~sr 4r 1 IM i«« i&v*- pl'f. -,v & y? 3 K" v£ .it* 5 1«• 'fS Kff qfc •V, ti n- fc EEf O •yr $&vC E F- suf*"*" wfa- i? E 4TV $?PV f(/ Em1 Vw T-. hi f'"-- platform. It is fortunate for the party -1 '",-5/ -that the distinguished New Yorker f.^discloses his plans early, although those who read the platform will ob -serve that there is a familiar ambi jfuity about the planks which recalls the days when democratic* platforms were made to conceal issues rather .j than to present them. First, as to the man. As he has not taken the public fully into his confidence we must rely on circumstances to ascer tain the exact hour when the present attack of presldental fever first made its appearance. If the minority bad secured control of the Chicago con vention Mr. Hill would doubtless have been the nominee, for be was the spokesman of the minority and was »*'^peculiarly fitted to represent the methods employed by the gold men on •'0m that occasion. As is well known Le ^refused to give a single word of en .couragement to the democratic ticket •&C- during the campaign and as a result whatever influence he had was thrown v.: ''against the party. When the cam jpaign was over he wrote a carefully prepared magazine article assailing ,the democratic platform and arguing in favor of repudiating it. This article will be reproduced hereafter. rf 81 tf hp fiV JT «. JS*'* ^4, & *i WM TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1902. W T.4.F. J. MEftD. PUBLISHERS W. a. MEAD, EDITOR. Oiticial Paper of County. The Candidacy of Mr- Hill. '-"j"' The speech delivered by ex-Senator J"*"David B. Hill at the Manhattan club banquet in New York, February 22, "jnay be accepted as a formal announce JsC ment of his candidacy before the next jfr/1" democratic national convention. He ,%fs certain that President Roosevelt will be the republican nominee, and Roosevelt is a New York man. He is 4.. .also certain that New York will be the -'battle ground, and the inference is natural (though not necessary) that the democratic nominee should come Alrom New York—and is not Mr. Hill *v aNew York man? But in order that his candidacy might be fairly started on its way he outlines what he considers a winning At the time the article was written '.the reorganises were loudly proclaim ing their determination to reconstruct the party along Wall street lines and Mr. Hill may have been deceived as to Jv the extent of the gold.sentiment. The elections of 1897, however, showed the overwhelming strength of theChicago 'platform democracy, and all talk of reorganization was for the time aband oned. It was during this lull that Mr. -^Hill publically admitted that he voted •"r the democratic ticket in 1896. It was BO startling apiece of news that it 5was telegraphed all over the country |and it has since been reported that Ihis statement could be proved by a thumb-mark on the ticket. It is not necessary, however, to resort to. the thum b-mark—Pudd 'uhead W illson's ."favorite form of evidence. It can ^readily be admitted that Mr. Hill, patter doing all he could to defeat the ticket, voted for the candidates in order to give him technical member ship in the party. Whether he had /fully determined to be a candidate when he secretly voted the ticket, or when, after the election, he boidly at tacked the platform, cannot be de termined, but no well informed per son will doubt that he was consider ing a future nomination when he ad mitted that in the seclusion of the booth be had solemnly assumed his share of the terrible responsibility borne by those who voted for the nomi nees of the Chicago convention. From that day on his energies were bent, not toward overthrowing the or ganization, but toward changing the platform. After nearly all the states had reaffirmed the Chicago platform be changed his tactics and sought to prevent any reiteration of the planks that were objectionable to him. It |will be remembered that he at first ^protested agaiDSt'instructions, but fi nally consented to attend the conven tion as an instructed delegate. Dur lng the campaign that followed he made speeches but their influence can be measured by the fact that they se cured neither the votes, the influence S nor the contributions of those who are DOW the most enthusiastic in the sup port of his candidacy. He is the favorite son of the reorga nlzfng element in the democrat party, he is the special representative of those who have so completely forgoten the story of the prodigal son that they would place the parental homestead on wheels and start in hot pursuit of the wayward son, determined to compel ii the boy to eat fatted calf even if the husks have destroyed his taste for wholesome food. But what of HIS PLATFORM? The following is the abstract given by the press: We trace our political lineage back "to Jefferson, who was the author of that immortal protest against British Imperialism known as the Declaration $ of Independence. Opposition to the precepts and practices of imperialism jr was thus one of the cardinal principles of our party at the very inception of the government. We should adhere to the policy in volved in Jeffersonian expansion, the reasonable and natural acquirement of teiritory adjacent to our own. Whenever the American flag of right floats tshould be as an emblem of a free "i government and the aegis of constitu te tional liberty. 5 Neither should tariff wars nor cus 6 torn# duties obstruct the path of /y American trade from one portion of this government to another portion 5 The spectacle is at present presented of Cuba relieved from Spanish oppres sion only to be enslaved by the United States in commercial bondage. Jus tice demands that these impositions •nail cease. Nothing butselfinterest stands in the way of tariff reform for Cuba. The democratic party should again press to the front the issue of revenue reform. The republican principle or practice of protection is based upon the right to use the powers of govern ment for individual purposes. Our re publican friends make revenue the in cident and protection the main pur pose of all tariff taxation. The policy of reciprocity is and al ways has been a democratic policy. We believe in a strict construction of the federal constitution as essential for the public welfare. We believe in home rule for states. We favor an amendment to the con stitution providing for the election of Uuited States senators by the people. Opposition to dangerous corporate combinations of capital should con tinue to be the democratic position. The Monroe doctrine, first annuci ated by a democratic