OCR Interpretation

The Coeur d'Alene press. (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) 1906-1907, August 15, 1906, Image 3

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88056096/1906-08-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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Cab Phone 153.
C. W. Norquest in a visitor in Spo
For pore Grape Juice go to the
Supply company.
P. A. Day, of St. Maries, is a guest
at the Hotel Idaho.
The very beet flour on the market.
A full car of Big Leaf Flour received
today. Carnahan Supply Co.
Mrs. Kimball, who has been viait
g Mrs. D. H. Budlong for the peat
ew weeks, returned to her home in
eiser, yesterday.
Headquraters for fresh fruit and
egetables. Carnahan Supply Co.
The Rocky Mountain Bell Tele*
phone company is constructing a ser
vice line in Hie Spring Water addi
Let Woo Ison take the baby. Ooeur
<i'Alene Photograph Studio,
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, an
'ight pound boy this morning. There
is some rejoicing in the McLeod fam
Go to Rice and Berry's for your ice
cream, refreshments, cigars, fruits,
iee, etc.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foy left for
their home in Brownwood, Texas,
this afternoon, after visiting friends
and relatives in this city for some
Mr. and Mrs. Hoole, of White fish,
Mont., who were visitors a few days
last week, are camping on the St. Joe
river and will return to this city the
latter part of the week.
Dr. Cross, V. S., will be in attend
ance at the barns of the Stack-Gibbs
Lumber company, where he will have
charge of several fine horses.
Rice and Berry, the enterprising
Sherman street merchants, are now
ready to handle the ice cream and re
freshment trade of the city in their
well appointed store in the Thomson
Block. The service rendered is all
that can be desired, and courteous
treatment and prompt attention is as
sured all its patronage.
E. N. La Veine has purchased a
Globe-Wemick filing cabinet which
is the most complete and comprehen
sive piece of furniture of its kind on
the market.
It's "Plansifter" Flour that leads
them all. Barr & Chainey.
\ Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Schmidt, of B.
C. are expected this evening and will
spend the remainder of the summer
with Mrs. Schmidt's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Olmstead.
New timothy and alfalfa hay,
Grain, Mill Feed by sack or ton.
''Barr A Chainey.
"\j. W. Wiggett is contemtplating
an addition to his building on the
corner of Sherman and Fourth street.
The addition, according to the plans
by Geo. Williams, will be two stories
high, 40 feet wide and 50 feet long.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McAndrew of
Lane, Idaho, spent last evening with
Father Purcell, and returned to their
home this morning.
Hercules and XXX Hard wheat
flour lead them all. Barr A Chainey.
Mrs. Burnett and family left for
North Yakima today, where she will
spend some time visiting her mother.
She was accompanied by Miss Bray
who will spend a few days in North
Yakima and then return to her home
in Seattle.
For bargains in pianos, both new
and second hand, go to Spokane Pia
no House, Antler Hotel Block.
T. A. Daughters left for Davenport,
Wash., this morning where he will
officiate at the funeral of Miss Win
nie Jones, who was one of the victims
of the recent tragedy by which five
persons were drowned in the Spokane
river. Miss Jones was a member of
Rev. Daughters' church before he
e to this city.
My spceialty is flittng glasses for
1th. Glasses that will stop the
erve strain and waste, relieving neu
ralgia and kindred nervous disorders.
Mr. Means, Hotel Antler., Monday,
Wednesday and Friday forenoon.
Dr. Means relieves and cures acute
and chronic diseases by treament of
the nervous system. Hotel Antler.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday fore
We sell fresh milk and cream.
• d'Alene Tea company.
Do you want good bread? Try
lansifter floor. Barr A Chainey.
McClear A Burgan are settled in
*ir old quarters in the Idaho Mer
tile building, but to the ««n«i
observer the rooms appear to be those
in a new building. They have been
thoroughly overhauled and renovated
besides being treated to new decorat
ing, and are up to date in their ap
E. C. Thomas took a business flyer
to Spokane, yesterday.
Dry wood, 16 inch and 4 foot, for
sale. Barr A Chainey.
Mrs. M. Doran, of Nelson, B. C.
is visiting with Father Purcell.
J. I. McKahn, of Salt Lake, is in
the city and will superintend the
construction work of the Rocky
Mountain Bell Telephone company.
Get next to yourself and the gener
al public will get next to you. Ad
vertise in the Daily Press.
J. E. O'Brien, of the Hotel Idaho,
Mias Barret, Mr. and Mrs. Ricker are
spending the day at Hayden lake.
Mrs. Kern, wife of Dr. Kern, of
Spokane, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
A. M. Finnegan, of the Cccur d'Alone
V^Mrs. John Chambers, of St. Maries,
is spending a tew days with her
mother, Mrs. J. A. McKay.
Miss Sadie Lee, who spent the past
two weeks visiting relatives in this
city, left for her home in Seattle this
Mrs. James Murray and family left
for Edmonton, Canada, this morn
ing, and they will make their home
in that place.
The best coffee from Mocha A Java.
Special blend. Barr A Chainey.
