] connection for vis
itors returning to their respective
homes. Mr. Brown advised that this
he given wide publicity before the
Shriners begin arranging their Itiner
November 9, 10, 1l' 12, 22, 23.
Via Oregon Phort I.lne 'for National
Apple show, National Grange meeting
and American Mining eorgress. Bee
agents for rates and further particu
lars. Th.S.Adv.N23
Just the Same.
(From Judge)
Knicker —"But you can t shoot before
the season opens."
Bocker—"It makes no difference; I
never hit anything, anyway."
We have repaired over 35,000 wateh
t. Why?
CON W. HESSE, Jeweler.
On main line of Grand Trunk
Pnrifle Railway, and the Pacific &
Hudson Ray. Millions of acres of
finest agricultural, timber and
mineral lands arc the inheiitaKO
Of WILLOW RIVER, and It is
the desire of the Railway Oom
nanv to make it one of the most
important towns in the entire
Canadian West. Lots $10 down,
$10 per month: no interest, no
taxes: 10 per cent off for cash.
Write today for full information.
531 Pacific Bidq.. Vancouver. B. C.
©5 ■ //foui' Ç5
«■'■ vr ,r'f.: at,
We have for Thursday a very »pedal lot of fine linen epeclala which are
priced to Ineure quick celling. Nearly all the lote constat of broken lines,
odd* nnd end«, but the quality la of the very beet and all are In excellent
In one lot we show an assortment of all linen Dollies, Lunch Bquarea,
Dresser Covers and largo Table Covers with scolloped edges. The round
pieces come In 24, SO and 36-Inch sizes, the square In else 30xS0 Inches,
and the scarfs 18x54 Inches; extra special for QF
Thursday, each............................................. wwC
_ See display In our windows.
Positively the best values shown In Boise In this lot of fine linen
Table Damask and pattern cloths. These are broken Unas without
napkins to match and come In widths of 2 and 2H yards and all
lengths from 2 to 3 yards. Some few particular patterns have
napkins to match but we also have some odd dozens of napkins.
The original prices run from the cheaper grades to the very best.
In order to close out the lot we have priced the entire Une without
regard to cost
Special lot of 15-lnch hemmed
and hemstitched all linen lunch
eon Napkins In attractive pat
terns. These are new goods Just
received and are excellent values
at. for Thursday
dozen .........
$ 2.95
A special purchase and eels of
Irish hand loom damask DolUes
with fringed edge* Extra value
... 10c
for Thursday,
A special purchase was made at about 60c on the dollar of a line of all
linen Napkins for our Thanksgiving linen sale and we still have a small
quantity left. We have divided them Into 2 lota and our prices cannot
be duplicated In Boise.
LOT NO. 1—22H-Inch Napkins, tan
per dozen ............................................... yOiUU
LOT NO. 2—24-Inch Napkins, tag Q|J
Odds and ends for quick selling. Hemstitched, aU linen damask Towels;
size 22x40, only five dozen left; Thursday special, QQ
All linen Huck Towels, size 18x36, only 3 dozen left; A4 AA
Thursday special, 6 for..................................... $ I |UU
Hemstitched Huck Towels, fancy patterns; size 19x39; tad AA
Thursday special, 6 for..................................... ^ I ilIU
All linen hemstitched Pillow Cases; size 45x36; one dozen only; Cf|n
Three only; all linen Sheets; size 90x96; hemstitched ready to ®Q FA
use; Thursday special, each ................................ y£i3U
10 dozen all linen fringed damask Napkins; OQr»
Thursday special, dozen ....................................... £3C
Three special values In Table Linen by the QC. tad tad C|J
yard; extro for Thursday, per yard .......33C) y I itU) 9 ■ <33
■ In widths from 15 to 22 Inches; very beet quality; Rfl« I
l Thursday only, yard .................................... 3UC J

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