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, pre» and Oen. Ugr ^ÎÏ'deakdkn , Vice President. Beeret» ry. L j 5 oBBÜl.ü. Treasurer. iff County Abstract 0 Co., Lt'd. ,sded Abstracters) CHALLIS, IDAHO. and Efficient Service. ipt a tt Rolich Fine Watch an«* Clock Repairing [oderate Prices relerv of-A.ll Kinds Repaired* v IDAHO Main St. p. 0. Box 189. Is for BLISS. Bliss stands for TË best—best family l I medicine. Bliss Native Herbs (trikes at the root of IdJeeeae by purifying | fli» blood. It restores wasted A Itfceuee; strengthens Jk I every organ. I A tablet at night I next morning feeling m I bright. 1 I Faithfully used will [banish Rheumatism, Constipation, Dyapep I ma, Kidney and Liver I Disorders. Be sure you seoure tte genuine Bliss Native Barbs— tu a yellow box bearing the portrait of AMbzo O. Bliss. 900 tablets $100.1 Money back if not M atlafled. M j I : Ask the Bllse •lent i . R. B. Vandervort Challis, Idaho. *wttR strength and «an« A«/ alvaxa plaasa" TO HORSE »VERALLS STKAUSS CD. CO. nufacturing zweier in Challis Kinds of Solid Gold Jewelery Made to Order. \ 2 3 4 faithful Watch Work Moderate Prices. C-.St. LOUIS, Idaho. rM «»r West of PoatolWce at rber Shop. TPfcm- 0 - tRST-CLASS WORK. Shaves 25 Cents. Bair P fa and see me. * ,p e Next ! : L - EBBERTS, Prop., **• (Main Street) -cuts 50 Ceuts. Idaho diluer Messenger ♦ Established 1881. Official Paper of Custer County. $3.00 Per Year. Vol. 31. Challis, Custer County, Idaho, Tuesday, March 12, 1912. No. 36. Addison T. Smith. I V % Addison T. Smith, who asks for the nomination to Congress from Idaho on the Republican ticket, is said to be well qualifi ed for the position. TYPEWRITERS GIVEN AWAY The Emerson Typewriter Com pany of Woodstock, 111., have recently given away over 400 of j the highest grade, wholly visible I Emerson Typewriters made in the world. They have gone into every state and territory in the United States. There may be some in your town. They are giving them away everywhere to men, women, boys and girls,over 18 years of age, on surprisingly : i liberal conditions. If you could make any use of a £1(10.00 typewriter, providing it did not cost you even one cent, then in a letter or on a postal card addressed to Frank L. Wil Woodstock, 111., er, President, simply say, "Mail me all your Free Offers," and by return mail you will receive their Free Off ers, the names of over 400 who have recently received type writers free, and you will learn what easy conditions you can get one of their typewriters free on right away. is ble and ate The Emerson Typewriter is of the highest grade, wholly one visible typewriters made in the who have used and other Many world, the "EMERSON' the "EMER $ 100.00 It is makes pronounce SON" superior to any typewriter on the market, a wholly visible machine, has up-to-date feature, high grade ho, The "EM- | an every new, looks like other $100.00 typewriters, though it sells regularly for less and on terms of $1.00 down and 10 cents a dav until paid for. EKSON" has every new improve- | ment, universal key boa . | spacer, tabulator, two-col« nbjees^ bon. everything the ^ as j ideal machine for beginnet s ^ j well as for the most expei }, ist aud stenographers; 1« ; " r | typewriter for tn e MUc * , largest office. If you could possibly ma e any use of a high grade typew n er. ^ even though it didn't cost you one cent of money, theu be sure. postal card or in a le " era J dressed to "Frank L. W| el ' | President, Woodstock, IÜ-, say, tail me your Free Offers. ! on on a Notice of Estray Stock. Notice is hereby , £ been lowing described estray stoc^ha , ^ turned over to lh Suno l Prrcinct : special constable o - g old; three One horse about 1- J branded white feet: white down face, V on left shoulder. , f not And in accordance w 0O f' 0 f own called »«■«Î'ïSm.I made for ership made, and 1 boïe described the care of same, the q. short sr-sffi«* 6 fÂ-ÂÂ'Æ-i I aale. j. C. SHORT. . J Special Constable of S» no1 1 rcU * HELLO! About twenty or twesty-five telephones were put in and con nected in Challis and the valley during the past week, and haps double that number will be installed when the switch-board arrives and the local exchange is established. Then each 'phone will have an individual wire and then the 'phone bell will only ring when you are wanted. Then the telephone will be of untold benefit. per As it is now, the tele phone in Challis quite a joke, with 20 more 'phones connected on two wires, the 'phone bells are ringing continually, and the rings are sadly mixed. We rung our own call five times in less than half an hour, and instantly we got no less than half a dozen answers from each call system is good and the instru ments are the very best made. If you know of any important news, or have any job work our The ring is in in Local News Items. Pies, cakes and bread for sale at the New Challis House. Mrs. Win. Buster mac^e a busi ness trip to Mackay last week. Pure Blood Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs for $1.00 per setting (15) eggs.