Newspaper Page Text
OWYHEE NUGGET THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 190fi Notice of Teaches 's Fxa.minc.tion. There will be an examination for teach ers October 7, 8 and 9. Questions for second and third grade certificat»* will be issued. Jennie Farrkr Avery. County Superintendent of Public Instruction. Silver City, Idaho, Sept. 28th, 1909. E. C. GRICE E. M. BU88 BOISE LABORATORIES COMPANY Assayers. Chemists & Metallurgists Send us your samples. Mill tests made'on 100 pounds and less of ore. 227 South iOtli St. BOISE, IDAHO Everything New, Neat and Clean. Modern Conveniences. Share House C. E. Share, Prop. First Class Restaurant in Connection. All White Help. NAMPA. IDAHO THE MINT SALOON This popular resort has been re-opened in the new building erected on the site of the one destroyed by the recent fire. Everything New A Full Line of the Choicest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Etc. Legal Notices. 4—348 b. Notice for Publication. in [Publisher.] Department of the Interior, U 8 Laud Office at , Oregon, September 8.1909. is hereby given that George Strode of Rockville, Idaho, wno. on July 13, 1908, made Homestead Entry No. 0112. for SWHt 8WJ4 Sec tion 26; W*4 NW)4 Section 35, and 8EV* NE *4 Section 34, Townehip 27 8outh. Range 45 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Commutation Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore B. W. Mol key, County Clerk of Malheur County, at his office at Vale, Oregon, on the 19th day ol October. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Andrew Jack Ufford of Jordan Valley, Henry Langsyne of Shea ville. Thomas Glover of Jordan ValleyJfS Alfred Forest Horn, of Nyss i, Oregon. 23 Wm. FA RUE, Register. Bu Notice Oregon: John Oregon; John Oregon ; -■■il Notice to Creditors. Estate of J. M. Brumsell. Jr., deceased: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the under signed, adniistrator of the estate of John M. Brunzcll, Jr. deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against, the said de ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within ten months after the first pub lication of this notice, to the said administrator at Silver City, Idaho, in the County of Owyhee. ASHER A. G ETC HELL, Administrator of the Estate of Johu M. Brunzell, Jr., deceased. Dated at Silver City, Idaho, Sept. 27th, 1909. First publication Sept. 30, 1909. Last publication October 21, 1909. V Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office ( At Boise, Idaho, October 4, 190». i Buise, Idaho, Serial No. 07325. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Northern Pacifie Railway Company, whose post office address is St. Paul, Minnesota, has thiB 4th day of October. 1909, filed in this office ils application to select under the provisions of the of Congress, approved July 1, 1898, (30 Stat, 597, 920) NW^NEJa, NK>4 NWÜ, «ec. I», Tp. 8 S„ R.4W„ SW54 NEJ4. Sec. 23, NEU NEU, NWU 8EU. Sec. 35, Tp. 8 S„ R. 5 W., B. M., all nnsurveyed laud. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character ot the laud, or lor any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before the 26th day of November, 1909 Wm. Balderston, Register. E. E. Garkett, agent for applicant.. First publication October 14, 19<I9. Last publication November 11,1909. ACt 27 MINING - -« Read Investors IN STEELE MINING DISTRICT ON B0VLDER - CREEK GOLD Lacrge Veins, Free Milling Ore and Good Water Power are some of the advantages of this locality. Re cent development has opened well defined veins of from 4 to 25 feet in width, carry ing good values. r IS AN OPPORTUNE TY FOR CAPITAL ert hE W., to land HERE Seeking investment that will insure enormous returns, as the property be leased, bonded or purchased at very reasonable figures. r of THE can BOULDER CREEK is destined to become the greatest mining camp A railroad is surveyed right through the camp. A good in Idaho wagon road from present shipping point. Of is for sale at be Mining Stock Bought and Sold A limited amount of mining stock in good producing properties for at a reasonable figure. Prices made known on application. • WVV' ( i 8 all EXCELLENT BARGAINS in undeveloped and partly developed mining properties that can be purchased or bonded at very reasonable figures, examination of these investments, or for further particulars and inform ation call on or write to SOME [ ! I We invite a personal M. 1ST. FECtTLY Mining Broker Ideilno Silver OiLy, Sec Sweeney'y Summer Suit Samples and Warm Woolen Winter and Fancy Fall Assortments of the Latest Styles. 500 Choice Samples just arrived. Notice. Potatoes delivered at Silver City or Dewey for $1.50 per hundred; at De Lamar $1.75, if orders are sent in be fore October 15th. In orders from one hundred pounds up. Cabbage, carrots turnips, rutabagos and beets lnquanti tics to suit purchasers with orders for potatoes. A. A. Wetmore, Box 64, Silver City, Idaho. Hedum, the Photographier, la fully pro pared to do all and any kind of work In his lino. Ctvll and examine his work when In Si Ivor City. HORSES WINTERED. I will winter horses for $10 and $12 per head. For further particulars write John Neil McBride, Jordan Valley, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, United States ( Land Office, Boise, Idaho, Sept. 2, 1909. f NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that FRANK J. DAVIS, of Oreana, Idaho, who, on October 1, 1902, made Homestead Application No. 0037, Serial No. 02798, for SWJ 4 SEfc, 6V4 8Wfc 8ec. 27, 8KH 8 E l 4 , 8ec. 28, Township 4 8outh, Range 1 East, Boise Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. 