7"................. . ........... . . ........ , AROUND 1 JOBEYAU .EY LOOP Nampa Agent HALLY WILSON Phono 485-W. Je Re STOTT! REPORTER ; Phono 9-R-4, Séisa QaMwall Agent K. MILLER 'Phone* 452R or 19 iumpi runs pine OF EIGHT CITY BLOCKS Resolution Providing Action In troduced at Council Session; Project Would Cost Approxi mately $80,000. Nampa, Feb. 18.—This city's Indus trial program for this year continues to expand, paving, Involving an ex penditure of approximately 880,000, having "been added to Its already en tensive program through the introduc tion of a resolution by Councilman Gray at the moeting of the city council last night. The resolution, which met a highly favorable reception, provides for the paving of eight blocks. The territory to be pa'ved embraces Kiev - enth avenue to Third street and thence south to the high school. Plans have already been initialed for the comple tion of the municipal sewerage system on the south side and for- the installa tion of a system on the north side an approximate cost of about 8250,OOoJ More than 825,000 is to be expended on the improvement of highways in proximity to the city and with the many residences which are to be erect-' ed the prospect for a very busy year looms big for the city. NAMPA Nampa, Feb. 18.—Fred Davis, the local real estate man, transacted busi ness in Caldwell yesterday. V. T. Elver of the Diver Clothing company was a business visitor to Boise yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gifford of Rey nolds are visiting in the city. J. H. Parish of Meibu spent yester day In the city. Mrs. Frank Gurley of Austin, Cal., Is visiting in the city. W. If. Philbrick of American Falls Is a business visitor in the city. Walter I* Johnston has returned „ from Camp Lewis, where lie has been under military training the past sc eral months. Mrs. Sherman Majors was the guest of Caldwell friends yesterday. A. \V. Hoy, secretary of the Com mercial club, spent yesterday in Boise. Attorney G. \V. Lamson transacted legal business in Boise yesterday. Jacob Lock man was a business visi tor to Boise yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Graybill is reported quite 111 CALDWELL. 18.—^-Attorney W. i legal business Caldwell, Feb. Stone transacte Boise yesterday. IT. A. Shell en berger of Boise, mann per of the Mutual Creamery company, was a business visitor in the city yes terday. Attorney K. T. Schreiber of Boise transacted legal business in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Myers visited In Nampa last evening. The birth of a daughter is reported nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilson. J. G. IT. Gravely of Boise was a biTsi ness visitor in the city yesterday. O. F. Spinner of Boise spent yes terday In the city. A. P. Alexanderson was a Boise vis itor yesterday. MERIDIAN Meridian, Feb. 18.—Will Howry was a Boise visitor yesterday. Mrs. Ren Saylor of Boise visited here yesterday. A. L. Hancock,, who has been quite 111 the past month, is reported to be Blightly improved. Berward Lee transuded business in Boise yesterday. William Deck was a visitor to Boise yesterday. James A. Pack Sr. looked after busi ness Interests in Boise yesterday. W. A. Palmer spent today In Boise. STAR Star, Feb. 18.—Mrs. Watt, of Boise, Visited with home folks here Sunday. Miss Bertha Gregory spent Sudday with relatives in Boise. Mrs. Taylor, wife of Mr. Taylor, pro cessor of Star schools, arrived here yesterday from Colorado. if. A. Camp, Of Boise, was here Mon day on business. Miss Maragrette Bennet was a Boise Visitor Monday. Mesdames Bass, Ohl, Davis, Wehr d Kllngler will give a silver tea, Frt Feb. 21, at the home of Mrs. T. . Kllngler, for the benefit of the M. £» church. HIGH 8 CHOOL BUILDING B0ND8. Caldwell, Feb. 18.