—W. W. Waters. Attorney Keyes is over at Leadore, where he is acting as special judge in decreeing water. The kitchen at the New Chal lis House is run under the capa ble management of Mr. Frank Bradford. When in town stop at the New Challis House. Mrs. J. L. Riley will see you get all you can eat, and a good room, and at moder ate rates. Born—To Dr. and Mrs. I. W. Lynn, formerly of Challis, Ida ho, but now of Chicago, a son, March 1st. 1912. was born in the Polyclinic Hos pital, Chicago. Both Mrs. Lynn | an d baby are doing well. | ^ havinR dan . | d the advertising of which nbjees^ . Invited .„ j But two of our young men got j ^ an invitation dance for March Lgflj which they had a perfect r | ri|tb l to do. No* tbe opposition , haye decided to pull off another free dance the night before— they have a perfect right ^ But the invitation dance hag caused a n upheval in social and already one fight J hag be è n the result, whereby ' | one of the young men who took was fiaed $ 5 . 00 and ! gôsts An effort , s being made by the ^ rrpt the Govern BenttoTom a National Park, In take in Red Fish Lake, Petit Lake and other lakes and riv in the Sawtooth Mountains, ers in th der aatU ral in the world than the The baby on ^ not for 6 ,. I pu . blish e There is no scenery in Sawtooth, and it should be re We hope to week served as a park. article next of our postal scenery an Our mild winter has caused a late spring in this section. Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Clay ton, was in Challis last week. What a relief it will be when the telephone switch-board is in stalled ! Garden, flower and field seeds, also onion sets, for sale at R. B. Vandervort's. Henry Horton has a small crew of men working on the new road at the Bayborse High Grade. Born—On Sunday, March 3rd, 1912, to Mr- and Mrs. A. D. Kelley, of Challis, Idaho, a baby daughter. Mr. H. C. Willis, it is learned will arrive about the 1st of next month, and will start his dredge at Stanley in operation as soon as the weather will permit. Will arrive about April 1st-— A carload of barb wire,hay wire, poultry and garden fencing, poultry netting and nails. Any one wanting anything in this line will do well to call and get prices before buying.—Waters* Waters Hardware & Implement Co., Challis, Idaho. There is a pretty well confirm ed report that Short Line in tends building a narrow gauge railroad this year, from Mackay to Clayton, via. Round Valley, and then up Salmon River to Clayton. This done, the mines at Bayhorse, Clayton, and in the west end of the county would be come active again. San Francisco papers are now filled with accounts of a million dollar gold mine recently struck in Death Valley, Cal., by Clar ence E. Eddy, our Custer county Poet-Prospector, who discover ed the famous Lost Packer mine in this county few years ago. Mr. Eddy is an active and lucky prospector. We hope his new strike is as big as claimed.' The Occupation Tax law was repealed by the Village Council at its regular session of March 5th. There are many who want another vote on waterworks and electric lights this spring. Now that the assessed valuation of the village has doubled since last year, there is no reason why the bonds could not be sold. We favor bonding for from $12,000 to $15,000, or an amount suffi cient to put in the waterworks and electric plant at the same time. Again for good water for drinking purposes the creek should be tapped further up the stream than was intended to do last year. And the bond voted last year, in our opinion, was in sufficient to put in the water works that would be of service. State Auditor Taylor is a can didate before the primaries for Governor of Idaho, on the Re pob , ican , lc ket. Mr. Tajlor U g 3n erally known throughout the state, he having filled the office G f state Auditor for nearly two successive terms, and he is one official that we have never heard a wor d of complaint about. In fact h e j s very popular in sections of the state, and we are con fident he will not only re ceive the nomination for Gover nor, but that he will be elected by a big majority. The opposi tion stand that he-took on the State Board of Examiners from the "cash value' taxation has made him very popular, and es pecially among the farmers, and not only that, the opinions that he advanced were sustained by It now all the Snpreme Court, looks as though Stephen D. Tay lor would be the next Governor of the State of ldaho Mr. James, Chief Instructor for Odd Fellowship in Idaho, paid Custer Lodge No. 21 a visit last Saturday night. Hon. J. H. Horton has been appointed U. S. Commissioner in place of Mr. B.B. Barnes,who has resigned his office. The Rebekah Lodge No. 27 of this city, gave Mrs. Belle W. Thompson, at her borne west ot town, last