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f THE RATHDRUM TRIBUNE VOL. XXIV, NO. 21 RATHDRUM, KOOTENAI COUNTY " !DAHO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918 $1.00 PER YEAR of Official Health Bullelin On Washington, D. C.—(Special.)—Al though King Alfonso of Spain was of the victims of the Influenza epi demic in 1803 and again this summer, Spanish authorities repudiate any claim to influenza as a "Spanish" dis ease. If the people of this country do not take care the epidemic will be so widespread throughout the one come United States that soon we shall hear the disease called "American" influ enza. In response to a request for definite information concerning Spanish influ enza, Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the U. S. Public Health Service has authorized the following ofBcial Inter view : What la Spanish Influenza? Is It something new? Does It come from 8paln? "The disease now occurring la-this country and called 'Spanish Influen za' resembles a very contagious kind of 'cold,' accompanied by fever, pains Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases , 4/1 K Aa Dangerous as foison Gas Shells In the head, eyes, ears, back or other parts of the body and a feeling of se vere sickness. In most of the cases tlie symptoms disappear after three or four days, the patient then rapidly recover ing. Some of the patients, however, develop pneumonia, or Inflammation of the ear, or meningitis, and many of these complicated cases die. Whether this so-called 'Spanish' Influenza Is Identical with the epidemics of Influen za of earlier years is not yet known. "Epidemics of Influenza have visited this country since 1647. It is Interest ing to know that this first epidemic was brought here from Valencia, Spain. Since that time there have been numerous epidemics of the dis ease. In 1889 and 1890 an epidemic of influenza, starting somewhere In the Orient, spread first to Russia and <hence over practically the entire civ ilized world. Three y.ears later there was another flare-up of the disease. Both times the epidemic spread wide ly over the United States. "Although the present epidemic Is called 'Spanish Influenza,' there Is no reason to believe that It originated In Spain. Some writers who have studied the question believe that the epidemic came from the Orient and they call at tention to the fact that the Germans mention the disease as occurring along tlie eastern front In the summer and fall of 1917." How can ''8panlsh Influenza" bo rec ognized? "There Is as yet no certain way In which a single case of 'Spanish Influ enza' can be recognized. On the oth er hand, recognition Is easy where there |g a group of cases. In contrast to the outbreaks of ordinary coughs and colds, which usually occur In the cold mouths, epidemics of Influenza .may occur at any season of the year. ;TTius the present epidemic raged most .Intensely In Europe in May, June and July. Moreover, in the case of ordi nary eolds, the general symptoms (fever, pain, depression) are by no ^nouns as severe or as sudden in their onset as they are in influenza. Final ly. ordinary colds do not spread through the community so rapidly or so extensively as does Influenza. "In most cases a person taken sick "'Ith Influenza feels sick rather sud denly. He feels weak, has pains In the *yea, ears, head or back, and may be sore all over. Many patients fee'; dizzy, some vomit. Most of the pa rents complain of feeling chilly, and "dth this comes a ftver in which the temperature rise* to 100 to 104. In most cases the pulso rerneins relative ly slow. "In appearance one is struck by the fact that the patient looks sick. His eyes and the inner side of his eyelids may be slightly 'bloodshot,' or 'con gested,' as the doctors say. may be running l'rom the nose, (here mny be some cough. Thefe signs _ :i Then or of a cold may r C ( t o marked • nefer the Enlkm locks tied fu-laury "In addition to the the symptoms •Ml'ci.ranee and ns already dosirlbcd examination of the patient's I k od nay aid the physician In recognizing 'Span ieh Influenza,' for it has been found that In this disease tlie number of white corpuscles shows little or no In crease above the normal. It Is possi ble that the laboratory investigations now being mnde through tlie National Research Council nrtd the United Htntes Hygienic Laboratory will fur nish a more certain way in which indi vidual cases of this disease can be recognized." What is the course of the diseace? Do people die of it7 "Ordinarily, the fever lasts from three to four days aniVthe patient covers. re But while the proportion of deaths in the present epidemic has generally been low, in some places tlie outbreak has been severe and deaths have been numerous. When death oc curs it is usually the result of a com plication." What causes the disease and how Is It spread? "Bacteriologists who have studied In fluenza epidemics In the past have found In many of the cases a very Small rod-shaped germ called, after its discoverer, Pfeiffer's bacillus. In other cases of apparently the same kind of disease there were found pneumococci, the germs of lobar pneumonia. Still others have been caused by strepto cocci, and by others germs with long names. "No matter what particular kind of germ causes the epidemic, it is now believed that influenza is always spread from person to person, the germs being carried with the air along with the very small droplets of mucus, expelled by coughing