—At an election to be held here tomorrow the citizens will determine whether they will issue bonds in the sum of 815,000 for the construction of an annex to the high school building. Bonds in the sum of 860,000 were issued some two years ago for this purpose, but the work was delayed because of war activities and H fer held that additional bonds to the amount proposed will be necessary to complete such an addition as Is de sired. EAT AT TUB COLONIAL CAFE Th* Mss* Ps p id a r and Up-to-Onto Cafe hi CsMmE j, £■ I MMMMM A DNM MOMMW First Installment for New Iron Foundry of Portland Capi talists at Nampa. Nampa, Feb. 18.—The first Install ment of machinery for the Iron foun dry which la to be Installed In this city by Portland capitalists has been made and the second shipment is to be made this week with a view to opening the Industry at an early date. J. B. Mant, the manager of the fac tory. has writteff A. W. Hoy, secre tary of the Chamber of Commerce, saying: "I am sending to Nampa one of the finest welding plants west of Chicago and X hope th%t it won't be long until I have a foundry that Nam pa will be proud of." —_ * hamp», Feb. 18. At last night's mee t' n S °* the city council the follow ln £ ^ere appointed as judges and clerks atj°*.7, a Pl 1roac M n K city election: First ' var< ^ Mrs. H. B. Compton, * „ ff; C ' J°yaer, Miss Sherm, Mrs. Ju " a Olmstedt and Mrs. Ed. Reiber, J' econ<1 ward—Mrs. Agnes Wilson, Rumlser - E - 8- Cushman, A. NAME OFFICIALS IN NEXT CITY ELECTION AT NAMPA Dillard and P. W. Duffes. Third ward—Mrs. John Rinker, Mrs. Ida Everley, Mrs. James Fairley, Mrs. Minnie Duval and Mrs. Fred Mock. ■ NAMPA OFFICER NAMED WAR TUTOR AT MOSCOW Nampa, Feb. 18.—Lieutenant Ronald Everley of, this city has been selected as the instructor of the military de partment of the State University at Moscow, and has assumed the duties of his position. Lieutenant Everley served overseas with the 91st division and was severely wounded In the battle of Ar gonne Forest. He but recently return ed to the United States and visited in this city with his mother »1rs THa | Everley, some two weeks ago 1 BUILDS THREE FINE HOMES. Meridian, Feb. 18.—Three new, mod ern residences, Involving an expendi ture of about 83000 each, are being erected by Mrs. James Flood, Will Howry and W. F. Turner. Indications point to greater build ing activity here this spring than for several years. Among the local people who looked after business Interests in Boise. Three or ^our new cases of the In fluenza are reported near town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ellis visited In Boise today. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Cieek of Gooding are visiting here. Anthony Hamiloreth was a Nampa visitor today. WANT SUNDAY MOVIES. Caldwell, Feb. 18.—Petitions are be ing circulated throughout the city for the permission of the council to oper ate the moving picture shows of the city on Sundays. Fifty-one per cent of the citizens of khe city will be re quired to sign the petition before they will be granted. POULTRY MARKET SOLD. Caldwell,, Feb. 18.—The Marsh & Breshears poultry market has been purchased by Mrs. Frank Holgate and Bert Paris. The new proprietors have already assumed control. CALDWELL LAUNDRY ROBBED. Caldwell, Feb. 18.