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Cottonwood report. [volume] (Cottonwood, Idaho) 1893-1901, March 22, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by Idaho State Historical Society

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Ko«r Blood
The cause of all spring humor9,
I pimples and eruptions, as well as
I of that tired feeling and poor appe
[tite, io found* in impure, depleted
The perfect blood purifier is
j Hood's Sarsaparilla, as multitudes
know by experience.
It cures all blood diseases, from
the smallest pimple to the stubborn
scrofula sore—from morning tired
ness to extreme nervous prostration.
Begin taking it TODAY.
Is America's Greatest Spring Medi
cine. Be sure to get Hood's.
Prices f*ui<l Producers.
Poultry and eggs—Chickens, old, 8 „
9c per lb. live weight; ducks, $4 per
doz.; geese, dressed, 12c per lb; tur
keys, live, 10@12c; dressed, 12@13c;
eggs, fresh, $5<g)5.50 per case.
Vegetables—Potatoes, 75@90c per
cwt; onions, $3 per cwt.
Live Stock—Beef, live steers, 4}£o;
dressed, 8c; live cows, 3^c; dressed,
7M»c; veal calves, dressed, 7@9c; mut
ton, ewes, 3c; wethers, 3J£c; hogs, vile,
$4.75 per cwt; dressed $7 per cwt.
Sheepskins—Shearlings, 10c each;
short wool pelts, 30@50c; medium
wool, 50<3>75c; long wool, 75c@$l.
Hides—Green hides and calf skins,
5@6c per lb.; dry hides, butcher, 10@
12c per lb.
The Spokane mills pay the following
prices for grain delivered: Club
wheat, 44c bulk, 45c sacked; bluestem,
47c bulk, 49c sacked; red, 42c bulk,
44c sacked.
McKinley'« Private Secretary.
Washington, March 6.—The president is
sued a new commission to George B. Cor
telyou, as secretary to the president.
Beware of Ointment, for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering It through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do Is ten-fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Che
ney & Co., ToiedO, O., contains no mer
cury, and is taken Internally, acting di
rectly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine.
It is taken Internally, and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Bold by druggists; price, 76c per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
One hundred farmers near 'Keota,
Iowa, have planned to build a telephone
line in the spring. It wil be nine
miles long, connecting Keota and South
English, at both of which points It will
join long distance switchboards.
Most extensive breeders In the northwest.
S. C. White and S. C. Brown Leghorns. S. C.
Black Mlnorcas, Dark Brahmas, C. I. Games,
Rhode Inland Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks.
Eggs, 12.00 setting of 12. Pekin ducks, $1.50
setting 13. Bronze turkeys, $3.00 per 11. Order
eggs now. Toulouse geese, $3 per ».
East Spokane, Wash.
Congress has adopted the "slow-sand
system" of filtration for the water sup
ply of Washington.
Gnrfleld Tea la made from HERBS;
there are no harmful drugs in its
composition. It Is the oe.t blood
purifier known to medical science.
It has been found In India that inoc
ulation against rinderpest will protect
an animal for a period of seventy or
eighty days.
All kinds of work neatly done and prices
reasonable. i
Rooms S -4-5-1 Eagle Block, Spokane
Emeralds have been discovered In
Arizona and, It is said, In North Caro
lina. They are, however, very small.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggUte refund the money 11 it lails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 26c.
The United Kingdom of Great Brit
ain and Ireland has 118,000 miles of
Permanently Cured. No flte or nervousness
t day's '
Among the students at the Universi
ty of PariB last year there were l,2u0
from foreign countries.
Do Not Suffer!
Suffering Is unnecessary. Cascarets Candy
Cathartic kill disease germs, clean out the
body, remove the first causes of suffering. AH
druggists, 10c, 25c, 60c.
Binrmlngham, Ala., March 1.—An
other advance of 25 cents per ton In
the price of pig Iron has been announc
ed, placing No. 2 foundry about $11.50
per ton.
