sEwP ïk ,th* rnmiwUiInn V«Wf IMIinMluIh (Cwrfiu.»akrKaiMw) .. UCta WA *$••* __t et mb'* | pmuATe «rock «a» T - w —, 6CT a Mt * x A ruftNAC* IBB**»*«*. M*t> Wtt W«c MCHI -1% au. -m« Wdicim» , VfU WAMT. 6«t j h i ■: —? I* V»A*^ * 1 V MAS * ^ 1 fuibmacb iMcpAiitc* AM»«T»OOS AWt> KieueR wiATcH Y«Ü CAM »TAUT «\«Mr IM. t AO*T «OT AM UVUMr CALL. « 1 « 7 DooDl« %TM«r. Hu*HY owT The*«. t'ifL PHome ■ TWeM THAT t*v€ UNIT A MAM lt>«A, JCFP 7T U mr* iii 1 1 h* no clock ■me MOM'S TH« PLAM. IM a FCPI LM MOT* * r*u. Be »AMPUNfc -mvt suVL t»AtWATtf STOCK. "C ceRTAIMLV.] CûTTA HAKlb'»T T» MUTT r»» ~ • // 1'M *#• GLAD \SO*UC COM«. TM« fUfeNACC 8WK« O0UM0 LAST M6HT AMbTHC PARSON A4« IS Vierv uNC*Mf»«TAO»*, ST«P RIGHT pavod street, 11-foot lot. for ♦ « 14000, on «asy tonna Or will + ♦ taka ttOW spot cash; close In, * ♦ Northwest part of town. Pos- * ♦ session. * ♦ ♦ « W. *. BOOTH * « «0T Baasok Street. ♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BUT this flar pear Christmas pressât. Brand new I rss sn buagalow, good looatlon sa «or lias, worth «4150. Will sell for I IT50, $750 cash, balanoo by the month. Five-room modern cottage on pavement, (2100. good oasy terms. Four-room houss, close In. 81200; 8100 cash, balance monthly. Five-acre suburban home on oar line tor $1780. Ten-acre dairy ranch, macadam road, 82760. Five aoroo orchard and clover, no buildings, $1500, easy payments. Ideal place for suburban home BOISE REALTY CO, Up Iren Stairway, Ninth and Mala, FOR RALE—5 room bungalow with sleeping porch, modern all but heat, located on Harrison boulevard corner lot, furnished with good new furniture com plete. This Includes dlshea bedding .table linen, all ready to go to housekeeping. Immed iate possession. Pries 84600. Tanas. W. F. CONLEY * OOw M5&S& --**"**■ ions 884R A $♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ BARGAIN8 IN GOOD HOMER OH EASY PAYMENTS AU» MODERN EXCEPT HBAT. $ wmmm, seat sad trim. ••$••. Terms, MM «sah. •-room brick, fMs shape, large lot lawn, shade and garage, $2865. Terms, lioo cash. I rooms, screened porches, store room and ooal shod. $;ooo. Terma $800 ttirti ■ to «ma «loss la good shape, $1100. Twins $850 cash. Many other buys squally good. TOKP PEKWEI N AND ARAL Ronna Bleek. Phons 1419W. \ AN EXTRA SPECIAL ► OFFERING. » » AN EASTERN client Instructs ¥ me to sell his splendid block of ¥ ground, $2 lots, on the south ¥ side, at $4000,. and will take a ► good car as part of first pay ¥ ment. It has a fair 4-room house ► and good barn. Irrigation water, ¥ close to car line, and they are ► some snap, chance te double ► your money In a short time. Let ► ins ahow them to you. 6 See A. M. BOLDON 5 807 Bannock Street. FOR QUICK BALE •-room bungalow; bath, lawn; good condition: good walking distance; •700 cash, balance 8200 a year. BEAUTIFUL BOISE HOME • rooms, 3 baths. 2 sleeping porch«»; furnace; lawn and flowers; pavsd atreet ; car line. This fine home of fered at I75S0 for. quick sals; terms. We probably bar* the largest list of fhrm and stock ranch properties In jiT. «tats. Corns In and look them ever, then let us show them as •eon as weather permits. > ■IGH * FRITCHMAN COMPANY Mala Office *th a Mala. -A* JMM AR »OB RAUB —(-room bouse with bath. 10-foot lot. 11th and Grove. Conne W. Hesse, Jeweler. tiding, New FOR BALE—Keystone Ply m outh. 1 00 8 rooms, close In; a snap. 11860 6 -room bungalow, strict ly modem, garage, desir able location. $4200 8 rooms, on avenue, furnaco. natural hot