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's Money In It For You An investment made now in Ellis Addition to Boise Is a svire Profit Marker. The greatest growth in the city is taking place there. Best Location—Best Conveniences—Lowest Prices—Easiest Terms. WRITE TJS TO-DAY W. E. PIERCE &. CO.. Boise, Idaho J have the Bargains The Old Reliable Real Estate Dealers Leg&i Notices. Notice of Publication. Notice is hereby given ihat at 2 p. m., on the 80th day of November, 1908. at Caldwell. County of Canyon, State of Idaho, before Walter K. Cupp, U. 8. Commissioner, proof will be sub milted of the completion of works for the di version of 1.6 cubic feet per second of the waters of Succor creek, Owyhee county, in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain per mit heretofore issued by the State Engineer of the State of Idaho. 1. The name of the person holding said permit is Chris M. Jensen. 2. The postoffice address of such person is Homedale, County of Owyhee, State of Idaho. 8. The number of such permit is 2419, and the date set for the completion of such work is De ceraber 1, 1908. 4. Said water to be used for irrigation and domestic purposes. 5. Said works of diversion will he fully pleted the date set for such completion, and the amouut of water which said works are rspa ble of conducting to the place of intended use. in accordance with the plans accompanying the application for such permit, is 1.« cubic feel per second. 6. The amount of lands for which said watei is avaiisble is 80 acres, particularly described as follows: EJ^SEH Sec.8, Tp. 3N., H. 5 W. B. M Jas. Stephenson Jr.. State Engineer. Notice of Application for United States Patent. United States Land Office, Boise, Idaho, t October 22, 1908. » Serial Number 01547. Mim rai Survey No. 2383. Notice is hereby given that iu pursuance ol the act of Congre-s approved May 10, 1872, Jun M. Brunzell, whose postoffice address is Nampa, Canyou County, State of Idaho, has made appli cation for a patent for 943 linear feet on the Sum mit lotie, bearing gold and silver, the same being 661 feet southeaste ly and 282 feet northwesterly from the discovery shaft, thereon, with surface ground 600 feet in width, situate in Carson Min ing District Owyhee County, State of Idaho, and described by the official plat and by the field notes on file in the office of the Register of Boise Laud District, of Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning with corner No 1, identical with lo cation corner, a fir post 554 ft. long, 6 ins. diam eter, set 28 ins. in the ground with mound of earth, scribed 1-2383, whence the % 8ec. Corner on the south side of Sec. 1, T. 5 s., R 4 W. bears 8. f8° 49' E. 2170 ieet . g Discovery bears N. 29® 39' W. 838.2 feet. Thence N.75S *01' W. 600 feet to corner No. 2. Thence N. 10© 48' W. 948 ft. to cor. No.3. Thence n. 750 01' K. 600 ft. to cor. No. 4. Thence 8. 10 48' E. 943 ft to cor. No. 1, the place of beginning; containing 11.695 acres and forming a portion of the SWJ* of Sec. J,T. 5 8., R. 4 W. of the Boise Meridian, and partly upon unsurveyed lauds in what will be when surveyed the SE*i of Section 2. The adjoining claims as shown by the plat of survey are the Richmond lode to the north, and the Little Rose to the west, both unsurveyed, Little Rose Min ing Company claimants, and the Snowflake lode to the east, uusurveyed, Connors and Hazel claimants. The Mammoth lode. Sur. No. 2151, to the north, the Shannon lode. Sur. No. 1968A. to the southwest, the Blaine lode, 8ur. No 1968A. to the south, and the Harrison lode, 8ur. No. 1968A. to the south. No conflicts noted plat of survey. Variation at ail corners 19® 25' E. Any and all persons claiming adversely auy portion of said claim or surface ground, are re quired to file their adverse title with the Regis ter of the United States Land Office, at Boise, Ada County 8tate of Idaho, during the sixty days period of publication hereof, or they wil; be barred by virtue of the provisions of the Stat ue. 83 Wm. Baldkrston, Register. First Publication, Oct. 23, 1&08. Last Publication, Dec. 25, 1906 For fine jewelry, silverware and cut glass call on J. W. Rowett, next door to the post office. He keeps a supply of no tions, candies, cigars, nuts, bananas, fancy chinaware and many other articles not carried by the other merchants. Sweeney's made to order clothing is up to-date. Heating stoves for coal or wood in large variety and quantities, also cook stoves and ranges always on hand at Philipp's Hardware Store. With good goods properly cut, fitted, and well made, you will be well dressed. Sweeney will deliver the goods. Notice of Forfeiture. To C. BUCK, his heirs or assigns: You are