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[nth Y ei COTTONWQOD.v IDAHO COUNTY, 1QAHQ, FRIDAY, OCTpBER 26 ë pi: T GOLDSTONE'S I'RICJv General E a M LATEST STYLES IN FOOTWEAR, *4- : a&S£ AIL EHES}{ SSei ' JLJ -- 3i gglg«- l W 1 miewmemim /xxxxxxs? Portland wqs a "■.The tdWn was this week. John Aicblftayr 5|v *«ldiü.OU.t-«ext issue. Dr. Truitt went to Denver Wednesday afternoon. T. J. Coff: visitor list James Rogersi the Artisan lodge organizer was ^ere Iasi John Swi§^ Beall drummer in,town this ^ P. H. Butler and editor Wjblbert j left for Lewiston,Thursday on tiusi ness y waÈ in town this j^.anfiisj|l'ith his many ak. ■'ortland Johif'T. Jaques was a visitor this tweKk from the other side of the mm 5 * Douglas Bailey who is ,;i fcan/lidate for prosecuting attor ney, vail-over this week, We understand that Mrs. C. E. 1 Holt is rapidly recovering under the skilful treatment of Dr. Blake. The first snow of the season whitened the ground Wednesday I : ! oru inn.. Lt. Wte<Ppret.ty quick, All kinds of patent medicines and druggists j&tadriee at the Idaho dnjg store. E. S. Sweet candidate for com missioner of the second district wat over this week visiting. Mr. Johnson, from .Johnson Wash., was in town the last of the week to straighten up some real estate business, His Lordship, Bishop lilorieux of Boise, will dedicate the church and graveyard at Hreancreek on .Sunday 28th, E. Fogg ohairman of the iseion, and one of the hereof the bar of this coun very able speech to our evening. ^ Everyone knowing themselves'to aMears on subscription will : Battle this fall. If you can not pay with this harvest, you never can. I I ,.]'dp idates . ■ : Fran gode oo t ie in mad people embe be in please' To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. \V. Grove's signature is on each box. 1 PteachibÄ church oijSe ByeVV feuofiay telv mornffig äHdi.ev m.. and 7:30 T J.ffc.-fcu Wanted. nin stor. me • 18t 1 na- j it rstijk class' black smith at Forest Idahc^For further ' particulars of forest. enquire of J. W. Reid, SStf. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold.. Laxative Bromo-Quiniiie Tablets cure, a cbM in one day. No Cure no l'uy. Price 25 cents. Tfie 20th Century Amusement Company will show in Cottonwood Saturday November 3rd at the Odd Fellows hall, this company comes *Mghly recommended by th% press Jn places where they have shown. » ft ;W. B. Patteraon. of Denver, has recieved a letter from his sun in -South Africa, of pecfiht date. an«l he states thfft it Is false report that the war is ended." He states that th ' " " L ^ __ _____ _ Lardest kind of lighting is stiïÛ d- tfipre fo feilove, wlùf%- |-?f uotwithbtand- ' , _ blets juniore 5t of ' j 1 I J, D. Flenner, editor of the Boise Capital, and one of thè most ek>. I quent speakers of the northwest, addressed a large and enthusiastic 'Àvaudiençe in this place last, evening, ,.]'dp the burning questions of the . campaign from a democratic stand .point. t%4Valter Goode one of the».Stand : alrrjorce^ccompapied the republi can delegatiqn of candidates add j speakers to this plape on Tuesday afternoqn. We acknowledge a pleasant call. IIpp. WiHis Sweet, the republi can prpdiga} son, who returned to his first loye. Wjll address the peo ple of pottonwood apd vicinity on November second. Willis need's no introduction to the people of Idaho county. Mike Murray, another of Uncle Sam's brave soldier hoys, and a member of l *C" company. Idaho Volunteers, and candidate for sher iff was in company with Lieut. Lapp, shaking hands with lps num erous friends. - The Hon. J. N- Staov, of Lewis ton, who is scheduled to make sev eral speeches in this county, ad dressed a large audience in Denver on Wednesday evening on the issues of the campaign from a republican stand point. M r. Staoy is an intense republican and very