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OWYHEE NUGGET OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM ' Devoted to tue Mining and Agnoulturai Interests SILy ER CITY, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO or Owyhee County VOLUME XXI. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911 . NUMBER 15 WEEK'S LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mention of People and Matters In Which We Are all Interested. John MacNally is in town looking after his old friends here. '1rs. Harrison and Mrs. Goble were up from Reynolds to-day. Miss Bessie Grete returned Monday from a short visit to Reynolds. A. T. Bullock, a jeweller of Nampa, was in here on business last week. J. M. Morgan returned Wednesday from a two months trip to London. Frank Scott and family are in from Reynolds, to attend the funeral of Merl | Helms. David Sehas is making a visit to this ! locality and stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steele. Clifford Weston left Friday for Payette where he will accept a position on the P. & 1. N. railroad. Mr. and Mrs. Alden, Mrs. Brumm, and Joseph Turtle went to Flint Saturday and returned Monday. Percy White was in town Monday, pre sumably to find out if the visitors to Flint had got safely home. O. J. Davies, who has been visiting in Flint for the past couple of weeks, turned to Nampa, Saturday. The stonework on Fritz Schleifer's new laser cellar is progressing nicely. Today a pipe line is being laid from the brewery C. M. Caldwell returned Saturday night from a trip to the railroad. During his absence his store was managed by Tom Smith. Kenneth McLoed is down from the mountain again. He must not lie con tented to stay up there after his long visit in town. C. G. Breedlove, who lias been working in the office of tiie Swan Falls Power Co. at Nampa for some time, returned last night to take up his duties as mayor of Dewey again. L. C. Gardner and wife and two younger children went to Reynolds Monday evening and returned Tuesday with their daughter, Willa May. Thursday evening William Healy and Henry Oleson, accompanied by Miss Mary and Miss Louise Hicks, went to Reynolds Greek to attend a dance there. Tiie Cemetery Benefit Dance is post poned until Wednesday, August 23rd, 1911. The ladies will please bring their donations to tiie hall on the morning of that day. Geo. R. Sweeney, who has been extended visit to his old home in Saginaw, Michigan, returned to the Owyhees last night. And he actually seemed pleased to get back. J. A. W roten was up from Jordan Valley on business, the first of the week. Mr. Wroten is City Marshall of the town below here, but we understand his busi ness was not connected with that office. William Hardiman, an old time store keeper in Silver, was visiting here this week. He has been out on his ranch Picket creek for the past two months. Mr. Hardiman makes bis home in Nam pa now. re on an Libby and iss Peterson accompanying j them to the Valley. on Chas. Maher came up from Jordan Valley last night after Tom Nelson and wife, but when he left this morning he had a full load, Mrs. Frank Hail, Miss Mrs. I. J. Gardner and daughter, Miss ltottie Gardner, came up form Reynolds ! Tuesday, for a short visit here. They i LOCAL OPTION CAMPAIGN ON IN CANYON COUNTY The business men of Canyon county, being fully convinced that the present hard times in that county are due to the fact that the county is dry, have organized and set about to systematically fight win the county over to the "wet" column in the local option election of September 6. A man from Caldwell, who has much to | . property in that town, says that one can not give real estate away, much the less;J°.T to sell it; and that if the county stays "dry" it will break many of them Of ,, wets,' while the "drys," on the other j hand, that is the argument of the course, may have a good argument to meet it. The following excerpt is taken from the Statesman : 1 r , a ii no . , Caldwell, Aug. H.