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Bid» Wanted. Notice is hereby giveu that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of County Commis sioners of Owyhee County, Idaho, for the construction of a hridge in Bruneaii Valley, across Dry Creek, on the Sec tion line between Sections 16 and 21, T. 6 8., K. 5 E., according to the following specifications: To have a span of forty feet, sup ported by two outside stringers 40 feet long, 12x10, set 15 feet outside to out side; six striugers, 12x6,20 feet ioug, aud four striugers, 12x10, 20 feet long, set with ends abutting, and set be tween the outside stringers at a uni form distance from center to center; the ends of the stringers to rest ou two sills, 18 feet long, 12x12 ; the sills to rest on five posts at each eud, 12 feet loug, 12x10; the posts to be mortised into mud sills 18 feet long, 12x12, aud set four feet below the bed of the creek; the center support of the string ers to be a sill 18 feet loug, 12x12, which is to be supported by four struts 17 feet long, 10x10, fastened at either eud by bolts 1 inch in diameter, 3 feet long, with washer and screw on each eud, aud supporting centersill with two rods 1J^ inches in diameter, 9 feet long with washer and screw on each end; sills to be fasteued to posts, and string ers to be fastened to sills by irou braces 1 inch in diameter, 2 feet 6 inch long bent aud sharpened at each eud ; floor to be 16 feet wide,of plank 12x3; railing over all of 4x4 scantling, 3 feet above floor ; approaches at either end to be 7 feet long, resting on mud sills 10 x 12, 18 ft long, floored with 12x3 plauk and substantially constructed. The successful bidder to furnish all materials. Bids to be opened at the Clerk's office in Silver City, October 13th, 1909, at ten o'clock a. in. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in double the amount of the bid for the faithful performance of the contract. Right reserved to reject any and all bids offered. By order of the Board, J. S. St Clair, Clerk. First publication, Sept 17, 1909. Last publication, Oct. 8, 1909. * 4-348 b. Notice for Publication. [Publisher.] Department of the Interior, U 8. Laud Office at Burns, Oregon, Septembers. 190». Notice Is hereby given that George Strode of Rockville, Idaho, who. fin July 13, 1908, made Homestead Entry No. 0112. for SW '4 SVV \u sec tion 26; WMNWfc Section 35, and 8K*4 NE *4 Seetion 34, Township 27 South. Range 45 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Commutation Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore B. W. Mulkey, County Clerk of Malheur County, at his office at Vale, Oregon, on the lttth day ol October. 1909. Claimaut name* as witnesses: Andrew Jack son Ufford of Jordan Valley, Oregon; John Henry Langsyne of Sheaville. Oregon; John Thomas Glover of »Iordan Valley, Oregon; Alfred Forest Horn, of Nvss-», Oregon. 23 Wm. FARBE; Register. SHximate Bros. When ordering Winter Supplies of Groceries call on or write SHUMATE BROS, Nampa's Biggest, Best and Busiest GROCERS Phones 140 and 141. NAMPA, IDAHO V J. H. Moberly & Co. HARNESS and SADDLES We make Harness to order and guarantee satisfaction. Come in and see us. Opposite postoffice, IDAHO NAMPA. OWYHEE NUGGET $2 * Year. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. 7 all House paints at Philipp's. Special bargains at Philipp's. A one burner Gasoline Stove for sale, cheap, at Philipp's. Don't forget that every buy is a bar gain at Philipp's hardware store. City Marshal Cy Maxin and wife are visiting in Nampa this week. Mrs. W. A. Lewis and mother, Mrs. J. B. Brown, are visiting in Boise this week. E. J. Burroughs and Miss Lottie Gardner will furnish the music for the dance in Jordan Valley tonight. Ira Gardner had the misfortune Tues day to lose a valuable horse, which took sick and died on the way in from Murphy. Mrs. Minnie Weston is holding a sale of Millinery goods in Jordan Valley to day and tomorow, Friday and Saturday. Charlie Brunzell, one of the prosperous farmers of near Nampa, was in Silver Wednesday to attend the funeral of his