8. Heer, Probate Judge, at Silver City, Idaho, on the 12th day of November, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Manilas M. Craig, of Silver City, Idaho. Thomas D. Feeney, of Oreana. " Harry Matthews, of " : Robert Kelley, W*. Ralderktok, Register, 2« 4-348 b. Notice for Publication. [Publisher.] Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, August 17, 1909. Notice in hereby given that B. Franklin Buf fington, of M urphy. Idaho, who, on August 14, 1907, made Desert Land Entry No. 2780, Serial, No. 05289, for 8W » 4 . Wfc SEM- See. 10, NW* KEfc'NKfc NWli, Section 15, Township 3 S., Ranee 1 W., Boise Meridian, has filed notice of bis intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, betöre the Register and Reciver, at Boise, Idaho, on the 19th day of October, 1909. Claimant name« as witnesses: David Thim f un of Murphy, Idaho; Harry Keller of Murphy, daho; Wm. H Wymer of Murphy. Idaho; Dan Barnidge of Murphy. Idaho. 33 Wm. BALDERTSON, Register. 4—348 b. Notice for Publication. [Publisher.] Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, August 17,1909. Notice is hereby given that David Thimgan of Murphy, Idaho, who, on February 29, 1908, made Desert Land Entry No. 2944, Serial, No. 0533ft, for 3WH SW}*, Section 3, Township 3 8 , Range 1 W., Boise Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, at Boise, Idaho, on the 19th day of October. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: William H. Wymer of Murphy, Idaho; Harry Keller of Murphy, Idaho; B. Franklin Buffington Murphy, Idaho; Dan Barnidgeof Murphy, Idaho. 23 Wm. BALDERTSON, Register. "1 4—348 b. Notice for Publication, [1 ublisiier.J Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, August 17,1909. Notice is hereby given that Dan Baruidge, of Mnrphy. Idaho, who, on July 6. 1907, made Des ert Laud Entry No. 2750. Serial, No. 05281. for) hE »4 8W » 4 , Section 3, Township 3 8., Range 1 W., Bolne Meridian, has Hi d notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register aud I the 19th day of | r eceiver, at Boise, Idaho, October, 1909. Claimant name« as witnesses: Frank Feltham j of Murphy, Idaho; David Thimgan of Murphy, Idaho; William Wymer of Murphy. Idaho; ! Charles Buffington of Murphy, Idaho. Wm. BALDERTSON, Register. 23 Alias Summons. In th© Justice's Court Of DeLamar Frocirvct. Cour ty of Owy he«, State of Idaho. Before C. M. Brown Justice of the Peace. Swain 4 Helm, a. Co partnership. Plaintiff. j SUMMONS V8. Richard Roberts Dt-fendaul. j The State of Idaho Sends Greetings To Richard Roberts Defendant, YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED To ap pear before me, at my office iu DcLamar in the County of Owyhee on the «rat day of December, 190», at four o'clock p. m., in an action brought against you by said plaintiff, to answer the com plaint of the above named plaintiff. Said action is brought to recover from you the sum of Twent\-ei*ht dollars and forty-live cents [$28.45] for merchandise purchased by you from said plaintiff, and delivered to you by Slid plaintiff at your request, or plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded, or judgment will be taken against yau for Twenty-eight dollars and iorly-five cents [$28.45], together with the costs of this suit, if you fail to appear andan I swer. Given under my hand this 20th day of Septem ber, 1909. C M. Brown, Justice of the Peace of De Lamar Precinct In said Couuty. J R.. Hanlon, Plaintiff's Attorney. First Publication, September 24, 1909. Last Publication, October 22,1909. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To A. H. Rickltts, his heirs or assigns: You are hereby notified that we have expend ed Six Hundred dollars i$G90 ) In labor and im provements upon the "Como" and "Alice No 2*' lode mining claims, situate in Careou Mining District, Owyhee County, Idaho, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of Section 2324 Revised Statutes of the United States, being [ the amount required to hold the same for the > ! years 1907,1908 and 1909. | I And if within ninety days after tbe service of j this notice (or within ninety days after this no j itce by publication) you fail or reftise to contrit» ute your proportion of such expenditure, as co- j owner, your interest In said claims will become j the property of the subscribers under said sec-j W. H. Belch eh ) J. C. Connors. Silver City. Idaho, July 26,1909. tlon 2334. 25 Grand Ball AND THree Days Racirvg .A.T Jordan Valley, Oregon October 18, 19, 20 . MATCH RACE for $250.00 aside between BOGUS BALLY and GREY HOUND. Purses will be buDg suitable for other horses in attendance. Everybody Come GOOD MUSIC AND A GOOD TIME PROMISED. Shumate Bros. When ordering Winter Supplies of Groceries call on or write SHUMATE BROS, Nampa's Biggest, BeBt and Busiest GROCERS NAMPA, IDAHO Phones 140 and 141. J. H. Moberly & Co. HARNESS and SADDLES We make Harness to order and guarantee satisfaction. Come in and see us. Opposite postoffice, IDAHO NAMPA. BADGER FURNITURE CO. Let us figure on your bills for house furnishiugs. We carry a full line of CARPETS. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, STOVES, RANGES, etc. We'll make yon interesting Prices on every thing used in a home. I | t t t t t t IDAHO j ! Jordan Valley Hotel J. A. SCHAS, Proprietor Particular attention giren to table service. Rates $2 per day. Livery and Feed Stable in Connection Jordan Valley, Oregon. V—wi I TUe RECEPTION SALOON A Select assortment of choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Draught and Bottle Beer. Silver Oity, Ida. Lao mm mm mmm s i m OWYHEE MEAT COMPANY » m I a M Dat id Somerville and Fred Ulmer I » 1 S > .-u l | TO j '/iM j v L fifty j nM j aJy M Ay ) Jfljß Dealers in all Kinds of Fresh I B MEI I I Œ M A' All Kinds of 1 SAUSAGES » a I -A. Spec ia.lL At The Same Old Stand a m m mmw'K