Newspaper Page Text
'S, GO ONWOOD RE / Eighth Year. COTTONWOOD, IDAHO COUNTY, IDAHO, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1900. 1= Ä)S. ®|P-!©<©A!E Dm Q-OC •> ; ,* e V ' JGET GOLDSTONE'S PRICES -^11 General \lerelia nclise SJl'ORE purchasing elsewhere. Vi pa* LATEST STYLÉS IJY FOOTWEAR , » GLEANINGS. | J. L. Eckert is up from Lewiston this week. Sims and Crosby of Grangeville have an ad., in this issue. Sam Goldstone is in Lewiston this week on business Bokn.—O ctober 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schober, a daughter. The democratic speaking on Tues day evening was well attended. J. L. Eckert left yesterday morn ing for Lewiston to visit with his family. Rev. Father Mueller ba^taken out his second papers ahd is now a full fledged citizen. The Heartburg brothers left on Wednesday morning for CafffftriVia to make that their future home. Mrs. I. C. Hattabaugh returned to her home in Moscow Tuesday morn ing. C. J. Martin and family have moved to town and occupÿ the Nu gent' residence. The barber has ttioved into the building formerly occupied by F. D. Richardson. Miss l)èna Terhaar left last week for Coltoh Wash., to attend school at the catholic consent. Joe Schober returned from the Paloqse country last week. He re ports business aS being very dull. BoRrt.-r-On October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. A.;L. Creelmati, a sbn, Dr. Truitt introduced the sftatigar. The'commutation of reservation lande-at $1.25 per acre will be good news to the settlers Who Wish to commute. H. V. Brown was in thwn last Saturday and Sunday for the first time in three years. He was on his way to Seattle With à bünöh of fine beef cattle. Herman Helm has sold his one half interest in the "Terhaar and Helm" saw mill to John B. Krieger the change occurred last Monday. Lord Roberts has been appointed commander-in.chief of the British armies, and a large number of troops will be recalled from South Africa. Terhaar and Krieger hate on hand, at their mill at Keuterville, all kinds of dry and seasoned lum ber which they will sell for ten per cent less than usual prices, for bash. Tbev can fit you out with anything in the lumber line; Send Us Your Name. On a postal card for our new catalogue of 10c music, containing bver 4000 vocal, piano, organ, vio lin, guitar, mandolin and banjo pieces^ Thatcher & Kling. Lewiston Idaho. Superintendent of schools Elsen Sohn accompanied Miss Peïtneal French, State superintendent of public instruction, to this place last week. Miss French spoke to thé pupils in the different departments, for re-eleciion. -There was a change of poetmas teijS on the first of the mortth. W. P. Nichols stepped down and out, and S. R. Libbey denying the re sponsibilities of the office. Pleaching at this methodist -u * u i cjv • * ,. j . * of our school. She is a candidate Fr»w «i.alhnitnn church once every Si/nday alternat- ; ely morning and evening at 11 a. !-... and 7:30 p. m., respectfully. J. E. Daniels. Pastor, Bradford and Wise's mill will; s art up on Monday, and turn out j ; of Tore the very best grades of hittiber, dry and ready tor use, and I 8"the lowest price# for gooo mater ixl • i Q f he democratic nominees for chief justice and associate justice of the si^reme court of Minnesota have rqjhgned their nominations, as they believe that the judiciary should bemon-partisan. Ofcur new postoflice is one of the neblest and most attractive of any injrthe country, not excepting Gfhngeville. Mr. Libbey is deserv ing of much praise for the effort he Mis made to accommodate the pa trons of the office. The case of Carstens ( ?) vs Black burn, on claim and delivery, from an officer who was simply doing what he was compelled to do was tried (?) in the probate court atMt. Idaho mi the '20th uit., and is now one of the legal monstrosities. Com ment is unnecessary. John Peterson had the misfortune to fall down, or rather step off the head of the stairs, falling a distance of eight or ten feet and while alight right side up, was considerably shaken up and