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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. I House Join! Resolution No. 10. (Substitute for House Joiut Resolution | No. 5 ) By Killpack. JOINT RESOLUTION. To amend section six of article eighteen of the Constitution of the State of Ida ho; a Joint Resolution to submit to the electors of the State of Idaho for their rejection or approval an amendment to sectiou six of article eighteen of the Constitution of the State of Idaho to j permit county assessors aud tax col lectors to employ such deputies aud clerical help as the business of their office may require. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS LATURE OF THE STATE OFIDAHO: Sectiou 1. That section six of article eighteen of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to read as follows: , The Legislature, by gener- ! al and uniform laws, shall provide for | at Section 6. the election biennially iu each of the several counties of the State, of oouuty commissioners, a sheriff, a county treas urer who is ex-officio public admini strator, a probate judge, a county sup erintendent of public iustrnction, a conntv assessor who is ex-officio tax collector, a coroner and surveyor. The clerk of the district court shall be ex officio auditor and recorder. No other countv offices shall be established, but the Legislature by general and uniform laws shall provide for such township, precinct and municipal officers as pub lic convenience may require, aud shall prescribe their duties, and fix their terms of office. The Legislature shall provide for the strict accountability of county, township, precinct and muui cipal officers for all fees which may be collected by them, and for all public and municipal moneys which may be paid to them, or officially come into their possession. The county commissioners may employ counsel when necessary. The sheriff, assessor and tax collector, auditor and recorder, and clerk of the district court shall be empowered by the county commissioners to appoint such deputies and clerical assistance as the business of their office may require, said deputies aud clerical assistants to receive such compensation as may he fixed by the county commissioners. No sheriff or county assessor shall be qual ified to hold the term of office immedi ately succeeding the term for which lie was elected. The salary and qualifica tions of the county superintendent shall be fixed by law Section 2. The question to be sub mitted to the electors of the State of Idaho at the next general election shall be as follows: to-wit: I "Shall section six of article eighteen of the Constitution of the State of Ida ho be amended so as to permit county assessors and tax collectors lo emplov such deputies and clerical help as the busiuess of their office may require?" Section 3. The Secretary of State is hereby authorized to make publicatiou of this constitutional amendment in each couuty for at least six consecutive weeks prior to the uext generalelecliou in not less thau oue newspaper of gen eral circulation published in each county. AMENDMENT NO. II. House Join! Resolution No. J. Bv Seawell and Fbeeuafer. A joint resolution to be submitted to the electors of the State of Idaho for re jection or approval: Proposing the re peal of sections 11 and 21 of article V of the Constitution of Idaho, und propos ing amendments to sections 2, 17, 20, and 24 of article V, and section 6 of ar ticle XVIII of the Constitution of the State of Idaho: Providing a District Court for each county aud extending its jurisdiction to all matters of Pro bate, and providing for the election and appointment of judges therefor, aud their salaries, and the terms of said courts. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGIS LATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO: Section 1. That Sections 11 and 21 of Article V of the Conititution of the State of Idaho he aud the same are hereby repealed and annulled. Section 2. That Section 2 of Articlo V of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to read as follows ; Section 2. The judicial powers of the state shall be vested in a court for the trial of impeachments, a supreme court, district courts, courts of justices | REGULAR TRIPS Between DeLanuir and Silver City. Stage de parts from Bela inn r at H a. m. Departs from Silver on return trip at 2 p. m. Passengers and Freight carried Stops at Dewey en route j DeLAMAR LiVERY. FEED and sale STABLes JOHN HORE Proprietor The latest phonograph records just re ceived at Rowett's. Philipp, the hardware merchant, has just received a large variety of heating , ! stoves, cook stoves, ranges and other | Roods. Call and select what you need at once and get a good