hereby not ified that I have expended five hundred dollars in labor and improvements upon the JOKER lode mining claim, situate iu Carson Mining District, County of Owyhee, State of Idaho, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of Section 2821 Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending December 31st, 1903, December 81st, 1904. December 81st, 905, December 31st. 1906, and December 31st, 1907. And if within ninety days from the ser vice of this notice (or within ninety days after this notice by publication), you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of such expenditure as a co owner, your interest, in said clai become the property of the subscriber under said section 2324. »Iver City, Idaho, August 21st, 1908. of is will L. F. ERICKSON. 28 Universal coffee perculators make per fect coffee, sold by Philipp. The Nampa Iron works handles all kinds of second hand machinery, For only $1.25 a month you can have one pint of milk delivered each and every night by Bartow. Any Suit in the house for $15. Sweeney, Silver City. Housepaint Oils and Turpentine Oils, Varnishes and brushes, Jap-a-Lac and Liquid Veneer at Philipp's. 3R,ofc>t> 7 3NT£Lim.p>EL, Has the largest and best Clothing and Shoe Store in the State of Idaho. Buying in connection with 3 other large Stores, enables him to under sell other stores. It will pay you to call when in Nampa.—Or write for anything you need. The business is conducted along strictly American lines, one price and your money's worth. T T -I + ■I -I ASHER A. GETCHF.LL Drugs, Medicines, Stationery DrugSundries, Perfumes, Cut Glass, China, Tobaccos, Confectionery, etc. News Stand in Connection. Post Office Building. Silver City, Idaho ESSBS1 Notice for Publication. Notice of Proof of Application ofWater to Beneficial Use. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1908, at Rock Creek, county of Twin Falls, State of Idaho, proof will be submitted of the application to beneficial use of 1.5 cubic feet per second of the waters of Mud Flat Creek in ac cordance with the terms and conditions of Per mit No 1843, heretofore issued by the State En gineer of the State of Idaho. 1. The name and postoffice address of the per son holding said permit Is J. N. Helsley, Three Creek, Idaho. 2. The use to which said water has been ap plied is irrigation and domestic use. 3. The amount applied to beneficial use is 1.6 cubic feet per second. 4. The place where said water is used is (if for irrigation, give full and accurate description of the lands Irrigated) 8 % 8B*Sec. 26, SW>4 SW& Bee. 25,NW*4NW*i Sec.85, Tp.158., R. 11 fi.B.M 5. The right to take the water from such works is based upon Permit No. 1848. 6. The source of supply from which such water is diverted is Mud Flat Creek. 7. The date of the priority which said user is prepared to establish is April 29, 1905. Ja8. Stephenson, Jr., 8tate Engineer. 27 Notice for Publication. Department U. 8. Land Office at Burns, Oregon, October 80th, 1908, Notice is hereby given that Andrew Greeley, of Watson, Oregon, who, on March 10, 1902, made Homestead Entry Nos. 1626, Serial ' o. 0854. for SWÎ4, Section 24; E»4 8E>4, Section 23, Township 27South, Range 42 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Fred Palmer. Uni ted S>ate8 Commissioner', at his office at Jordan Valley. Oregon, on the 8th day of December, 1908. the Interior, Claimant names as witnesses : of Watson, Oregon. Riley M. Horn, Alfred Horn, Richard Griffith, „ Jerome Bridges, „ Wm. Fahre, Register. Everything New, Neat and Clean. Modern Conveniences. Share House C. E. Share. Prop. First Class Restaurant iu Connection. All White Help. NAMPA IDAHO 9 LOOK OVER THE SITUATION Make out your want list, and don't leave one item out, because you will get the whole shooting match here for considerable less money than you ever dreamed of before. With the Silver City Supply Co., it is see how many goods they can sell. Drive up your buggies, bring in your wagons, and we will load them up to the brim. THE SILYER CITY SUPPLY CO,. 1 m * OWYHEE MEAT COMPANY 1 1 m 1 Dft-vlrt Somerville and Fred Ulmer I I m 'G) I 1 I Dealers in all Kinds of Fresh I 3Ü MEATS m m M 1 All Kinds of m 3È: SAUSAGES ft m ■A. Specialty. At The Same Old Stand I i Brewery/ Owyhee SlLVEIt CITY, IDAHO BEER. Guaranteed to be a Pure Hop and Barley Product A Healthful and Delicious Tonic Beverage For sale by the Barrel or the Case ^Frrtz Soiileifer ' BADGER FURNITURE CO. Let us figure on your bills for house furnishings. We carry a full line of CARPETS. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, STOVES RANGES, etc. We'll make you interesting Prices on every thing used in a home. t t t t t t