now uses a canty John was in a hnrry to get at the hose to turn it on some noisy seren aders when he made the misstep. A disastrous wreck occured on the Southern Pacific at Gartner siding near the Utah-Nevada line there were some 35 passengers in the tram and most of them mem* bars of a Burlington excursion par ty en route east, from the coast. One lady who was on the train to visit a son in Missouri was killed. Last week the oldest son of Hen ty Hatkej of Keuterville; while handling a rifle caused it to acci dently explode while extracting a cartridge, and shooting his little four year old brother in the head. Dr. Blake was hastily summoned and after an examination, located the ball just hack of. the left eye, he thinks the little fellow will pull through; The patrons of our postoffice are loath to give up Mr; W. P. Nichols, as postmaster. Himself and estima ble wife have endeared themselves to the public by their business like and courteous treatment of all. and their successor will have to put on blandest smiles to keep up the good record the retiring officers have made, Mr. Libbey is a gentleman in every sense and we feel that he will have no difficulty in maintain ing the high standard established. The present term of school, this place, promises to be the best in the history of Cotton wood; No bet- | ter selection could have been made than the present efficient principal, ■ ably assisted by Miss Kincaid in I the intermediate, and Miss Harring ton in charge of the primary depart ment. Through the efforts of this excellent, staff of teachers our school is gaining a reputation for discipline thoroughness, and efficiency never before attained. The value of Nor mal training, to qualify those who would be successful in imparting knowledge, can readily be discerned. The Normal schools should reeieve hearty and substantial encourage ment: Cottonwood can Well beproud of her school, and should encourage : and aid, in fevery way possible, those j who are in charge, and who are de voting their skilled efforts to its up building. ^ ~ „ ; To Cure A Cold In One Day. Tajfe Laxative Bromo_Quinine Tablets, ]$oruggi£te refund the money if it lails 1 re is on tfjywruggiite refund the monev if it fails i # %Vcure. K. W. rove's signatum i« on ! L. .„ ,«aeh,' box Wanted.-— -A* first clfies "tflifek emith at Forest Idaho. For further particulars enquirç-of J. W. Reid, of Forest. ,'qi 33tf. HOST.—Between Westlake and Cottonwood, a roll of blankets, some pictures and a suit of clothes and a pair of spectacles. $5 reward will be paid for their (Jehvety to thé 6t. Albert hotel in Cottonwood. John f. Kifoy' Stops the Cough and works off the j^tti've Bmmo-Quinine TaWetseure a ,-<Jd iii b n e dav No Cure no 1'av. Prive x*ikk . The World's Shipping. Loyd's Register, the new edition of which has just appeared, give as usual, a vast amount of valuable statistics relating to the mercantile marine of the entire world. There are now 28,422 vessels having a ton nage of 29,043,728. Great Britain has 10,838 vessels and her tonnage | is 14,261,254. From this it will be j seen that the numerical proportion j of British ships is not so grpat as is i the case with some other countries, | because the greater part of her ships : are of larger size than those of other ; countries, and more of them are steam vessels. It is gratifyiug to note that the United States comes next to the British Empire. We have 3,135 vessels. With a tonnage ! of 2,750,271; Germany has 1,710 vessels having a tonhage of 2,650,- ! 033. Then comes Norway with 2,380 j vessels with a tonnage of 1,640,812; j then France, with 1,214 vessels hav ing a tonnage of 1,350,562, and ! Italy with 1,176 vessels having a tonnage of 983,655; Sweden has a greater number of vessels than France, having 1,433, but as the vessels are smaller, the tonnage is only 637,272. Japan has 1,066 ves sels, the tonnage being 574,557; Holland, 406 vessels with a tonnage of 530,277; Denmark has 802 ves sels with a tonnage of 519,011; Aus tria-Hungary, 270 vessels with a tonnage of 416,084. Greeee, Brazil, Belgium, Portugal and Chile all have a tonnage in excess of 100,000. ThOiüteam tonnage merchant navy is superior to that of all other countries combined, but nearly half of the tonnage of the United States is made up of bailing vessels. Grëat Britain has more than 1,600 steamers of 3,000 tons and upward. Germany has 127 of the Same size; the United States 120, and France 60- Great Britain how has 24 steamers with a register of 10,000 tons or more. THE FILIPi NO SIDE OF IT; New York, Sept. I>0.