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We have Just What You Want id Ï fTtl îi p I ! !.. ■ f -I We are showing the best line of Spring and Summer fabrics of any tailor in town, and we want you to come in and see them be fore buying your suit else where. if T : : ij : i a i ( i j : r : I 5 λ Three-Button Novelty Sack, No. 644 Give os your order now and let ns make you the best suit or overcoat you ever wore,====and just save yon a big ten spot -TV Reiniger Bros. Selling agents for Ed. Y. Price & Co., Chicago, and Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia rag Three-Button Novelty Sack, No. 630 THE RATHDRUM TRIBUNE. ESTABLISHED 189S. HJHUSHED FRIDAY OF EAUH WEEK. CULP BROS., Publishers & Proprietors. J R. M CULP Editor TKRMS: Onr Ykar. îr paid ih auvancs Bix Months. Tiiiirr Months. Binoi.e Oopirs . To nil subscribers outside of the United St:iu>.s 41.(Hi per year. .»l.oo • SO .30 .5 "Entered April 28, 1900. at Rathdrum. Ida ho. us leoono-cliiHs matter, under Act of Congress of March 3, 137«. The direct primary is coming' in for some adverse comment from time to time. The Pend d'Oreille Review points out that ft man is elected to office by a mere plurality but must have a clear majority over all other candidates in the primary in order to secure the nomination. The man who secures the largest number of first choice votes in the primary may lose the nomi nation on account of the possi bility of a lower candidate re ceiving enough second choice votes to put him in the lead, j The Caldwell Tribune and some I others are insisting pretty are three strongly that the direct primary law favors the wealthy, in fact precludes the possibility of çoor man running for office with tiny chance of securing the nom ination, and they point to the fact that the three republican candidates for governor, Brady, (.'lagst one und O'Neil, of the wealthiest men in the However, the argument may be advanced that the good points of the law more than offset the bad points, since every man seeking office must look almost solely to the rank and ; file of the party for the nomiua fion. instead of to the party leaders as formerly. Then there will be no "dark horses' mobody can be nominated that the a state. peo ple never heard of before. Any way, the new law is least one trial. worth at Iiie national guard officers and citizens, who had the matter in charge, are to be congratulat ed on their success in acquiring possession house and jail for Rathdrum, at the county sale held at Cœur d' Alene Monday. It have been a very skilfully aged affair, and the worthy manner in which private individuals refrained from bid of the old court seems to man praise ding against the national guard company is highly coimnenda ble. Tub death list in the ava lanche an Wellington, Wash., is now estimated at over 100, and it is being hinted that the Great Northern may be made to wer for the loss of life. uns RATHDRUH'S CITY HALL Is Company E of Any Value to Our City? The question has long been zler to ihe minds of a puz somt as to whether or not the National Guard company located here was of any ben eilt. j hrary, so that your members may I have a P 1 "«« to go and educate them 8e,veö along many lines." Spokane being a large city need d the National Guard companies far less than did Rathdrum, the great number of other important "good things" within her grasp with Rathdrum, where it is very essary to get and keep everything that will add its little mite to the upbuilding of our city, little Is held out as an inducement to stay with the company, where, in reality, there should be all the more Inducements The company has never received Ihe support from the citlz-us that it should have. II has existed by In ternal effort alone. The city did not come forward, as did Ihe cltv of Spo kune, at the time when recruits needed, and say, "We will give a gold watch to the member getting the greatest number of recruits. were Nei ther did they say, "We will equip your drill hall with physical with a reading room and with »> apparatus, a II ; because of But nec given out. IIow many of our boys bave learnfcd to say something else beside "Rath drum" and "Fish Lake" at the ex pense of the government and then cau It be wondered at, as to the edu cational value of a trip to the coast, * or to the east, as some had the plea- * sure of taking last summer. Come nearer home and think the Last Monday, only, worth several matter over, was this company thousand dollars to the city. Corn - Why Take Alcohol? ^üo* 1 'S' , *. pa k' easi, y l ack your usual vigor and strength.' Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. P®"* 4 ye J[ s , Sa ^Pf i !l a ' the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse » r . W0 H ld not mak e them. Ask him and find out. Follow his a dvice. TC.A W rCo.,Lowell.M ass. pany E, if you p!ea«(\ bought the C( urt house and jail and agreed to sell the Ja 1 for a song to the city for a city hall. Yet, will our g< od citi zen' think any more of Ihe company lor I his gift? A very few tuav. honor of ihe sale is already being gobbled up by a few, saying that they hr amed of a city hail three long weeks ago, but it would seem that the whole plan had been laid, all but as to detail, last fall by the company. The company did not want the ja 1 ! put, particularly, hut bought it fo: the use of the city. Had not this little National Gua'd company been In existence about last Monday, it may be questioned