Newspaper Page Text
Wall Paper We have just added to our stock a complete line of Wall Paper, in ALL THE NEWEST SHADES AND DESI6NS I Don't send away for yonr paper until yon have seen onr line and prices. We can save yon time and O - N - E - Y M RATHDRUM DRUG CO. C. E. Getchel THE WEATHER was in PJ. '/'nit\ see who and of for V ft o * tGSSh Miss Carrie Lockling, from Spirit Lake, visited Rathdrum friends last Monday. - Mrs. C. A. Berry visited with Mrs. I}. E. Danby at Coeur d'Alene, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Siegloch were visitors to Spokane the first of the week. For Sale.—The shingle mill place. Give an offer. Clear title. Terms. John Locke. R F. Dyer Spokane Mon day, and expects to be absent about two weeks, assisting Mr. Young on a building contract. George Wright arrived la9t Friday from Missouri where be spent the winter, and will devote bis time to development work on bis mining property In the Hayden lake district. E. W. Swanson, former secretary and treasurer of the Farmers' Grain & Sqpply company of Spokane, was in Rathdrum Tuesday making ar rangements to meet with the stock holders of this vicinity tomorrow. Surveyor W. H. Edelblute, accom panied by R. 0. Papendiek, left last Sunday evening for the southern part of the county to do ao extensive piece of surveying work. They expect ti be occupied on the work several weeks. Chas. S. Green has recently re turned from a four months' trip In Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon. He reports that there were about two feel of snow and three months ot sleighing In the vicinity of Weiser. A. II. Dugan has been In town this week from Spokane, looking aftei property interests. Mr. Dugan se cured a claim in Alberta, Canada, last year and expects to give It bis personal attention this year. it. or M. H. Barto was in town yesterdaj from Sucker lake and went out to Batle'o place to attend the auction sale. He was accompanied ' a far as Rathdrum by his daughter, Miss Babe. Warren and Charles Smith and Mrs. Robert Nancarrow, who have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Sjnith, and other Rath drum relatives the past few weeks, left Monday afternoon on .their re turn to their home at Wilmot, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Royce and sons, Basil and Cecil, left Tuesday for North Yakima, Wash., where they have property. They spent the win ter in Rathdrum and their uiau\ friends in this vicinity regret tbeii K'iltig away again, as they bad former ly resided here many years. W. A. Sullivan arrived last week fiurn Craubrook, B. C., where he a spent the winter. Mr. Sullivan, whij was formerly In the land locating business here, has chosen a homestead claim in southern Alberta and in tends making his home at Lethbridge, in the future. Mrs. W. II. Edelblute left fir Portland, Oregon, late last week to see her mother, Mrs. Henry Burm, who was reported seriously ill. A telegram received in Rathdrum this week announced that Mrs. Burns had passed away Tdesday at her fur/uer home south of Portland. The re mains will be buried there. J. W. Smit h was in town yesterd iy and annnunedd his candidacy for clerk of the district court. Mr. Smith Is quite well known in the Vounty, having occupied the position of chief deputy In the assessor's oBlce for some years prio: to his election as county assessor, which position he now bolds. ■ 411 parlies knowing themselves in debted to me are requested to call at the Exchange Bank and settle same with Frank O. Hill. M.ll-18. Geo. W. Flemming. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Home made sausages a specialty at Seigloch's. Ham, bacon and lard, fish and game in season. In ot bis I have taken charge of the dining room at- the Mountain View hotel. Will serve meals at all hours. Mrs. Sadie Brewster. M4-Alp. We are going to poke the sleeping dog at the stockholders mass meeting or the Farmers' Grain & Supply Co., Saturday. March 12. Everybody come. Don't forget the date. FOR SALE:—The Newland pro perty on Main Street, acre lot, 5-room house, garden and 80 fruit tree«. $1400. A bargain. Terms: $500 down, security on balance at 8 per cent; or $200 down and balance in $20 monthly inlallments. Inquire at Tribune office. For all kinds of fresh meats call at J. A, Seigloch's—Rathdrum Meat company. F4Ap29. Eighth Grade Examinations. The following Is a news note from