—The Troy laun dry was burglarized last night and a suit of clothes and $10 in cash taken by the burglars. No clue to the rob bery has been secured* We've started out to make 19Î6 our Banner Dia mond Year, and we are going to make It successful because our customers rely on us when mak ing purchases. Diamonds we are now selling were selected with unusual care at a time when Price were greatly below present market quotations, and it follows that you will benefit from our far Sightedness. SERVICE The value of a service Is mani fested under the pressure of ex traordinary conditions. Laugh Hn Diamond Servies la the devel opment of years of strict adher snes to the principle of serving conscientiously. j. T. LAUWUI Ths Recognized PiemiC Merchant M2 MAIN «T. Quality- Ba rel as MARKETS NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, Feb. 1J.—-Prices were re actionary higher at the opening of the stock market today. United States Steel opened at 92%, up %; Murine preferred, 102, up %; Mexican Petroleum, 77, off % • Utah Copper, 68%, up %; General Motors, 139%, up % ; Reading, 79%, up %. Marine preferred was weak in late trading. United States Steel closed at 91%, off %; Baldwin, 78%, off %; Ma rine preferred, 100, off 1%; Mexican Petroleum, 175, off 2%; Crucible, 57%; General Motors, 139, up %. GRAIN. Chicago, Feb. 18.—Prevailing lower prices ruled in grain futures trading on on the Chicago board of trade today. A report that no hog price will be fixed for next month and that the market will be left to take care of it self, was a bearish Influence. Provi sions were sllgijtly higher. February corn, down %c at the open ing, 129, later lost %. March corn, off % at 126,^he opening, was up %. May corn, 1% lower at the opening, 121%, sold off lc. July corn, down % at the opening, 118, subsequently was lc lower. February oats, opening late at 58%, off %, later lost %. March oats, un changed at the opening, 58%, remain ed at that price. May oats, down % at 58%, the opening, was off % in later trading. July oats, down %c at 56%, the opening, was off %. LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Chicago, Feb. 18.—Hogs—Receipts, 5900; market lower; butchers, 17.55@ 17.75; packing, 16.75@17.45; light, 17@ 17.75; pigs, 14.50® 16.50; roughs, 160 16.75. Cattle—Receipts, 17,000; market ac tive and steady; beeves, 10.7o@20; but chers and Stockers, 8.25tri) 15.50; cannors and cutters. 60)7.50; Stockers and feed ers, 8.25® 15; cows, 8.25015.50; calves, 16.50 @16. Sheep — Receipts, 16.0QO; market strong, 25c higher; wool lambs, 13.50® 18.10; ewes, 5.50012. OMAHA. South Omaha, Feb. 18.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 7500; market steady; steers, 13.60@18.20; cows and heifers, 6.25@14; Stockers and feeders, 7015.25; calves, 7@13.75; bulls and stags. 9.23010.50. Hogs—Receipts 17,50 ÿj market to 15c lower; bulk of sales, 17.10@17.50; top. 17.75. Sheep—Receipts, DS00; market 25c@ 40c higher; yearlings, 9® 14.50; wethers 8.50@13; lambs, 13017.50; ewes, 6@ 11.50. KANSAS CITY. Kansas City, Deb. 18.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 10,000; market steady; steers, 18® 19; cows and heifers, 7%14; Stock ers and feeders. 7.50% 16; calves, 7014. Hogs—Receipts, 15,000; market 10c lower; heavy, 17.40@17.90; medium, 17.30@17.70; light, 16.90@17.35. Sheep—Receipts 3000; market steady; lambs, 17@17.50; ewes, 10.50011.25; Stockers and feeders, 10017. PORTLAND. Portland, Feb. 18.—Catlle—Receipts, 103; tone of market, steady. Best steers, 813.00014.00; good to choice, 811.75@12.75; medium to good, 810.750 11.75; common to fair. 89.50010.75; choice cows and heifers, 8S.50@D.50; good to choice, 88.75@9.75; medium to good, 87-7508.75; fair to medium, 86.00 @7.00; cannera, 83.5005.00; bulls, 86.00 @9.00; calves, 89.00@13.50; Stockers and feeders, 89.00010.00. Hogs—Receipts, 276; market, steady. Primo mixed, 816.60016.85; medium mixed, *lé. 35016.60; rough, heavy. 814.30@13.25; bulk, 812.25@14.50. Sheep—Receipts. none; market, steady. Prime lambs, $14.00@14.50; fair to medium lambs, 810.000^3.00; yearlings. 