Services will be held at the Catho
lic church Sunday morning at 10:30
o'clock conducted by one of the Jes
uit fathes of Gonzago college, Spo
kane, Father Purcell being called to
the B. R. Lewis Lumber company's
A stockholders' meeting of the Fra
ternal Hall association will be held
in the office of the American Trust
company, this evening, for the purpose
of electing directors. This is the
tthird attempt of the secretary to se
cure a meeting of the stockholders.
Want ads, locals advertising, at
the rate of five cents per line.
The secretary of the Commercial
club has received a communication
from the Sandpoint committee on
county division asking that a meeting
be called at Rath drum Friday morn
ing at ten o'clock, and arrangements
have been made for the committee of
the Commercial club of this city,
which has this matter in hand, to
comply with the request.
Mrs. J. M. Purcell, mother of
Father Purcell, is visiting her neice.
Sister Thomasina at the Academy of
Holy Names., in Spokane.
V^Thc®- Graham and wife, and P.
Graham and wife of Colville, Wash.,
and Mrs. Kelley, of Newport, Wash.,
a sister of James Grahm, are at the
bedside of their brother, whose death
may come at any moment.
The Pringle company presented
"Uncle Josh'' last evennig to a well
filled house, and the play was well
received. Tonight it will present
"Drfting Apart."
Coroner Sabin returned from the
head of navigation on the 8t. Joe riv
er today, where he spent several days
superintending the building of a
summer cottage which he is erecting
on his property in that loeality.
J. W. Dazell, the plumber, has
moved into his new quarters in the
building recently occupied by E.
Bjorklund and has an attractive place
of business. He has received a large
assignment of new stock for work in
this city and judging from his past
work, will succeed in the future,
with such an excellent location.
The ladies of the Wednesday club
have planned a pleasant outing for to
morrow instead of the regular meet
ing of today. The steam launch To
tem has been chartered and the ladies
will leave this city at ten o'clock in
the morning for the Colquhoun camp
at Squaw Bay, where they will spend
the day in communtion with mother
nature. They have invited their
husbands to call for them in the even
ing. The men will leave here about
six o'clock and the entire party will
return by moonlight.
Home Company Installing Sys
tem In Spokane.
Spokane, Wash.. Aug. 15.—
R. M. Tucker. representing the
Home Telephone company, told the
city council last night that more than
$300,000 worth of equipment had
been bought for the telephone system
the Home company expects to install
in this city.
Mr. Tucker is president of the Em
pire company, which is supplying the
equipment to the Home company.
He caustically remarked to the coun
cil, when Councilman N. J. Laumer
introduced a resolution to see what
work, if any, the Home company has
done in this city:
"We are not building our telephone
system on paper. I want to inform
yon that more than $300,000 worth
of equipment has been bought for the
plant this independent expects to
build in Spokane. Part of this
equipment is now in transit. The
rest of it will arrive speedily.
Commercial Club Takes Favor
able Action.
A special meeting of the Commer
cial club was called last evening in
Sander's ball for the purpose of hear
ing the report of John M. Flynn and
the recommendations of the executive
committee on the incorporation of
the club.
The plan proposed by Mr. Flynn
and approved of by the executive
commitee was the one for incorpora
tion without capital stock. After
bearing the report of the committee
and Mr. Flynn's recommendation it
was decided to hold a meeting Friday
evening for the election of a board of
directors, in order that the articles
of incorporation might be adopted.
The secretary eras instructed to ob
tain proxies, that the incorporation
might be carried out, the law requir
ing a majority of the members to in
The numbering of the city, which
is an important step in its progr e ss,
is receiving much attention from the
club, and the secretary will commun
icate with eastern cities on this mat
ter. The club also appointed a com
mittee composed of J. C. White, C.
H. Potts, A. W. Branson and J. D.
Raymond, to wait upon the city fath
ers and urge action on their part, and
also to urge that the sidewalks on
Sherman street receive immediate at
A Shirt Tale.
Activity reigns supreme at the up
to-date store of A. Calrson A Son.
the Sherman street merchants, the
cause being the recent arrival of a
large consignment of fashionably
made shirts, manufactured by the
famous and old establishment Inter
State company.
The prices are right, the goods are
dressed young men of Coeur d'Alene
are perfectly right in their eager de
sire to wear them.
Carlson A Son are open every even
ing, a fact which renders it possible
for all to visit this enterprising firm's
store and inspect their fine new stock
of gents' furnishings, etc.
Notice to the Public.
Notice is hereby given that all
debts due the firm of Hanna A On
should be paid to -me individually,
and all persons are notified to give no
one credit on my account without an
order from me. WM, HANNA.
GrUSlat tk« Grata.
