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= rasera > v >**& ;« miii fin« i Notice - Bi Ljijl'1 . J ...AND... [Mj ; Attention /m IS CALLED TO THE Out Sale ! 1 ii == Vi" s. -A» X THE' m w 5 s Hardware Store 'VVVVVVTVVVVVWyy r»f VVfVTVTVVVVVVVVVVVVVf VVVt V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVTWVV TTAVING found it absolutely necessary * * move to a lower altitude, the coast pre ferable, 1 herewith offer to the trading public of this and surrounding countiy all my to re x 1 «1 1 I STOVES H < N « 1 AT COST FOR CASH n < Crockery * * * An item easily broken in resbipping- will be sold at less than actual cost. All manufactured goods shipped in here for sale will be sold at lowest cash prices. Everybody is cordially invited. 1 I I 1 I & 3 K 0 g (li r EASY MONEY CAN BE MADE BY YOU IF YOU WILL MAKE AN INVESTMENT NOW. In Ellis Addition To Boise y T V T T'T ▼ V y V T *, W T ^ , V T y This is the most popular addition ever opened in Boisa. More building is being done there than iu any other part of the citj. PRICES RUN FROM $150 PER LOT UP. BEE IN A SHORT TIME THE THEY WILL DOU Cut this OYJt ekrvd mail to vis: W. E. PIERCE <& CO.. Boise Idaho send me full sxbout Ellis Addition No. me__ W. E. PIERCE & CO., Boise, Idaho We have the Bargaii The Old Reliable Real Estate Dealevs ASHER A. GETCHELL Drugs Medicines, Stationery 7 DrugSundries, Perfumes, Cut Glass, China, Tobaccos, Confectionery, etc. News Stand in Connection. Post Office. Drug Store. Silver City, Idaho 8v OWYHEE NUGGET $2 sv Year. r Murphy, Silver City, Dewey and DeLamar STAGE LINES ^"The best facilities for transportation between the railwav ter minus to and from Silver City. DeLa mar, or other points in Owvhee Keep good mountain rigs, with good stock and Careful Drivers. * Stables at Silver City and Murphy Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Boise. Idaho, September 28,1909. Boise, Idaho, Serial Number 072T7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Northern Pacific Railway Company, whose posi office address is St Paul, MInneso'a, has this 28th day of Sept. 1909, filed in this office its applica tion to select under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July l, 1898(30 Stat. 597, 620), NE)4 NE*4, (being Lot 1,) Sec. 2, Tp. 98., H. 6 W., B. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the I lands described, or desiring to object because of I the initierai character of the land, or for any oth er reason, to the disposal to applicant, should tile their affidavits of protest in this office, on or before the 18th day of November, 1909, 27 Wm. Balderston, Register E. E. Garrett, agent for applicant. First publication, October 14th, 1909. Last publication, November 11th, 1909. Notice for Publication. U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, I October 1st, 1909. j Boise, Idaho, Serial Number 07305. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Prank L. Huston, by his attorney whose post office ad dress is Boise, Idaho, has this 1st day of Octo ber, 1909, filed iu this office his application to select under the provisions of the Act of Con gress, approved July 1,1898 (30 Stat. 597, 620). NEÎ4NW54, SR« NW>4, Sec. 24, T. 8 8., K. 5 W., B. M., unsurveyed. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any oth er reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office before the 24th day ot November, 1909. Wm. Bai.derston, Register. Gabrett & Di nning, agents for applicant. First publication. October 14th, 1909. »mr; TMYfimVf ft or 27 * Special bargains at Philipp's, e Me rw V. N. POOLE, Proprietor Good Accomodations for Families, Ladies and Gentlemen. Terms rea sonably Low. A First Class Family Hotel. 1 Good Meals. Comfortable Lodging-. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C AXir-priy, Ida. MU Livery Barn Feed Stables 1 1 I < S0F « 1 Good Horses and Riga. Job Teams to carry freigh to all surround ing Camps. : ; < COAL. HAY AND 1 CHAIN s f a c le! Wheat for Chicken Feed I I 1 I. .T. Grardaer Silver City I I Notice for Publication. Notice ol Proof of Application ol Water eficial Use.