Coeur d'Alene, dated March 8: Hereafter instead of holding the eighth grade examinations in every district in Kootenai county where applicants are, they will be held onlv in these places: Coeur d'Alene, Rath drum, Hayden Lake. Post Falls, St. Maries, Emida, Cataldo, Santa. Pleas ant View,, Lane, Harrison, Sanders, .Lake CVeek, Athol, Bayview. Ferrell, and Spirit Lake. The examinations will be held March 23. April 27 and May 18. ■ i 1 I I 1 I ¥ Fifty Years ihe Standard Jk DrPRICFS ■ CREAM I BAKING POWDER ■ Tdïb Made from Orapos Highest award Chicago World's Fair Æ No Lime \ Phosphate ! m w he M Porappk M iss Merlie Tucker reports 201 days of sunshine in February. Next Thursday will be St. Pat rick's day, when the "wearing of the green" will be appropriate. The Pythian Sisters served lunch after the Knights of Pythias lodge meeting Tuesday night. The streets are beginning to dry up and the time to begin the spring cleaning is near at hand. The Pythian Sisters will give a St. Patrick's social at the hall on the 17th, at 8 o'clock p. m. Every body is invited. The Woman's Relief corps will hold the regular meeting at the hall on Saturday, March 19. All members are requested to be present. The Royal Neighbors will have a cooked food sale at Sage's store tomorrow (Saturday.) The patron age of the public is respectfully solicited. a ! The Ainsworth Orchestra of on the opera house last Saturday evening and the program was Minneapolis, Minn., appeared at much enjoyed by those who .at tended. A dance followed. The public is requested not to to overlook the market day auction 2 sale in.Rathdrum tomorrow (Sat urday) afternoon. Anything brôught in will be sold to the highest bidder. Dr. Farnsworth is the auctioneer. Farmers on the prairie are get ting ready for their spring plowing, some cf which will be started next week if weather conditions con tinue favorable. The last few days of sunshine have drawn the frost out of ihe ground rapidly. D. C. Corbin's sugar beet crew from Eight-mile prairie passed through Rathdrum Monday with their big traction engine, bound for Greenacres, where they have 800 acres of land to plow. It is said the big eiigine can draw six teen plows when at work. The week's series of revival services at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Robert Warner of Sandpoint, assisted by Rev. Andrew Warner, the pastor, closed last Sunday. A number of con versions resulted. The Tribune is requested to announce that a beginners' primary class will start in the Rathdrum school the week beginning Mon day, March 21. All beginners must be entered during that week, as the next class will not be started until September, A. A. Martins, special traveling representative of the Los Molinos Land company of California, lec* tured at the opera house Wednes day night for the purpose of interesting people of this section in the irrigated districts of nor thern California, which the com pany is exploitigg. The lecture, which was free, proved very in teresting and was illustrated by tgo lantern slides. A large crowd attended. A number of members of the choir in the revival services re cently closed here, visited Post Falls last Tuesday evening. Evan in at at the St. and 1 ! (OVriCIAI. PUBLICATION) Report ol the Financial Condition of the I RATHDRUM STATE BANK. LM. i Located at Rathdrum, State of Idaho, at the Closet of Business on the 8th day of October, 1905). RESOURCES. t 61170.07 750.96 Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts. . Bonds, warrants and other securities .... Bank inn Bouse, Furniture and Fixtures. Other Real Estate owned . Cash on hand and due from Banks. 16924.22 16847 65 1000.60 50005.78 • 146734 38 Total LIABILITIES. * 25000.00 5000.00 Capital Stock paid In Surplus fund. Undivided Profits. Deposits. 110164 50 t 140734.38 Total State of Idaho. County of Kootenai, — ss. I, R. E. Young. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me ) 8tb day of Oct., iK9. > (Seal) A. W. Post, Notary Publlo. 1 Deposits Baptsmbar 23rd. 1903 ■ ■ Depoaita April 28th. 1909 . Deposit! October Sth, 1908. Average Cash reserve for last 30 days, 46-;- per cent. R. E. YOU NO. Cashier. Correct. Attest: STEWART YOUNG. FRANK WENZ. this Directors. 9101924 03 . 