10.00@11.00; wethers, 89.00® 10.00; ewes, 86.5608.75. PRODUCE. NEW YORK. New York, Feb. 18.—Flour—Quiet and unchanged. Pork—Dull; mess, 49@50. Liard—Dull and irregular; middle west, spot, 25.60@25.70. Sugar—Dull; centrifugal, 96 test, 7.28; refined, dull; cut loaf, 10.50; crushed, 10.25; powdered, 9.15; granu lated, 9. Coffee—Rio No. 7, on the spot, 15%. Tallow—Steady; city, 8%; special, 9%. Hay—Steady; prime No. 1, 1.4001.50; No. 3. 1.10® 1.20. Clover—1 ® 1.35. POTATOES. Chicago, Feb. 18.—Potatoes — Re ceipts. 40 cars; Wisconsin and Minne sota, 1.4601.55. LOCAL MARKETS. The wholesale prices are the prices paid by the dealer for the product quoted, except on creamery, cube but ter and cheese. WHOLESALE PRICES. Livestock and Poultry. Cowa per cwt..................6.50®8 Steera, per cwt.......... 88010 Choice hogs, per cwt...... V $15@15.B0 Medium hogs ..............$14.50015 Heavy hogs ....................814.06 Mutton, per lb., lve weight......9016c Hens, per lb........................22c Ducks, live weight, per lb..........20c Geaast live weight, per lb..........18c Ttirfceys. live weight, per lb........25r Spring chickens. Ib............22@25o Wholesale quotations by Mutual Creamery Co.: Dbtter fat, per lb........... 44o Milk for butter fat, per lb.........E4c Creamery butter, per lb...........45c Cuba butter, per lb. .............43c Fnab ranch eggs, per cane *9.50016.00 Retail Prices. Beets, per bunch .......... Carrots, per bnnch ..............12% 0 Hew Onions, per lb,.................4o Lettuce, par head ......15c, 2 for 25c Parsnips, per lb...............Vs...3c Celery, per bunch .............5010c Green onions. par bunoh.....*..,...io Radishes .......... ioc New cabbage, per lb............Io06e Rutabaga tvrnlps, lb.................. Potatoes, 10 lbs.............! 77725c Squash, per lb...............77!i%c Potatoes, per cwt..............'.7.7*2.00 Fresh eggs, per doz. ..........7.7. .40c Creamery butte*, per lb.......47©50c Ranch butter, per lb...........40045c Graham flour. 24 lbs..............|; -S o Buckwheat, 5-lb. sack.........77.70c Buckwheat, 10-lb. sack...........ji.25 Barley flour, 10 lbs................ ... Rye flour, 10 lbs.................7 85c Table bran, 10 lbs..........,....7.750c Whole wlpat flour, 0-lb. sack..65075c Graham floqr, 6-lb sack.........65 0 753 10 lbs. eorn flour..................... Rolled oats, 10 lbs.............7.756? Corn meal, 24 Iba..............'..*1.50 Flour, high patent, per 48-lb. ................................ Rice, per pound ...............12 %c Eastern lard, 10-lb. pall..........*2.90 Local lard, 10-lb. pail.............*2.75 FRUITS Apples, per box ..............*303.25 POULTRY. Hens, per pound .:................ ... Roasting chickens, per lb. .........40c Spring fryers, per lb..............40o Regular hams, per lb...............3g 0 Rabbits, per lb........................ A Danville, N. H., man who believes in saving coppers and nickels paid his taxes .with 8119.55 in buffalo nickels, 811.80 in old style nickels and 80 Ini Lincoln cents and Indian head cents. Buying a buggy, nearly new, at auc-~ tion, he paid for it In coppers, and he also paid 827 in cents for a purchase made away from home. I Œobap'g jFastfjtonj ****** By MME. FRANCES A A Youthful "Sunday Frock'' of Old Blue Charmeuse. "SUNDAY FROCK'' is what every school girl needs. This Sunday frock may also be worn to the Saturday matinees and will be useful for vacation wear. Just such a gown Is developed ln old blue charmeuse along the simple lines of this model. Japanese embroidery ln shades of light and dark blue with touches of orange yellow make a de ligbtful trimming on sleeves, collar and pockets. The belt is embroidered and the kimona sleeves are faced with orange. [ WORDS of WISE M£N I To do Is to succeed.