as to whether or not Hai hdrum would have been as well off today, financially. Go Into the future. The general government. is requiring the stales to build armories to house government properly. Therefore, In time, upon I lie o'd court house site will be a magnificent brick or stone armory, f illy equipped as to officers' and non conimis'ioned officers' rooms, drill rooms, library, physical apparatus, running track, swimming pool and shower baths. This will be the mainstay of the city, but how many will sav a good word for the company, yea, how many will do a good turn and keep on , doing good turns for it. The com-1 pany needs help In little things -omet lines and needs it badly, and the citizens should be always on the I lookout to do a c id turn and not ! wait to be askc to do it. We want a few good young men to e 1 11st immediately and you should en- ^ The WE ARE HERE AGAIN WitH Our Special CASH PRICES B & 5., Bran, Red Shorts" 1 White " " " in ton lots, $26 75; J ton lots, $27.25. 26 25; J " «* 26.75 29 50; * " " 30 00. 31.00; J " >• 31 50. Best Flour, barrel lots (o> $1 54 per sac, Less than barrel lots $1.60. is I Second Best " 1.47* •• " 1.55. We also have a quantity of EARLY MATURING Seed Oats, known as the "White Bonanza", (g> $2.00 per cwt., and Rtcleaned Bluestem Seed Wheat $1.25 per bushel. Send in vour orders early. IVatHdrum Grain & Supply Co. We Have Potatoes, Carrots and Mangels for sale. Pair of Farm Wagon Scales for sale cheap. i i is P a| A to lhu company clerk, d courage this if you would have a $25,000 armory "n the hill. Some say the government is spend ing too much money along this line. This may be true, but can one or two citizens of Rathdrum stop them. No, we might just as well get all we can of the money to be given away and make the best of it. it Did vou ever stop to think that at the present time the company is paving $25 a month rent for using II the gymnasium four nights a month. This helps a little. And $35 a year These Items count in the end. Some think the officers have a good thing, but did you ever stop to think about the fact that they have to buy all their own clothing which costs about $35 a suit, and to board them selves while in camp, money in the end, and do it because— well, iust because they believe in teaching the youth to protect the flag If need be. They lose Within Ihe next few years all mem bers will be paid by the month, and then a company will mean the distri bution of several thousand dollars year in the city so fortunate as to have one. And still you knock. * * a —Contributed. The Pythian Sisters' St. Patrick social, given at the hall last night, proved a very entertaining affair throughout. An appropriate gram was pro- , given, and a large crowd attended. ATHOL DEPARTMENT m ^ Athol News Notes. Mrs. E Bany was a Cieur d'Alene visitor. Fiiday. Attorney Poleson of Rathdrum was here on legal business, Friday. Mr. and Mrs A H. Graham were Granite visitors, Eriday. James Bradley is building a house in the northwest part of town. in Sanipoint. Rufus Green was Sunday. Hogan Murry of Sandpmnt has moved Into his house in Athol which he purchased a short time ago. S. H. Watkins of Spokane was an Athol business caller on Friday and Saturday. Laura and Mvrtle Clark were over Sunday visitors with their grand parents in Spokane. Some of the friends and neighbors of Mrs. Abe Hornheck surprised her Tuesday evening of last week on the occasion of her birthday. Druggist Studly Is showing a jewel which he received the last of the week of which he justly feels proud On it Is Inscribed: "K. P.—25 Year«, Faithful Membership. Corydon, Inw a." This Is quite an honor, as he was Irt a class of seven who each received this recognition. 1 a two can Giant Skeleton Found. Unmoved, unseen and untouched for hundreds of years, period that it can only be estimated by historians, and hidden in the re cesses of a deep cave twenty-five miles north of Shoshone, Lincoln county, in southern Idaho, states a recent Boise report. The place has seldom been visited and is known to but a few, is the skeleton of a giant ten feet tall, evidently of prehistoric origin. As corroborate proof they exhibiting the rusty and timeworn barrel of what appears to be an old and ancient make rifle or gun weigh ing between 25 and 30 pounds, sembling a flint lock rifle, and which they claim was picked up besides the skeleton. or so long a at is in are now re The bones will be taken out of the cave at the earliest possible date and carefully packed and forwarded to the Smithsonian Institute. Its appearance, it is ■ believed by those who have seen the skeleton, will result in an invasion of the in that section of Idaho by students wishing to seek knowledge of the earlier inhabitants of America. The skull of this giant is twice as large as that of the to a caves average man. The shape would indicate that the , giant had a massive head upon his broad shoulders and the large limb J bones indicated the giant must have been a man of great strength and physical power. The skeleton is very well preserved and was found far back in the cham bers of the cave stretched at full length. Close by was the barrel of the rusty gun, which is of make known to those familiar with firearms and considered a genuine trophy by its possessors. No reasonable theory can be ad vanced by the discoverers as to how the skeleton happened to be in the Those who have looked into 1 un cave. Athol Livery Stable ATHOL, IDAHO All Kinds ol Livery and Dray Work-Houses Boarded by Day, Week or Month.