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Wall Paper We have just added to our stock a complete line of Wall Paper, in ALL THE NEWEST SHAPES AND DESIGNS Don't send away for your paper until you have seen our line and prices. We can save yon time and O - N - E - Y M RATHDRUM DRUG CO. C. E. Getchel THE WEATHER / rn\W V A, » * «sa , M Mention. • W. A- Hart was a visitor to SpoJ r* kaoe Tuesday. F. L. Farnsworth made a trip to Spokane yesterday. Ed Jacobs of Spokane visited his mother at this place last Sunday Geo. W. Flemming made a busi ness trip to Spokane Wednesday. F. A. Webster made a trip to New port, Wash., aod return, this week. H. D. Lockling was in town Wednesday from bis farm between Spirit Lake and Athol. Miss Marjorie Bradbury returned Monday from a brief visit with friends at Post Falls. J. W. Post and J. R. Saunders of the confectionery store returned last Saturday from a,brief bfisiness trip. Mrs. Virgil Strieker was in town from Coeur d'Alene last Sunday, the guest of Mrs. T. L. Gibson. K. Yardley Is here from Illinois, looking over the country with a view tp locating. Mr. Yardley is a farmer. R. E. Young, cashier of the Rath drum State bank, made a business trip to Spokane one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. G W. Royce returned yesterday from North Yakima, Wash. v They expect to reside in Spokane in thefuture. - • Rev. W. J. Thompson left Monday for Nampa, to attend the law en forcement convention which wa9 held • there this week. Ernest Engleklng returned from • Copur d'Alene Monday night, the jury on which he was serving being discharged for the term. . Charles Paul conceded prepara tions yesterday for his departure to his new home near Moscow, where he will reside in the future. Mark Dolliver of Valley, Wash., nephew of Mrs. W. W. Benoett of this place, visited with the latter last Sunday. Mr. Dolliver Is attending college in Spokane. ' Melvin Morris had charge of the blacksmith shop of L. E. Kirkpatrick part of the time during the latter's absence the forepart of tb'e week. E- C. Thompson started Monday morning by wagon to his farm In Spirit valley to begin the spring work there. A. E. Travis was in town last Saturday from his farm neir Sucker ljAjte. Mr. Travis who suffered a paralytic stroke -la9fc December 23, whicn affected his left sidt from he d^ to foot, is rapidly recovering. Dr. F. Von Bargen, who got a new wagon last week, started the present week to Introduce Watkins' remedies in this vicinity. He will later visit ell the nearby towns. The docter says he has ninety different remedies and will guarantee them all. h C Archie Melder of Blanchard was In town Wednesday to have some dental work done. Mr. Melder says he ex pects lo prove up ou his homestead this year. Professor G W. Spoerrv was in Spokane last Saturday purchasing vaulting pole, hammer and shot for the high school athletic team. Harry Wolf, chief deputy in the assessor's office, resigned March 16 to accept apositlon In theFirstNaiional bank, says the Coeur d'Alene Press. a My new stock of Spring and Sum mer millinery has arrived, and the ladles' are cordially invited to call In and inspect the latest styles in hats, turbans, etc. Mrs. M. A. Walker. , G. R Klopf has received his certi ficate as a licensed embalmer under the laws of Washington. Mr. Klopf had already procured certificates to practice his profession in Idaho and Oregon. It. I have the agency for Chas. A Stevens & Bro's.. made to order and ready made, suits, skirts, waUts, etc. ! Gall in and see the new Spring and Summer styles and samples. Mrs. G. I. Sage. to he of In a 23, d^ it. Mr. and Mrs. L E. Kirkpatrick re turned the forepart of the week from Mount Hope, Wash., where they. were present at the death and funeral of Mrs. Kirkpatrick's motbeiv, Mrs. W. H. Ramsey who died there last Saturday and was b.uried Tuesday, Mar. 22. Mrs. Ramsey had been ill for two years. Rev. Putnam con ducted the funeral services. Cash Talks. The Independent Feed Store will sell Bran and Shorts mixed for cash 1 Seed oats and 1 in ton lots at $27. wheat, recleaned, for sale at right prices. — S. L. Farnsworth, Proprietor. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Home made sausages a specialty at Selgloch's. Ham, bacon and lard, fish and game io season. For Rent—10 acres good Irrigated land between Rathdrum and Post Falls; for care of trees, address C. E. S., Box 2197, Spokane, Wash. It FOR SALE:—The Newland pro perty on Main Street, acre lot, 5-room house, garden and 80 fruit tree«. $1400. A bargain. Terms: down, security on balance at 8 per cent; or $200 down and balance in $20 monthly intallmeots. Inquire at Tribune office. $500 F4Ap29. For all kinds of fresh meats call at Meat J. A. Selgloch's—Rathdrum company. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank all the kind friends who c ffered assistance and comfort during the last illness and death of my father. C Melvin Morris. A Come Back. New Editor (to old schoolmate) It hurts me, old fellow, to wound your feelings, but really > overstocked with poetry that it s useless to read yours. We can ac cept only what 6hows unmistakable genius. * Old Schoolmate—Well, just read that poem and tell me what you think of it. It may prove better than you imagine. New Editor (having read the poem)—It is as I feared. The poem 6hows no promise whatever. It is simply absurd. Old Schoolmate (with a broad grin)—That's just what I thought. It's a copy of some verses you wrote in my autograph book while at school.—London Tit-Bits. we are so we were Today is Good Friday and Sun day will be Easter. The installation of the new furnace at the Fraternal hall was completed last Saturday. Easter song service, Sunday at the Presbyterian evening, church. Everybody come. The new track cleared and plowed by the high school athletes at Five Point street is said to afford a race course about 270 yards long. C. J. Boppell of Spokane, or ganizer of bible classes, was ?.t the Rathdrum Methodist church, Wednesday evening. His subject was the "Pa and Ma Problem." The spring street cleaning was begun last week, although the council has not yet appointed an overseer for this year. It is be lieved, however, that an appoint ment will be made next Monday evening. Showers and a fall in the tem perature have characterized the weather of the past week. Snow fell on Rathdrum mountain Tues day night and in the valley, Wednesday night, to the depth of about one eighth of an inch. The clothes cleaning establish ment opened last week by Geo. Newcom, has been taken over by Mrs. J. G. Gilbert. Mrs. Gilbert announces herself ready to do cleaning, pressing, dyeing and re pairing. Ladies' work a specialty. Sergeant Barr of the regular army arrived Monday to remain two weeks, for the purpose of in structing the officers and members his son Theodore Epling at Green It The funeral was held from the Grange hall, East Greenacres, and the remains were interred Sunday . of Company E. He is detailed by the war department to drill the ! several companies of the Idaho national guard, under direction of the adjutant general. Wm. Epling, aged 69, was found dead in bed at the home of acres Ih'St Saturday morning. is said death was due to heart failure, the deceased having been in poor health for some time. in the Post Falls cemetery. After the regular session of the Women's Relief Corps last Satur day afternoon, the members of the G. A. R. post were escorted into the corps rooms and a joint meet ing held in honor of L. A. Berry, who departs soon for Florida. Post Commander E. Q. Stoddard and Stewart Young addressed the gathering, and Mrs. A.'W. Post made the presentation to Mr. Berry of a beautiful G. A. R. pin as a token of remembrance from the corps and post. Refreshments were served. 