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OWYHEE NUGGET AH tHe Local Minin* News Accur ately Chronicled. ^ ^ ^ ^ Subscription Rates. -Ml ONE YEAR. SIX MONTHS. Strictly In advance. Advertising rates given on application. UK) Published every Tours pa y by ; Editor M. N FEGTLY. DON C. BOYD, Associai. Editor Entered as second-cl as* matter January 4,1906, at the post office at FilverCity Idaho, under the Act o l Ooagress of March 8, 1879. _ MEMBER WESTERN IDAHO PRESS ASSO .Cl ATI ON. CHAS. A. HACKNEY. MEADOWS, PRES P. G. BURROUGHS, CALDWELL, 8EG"Y. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1909 The eyes of the mining world are looking eagerly tonfard Owy hee county for investments in producing properties. A man with a piece of sage brush land and a good water right in Owyhee county can justly exclaim, "1 am monarch of all, and hard times and panics can not reach me now." A good investment,?; and one that will pan and pay 'from the grass roots down, is to subscribe for an extra #opy or two of the Nugget and send it to some friend or friends in the east. Irrigation in Owyhee county' means plenty of red apples for everybody and an abundance of other fruits, berrier and all kinds of choice vegetable products, with a good market for a great deal of the same right at home. Don Carlos Boyd, associate editor of the Nugget, will leave shortly on an extended business trip to Oreano and Bruneau in the interests of this paper. Boyd will write up the irrigation and other interests of that pro lific section, and will make it a point to meet and get acquainted with the people residing in that part of Owyhee county. Mr. The mineral resources of Owy hee county are attracting con siderable attention among min ing men on the outside and some heavy investments are likely to ( ecur in the not distant future. This means that the old camp of Silver stands in a fair way to take on new life and energy, and once again take its place among the heaviest and foremost gold and silver producing camps in the West. President Taft is certainly tak ing advantage of and enjoying experiences as they come while he is the guest of the West. Re cently at Butte, Montana, at tired in an old linen duster, an old black sloucn hat and swing ing an electric lantern at hisside, the president was locked in an iron cage and dropped 1200 feet through midnight blackness into the depths of the famous old Leonard copper mine, and saw the miners at work with a giant drill in a vein of high grade ore. When he ascended he said thusiastically, "I would have missed it for the world." en not Silver City business men are truly enterprising and - progres sive, not only in spirit but in ac tion, and when it comes to any thing looking to the advance ment of the best interests of the town and community they never stand back and wait for the other fellow to start the ball rolling. An instance at hand is in our enlargement of the size of the Nugget. Before we had is sued the paper in its larger form many came to us and promised increased advertising patronage, realizing that a good, live paper is not only the life, but the best j advertising medium of its re sources aiul business opportuni ties any community can have. , 1 j ! ! The Owyhee Nugget $2 a year. A prospect, be it ever so rich on the surface, is often a difficult and unsatisfactory thing to j market. The public have no confidence in it and would pre fer to buy some old and depleted mine -with a record. This is hardly fair to the prospect, which often may develop into a rich mine, seeing that all rich mines were once prospects. The prospector should develop his prospect to depth of at least 100 feet or more, and so partially prove the vein, and inspire con fidence and have something le gitimate to offer. Prospectors, on the other hand, as a rule, prefer to just open a number of prospects by 10-foot holes rather than develop any one of them. They are sometimes afraid to go to any depth lest the ore may give out, or not show as well as on the surface. A promoter comes along, gath ers together these undeveloped prosDects into a group, gets up a company, capitalizes them far beyond their prospective value and begins to dig along crosscut tunnel 1,000 feet below them and to erect a mill without any ore on the dump. He, too, hes itates to go down to any depth on his veins for the same reason as the prospector, lest they should play out or prove not so good as that displayed in his prospectus, consequently the public buys a "pig in a poke," without knowing or without any positive or satisfactor 3 T asurance of what they have got, it being only a prospect, not a blocked out mine or a mine at all, as they supposed.—Mining Science. The owyhee Nugget this week greets its many readers in an en larged form, •which in future will allow us to devote more space to the mining, stockraising and agricultural pursuits of Owyhee county, and to better chronicle the local happenings of Silver City and other localities. Along local lines we invite correspond ence, and would greatly appre ciate a good correspondent in every precinct in the county. Send us the locals. It will not only interest you to see them in print, but it will also interest and please your neighbors, and will aid us in making of the Nugget one of the newsiest and best lit tle papers published in Idaho. Remember, the subscription price is only $2 a year now. The rich irrigated sections of Owyhee county are fast being developed' and the arid lands brought into a high state of cul tivation. The Oreano and Bru neau localities offer rare induce ments to the capitalist seeking remunerative investment in lands, and to the-homeseeker seeking the opportunity for building a home in a land where he is assured of abundant crops yearly, good educational facili ties and the comforts and social surroundings that make the home life a blessing and the abode of true happiness. Secretary Wilson, of the de partment of agriculture, is