bargain. mmm mmm wm'M mwwm 1 « - wA Stage and Express Office. Public Telephone m m m m I J. C. Connors O. D. Bkumbaugn \ Props. I -• I M I I m m 1 I > IDAHO HOTEL I I 'I m i I zs » t\\U I i I I Headquarters fo. Cummereial and Mining Men m i I Rates $2.00 and Upwards per Day I » vNVjfc m I m m i FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM AND POOL TABLES 1 I I I I i Choicest Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always in Stock m m I 1 m of the peace, and such other courts in- I ferior to the supreme courts as maybe established by law for any incorporated city, town or village. Section 3. That Section 17 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of " Idaho be amended to read as follows : Section 17. The salary of the justices of the supreme Court, until otherwise provided by the legislature, shall be four thousand dollars each per annum, and the salary of the judges of the dis trict court shall be as otherwise provid ed by law, aud no justice of the Supreme Court, or judge of the district court, shall he paid Ids salary,or any part, there of, unless he shall first have taken and subscribed an oath that there is not iu his hands any matter iu controversy not decided by him which had been finally submitted for his consideration and determination thirty days prior to the taking and subscribing such oath. Section 4. Tliat section 20 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to read as follows: Section 20. The district court shall have origiual jurisdiction in all cases, both in law and in equity, and in all matters of probate, settlement of es tates of deceased persons and appoint ment of guradians, and such appellate jurisdiction as is now and may here after be confirmed by law, Section 5. That Section 24 of Article V of the C onstitution of the State of Idaho be amended to read as follows: Section 24. Each county in the State of Idaho ghall be and constitute a judi cial district, aud there shall be in each of said counties a district court, for each of which at least one judge shall be elected by the qualified electors of said district at the general state elec tion ; Provided, however, That auy county, in whicMthe total vote for gov ernor at the last general election was not at least two thousand votes, shall be united with an adjoining county iu the election of a judge aud there shall be only one judge elected for said unit ed counties until said counties shall each have cast at a general state elec tion at least two thousand votes for < The Brewery Saloon ■ ► ► - ► ► ► ► - 4 ■ A Select line of ► WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS •« ► ► ► I ► ► ► ► ► The Quietest Resort in Town. ► < : <1 E F. GRETE, PROPRIETOR Bananas received regularly at Rowett's. governor, and until said time only one judge shall lie elected for the following counties, to-wit: Bi ise aud Ada, oue judge; Cassia and Lincoln, one judge; Cn "« Rud Lemhi - oue ^ d « e ' u Elmor ® " ud Bla,ne > one judge ; and Owyhee aud ^""Von one judge ; Provided further That wheu any judicial district shall ca9t over e , Rh , ttlOU8and votes for gov . ernor M any general state eleotioilf an additio , ial jlldge shall be elaoted there . ia for e u C h additional eight thousand VQte8i or major part lhere „ f thereafter jn 8aid d , 8trlot>auy OIle or more of whom may hold court, a„ d there may be as many 8eS sions of said court, at the same lim8t a9 there are judge8 thereof, The 8aid jadge8 sha n cho0 se from tMr OW[) number a pre8lding judge , who may be removed Rt Uieir plei)8nre . He bhal| distri hute the business of the court amo „ g the juilge8 lhere of, a , )d pre8eribe , he order of business In dis triot8 compoSed of but 0UfcCOUIlt y there ghall be no terms of court, but the court shall be open continuously for the trans action of business. In districts com posed of two conuties the judge shall hold the district courts of both of said counties in accordance with such rules ior the dispatch of business as he may adopt. The courts shall always be open for the filing of papers, and for the transaction of business. The term of offices of the district judges shall be f ° ur y t T* fr ° m a " d ^ M . on - day of January next after the.r election Tl,e pre9eut ,GCUmbent «" each judicial district heretofore existing shall be and shall remain till the expiration of his term of office the judge of the new dis trict wherein he resided when elected or appointed. All vacancies created by the adoption of these amendments shall b e filled at a special election called by the governor of Idaho, withiu ten days after the canvass of the returns of the general election at which these amend meuts are adopted., and held in the gaid new districts, ujpon giving