-The wet and dry campaign in Canyon county in now on in earnest, and both sides getting their forces and Voter's league held a meeting at their I i . headquarters in the Steunenberg building and completed their organization by the appointment of precinct committeemen in I . , , An elaborate newspaper and mailing program was adopted and will hé carried out to the letter. Hood speakers will be provided for the platform work, and A large office force has i ! into line. Yesterday the Business Men's the different voting county. precincts of the everything will he done to place the ques tion before the voters in a fair and com plete manner. been secured and the headquarters show evidence of considerable activity on tiie paign is vested in J H. Lewis of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers and part of the "wet" forces. The active management of tiie cam and the "wets" are expressing confidence that tiie final outcome will be a victory ! Business Men, with headquarters at Chi M r. Lewis comes with cago. tion for great ability in this line of work a reputa j j : for their side. have been visiting on the creek for time. They will remain here about two w«*eks some Jack Ward returned Thursday night j from Butte. Montana, where he has been attending the convention of the Western i ! from reports, they had it, hot and heavy, but Jack seems to have j escaped injury. Federation of Miners as a delegate from this Union. Saturday evening a party of fishermen set out for Boulder creek, accompanied by an awful hunger for fish. Those in the party were Andy Swan, J. L. Smith, George Slattery ar,d L. Pedrasini's They returned Monday night not loaded with fish. son. j Gentlemen ! This is just the time to ! Call and i and up. ' Cleaning, pressing and repairing done at W. J. Gibson's Tailor Shop opposite the \ , , f 1 i telephone office. W. J. Gibson, Tailor. over order your suit for Labor Day. examine my fall line of samples. Made to your measure suits $18 The friends of the Rev. H. Jukes will i be pleased to hear that on August 8, 1911, j at Grangeville, Idaho, a son was born to 1 Mr. Jukes was rector of the Episcopal Church here sev-1 eral years ago and was a good bachelor, However, after leaving here he deserted j the Brotherhood and such is his punish-: i i i Communion services were held in the morning ami « ™ to U, even- ! ing by Bishop Funston of Boise. Friday nigllt he he | (1 «„-vices in DeLamar. This was the Bishop's annual visit here. ! i him and Mrs. Jukes. ment. Nugget wishes the family good luck. St. James Episcopal Church last Sunday He endeavors to visit every church in his diocese each year, hut he finds it rather a difficult task. SAD ACCIDENT TO SILVER BOY j ! j Merl Helms Crushed Bv Falling R-ock at Gardner's Livery Stable to Another soul is gone. His life crushed from him in the early bloom of his man hood, .... .. , . ... . _ N'a« the fate of ^'erl E. Heidis t Bubbling over with cheer, with the very less;J°.T of living, he went to his last day's work ' faithful, industrious unto the last, L. Ha P WaS lx, ' nK '»«loaded at the rear of II the livery stable. Merl was helping. Wishing to enter the ham, he, putting j his hands on the top of the huge rock over the low doorway, endeavored to HU ' in S under it through the opening. The 1 we !« ht of his ho,ly and the force of the ''"''lg pulled the rock from its resting place over onto him, crushing the , upper part of his head and bruising one * arm ' Death was instantaneous. The rock was about six feet long, two • . an( l eight inches thick. The weight was estimated at seven hum!red pounds. This rock has been swung on for years, just as Merl did, and there I was no thought that it was unsafe. Tuesday it fell. | Merl Edward Helms was born at Wald- j ron, Wheeler County, Oregon, on April 1 17, 1893, and died at Silver City, Idaho, ! P on Tuesday, August 15, lilff, aged 13 i y ear 8, 3 months, and 27 days. His i a fa, her died at Meadows, Idaho, and was j buried at Fossil, Oregon, about two years ! ago, and his mother and little sister, i Mary, were left to hie i came to Silver about narrow ()l But ! The family care. one year ago, and have made this place their home. Hie j m " t,ler > M rs. Claude Downey, is almost prostrated with grief at his sudden death, j Tiie funeral was held this afternoon at j 2 p. m at the lower Masonic Hall, and i burial at the K. P. Cemetery t * re community attended and The en i so a very im pressive bereaved family and relatives have the sympathy of all. Young, vivacious, popular as he was, tiie