Plao'a Cure for Consumption Is an Infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds.—N
W. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
The Hindoo chronology extends to
6174 B. C.; Babylon, 6158 B. C.; China,
6167 B. C.
The great public schools of the large cities
use Carter's Ink exclusively. It Is the best and
coats no more than the poorest. Oet it.
According to the teachings of at least
one rabbi, Eve was a blonde.
Neither the United States _ Nor Eng*
lu.nd Made an Effort to Extend It—
* A New Treaty la Deulred— Britta?»
Government Prepares a Communi
Washington, March 8. — The Hay
Pauncefote treaty, intended to replace the
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, relative to the
construction of isthmian waterways, is
dead. The death was caused technically
by the fact that the last clause of the
treaty allowed only the period of time up
to March 4 for its ratification. Neither
the government of the United States nor
of Great Britain appeared to have made an
effort to extend that period.
Though the treaty is dead from the
point of international law, it may still
serve a purpose. It is understood here
that the British government. either has,
or is preparing, a communication to the
United States government based on the
senate amendments, analyzing them
carefully, pointed out their probable ef
fect upon the original proposition -as seen
from the British side and perhaps suggest
some modifications.
While it is impossible to predict in ad
vance of the receipt of this communica
tion just what attitude the state depart
ment will assume toward it, there is rea
son to believe that it will be taken in
good part, and that negotiations will be
resumed for the conclusions of a new
treaty with a view of meeting, if pos
siblc, the objections raised by the senate
to the original treaty.
Laboren* Ordered Deported.
Rossland, B. C., March 4.—E. P. Brem
ner of Vancouver and Edward Willimas,
dominion labor commissioners, have been
here for about a week .looking into the
matter of alien labor and as a result of
their labors 16 of the men in the employ
of Messrs. Winters, Parsons & Boomer,
who have a contract to do some work for
the Red Mountain railway, were ordered
deported. The contractors will pay the
way of the men back to the United States,
where they were engaged. This is the first
time that a ease of this kind has come up
in this province and the penalty of a $1000
fine for each contract laborer brought in
was not enforced. The commissioners
stated, however, that in the future the law
would be enforced to the letter. The inten
tion of the dominion authorities is to pro
tect the Canadian workers from unfair
dominated lor Third Term.
Chicago, March 6.—Carter H. Harrison
was placed in nomination for mayor of
Chicago for the third term by the demo
cratic city convention. There was no op
position to his nomination.
Chineae History Gone.
Pekin, March C.—In an edict the emper
or of China annuls all decrees and reports
rendered from June 20 to August 14, 1900,
in order that no trace of them be preserv
ed in history.
Only 14.5 per cent of the natives of
Porto Rico can write.
F orew&rnGd,
F oraarm&dm
The liability to disease is greatly
lessened when the blood is in good con
dition, and tlie circulation healthy and
vigorous. For then all refuse mattei
is promptly carried out of the system ;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
— fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted and the consti
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has no equal. It is the safest and best
ly for old people and children
beçause it contains no minerals, but is
made exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im
mo. purities. At the
same time it builds
Wbs, up the weak and de
Ljgbilitated, and reno
Wiw vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all mannes
of blood and skin troubles. '
Mr. E. E. Kelly, of UTbana, O., writes i
"I had Eozema on my handa and face for
five years. It would break out in little
white pustules, crusts would form and
drop off, leaving the skin red and inflam
ed. The doctors did me no good. I used,
all the medicated soaps and salves without
benefit. 8. 8. 8. cured me, and my skin
is as olear and smooth as any one's."
tors and friends thought her case hope
Bichard T. Gardner, Florence, 8. C.,
Buffered for years with Boils, Two bot
tles of 8. 8. S. put his blood in good con
dition and the Boils disappeared.
Send for our free book, and writ»
our physicians about your cas&
Medical advice free.
Fortunes have been made, fortunes are be ng
made by judicious investment in Oil 8tocks.