108864 83 ..11016460 gelist Stephens, who has opened a series of revival meetings in a ! tabernacle there, welcomed them cordially and called them to seats on the rostrum. The party re turned home the same night . The entire choir has been invited from here tQ make another visit to the falls city, and all who can, expect to go over tonight and assist in tha song service. While walking along the east side of the Wenz block last Satur day morning, Professor G. W. Spoerry stepped upon some loose boards used for a trap door in the sidewalk, the boards giving away and precipitating h< basement a distance of about seven feet. He suffered some scratches and bruises but was not seriously hurt. His little son. whom he was carrying, was thrown forward on the cement walk, escaping, for tunately, with a slight bruise on the forehead. is to of in by the re Post into the Floyd McNett made the high score in the indoor rifle club latt night, securing 608 points out of a possible 625. Mr. McNett holds the record of the season thus far, having made 609 several weeks ago. The Post Falls band gave a con cert art the Fraternal hall latt n ght. An excellent program was rendered as follows: Overture, Algonquin, by tie band; Elves, overture, by the band; Trombone duet, Hawthorne j and Foy; Piano solo, Miss Smith; Recitation, Daisy V.Shields; Ideal, overture, band: Violin duet, An derson and Foy, accompanied by Miss Doyle; Waltz, band; Piano duet, Misses Fisher and Smith; Baritone and cornet duet, Prof. Kyle and Anderson accompanied by Mrs. J. F. Enders; Overture, Sincerity, by the band. Stockholders Farmers' Grain & Supply Company. A square deal is all I ask and a suspension of judgment until our meeting, at th£ Rathdrum Stale bank building, 10:30 a. m. Saturday, Mar. 12th. I promise you that evidence will be adduced which will be very interesting to, not only the stock holders, but every farmer who Is interested In the cooperative move ment. Your attendance is respect fully requested E. W. SWANSON. Former Secy, and Treas. The Panhandle Abstract Co., Ltd •t has the only Complete Set of Abstract Books in Kootenai County. Get your abstracts frorn^ a Company that is reliable. 109 S. 4th Street, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. //////////////, * y///////// Klopf's Furniture Store I .5 Furniture, Carpels. Hanging lamps. Art Squares. Doors. Linoleum, Bird Cages. Windows, tar and building pa per and deadening felt. Phoenix Pure Paint, China and crockery ware, etc. Gus R. Klopf, Mgr. RATHDRUM. IDAHO fl. S 5 UNDERTAKING S Idaho Licenaed Embalmer ill 'wwwwwwwwwrmy* m GENERAL HARDWARE Woodchoppers' and Log gers' Tools. HENRY REINIGER. RATHDRUM IDAHO W O> «» l ALIAS SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION, ! j , t,, . , . „ ... ,... ... to In the District Court of the Eighth Judicial 0 District of the State of Idaho. In arid for the County of Kootenai. ' it Northern Pacific Railway Company, a to.' Plaintiff, î ! portillon, vs. Milton Wood, Ernest E. Rinehart and William E- Rinehart, a co-partnership trad Ing under the firm name of Rinehart Bros. Defendants. Allas Summons for publication. THE STATE OF IDAHO, To Milton Wood, one of the Defendants above named. Oreetlngs: You are hereby required to appear in the above entitled action brought against you by the above named plaintiff, and answer complaint of plaintiff tiled in said action, within forty days after the 12th day of March, 1910. That said action Is brought to quiet title in the above named plaintiff to the following described lands lying and being In the County of Kootenai, state of Idaho, and more particularly described as follows: That portion of the northwest quarter of he southeast quarter (N WI48E!4> of Section thirty six (30) township tifty-two(52) North, Range five (5) West ol the Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, described us follows: Beginning at the point where the ience or said Milton Wood intersects the southeast erly line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company's right of way, which line is paral lel with and one hundred (100) feet south easterly from the center line of .main track of said railway and which said point of in idsection is on a line drawn at right angle through said center line at a point 2005.4 feet southeasterly measured along said center line from the cast line of auction thirty-six (36) township tift.y-two (52). Range five (5) Weal of thè Boiae Meridian; running thence west erly to a point 50.5 feet southeasterly meas ured at right angles, from said center line ; » > j it a point 2180.4 feet southeasterly measured iloug said center line from said section line; hence northwesterly at right angle to said ■ ine 20 feet.; thence southwesterly .