—Sexto Lo fiez, formerly secrëtftrv and confi dante of General Aguinaldo, arriv- j ed today or, the Campania. Lopez | is said to have conte here at the In- i vitation of Fisk Warren, and he j expects to explain to the people the j Filipino side of the fight with this ; country. Lopez is a small man, with a yellow complexion - and straight black hair. Hia secretary, who i-ays of the British ] he has known Lopez for eight years, | is a colonial from Queenstown, and describes himself ds a Britisher from ■ head to foot. At the dock there was I only one mail to greet him. a sandy : haired man who was addressed as r, George, but to reporters he re fused to give his name..He sainted the Filipino, and together they be gan a hunt of the dock for Fisk Warren, who finally made his ap pearance, and together they went to the Imperial hotel. While coming up from Quaran tine Lopez gave out the following, signed statement: ''My object in visiting the United ■states is not td interfere in Ameri can politics, but simply to tell the j people whot the Filipinos desire in the way of government. It is said that my coming to Americd is in the interesis of bertaio persoiiS and ; parties We, as Filipinos, know no parties in the United States. We have only one desire—to see justice 1 » — - i # ■ - i rr n , -, ! for our country. Those who desire to us justice will no doubt be glad to know the wants ahd conditions of the Filippinnes. All we want is ! peace with honor to both parties, ! and we hofie to be able to show that ! the conditions of our country are j ' such as to fit U6 for the meinten- of ance of that independence." At the hotel he added to the state refer is the jpublieation of my hook on the Philippine! It is chiefly a* reply to Commissioner Schurmjin's report and will contain a even P U" iPP1De8 ° n pa,Ul ** J '" cl ' 1 events. . Mr. Warren, Lopez and hissecre ter? left for Bö#tön this evening: s ' istgry P resent ßöCS as Poachers. I A very interesting case has origi- j nated at Warwick, N. Y., and if the decision is sustained on appeal, j a mo 6 t important precedent will be : established. Bees owned by one per- i son punctured the peaches of an- I | j j i | : ; s * on on the premises of other prop ! e, tV holders, the same as horBes, and other trespassers. A few ! y ears :i 2° 11 s6it was brought in j Delaware County against a farmer j t0 recover on a claim for pasturing Dees. The plaintiff alleged that the ! t)ees ha d no right to obtain sutsten other while they were ripening, ex- ! trading the juice from the fruit, I thus destroying it. The plaintiff 1 placed his damages at $250. Local experts gave testimony in both peach growing and bee keep ing. The justice gave judgment to j the plaintiff to the amount of $25 I and costs. If the case is sustained, ; it will render the owners of the bees liable in damages for their incur . , , . . , ance and material for making hon ey for the benefit of thé owners from j his property without Compensation, j The contention of tha plaintiff was sustained and judgment wasenter ed.