news of his death fell as a pall upon his friends. ! him wau his friend. service was rendered Tli.' on And everyone who knew He was a friend to Men conversed in whispers, j and there were those who j the very suddenness of it all that : nerved them everyone. wept. It was so un Philosophers will say, "It was for the best." But human nature can not stand j the demise'of one so young without drop pin 8 « tear of sorrow and regret, i Maeterlinck, in "The Bluebird," gives ! ns tiie beautiful thought that, when think of the dead, they live again. That it, is a beautiful thought, indeed. It gives j everlasting life to all humanity. And so, when we think of him, let ns think of him, not as dead, but as living—living in that land we to It "Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow." Mrs. August Grete and Miss Charlotte and Lewis Grete left yesterday morning j for California, where Lewis will enter the ! University of California. They are unde i cided 88 yet whether they will reside in San Francisco or Berkley. It is probable ' that wid be in tlle fatter place. attended the University of Idaho for a \ he wiU finieh at the i University of California, Lewis Last Thursday the party of campers i that has been'on Boulder for the past j wee |j 1 i or so, returned to civilization. It is presumed that the grub supply became ] OWj an( j that the finny inhabitants of Boulder were thrice decimated-and then some—and that the mosquitos, flies and j other winged creatures other than chick ens ' h 60 "" 0 to ° numerous—in other i words, that for all these reasons the jovial i band came home. When interviewed by i one of our representative citizens, the chaperon 8tated that everything was fixed ship-shape, comfy and O. K. The ; the ! | deign to resort to mosquito netting? A 1 smudge is a thousand times better and ! more ? alnp ' like ' Let ' 8 866 : th ere were the Misses Rosa Weiner, Violet Quirk, | i Oella and Mabel Schuyler, and Mr. Willie j Schuyler, chaperoned by Mrs. W. H. Schuyler. A jolly bunch, what? I 1 ore WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH i THE BALLTEAM? What's the (natter with the trail team? o more do Nr we see the Miners—and muckers—tossing 'he hall from one to other. an No more has the spectator to keep both eyes peeled for stray spheres hurtling through space. Has subtle inertia stealthily secreted itself in their limbs, or are they afraid of going stale t r<> "' ° Ver ,rainin * 7 ® or "h v Diey « r e not discouraged on «womit of H.e score in Jordan Valley. II may revive their drooping spirits gome to think of the tale of 16 to 1. When that is done 13 to 1 seems much better. There , p * l,ere s tl,e ri *b; it was the heat that " ni - Think of the men who went iron» the cool, yreen hills of Owyhee down to the aikalie Helds, scintillating - "" ,l heat, of Malheur. W liât, lou * d they do? Five long innings they | ft j with De Lamar. 1 „ ! P " " a w '' ek ' a week and a half, i tW ° weeks, and then some. Are they i a haul? Ur do they think that by put j ting the game off the Silver boys will ! i ire several good excuses for that core of 13 lo J. Think of the long ride to the \ alley; the generous hospitality she Vail* viles; and then—the heat. ()l lured it, and then—13 to 1. e has been seme talk of a game The town below us lias ! weary of the delav, stop practicing and grow siale ! If that is their line of i rea soiling we think iliey are correct, for all j praiiccg has stopped. Members of the hall team, don't let j j i ihat game, ami especially the game with Jordan Valley on Labor Day, go by de fault. You have a dozen or so balle Iv i ng aitinnd in cold storage. Use 'em up so tiie rest of us can use 'em second handed. a Again we urge you to practice ties and practice some more, and limy lie on tiie fourth of next September, on that day dear to a Miner's heart, you can rub out the score of 13 to 1, efface ihe slain, and tack over tiie door of the F'armyrs' manager tiie sign ''Gone to the Mountains 26 to 2 Ai.l In." Prac a TH£ RICH GULCH Tiie grading work is going ahead as rapidly as possible for the Rich Gulch mill. It is the intention of the company to have it built this fall. Tiie capacity is one hundred tons daily. The ore is to be taken from a blind vein struck some