1 1 at E. It of No No a Lime Phosphate Alum Fifty Years ^ the Standard DrPRICfS AM Baking Powder Made from Grapes Makes the food of superior healthfulness and finest quality ! I jj m » » in fiMMMßf (OFFICIAI, PUBLICATION) ■Report of the Financial Condition of the RATHDRUAi STATE BANK, Ltd. Located at Rathdrum, State of Idaho, at the Close of Business on the 8th day of October, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. Overdrafts. Bonds, warrants and other securities » 0117(1.07 780 06 . 16024.23 . 16847 05 1000.00 50005.78 Banking House. Furniture and Fixtures. Other Real Estate owned . Cash on hand and due from Banks. Total I 146734 38 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In Surplus fund. Undivided Profits. Deposits. » 25000.00 5000.00 6560.88 110164.50 Total State of Idaho, Ccu. I 146734.38 of Kootepal, —SB. I, B. E. Young. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. K. E. YOUNG. Cashier. Correct. Attest: STEWART YOUNG. FRANK WENZ. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Oct., 1809. (Bkal) A. VV. Post. Notary Publlo. Deposits September SSrd. 1908 Deposits April SStb. 1909 . Deposits October 8th, 1909. Average Cash reserve for last 30 days, 46-;- per cent. ! Directors. -8101924.03 . 108364 83 • 110164 #0 Governor Brady in North. Governor Brady in North. Governor James H. Brady #iven a reception in the rooms of the was commercial club at Coeur d'Alene Monday night. He said his present trip in northern Idaho has nothing to do with bis campaign and that he will stand again for the governorship on his record lo the last administra tion. Regarding his inspection of the lowlands along the St. Joe river be said that he has Instructed Attorney General McDougal to take whatever steps are necessary to bring action against the Washington WaterPower company to secuae damages from high water to school sections and to Hey burn park. The Ice-of the Arctic. Shipwrecked sailors have often suffered and sometimes died of thirst, because the salt water of the ocean cannot be drunk. Arctic ex plorers can utilize the ice for drink ing purposes, the only trouble being in melting it. Sea water in the process of freezing expels the salt, and its freezing point is about 28 degrees, or 4 degrees below that of fresh water. Ice is the principal product of the arctic regions, and we are indebted to whalers and ex plorers for some distinctive phrases regarding it. The ice first forms in thin, irregular flakes called sludge," and when this is compact 1 enough to hold snow it is known as "brash." Gathered into rounded ! masses it becomes pancake ice, iuind soon it becomes thicker. The Ijrst thin covering*is called "May ice." A "floe" is a sheet of ice the limits of which are visible, and an ice field" is so extensive that its limits cannot be seen. "Pack ice consists of broken floes farced to gether by the winds or currents.— Indianapolis News. « » ft >> Blown to Atom*. A little girl was one day sitting thinking deeply, when she surprised her father by asking: * "Where's atoms, papa ? Athens, you mean, child," he corrected. "No," said the little girl. "I mean atoms, the place where every thing is blown to." >> (t The Panhandle Abstract Co., Ltd •f lias the only Complete Set of Abstract Books in Kootenai County. Get your abstracts from a Company that is reliable. nt) S. 4th Street, Cœur d'Alene, Idaho. Ilopf's Furniture Store I 5 Furniture, Carpets. Hanging lamps. Art Squares. Doors, Linoleum, Bird j Cages. Windows, tar and building pa- yj per and deadening felt, Phoenix Pure Paint. China and crockery ware, etc. j ^ Gus R. Klopf, Mgr. BATHDRUM, IDAHO I' 5 S UNDERTAKING * Idaho Licemed Embalmer wwwwwwwjwn* » GENERAL HARDWARE Woodchoppers' and Log gers' Tools. HENRY REINIGER. ; RATHDRUM IDAHO ' ' rmww Resolutions of Sympathy. Evergreen Camp No. 2317, Royal Neighbors of America, Ralbdrum, Idaho, March 22, 1910. Whereas, the All Wise Father has seen fit tju call from this world 'the beloved mother of Neighbor Gertie Kirkpatrick, therefore, tie it Resolved, that Evergreen Camp No. 2317, Royal Neighbors of Arueri ca, extend to Neighbor Gertie Ki k palnck our sincere sympathy, in this her hour of bereavement; therefore he M it Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes of the camp and a copy be sent to Neighbor Kirkpai rick and also that B; a copy be sent to pre*s. Lila M. Laltd. Clara N Satchwell. Frederick.