desirous of his party's success. Ex Lieutenant A Lapp, candi date for assessor on the republican ticket came over from ,on : Tuesday engaged in tance of our people until the after _____ I - afternoon and busily j making the acquain noon of the following day, when hej started for Denvar. Mr. Lapp ie. 3 * r very pleasant gentleman ahd\if scars he bears are i arave an or he surely was hint officer. More thto ninety five millionà co pies— to bP , 95,237,028-W e Journal hJke he magazine Was The Ladies' ' sporne been issued since the magazine first printed, seventeen years.ago. December, 1883, was the'Journal's birth-month, and the first edition aggregated, all told, twenty thous and. The magazine was well receiv ed at the very start, and from that time on its growth has been pheno menally rapid, the increase never halting, until the circulation has reached nine hundred, and twenty three thousand copies a month. During the past eleven months the increase has averaged forty-seven thousand copies per month over the corresponding interval of last year. Hon. John T. Morrison, candi date for congress on the Republi can: ticket spoke to a fair sized au dience; in Odd Fellows hall, in this place On Tuesday evening. Mr. Morriscn is a forcible and very able : —»..V. , c .y speaker ahd received the closest at - | lZrt n «J r r • hi8 a f d t L enCe - , The 1 i „ ts r ( r en ' ?! th ", meet,nS i j accounts for the small audience, as 1 it is well known throughout the ' turned Sunday state that the- gèntleman is an ora tor of exceptional ability. Asa Jones, Joe Canfield. VVna. Anderson and Herbert Coburn re* 4 y turned Sunday from St. Pfcul, to which point they shipped foorfeen carloads of horses • for tl|e market. The horses came from ■ the Camas Prairie country and numbered 413 head. It appears that it had been represented to the owners that a ; profit of at least five dollars a-head : over all expenses could btyrecured at St.'Paul, but the results show that-a loss of $1627.32 was encoun- ' tered, after paying commission; feed and exUeses. the horses were ship- {' ped to Thuet Brothers, a horse com mission house of fcjt. Paul, and were sold in carload lots. The highest prioe received wes $8 per head and ] the lowest $2. ' D. Ç. Russell, who is wanted in Id^ho county on thé charge of eat tlh- stealing, was arrested in tht8 cit y last wening l>y sheriff McLean, |-?f Mt. Idaho. Russell, it appears, ' is with stealing a number of head of cattle from Ben Créa. He has been working at the race track as a trainer since the meet j id McLean has been waiting for some days for the man to appear in Idaho; Last evening Russell walk ed across the big bridge and was immediately placed under arrest. He will be taken to Idiffio connty today. Russell js quiet well known ip Idaho county, where he was em ployed for the iperipd of [wo ypars by Parry Shissler.—Tribune. Send I's Your Nippe. ()h a postal card for our new catalogue of lQo music, containing Over 4000 vocal, piano, organ, vio lin, guitar, mandolin and banjo pieces. \ Thabchjsk & Kl.lKft. Lewiston Idaho. A good joke ; js told on F. L, | Moore, the fusion candidate for j state Senator, which happened at j one of his meetings in the country, j Before the meeting some wag deco rated the wall of the bujldidg l>e hind the speaker nicely and beneath 1 the decoration placed a placard with | the following; ■"From l P3 to *97 11 made S' 1S,000 ip fees on mortgage ; foreclosures." «'Down with money power, F. L. Moore, attorney for | the Northwestern # Pacific Hypo- ; theek bank and Lombard Mortgage \ Co." "1 am pledged to vote for the payment of the governor, 's Oneur d'Alene war debt, if elected." I - Whenever Mr. Moore woifld grow j eloquent the wag who had arrang jmd the decoration would pull a string and expose the placard and ! the crowd would chper and the j r $mehker thought he ''had em," He ! th*4JêBiîed to notice the decoration and imagines that the audienoe was charmed by cow Mirror. his eloquence.