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m ^ OWYHEE NUGGET ttttttttTtt I BEST ADVERTISING * MEDIUM D evoted -to t h e kilnin g a.ncA Agr ioijilfureil Interests of* Owyhee County SILVER CITY, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1912. %,'OLUME XXII. NUMBER 25 WEEK'S LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mrs. Heer and little son Lyle went out Tuesday morning to take a week's peep at the outside world. Mr. and Mrs. Schumaker, of DeLamar, left for Boisé on Tuesday morning to attend a wedding. They expect to be away about a week. Mrs. St Clair left on Tuesday morning for a trip to Boise and Caldwell. She was accompanied by Miss Margaret Cavaney and they will go to Caldwell first and leave Josephine with her grandmother while the K. P. doings are going on at Boise. John Hawes and his bride returned to Silver last night and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hawes, senior. Jim Slattery was taken sick this week and is now quarantined at the Slattery residence. Judge J. M. Thompson arrived on Monday evening's stage from Caldwell. The judge carne here to attend to the final wind-up of an estate of which he is coun sel. Ed Matheson made his first appearance in Silver since his recent illness, on Satur day night. Mr. Matheson looks none the worse for his tussle with the small pox. Mrs. Leonard, mother of R. H. Leon ard, of this place, arrived in town this week to spend the summer with the toonard family. Mrs. Will Stoddard came in this week from Sinker Dam. the weather and came to get electrical treatment from Dr. Schuyler. Jake Bachman, the prominent Oreana rancher, was a Silver visitor Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Daly, Mr. Driscoll and Kate in on the stage Thursday on tiie way to their Valley homo. She has been under L. G. King who has been dividing his affections between the DeLamar mines and the Idaho hotel in Silver, left Saturday for Wardner, where he will probably locate. The weather last week was ideal—for Greenland's Icy Mountains. On Friday it snowed, rained and hailed and then the sun would peep out for a few minutes and the whole program of snow, hail and rain would be repeated, marked by flurries of snow, and ice formed in thin sheets on the smaller creeks. • The temperature Saturday ing was 32 degrees and overcoats felt pretty comfortable. Oh yon Sunny Ida Saturday was morn Ed Matheson. the.stage line proprietor, is doing a land office business these days. Several times last week there were good outgoing passenger lists and on Saturday there were twelve passengers coming in. EXCURSIONS TO SPOKANE June 23 and 24 Via Oregon Short Line from Idaho and Oregon points, for Idaho G. A. R. Encampment at Coeur d' Alene. See agents for rate9 and further particulars. Limit July 5th J24 EXCURSIONS TO POCATELLO June 24—25 and 2b Via Oregon 8hort Line from Idaho and Oregon points for Idaho State Sun day School Convention. Limit June 28th. See agents for rates and further particulars. J24 $2000,00 Death Benefit 115.00 Meekly Benefit for Accident SicknesB; $1,000 for loss of limb or eye sight ; Benefit. or 8100.00 for Emergency Relief Cost is $6.00 per year—No other Dues nor Assessment.—MEN and WOMEN between ageB 16 to 65 accepted.—Reliable Company with $100, 000.00 State Deposit for the protection of Policy-holders and to guarantee the payment of claims. M'rite for further information giving your age, sex and occupation. Address Dept. 441-Ameri ean Registry Company, Erie, Pa. A29 are To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that at the regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Elmore » t ounty, to lie held at Mountain Home, Idaho, un Mcnday, August 12, 1912, application will be made by the undersigned to erect a public ferry across the Snake River near the NW corner of Lot 3 , Sec 6, T. 6 8, R. 8 E., B. M. INDIAN COVE RECLAMATION CO. 110 — 4t—First pub. June 20, 1912. Lust pub. July 11, 1912. ANNOUNCEMENTS The anuonnremenl# below are paid advertise ments. They will be inserted every Issue until the primaries are held. The charge fur this service is seven dollars. We shall be pleased to print Candidat««' Cards a rate of $4.7$ per thousand. FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for State Senator from Owyhee Countv, subject to the decision of the Republican primary, July 30th 1912. Rockville Precinct JAMES R. KEITH voter« at the FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff) of Owvhee County, subject the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. I O. HANSON FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Owyhee County, subject the decision of the voters at the Democratic primaries. DeLamar, Idaho JOHN HORE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Owyhee County, subject to the deeisiou of the voters at the Democratic primaries. MICHAEL ROOK FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for office of Sheriff of Owyhee County, subject to decision of the voters at the Republican primaries Bruneau, Ida. ZENO PINKSTON. , FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as office of Sheriff'of Owyhee County, subject to the decision of the voters at the Democratic primaries, a a candidate for CHARLES A. ROGERS FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, of Owyhee Conniy, subject the decision of the voters at the Republican pnmar es Grand View, Ida. 8. A. MULLENIX. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of O' wytaee County, subject the decision ol the voters at the Democratic primaries. Bruneau, Ida. JAMES E. ALBERT FOR ASSESSOR I hereby announce rayaeir as a candidate for office of Assessor of Owyhee County, subject the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. A. V. TOWNSEND FOR AS3E880R I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Assessor of Owyhee County, subject the decision of the voters at the Republican Primarie». CHARLES HARVI80N. for assessor I hereby announce myself as » candidate for the office of Assessor of Owvhee County, subject I he decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. Wilson, Idaho. FAYO MITCHELL FOR PROBATE JUDGE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Probate Jndgeof Owyhee County, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. R. S. HAWES. FOR PROBATE JUDGE I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge of Owyhee Conntv, subject to the decision oi the voters atthe Repub lican primaries. CHAS. H. ORETE FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for the office of School Superintendent of Owyhee County, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. JENNIE FARRER AVERY. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myscif as a candidate tor the office of Treasurer, of Owyhee County, sub ject to the decision ot the voters at the Republi can primaries. Enterprise, Ida. ORO B. WEYMOUTH FOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a« a candidate for the office of Trea urer of Owyhee County, subject to the decision of the voters at the Demo cratic primaries. MARGARETCAVANEY FOR COMMISSION ER, FIRST DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for the office of Commissioner, First District of Owyhee Countv.subjeet to the decision of the voters at the Republican pri maries. LUCfUS C. GARDNER FOR COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT I hereby announte myself os a candidate for the office of Comity Commissioner for the Second District, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. Morgan, Ida. J. M. MORGAN. FOR COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT 1 hereby announce myself us a candidate for the office of County Commissioner for the Sec ond District, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries. Reynolds Creek, Ida. w. R. HARRISON FOR COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT 1 hereby announce myaclf an a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, for the Sec ond District, »object to the decision of the votera the Democratic primaries. Wilson, Idaho FOR COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT I hereby announce myaelf as a candidate for the office of Commissioner In the Second Dis trict, County of owvhee, subject to the decision the voters at the Democratic primaries. Homedale, Idaho. A. L. KNIGHT FOR COMMISSIONErTsECOND DISTRICT I hereby announce myselt as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner for the Sec ond District, subject to the decision of the voters the Democratic primaries. Morgan, Idaho. K. McKENZIK PATRICK P. KELLY FOR COMMISSIONER, SECOND DISTRICT I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Commissioner In the Second District, Countv of Owyhee, subject to the decision of Ihe voters at the Democratic primaries. Homedais, Ida. ERNEST BEDFORD FOR COMMISSIONER, THIRD DISTRICT I hereby announce myseif the office of County Commissioner for the Third District, subject to the decision of the voters at 1 the Republican primaries. King Hill. Ida. a candidate for F. H. LAIRD. John Sullivan left yesterday morning for Boise where he will have his eyes treated. He expects to be away two three weeks. or The Week's Announcements The Second District is not apparently to suffer from any lack of candidates for the Commissionerehip. Three good men, tried and true, were already in the field and in this issue will to fonnd an other possessing like qualifications, in the person of A. L. Knight. Mr. Knight hails from Homedale, where the citizens think so much of him that he is their unanimous choice for the responsible position to which he aspires. Mr. Knight is a reliable, dependable business man end a Democrat. He is prominent in school matters there, being clerk of the Board of School Trustees. A triangular Republican scrap at the primaries is now assured in connection with the office of Assessor. Our an nouncement column toiiay contains the name of Fay O. Mitchell of Wilson as a candidate for that office and he, like the two previously announced, will run on the Republican ticket. Mr. Mitchell is a prominent stockman and farmer, and is well known and highly respected by those who know him tost. He was at one time Deputy Slate Sheep Inspec tor for Owyhee County. As we go to press comes the announce ment that Ernest Bedford will also make the race at the primaries for Commis sioner from the