- M Bell. Cum m itiee 6. ! , ! < Chamberlain'i Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to women suffering from chronic consti pation, headache, biliousness dizzi ness, sallowness of the skin and dy— pepsia Sold by Red Cro<- Dm 1 Uaihdrum, Idaho. PUBLIC HORTICULTURIST DR, J. A. HEAVNER METHODS EMPLOYED ..i n surgery. Prut,ink.', planting; sous an and plant foods certified. Trees urn in con stant danger. Must linve care every yeur. Charges reasonable to all. Reference re liable. Address 111 Bernard St, Spokane. Me al y zed 41 r CHAS. E. McGABTY ! ! I « « DEALER IN 4 jj Farm Machinery, Vehicles, ! Harness, Oils end » * » « * » < 4 Paints « : 4 ! ALL THE BEST LINES < L * Rathdrum, Idaho i ! INDEPENDENT FEED STORE : I ' S. L. Farnswortb, Prop. I Hay, Grain and Fet'd. ■+ Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement and Hard wall Plaster Rathdrum, Idaho. 0 ! ! Bee Gaston & Son -Contractors and Stone Masons Will furnish estimates on all hinds o( Mason Work. Rathdrum, Idaho. l3^"Fora First Class Shave or Hair Cut, Go to FORD'S TONSORIAL PARLOR -SkBATHSSS Baihdruvà Idaho. ! Statement of Exchange Bank RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .«14,«41.67 1.60 Overdrafts Bonds, warrants and other seien ri t les 17.50 M ulng and other stocks. 2,750.00 Banking House, Furniture, and Fixtures 12.021.05 Other Real Estate owned. Due from banks. 15,600.00 10,845.2» Check» on other banks, and cash Items 8;000.00 Cash on hand 2,501.80 / 60,370.61 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in Surplus fund. Deposits.. . 120 . 000.00 .25,912 68 .20,460 83 60,3*9 51 1 hereby certify that the above is a correct statement of the condition of i he Exchange k of Kuihdrum on the 18th day of March, Frank O, Hill, Cashier B; 1910. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office ( oeui d'Alene, Idaho, Mi rch 12. 1910. A sufficient, contest aflidavit having been filed in this office by Iiedevald K. Knudson, contestant, against liomeste: d entry, No. 3753. made August 10. 1903. for 1 « »t 5, section 6. Township 52 N.. Range 4 W. Boise Meridian by Ludwig Degenhurdt, Contestée, in which it is alleged that said Ludwi- Degenhard t died in the cit of Hpokane soni-tiine during the year 1904. and that prior to Ills death he hau abandoned said homestead and had not resided upon, improved or cultivated the same for more than six mouths; that none of tin* heirs of said Ludwig Degenliardt inn since his death cultivated or improved said tract, af required by the homestead laws and that the tract has been abandoned for more than two years immediately preceding ttii;» contest; said | arties are hereby not!lied to appear, respond, and offer evidence touch* ! ing said allegation at 10o'clock a. in. oil , April 29th, 1910, before the Register and ! Receiver at tlie United Stales Land Office in < œuru'Alenc. Idaho. The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit. Hl»*d March 10. 1910, set forth facts which show that after due dilig< nee personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Mttr25—Apr29 William Ashley,.!r., Receiver. For Clerk of District Court. I hereby announce mvse'f a candi date for ihe office of Cletk of the District Court for the cout.'y of Koot enai, State of Idaho, subject to the Republican primary election to be held in August of the present year. J. W. SMITH, Rathdrum, Idaho, Mr. 11 tf. iiuuiiMJl. Per Year