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The Rathdrum tribune. (Rathdrum, Idaho) 1903-1963, May 02, 1919, Image 1

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

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fl.00 PER YEAR
New Covenant Recognizes
Monroe Doctrine
The revised covenant of the
league of nations was made public
Monday and presented to the
peace conference at Paris. The
original members consist of 32
states, and 13 other states are in
vited to join.
As in the original document, the
covenant provides that the league
shall act thru an assembly, In which
each state shall have one vote and not
more than three delegates, and a
council comprising for the present one
representative of each of the five great
powers and each of four other powers
to be selected from time to time by
the assembly. Members of each class
represented on the council may he in
creased by unanimous consent of the
council and a majority of the assem
The text provides that nothing in
the covenant shall be deemed "to
affect the validity of international
engagements such as treaties of arbi
tration or regional understandings
like the Monroe doctrine for securing
the maintenance of peace,
was the amendment for which Presi -
dent Wilson made a successful fight
at the same time the Japanese dele
gation to the peace conference sought
vainly to have a race equality provis
ion inserted in the covenant.
Changes suggested in criticisms in
the United States senate add the
privilege of withdrawal of a member
nation upon two years' notice after
fulfilment of the league ooligations,
exempt domestic questions from the
league's jurisdiction, provide that
maudatories over German colonies or
former Ottoman dominions shall be
given only to nations willing to
accept them, leave it to member
slates to decide what armed force, if
any, it will contribute to the force
required by the league to enforce its
mandates, and make it clear that
member states individually will pass
upon proposed limitations upon their
With modifications, the new draft
includes all the provisions for the
submission to the council oT interna
tional disputes, for inviting nonmem
ber nations to accept the obligations
of members for the purpose of adjust
ing disputes aod for breaking econo
mic relations or the use of armed
force in dealing with a state which
has broken the covenant.
Except in certain specified instanc
es, unanimous agreement is required
for all decisions.
Idaho State News Items.
Moscow highway district No. 2 has
voted $375,000 io bonds for road
About 50 Idaho men, members of
the 362d infantry, ölst division, will
be discharged at Fort Russell, Wyo ,
this week.
The Moscow chamber of commerce
has taken up the matter of coloniza
tion for the unsettled districts in
Latah county. There are thousands
of acres of timber and logged-off
lands in the county that are capable
of supporting many families.
The Bonner county commissioners
fixed rate of wages for work with the
road machinery, as follows: 70 cents
per hour for shop foreman; 60 cents
per hour for tractor engineer; 50
cents per hour fur grader; 45 cents
per hour for road work; team hire 45
ceuts per hour.
It is unlawful for county commis
sioners to pay county officials a fixed
charge per mile for use by the officials
of their own cars when they are
traveling on county business, the
attorney general's office has hold in
•S 'Oinion on the question.
Livestock markets of the inland
empire will be thrown open to cattle
men of southern Idaho and eastern
Oregon May 18 when rates on the
Oregon Short Line on livestock ship
ments to Spokane will be reduced to
the same basis as rates now applicable
to such shipments to Portland.
The University of Idaho correspon
dence course in "Lumber and Its
Uses'' given by the school of forestry
is proving very successful this year.
Some 70 students have registered for
the course. Twenty five states
represented in its enrollment.
It is the duty of the board of
county commissioners
order the destruction of objectionable
weeds in agricultural districts,
belonging to railroads, the
private owners, irrigation companies,
or on public roads, according to Paul
Wenger, state seed analyst and
seed commissioner.
Inheritance taxes are to be assessed
upon property at the time the owner
dies, the attorney general's office held
in an opinion issued Saturday
sponse to an inquiry from the probate
judge of Blaine county,
charge of taxation of an estate
miuing property which was practically
worthless, or believed to be, at the
time of the decedent's death, but has
since been found to be of great value.
There will be no revival, under
the present state administration, of
the custom of forcing statehouse
employes to contribute every month
to a political campaign fund a certain
percentage of their salaries. Governor
D. W. Davis, John Thomas, chair
man of the Republican state central
committee, aud Dave Burrell, secre
tary of the committee, have ail
declared themselves opposed to such
a system.
Enlistments for all branches of the
regular army have been resumed and
the new enlistment office for Boise
and the surrounding territory is
located at 915 Main street. Men who
have had no previous enlistment
must enlist for three years, but those
who have had
can enlist for oue
However, only those enlisted
three years are assigned to overseas
service. Age limits are 18 to 40
Revised casualty totals announced
Wednesday by the war department
placed the total of dead in the army
and marine corps at 75,344 of which
33,887 were killed in action. Prison
ers reported were 4701, including 15
reported now held by the Bolsbeviki.
Of prisoners previously held by the
central powers the records now show
281 died during internment and 118
of doubtful status. The grand total
of wounded in the list is 201,230, of
whom it has been estimated more
than 85 per cent leturned to duty.
