OCR Interpretation

The Coeur d'Alene press. (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho) 1906-1907, April 08, 1907, Image 4

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88056096/1907-04-08/ed-1/seq-4/

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THa Coapoa is Good for Tea Vole* is Library Coatest
Catmt,^ to Di sorganisation you wish to rote for and deposit
!■ tiw ballot box at the City Drug store.
Nana of Organisation.........................................................................
Nan* ol Votor...........................................................................
By subscribing for the Daily Press one year and pay*
lug $4 you get 200 votes; for six months and*$2.25 you get
100 votes and for three months and $1.25 you get 50 votes
lea oraam for your Sunday dinner.
Baa Cbildar* A Childers.
■art David, of Moaoow, Idaho, was
a b a ain aaa vial tor In tba olty today.
Oar 3X Soar, tbs boat bard srbaat.
Wlan-Barr Cbainei company.
Daniel MoQaalg, employed br the
Northern Pacific railway aompany In
Its loeal warebooaa, la confined to
hie home with an attaak of meaalea.
Boys and girls should road the ad
of the Btint National bank in tbia
laane. You have a chenoe on tba prise.
R. Vlakara returned to his boms In
tba elty yesterday after spending eome
tlmo in sontbarn Oregon.
1600 oblldran'a ooate, a beantlfnl
lino now going at $12, children's
•nab d r esses from $1 up to $3 at the
Mrs. W.Bernard, of Praaaer, Wash.,
is spending a law daya In the olty
visiting Mrs. Ida Walla and family.
Jobneton candies are the beat on
lbs market. Olty Drag store.
Q. B. Todd, 0. XL, wbo Is oond not
ing eome surveying for the town of
it Maries, was a rial tor In the olty
dost renal red a oar of barley and
btf. Zimmer Read A Foal company.
Mrs. Stewart, of Tacoma, Waab.,
arrived In tba olty this morning and
will invent In local real estate, hav
ing disposed of bar property in Ta
noaea. She will make her home In
Ooanr d'Alene and more bar family
to the olty within a weak.
ftnaat paa aaad, a Una mixture in
any quantity. Wtnn-Barr-Chalnny
Mine Fn rga a o n, damonatrating the
Im Rot Coffee and Tyee Baking Pow
dar, will be at the Inland Grocery to
d»y. Tnaaday and Wednseday. Call
wad have n onp of doliolona coffee and
dainty luaoh. Inland Qrooery, 820
Tba infant ohild of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Judkins, wbo live on north
Paoatb street, died this morning and
was burled this afternoon. The ser
vient wars bald at tba ebapel of tba
Oaasur d'Alene Undertaking company,
lev. W. W. Darla officiating. The
t Ottoman! was made In Forest oeme
& Tba funeral was directed by
Tba F. 1 Adams Muaie company
will eeonpy No. 306 Fourth street,
with latest moaioal Instruments, sheet
waa lc , phonograph raoorda. tie sure
and vtelt Ooeor d'Alene's firet music
F. E Geroold, speolal agent for
tba Michigan F. A M. Insurance com
pany was n boat uses visitor In tba olty
today nailing on George Steels,
Mat aa n Inch and 4-foot dry wood.
Blsiwar Fool oompany.
Dr. a W. Oratk left thia morning
for aoatheru Oregon wham he will
qwl aevaral daya visiting.
We give rouog eoupoae with par
ebnsae at Ciiy Moat market.
Tba Conor d'Alene Choral club
will asset Tnaaday evening at the
I V a ab yterian ahureh, when music few
tba May festival at Poll men will be
Obl-aasaal, tba varinab that will
not amr ar asratefa; large Una of paint
wad vara tab brushes. Idaho Meroan
Uie aompany.
Mr.Bay Bill, for tba past two years
Main dispa t cher for tba Conor d'
A l ena A B p o ka ne Cleotrio railway
• e a ap a ny at tbalr local elation, baa
laalgaid that position and accepted
ana with tba Rad Collar line, aa as
atatant aodltor.
To make good bread on OereUne
tba bard wbaat Boar. E & Keller A
Kootenai Circle, Woman of Wood
craft, will meet every Tnaaday awn
Ing In Rnaaall*s ball, on north Fourth
street. A tall attondeooe la called
tor tba masting t omor r ow evening,
•ban important busi n ess will be
Try Planeiftar and Rad White and
Bins Boar, a car jest received
Wlna-Rarr-Chainey oompany.
Notice was Issued tala morning by
tba kraal 1 amber companies of an in
crease of $1 par thousand In the price
•fall grades of lumber. This la
avaane ta price U caused by the unus
ually heavy i n t e rn demand for the
literally swamped with eastern orders.