>1 feet to i point 80.7 feet southeasterly measured at ight angles from said centerline; thence southwesterly to a point 76.3 feet southeast erly measured at right angles from said sen ter line at a point 2308.4 feet southwester ly measured along said center line from said section line; thence southwesterly to a point /4 5 feet southeasterly measured at right ingles from said center line at- a point Sua.4 feet southwesterly measured along said jenter line from said section line; thence southwesterly to a point 100 feet southeast ■ rly measured at right angles from said center line at a point 3015.4 feet southwester ly measured ttlbug said center lino from said ectlou line; thence nonheaslcriy parallel vltli said centerline to the point of begin ning. Also all that portion of said north west Inuurterof soutneastquarter (Nn 1 , St'ii 1 oesc ri bed as follows: Beginning at a point I 74.8 feet northwesterly; measured at riglu angle from said center line of main track from a point on said center line ^394*4 feet southeasterly, measured along said center line, from the east line of section thirty-six <36) township fifty-two (52) Range five (5)West of the Boise Meridian, running thence sout h westerly to a point 76 feet northwesterly measured at right angles from a point on said center line 2607.4 feet, southwcstcrl measured along said center line from su section line; (henee southwesterly to a point 99 feet northwesterly measured at right I angles from a point on said center line 2998., 1 feet southwesterly, measured along sale I center line from said section lino; thenc, northweseerly to a point 100 feet nor.hwest erly measured at right angles from a point on said center line 2998 feet southwestern measured aloug said center line from said section line; thence northeasterly parallel to said center line 565 feet; thence east to the point of beginning. » » » » 9 » & ! INDEPENDENT I FEED STORE i ! S. L. Farnsworth, Prop. Hay, Grain and Feed, d* Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement and Hard wall Plaster Rathdrum, Idaho. ! ! Bee Gaston & Son -Contractors and Stone Masons Will furnish estimates on all kinds or Mason Work. Rathdrum, Idaho. I^T'Fora First Class Shave or Hair Cut, Go to FORD'S TONSQRIAL PARLOR -NEBATNS 3 — Rathdrum Idaho . : Said action also prays that said defendant ! Milton Wood, set forth then-lure of his j claim or claims to above described lands, or to any portion thereof, and that such claims 0 f said defendant maybe determined by decree D f i|,| s court; and that by said decree ' it be declared that said defendant. Milton Wood, has no Interest whatever î said lands, or any part thereof, mid that the ! title of the plaintiff thereto Is go id and valid and that said defendant be fore- or enjoined from asserting any claim to sail lands, or any part thereof, adverse to the plaintiff, and for such other relief as to tl o honorable court may be meet and agreeabl • to equity, and for plaintiff's costs of action. And you are further notified that If you fall lu appear und unswer said complaint, us above required, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint. Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Eighth Judi lal District of the State of Idaho. In and for the County of Kootenai, this 2nd day of February, A. D., 1910. C. A. McDONALI), Clerk. By Jas. A. Foste-, Deputy. Residence and Post Office Addi ess; Edward J. Cannon. Rooms 1-2-3 4-5-0 Hypo theckbaiik Bldg.. Spokane, Washington. Attorney for Plaintiff. Wm. .1. Costello, Sandpoint, Idaho, One of the Attorneys for Pl .intlff. R.L. Black, Oomr d'Alene. Iduho. One of the Attorneys for Plaintiff. 5t Fehlt—Marli or to tlio SB AI< Ni r ; CHAS. E. McCARTY 1 » « 4 > DEALER IN j Farm Machinery, Vehicles, ] Harness, Oils and < 4 » < » 4 Paints » < 4 » 9 ALL THE BEST LINES Î Rathdrum, Idaho » L 4 4 * Drs. Shontz & Wilson DENTISTS I Personal Attention and Low [j Prices. Remember we are no company, with transcieru. and non graduate help. PRICES 9 5 00 6 00 10 00 Beat Gold Crown». Beat Bridgowork. Beet Plate. -Examination Free Sll'4 Riverside Ave. 6POKANE. WASH Over 5. 10 & 15 Cent Stoic. i'itIBUNE, $1. Per Year