waler for domestic pur poses all year. $5700 7 rooms, close In, fur nace. $7800 t-room strictly modéra beautiful bungalow. Terma on all above. Let us show you our complete list. WYMAN REALTY A BROKERAGE CO.. 105-07 Overland bldg., Phone 1000. SHUMATE & TILLER 1 Near O. 8. L. Depot, DO YOU WANT A GOOD RANCHI HERE ARE TWO GOOD ONES No. 1—8 miles-from Nampa; 80 acres; good large new house, barn, deep well; chicken house; gar age, etc.; fenced with woven wire; price $21,000. This Is fa mous Deer Flat land. -2 miles from Wilder; 80 acres, small house, good small barn and machine shed; deep well, windmill and large supply junk. Fine family orchard and nice locust grove. Price $16,000; best terms. ' These 2 ranches are splpndid spud land in highest state of cultivation; enormous producers. Big bar gains. invesl.gate th, qg. Nampa, Ida. .. vc , 1 » nrnu »vn nnnn "AR&AINS FOR RICH AND IGOR., 40 acres Gem District, perfect lying 1 land, best point., soli. 4 acres pas tu iv, 15 acres alfalfa, balance stub, ; hie, small house and outbuildings, j Price Includes ono binder, mower, wagon and ruck, , cirn cultivator, rid- : lng plow and walking plow. Ouly 1 ♦2500. $6C7 cash, balance easy terms. 40 acres 4 miles to town. 2 ucres pas ture, 8 acres alfalfa, 2-1 acres stub ble, balunc-e clc ared, lies fine for ir rigation. beat soil. 3-room bouse, burn, lien house and cistern. Prieo only $5000. $1500 cash, balance eusy terms. Fine 50 acres on electric cor line, lies perfect, 9 acre« pasture, li. acres a *" falfn, family orchard, balance Ntub '| ble Good 5-room bungalow, tarn^ gralnery and deep well. 1 lice *^ 65 per acre, terms. t * .... Finest and mot t productive 120-ocre ranch in the country, lies perfect, j very best potato »oil, 10 acres pas turc, 50 acres alfalfa, 2 acres oreh writ, balance stubble, fine C-room hou«-, pressura water, hath, etc., good outbuildings. Crops brought $10,000 last year. Price $36,000. one thlrd cash, balance omy terms. CRAIG REALTY CO. B. & B. Bldg., Natnpa, Idaho. *h< me 101-W. Loop for big arrow. GET WHAT YOU WANT BlfORB H'J AU GON E. OOY9UÄ * " j » ' " ■* FOR SALE Real Estate WHEN looking for reel estate er trades of any kind ses C. H. Bays, Eagle, Idaho. tf WILL SELL borne for $1 2034,7. our beautiful modern 800. $3500 cash. Phone FOR SALE—At a bargain, nice 5-acre tract, near Franklin school, good Im provements, all kinds of fruit. Phone 123CJ. REST BUY IN IDAHO—120 acres, fenced, ditched and 40 acres cleared; 45 Inches of stale water proved up on; fair buildings; $30 per acre. Pat Davis, Oxford hotel. Raise. MONEY TO LOAN WARM LOANS ON,IMPROVED F ARMS ; > ANYWHERE lowett Rates-Quicd* Service IIMill Sc l lti'4'( IIMAN I O. , PTH. A MAIN BOISE-IDaMO YV. SCOTT NHAL Farm l.oiyi rna ... . , . . , „„ . ., ; \\e buy notes and mortgages. II. G. Myers Or. Co., 4-3 overland bldg. Phone 1752-J. TEE NEWHOUSE INV. CO., 813 Main tf MORTGAGE LOANS—Dry farm loons a specialty. Bruce f- Fuld Loan Sc QUICK LOANS made bit roal estate and chattels of all kinds. 