Nelson Cheek, a Westmond rancher,
bad the exciting experience of a
ruoaway on the long bridge, when as
he was driviog upon the south end of
the bridge the singletrees dropped
down and his team started to run.
Mr. Cheek stayed with the runaways
up and over the draw. Ilis brake
failed to work and he jumped out.
He sustained a had cut in the cheek
bone and his shoulder was bruised
The team ran about a half mile be
fore kicking the wagon loose and
finally stopped after a run of about
a mile without leaving the bridge.
The horses were skinned up but were
not badly hurt.—Saudpoint Review.
annually to
n re
who has
any previous service
or three years.
The refusal of President Wilson,
Premier Lloyd George and Premier
Clemenceau to allow Italy to take
the port of Fiume, on the Adriatic,
from Jugo Slavia, so ioceosed Pre
mier Orlando and other Italian
delegates at the peace conference that
they left Paris and returned to Rome
where their course is upheld by ibe
people and the chamber of deputies.
The situation is considered grave, as
it is dovv feared Italy will not join in
signing the peace treaty.
Employers Must File Reports
of Salaries Paid.
Organizations and individuals gen
erally are advised by Collector of In
ternal Revenue Whaley to
score on their calendars May 15 , the
last day for the filing of returns of
information, giving the names and
addresses of all individuals to whom
payments of salaries, wages, rents,
interests, commissions, and other
gains, profits and income of $1000
or more were paid during the year
1918 .
An extension of time from
March 15 to May 15 was granted by
the commissioner of internal revenue
for the filing of the returns.
"All employers of labor, whether
in large or small numbers, are
required to make these returns,"
said Collector Whaley. "Organiza
tions such as corporations, compan
ies, partnerships, etc., are required
to file returns showing the salaries
and wages paid to the officers and
"A separate return for each em
ploye whose salary for 1918 was
$1000 or more is required.
Real estate agents are required
to report the gross amounts received
in rents or other income and remit
ted to their principles if such
amounts for 1918 were $ 1,000 or
more. The bill provides that when-£
ever necessary the name and address"
of the recipient of the income shall
be furnished by the person, corpora
tion or partnership paying them.
Returns of information must be filed
with the commissioner of internal
revenue, sorting division, Washing
ton, D. C. Collectors of internal
revenue are not authorized to receive
such returns. Form 1099 , upon
which reports must be made, may be
obtained, however, from the offices
of collectors.
"Returns of information must be
accompanied by a letter of transmit
tal on form 1096 showing under oath
the aggregate amount of the
ments. These forms also may be
obtained from collectors.
' 'The penalty for failure to make a
rèturn on time is a fine of not more
than $1,000."
Revival services are being held at
the Holiness church at McGuires.
Lieuteoaut James McNair and
Corporal Ira J. Harsh are home from
the army. The latter saw battle
service In France.
Chairman S. II. Smith of the
Victory loan drive says the workers
are busy aod it is not practical to
solicit, so be asks all to come in and
voluntarily make their subscriptions.
Post Falls precinct's quota is $12,400.
S. E. Bennett, F. W. Brock, D. H.
Gwino, Eric Johnson and Frank
Shields, all candidates on the citizens'
ticket, were elected village trustees.
The proposed issue of $12,500 bonds
to buy the water works was defeated
by a vote of 111 to 18.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Berry enter
tained Supt. and Mrs. L. O. Swenson,
Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Carrick, Mr. and
Mrs. II B. Barnes, Misses Ferne
Carrick, Julia Lysek, May Berry, and
Oliver Carrick, of Rathdrum, and
Rev. and Mrs. Fiske, Miss Irene
Wood and Mrs. Sherer of Post Falls,
Wednesday evening of last week.
George F. Weeks of Coeur d'Alene
spoke in behalf of the Victory loan.
Spirit Lake's quota is $23,500.
Barney Smith, E. A. Conklin,
John Frazier, C. C. Richardson and
J. P. Isaacs were elected village
Roy Carlton and four members of
his family had a miraculous escape
when they were buried under their
car one day last week when it ran off
the bank and turned over while meet
ing another car ooe mile south of
Spirit Lake.
Misses Dorothea Wenz, Gertrude
Cosgrove, Eula Glidden, Ida Ranous,
Beulah Klopf and Katherine Sharpe
baye been reelected to teach in the
Spirit Lake high school.
Fred Johanson, arrested for selling
property not belonging to him, was
acquitted of the charge and has
turned to work in the mill.
One hundred thirty-seven t'ckets
were sold for the dance of the Car
makers union Monday of last week.
Harrison's and Powerliue's quota
fur the Victory luau is $18,500.
The commercial club is busy with
north and south highway plans and
with securing civic improvements.
