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fOR AND PROPRIETOR. jserlptlon ^1.50 per Year IN ADVANCE Entered in the Potlofftce at Cottonwood Idaho, at Herond-clatt matter. Tun I l im SiPr'i I ......... The most impressive actof Amer ican heroism in China was the scal ing of the wall of Peking by Calvin P. Titus, a musician of the Fifteenth Regiment Hand. When the Ameri cans reached.the south wall of the Chinese capital, young Titus, a lad of nineteen, rushed forward with others to the wall, which is thirty feet high. Heing the best climber, he outfooted his companions; and, on reaching the top of the wall, he threw down a rope and helped the dment up. It was a gallant deed, |his lad was exposed to Chinese [om the moment his head lose I the battlement-. The/Young a native of Iowa^-alid joined liment a short/fime before it I Chin. Hiaertn me will stand list of ruff'ioniil heroes. • 'Tramp question in the United states has been a most serious one r ever since the' introduction of rail roads. It is estimated that no less than 10,(WO are carried nightly on trains, and that 10,000 more are waiting to steal n ride at the same time. The Pennsylvania Railroad has taken a firm stand in the mat ter, and has equipped a special po lice force for the purpose of prevent- , fug trespassing. Some of the farm- ; ers, however, do not approve of this j action, as they obtain mlieh of their extra help in harvest times from 1 the drifting population. ! In the botanical garden of Her lin is to be seen a cactus which has grown for seven years in a glass flask sealed by fusion; it was pre sented by a German pharmacist, I.udgiw Rust, lie explains the growth of the plant by the fact that the soil in which it grows contains a certain quantity of spores of fun gi, which germinate from time to time and cover the sides of the ttask with a greenish layèr. These, in dy ing, furnish the Carbonic acid nec essary for the life of the cactus. This explanation appeared satisfac tory at first, b)#t it was then asked from whence came tfifccarjj^mlc acid for the fungi; again, the pjwhomena of nutrition which take place in the gmen parts of tfuÿjGtot require an excess of carbonic ifeid. This seems, in fact, to be furnished by the process of putrefaction which, takes place jn the soil. Another question which is more difficult to answer îb the origin of the water which Is necessary to maintain the I life of the plant; this may bederiv frorti the decomposition of the ellulose. Howevet these questions lay be answered, the fact remains that the plant lives and develops in hernieticallp closed medium. The Ixperiment is not difficult to carry pjt, and its study may to in eresting results. A scientist looking for microbes lys there are absolutely none on tthe Swiss mbuntains at ah altitude of 2,000 feet. Here is the place for purity party and scaremongers who are fo.rever horrifying the pub lic with the dismal fear of microbes. They would have to take their sup : ply with them, most of which are Useful to man. It is pleasing to ob serve that the microbe does not give himself lofty airs, but, as a fellow creature, comes down to our level and dwells cheerily ih our midst. New Fhhxt Tree. —A new fruit 1 tree is described by Andree in the Revue Horticole. The name of the j plant is Feijoa sellowiana; it is in digenous in La Plata, South Amer ica, but also thrives in Southern j France. The tree which bloösomed and bore fruit hi Andree's garden j attained a height of 3^ meters and j had the form of a shrub. The fruit Is än oblong, egg shaped berry 4 to 6 centimeters long and 3 to 5 centi meter. wide, retaining its color even in the ripest condition. The meat bf the fruit is firm, of white color and sweet taste, containing much juice and giving off an extremely I i, agreeable and penetrating odtir. The 1 ,The flavor is said to remifsd one of j ihe pineapple. a Buffalo, ÿ. Y., is made Lhe eighth 1 fcitj of the United State.1 In- the hew^censuS; having passed t'fncrn y San Francisco. tar. Rîitlç Killed 6y a Cannon ?hile the Marriage was • Going On. , 1 Recalling the historic incident clustering about South Carolina's Executive Mansion. Mrs. Thaddeus Horton writes, in the October La dies Home Journal, of the shock ing tragedy that occurred there to ward the close of the war. ThiB was the death of the daughter of Gover nor Pickens immediately after her marriage to Lieutenant Le Rochelle, "On the afternoon preceding the evening of the marriage