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Commissioners Proceedings. Silver City, Idaho, Monday, September 14th, 1908. The Board of County Commissioners of Owyhee County, Idaho, met at the office of the Clera thereof, in Silver City, the county seat of said county, at ten o'olook a. m., for the purpose of fix ing the tax levy of Owyhee County, Idaho, for the year 1908, pursuant to the Statutes of Idaho, and the ameud meuts thereto, in sucli case made and provided. Present: O. D. Brumbaugh, Chair man, Fred Brunzell und John Benham, Commissioners, and J. S. St. Clair, Clerk* The following proceedings were had, to-wit: Whereupon, it is ordered that the tax levy of Owyhee County, Idaho, for the year 1908, on each one hundred dollars in valuation be fixed as follows: to-wit: On State General fund " Bond Deficiency tax(1903) .002 " Public Buildiug Endow ment Fund (1905-7).009 " General Interest aud Sinking Fund (1905-7) ... .15 University Idaho Rebuild ing and Equipment Sink ing Fund (1907) *• Atlunta Road Fuud(l907) .000375 " Meadows-Payette Lakes Wagon Road Fund (1907) 00025 Total Stale levy $ .751025 On Current Expense, 10*18, Fund. " General School Fund. . .50 " Bridge Fund " Road Fund. 8 .55 .04 8 .95 .148375 .20 Bond Tax and Sinking Fund. .40 Total, 82.95 Whereupon, in confortait with an act entitled "An Act to suppress contagious and infectious disesaes among live stock; creating a live stock sanitary board and providing for its appoint ment; to create the office of State Vet erinary Surgeon, providing for his appointment and fixing iiis compensa tion, providing for the xppointment of assistant Veterinary Surgeons aud live stock inspectors' and fixing their com pensation ; prescribing penalties for the failure to comply with the provisions of this act; creating a Live Stock Sani tary Fund and providing for the levey ing of a tax therefore," approved March 6tb, 1905, there is hereby levied a special tax of three-fourths of a mill on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all horses, cattle, goats, mules, asses and swine; and three mills on the dol lar of the assessed valuation of all sheep within Owyhee County ; such tax to be placed in and to constitute a fund to be known as the Livestock Sauitary Fund. Whereupon, in conformity with an act entitled "An Act to Amend and be supplementary to an act to suppress contagious and infectious diseases among live stock," etc., approved March 13th, 1907, there is iiereby levied a special tax of one-half mill on the dol lar of the assessed valuation of all horses, cattle, goats, mules, asses and swine, and four mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of all sheep within Owyhee County; such tax to be placed in and to constitute a fund to be known as the Predatory Animal Fund. Whereupon, it is ordered that the Road Poll Tax for the year 1909 be and the same is Iiereby fixed at the sum of $3 00. Whereupon, it is ordered that this Board of do now adjourn sine die. Attest : J. S. St Claib, Clerk. O. D. Brumbaugh, chairman. Silver City, Idaho, Monday, September 14th, 1908. Pursuant to an act entitled "An Act adding to the duties of the County Commissioners and requiring their per sonal visitation and inspection of the public roads and highways in their sev eral districts, etc. approved March 15th, 1907, the Board of County Commission ers of Owyhee County, Idaho, met at the office of the Clerk thereof iu Silver City, the county seat of said county at ten o'clock a. m. Preseut : O. D. Bruinbaugli, chairman, Fred Brunzell, and John Benimm, com missioners. and J. S. St Clair, clerk. The following proceedings were had. to wit: Whereupon, O. D. Brumbaugh, Fred Brunzell and John Benham, County Commissioners, presented to the Board written reports showing the condition of tlie public roads ami highways in the several Commissioners' Districts of Owyhee County, Idaho, aud the work needed thereon, w hich reports weie or dered Bled by the Clerk, and the rec ommendations contained therein duly considered. Without having completed the con sideration thereof, It is ordered that this Board do now adjourn until Tuesday, the 15th iust , at ten o'clock a. m. Attest: J. S. St Clair, clerk. O. D. Brumbaugh, chairman. Silver City, Idaho, Monday, Sept I4th, 1908. The Board of County Commissioners of Owyhee County, Idaho, met iu spe cial session at the "ffiee of the Clerk thereof, iu Silver City, the county seat of said county, on Monday, September 14th, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. purpose of confirming the sale of the Leviathan, Rising Star, First North Ex tension of-tbe Rising Star, aud Perse verance