notice thereof as provided for a gener a j elction, anti said judges shall hold said offices until their successors ftre elected and qualified. The salary 0 f a district judge shall be olasified and based upon the vote for governor at the □ JOB PRITING Is our long suit and if ' n need of anything in our line, such as Letter Heads, Bill Heads, etc. Check Books. Business Cards, Circulars or any thing printable, call and see us or write us. \ll i orders promptly filled. Q. 75/>e NUGGET 5 SILVER CITY 9 Honest Drops of Golden Value Hickory Bark Cough Remedy. A. A GETCHELL For sale by Subscribe for the Nugget and get the news.. . , . - last general election in his district im mediately prior to the beginning of his term of office and shall be classified as follows: In districts having under four thousand votes, two thousand dollars per annum; over four thousand aud not more than six thousand votes, two thousand five hundred dollars per an num ; over six thsusand votes, three thousand dollars per anuum; one-half of which salary shall be paid out of the state treasury and the other half of which salary shall be paid out by the couuty or counties for which he is elect ed or appointed, and in case where one judge is provided for more than one couuty, that portiou of his salary which is to be paid by the counties shall be apportioned between said counties ac cording to the assessed valuation of their taxable property to be determined by the assessment of the proceeding year, and iu addition to said salaries there shall be paid iu the same way to all district judges the aoiual and neces sary hotel aud traveling expenses in curred by them in holding court in counties other than those in which they reside. Section 6. That Section 6 oi Article XVIII of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amened to read as follows: Section 6. The legislature by general and uniform laws, shall provide for the election biennaliy in eacli of the several counties of the state, of county commis sioners; a sheriff ; a couuty treasurer, who is ex officio public administrator; a county school superintendent of pub lic instruction ; a county assessor, who is ex-officio tax collector; a coroner aud a surveyor. The clerk of the district court shall be ex-officio auditor and re corder. No other couuty offices shall be established, but the legislature by general and uuiform laws, shall provide for the election of such towusbip, pre cinct and municipal officers as public convenience may require, and shall pre scribe their duties and fix their terms of office. The legislature shall provide for the strict accountability of county, township, precinct and municipal offi cers for all fees which may be collected | by them, and for all public and nunici- 1 pal moneys, which may be paid to them or officially come into their possession. The county commissioners may employ council when necessarv. The sheriff, auditor and recorder and clerk of the • district courtshall be empowered by the county commissioners to appoint such deputies and clerical assistance as the business of their offices may require ; said deputies and clerical assistants to receive snob compensation as may be fixed by the county commissioners. No sheriff or couuty assessorshall be qual ified to bold the term of office immedi ately succeeding the term for which he was elected. The salary and qualiflea tions of the county school superintend ents shall be fixed by law. Section 7. These amendments shall become operative on the second Mon day of January, 1911, aud all causes then pending in the probate courts of said counties and all matters of probate tin settled in said probate courts, togeiher with ail the records of said courts shall be transferred at said time to the said district courtB of tbeir respective coun ties. | general circulation published in each 1 county. Sectiou 8. The question to be sub mitted to electors of the State, at the next general election, shall be in form as follows, to wit; Shall sections 11 and 21 of article V of the Constitution of the State of Ida ho be repealed and annulled, and sec tions 2, 17, 20, and 24 of article V, and section 6 of article XVIII of the Cous tituton of the State of Idaho be so a mended as to abolish the probate court and extend the jurisdiction of the dis trict court to hII matters of probate aud to provide for the election aud appoint ment of judges therefor aud their sal aries, aud to provide for the terms of said courts and establish a system of districts. Section 9 The Secretaiy of State is hereby authorized to make publication of these Constitutional amendments in each couuty for at least six consecutive weeks prior to the next general elec tion in not lese than one newspaper of 24