It is expected that, another raise of
from one to two dollars will occur
within the next 30 days. The raise
will materially increase the cost of
building throughout the city.
Dr. D. F. Harrington and wife, of
Minneapolis, Minn., are spending a
few daya in the city aa the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. XL M. Rogers.
vMrs. W. H. Best, of Hayden lake,
is confined to her home with an at
tack of pneumonia.
V Jack Mann and C. D. McGregor, of
Fern wood, Idaho, spent the day in the
city visiting Frank Lemmer, of the
Coear d'Alene Undertaking oompany.
V. W. Bander, of the Idaho Mer
cantile company, wa»J a business vis
itor in Rathdrum today.
A. V. Chamberlin, of the Amerl
can Trust company, spent the day in
Rathdrum ct the session of the die
trlot oourt.
F. L. Bnrgan, of the law firm of
MeOlear A Burgan.is on the siok list.
Jamaa Stevens, of Gleuwood.Wia.,
la spending a few daya in the olty
visiting old friands.
Harl Browns, rice president of the
Coeur d'Alene Bank A Trust oom
pany, was a visitor in Bpokane yes
terday, oalling on relatives.
R. H. Hall, of the Rooky Mountain
Beil Telephone oompany, la confined
to hie home with an attaok of la
Ralph EL Johnston, of Kansas City
Mo., supreme organiser for the Mod
eru Woodmen of Amerloa, will make
a public address In Bander hall Wed
nesday evening, April 24.
Every person sboifld carry a bank
account because it is simpler, easier
•sfer and cheaper to send remittances
to distant or naarby places by the use
of checks then in any other way, and
cancelled checks arc the highest order
of receipts, it you have no account
with the Ooanr d'Alans Bank A Trust
aompany, come In and get started.
The steamer Dolphin, belonging to
Captain McDonald, of the White Btar
Navigation company, will go on the
dry dock at the Johnson Boat Works
this week and be thoroughly over
hauled, remodlled and put in shape to
answer the requirements of the United
States Inspection. The boat, when
repairs hare been completed, will be
shipped to lake Pend d'Orallla and
proceed to the Pend d'Oreille river,
where It will be need for carrying
passengers and mail.
F. D. Winn, of the firm of Wlnn
Harr-Chaluoy oompany, leaves Friday
for Moscow. Idaho, where be will at
tend a meeting of the officers of the
Grand ComWndery of Idaho,at which
arrangements will be made for the
entertainment of the Grand Com
mandary in Conor d'Alene, beginning
June 17 and lasting four days. Mr.
Winn la Kmioent Commander of
the local lodge, and Grand Sword
Bearer of the Grand Commandery.
The entertainment of the Grand Com
mandery wil^l follow the meeting of
the Knlghta of Pytbtae and the Py
thian Slaters.
The Fraternal Order of Eaglea,
Coeur d'Alene Aerie «8«, will hold a
smoker in piece of their regular
meeting, tomorrow night in Saoder
hall. Preceding the elaborate pro
gram which bae been arranged for,
several candidates will receive the
various degrees of the order and be
taught how to tly. The program con
sists of a number of musical eelec
Gone, wrestling ms tehee, two end
three roaud boxing bouts between the
ibars of the ordet, and a luncheon
and olgara will he furnished to satie
ty the inner men. A tall attendance
Is expected and the evening will be
mad* a royal rally.
Harrlmnn Crowd Fleece
Bprlugfield. III., April 8.—At
tomey General stead, in an opinion j
submitted to Governor Denson, ex- ■
iwooeed double ae to whether it is the
province of the state of Illinois to
proceed against E. H. Harriman and I
hie sceneiates for the alleged msnipu- j
latino of the Chicago A Alton rail
road properties. If the »t*U> should
revoke the company's charter the lose
would fail on the stockholder*. The
attorney general concludes, therefore,
that the beet plan would be for the
com pany itself to seek a remedy for
the situation, or even for one ot more
At the name time Mr. Stead aaoorea
! the governor that should he become
I convinced on farther investigation
that the state can relieve the road's
condition, be will take the necessary
1 Mcpeat once. Notwltbetanding hie
oonriotions aa to the wisdom of im
mediate action, Mr. Steed insists
there la not the least doubt that
civil remedy exists against the finsn
clers who have wrecked this prosper
ous railroad company, and, at the ex
pence of Innocent stockholders and
bondholders, have gathered to tl___
selve# a harvest of millions of dollars.