—Scientific American. , j | i j j ; Advertising is not a luxufy; but p an economic business m ,—,—„..ion, recognized by all the jji best and most successful men  the World over. ] Shsaiiai^aiiaiBbatbSiflh3»a<Biiesta>ia»aiiaifaoCTBiiiiiisi^ kinds of rustj dimejwrrotf'Tum ben Nice books fof birthday presents at the postoffice, very cheap. ,„I* ,o,io " r Camas Pkairii' Rkal Estate A>tkN cy. Kupon* office 1 A fine lihe bf Uenison's tissue paper both plain and deppe; at the postoffice Contests and other land business transacted at UkPoht office. Preaching at the M. K.; church every second and fourth Siinday at 11.: a. m. Mrs I uella Smith. For Sale—old papers, 50 cents pér hundred at Report office. WANTED. Five hundred nieri to Unload schooners, at five cents per.schooner, at the Elite Saloon. ' ere " s-gony untold from Bn attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers;" says M. E. Low ther, clerk of the district To Consumers of Fruit. I have Aiqiles, Peaches, Plums, and Prunes which I will sell at ve ry reasonable figures. Leave orders at Goldstone's and 1 will fill them promptly. August Jorgenson; ton woôd. f --29tf. è Iniles 8 ° uthofCot ' ! Big lot of cheap tablets just re cieved at the post-office. A mining expert named Reed has just returned from a trip to the Thunder mountain country where he examined the Caswell property for .Colonel Dewey. Mr. Reed was | in Nampa yesterday- It is under- | stood he made a favorable report; i not only on the Caswell property, | but on the district as a whole.— I Statesman. 'For three days and nights I suf Court thought I ; Bhou]d surely die, and tried a dozen different medicines but to no pur hoea Remedy and three doses re , , Ueved^ entirely. This remedy is ^ for sale by gll druggist. 1 po^e. T I senLfor a bottle of Chani of-eqjertjpn'é tSolic. Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy I All manner or conveyancing at j the Report office, if j ' '---~ : rr sf)/ /v i (a /y>7»7/-« I * Denver Flour Mills ! T J is signature is on every box of the genuine I LfiXHtlVC BroiîlO'QuintlîC Tablet» 1 the rurt * * co,d °" e j I ; J. S. PARKER Prop, Manufacturer Of "Denver Plansifter Flour" This flour has a reputation second to none, and will please you with a , . , j bread or j T 4 -®- 1 JL t nemvöv THohr. 'Dtrnvw laano. Ben Borger wishes to announce to the-puidjfthat he is now pared to furmsTr'wUklnds qt'fustic, flooring, ceiling nsrieînng and rough lumber, irjjkrdin^the very best boxing., Pall ahd g^Kuricbs find Ipolr over stock. 1 canvsuit Vour'as to quality add price. Bfca Börger. Gb to the Idaho drug stotfe for School supplies. Knights Of Tbe Maccabees MILES TIpT-TT 34 Meets in Maocabee Hall every Saturday at 7 o'clock P. M. All Hir Knight# are cordially invi ted to attend. E. JosLiN. Sir K't Com. R. Truitt, Sir K't R; K. This o It per furnishes safe and cheap Insurance to its tnertihers. DO YOU WANT A HARNESS I have opened a har* ness and repair shop Cottonwood, and I will carry only in as ! the best material, and do guaranteed work, | | i | I I ask a share of your patronage. lOYRS FOR f iinwraBsiaF* ; BUSINESS, ■ OTTO KAESEMÈYER COTTONWOOD IDAHO. uniiffl sour.n or uottor ^ 8o]d >t 4 bar g aiu . Enquire at this efiieë. For Sale. 160 acres of fine farming land; situated about 4 miles east and 3 miles south of Cottonwood. Will HO DONT YO It Will Pay You To Trade not ask a big profit, I will di with my patrons. YOURS TRUL' W. 1^. THOÄJ The MORROW — ■■■ ~ • ...: r:\ P / V a WRITE WRITE HIDES What; yon want la I prices. Our field la vnst. Our collection mous. Our profits Our prices high. Our returns immediate. FOR OUR Ship to headquarters. We own the . Minneapolis - Sheepskin Tannery, Capacity, 3,000 Felt* per day. FOR Here you receive prime that are prime. SECRET; Direct ship ments. No Agents' expenses. , Exact selection, trnme (liste returns, Ropes and tags to shippers free. iiWOOtmUW.lilNSENe.SEN )j ESTABLISHED 1S7T. INCORPORATES 4ULV McMillan Fur & Wool Co fuccsMsrs to MS. McMILLAN * CO., lac. p 200-212 First Are.Jfi |j WRITE FOR OUR CIRCULAR AND SHIP US TOUR MODS. » LUMBER I have on hand all kinds of rough her, usually kept in a mill-yard, and saw to order any and all bills ordered. ALL ORDERS LEFT WITH A RÖOKE WILL RECIEVE PROMPT TENTION. A. F». Mill 14 Miles West of Keuterville. ■ . ■ ....... .......... . ..... . ..... I . - ..... . .. .. TU"E3 '^OVERI^ - Feed and Sate. J. *I\ HALE i HO 8 BOAKLED BY THE DAY OH WK Cottonw PRIC — - MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ILL ...,u •A • . ' • ^ m '