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i Hin iS hi . -^°FFIC«AL ANH oldest NEWSPAPER OF CUSTEii COUNTY. IDAHO. 92.50 PER YEAR NOBLE LAJ)3 OF AMERICA NOBLE LAJ)3 OF AMERICA By Josnph II. lloi tou the (I ruturn 'till we of Ain •'* ' • • ocean s boil. s ; :, *d Btdg an -.oil— , * puli hia cattles dowu; him npsh be d never set his foot cm Belgian ground ns bm s; come to arras' ' * uu " ank*-.-. heroes. I pray you lend vour ears ^Yauke-fo ce , a d t :u-ri y er Volunteer',, h lit the v/ -i nans, by water and by land, Cliquer, sword in hand. C1rrip to arms boys, to arms. one ifi b ys, I me Germ;. 1 . an mighty kaiser, a n r set his foot onBelgian ground ms boys; come to arras! B u Yankee army that ever crossed the seas tu »own and city ano witn smoke becloud the skies iis miyhty kaiser boys, i is manhooa's all »skew ' y h i" Yankee Doodle, Doodle do ms boys, to arms! hi-d the B'-lgian banks my boys, and them wn'll In a stand weJi 1 Vi - Gorman fleet th ' !' • ni«i t.ç £ lL .,e h t.i ir mi eet t h r: & lies aochoxed in i>. u .ys; com ; lu ai ,s! my boys, and there „ CJ1 k; scr docs comm rad. ' V 1 U!id scr ' ;at ,° v for , ay9 * ay ' tar. • '• Bin-on . urg am! ci a,c.< his iron j iw_ Uni Germa i array ho. o »finje respect for law not easy tu break this mighty slob, kee troops arc- equal to imy bind of job. u o. \ trakoo land T > arms buys, to arms! n't figure when he started in this war 'ranee and Belgium that he'd meet the Yankee t ships are ready to tackle kaiser Bill hadn't started out to devastate aDd kill. 1 ankee sailors. To arms boys, to arms! thought it easy to hold the western front, think the British could even make them grunt; France and England couldn't do a thing— ey lost their treuches with a smash from Bingo Byug oys, to arms! war is over, no kaiser will there be s will be happy for we will them free, •ii and Briiish with us will victors be; :•!•• '-''11 be freed« m on land aa well as sea. *"ais, boys: come to arras. gasoline lantern lally far work a h or for lighting ch we will sell or e at this oftice and rgain. 'S . \'V ..'/GV - c ■ " ..-zG; ... • -sr->aiO j t 4 m M Wi-*\ 'U '"X N» Just as a man is judged in a personal way by the company he keeps, so is he judged in a business way by the banking con nection he makes. A checking or saving* account with a good reliable institution like this one reflects good busi ness judgment. It builds prestige. So choose wisely and soon. Oaks from Little Acorns Grow 1 FECE, Piest. ICHAEL, V.Preet. E. \V. HOVEY. Cashier H. E. HAWORTH. Aset Cash FIRST STATE BANK. CHALLIS. IDAHO the Chaîîîi APPLICATIONS FOR GRAZING PERMITS N tVc-i* hereby given that all appii C:. ions for permits to graze cattle, lurstsand sheep within National Forest duriag the season of It. 18. uniat he tiled in my office at Cbal i !<s. Idaho, on or before February IS, : -'•' 13 . Full information tn regard to tbe grazine fees to be charged and niank form» to be used in making ap- 1 pllratlona will be furuiltled upon re quest. DA VII) LAING, Supervisor. MADE BY LOCAL DRAFT BOARD w „ . Following we give the names re 1 gUterin » ,or » e " lc « iWh ? have b ®* B clarified to date UDder th ® questionnaires: Class 1 Frank H 0 ster. T hos. Worth ingtOD> Geo. W. Gossi, Elbert H Colter. Battista Giampedraglia, _ _ - _ , Colter, J - C. Zilkey, p A Bradbury, Lee Baxler - A Bruno, C L Sutter, R Wilson, J L Stoddard. A Ber. •lot. J Krainovitch. A L Clark, A H Smith, C E Gillespie, L R Bricker, O J Cramer, T H Cole maD, J C May. A L Smith, B | Welkvr, Win, Stephens, W J Me ; Culiough, Lee Ivie, Geo P Mer j rill. W A Miller, EA Baker, J . Sax, N Tam, H M McClure, L. Longhurat, D Fitzgerald, C J Ebberts, Dell Yant, Theo. Cam eron, Joe McGowan, R M O' Neil. Class 2 L L Morns, N H Farrell, Fred Westenfeld, Leonard Hoezle, C R Finley, J L Thomlinson, H E ; Woodworth, Walter Kent, E W Baxter Roy Ohivers H E Ingram | E P Duke, F P Rabido, L W Bol les, Joe Clark, R A Peterson, J S Malm. Class 3 M R White, Lewis Adams, O H Tschanz. Class 4 . T T r. t» : Amos Leaton, Joan Burnett, Murray Longharst, Dump Hor _ _ , _ ^ , 1 ton, Earl Haworth, Earl Dodge, - ~ Lee Clark, Leslie Dodge, Lewis Frost, Geo Reddington, Elbert Brown, Marvin Killian, Geo F Shindurling. Curtis Fullmer, F Funkhouser, E L Cearley, a ; V Miller, T J Donahue, J Brad- j shaw, Melvia Chivers, JS Boyd, P Parker, E A Drapeau, D Tay lor, TEJose, NI Raey, G R Morgan, G Perkins, E Asay, A j F Baxter, D L Riggs, F E Bax ter Class 5 Wm J Bennetts, F L Hudlow, »La Yere Howell. E Fitzgerald, J Ivie, M E Watson, W W Taylor, E M Naef, A Fisher, Ira Oyler, Walter Yoder, Peter Sorett, J Dougherty, T Pil&sh, L Yllara mendi. M Hemovich, H Peters, Geo Palero, Emil Diaz, J Yllara. mendi. ; TT VT , w . . Happy ^>®w Tear! >vnat a blessed phrase! Speak it from I he heart, and then strive to make everyone * New a lappy yeai an yours wi e happy, indeed. ■ ' Eanohing is a business and ad vertisiog make* the business bet ter. One of the beet methods of advertising for the raacber ie to name your ranch and use busi-. ness-likejstatiouery. Try it out. Put a brand on your ranch as J well as your cattle, it will pay you big. Notice to Stockholders Challis. Idaho. Dec. 26th. 1917 To the Stockholders of the Pint State B..I. of CballU, Challis. Idaho. .. . ! 