Teachers Selected
Wardner, Idaho, April 8.—At _
meeting of the school board held Sat
urday nlgbt the following teachers
were elected: Superintendent,Charles
Johnson; principal of the|hlgh school,
Mice Anna Mitchsll; high school
teacher. Mice Mamie Mendham; fifth
grade, Mrs. Lizzie Blackmore; fourth
grade, Miss Eliza Ingersoll; third
grade, Mlsa Mable Ashley; second
grade, Mrs. Laura Bjtz; primary,
Miss Gsttrude Wallace. A vacancy
caused by the resignation of Mrs.
Fanny Geise.still remains to be filled.
An increase of salary amounting to
$S a month was made all round.
with every adult casket sold in the
Idaho Undertaking Go.
308 Cocut d'Alene St. i'hone 64 K
Next to N. P. Depot
Too Lato to Classify
FOR HINT—* nicely iuruUhed room*, 611
Coeer d'Alene Street.
Profossional Directory
john m. n rim
Attorney* at Law
Wiggett Block Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
Manicuring, Scalp, Facial Massage
ana Shampooing
Suit* 3 Sander Block Phone SO X
Years of eximrtenoe and diploma. At V Second
street, facing mill
Auorlate of Royal Academy of music, Ragland
tele Professor of pianoforte end Har
mony *t University of the Facile. Cell
number of elementary puptliu
*•* *i •: ii garden htkkxt
Idaho Hotel
Phone 94
W. p. sniTH
Contractor and Builder
Ultimate* furnished
on all work
Phone 103 X
Veterinary Burgeon
113 N. 3rd St. Coeur d'Alene, Ida.
I'hone 193
Residence 1 ® Wallace St.
Bseement of 417 : : Sherman Street
John T. Morgan
Rooms 1-9-3 McFarland black
Cesar 4'Aket. u
Licensed Land Suryeyor
and Engineer
Dollar Block Coeur d'Alene. Idaho
|1D P rthtt \
Veterinary Surgeon
Keeidcoce 1205 3rd. I'hone 60X. Office
Coeur d'Alene Livery stable.
Contractor A Builder
4 Building Supt
fill Garden St
Phone 198
We are ehowing a
very choke values in i
coraet cover embroww. ■
iee. The designs are ex*
elusive and new. 17 a
18 inches wide. Just u
right style and width.
Special price TQr-']
Par yard.. d"C
. , ... | i s exceptional in point of qualitj
Our Offering for thlS WeeK and price. Wide awake, retails
LirnjPSfLK 6 stIir ™f ch i ndiB |xcEP tTSnVTVALUES. ' T^speciantem!
S^tStee the unusua. values throughouS
this little store.
Ladi«s who have yat to make their
selection of Hats
What is left of our stock ot Cage and
Fisk Hats are to be sold at
Half Price
Those who are interested in Fashionable
Millinery will find this a splendid opportun
ity to get an Exclusive Hat at a great re
Leather Hand Bags
Just received some very fine leather Band
Bags. They come in plains and fannies,
made np with drawstring of leather. An
elegant assortment.
$1.85, $1.65, $1
75c, 50c and
Imported White floods
4 pieces of the finest Mercerized Cotton (made in En
gland.) Come in shadow ohecked, barred and figured. A
fine fabric for waists and fine gowns. Launders
beautifully. 75c, 65c, 50c and......
3 pices all wool Suitings in
the neat checks and shadow
plaids, including the popular
leather shades.
Extra values and
often sold at 75c. .
Special price with ns"
luw pupumr
The New Store
Not too
With New Goods
Just big
and New Prices
Coeur d'Alene's
Little Silk Store
Everything Just as Advertised
}R. 8. H. MCEWEN
CoeurJd'Alene, Idaho
Office: First Nat. Bank Block
Contracting Plasterer
U 1 S North Sixth Ht
Ksttmates furnished
See me (or first elast work
Teacher of Piano
Studio with Mrs. O. O. Young
Justice of Peace
Ocean Steamship Tickets,
Plbh and Game Licenses.
Wiggett Block
Coeur d'Alene
Have you qoi one of our policies on your home and furniture?
If not, why not let us write a policy for you today? We rep
resent thirty-cine strong r
Our rates on dwellings and contents are very low, runninq
from S o cents per hundred and upward, according to location.
If you are not fully covered come in and get one of our policies.
American Trust Co.
A complete line of Balls,
Bats, Cloves, Masks
and Suits
Coeur d'Alene
Drug Store
Ph. G. Prop.
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Railroad Ties
Cedar Poles
Telephone Poles
Telegraph Poles
Supply of
Mill Wood
always on hand
io5 Second St
Coeur d'Alene Bank & Trust

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