I Wrf are telling ajrents for several companies
, thA; are sure to strike Oil. Prices are low now.
Ffrward fifty cents for a choice of six. includ
I lag maps, prospectus and sample certificate.
, Get yourself posted. MACPHERSON A CO..
I (member of Exchange) 501 He&rst Building*.
Third and Market 8ts., Ban Francisco, Cal. Oil
Lands wanted and Oil Lands for stile from $10 00
per acre to (10,000 per acre. Agents wanted in
every town; guaranteed commissions.
N. N. u.
No. 10, 1901
f m
la tlol
la time. Sold by druggists.
Vary small aoA os aasy
rona must have hph atuhc.
A Washington special says Senator
Shoup Is being considered for the posi
tion of assistant secretary of war.
About 416,000 acres of rich agricul
tural lands in Idaho will be thrown
open for settlement this summer.
The Bank of Weiser has offered a
reward of $100 for the recovery of the
body of Colonel Hart, who was drown
ed in Snake river recently.
Governor Toole has appointed James H.
Dailey of Helena state boiler inspector and
J. D. O'Brien of Deer Lodge county as
sistant for terms of four years, and the
senate confirmed them.
Ya-Ya-Ya-Ya of the Walla Walla In
dian tribe has lost his life, although
It is not known how. His body was
found near the track of the O. R. & N
main line on the Umatilla river In the
Professor W. J. Spillman, agricultur
alist at the Washington agricultural
experiment station at Pullman, warns
farmers of the Inland Empire against
extensive and expensive experiments
with a new sort of hedge fence which
Is being sold throughout this section.
W. S. Byers, who is preparing for
the construction of a large warehouse
at his flouring mills at Pendleton Is
now shipping to fill contracts for an
aggregate of 140,000 sacks of flour to
Siberia. The flour goes In 5000 barrel
lots, 20,000 sacks at a shipment
A well dressed man of middle age,
who said he wished to marry a woman
who is an Inmate of the county poor
house, presented himself to Clerk of
the Court Roberts of Butte and asked
for a license. The applicant said he
did not have the $2 to pay the fee re
quired by law and the license was re
The Pacific Northwest Baseball
league has been formed, at which W.
H. Lucas was elected president, secre
tary and treasurer at a salary of $200
per month from April 1. A constitu
tion and by-laws was adopted, and it
was decided to open the season May 1
and close October 10, giving a series
of four games a week. The first games
will be played at Spokane and Tacoma,
Portland meeting the former and Seat
tle the latter. The salary list will not
exceed $1000 per month per team.
Little Liver Pills.
■Ruwt Bear Signature af
Am Fac-SImlla Wrapper Below.
For Mayor of Chicago.
Chicago, March 4.—Judge Elbridge
Hanecy of the circuit court of Cook county
was placed in nomination for mayor of
Chicago by the republican city conven
tion. The nomination was not made until
the eighth ballot and followed one of the
most stubborn contests ever held in a local
convention. On that ballot Hanecy re
ceived 486 ballots, or 15 more than neces
sary to nominate.
Call for an Extra Session.
Washington, March 5.—The proclama
tion of tlie president calling the senate into
extraordinary session was read Monday
by the clerk of the senate, the direction
of the reading being the first official order
of the new vice president.
Explosion of Dynamite.
Paris, March 6.—A dispatch from Irun.
a Spanish town near the French frontier,
says that a quantity of dynamite stored
in the custom house there exploded, killing
seven persons and injuring many.
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tablet.
he remedy that enrea a cold In one dor
Tried to Break Jail.
London, March 5.—A dispatch from
Florence to a news agency says a serious
mutiny of convicts has occurred at Santa
Caterina prison, resulting in the military
being called out and 10 convicts being
killed and 57 wounded.
There Is no remedy that can equal
G .RKIKI.D TK v for the cure of all
derangement« < f the liver; It hat
for years been the standard by
which other remedies are Judged.