1 ■ Js h of ih^FiSt^State 8 Bank of rb ui CimlHs/chal'lis. 1 Idaho!* thTtlhe annual stockholders' meeting of said bank will be held ou th* '.third Tuesday of January. 191? same being the l5tb day of said month, at the hour of 2 o clock, p M nt its banking ofnee la Challis, Idaho, and it is request ed that every stockholder be present at this meeting. Signed, E. W. Hovey, Ceehier, BUYS THOROUGH BRED SHORT HORN Hi Dr. R. W. Philps of this city, recently purchased a thorough bred Short Horn bull of J. W. Nesbitt, of the Island Stock Ranch in Pahsam&roi, to head his herd of thoroughbreds. The animal was delivered here on New Year's day and the sum of «500.00 w a s paid-for him. Mr. Nesbitt recently shipped in twenty-four head of registered bulls, disposing of a part of them to local stockmen and retafning the remainper to head his herds. | He informs that he still base« ; bout 15 head for sale and those j desiring to purchase should com . muniorte with him at once. ; is know» as Ranch. | _ Mr. Nesbitt is one of our most active, wide-awake and progrès - young stockmen aad is rapidly forging to the iront in this great industry. Ho is the owner of two stock ranches in the up] er Pahsamaroi valley, consisting of 1,100 acres, and the home ranch the Island Stock The editor of the Meaaenger appreciates your buaineaa and •ollsite your support United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service CHALLIS NATIONAL FOREST Notice to Stockmen: Applications for grazing permits on the Challis National Forest for the season of ; 1918 must be on file at the Forest Office, Challis, Idaho, on or before February 15. j 1918. ; Authorizations: The Secretary* of Agriculture has authorized the grazing of 97, 000 head ol sheep and 9,100 head of cattle and horses on the Challis National For est during the season of 19x8. The grazing periods and fees established are as follows: C H Cattle and horses: Yearlong, beginning May 1 68c 85c May 1 to November 15......44c 55c June 1 to November 15......37c 47c Sheep: Yearloag, beginning May 1..............................17c July 1 to September 15................. 5c June 16 to October 15..................6%c Ewes to lam') additional............... 2c The old protective and maximum limits will remain in effect as follows: Cattle and horses, protective limit, 150; maximum HtT... 500. Sheep and goats, protective limit, 1500; maximum limit, 8000. Idaho State limit on sheep, 16,000. r Where Challis and Salmon interforest permits arc issued by this office the Salmon protective limit of 75 head of cattle will govern. Qualifications: New applicants and those wishing to graze increased numbers, tQ q ua ijfy f or permits or increases must own and reside upon ranch property which dependant on the use of the range, winter their stock on the product of the ranch. and not own more than the protective limit. After those with the above qualifica ^j ons have been provided for and there is still surplus range, temporary permits will issued to those coming the closest to the above qualifications, Grazing fees must be paid 30 days before the opening of the grazing season. Salting instructions of the Forest officers must be followed, u -z. , ^ t- x o • j -, J Damage done by stock to Forest Service roads, trails or other improvements must be repaired at the expense of stock owners. Sheep must not be allowed to bed more than three nights in one place unless a longer use of a bed ground is authorized by the Ranger in charge. The remains of dead animals must be buried or burned. Failure to follow the above instructions mav result in reduction or revocation of . . .. 8 ra2 ' n g Pnvtleg«. ! The Idaho State bull law which requires one registered bull for every 25 head of breeding cows becomes effective September S 1918. Beginning with the 1919 season flip Prtrpct Servir»#» will ^nfnrr#» tnic lava- nvi -ill pAr/»«!« rnetivou \&* Forest Service will enforce this law on all National Forest"r anges. Applications for grazing permits must be filed with the Forest Supervisor, Chal lis, Idaho, on or before February 15, 1918, or they will not be considered. Applications must be filled out in detail and signed. Application blank is enclosed. Further information will be gladly furnished on request. DAVID LAING, Challis, Idaho, December 21,1917. Forest Supervisor. Kitchen Needs ^ ANYTHING and everything you might ÿ need for the kitchen can be found here * at reasonable prices. ^ Qeaning powders, soaps for all purposes, scrubbing brushes, brooms, pans, cooking utensils, etc. Just say what you want and we can supply it. We Help Make Kitchen Work Easier mi By stock the latest and most improved 2 kitchen utensils of all kinds and the most 9 effective cleaning preparations, we help our « customers lighten their work. Come in often and look over our stock. » PRICES THAT ALL APPRECIATE Heaters $2.50 up Best ranges In the land Hudlow 6e Baxter CHALLIS, IDAHO