—ScMJIer. We are near waking who never dream that we dream.— Novalis. The symbols of the Invisible are the loveliest of what 1s visible .—Byron Young men, what are you going to do In the great future?—If. A. Burnett. We have no right to feel badly because other people do not like us. The Ren. A. K. B. Boyd. I could hardly feel much confidence In a ipan who had never been imposed upon. —Guesses at Truth. I know not what I could have been, but I* am not what I should ba — Byron. ... Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts, for if you let it pass the desire may never return, and you may remain In Ignor ance. —ll'irt. • • • If a cause be pood, the mont violent at tack of its enemies will not injure It so much as an injudicious defence of It bjr its friends.— Colton. TOO LATE TO CLAS8IFY FOR SALE—15 acres, highly improved. Phone 62J4. F24c FOR SALK or trade, 160 acres, 40 acres been under cultivation, small buildings, on main road. Will trade for small acreage. Value 82000. Ad dress. 2522, care Capital News. F24c FOR SALE;—Yearling heifer and 8 month-old steer. Phone £447. F20c WIDOW wants position as cook for bachelor or widower. Box 2521, Cap ital News. F20c FOR RENT—8 acres, north end of town; rent reasonable; house and barn. Inquire 1220 N. 12th st. F24 WANTED—Experienced shop foreman, one who has the ability tp handle men. Also electrical experience. Ad dress No. 2523, care Capital News. F24 FOR SALK—One 6-year-old bay horse, weight 1300 lbs. Phone 45-R-L F24o NETTED Gem potatoes, *1.66 per cwt, delivered; 300 lbs. or more, *1.50 per cwt Phone 16-J-l. tlF24c FOR SALE—4 room cottage on 16th •t. close ln; also garage for 2 ma chines. Price «000. • Call L. E. Eck, 201 Yates bldg. tf VOR SALK—5 good work horses; 3 good sets of harness, good light wa# on; also good buggy, m g. *th at FI 80 Here Are Some Beauty Ways to Avoid Premature Grayness By LUCREZIA BORI . The Famous Spanish Prima Donna , G Ratness at ths hair Isn't necessarily a sign of disease or even of age. Some times this tendency to become gray la duo to "heredity,v It Is commonly 'X pressed. It is oar talnly true that •oms families have a greater tendency to premature gray neos than others. Gray h a I r Isn't but i-UCKJtZlA boni necessarNy a drawback to beauty, it does make a woman look older, and robs her of that freshness which ws ao aoclftte with youth. Therefore, when It Is possible to over come this tendency by natural pro venttves, a woman should certainly em ploy them. Massage that will stimulate the dreu atton of your blood In the roots of your ■air and throughout your scalp is of rreat benefit ln keeping and In restor ing the color If your hair Is Inclined to um gray prematurely. Quo Helpful Aid. A stimulating hair tonic should bo used ln conjunction with this massage. \ lotion which Is commended highly for checking premature grayness Is mads of lie following Ingredients: Sulphate of Iron........... 1 dram Bulphume...................% dram Tincture of jaborandl..... 1 ounce Extract of rosemary..... 4 drama Extract of thyme......... 4 drams Rectified spirits............ 1 ounce Glycerins................... 1 ounce Elder flower water........ % pint Add the Iron to the spirits, ths glycer :ne to the extracts and the tincture and lie sulphume to the perfumed water, well mingled and inoorpor ted. Then add the first mixture to the ccond, and finally unite those with the lhlrd - Apply this lotion to your scalp with 1 ' T,a ' 1 hlt * of absorbent cotton. KITCHEN ECONOMIES By ISOBEL BRANDS Of ths Attiserait tLsferiment Station Solving Some Furnishing and Refurnishing Problems. H j j j |OW can a room be made beautiful? That Is the question which Is bslng ' asksd by many of those who de ferred furnishing and refurnishing dur ing war time, but who now are eager to make boautlful their homo surroundings. I believe that ln the past we have con centrated a bit too much on the search for Individual bits of beautiful furnish ing. Some women have almost a erase for beautiful ruga, and 1 have been ln homes where the furniture was almost ugly, pictures and hangings ln poor tasts, but on the floor were rugs of great beauty. I know of one room where a 10000 grand piano dominates with stately In congruity over a miscellaneous assort ment of cheap-looking furniture. And I shall never forget a 9x12 dining room crowded with massive furniture of great price that that there was no room to sit down any where. There are two good tests of beauty ln furnishing, to my mind. One lz, whether your eye is caught by individual pieces of furniture or by the general beauty of the entire room. , It upon entering a room you feel a general sense of loveli ness and comfort, and your eye Is not caught by any ono particular bit, you can be sure that you have entered a really harmoniously furnished apart ment. As soon as one piece of furni ture arrests the attention upon enter ing a room It Is proof that the selec tion or the placing of the furniture la not In accord with genuine beauty. The Comfort Tost. The second test Is that of comfort. Do you feel like sitting down In the room you have entered? A room In a home should make one feel like remaining there. We all know beautiful places felt on entering which are, nevertheless, ''stand-up" TOO LATE TO CLA8SIFY HELP WANTED—First-class automo bile mechanic; must give reference; salary from *156 to *250 per month. M. & M. Garage, Emmett, Ida. F22 A SHIPMENT of roller skates just ar rived at Kimery's, 816 Idaho st. tlF24 BRIGHTER up your old floor with Rubber Cement floor paint; exclusive agents. Klmery Hdw. and Paint Co., 816 Idaho st UF24 PUBLIC auction sale Saturday. Feb. 22. at 13th and Grove. Frank D' Amant, sales manager. Phone 2181-J. tlF21 FOR SALE—Choice Plymouth Rock cockerels. O. E. Peret, Wilder, Ida. F24c EVERYTHING you need for spring housecleaning at Klmery*s. 816 Ida ho st tlF24 TWO nicely furnished hot water heat ed rooms, bath. Phone 1726, 522 Franklin. F24 FOR SALE PR TRADE. ^ 26 Acres A-l land one mile from Me- ridian. All highly improved. Good buildings, electric lights, deep well soft water furnished by electricity to house and barnyard; 2 acres family orchard. Price 8206_ per acre, or will take as first payment a well im- proved 40. Terms on bälanee. 3. P. -Moon. Route No. 2, Meridian, Ida. F24 LOST—Pocketbook at Majestic theatre on night of Feb. 7. Name and ad dress in pocketbook. Finder pleas* return to Box 26, Nampa. Reward. F16e LOST—Pair of glasses; return to the office at the Mode. Reward. FI 2 c QIVENS HOT SPRING* HOTEL will be open March L * Mile FOR RENT— Apartment; I reams and sleeping porch, close ln; aloe 5 meres, 20 acres ahd a 74-acre ranch. Idaho _ Realty Co., 206 N. 6th sL tf NOTICE 1» hereby given that the American Grocery will be sold out at cost commencing Monday, February 17, 1818. lit N. 8 th sL Phene 54. tunic In using a hair tenta It Is wall to pour small amount Into a saucsr and to -work with this until It is sxhaustsd, adding a now supply from the bottle as needed. In this way you will not wasto or 'n any way contaminate ths supply ln th * bottle by reaoaklng the bits of absorbent cotto*. An egg shampoo that oonslsU of thor oughly rubbing both the yolk and the whites of two eggs Into the scalp and afterward rinsing with warm watar hi * n oxcellsnt tonic for hair