The comparative digestibility of dif
ferent ground and unground feeding
stuffs was tested at the Maryland sta
tion. It appeared that ground corn and
oats were more thoroughly digested
than the unground grain. In this con
nection it may be noted that similar
results have been obtained In tests with
other farm animals, but It la commnnty
believed that the difference in digest!
blllty la often not sufficient to pay foe
the cost of grinding. From all the
American teats and those which have
been made In Europe it appease fair to
eay that there la no vary marked ad
vantage la grinding grain for healthy
A rather novel plan to prove the re
liability ef automobiles will be put tote
effect to a abort time by an Americas
maker. He Is arranging to run a ear
for a month or more b et wee n two Mg
cltlss, following a time schedule, just
the same as the railroad train. No at
tempt will be made to make railroad
spaed, hut efforts win be directed to
ward arriving and leaving each town
tg accordance with the time schedule.
Chicago's two major league clubs
are likely to play poet season series for
the championship of the Windy City,
and the terms will call for a decisive
game. The last time they played the
series ended with s tie, one club refus
ing to continue.
JrtaMl !■«■■< OtSw.
President Ban Johnson of the Ini
can league has Issued a nodes that
hereafter all baeebaOa must be sawed
to the original package, bearing the
president's signature. By tn farm as
some ene to accused of putting to a
Wbr Wlmln Ckkk* Die.
The English poultry expert. E. Brown,
after several seasons of experiment
has concluded that the broiler chicks
die chiefly during tbs first twenty days
from want of exerctoe. By using dry
toads instead of wet feeds and making
tbs chickens scratch for what they eat
the deaths were reduced to a small
Is warranted to be the best rm the
market. We handle Una and a hill
line of poultry supplies at rock
bottom prices, wholesale and retail
Coeur d'Alene Feed &
Cereal Mills
Our time is up tonight in which
we were to vaoate our store in the
Antler Hotel Block, but we have sev
eral pianos left and our landlord has
very kindly consented to give us till
the last of the week. You will have
to hurry if you want to take advan
tage of getting a bargain of a life
time in a piano. We have only a
few left and at the rate they have
been going the past week, we will be
sold out by Friday. A word to the
wise is sufficient.
We Have It
the Faultless
and it's all right
It will pay you to sec it before
buying elsewhere
We are also in line with
Heaters, Builders' Sup
plies, Tools
and a complete line of
Shelf Hardware
We are closing out our
at bargain prices
Lake City Hardware
Sherman street Coeur d'Alene
White Star Navigation Comp y
d'Alene Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 9 a. m.; returning leaves Ferrell
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 6:30
a. m. Freight and pas s eng ers for lake
and river point*. Purchase your ticket
for Coeur d'Alene only and get your
passage on the Boneta at the dock.
Round trip to bead of navigation, St.,
Joe. $2.50.
Steamer Boneta, every Sunday. Leaves
at 9:15 a. m.; leaves again at 2:15 p. tn.
A most delightful place to spend a Sun
day outing. 50c a round tnp.
j. d. McDonald. Mgr.
Superior Ice Cream
Tobaccos, Cigars. Confectionery.
Coeur d'Alene Livery
Livry, F$»d. Transfer
Phone No. 88
Do You Woar Pants?
Well, you can't
get them at
A. E. Ashcraft's
But you can get the beet
line of cigars and pipe*
in the city at smoke-up
Billiard and Pool
Sherman street, near electric depot
Everything Gats Out of
st llwt TV w«sther e-t» U>f»y tarry sod
Ktrr* u. s buuard, s tornado or sumethlnc
else. Watches yet Into the duai|>* sad need
watch repairing
1 #* 4^1 Jtwck f
Entering Upon Prosperity
Is easy if you only have the key
"A dollar saved is a dollar earned," and
the Coeur d'Alene Bank & Trust Company
can do it for you.
PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Advantages and security offered depositors
. are of the greatest
Coeur d'Alene Bank & Trust Co.
will open a restaurant on Sherman street,
opposite the Coeur d'Alene Drug Store
Meals from IB cants up
Excellent home cooking The best the marke
Unsurpassed service
If You Don't Come Back
to your friends, and use one of onr new
Fine Views
of the city, also lake views, on best quality
of paper. Price - - - - - 25 cents
If too busy to write, send one of our
folding postal cards, containing 13 views
of the city and lake. Price - - 15 cents
Coeur d'Alene Drug Store
Clement Wilkins, Ph. G., Prop. Coeur d'Alene,
But it makes more noise and lasts
longer at
Than any other place in the city
Wall Paper, Stationary, Periodicals, Fruit*, Cigars
Inspection Invited
The Family Liquor Store
Pure Wines
California Win*, quart
California Wino, gallon
50 cants
92.00 and up
Give us a trial order for your wines by the quart or gallon. We
stand behind their purity. Phone 14 k
Don't Suffer From the Heat
"Oh, Joy! 1.11 never do it the 'old way'
again. I bought a new Electric Flat
Iron; it s the perfectest rig ever seen."
Ask the man at the Concur m< Company's
office. He wifi teO you k >w to save
Soronoss of Tompor. Loss of Monoy. Haat
Troubla and Ineonvanionc*
Doctors prescribe it for the house wile, the Electrical Hat iron—Have a look
The Silver Grill
Contracting Plasterer
PI tin and ornamental work *
l-eoier in Acme Cement and
Hard Wall I Taster

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