lode mining claims, with the improvements thereon, consisting of a quartz mill valued at 85,000.00. aud oth er improvements valued at $300.00, sit uated in Sectione 1, 2 and 11, Township 6 South, Range 4 West, in Flint Mining District, Owyhee Countv, Idaho, to be made by the duly elected, qualified and acliug Sheriff of the County of Owyhee, State of Idaho, under aud in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Owyhee Couuty, Ida ho, made on July 20t.h, 1908. Also for the purpose of acting upon the petition of N. T. Turk aud others asking for the creation of a Herd Dis trict in Township 3 South, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian. Also for the purpose of opening bids for the repair of (lie Stone House lane in Pleasant Valley, iu accordance with specifications now on file with the Clerk of the Board. Present: O. D Brumbaugh, Chairman, Fred Brunzell and John Beuham, Com missioners, and J. S. St Clair, Clerk. The following proceedings were had, to-wit: In the matter of the sale of the Levia than. Rising Star, First North Exten sion of the Rising Star and Persever ance lode mining claims, with the im provements thereon, situated iu Sec tions 1,2 and 11, Township 6 South, Rauge 4 West, iu Flint Mining District, Owyhee Couuty, Idaho: Whereas, the Perseveranoe Mining & Milling Company, a corporation, has commenced an action in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon, against Owyhee County aud Michael Rock to obtain a decree of said Court that all claim of Owyhee County to the above described property is unfounded, and that said Owyhee County has no estate or Inter est in or to the same, and that every adverse clain of said Owyhee County be determined by said deoree, aud that said Owyhee County and Michael Rock be restrained from proceeding further in the matter of the sale of said premises under and in pursuance of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Owyhee Counto, Idaho, made on July 20th, 1908, and having secured an injunction from said Court, whereby said Owyhee County and Michael Rock are enjoined and restrained from sell ing the above described property. It is therefore ordered that no further proceedings be had in the matter of the sale of the premises as aforesaid, until the further order cl said Court. In the matter of the petition of N. T. for the Turk and others asking for the creation of a Herd District consisting of Sect- j ions 2, S, 4. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, the N}^ j of Sec. 15, Secs. 16 and 17, the of ] Sec. 18, the NJ^ of Sec. 19, aud of J Sec. 20, T. 3 S., R. 1 W., B. M. Whereupou, it is ordered that the j hearing of said petition be aud the same j is hereby continued until Wednesday, j 811 the 14th day of October, 1908, at ten o'clock a. m be be The time heretofore set for the open ing of bids for the repair of the Stone House lane iu Pleasant Valley, in ac cordance with specifications prepared by the County Surveyor aud now on file with the Clerk of the Board having arrived bids were opened as follows, to-wit: Joseph Newell.... Frank M. Swisher Townsend Bros... Whereupon, it appearing to the satis faction of the Board that the bid of Townsend Bros., in the sum of 8430 00 is the lowest and best bid offered for said work, It is ordered that said bid be aud the same is hereby accepted, ami that a con tract in writing be entered into between said Townsend Bros, aud Owyhee Coun tv, acting through its Board of County Commissioners,for making said repairs in accordance with specifications pre pared by the County Surveyor aud now ou Hie with the Clerk of.the Board. It is further ordered that said Town send Bros, be required to furnish a bond in double the amount of their bid, for the faithful performance of the $560 00 465 00 . 430.00 to of & a of be be in on an T. terms and conditions of said contract, and that O. D. Brumbaugh, Chairman of . the Board of County Commissioners, be j and he is hereby authorized to approve | said hood and execute a oonlract with : the said Townsend Bros, for aud on is behalf of Owyhee County, in the State of Idaho, by its Board of Connty Com missioners, for making said repairs iu accordance witii specifications uow on tile witii the Clerk of the Board, and that F. W. Hulett, County Surveyor, be aud he is iiereby appointed to ac cept said work on behalf of the said County of Owyhee. Whereupou, it is ordered that this Board of County Commissioners, sit ting iu special session, do uow adjourn sine die. Attest: J. S. St Claib, Clerk. J. O. D. Bbumbaugh, Chairman, Silver City, Idaho, Tuesday, September 15th, 1908. Board met pursuant to adjournment