brother. Public school opened Monday morning with a fair enrollment of scholars, which will be added to as the term progresses. The teachers are, Prof. A. D. Bradfield principal; Miss Zada Wines, intermedi ate department, and Miss Caroline C. Hasting, primary department. The public's attention is called to the fact, that Theo. H. Philipp is closing out his hardware business and that goods will be sold at cost for cash; and more especially heating and cook stoves will go very low for this month only, as he in tends to leave by the first of October. E. Bedford, the Caldwell capitalist ami owner of one of the best ranches in Owyhee County, was a Silver City visitor the first of the week. Mr. Bedford is quite extensively interested in mining and represents some very wealthy eastern capitalists. His trip here at this time was to look over some properties with a view of investing. He left for home Wednesday morning but intends return ing in a short time. Hedvim, the Photographer, is fully pre pared to do all and any kind of work in his line. Call and examine his work when lit Silver City. When YOU are in Boise stop at the CAPITAL HOTEL You'll find your . Home Paper. Rooms 50 Cents and Up. E M. BUSS E. 0. GRICE at of *4 es lttth BOISE LABORATORIES COMPANY Assayere. Chemists & Metallurgists St-nd us your samples. Mill tests made on 100 pounds and less of ore. 227 South 10th 8t. BOISE, IDAHO Notice to All Sheep Men. The followfug is the sheep inspection line between summer and winter ra'ge in Owyhee couuty: Commencing at the State Line on Succor Creek, run ning northeast to Blackstack corrals on McBride Creek; thence to J. E. Keith's dip corral on Squaw Creek ; thence in a southeasterly direction to old corrals on Mac Creek ; thence east to Crain Springs, to Diamond Basin, to upper end Gilmore ranch on Sinker Creek ; thence southeast to Heed's corral on Picket Creek ; thence south to Boles corral on Alder Creek; thence to Birch Creek crossing by Tom Doyle's ranch; thence to Lohmeres corral on Shoo Flv Creek to mouth of Jack'sCreek ; thence up to water holes on Jack's Creek; thence to Battle Creek crossing; thence west to Juniper Point. According to law, all sheep must be inspected before crossing this line aud for violations of same, owners and per sons in charge lay themselves to a tine of $250. All owners are warned not to cross this line without holding a clean cer tificate aud are requested to notify the Live Stock Inspector in plenty of time when they will cross the line so he can inspect their eheep without delay, Sheep will be inspected not only for scabies hut for contagious foot rot and either disease must be eradicated be fore a certificate is issued. All sheep owuers are requested to notify the inspectorat once if they have any symptoms of foot rot among their sheep, that it may be eradicated before they reach the State line. All sheep men must notify me when receiving bucks from other states. FAY O. MITCHELL; Live Stock Inspector for Owyhee Connty. G. E. NOBLE, State Veterinarian. « In the District Court of (he Seventh Judicial District of the State of I Idaho, In and For (he County of Owyhee. John H. Emery, Plaintiff, I I 'l I Notice of Attachment I vs. Freil Hosac, Defendant. I Notice is hereby given that a Writ of Attachment has been issued in the above entitled case against the property of the above named defendant, to re cover from said defendant the sum of $291.74 and interest thereon at the rate of seven par cent, per annum from August 15th, 1903, to date of judgment aud costs of suit. I I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have bereumo set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 13th day of September, 1909. J. 8. StCLAIR, Cleik. KARL PAINE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Burns, Oregon. August 14, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the 8tate of Ore gon has filed in this office its application (8erial No. 03587) to select under the provision* of the Act of Congress, approved August 14, 1848, and acts amendatory thereto, the NWK 8 E 14 , SEHSWVL See. 11; WtfNWK, Sec. 