or sneezing, forceful talking, and the like by one who already has the germs of the dis ease. They may also be carried about in tlie air in the form of dust coming from dried mucus, from coughing and sneezing, or from careless people who spit on the floor and on the sidewalk. As In most other catching diseases, a person who has only a mild attack of the disease himself may give a very severe attack to others." What should bo done by those who catch the disease? "It Is very Important that every per who becomes sick with Influenza should go home at once and go. to bed. This will help keep away dangerous complications and will, at the same time, keep the patient from scattering the disease far and wide. It is highly desirable that no one be allowed to sleep in the same room with the pa tient In fact, no one but the nurse should be allowed In the room. "If there is cough and sputum or running of the eyes and nose, dare should be taken that all such dis charges are collected on bits of gauze or rag or paper napkins and burned. If the patient complains of fever and headache, he should be given water to drink, a cold compress to the forehead and a light sponge. Only such medi cine should be given as Is prescribed by the doctor. It is foolish to ask the druggist to prescribe and may he dan gerous to take the so-called 'safe, sure and harmless' remedies advertised by patent medicine manufacturers. "If the patient Is so situated that he can be attended only by some one who must also look after others in the fam • Uv jt is advisable that such attendant wear a wrapper, apron or gown over tlie ordinary house clothes while In tlie sick room and slip this off when leav ing to look after the others. Nurses and attendants will do veil guard against breathing In I disease germs by wearing a simple or mask while near the of Is Is no In at In the and no or the be pa and the In the His :i son to ous fold of gauze patient." Will a person who has had influenza before catch the disease again 7 tir» i„ W ell known that an »•*» » r , : lp " s usually pro«!. . ^ r *", "^ TO> fluonza ' According to newspapei ports the King of Spain suffered .^ «♦tack of influenza duilng the P Ä thirty vests stricken during the recent outbreak attack of re Spain.' guard against Infio "In guarding against disease of all kinds, It is important t off'dls lcept strong a ^ n be (lon e by hav member that m , , j or adults all-around foods obtainable fox ..S well as children. So tar as " authorities every whére içcogmz How can one enza? ease or MOTORS SPEED THEM TO FRONT ✓ ■ i % A in (V » . i U ■ P „ ! < Y fri 1 r FYi f i i '■ f - Yv* I V* I f r~~ Motor trucks by the tens of thousands have made the great different from any other in adding mobility to the opposing armies. Where preparation for battles in previous years required days, hours are now necessary. Since taxicabs won the first battle of the Marne, gasoline and rubber have been increasing factors. Some of the American troops in recent battles, perhaps those shown above in a momentary halt in a French village, have traveled thirty hours with hardly a stop for rest. Your subscription to tlie Fourth Liberty Loan will add to the certainty that some day troops will not reach a fight too late to win It. war of a of to or to the by he tlie the FROM OVER THE COUNTY POST FALLS Post Falls oversubscribed its loan quota of $10,000 by ov^r $400. Hauser precinct subscribed $4900 against its quota of $4000. Twelve persons from Post Fulls picked 1200 boxes of apples m one day at Otis. B. T. Price grew a Hubbard squash weighing 46 pounds. Apple pickers have been receiving $3.15 to $4.25 a day at Otis Orchards. The school was closed by an order of the board Oct. 9 and will remain closed untii the county physician deems it safe to reopen. The action was taken owing to the threatened epidemic of influenza. Geo. McGee of East Greenacres is getting $3 a crate foi Progressive Everbearing strawberries. 9 SPIRIT LAKE With a fourth Liberty loan quota of $30,000, Spirit Lake had sub scribed $35,000 up to last Saturday. •I. W. Smiley has been appointed village marshal, aud Dr. McCormick health officer. The bov scouts have gathered about 100 pounds of fruit pits for the government. W. N. Millsap found a large bep It contained 75 tree near his home, pounds of hooey. Thieves last week stole some furni ture belonging to Miss Josephine very dose relation between Its spread and overcrowded homes. jYhile It Is possible, especially in like the present, to avoid such not always times rercrowdlng, people should consider health danger and make every to reduce the home overcrowd The value of fresh windows cannot he " s .