the North ern Army began shelling Columbia, but preparations for the wedding continued. Finally the guests were all assembled and the clergyman was proceeding with the solemn ceremony, and had just joined the right hands of the happy pair, when, suddenly, there was an awful crash, and a ball from the enemy's can non penetrated the mansion and burst in the middle of the marriage chamber, scattering its death deal ing missiles in every direction. There were screams and a heart rending groan; mirrors crashed; the house shook; women fainted; and walls rocked to and fro. "When the first confusion was over it was discovered that in all the crowd only one person was in jured, and that was the bride her self. She lay partly on the floor and partly in her lover's arms, crushed and bleeding, pale but very beauti ful, her bridal gown drenched with warm blood, and a great cut in her breast. Laying lier on a lounge, the frantic bridegroom besought her by every term of tenderness and en dearment, to allow the ceremony to proceed, to which she weakly gave consent, arid . lying like a crushed flower, no less white than the ca mellias of her bridal bouquet, her breath coming in short gasps, and the blood flowing from this great, angi.y wound, she murmured 'ves' to the clergyman, and received her husband's first kiss. A moment more and all was over. "She was laid to rest under the magnolias, and the heartbroken bridegroom, reckless with despair, returned to his regiment." i j j Practical Joke Drives A Voting: Woman Insane. Seattle, Wash., Sept. 20.—As the result of a practical joke Pearl Boyd, a pretty young girl of Nome, is now a raving maniac and her lover, Paul Laird, lies in a suicides grave. Pearl was noted for intrepidity and declared that nothing could frigh ten her Laird determined to frigh ten her, and, it is said, cut the hand from the body of a dead Eskimo, which he found lying ori the tundra He took the hand and placed it in the girl's bed. When the voung woman discovered it, late at night, her reason fled. With loud shrieks, slifc sprang upon the beri-and tore tue hand to pieces with her teeth. Laird, who watched the scene from outside the window, fainted,- and when he recovered put a bullet through his brain.—Statesmdh. Muddlesöme Legal Phraseology "If I were going to give you an orange," said Judge Foote of Tope ka to D. Ü. McCraj', "I would sim ply say,'I give you the orange'; hut should the transaction be in trusted to a lawyer, to put in writ ing, he would adopt this form: "I hereby, give, grant and convey to you all my interest, right, title and advantage of and in said orange, together'with its rind, skin, juice, pulp and pits, and all right and ad vantage therein, with full power to bite l suck, or otherwise eat the same, or giveaway, with or without the rind, skin, juice, pulp or pits, any thing herein-before, or in any other deed or deeds, instruments of any nature of kind whatsoever to the contrary in anv wise notwithstand For sprains, swelling* and lame ness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it, For sdle by nil druggist. Patents I RADE MARKS Designs Copyrights 4c. A handsomely Illustrât ed weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, *3 a ---—'""uths, $L SoidiiyaU newsdealers.«.*.,. New York to. S» V SL. Washington. O. C. : can WHEN IN GK A\[GE VI LIvE Call at the NEW STORE for dry goods clothing and shoes Best Goods Fo^ The Least MONEY. SIMS ft CROSBY MASONIC BLOCK, Owing to changes in the railway lines several villages in South Da- I kota have been put off from the : railroad. The result is that the vil- j luges have moved to the new loen- i lion. In the towns of Bloomington, j Kdgerton, Obi Platte, Castalia, and Old Selby one building after an j other was put on skids and towed j across the prairie by the means of i horses and thrasher engines, says ; I The Railway Review, and in one j i instance a sf.rttc.turi IP by ."00 feet | j was moved three miles, and trade j j was being carried on all the time. i A FREE PATTERN a ist, ivrtLitic, ex quid it,® t*nd strutly upt/xiato dew^n®. l>rf*N3inak«nff #eonomtes. fiiney work, liotmcluild Iilnt®, shnit storied, current topics, etc. Subscrib® today. Only 60c.yearly. Lady »geAt« wanted demi for tenu*. F«r Ivlio*, mins*®, girls hurt 1,'ttln children. That c Enafly put together Onlv 10 an«i 1« cent* each— noue higher. t*olrt ia nearly erèry pity and town, or l»y ni&il. Ask for them. Absolutely very latest up-to-date