Inclined to * urn * ny - Ths relk of the egg help» to * u PPly the Iron neoded by the odor plg ment of the hair, Other Simple Ways. Another lotion which is said to aid In restoring oolor to hair which Is fading cr becoming gray through Illness or _ _________ _____ _______ ' mental exhaustion Is mads u follows j ___________________ throw your heir forward over your face and to let your head drop forward so that the under portion of your hair may be thoroughly reached and warmed by the sun. 1 If ths waather Is too cold to bo out | doors elt ln the sun beside a window. Tincture acetate of Iron.. 1 ounce Water....................... 1 pint Glycerine................... % ounce Sulphuret of potasalu m.. I grains Mix ths Ingredients well and leave the bottle uncorked* to let the disagreeable odor of the potassium pass off. After ward perfume the mixture with a few» drops of oil of lavender and ell of cloves. Rub a little of tbto tonic dally Into your scalp with the tips of your fingers, using a rotary motion, and being care ful to 1st no part of your scalp escape this stimulating rub. Sunning your hair will help to prevent grayness. This should be Indulged ln at leajt ones a week. The sun's rays ars a wonderful hair tonic. When ths weather permits, sit out of doors with your hair hanging loossly. Changs your position occasionally so that the top, the sides and the back of your hair may be penetrated by the warm glow of the sun. To havs the sun reach the back of your hair successfully It Is necessary to rooms. You enter the hall, and cannot help admiring the fine antique chair you observe, er the graceful console table, but you pause only long enough to admire. It la true the library has fine looking leather chairs, but they do not attract you. Tho living room may be ln perfect taste, and all as right as right can be—and yet you somehow do not feel like lingering—no chair Menu to Invite you. There are many homes, wealthy once, too, Just like this. Furniture has bean bought, and It has boon selected because It was costly, or In vogue, or attracted the eye temporarily. But It does not lit Into tho rooms or other furnishings, and thus It elsshes. Simplicity it Bast. Select furnishings and furniture with «ye to their comfort, and bearing ln mind the rooms they are to occupy, truly comfortable room should look "hullt-ln"—as though evory piece had been made espeetslly to blend with the color and spacing. This Is not at all difficult If one Is willing to spend a little time end care on the problem. Moreover. If you will study your room and decide on the furnishings on this bests you will probably be able to maka a more beautiful room at far lesa cost than If you simply want out and bought furniture. Finally, let us be simple la eur fur nishings. Ths fewer the furnishings the more restful the atmosphere. Don't clut ter your home with to many objects— even if they are all beautiful—that your rooms become museums instead of liv ing places. Have only one type of pat tern ln a room. If tho walls are -figured, then draperies and coverings and rugs must be plain. If you have a many colored rug, then all ether colors must be subdued or there will be a disturbing I clash In the general schema of things. TOO LATE TO CLA8SIFY CALL that man Dick when selling furniture. Ba has a machine and will call promptly. Standard Kx change store, 12th and Main. Phono »L tl tf WHEN you want to tura call T45W. your turn! tl tf LIBERTY BONDS—If you have ono to sell, call or write N. A. Hanan, 245 Sonna Block, Boise. tl—tf FOR RENT—Pleasant furnished room and bath at 608 Hayg. T1F19 0 * 06*060606664644 ♦ 5 ACRES, no buildings; In ♦ ♦ hustling, bustling Meridian, for ♦ ♦ sale or trade. Write 