The "taxpayers' ticket" was elected
at the city election. E. O. Cathcart
defeated Jack Niekey of the "citizens'
ticket" for mayor. Out of 231 regis
tered, 195 votes were cast.
R. E.
McFarland, Jr., arrived
home after twenty-one months' active
service in the United States navy.
Miss Luella Lois Draper, Worthy
Matron of Queen Esther chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, ditd Sunday.
Up to Monday Coeur d'Alene had
subscribed $80,000 of its $134,000
quota for the Victory luan.
Dr. Sheldon bas ordered one million
bees for his apiary two miles east of
Coeur d'Alene.
Roger Wearne, an attorney of
Coeur d'Alene, who has taken a lead
ing part in military affairs of this
city, received a telegram from Adju
tant General Albert II. Wilson,
desiring to know if Coeur d'Alene
desires a national guard company.
E. R. Bennett, horticulturist with
the university extension division, is
in Kootenai county this week for
cooperative woik with the county
agent and farm bureau.
A letter received from Leo Danby,
written on radiogram blanks, aboard
the U. S. S. Octara, carries the
informatun that he has been travel
ing at sea fur a month and Is having
a fine time. He slates that he Is to
meet three operators from other ships
at Panama, whom he became ,
...... .. , ,
acquaiuted with over the radio aerials. ,.
Articles of incorporation were filed
al the count, auditor', „nice r„r tbc
ontiDlKUo. of , cuiuirau, to be
known as the Latour Lumber com
, . . . ,
pany, limited. The principal place
of business will to Cataldo, Idaho.
Five directors will be selected to run *
the affairs of the company. The
amount of the capital stock is $25,000,
divided into 25,000 shares at $1 a
share par value.
The county commissioners have
designated May 24th as the date upon
which an election will be held at the
Power Line schoolhouse to decide on
the organization of the Power Liue
road district. The creation of the
district would beuefit over 20,000
acres of territory as a link of the
north and south highway along the
shore of the lake.
Success is sometimes tbe result of
beatiog the other fellow to it.
Accommodate Tourists In
Rathdrum Park.
Camping facilities are to be pro
vided in part of the Rathdrum city
park between the tennis court and
the creek according to an order of
the board made Monday evening
when a petition from the park
board was granted. The expense,
which is not expected to be great,
is to be paid opt of the park
maintenance fund. The plan is to
install a water faucet and drain, a
rough table, benches, camp stove
and other necessary equipment to
accommodate tourists and others.
The caretaker of the park is to be
charged with the duty of keeping
the grounds in good condition.
The clerk made a report showing
a warrant indebtedness of over
$800 paid off by the board during
the last two years, the bond in
debtedness reduced to $8500 and
money in the sinking fund to
reduce it to $7500 July 1 ; also cash
on hand in the general fund April
28, $252.
The board canvassed the returns
of the tillage election and declared
Messrs. Borell, Biemond, Farns
worth, Flemming and Swanson
elected trustees for the ensuing
term, and the clerk was instructed
to so notify them. The trustees
elect may take office at any time
between the date of receiving their
certificates of election and the be
ginning of the fiscal year, May 5.
Bills allowed:
U. of 1 , trees for park
W. W. Bennett, treasurer,
salary two months
M. F. Egbers, attorney salary
Stamp Works, official stamp
J. R. M. Culp,exp. and drayage
May 16th, providing Mother
Nature assures us a fitting day.
Brownies, elves and fairies will
come from their accustomed
, . , . a . . ,
haunts and entertain us in a de
,. , , ,
lightful manner. Flowers will up
roo t to dance and sing in all their
gracc an(J sple „ dor . Every , hing in
Fai |aod wi|| be touched b
: , , , . .
magic wand and thereby make it
. 3
Possible for us to get a glimpse
* n *° won derful land of dreams,
$14 25
20 00
20 00
1 *!8
paid, and election supplies 10 32
O. F. Burell, plug for main
W. II. Cleland, election judge
L. E. Tucker, " "
Mrs. L. E. Tucker " "
I 25
4 00
4 00
4 00
Jennie Culp, election clerk
J. G. Garrick, election coostablc 3 00
Frank Webster, planting trees i 40
Alex McCheyne. " J " 2 40
4 00
May Festival Given By Primary
.The primary grades of the Rath
schools are now
rehearsing for a Spring Pageant.
This will be given out of doors on
Every parent and co-operàtor of
the school is urged to be present,
as this is the only "parent's day
this unfortunate year will afford.
Tariffs have been filed with the
public utilities commission by the
railroad administration increasing
rates on apples from points in Idaho
to eastern points, effective May 31,
which has the effect of increasing
apple rates to points east of Chicago
from $1.10 to $1.25 per hundred
weight. The public utilities com
mission is taking action to protest
of the advance as unfair, it was an
ouunced Wednesday.

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