^ P ov the of effort ing to a minimum, air through open over emphasized. "When crowding Is unavoidable, as ,n street cars, care should he taken to keep the face so turned as not to in hale directly the air breathed out by re another person. "It Is especially Important to be ware of the person who coughs or sneezes without covering his mouth ai «1 nose. It also follows that one slruld keep out of crowds and stuffy places as much as possible, keep homes, offices and workshop* well aired, *ruid some time out of doors each day, walk to work If at all prac ticable-in short, moke every possible to breathe as much pure air as all hav effort possible. "In ail health matters follow the ad vice of your doctor and obey the regu lutioES cf year local and state health offt us." "Cover up each cough and sneeze, If you don't you'll spread disease. Wall and 20 sacks of potatoes from the Panhandle Lumber company. Children recovering from illness are not allowed to return to school until the local health officer issues a permit. is CŒUR D'ALENE Commencing Oct. 15, Kootenai county will have bakers bread at 9 cents a loaf, according lo orders of the food fcdminislratur. The following men left Tuesday afternoon for Moscow, Idaho, to enter the S. A. T. C. for mechanical training: Clarence Beigqulst, James Casey, Dewey Ely, Clarence Wike, Oscar ElfsteD, Truman Eaton, Hans Fabrisuis and Jesse Weedman. The convention of the delegates of the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, was held at Coeur d'Alene Saturday. Forty mills, 90 to 100 lumber camps and 8000 men of northern Idaho, Washington and Montana were represented. The body of Clarence Swanson, who died in Baltimore, Md., while in army service, arrived in Coeur d' Alene Oct. II. The funeral was held the same day. The following men left Oct. 14 for Vancouver Barracks, Wash., for limited army service: Clarence O. Grane, Harry P. Wolf, Joseph J. Bucher, Glenn Libby, Burt F.Berrier, Gustaf W. Norby, Axel Konberg, Harold Sawley. 75 The Hayden Lake fair, scheduled for October 18, and the farmers' uuiuu convention have been post poned indefinitely because of the influenza quarantine. Answering the call to subscribe additional amounts to their origiual fourth Liberty loao subscriptions, many corporation«, concerns and individuals swelled the bond pur chases last Friday until Coeur d' Is in he Aleue city has been found to have [ subscribed 1177,900 against a quota J of *172,500. E. lijurkluod announced that he would double his orginal s jbscription of $1000 if city would do likewise. as to in by men in the An action concerning the Pleasant Valley school is being tried in the district court. D. A. Thomas had filed suit against the directors of school distiict No. 30, claiming that contrary to the result of a school election, E. J. Young and Ethel llaltenbiirg, tru-tee«, caused the Pleasant Valley school to be abaod oned, torn down, aud removed two miles. Mr. Thomas asks that a restraining order he issued estopping Superintendent Eg hers and County Treasurer W A. Thomas from issu ing or honoring warrants drawn on the district for expenses of conduct ing the scboul. be or one as ad ASK PARENTS' HELP Official Action In Interest Of Public Health. The Rathdrum public schools were closed by order of the school board and have not been in session this week. The action was taken in the interest of the public health, as it is believed if the children were kept at home and not allowed to congregate, there would be less likelihood of the influenza becom ing epidemic in the community It was observed, However, that instead of remaining at home, many children, including those of the high school had a tendency to gather in groups in public places down town and to form parties to visit neighboring communities where influenza prevails to some extent. To combat this tendency on the part of the young people, the board of village trustees held a special meeting Tuesday night and, in cooperation with the school board and health officer, issued a public health notice as follows: "At the request of the school board, it is hereby ordered by the board of trustees of the Village of Rathdrum, in cooperation with the health officer, that all childteu of school age in the village be required to remain at their homes and to refrain from congregating together or visiting with one another, and to keep off the streets except when running errands, until notice shall be given that the danger of an epidemic of influenza is over. It is urged upon the parents, in the interest of the public health and safety, that they gi /e all possible assistance in en forcing this order upon the children of our community. Idaho State News Items. Idaho bas been called upon to supply 155 more men for the spruce production division to leave for Vancouver Barracks, Wash., during the live day period commencing Oct. 14. Up to Oct. 13, Idaho had sub scribed *9,577,500 of its *14,700,000 quota of the fourth Liberty loan. There remained *5,182,500 to raised in the remaining six days of the campaign. Summonses were issued Oct. 15 by the Nez Perce couuty council of defense lo 35 citizens of the county to appear Monday afternoou for «xaui iuatiou as lo their failure to take their quota of Liberty bonds. be Idaho registered oo September 12, uuder the provisions of the new draft law requiring all men between the ages of 18 and 45 inclusive, not here tofore registered, to do so, a total of 58,235. Of this number 51,275 are classed as whites, 2252 as declarant [ aliens aud 4641 ooudeclarant aliens, J The Oue Hundred Percent Ameri can club of Idaho is something uew in the political firmament at Boise. It has been launched lo fight the Noupartisau league holding Ibat many of the leaders of the league are dishouest and disloyal. A C. Town ley and Arthur LeSeuer are uatued in the platform. There'll be no more road building in Idaho until labor conditions are better, judging from bids submitted lo the state highway commission on 22 miles of highway between White bird aud GraogeviUe. The lowest hid was *60,000 more than the esti mate of *283,000 made by the com mission, and the highest was *300,000 above the estimate. The bidders refused to make lower prices because (CONTINUED ON PAO* TWO) of a on