months back. This vein is very large, though of low grade. The ore will be run through rock crushers and Chilean mills. It is understood that the process for sav ing the values will be cyanide. In the meantime the tunnel is being driven to tap the vein, exposed in the up per workings, at great depth. With a mill of this capacity a large force of men will be required to provide ore for it. When this mill is producing Silver will have a new lease on life and may yet be the town she was fifteen years ago'. to has just been broken into in the stopes of ; the upper workings. The repairs to the | " " P ""' 1 | Geo. R. Sweeney has just returned j from the East and is better prepared than ever to give his patrons just what THE BANNER. The Banner mine is opening up some very rich ore. They are having ore hauled down from the "Tip Top" to the mill and are getting out some fine ore on the Banner ground. A new body of ore a. to a I will start up again with a good supply of 1 ore on hand. they want in up to date clothing. i SUNDAY DOINGS AROUND HERE Many People Have Single Thot: To Go to The Hills Sunday on Last Sunday there was a general exodus of Silverites in every direction into the hills. To make a long story short, every one that could or would do so left the dear old town and took to the hills. Two crowds went up Jordan creek, one to Hinker, and one to Flint, there was church, also. The town had a deserted look and everyone left in-it felt lonesome. The details follow' And besides, Dad Borrongh and Tom Harlan hunting and returned with considerably fewer chickens than the law allows. Mesdames. O'Neil, W. J. Stoddard, Rogers, Drollinger, Connors, and Miss Alice Connors went up Jordan creek to the wood camp of W. J. Stoddard. Judg ing from the wagon load of grub they certainly had plenty to eat. Another crowd of piekniekera went up the creek to while away the time, who went were Mrs. Weston, Missses Mary, Louise and Olive Hicks, and Win. Healy, Dave McKinney and P. C. Wil liams. They had a good time, of went Those course. Sinker creek was visited by a crowd of thirteen poeple loaded into two There was a dog, however, and she broke the spell. Those who went were Messrp. Steele, Nelson, Dugan, Dickens and Hall, Mesdames. Steele, Nelson, Dugan, Dick ens and Hall, and Miss Gordon Dickens, They played a game called "Fish Pond; or Who'll Get the Most Fish." F. D. wagons. Hal) won the first prize with a score of 98, fish, minnows, and all. Dickens Mre. J. PL annexed the booby prize witli the record score of one (1). The party spent the entire day on the creek and surely had a good time, if not getting back until ten o'clock is evidence of such a fact. Last Sunday the inhabitants of White ville, which is near the town of Flint, were startled by a crowd of picnickers who, coming in a four-lioree team and in a two-horse team, took them by storm. In the four-horse team there were Lyle Eisenhart, Asher Geteheil, Marcus White, Mrs. Geteheil, Mrs. Èisenhart, Misses Carrie Hastings, Leona Grete, Charlotte Grete, little Asher Geteheil, and little Lyle and Leona Eisenhart. There Mrs. Kreig, Miss Alice McDonald, and were Bob McDonald, in a two-horae team from DeLamar. And what a time they did have! The funny part of it was, that when coming home, Miss Charlotte Grete, despite the warnings of tiie chauffeur of the Silver team, rode homeward with the DeLamar team. When they came to where the road turns off to Silver the team from this place stopped so that its occupants could decide as to whether or not they should go by DeLamar. The driver of the team from the latter place whipped up, passed them, and turned up the road toward Silver. That decided Lyle, and he set out for DeLamar. The DeLamar aggregation waited a while and then the sudden realization of a freeze-out came over them. Turning back toward DeLamar, they hurried to that place to catch the Silver Did they do it? Ask Miss Charlotte. The next day she came to Silver on the seven a. m. stage. team. The Nugget shop, being well equipped with a good line of display type of differ- * ent kinds, is now more capable than to take care of your jobwork. a full line of the best printer's material, and guarantee satisfaction. Bring in your orders and give us a trial. ever We have