Porter Denies the Report.
Paris, March 6.—The reiterated rumors
that General Horace Porter, Uiiited States
ambassador here, intends relinquishing his
post and returning to America are univer
sally denied at the embassy as pure in
vention and without any basis in fact.
Private Information F.acivcd — Con
firm. Reoent Reporta —Botha in Touch
with ^Kitchener at Pratorla — Other
Boer General« Will right It Oat.
London, March 8.—Private information
received in London confirms the rumors
of negotiations between Lord Kitchener,
Sir Alfred Milner and Commandant Gen
eral Louis Botha. Nothing is known as
to the actual presence of the Boer com
mander in chief at Pretoria and no Lon
don paper publishes a statement that he
is there, but it is reasonably certain that
General Botha is in either Pretoria or in
close touch with Lord Kitchener.
«Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman made
an effort to extract some information
from the government on the subject in
the house of commons. The Associated
Press is informed that Sir Alfred Milner
has gone to Pretoria with the object of
assisting Lord Kitchener in these negotia
tions, the length of which appears to be
due to General Botha's desire to consult
with Acting President Schalkberger at
Petersburg and to make terms applying
to the whole Boer forces, but militating
against this is Lord Kitchener's doubt as
to General Botha's ability to control Gen
eral Dewet and other leaders, as well as
the internal opposition General Botha is
The great financial firms whose inter
ests in South Africa are almost equal
to those of the government believe from
their private advices that the present sit
uation is likely to result in the surrender
of General Botha and the forces under
his immediate command, while the other
Boer units will remain in the field.
A big movement is being prepared to
clear the whole of Orange River colony
from nortli to south of Boers.
The Boers who captured I'earston jon the
Great Riet river numbered 700 and had
two guns. They are still in possession of
the town. The garrison consisted of 20
colonials and 50 town guards.
•Proposed Alliance With England.
. H the United States and England should
form an alliance, the combined strength
would he so gréai that there would belittle
chaîne for enemies to overcome us. Ina
like manner, when men and wonted keep
up their bodily strength with Hosteiter's
Stomach Bitters: there is little chance of
attacks from disease. Tlteold time remedy
enriches the blood, steadies tlie nerves, and
Increases the appetite. Try it for dyspep
sia and indigestion.
Washington, March 4.—The omnibus
public buildings bill, which passed both
houses, carried the following increases
among others: Boise, Idaho, $200,000 to
$250,000; Cheyenne, Wyo., $250,000 v to
$300,000; Butte, Mont., $200,000 to $225,
000; Helena, Mont., $300,000 to $350,000;
Salt Lake City, $300,000 to $500,000; Se
attle, Wash., $400,000 to $750,000.
Stop* tho Cough ami
Work* Off tho Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Qulnine Tablets cure a cold In
one day. .No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents.
The oldest known artesian well was
sunk at Lillers, France, In the twelfth
The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa
ture of Chas. H, Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
" Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Haïe Always Bought
- Bears th®Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
l% H. P.
Pumps Water, Saws Wood,
Grinds Feed, and costs two
cents an hour to run.
Get fall particulars from 31Q Market
Street, San Francisco, Ual.; First and
Stark Sis., Portland, Or.; Los Angeles,
o 8 *£C.S!Aïtf
□ □
First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and Elder.
The day was when men of promi-1
nenoe hesitated to give their testimon
ials to proprietary medicines for pnb
lication. This remains true today of
most proprietary medioines, but Pa
rana has become so justly famous, its
merits are known to so man/ people of
high and low stations, that no one hes
itates to see bis name in print recom
mending Pernna.
The highest men in our nation have
given Peruna a strong endorsement
Men representing ail classes and sta
tions are equally represented.
A dignified representative of the
Presbyterian church in the person of
Rev. E. G. Smith does not hesitate to
state pnblioly that he has need i'eruna
in his family and found it cored when
other remedies failed. In this state
ment the Rev. Smith is snpported by
an eider in his church.
