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OWYHEE NUGGET All th© Local MIrving News Accur ately Chronicled. Subscription Rates. «-• on ONE YEAR. SIX MONTHS. Strictly in advance. Advertising rates given on application. Published every Thursday by M. N FEGTLY, DON C. BOYD, Associate Editor Editor Entered as second-class matter January 4,l*K>5, at the post office at Silver City Idaho, under the Act of Congress of March 3,1879. MEMBER WESTERN IDAHO I'RESS A880 CIATION. CHAS. A. HACKNEY. MEADOWS, PRES F. G. BURROUGHS, CALDWEUg SEC Y. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1909 ORIENTAL TRADE. (From Goodwin's Wtekly.) Mr. Ernest Schultz, in a German paper, the I'russisch Johrbucher, gives his idea of why the United States has failed commercially in the Pacific. He tells how J. J. Hill from boy hood dreamed of sometime an economic opening of the Orient to trade; how the late Mr. Har riman shared his views; how at first the Hill ships went loaded with flour for China, but have since lost the trade, and ascribes it all to JaDanese competition which is crowding the ships of all nations from the Pacific. The article is a very able one, except that it lacks the chief es sential. The writer gives many reasons \\4iy the Americans have failed and the Japanese have won and are winning more and more every month and year, only one of which has any found ation in fact. Japan is subsid izing her ships, and is a, mighty factor in the result, but that is not the real reason. If the learn ed German will look over the rate of exchanges in the Orient, he will see the main cause of all the trouble. Japan is paying her ottilurs just the weight of silver that she paid in the long she is paying her coal miners and shipbuilders in the same way; the coal and labor paid for by American ships, is, in Ori ental money, twice as much as was the cost twenty-five years ago, and so is every arti cle that the United States seeks to export to the Orient, and hence the "commercial failure." If the United States continues to ignore silver as money and refuses to begin to restore the merchant marine, her trade with half the world will Japan, China, Straights Settle ment, India, Turkey and Egypt and be desperately crippled in South America. Her present policy towards silver and towards taking any steps to restore our shipping to the sea, will, if continued, eventuate in driving from us the trade of half the world. There is no possible escape., With Japan elimirtated, still our trade with China would be as good dead, she buys nothing cept what she must have and cannot quite yet produce from hei own factories. Our nation is really committing commercial suicide with half the world. ago; cease in as now ex The American MiningCongre closed its twelfth » session at Goldfield at noun Saturday last after adopting a resolution call ing upon the national govern ment to pass laws against grant ing perpetual franchises water power or water rights in M estern states, and urging that state legislation be passed with out waiting for congressional action. The apex law, under which the discoverer of a mineral lode or vein can follow it outside the lines of his claim, other subject of discussion, and its repeal, with the substitution of a law making the side lines of a claim its limits when continued i downward vertically, was Urged. I M ildcatting schemes were placed j under the ban. J. H. Richards' for was an of Boise, the retiring president of the congress, was given a ( handsome silver service by the delegates. |( I We predict that the year 1010 ■ will witness great activity inj] mining circles in Owyhee county, ' and that the Silver City camp will be in the full enjoyment of one of the liveliest and most prosperous periods in its history. ( Prosperity reigns supreme in Jordan Valley. The thrifty and progressive people of that fav ored sectiou of Oregon are re ceiving good prices this fall for their stock and agricultural pro ducts, with plenty of buyers. < 1 I The mineral resources of Owy hee county continue to attract the attention of outside capital and several investments are be ing recorded, with others to fol low soon. ( in The best irrigated lands in the West are to be found in Owyhee county. Deep, rich soil, good water right and b home market for your products. An alfalfa meal mill is a much needed industry, and one that would prove ment, in the irrigated district of Owyhee county. paying •invest a Alfalfa haystacks, that appear to the eye in the distance like miniature moutaius, dot the fields in the irrigated districts of Owyhee county. Buy an irrigated tract in Owy hee county and be independent, prosperous and happy for the rest of your life. The annual wool and livestock shipments from Owyhee county average well with other counties of the state. '.I Notice of Teacher's Examination. There will be an examination for teach ers October 7, 8 and 9. Questions for second and third grade certificates will be issued. Jennie Färber Avery. County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Silver City, Idaho, Sept. 28th, 1909. E. C. GRICE E M. BUSS BOISE LABORATORIES COMPANY in Assayere. Chemists & Metallurgists Send us your samp'es. Mill teste made on J00 pounds and less of ore. 227 South lQtli St. BOISE, IDAHO Everything New, Neat and Clean. Modern Conveniences. Share House