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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
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OWYHEE NUGGET ■ Vi All the Local Mining Newa Accur ately Chronicled, y 't y 't Subscription Rates. * h 1 ONE YEAR. SIX MONTHS. THREE MONTHS 1 Mi 75c No. 26 Telephone Published evert Friday by M. N. Fegtlv Entered as second-class matter Jaouary 4,1905, at the post office at Silver City, Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. The election over, the interest of the public turnB to other subjects The country would be better off if the national elections were held every six or eight years instead of four years, as the excuse for the money power to cause a financial panic so often would he removed. About twelve months out of every four years is used to depress busi ness to the enrichment of the cap italists and to the detriment of the producers. Or we might amend the Constitution and have Teddy ap point the presidents, senators and congressmen for the next fifteen or twenty years, and Bave all the un necessary expense and trouble of holding national elections BRYAN LEADS IN COLORADO. Democrats Carry the State and Elsct Congressmen. The success of the democratic party in Colorado will cause quite a change in the program that has been followed in that state for sev eral years. And once more may the goddess of justice and liberty dare to venture within the bound eries of that stale. This is one state in the Union in which the laboring element have had enough of boss rule and have united to ob tain their emancipation from the oppression of the trusts and their hirelings—the corrupt courts. The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo sition is to open its doors to the public on June 1, 1909. The man agement guarantees that the build ings willall befinished and the ex hibits all in place before opening day. The first exhibit arrived from the north on October 25th, consisting of a number of curios and furs. Ore gon will be the first of the states to install its exhibit. The exhibit from Hawaii will be quite an attraction, as it is planned to show the islands in their rela tive size and direction from each other. During the exposition, the Pa cific fleet of the U. S. Navy will be stationed at ^Seattle the most of the time and will prove quite an at tractive feature. Construction of about eleven miles of paved paths and drive ways is now under way. Cameras will be admitted to the grounds the size being limited to 4x5 or 3£x54 or smaller. Permits must be secured from the manage ment for the use of even this size. This is on 3 of the "grafts" prac Some ticed at ail expositions, photographer obtains the "conces sion" or permit to take views. If it were possible they would adopt some rule or regulation preventing any visitor from retaining in his memory any impressions of the views of the grounds and surround ing country without purchasing some of the "views" for sale at the stands of those having obtained these "concessions. 1 hoped that the "Reed Optical Co." or some other rotten concern like them will not be permitted to fleece the public as they did at the Lewie & Clark Fair. Is iB to be Several more crooked bankers have been convicted. There's the supreme courts, however, with their labyrinth of technicalities—so con gratulations should bo held in re serve.—Statesman. What's this? The great Repub lican Organ of the State of Idaho insisting that the Sacred Courts of this great republic are corrupt? Be careful Mr. Statesman, or "Teddy, the Great," will have you up on a charge of "Lease Majeste." According to the returns received by Reilly Atkinson, Secretary Treasurer of the League of Southern Idaho Commercial Clubs, the fourth anuual convention of that organization, which will be held at Nampa, November 16 and 17, will be the largert and most enthusias tic one yet held. Clubs in all sec tions of the south have sent in lists of delegates and evince an unusual interest in the Convention. The League started a campaign to get an appropriation of $25,000 a year from the next legislature for an Immigration and Advertising Bureau of the State. It is this bu reau's business to gather statistics of Idaho and publish them. This is work which will build up every little community of Idaho, help to populate our vacant lands and to bring in new investors. It is of equal importance to every one and the state can not be too liberal if the money is thus used. We get it back an hundred fold. Every city in Southern Idaho should be rep resented at Nampa and thus give this movement all the backing pos sible. The sentiment favoring the crea tion of a commission to regulate railroads has grown a great deal in the last two years and this con vention will be asked to endorse a , law calling for a Railroad Com mission. Our legislature has not yet made any provisions for having Idaho represented at the Alaska Yukon-Pacific Exposition to be held in Seattle during 1909. The League will undoubtedly take some action on this and will probably ask for an appropriation. The Convention will be called to order Monday afternoon, Novem ber 16 and every city in southern Idaho should be represented. The number of states that voted one way on national issues and auoiher way ou state issues shows that people are becoming more iiidependednt of party control. The increasing size of this vote adds to the uncertainty and anx iety with which party managers carry on a campaign. If you are in need of a suit of clothes call at Sweeney's and examine his fine line of samples and have a suit made to order by competent tailors. He guaran tees a perfect fit and the goods are "all wool and a yard wide." Don't miss this splendid opportunity but attend to it at once and get a bargain. The NampaTron Works, Ltd., make all kinds of castings in iron and brass. They are well equipped for patterns, have a machine shop in connection. A full assortment of pipes and pipe fittings. If you have any machinery to sell, list it with them. I at once and get a good bargain. Philipp, the hardware merchant, has just received a large variety of heating | stoves, cook stoves, ranges and other goods. Call and select what you need ' R. E. BOWMAN Carries a full line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, Varnishes, Picture Frames, and Lino Floor Covering Get Samples and Prices Nampa.. Idaho , THE MINT SALOON Headquarters for Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Etc. Good Pool Tables LOWERY & AURA, Proprietors <2^ Co SILVER CITY CIGAR MFG. COMPANY Headquarters for the Famous I "A. J. Iristol Pig Tail Silver Sport CIGAR.S 99 I A. J. SWAN, Manager Silver City, Idaho Mfll3E31fi^o~Ca©iagB W v I^v We have the Largest and Most Complete assortment of Harnss, Collars, Lap Robes, Horse Blank ets and Whips A large line of Saddles Blankets and Spurs "Best Grade of GLOVES all Kinds and "Prices WE MAKE OUR OWN HARNESS BOTH DOUBLE AND SINGLE | ! ' . Our Prices Worth Investigating NANFA HARNESS CO. Nampa, Ida.£io I);:. You W8Ll\t a Suit of Clothes? If you do Call at T5he Bi$ Store and see Some suits that ■ 5 ! I a ? IMR !1 Pt •T TMI «*««• •orraitMT «• MICH AELS-STERN FINE CLOTH I NG * ca ) 9 are right rfi B1BB1NS-MYER COMPANY : r Murphy, Silver City, Dewey and DeLamar STAGE LINES £yThe best facilities for transportation between the railway ter minus to and from Silver City, DeLamar, or other points in Owyhee. Keep good mountain rigs, with good stock and Careful Drivers. Stables at Silver City and Murphy J The RECEPTION SALOON A Select assortment of choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Draught and Bottle Beer. Silver Oity, Idaho 1 to Stage and Express Office. Public Telephone J. C. Connors O. D; Brumbaugh I Props. I 1 8 I IDAHO HOTEL I I l & m »! t Headquarters fo. Commercial and Mining Men Rates $2.00 and Upwards per Day « MM I M I I I FIRST CLASS SAMPLE BOOM AND POOL TABLES I « I I I ! I Choicest Wines. Liquors, and Cigars always in Stock % 8 m B %