well pleased with the success of dry farming in the west, and believes that this particular method of cultivating crops is destined to meet with much greater success in the future than it has hereto fore. On the Secretary's recent trip of inspection of the system in Wyoming and Idaho, he stated that as the method of dry farm * n & becomes better understood, fU| d as suitable crops are intro duced into this country, better results are bound to foliow j rigation system that will reclaim The people of Jordan Valley are justly enthusiastic over the bright outlook for the early con struction of a railroad into that rich and fertile valley, and for the early inauguration of an ir , some 50,000 acres of adjacent 1 arid lands. We j our neighbors fairly on the road ! to the enjoymeut of this pros ! perity. glad Uo lire f j : ' : J j Livery Barn Feed Stables > I l \ » ► ► ► ► Good Horses and Rigs. Job Teams to carry freigh to all surround ing Camps. : : 1 I ) ► COAL. HAY AND ► CHAIN sale ! I 1 i Wheat for Chicken Feed > 1 X. .T. Gardner Silver City 1 1 The Model Dairy Pure Milk and Cream delivered in Silver City and other mining camps, every morning, in quantity to suit customers. Tour patronage solicited. We Guarantee satisfaction. The Model Dairy DEWEY, IDAHO. OWYHEE BARBER SHOP OLDEST STAND IN THE COVNTY BATHS First Class Workmanship O. A. PETITT, Proprietor Everything New, Neat and Clean. Modern Conveniences. Share House C. E. Share, Prop. First Class Restaurant in Connection. All White Help. NAMPA. IDAHO THE MINT SALOON This popular resort has been re-opened in the new building erected on the site of the one destroyed by the recent fire. Everything New A Full Line of the Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Etc. The Murphy j SALOON < * ► ◄ ► ► ROBERT LOWERY, Proprietor ► ► < A Select line of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS < ► __ , I Murphy, j Ida.ho PROFESSIONAL CARDS CHARLES M. HAÏS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office next dooi to Philipp's Hardware Store on Jordan Street. Silver City, Idaho. WILLIAM healy —L awyer— Office opposite the Idaho Hotel. Silver City, Idaho Member of firm of Smead, Elliott & Healy. BOISE, IDAHO. W. U. HAMILTON, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Silver City, Idaho THOS. KARRER, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Culls answered any hour of the day or night. Dk Lamar. Idaho MILTON G. CAGE ATTORNEY at-law Practice in all Courts—Federal and State Deals in Land Scrip and secures title thereby without residence 414-415 Overland Block Bell phone 821 black BOISE, IDAHO t SOCIETY CARDS J O WYHEE AERIE, No. 1737, F. O. E.. Silver City, Idaho, meets every second and fourth s of each mouth. Visiting brothers al Heni.y Rood, W. P. Thursday ways welcome. O. A. PET ITT, W. Pec. C YRUS CHAPTER NO. 2, R. A. M.-Meets every fourth Wednesday of each month. So journing companions cordially invited to attend. Thomas Barnes, Ex. H. P. Robert H. Leonard, Jr., Secretary. S ILVER CITY LODGE NO. 13, A.F.& A. M Meets the Second Wednesday of each month Sojourning brethern cordiallv invited to attend. J. È. M asters, W. M. Simon Harris, Secretary O WYHEK LODGE No. 2, I. O. O. F., Silver City, I aho, meets every second and fourth Friday nicht. Sojourning Brethren always wel Henry Olson, N. G. Wilfred McIntosh, Secretary. come. S ILVER CITY MINERS' UNION No.fifi. W V. M., Silver City, Idaho, meet? every Saturday evening after change of shift. All visiting mem bers iuvited to attend. jIngs, President C. W* St M. D. McLeod, Secretary. K nights of pythias, silver city LODGE, No. 25, Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. Charles Rogers, C. C. John* Grete, K. of R. and S. Bibbirvs-Myer C°'s Bid'*. SILVER CITY, IDAHO Receive» Deposits subject toCbeck. Buys and sells Exchange. InterestPaid on time Deposits, Fhank Uau., Cashier REGULAR TRIPS Between DeLamar and Silver City. Stage de parts from Delamar at 8 a. m. Departs from Silver on return trip at 2 p.m. Passengers and Freigilt carried. Stops at Dewey en route Delamar Livery, Feed and sale STABLes JOHN HORE Proprietor THE IWTCHELL HOTEL Boise, Idaho European "Plan "Bath Heat In Et)ery 'Room - *5 Kates: SOc. 75c. & $1 .OO per day OPPOSITE DEPOT J. T. KENNEDY, Proprietor BOONEVILLE HOTEL Boarding and Lodging at Reasonable Rates. Livery, Feed a.i\d Sale Stables in connection. Careful Drivers and Best of Stock. Hay, Grain and Wood Depot, CHAS. F. SIMMONS, Proprietor When YOU are in Boise stop at the CAPITAL HOTEL You'll find your Home Paper. Rooms 50 Cents and Up. "I You Krvow It And R n Let the hcwlera howl And the growlers growl, And the prowlers prowl, And the gee-haws go it. behind the night, There's plenty of light. And things are ail right, And you know it. Let the weather man do What he can to you; Winter is coming That's true, And you can't deny it. After the warm spell Goods'll be easy to sell, * And all will be well And you know it. And we have a. full stock of General Merchandise } BIBBINS MYER COMPANY j Murphy, Silver City, Dewey and DeLamar STAGE LINES I lB^"The best facilities for transportation between tjje railway ter minus to and from Silver City, DeLamar, or other points in Owyhee. Keep good mountain rigs, with good stock and Careful Drivers. Stables at Silver City and Murphy J I I w m Stage and Express Office, one J. C. Connors O. D. Brumbaugh Props. iy^ Public Teleph I I I I k I ,1 I ! IDAHO HOTEL I I I I I 2S 8 1 « 1 Headquarters fo. Oummercial and Mining Men Rates $2.00 ana Upwards per Day I I 1 I I I I m \M I ijj| FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM AND POOL TABLES » M I I I I I Choicest Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always in Stock I 1 I I » 01 Çowyliee Bre-wojpyO SILVER CITY, IDAHO BEER Guaranteed to be a Pure Hop and Barley Product A Healthful and Delicious Tonic Beverage For sale by the Barrel or the Case ^Fritz SoLileifer, Prop y OWYHEE NUGGET $2 sx Year.