at nine o'clock a. m. Present: O. D. Brumbaugh, chairman, Fred Brunzell and John Benham, Com missioners, and J. S. St Clair, Clerk. The following proceedings were had, to-wit. The minutes of the previous meeting «ere read and duly approved. Whereupon, it is ordered that the petitiou of A. I Matheson, L, C. Gar duer, Thos. Penrose aud others askiug for the appointment of P F. Branca, as Road Overseer of Road District No. 3, of Owyhee County, Idaho, be tiie same is hereby granted; and that the said P. F. Branca furnish a bond in the sum of 8300.00; aud that O. D. Brumbaugh, Chairman of the Board, be and is here by authorized to approve said bond for and on behalf of the said County of Owyhee. In the matter of the petition of F. E. Tracy, L. B. Cowan and others praying that a public road be a established be ginning at a point where the east and west line through the middle of Sec. 4, T. 3 N., R 5 W., intersects the Home dale townsite and running from said point down Snake River to the Oregon State line. Whereupon, it appearing to the satis faction of the Board that said petition sets forth and describes particularly the road to be constructed, and the general route thereof, over what lands, and who the owners thereof are, wheth er the owners consent thereto, and if not, the probable cost of the right of way, the necessitydor, aud the advau tage of tire proposed change, and that eaid petition is accompanied by a good aud sufficient bond, in double the «mount of the probable cost of the viewing and laving out of--aid proposed roBfl - conditioned that the bondsmen will pay all the costs of viewing and 811 rve yhig 1" case the prayer of said petitiou is not granted, aud the road finally uot opened. It is therefore ordered that said bond be and the same is hereby approved. It is further ordered that F. W. Hulett, Chas. Parsons and Win. Jordan be appointed as viewers to view and survey said proposed road, in accor dance with the description in the petition, and submi 1 to the board an estimate of the c ,-t of opening said road, including the purchase cf the right of way, aud their views of the necessity thereof. Whereupon, the Board having duly considered the reports of O. D. Brum baugh, Fred Brunzell and John Ben ham, County Commissioners, relative to the condition of the public roads and highways in the several Commis sioners' Districts of Owyhee County, Idaho, and the work needed theieon, and being fully advised as to the mat ters set forth iu said reports, It is therefore ordered that the recommendations in said reports be aud the same are hereby concurred in. Whereupon, it is ordered that the resignation of Flora A. Cox as Register of Election of Homedale Precinct be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the petition of J. G. Tracy, J. W. Jordan, E. Clayton and others askiug for the appointment of Callie M. Gard ner as Register of Election of said preeiuct be »na the same is hereby granted, and the said Callie M. Gardner is hereby appointed to act as Register of Election for Homedale Precinct for the General Election to be held on the 3rd day of Novomber, 1908. Whereupon, it is ordered that this board do now adjourn sine die. Attest: O. D. Brumbaugh, Chairman. J. S. St Claib, Clerk. The Nampa Iron works handles all kinds of second hand machinery, One-half gallon of good milk, daily, $4.00 per month from Bartow. Housepaint Oils and Turpentine Oils, Varnishes and brushes, Jap-a-Lac and Liquid Veneer at Philipp's. We make a specialty of fine job print ing at reasonable prices. Get your work done at the Nugget office and have it done in up to date style. Any Suit in the house for $15 Sweeney, Silver City. WOODS HOTEL B. R. WOODS, Proprietor Good Aoommodations for Families, I-adies and Gentle men. Terms reasonably Low. A First Class Family Hotel. II II MURPHY, IDAHO ASAHI RESTAURANT MEALS Two Bits and Upward Board Lodging OWYHEE BARBER SHOP OLDEST STAND IN THE COUNTY BATHS First Class Workmanship O. A. PETITT, Proprietor THE MINT SALOON Headquarters for Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Etc. Good Pool Tovbles LOWERY & AURA, Proprietors SILVER CITY CIGAR MFG. COMPANY k Headquarters for the Famous "A. J. Iristol Pig Tail Silver Sport CIGARS Manager A. J. SWAN, Silver City, Idaho An old and established quiet and homelike resort with the best of Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc., Etc. JOHN M. BRUNZELL, JR. Granite Block, Silver City. S' SHDMATE BROS Nampa's Best and Biggest Grocers HEINZE'S PICKLES Fresh Fruit and Vegetables constantly on the Market Chase and Sanbome's COFFEES Everthing Strictly First Class and Up-to-date NAMPA. IDAHO