Tuesday night, March 5th, a birthday party. All who were in attendance reporr a very enjoyable evening Music and games, and a delicious luncheon were the features of the party. H. F. Terry had a narrow es cape from drowning in Salmon river, above Clayton, one day last week. It appears he was standing on the ice fishing.when the piece of ice he was standing on became detached, and Mr. Terry and his cake of ice went skidooing down Salmon river at a rapid speed. Finally one of the Sullivan boys got a long pole and towed Terry to land, bat after a desperate struggle with the dangerous waters of Salmon and falling into the icy waters, Terry claims that he does not care for any more free rides on a cake of ice. on ALIAS SUMMONS. Id the District Court of the Sixth Jud icial District of the State of Idaho, io and ior the County of Custer. Pe^er McKinney, Plaintiff, VS. E. U. Dodge, A. F. Dodge, O. E. Pen well, Hattie P. Peuwell, Frank U. Willia and Della U. Willia, Defendants. The State of Idaho seDds greeting to the above-named defendant». You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District, State of Idaho, in and for tbe County of Custer, and to answer the complaint filed therein (a copy of which is hereto attached) within twenty days (exclu sive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if ser ved within this district; or if served out of this district, within forty days. The said action ia brought to Quiet Title to the West Half uf the South west Quarter of Section 15, the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 16, the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and tbe North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, and tbe East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, in Township Fourteen, North of Range Nineteen East of Uoise Meridian in Idaho, con taining 360 acres. Together with the Water Rights appurtenant to said lands. You are hereby notified. That if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint, as above required, tbe said plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand and the Seal of the District Court of the Sixth Jndicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Custer, this 4th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred mud twelve. E. J. MICHAEL. Clerk. Geo. E. Keyes. Atty. for Plaintiff. Residence and P.O.address,Challis,lda. First publication March 12, 1912. U CÄÄÄ7S by wi Notice of Publication. Notice ia hereby given that at 10 A M. on the 10th day of April, 1912, at Stanley, County ot Custer, State of Idaho, before H. H. Marshall, N. P., cubic feet per second of the waters of Valley Creek and 1 cubic foot from Tennell Creek, in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain per mit issued by the State Engineer of the State of Idaho. 1. The name of the person holding said permit is Samuel Tennell. 2 . The post office address of such person is Stanley, County of Custer, State of Idaho. 3. The number of such permit ia 7209, and the date set for the comple tion of such work is April 15, 1913. 4. Said water is to be used for ir rigation and domestic purposes. 5. Said works of diversion will, be fully completed on tbe date set for such completion, sod the amount of water which said warks are capable of conducting to the place of intended use, in accordance with the pinna ac companying the application for such permit, is 3.3 cubic feet per second. 6. The amount of lands for wnich said water is available is 160 acres, particularly described as follows : Co surveyed land described by metes and bounds by Forest Service, and situat ed on east aide of Valley creek, about.l mile above the mouth of Stanley creek. \ A. E. RODIN SON, Stale Engineer. First publication March 13, 1912. ! SmokeEagkClabCigirf H f § Pd 3 g m p» <I> Challis Cigar Factory Will Change Our Name. Notice is hereby given, That on Tuesday, March 19tb, 1912, the name of this paper will be changed from The Silver Mes senger to The Challis Messenger which will printed snd published and printed by the same plant. All the change to be jnade is to drop out the word ''Silver" and insert instead the word ''Chal Tbis change is made be cause silver is no longer an issue and has net been an issue for lis. ; t several years past. M. M. Sweet, Publisher. DAYS AND NIGHTS ~W) I I I Jim—Tbe title of this novel is very ambiguous. Jess—What is It called? Jim—"Tbe Knights of Other Days." EXPECTED IT to in the the 1 m { Father—What do you want with ar nica ? Son-In-Law—Why, my wife baa Juat ■tarted to lay carpet, and every moment to bear ber yelL expect DOUBTED HER STATEMENT / m Vl Maude—You heard me eay that I didn't like smoking. Why don't yon give it up? Fred—Oh ! you are the girl who one* told me you didn't like kissing. NOT SERIOUS ri « *1 [/ ■•I I Mr. Askltt—Do you think marri agn ta a (allure? Mra Do Voraay—No; merely a U ! porno vmbarraasmenL