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. to Bei 10 ,. . ■ , That on the 12th day of November, 1909, at Boise, Comity of Ada, State of Idaho, proof will be snbmitied of the application to benelicial use of in cubic feet per second of the waters of Sucker Creek cordance with I he terms and conditions of mit No. 922, heretofore issued by the gineer of the State of Idaho. in ac Per state en The names and postofflee address of the sons holding said permit, 1. pur Jas. H. Napton, I W ' ^ a P ton & L. Napton, Homodale, Idaho, I 2 - The use to which said water has been piled is irrigation and domestic an.* ap use. 3 The amount applied to beneficial use is 4.8 cubic, feet per second. 4, The place where said water is . used ls Of for Irrigation, give full and accurate description of lauds irrigated) 8(4 SB*, HE >4 SW&, 8ec f N'4 NU'H. SW>4 NWJ4, NWJ4 SWU, Sec E)4 NE*4, SWf4 NE!4, South, Range 4« E. W. M. 12 ; N«/,8W^Sec. 11, Tp. 22 5. The name of the canal or ditch or other works by which said water is conducted , . such place of use Is The Patch Co-operative Canal Co ditch. 6. The right to take the water flora such works is based upon Permit No. 922. 7. The source of supply from which such water is diverted is Suckor Creek. 8. The date of priority whicli said user is pre pared to establish is November 3, 1904. Jas. Stephenson, Jb., State Engineer. 28 Notice. Potatoes delivered at Silver City or ! Dewey for $1.50 per hundred; at De Lamar $1.75, if orders are sent in be- ; fore October 15lh. In orders from one ! hundred pounds up. Cabbage, carrots i turnips, rutabagos and beets in quanti ties to suit purchasers with orders for potatoes. * •Atr"».' WirrMtyrre, Box 64, Stiver City, Idaho. i.l! S» >c TwU Mark more HfeCnll Pnttern«i «old In theUnited , othrrm ke olpa tetm. This is oil account of their style, accuracy 8411a simplicity. NfGftll'l WR»»*! nt» (The Queen of Fashion) ha* •ore sitoscribers than any other Lnuics' Magnzi / itr'a subscription (ta numbers) costi 50 c«*nla. Latest number, 5 Centn* Every subscriber gets a McCall Pat tern Free. Subscribe today. Lntly A getitn Wanted. Handsome premiums or dberalcash commissinn. Pattern Catalogue(of 6oo da. « ns) and Premium Catalogue (showing 400 premium^ •••nt free* Addroaa THE McCALL CO., Naw Vo*a There are States than of . 0.1a Theo. H. Philipp would like to call the public's attention, and more especially the attention of the property owners of this place and vicinity, to the safety of their stoves for the approaching winter, as lie expects to leave here as soon as possible this fall and would like to feel that everybody is prepared in this re spect. MINING 1 I I Investors Read I I ) I ) GOLD IN STEELE MINING DISTRICT ON BOVLDER CREEK V Lexrge Veins, Free Milling Ore and Good Water Power arc some of the advantages of this locality. Re cent development has opened well defined veins of from 4 to 25 feet in width, carry ing good values. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNI TY FOR CAPITAL Seeking investment that will insure enormous returns, as the property can be leased, bonded or purchased at very reasonable figu BOULDER CREEK is destined to become the greatest mining camp in Idaho THE res. A railroad is surveyed right through the camp. A good wagon road from present shipping point. vryrrrrvrv'nrrvv* ' i ir vv wwvv Mining Stock Bought and Sold A limited amount of mining stock in good producing properties for sale at a reasonable figure. Prices made known on application. * SOME EXCELLENT BARGAINS in undeveloped and partly developed mining properties that can he purchased or bonded at very reasonable figures. We invite a personal examination of these investments, or for further particulars and inform ation call on or write to M. N. FECiTLY Mining Broker Silver Oity, Idaho • When YOU are in Boise stop at the CAPITAL HOTEL You'll find your Home Paper. Rooms 50 Cents and Up. r 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ■r Trade Marks FptÊÊÊÊÊK* Designs 'fTTT» ' Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascortaln ©nr opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patenta sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken tbrough Muim & Co. receive tperial notice* without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. f3 a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Où 361 Broadway, New York Branch Office. 625 F 8U Washington. D. C. \