Ityl*®. THE Met'ALL COMPANY, IM-I4« «ni Hlh, .... .Nrw Vork l it«, It. T It Happened in a Drug Store. "One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cogah medicine that i did not have in stock,Mr. ü. 11. Grandin, the popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y. "She was disap pointed and wanted to know what (Though preparation I could recom mend. 1 said to her that ! could freely recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and af-. tdr givins it a fair trial if she did not find it worth the money to bring bitek the bottle find 1 would refund the price paid. In the. course of day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a. cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recommendation for the reine by " Sold by all druggist. Professional Cards. J. Ÿ. AILSHIE Attorney at-Law. Main St. opp. lik. of (Tanins Prairie. Orangeville, • Idaho, CLAY MCNAMEK A. !.. SIOKlIAS MeNAMEE & MORGAN Attomey's-at-Law. Mt.Tilalio anil Orangeville. JAU, W. H K T I ' l>. WORTH I. K W I S TON ORAN « . K V III. K REID & WORTH Attorney s-at-Law. Practice in tli!' State anil Federal Court*) Mr. Reid will attend i'll terms of the District Court at Mt. Idaho. j j I ! at J, M. WOLBERT Attorney at Law. : Practices In-fore the Interior Depart ment in Land cases. Résout Office Cottonwood, Idaho. ;..K.\xssq 11 Truiitt— ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Calls answered promptly, in town and surrounding country. Office at Idaho Drug Store. Residence: In rear of drug store. Cottonwood. - - Idaho I : j i j ; j | j When you cannot sleep for cough ing, it is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ally the irritation of the throat, and make, sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by all druggist. A11 kinds of patent medicines and druggists sundries at (he Idaho drug store. Imperial Fire Insurance Com pany, London « England. S. R. Libby has secured the agency of this old and reliable com pany and is prepared to insure your property. Libby tub .1 kwkLuk. Everyone knowing themselves to he in arrears on subscription will ylease settle this fall. If you can not pay with this harvest, you never can. For Sale. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF i j FARMS THAT WE WILL j I ) ju k'ffiS PRAIRIE ! REAL ESTATE AGENCY AVOUIERT & BETTER Paper, envelopes, inks and pens at tlie Idaho Drug store. Eureka Harnes» Oil Is the !>e6t preservative of new leather ami the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens und protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your host hnrness. your old har ness, and your c arriage top, and they will not only look hotter but wear longer. Sold «'very whore In cans—all sizes from half pints to five «allons. Made by ëÎAMUKD OIL CO. nOTTONWOOD VJ BREWERY SALOON. j ^CHOBER & pETERSON proprietors, j \SSX\/\/ Manufacturers of the farodtis "Cot tahwood Geer," and dealers in the very best brands of wines, whiskies aiid cigafs. *'* rj a im l Assortment of wines anu ttqUORS SUITA R . K FOR FAMILY USE WILL BE ALWAYS ON HANJL Edinburg Brand, Pure White Whiskey. -Boer by the keg' quÄrt or Singtb drink COTTONWOOD; IDAHO LOUIE WÎNKLEm/n «J. B. FORSMANN ryiYh * Manufaoturer^ t)f I, U M P. E If HAVE ON HAND ALL KINDS OF DRY RUSTIC, FLOORING, CEILING, FIN ISHING anil DIMENSION; Keuterville Idaho. MAIN STREET BEST SERVICE, COTTONWOOD IDAHO A IDAHO IlltliC STORE. New Stock Of Patent Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Drug gists Sundries. . Also Fine Stationery, Nuts, Fruits, Cigars, and Notions. Dr. R. TRUITT, Manager. JE St. Cottonwood Idaho. IT j Manufacturer Of, and Dealer In g i LUMBER. I ■ r s Fi| : Have A Dry kiln In Usee : AND CAN SUPPLY ALL, WITH i " BRY LUMBER. | MILL and YARD at, SHISSLKIL INGRAM & Co's OLD STAND.]* i 33 THE NEW MILL, BEN. BORGER MANUFACTURER OF & DEALER IN Lit in b eb I have the very best rough dimension, rough boxing and rough fenriiifc to lie had. 1 do not cull. I can saw timbers from 10 to 50 feet in length Mill vmile south of Keuterville. Idaho KIPPEN SHINGLE -*<- MILL. » Kippen Idalib. Tibliett's and Parkin's Proprietors. MANUFACTURER of SHINGLES of HIGH GRADE, and will deliver to any poifit on C'AMA^ PRAIRIE or the reservation. Correspondence Solicited j WILLOW-CREEK HOUSE. IDAHO. ;i -V - -V W. PL. DIXON I Fro;priet,or. 12 Mites from Cottonwood on the road i to Lewiston Best Accommodation? For Man And Beast. ___ ACENÇ.JSS A SPECIALTY A- KPOB r OFFICE