205 Mc Carty Bldg. FARM LOANS—Any amounts on good farms or ranches. Reasonable rates and terms. Prompt action. BUIS T.HHA1LKILL A CO. 1 LOAN Rates DVi per cent; farmers of Ada county desiring federal farm loans may obtain same through the Ada County Federal Farm Loan As sociation. Office of Secretary-treas urer, 531 Empire bldg. tf McREYNOLDS & WHITSON 529 Idaho Bldg. tf TO LOAN—Any amounts on Business or residence property. Monthly pay ments. Reasonable terms. Buis, Tbrallklll A- Co., 105 N. 10th St. >NY «mount on c.ty or larm property, Robert Van Gib e. 11 10 Main. | ^ * Joh " ___ LE GAL NOTI CES, _ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION OF TIME APPOINTED FOR PROVING WILL, ETC. In the I'robato Court of Ada county, Stute of Idaho. S. Fafrell, deceased. Notice for\ publication of time ap pointed for proving will, etc. Pursuant to an order of said court. j™'*« n "J* |c ' b ji hereby Ytvcn Um® Mo"' 1 (lft y ' t j u , ^yth to him of letters testamentary w hen and where any person Interested may appear and contest the same, D„ted December 17, 1919. D. T. MILLER, Judge and ExoOltlclo Clerk. J. J. M'CUE, Attorney for Petitioner, 609 Idaho Bldg., Boise, Ida. Adv. D26 NOTICE OF A88E88MENT. Name of corporation: North Star Mining und Milling Company, Limited; locution and principal place of busi nens. Boise. Idaho. Notice Is hereby given that at ft meeting of the board of directors of the North Stur Mining and Milling Company, Limited, held on Nov. 29, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m. 4>f «aid day, at the office of said company at Boise, Idaho, an assessment (number two) of Ihroo-fourths of one cent (84c) per share was levied upon the Issue and outstanding capital stock of the cor poration. payable Immediately to Baeco B. Carter, secretary of the company, i at Boise City National Hark, Boise, | Idaho. I Any stock upon which this as s ess-1 ment may remain unpaid on January 3, 1920, will be delinquent and adver tised for sale at public auction, apd unless payment Is made before, will b* sold at U o'clock «. m.. January M,, 1920, at tlio oftlco of tho company,, Boise, Idaho, to pay the delinquent as sessment, together with the ooet advertising and expense of sale,_ PABCO B. ÇABTML Secretary North Star Mining aud Mil] lng Company, Limited; offF' Boise City National Ban* Boise, Idaho, MO A4 "■"'Uw aWniff of j _LEGAL NOTICE I_ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION OF TIME APPOINTED FOR PROVING WILL, ETC. In the Probate Court of Ada county. State of Idaho. In the matter of the estate of Willlum H. Martin, deceased. Notice for publication of time ap pointed for proving will, etc. Pursuunt to an order of said court, made on the 15th day of December, 1919, notice Is hereby given that Mon day, the 29th day of December, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of said court, ut the court house in Boise. County of Ada, has been appointed as the time and place Im proving the will of said William H. Marlin, deceased, and for hearing the application of Henrietta Martin for the Issuance to her of letters testamentary, when and where any person Interested may appear and contest the same. Dated December 15, 1919. D. T. MILLER. Clerk. Adv. D. 27 ORDINANCE NO. 1280. By the Council. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING | THE HOURS FOR OPENING * AND | CLOSING OF BUSINESS HOUSES, I CIGAR STORES, PLACES OF | AMUSEMENT, THEATRES . PIC- 1 TURK SHOWS, POOL AND DANCE I 1 1 /Hr; nnuiv n, t uwn «»yh ua.m. r. fiALi^ AND cXltl) ROOMS CON ,n> nprniTRn within DUCTED OR OPERATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF BOISE CITY, IDAHO, MAK ING IT A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING A PENAT.TY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS: It appearing to the Mayor and Council of Boise City tliut Boise is now threatened with a fuel famine, and WHEREAS: It Is deemed by the Mayor