Second District on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Bedford is a well-known property holder under the Gem Irrigation District. He is one of a large family all of whom possess homesteads in that section, The writer has known the gentleman for years and can vouch for his ability and integrity. Likewise at the last moment we are advised that Kenneth MeKenzie of Mor gan has entered this particular race and the Second District w ill have yet an other candidate at the Democratic pri maries in the gentleman named. Ken neth McKenzie needs no introduction to the people of this section. lie and his brother, Finley, are well known stock men and ranchers of varied and extensive interests. Kenneth would make a good commissioner. The expected announcement of James R. Keith for State Senator arrived and appears for the first time. Mr. Keith registers from Rockville Precinct and he and his brother John are the big noiscB in that section of Owvhee, where there are none totter known and none more highly respected. He is a Republican and if he and Dow sciap it out in No vember, Owyhee will to well represented in any event. Investigate Assessor's Office John D. Robertson of Weiser arrived in Silver on Monday. He is a member of the tax commission and is making a round of the various counties to see that the assessors are doing their work right. Mr. Townsend is out of town on an as sessing trip and Mrs. Weston did the honors in his stead. As tiie assessor is expected back to-day Mr. Robert sou will probably have an opportunity of seeing him before lie leaves. Griffin a Lucky Bov Word comes from Madeira, Cal., that Mies Bessie Euierich tias found her ideal in tiie person of Wm. A. Griffin, a prom inent real estate man and big rancher in California. The wedding, it is under stood, will take place shortly, and Mr. Gritfin expects to build a home in Ma deira. The couple will spend some time each year on a big home ranch on the Fresno River. Nugget congratulates. Got a. Jail Sentence The trial of Gus Boehlke on a charge of stealing from Virgil Richardson took place on Tuesday before Judge Heer, After hearing the testimony, the judge reserved decision until Wednesday morning, when the accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 aud costs. The latter amounted to $104.00. The accused will probably serve out the time in jaii, which will give him 52 days' support at the expense of tiie County. Walked from Moscow Mrs. Weston received word from her son, Clifford, that he had reached Boise in his hike from Moscow to Silver City, He arrived in the Capital City on the tenth day out and wasn't too tired to attend a dance there last night. He is expected in Silver City to-morrow. Irrigatloniats Here H. C. Page and B. F. Griffith of Boise were in Silver on Saturday and Sunday for the purpose of looking up certain records and other matters. Mr. Page is well known in connection with irrigation matters around the section that is now known as the Gem Irrigation District. In fact he came within an ace of being the whole works in irrigation matters in that part of Owyhee County. Mr. Page succeded Mr. 8chenck in the possession of certain water rights and is now work ing to put in the neighborhood of forty thousand acres of choice land south of Homedale under water. He has formed a company called the Independent Irri gation Company and the lands affected lie in both Idaho and Oregon. Mr. Griffith, who accompanied Mr. Page, is an attorney and came with Mr. Page in.liis professional capacity. Not Guilty The Postmaster at Silver City is a gentleman of high intelligence and a nice discrimination. Pbrenologically speaking, his hump of veneration and respect for the editor hereof is extreme ly well developed. We thought it per fectly right and proper that letters ad dressed to "The Mayor of Silver City,'' or the "President of the Silver City Commercial Club" should to placed in our box. We did not object when a letter addressed to "The leading News paper in Owyhee County" arrived, nor at being obliged to answer ,a missive sent to "your moat public spirited citizen," but for the first time in our modest career we are now - accused of beiDg a Baptist preacher, and were com pelled to answer a letter kddreesed to "Pastor or Clerk, Baptist church, Silver City, Idaho, have been registered had our most es teemed postmaster accused us of being the pastor of any other denomination. Cheerfully could we affiliate in spirit with a Mahommedan, a Free-love Meth odist, a Dowieite or Zionist, a Fire worshiper, Sun-worshiper or Paisee. We would write to, worship with, emulate a Chink, a Hebrew or a Gieek Churchite, hut, believing as we do that water is useful only to build bridges over we draw the line at the trouble this federal official is now attempting to draw upon our bald head. This kick Would not or Pvthiarvs to Have Large Time The Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and the Grand Lodge Pythian Sistera met in Boise on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. Mrs. M. M. Krieg, who is a grand officer in tiie Pythian organization, left for Boise on Monday morning, accompanied by Leona Grete, who will represent