1115 * ♦ State. Phone 2851-W. tl tf ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>+♦♦ FARMS for rent are in big demand, but cannot bo had. Her* la a 40 acres, small house and somwhat im proved; close to Boise; for *4500; *750 down. See us—Day Realty Co., Phone 50—1006 Main. tl tf WE HAVE a customer who defitres to purchase a good 5 or 4-room bung alow; will put ln *2000 cash down. Call and get particulars if you desire to sell. Schooler-Starling Agency, Overland Bldg. tl FI HOUSE for rent Is hard to find, but you con buy this 6-room bungalow for- *220# on rant terms. We have several good buys in houses on good tonna Day Realty Co, loot Main. Phono 56. tl tf WANTED—50-rod H.lnch wire fence, chicken proof. P. O. Box 222. Tue Thur Sun F2S «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦G ♦ ♦ ♦ 10 ACRES—This is ono of the best * ♦ buys In Boise valley, close to ♦ 0 Bola«, fine 5 room bungalow. ♦ 0 good baaoment, good barn, chicken ♦ ♦ house, abode and lawn, 2% acres 4 0 • year old prunes, 2 acres apples, 0 0 balance pasture and garden, deep ♦ ♦ well. Coat *8000, but you can * 0 have It for 65750; *060 will handle. « ♦ IDAHO REALTY CO, « 0 202 N. 8th St 0 0 *P 16 It 26 « ♦ ♦ THE IDAN-HA LEADING HOTEL OF BOISE. Europea n Plan. In the center of everything. Commercial ami BtooKgrawara Headquarters. FIRST-CLAM DINING ROOM Rates without bath, fljOO up With bath. «MC up. IOANHA HOTEL CO* Prop. HOTEL GRAND BOISE'S NEWEST HOTEL. Commercial Men's Headquarters— Most Attractive Lobby In tho State, FRANK BLACKINGER, PROP. Strictly Mod erf}. Popular Prises, THE BRISTOL. Balaa'a Popular Hotel. Now and Strictly M adorn. POPULAR PRICES. DR. H. A. QALLEGLY. AMERICAN CAFE TOO MAIN 8T. American and Chinese dishes. Noodles and Chop-Suey a>ur specialty. Mer chants' Lunch, short orders. Music and dancing. Open from 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. IN EFFECT DEC. 1. 191» Interurban Tima Tabla Boiee Valley Traotion Company NORTHERN DIVISION Lv. Boise for Eagle, Star, Middleton and daldwetl—7:00. 0:00, 11:60 a. m.; 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00. 7:00. 0:00, 11:00 p. m. Lv. Boisa for Duncan—8:00 a. m. and 0:10 p. m. Lv. Duncan for Boise—8:21 a. m. and 6:35 p. m. SOUTHERN DIVISION. Lv. Boise for Meridian, Nampa and Caldwell—6:30, 0:00, 10:00, 12:00 a. m.; 2:00, 4:00. 5:00, 6:00. 6:00, 10:00, *11:00 p. m. ■ To Nampa only. Lv. Boise for McDermott—6:20, 10:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Lv. McDermott for Bolso—2:65. 10:56 a. m. and 5:55 p. m. Schedule subject to change with out notice. Pacific MEMBER Mot* Ann! FEDERAL National RESERVE Bank SYSTEM. CAPITAL $300,000.00 THE H: F. NORTON CO., INC. 15th Avo. and Front 8 L NAMPA, IDAHO. PHONE SI Dealers In Hldee, Tallow, Pelts, Wool and Fors< Price list mailed to you upon raquoat Try ut with a shipment SCHREIBER SIDENFADEN UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Finest Undertakinf Estab lishment and Funersi . Chapel in tba Stafea Wwtt Ambuknca. UPHOLSTERING and Furniture Reputing a Specialty. Prompt service Standard Furniture Co. Telephone 597. J. M. THISSEN DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. Consultation and Analysis Proa. 207-8 Y «tos Bldg. Car. 9th and Main. Phone 4Z7-J. Only Ono "BROMO QUININE." To get tho genuine, call for full naras LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets. Look .for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 20c. Ta. CECIL ft BRIDGES ' O. C. Ph. C. CHIROPRACTORS. Consultation Free. McCarty Bldg. Phone A. E. UND CHIROPRACTOR Not Medicine, not Surgery, net O«6o opa thy. Consultation and Anfilyafe Free.— , 9M Overland Bldg Phone 11B Solan isl. WART ADS GIVE KlSULTf