-—Mos • 1 1 '■ . /XllXXXX^XXXXXXXVXXXXXXXNX £ Advertising i» ,,ot % luxury, but K / rather an. economic business / * '■"'r.nciB™, recognized by all the jjg ! most successfu men A .j. • „Il mmsamoeS ' X propos. ^ best ) /. the wo /XXis!l|kV 'Sltio, • md. odd, Ihowjntj^jMrrrfl all "ing and kindttvif rustic, di tneimlmu Nice bonks for ffirtlnlay present! at the postofiirje, very cheap. ' find a buyer , for your .it-with us. aw Ukaj. Estate Agk.n Hepomt office. We can farm. Liat^ Camas Pj^T cy. « Denison's tissue »plain and ereppé, at the A fini? P a P er ^ P 06to ® c Ç Contests and other land business transacted at Rkpokt office, Preaching at the M, E., church every seepnd and fo^rfh Sunday at For Sale—old T?t " 1 Paper, envglo) at the ldahft;JDrug store. : {' ] 4L «a. m. Mrs Luei. A' For Sa Hundred a^RnPf p "f nts per and pens fr WAN Fi,ve hundred men to unload schdonew, at five cents per schooner, at the Elite Saloon. "For three days and nights I suf > fered agony untold from nn attack i of cholera morbus brought oÄ by j eatihg cucumbere," says M. K. Low- j ther, clerk of the district court Centerville, Iowa. "I thought' I should surely die, and tried ^ dozen ! different uicdtcjneis' hat to no pur-1 jjose, I sent for ;i lx»ttle of Chanî- j Mr&in's Colic. Cholera ai id Diarr-1 liftea Remedy anil three doses re lieved me eutirely." This rei iUl M fr -- All maiujer of conveyancing at the Rkpokt office J -LJ This signature is on every box of tie genuine Laxative BronicnQuinine tbe remedy (hat cure» :> cold Is one day Denver Flour Mills J. S. PARKÉR Prop, Manufacturer Of "Denver Plansifter ^ , Flour" This flour has ii reputation second to none, and will please you with a | j j j white, light bread Or pastry, 1 ^ | 11 . ; D©IÎV©P _ ,_ V J | ; \ flooring, It Idaho. Borger wish«« to announce ! j ! ! .j. ' the that laud g noonng, oemng rough lumliRr, jr best hoxkiL'. JS*r very and toe If can and Ben price drug storé for ■5 torn you Bori he Maccabees MILES TZHSTT 3 Mo. S -4 Meets in Maccabee Hall every Saturday at 7 o'clock P, M, All 8ir Knights are cordially invi ted to attend. E. Joisui», Sir K't Cbm. R. Tiputt, Sir K't R/K. m ThisohpEii furnishes safe and oh Insurance to its tneihbefis. t DO YOU WANT H i R N E IS %. * I have opened a har ness and repair shop in Cottonwood, ajjd as I will* carry only the best material, and do guaranteed. -Work, I ask a share of your > i j j ! j pH BUSINESS, OTTO K-A ES EMfîYER ■ w, . « V COTTON WOOD IDAHO. For Sale. lfiO acres of fine farming lane situated about ' 1 ' J ^ , -. m It Will Pay You To Trade With Me. not dsk a big profit, I will divide with Hiy patrons. W. L, •4r- ..?• YOURS TRUDY Thé MORROW mb FURS What yon vran, I« hfgh price*. « Our field I« «Mt, Our collect!«* r*par moui. Our profit« modemte. Our prlqgu Irish. Our returns luuueftyt«. .WRITS PP n pur Pblp to taeadqaarteiw. We owu the ptlnueapolta fibeepskin Tannery, Capacity, ' 04)00 Pelts pe* day. WRITE FOR OUR PRICES,) Hero yon receive prices that are priées. BECHET: Direct strip? meats. No Agent»' expenses. . v' , Exact selection, tmuie diate returns, Hopes and tags to skippers ft-ee. W 00 LTÜLUW, eiHSEHG, SEN iLisHco tarv. incorporatcs *a» i McMillan For & Wool Go •ucosttors to MS. MeMILUN (> CO., isc. 00-212 Fitst *«»e. H„ 'I ii;* __MINKEIPOtlS, ElfiH. WRITE FOR OUR CIRCULAR Al^> SHIP US YOUR GOODS. mi fel HRj H - Jii tÊi fe sä« LUMBER I have on hand all kinds of rough in her, usually kept in a mill-yard, and saw to order any and all bills ordere f m m r jmm mg Jn^sSli ALL „ORDERS LEFT WITH A. B. ROOKE" WILL RECIEVE PROMPT TENTION. A. I*. TIÎFHT KBUTRRyaifc Ma, 1 )# Mill 14 Miles Westof Keu ter ville*-.