Rev. E. G. Smith, pnstorot the Pres
byterian church of Greensboro, Ga.,
"Having nsed Peruna in my family
for some time it gives me pleasnre to
testify to ils true worth. My lit
tle boy seven years of age has been suf
fering for some time with catarrh of
the lower bowels. Otherremedies had
failed, but after taking two bottles of
Peruna the trouble almost entirely dis
Tte rearing of silk worms and the
production of silk during the years be
fore the revolution promised to become
one of the most Important industries
of America.
When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
Because the formula is plainly printed on every
Bottle showing that It is simplv Iron and Qui
nine In a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c.
Japan still has coins made of Iron.
Formosa has only one railway line.
Greensboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and Elder.
appeared. For this special malady I
oonsider it well nigh a specific. As a
touio for weak and worn out people
it has few or no equals. "—Rev. E. G.
Mr. M. J. Rossman, a prominent
merchant of Grennsboro, Ga., and an
elder in the Presbyterian church of that
place, has used Peruna, and in a re
cent letter to The Peruna Medicine
Co., of Coluuabns, Ohio, writes as fol
"For a long time I was troubled
with oatarrh of the kidneys and tried
many remedies, all of which Rave me
no relief. Peruna was recommended
to me by several friends, and after
using a few bottles I am pleased to say
that the long looked for relief was
found and I am now enjoying better
health than 1 have for years, and can
heartily recommend Pernna to all
similarly afflicted. It is certainly a
grand medicine."- -M. J. Rossman.
If you do not derive prompt and sat*
isfaotorv results from the nse of Pern
na, write at onoe to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of yonrease and
he will be pleased to give you his val
uable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, president
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Contract surgeons in the army are
employed to assist the regular sur
geons. They receive a maximum sal
ary of $150 a month.
The Rest Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonlo. It Is simply iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price 600.
Every slot machine In Salem was
taken off the counter last week, in obe
dience to the Proebstel law.
** CABO A KIT S do all Wlaied ft>r then
ÎÏÂ.i!?.** ral * •»"dsrtal medicine. I have ones
wished for amedloine pleasant to take end at last
> wtiiwnriG
4Mb« treu«. Carer. Chi««.. Srelrul, «re Tm*. IN
MO-TO-BAC S£L% tf «ffilBr ftSÄUÄT
This Is a daring statemant, but Bel
[ Bor's seeds bea r it out svsry time.
revolutionise 09m growing.
after «owing
What Is It?
Catalogue tells.
and thfa NOTICE vt
trig Mad catalog, 10 <
Kam plea Incl udlag above, also
] Barle y ,(171 be. par A) Paaoot, ate. Worth!
[ John A. Onloor Sood Oo. Li Cmoj Wh. )
from 15 to S6 lbs. par month by a
harmless treatment. Thousands
ou red. Mrs. M. A. MacCrono, 481
Haw Ley 8t., Rochester, N. Y.,
writes. "Four rears ago I was/
reduced 48 pounds by your valu
able treatment. My experience
as Trained N arse has taught me the dangers ef Filto
Degeneration Have not gained." Patients treated
by mall confidentially. For partion Lars address, with
•hap, DE.P.C.8MUEE, lJlfl.H.i. I«|l«,CkMt(iJS
Hair« •< Unlom Boldlen who homaUadad lia
thaa 1*0 acre« befar« Jun« £1,1*74 (no ««attar U
• haadoned), «hould addreu
»NIT X, OOPP, W«ahla«taa, D. O.
fil I I 11 I «%"»!. J description
■ a a ■ Ire IS I V# and get free opinion
MILO. B. STEVENS A GO.. Ketab. 1864.
hiv. 4,817—14thStreet, WASHINGTON D. C.
Jranch offices: Chicago, Cleveland and Detroit
A guaranteed Care for Catarrh and
Consomption. 81.00. D Lock Box 146.
1.1. SMITH 8 68., iBffsio, M. Y , Prop's

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