OCR Interpretation

The Owyhee nugget. ([Silver City], Idaho) 1905-1984, April 06, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88056038/1911-04-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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mine conditions and
From Th® Mining; Review
People often complain that
times are dull, that
tight and that there is no demand
for mining stocks. Some attrib
ute this condition to financial
situations east; to the fact that
tariff tinkering is going on, or
that it is doubtful to foretell
what may result from the
reciprocity measure. They look
at the stock quotation board
and wag their heads in dismay
over the low ebb of the market
and deplore the fact that there
is no

money is
money in the country.
A week later, possibly, a strike
is reported in some property
listed on the board, and quota
tions pick up a little. The next
week a mammoth body of high
grade ore is reported in an ad
joining property, and the busi
ness on the exchange is doubled
in volume. Within a short time
several other mines in the same
district come to the front with
splendid surprises, and, the first
thing the doleful ones know, the
market is so full of excitement
that the whole city looks
amazed; while stocks, so low in
value a few weeks before, and
quoted at figures that would
barely pay for surface improve
ments, have jumped 50, 100
500 per cent in selling value.
It is hard to imagine such a
condition of affairs, but they
have been experienced in Salt
Lake time and time again, and
so often, in fact, that it has been
clearly demonstrated that there
is plenty of money in the country
and that it will come out if
opportunity is offered for fairly
profitable investment or specula
tion. This shows that the mines
themselves have the greatest in
fluence on the stock market; that
when the mines are in position to
earn money for dividend require
ments and show evidences of per
manency, money will be forth
coming for the purchase of their
stocks, regardless of proposed
tariff or reciprocity measures;
and that most of this will be
home money, without depending
upon the east for any of the sin
ews of war.
Where Do They All Go?
A Neighbor Merchant Asked Vs
And Continuing, Snid:
I should think that every home in Idaho would have a
Piano from the way you have been putting them out.
It is lucky for us that we are in so thrifty a country since
we decided to CLOSE OUT our large stock of Pianos.
Mathuhsek, was $475, now.
Mathuehek, used, $425, now
Hasbrouck, new, $225, now.
James & Holstrom,
Standard Electric..
Hobart M. Cable...,
.$ 85
Nothing to say. Prices too
small to talk about.
Boise, Ida.110
Silver City, Idaho,
Friday, March 24th, 1911.
The Board of County Commissioners
of Owyhee county, Idaho, met in special
session, at the office of the Clerk thereof
in Silver City, the county seat of said
county, on Friday, the 24th day of Mar.
1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of taking action upon the depository
bond of ttie First National Bank of Cald
well, Idaho; action upon such applica
tions for liquor licensee as may be pre
sented to the Board; and the approval
of official bonds of precinct officers.
Present: Chas. H. Grete, chairman,
R. J. Gifford, commissioner, and J. S.
St Clair, clerk.
The following proceedings were had,
Whereas, the First National Bank of
Caldwell, Idaho, having made applica
to the Treasurer of Owyhee county
to be named as a depository of the funde
of said county, and lias this day pre
sented to the Board for the security of
the funds so deposited in said bank, a
bond in the sum of $6,000.00 with the
Fidelity & Deposit Company of Mary
land as surety thereon, to be approved
by the Board,
It is ordered that said bond be and
tLe same is hereby approved as security
for the funds so deposited in said bank
in the sum of $4,600.00; that the Audit
or take possession of said bond, and
that the Clerk of the Board furnish the
Treasurer with a copy of this order un
der seal.
Whereupon, the Board having under
consideration applications for licenses to
sell intoxicating, spirituous, malt and
fermented liquors and wines, to be drank
in, on, or about the premises where
It is ordered that applications be
granted, the bonds accompanying the
same approved, and licenses issued
follows :
Connors & Brumbaugh, Silver City,
for twelve months commencing the first
day of April, 1911 ; sureties, Henry Rood
and Paul Nelson.
A. Pauna&Co., DeLamar, for twelve
months commencing the first day of
April, 1911 ; surety, Fidelity & Deposit
Company of Maryland.
Oscar L. Tate. Bruneau, for twelve
months commencing the firBt day of
April, 1911; surety, American Surety
Company of New York.
Whereupon, it is ordered that this
Board do now adjourn sine die.
Attest: J. S. St Clair,
C. H. Grete,
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received at the office of the Clerk of
the Board of County Commissioners t>f
Owyliee County, Idaho, in Silver City,
for keeping in repair and improving the
public roads and highways in Road Dis
tricts Nos. 2 and 4 of Owyhee County ,the
roads and highways in said districts be
ing particularly described and defined
as follows:
Commencing at Cottonwood on the
road leading from Wagontown to Trout