the local lodge. John Grele was elected delegate from the Silver City Lodge, Knights of Pyth ias, and went out on Tuesday morning. Others attending from Silver were Miss Margaret Cavaney, Mrs. John S. St Clair and Walter Cook. Will Schuyler came home last Wed nesday. He has been attending tiie Boise High School. Three Creek News The enrollment of Three Creek school is twenty-one. The average attendance is eighteen. Last Thursday May 30, being Memor ial Day, the Three Creek school bad a half holiday. The teacher went with fifteen pupils one mile south of the school house and decorated two lone ; graves, then three miles west of school house and decorated seven graves. j On Monday June 3, Mrs. Avery, the County Supeiintendent, arrived at the Three Creek School unexpectedly, Miss Katie Patrick, Mrs.- Curtis, and son George Curtis, visited our school Monday afternoon June third. During the presence of Mrs. Avery on June 4th, there was a parents and trustees meeting held, those present being Mr. and Mrs. Beaton, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Mrs. Conway, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. and Miss Craig (the teacher) On Tuesday, June fourth, in the fore j noon, M'ilford Dunn saw a snake. He : told Claire Patrick to look out there, she j looked out and Baw tiie Snake and told the teacher, whe shot the snake with a rifle and kitted it. Adapted from the Emmett Index The stationery printed in The Nugget offiice always gives the tost of satisfac tion. East week we printed a job of one hundred statements for a man and by their aid he collected a small fortune. Two months ago a man bought of us some note pager and envelodes and now he is married, stole some of our paper to make cigarettes and now he is dead. A young lady got some of our paper to curl her hair on and now she has a beau. (We have only a few packages of this kind in stock.) By using our stationery every person can collect old accounts, tell fortunes, make rain, change the color of the hair, extract teeth without pain ; if you are married, keep tab on your husband, find out if he is really detained from home on business; if you are unmarried, find out the name of your future hus band or wife, to successful in business, be elected to office. Give us a call. Another young man Gets Free Junket The local lodge of Eagles, Owyhee Aerie, No. 1737, has honored William Healy with an election to the office of delegate to the National Convention of that order. The Convention will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, on August 4 to 10 . Beer Kegs The Owyhee Brewery desires to state that kegs sent oat must to cared for and returned in good condition or they will be charged for. money and have frequently been re turned lu such condition that they are worthless. customers to see hereafter tiiat they are returned when our wagon calls and in good condition. This material costs We respectfully ask our Tribune Gets a Scoop Owyhee county is to uominate some of its candidates on a platform that wants or don't want saloons in her con fines. One saloon in the nearest Can yon section in Owyhee county has been running at a loBB for Borne time basing its life on the asumption that business will to good when the irrigation canal work starts a little later. It is proposed to use no drunkards on the canal work at all, and this will have to to figured on by the whiskey dispensers in our sister county. The saloon people in Owyhee county have secured many sworn statements from young men under age, perjuring themselves into the statement that they are of age. The county commissioners will be asked to run out an out-and-out wet or dry platform and the test based on this vote. —Caldwell Tribune. Spend Fourth at DeLamar The folk at DeLamar expect to have the time of their lives on the Fourth. There will to no speeches but just a good old fashioned tine time. A daudy list of sports has been arranged, includ ing all kinds of foot races for men, women and youths, nail-driving contests, wheel-barrow and potato races, high and broad jumps and a miller and sweep contest. The affair will be properly rounded out by a big free dance at night and a ball game on the fifth between Jordan Valley and DeLamar teams. Everybody come. A. 0. Jensen, representing the Boise firm of that name, was in Silver on Mon day and Tuesday selling office supplies and stationery. Charles Simmons, the Enterprise bona face, drove into town on Tuesday and * entertained the natives with political and County Seat wisdom. Frank St Clair lias passed a good week and made a net gain in strength, planned to take him out next Monday and give him the benefit of the waters of Enterprise Hot Springs. John Wedlin and John Bergstrom have accepted jobs at Flint and left for the scene of their new labors on Tuesday. The platform conventions of both par ties convene in Boise next Tuesday. The Silver City delegates are J. C. Con nors and F. G. Burroughs, with Dow Dunning as the heavyweight, probability the convention will meet and adjourn until tiie Baltimore convention has finished its deliberations that tiie Idaho Democrats may he in line with the national policies. It 1H In ail