C. E. Share, Prop. as First Class Restaurautin Connection. All White Help. NAMPA. IDAHO THE MINT SALOON » at This popular resort has been re-opened in the new building erected on the site of the one destroyed by the recent fire. Everything New in i j of j i I j A Full Line of the Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Rtf*.' Etc. Livery Barn Feed Stables ) > 1 I ) ► ► 1 I Good Horses and Rigs. Job Teams to carry freigh to all surround ing Camps. : : I > ► ► ) COAL. HAY AND GRAIN Salk ! Wheat for Chicken Feed 1 ► I ► ► > I. .1 - Gardner Silver City I * IK OWYHEE BARBER SHOP OLDEST STAND IN THE COVNTY BATHS First Class Workmanship Proprietor O. A. PETITT, Co SILVER CIT/ CIGAR MFG. COMPANY Headquarters for the Famous *» "A. J. Iristol Eevgle Pig Tail CIGAR.S '.I \\ \ Manager A. J. SWAN, Silver City, Idaho 4 « î The Murphy j SALOON ? : < *• ► ■ > ◄ » < ROBERT LOWERY, Proprietor ► < ■i ► Î > « A Select line of ► •< WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS ► ► ► ► ◄ ► ◄ ► ► ► Murphty, IdeJio \ » ► e nit ^ wy m 'w « V. N. POOLE, Proprietor ii g ip j» >1 || | Good Accomodations for Families, Ladies and Gentlemen. Terms rea sonably Low. A First Class Family Hotel. £ < Good Meals. Conifortable Lodging. Satisfact ion G na ra nteed. iMriJii-pYiy, Ida, . Ml PROFESSIONAL CARDS CHARLES At. HAYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office next doot to Philipp's Hardware Store ou Jordan Street. 8ilvek City, Idaho. WILLIAM HEALY —Lawyer— Office opposite the Idaho Hotel. Sii.vbr City, Idaho Member of firm of Snead, Elliott & Hkaly. BOISE, IDAHO. W. R. HAMILTON, AI. I». PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Idaho Silver City, THOS. FARRER, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Cullsanswered any hour of the day or night. De Lamar. Idaho MILTON G. CAGE ATTORNEY AT-LAW Practice in all Courts—Federal and State Deals in Land Scrip and secures title thereby without residence 414-415 Overland Block Bell phone 821 black BOISE, IDAHO SOCIETY CARDS O WYHEE AERIE, No. 1737, F. O. E., Stlvei City, Idaho, meets every second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Visiting brothers al ways welcome. Henry Rood, W. P. O. A. PETIT T, W. Sec. C YRUS CHAPTER NO. 2, R. A. M.-Meets every fourth Wednesday of each month. So journing com panions cordially invited to attend. Thomas Barnes, Ex. H. P. Robert H. Leonard, Jr., Secretary. S ILVER CITY LODGE NO. 13, A. F. & A, M Meets the Second Wednesday of each month Sojourning brethern cordiallv invited to attend. J. E. M asters, W. M. Simon Harris, Secretary O WYHEE LODGE No. 2, I. O. O. F., Silver City, I 'aho, meets every second and fourth Friday nipht. {Sojourning Brethren alwayR wel come. Henry' Olson, N. G. Wilfred McIntosh, Secretary. S ILVER CITY MINERS' UNION«. W F. M., Silver City, Idaho, meets everv Saturday evening after change of shift. All visit ins mem ber& invited to attend. , President C. W- Stall M. D. McLeod, Secretary. K nights of pythias, silver city LODGE, No. 25. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. Charles Rogers, C. C. John Grete, K. of ii. and S. Blbblns-Myei Co's Bid's. SILVER CITY, - - - - IDAHO Receives Deposits subject to Check. Bnysaud sells Exchange. Interest Paid on lime Deposits. Frank Hall, Cashier REGULAR TRIPS Between DeLamar ami Silver City. Stage tie parts from Delamar at 8 a. in. Departs from Silver on return trip at 2 p. in. Passengers ami Freight carried. Stops at Dewey en route Delamar Livery, Feed and sale STABLes JOHN HORE Proprietor ■THE miTCHELL HOTEL Boise, Idaho European "Plan !Bath Heat In E-Oery "Room Kates: 50c. 75c. & H<1 .OO per day OPPOSITE DEPOT J. T. KENNEDY, Proprietor BOONEVILLE HOTEL, Boarding and Lodging at Reasonable Rates. I Livery, Feed a.i\d Sale Stables in connection. Careful Drivers and Best of Stock. Hay, Grain and Wood Depot, CHAS. F. SIMMONS, Proprietor When YOU are in Boise stop at the CAPITAL HOTEL You'll find your Home Paper. Rooms 50 Cents and Up. You Krvow It And . é Let the howlers howl And the growlers growl, And the prowlers prow 1, And the gee-haws go it. Behind the night, There's plenty of light. And things are all right, And you know it. Let the weather man do What he can to you; Wipter is coming That's true, And you can't deny it. After the warm spell Goods'll be easy to sell, And all will be well And you know it. V And we have a. full stock of General Merchandise BIBBIMYER COMPANY *1 Murphy, Silver City, Dewey and DeLamar STAGE LINES E3^"The best facilities for transportation between the railway ter minus to and from Silver City, DeLamar, or other points in Owyhee. Keep good mountain rigs, with good stock and Careful Drivers. V. V Stables at Silver City and Murphy -J mmmmmm mwmmmmwm . t Ï Stage and Express Office. !/. Public Telephone J. C. Connors 0. D. Brumbaugh I Props. i I I 1 I % IDAHO HOTEL ïî I 2S i % I Headquarters fo. Commercial and Mining Men Rates $2.00 and Upwards per Day I i i i I I I I FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM AND POOL TABLES ffi I I I I I Choicest Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always in Stock I I I « > I m Cï <) Owyhee Brewery SILVER CITY, IDAHO BEER. Guaranteed to be « a Pure Hop Barley Product A Healthful and Delicious Tonic Beverage For sale by the Barrel or the Case ^Fritz Solrleifer, FrojD A OWYHEE NUGGET $2 sx Year.