and Council necessary that measures be taken to obviate as much, as possible the said threatened fuel famine and to conserve the present supply of fuel now on hand In Boise City; THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Boise City, Idaho: SECTION 1: It shall he unlawful to open or keep open uny buslneas houses, Cigar Stores, places of Amuse ment, Theatres. Picture Shows, Pool Halls, Card Rooms. Dance Hull«, or places conducted or operated within the corporate limits of the City of Hoist- City. Idsho, except from and be tween the hours each day In this sec tion specified, to-wlt: All Business Houses from and be tween the hours of Nine (9) a. m. and | (6 , p m , ; tt n c igar stores from and between the hours of 9 a. m. and G p. m.; all theatres, picture shows and places of amusement, from and between the hours of 2 o'clock, p. m.. and 11 o'clock, p. m.; all pool halls or places where^pol. billiards or card games are played from and between rnÄ,l. 0, tto tt -nM d o2tV^ week frum and between the hours of 9 o'clock, p. m. and 12 o'clock, p. m. There Is excepted from the provi sions of this Ordinance nil Rertaurants, 1 Hotels and Workshop«, BKCTION 2: That any persons vlo latlng the provisions of this Ordinance : «hull upon conviction thereof In the I Police Court of Boise City, Idaho, he ! fined lq a sum not exceeding the sum of One'Slundred Dollars ($100.00). This ordinance shall take force and he In effect ten (10) days after Its passage, approval and publication. PASSED the Council of the City of Boise, Ada County, Idaho, this 18th day of December. 1019. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Boise. A*la County. Idaho, this 18th day of December, 1919. Approvod: ERN G. EAGLESON, Mayor. Attest: ANGELA HOPPER, City Clerk — Adv. D-19 Dll. WYLY Chiropractor. Special attention given to chronic diseases and those heeding electrlolly. Calls answered day or night. * Rooms B and • «haw Bldg, Tel e phene 1 MB. -IS RPFL5T DEC. 1. »fl - Inte, urban Time Table •else Valley Traetien Company NORTHERN OIVMION to. Botes—8:16 a. as. end 8:10 p. m. LsV. Duu»ii i,ll p, at SOUTHERN DIVISION. . ' Mwklie^,. jtenga. end a Lea ties. *4*. i»t£ New Ballad — "Hand In Haai Again." sequel to "TIU Wa Meat Again." THE H. F. NORTON CO., IRC. 15th Ave. «nd Freni Ut. 1 NAMPA, IDAHO. PHQNE *1 Dealors in Hides, Tallow, Polls, Wool and Fur*. Price list mailed to you upon request Try us with a shipment. Membership Fee Increased On January 1, 1920, our mrmber Bhip fee become:* $7 '».00, while the December fee \a $50.00; 10 per cent war tax added to buth amount«. Room for 30 Kood member*». Join at the low rate. See any member or telephone D. W. Knsigu, Secre tary. Phone 679. BOI8E COUNTRY CLUB Liberty Bonds We will buy $60,000 third and fourth Issues bearer Idberty Ronds at latent market plus in terest, without brokerage or com mission deduction of uny kind. Call or write, Idaho State Life Empire Building Bois«, Idaho. Pacific National Bank HEMUril FEDERAI, ASSERVI IVtVtM. C A FIT Ai. *300,000.00 Paper Shell Pecan« Something New and Delicious. Grown In Texas and shipped direct from the orchards. All 1919 Stock All grades—all prices. To out-of-town trade; Send 80o for 1-lb. carton of th« cho l os et pecans—parcel past paid. E. LIQHTFOOT Grower and Shipper,. 801 Banneok. Wo havofomo Fino I FOR SALE Alfalfa and § toekraising tiens that Listen Mighty Feed, flat particulars from JORDAN VALLEY FARM ■M Idaho Building Trask EMMETT.