-Teams to All Points on the Lake. S. H. DYER, PROPRIETOR._ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peterson were pleasantly surprised at their country | g home Thursday evening by the Royal Neighbors, it being their seventh wedding anniversary, lu fact it was such a complete surprise, that neither one was utile to say anything for several seconds. The first that they were aware of anyone's presence was when the cry came:—"Pete! Pete! Pete! Sandwiches! Bring on the sand wiches!" Then the door was opened and the Neighbors entered. The evening was spent in acting charades, guessing contests and "cards." The ladies brought refreshments and these were served about eleven o'cluek; they \ consisted of cake, coffee and fruit ^ jello with whipped cream. It was A after midn ght when the guests de parted after wishing the couple many happy returns of the day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brackin, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Trauger, Mr. and Mrs. E. (J. Roath, Mr. aDtl Mrs. Dick Bamber, Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Cross, Miss Jennie Christmas, and Milton Rawlings. A great crowd turned out to hear the debate at the city hall Friday evening. Rev. Price plead in earnest and eloquent tones for the Socialists, Prof. Cross sang the Prohibition side, Charles Burroughs told the people what a great good man Billy Bryan is and urged them to vote for him again, while Carl Skeel informed his hearers that the present administra tion is good enough. By a vote of the house, all lost out but Mr. Price. The writer not being able to be pres ent, we didn't get full particulars. But from all reports, it was l*)ts of fun, and the wlnnêr is wearing bis laurels very gracefully. The celebration of our seventh anniversary which was planned and so beautifully carried out, on Thurs day evening, March 10, will always be one of the most pleasant events stamped on our memory's pages, have nothing but kind thoughts and j the best of good wishes for Mountain j View Camp, No. 5666 and it is just such a kind'v remembrance as this 1 that will bind us closer together in neighborly love. We hold in high esteem all who were present, and feel that we owe them a debt that money could not pay. Come again! —Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peterson. S 1 ! I j I ! We I ; At the meeting of the school board Monday evening, it was decided to defer the election of teachers until the next meeting, instructors have applied for their All of the present rooms for another year and one has asked for an advance in her salary. Considering the grade now held, the district Is giving flrst class wages, There are and all it can afford, several new applications. the facts believe that the skeleton represents one of a lost race proba bly unknown to historians in this day and age, which occupied the Ameri can continent long before the red skin held the country in his power. —Inland Herald. Chamberlam'i Stomach and Liv Tablets invariably bring relief women suffering from chronic consti pation, headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, sallowness of the skin and dys pepsia. Sold by Red Cross Drug Co., Rathdrum, Idaho. cr to TRIBUNE, $1. Per Year Howell Planer and Matcher You no doubt find it a hard matter to sell your rough lumber to advantage because most of your customers want it finished. Furthermore you can get twice much for your lumber by plan ing it, making it up into flooring, drop siding, window casing and mouldings, for which there is an unlimited demand at big prices, pie Howell Planer and Matcher does all this work to perfection._ You can also make big money by working up all your slabs and — waste material into Lath and — _ ____ besfand*m«i Shingle Machine. manufacturers prices. Keep your plant running nil which we can furnish you at B. B. HOWELL & CO.. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Established 1879 as g \ ^ A Ï j j S J. H. SNYDER Woodwork 1 BLACKSM1THING and ! GENERAL REPAIRING. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Athol Idaho THE ATHOL HOTEL I ATHOL, IDAHO j Board by Day or Week. Regn I lar Meals and Sbort Order. ! COMMERCIAL and TRANSIENT TRADE a SPECIALTY. f OLSON & EARLSON, Prop'rs. j: : ' V rv J. B. PETERSON i Real Estate & Timber « < < 4 ,4 4 4 I have some choice bar- j gains in farms in this county. '< ATHOL IDAHO I will be home from Chi- J cago with all the latest in ? Spring & Summer 3 Ï MILLINERY l Ready for Inspection I ] MAR. 25- 26; Apr. 1-2 * Ladies, take advantage 6 of the bargains. Yonrs tO f accommodate, [ Mrs. Harriet Snyder, Athol. ! ; » Hurt Thin? We offer Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. One Hundred Dollars F. J. CHEN.EY-&CO,Toledo,Ohio We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years,and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ternally, acting directly upon the blood and system. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. lo mucous surfaces of the Testimonials sent free. Halley's comet is visible to the naked eye. now reported For Clerk of District Court. I hereby announce mvself a candi date for the office of Clerk District. Court for the county of Koot enai, State of Idaho, subject to the Republican primary election held in August of the of the to be present year. J. W. SMITH, Rathdrum, Idaho. Mr. 11 tf.