14; NE^NEfc, Sec 22, T, 40 8., R. 38 E., W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant should file their affidavits ol protest in this office, on or before the expiration of the period of publication. Wm. Farrc, Register. First publication. August 27th, 1909. Last Publication, October 1st, 1909. HORSES WINTERED. I will winter horses for $10 and $12 per head. For further particulars write John Neil McBride, Jordan Valley, Oregon. The Shot That Kills Shot Gun Shells, Extra heavy loads, at J. W. Rowett's. Our spring line of shoes will be in about next week. We will have everything in Oxford's for Ladies, Gents and Children, at the Silver City Supply Co. A full line of brand new Kodaks and Kodak supplies just received at Rowett's Just received at Silver Supply Co., the finest line of Oxford and other style shoes, for Children, Ladies and Gentlemen, that 1 has been in town for a long time. REGULAR TRIPS Between DeLanmr and Silver City. Stage de parts from Delamar at S a. m. Departs from Silver on return trip at 2 p. In. Passengers and Freight carried. Stops at Dewey en route Delamar Livery, Feed and sale STABLes JOHN HO RE Proprietor j THE IÏ1ITGHELL HOTEL Boise, Idaho European 'Plan :Bath Heat In E-Oery Hoorn Rates: 50c. 75c. & litl.OO per day OPPOSITE DEPOT J. T. KENNEDY» Proprietor OWYHEE BARBER SHOP OLDEST STAND IN THE COUNTY BATHS First Clakss Workmanship O. A. PETITT, Proprietor Livery Barn Feed Stables « I I ► » I > I I I I I I > I ► I Good Horses and Rigs. Job Teams to carry freigh to all surround ing Camps. : ; I COAL. HAY AND I I GRAIN s f a°lU I Wheat for Chicken Feed » I I 1 I. . 1 . Gardner Silver City » 1 ASHER A. GETCHELL Drugs, Medicines, Stationery ' Drug Sundries, Perfumes, Cut Glass, China, Tobaccos, Confectionery, etc. News Stand Connection. in Drug Store. Post Office. Idaho Silver City, I PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 _ CHARLES M. HAYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office next dooi to Philipp's Hardware Store Jordan Street. Silver City, Idaho. WILLIAM IIEALY —Lawyer— Office opposite the Idaho Hotel. Silver City, Idaho Member of firm of Sxead, Elliott He alt, BOISE, IDAHO. W. R. HAMILTON, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Idaho j 811.VE11 City. THOS. FARRER, M. D. PHYSICIAN * SURGEON CullBanswered auy hour of the day or nicht. De Lahab, Idaho DR. F. S. HEER -DENTIST IDAHO 8ILVER CITY, MILTON G. CAGE ATTORNEY AT-LAW Practice in all Court*—Federal and State Deals in Land Scrip and secures title thereby without residence Bell phone 321 black 414-415 Overland Block BOISE, IDAHO f SOCIETY CARDS O WYHEE AERIE, No. 1737, F. O. E.. 811 Vftr City, Idaho, meets every second and fourhh Thursdavs of each month. Visiting brother»» al ways welcome. Henhy Rood, W. P O. A. PET1TT, W. Hec. C YRUS CHAPTER NO. 2, R. A. M -Meets every fourth Wednesday of each month. So iourniug companion* cordially invited to attend. Thoma* Barnes, Ex. H. P. Hubert H. Leonard, Jr., Secretary. S ILVER CITY LODGE NO. 13, A- F. & A. M Meet* the Second Wednesday of each mouth Sojourning brethern cordially invited to attend. J. E. M AKTER8, W. M. Simon Harris, Secretary I WYHEFa LODGE No. 2, I. O. O. F., 811ver City, Idaho, meets every second and fourth Friday night. Sojourning Brethren alway* wel come. Henry Olson, N. G. O ► » W ilpred McIntosh, Secretary. > S ILVER CITY MINERS'UNION No. 66. W. F. M., Silver City, Idaho. me«ts every Saturday evening after change of shift. All visit ing mem ber* invited to attend. C. W* Stallings, President M. D. McLrod, Secretary. I I > K nights of pythias, silver city LODGE, No. 25. Meets every eecond and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brother* always welcome. Charles Rogers, C. C. ► John Grete, K. of R. and 8. Blbblrvs-Myet C®'» Bid'». SILVER CITY, - - - - FDA HO I I Receives Deposits subject to Check. Buys and sells Exchange. Interest Paid on time Deposits. 1 1 Frank Hall, Cashier » We have on hand a new line of Sum mer Dress Goods of all kinds, Ribbons of all colors and widths at the Silver City Supply Co. I » ►