creek, and running thence to the Oregon
line at McGovern's ranch ; then com
mencing ot Shea's ranch on Trout creek,
and running to the forks of the road be
tween the Stone House ranch and Dris
coll's ranch ; and thence running up
Lone Tree creek to where said road in
tersects the Oregon line near Maher's
ranch on Lone Tree creek ; then com
mencing at the forks of the road be
tween the Stone House ranch and Dris
coll's ranch, and running up Williams
creek to South Mountain ; then commen
cing at Albert Jordi's ranch on Williams
creek and running to the ranch of Ken
neth Mackenzie.
Commencing at a point where the
road leading from Rockville to Cow
creek intersects the Oregon line and
running thence to Rockville; thence to
Sands Basin ; thence to t':e Poison creek
station ; thence to Froman's Ferry
Snake river; thence up Snake river to
the Given's Warm Springs; thence run
ning from Froman's Ferry to the town
of llomedale; thence from the town of
Homedaie to the northwest corner of
Sec. 9, T 3 N, R 5 W ; thence down
Snake river to the Oregon State line;
then commencing at the Poison creek
station and running north on section
line to the noithwest corner of Sec. 9,
T 3 N, R 5 W ; and commencing at the
Nampa Ferry on Snake river and
ning to the intersection or forks of the
road near the Poison creek station.
Each of said Road Districts are to he
contracted separately.
That the period to be covered by
such bids will begin on April 16th,
1911,' and end
on September 1st,
1913 ; the contracts to be entered into
between the several successful bidders
and the County to cover the same per
That each proposal or bid shall lie
companied by a bond in double the
amount thereof, conditional for the
faithful performance of the contract to
be entered into between the party
parties making the proposal or bid and
Board of County Commissioners, for the
keeping in repair and improvement of
the public roads and highways within
Road Districts No. 2 and 4; that all bid
ders must be residents oi the respective
Road Districts for which they contract;
that said proposals or bids will be
opened and considered on April 12th,
1911, at ten o'clock a. rn., at which time
such contracts will be let.
The Board reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids offered.
By order of the Board,
J. S. 8t Clair,
Idaho and Oregon
I Have
CHOICE FARM LANDS for Sale on Easy Terms. Im
proved and Unimproved Stock Ranches; Hay and Grain
Farms and Fruit Lands of any size to suit purchaser.
Developed and partly developed Mining Properties that
are Excellent Investmente.
A Few Choice Bargains
The State Line Ranch.
Tliis is one of the best places in the country, located 1 % miles
east of the town of Jordan Valley on Jordan River and Trout Creek,
120 acres being in Oregon and 210 acres in Idaho,—330 all deeded
land with individual water right, and complete system of ditches,
amply sufficient to irrigate every acre. 200 acres in meadow con
sisting of native grasses with timothy, alfalfa and brome-grass.
Over 260 tons of hay has been cut from this meadow annually. 20
acres in grain, 10 acres in potatoes, 2 acres plauted in orchard, part
of which is in bearing, 40 acres not yet cleared that can be culti
vated, and the balance is fine pasture land, well watered and pro
tected from storms for feeding ground. Free outside range on both
north and south.
The entire place is enclosed by a four wire fence with several
cross fences. Fine stone dwelling with 6 rooms. Good barn, gran
ary, store room and other outbuildings. Two mowing machines,
hay derrick and fork, hayrake buck rake and other ranch tools and
Price $12,000. $6,000 down, balance on easy terms at 8 per cent.
360 Acre Stock Ranch.
This ranch comprises several places so located as to control
a large amount of both summer and winter range. Best lambing
ground in the country; numerous springs, both hot aud cold, near
by. Raises superior quality of alfalfa hav and grain, and a sure
crop of alfalfa seed. Can be made to produce 400 to 600 tons of hay
annually. Two good orchards of excellent variety. A choice assort
ment of berries and shrubbery of all kindB. Several miles of fenc
ing ; stone house ; stone cellars ; barns and out-buildings of all kinds ;
extra good corrals; irrigating ditches ; two water-wheels for raising
water; a 5-horse power gasoline engine and 4-inch pump. No water
tax oi assessments to pay. Located on the Owyhee river in the
midst of the best range in the United States. Good power site for
generating electric power. Price, $16,000.
Stone Hovise RancK.
A stock rancli of 922 acreB of deeded land ; enclosed with good
4-wire fence; 500 acres meadow of timothy and native wild grasses;
water right an irrigating ditches complete. Machinery of all kinds ;
finest barn in the country; several good houses; oue stone house of
four rooms. 100 head of cattle ; 20 work and saddle horses. Good
range surrounding. Located on Jordan River.
Price with stock, $30.00 per acre. $7,500 cash, balance on
time with easy payments at 8 per cent.
An 80 Acre Hay Ranch.
All in wild meadow; easily irrigated; beet of water right ;
cuts 300 tone of hay annually. Price, $6,000.
Write for Particulars to
Jordan Valley, Oregon

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