president, should remain a settled policy of this repub lic. We believe In hard money-the mon ey of the constitution—and are unal terably opposed to irredeemable paper currency. If any further enunciation of demo cratic policy upon the financial ques tion is regarded as necessary in view of the existing monetary conditions, then it is suggested that a simple dec laration in favor of the general prin ciple of bimetallism furnishes a com mon ground upon which all can Btand.'' He is sound oh imperialism, but the Kansas City platform is stronger, clearer and more explicit than his. His advice to press tariff reform comes with bad grace from one who as a democratic senator refused to support the only tariff reform measure passed since the civil war. As his silence in 1896 contributed to the success of the most conspicuous high tariff advocate in the nation It Is evident that his hostility to a protective tariff is of recent and sudden growth. As for recipfoclty, republicans favor it where it will do no good, and democrats favor a tariff reform that will largely remove the necessity fur reciprocity. The "strict construction" dectrine is democratic, but it affords almost as much latitude for iadividual action as a piauk declaring that each person should always do whit he thinks is right. It is to be hoped the senate will act favorably upon the resolutiou propo sing an amendment to Ihe constitution providiug for the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. If it docs this the only defi nite and specific plauk in Mr. lill't platform will present an issue already settled. The Monroe doctrine is not in dispute it is acceptad by all parties and Roosevelt's latest message re moves the question from the domain of partisan politics. 7 ^Opposition to dangerous corporate combinations of .capital" is entirely too vague and indefinite. The last re publican platform was stronger than that, and yet Mr. Knox is the attorney general. Mr. Cleveland was much more emphatic in his condemnation of trusts and yet he did nothitgto dis turb them. There is nota great trust in the country that would refuse to contribute liberally to the democratic campaign fund if the party would adopt Mr. Hill's anti-trust plank and then allow the trusts to select the candidate. The St. Paul Globe—A paper owned by Mr. J. J. Hill, the head of the great rail-road combine—has already published an editorial booming ex-Sen ator Hill, and the reason given for his nomination was that he could not be controlled by the corporations. This is a fair sample of corruption politics. What is a "dangerous corporate com bination?" Is-any party likely to de clare in favor of such a thing? If not how can Mr. Hill's platform present an Issue? But the money plank of Mr. Hill's proposed platform is the most unique, one. •''iVe balieve in hard money." How alluring such a platform would look to an artful dodger. A man could stand on that platform and ad vocate gold, silver, nickel or copper, ancLaftcr election declare that "hard money" simply meantmoney that was hard to get. While Mr. Hill's money plauk may mean anything or nothing, so far as metallic money is concerned he wants it understood that be is "un alterably opposed to irredeemable pa per money." As the republican party does not advocate "irredeemable pa per many it is evident thit Mr. Hill is not slriking at the republicans. lie is simply trying to get even with' the populists who supported the democrat ic ticket when he sulked and skulked, lie can forgive the gold democrats ho voted the republican ticket and swal lowed high tariff, imperialism and the trusts in order to keep the New York financiers in control of the federal treasury, but he is not willing to for give the populists who were patriotic enough to come to the rescue of the democratic party in its hour of need. Mr. Hill adds that if—IF—anything further is necessary on the money question "a simple declaration in fa vor of the general principle of bimet alism" would answer the purpose. The simple declaration would enable a dishonest man to advocate bimetal lism before election day and then after the election, place a republican construction on the word bimetallism and support legislation intended to fasten the gold standard upon the country. Mr. Hill has no word of condemnation for the "asset currency or the "branch bank." He has noth ing to say aga'inst banks of issue or against the plan to make the silver dollar redeemable in gold. He plays the part of accomplice—he tries to chloroform the sleeping democracy while republican financiers remove all the valuables from the house. The "simple declaration" which he proposes must be construed in the light of the record made by the ifian who makes the proposition. Mr. Hill's complete subserviency to the finan ciers, bis unhesitating obedience to every demand they have made stamps A" .W t^v ... his pretended interest in bimetallism as hypocritical. When President Cleveland asked to have bonds made payable in gold, Mr. Hill, then senator, went him one bet ter and introduced a resolution giving the bondholders the option NOT AT THAT TIME, BUT WHEN THE BOND BE CAME DUE. A bond payable in gold might become cheapened by the in creased production of gold, but Mr. Hill's resolution threw all the risk on the government and relieved the bond holder of any possible chance of de preciation. He acted for the bond holder and acted on the theory of the man who had some trouble with his mother-in-law and who, when she died and he was a9ked whether she should be buried or cremated, replied: "Do botb take no chances." Mr. Hill Is the leader of those who would make the democratic platform so nearly like the republican platform that a democratic victory, even if pos sible, would mean"nothing to the peo ple at large. If this change is to be made it can not be made at a high-priced banquet —it must be made by the voters of the party, and now that the voters are forewarned it behooves them to watch their organization and putnone but the faithful on guard. The rank and file cannot be corrupted or terri fied, and they must be relied Don to keep the party true to the peopled int-ri st.—Commoner. 7T FIRM IN HOUR OF DEFEAT. Britain HnmiUated by the Terrible Dlaaatetr to Hetbnen But Mot DUconraeed. London, March 12.—ExprenmouB of steadfastness have succeeded those "sf humiliation which were universal ly heard here Monday, on the publi cation of the news of Qen. Methuen'a disaster. There is little disposition to minimize the incident, but every where is heard the determination to maintain the tradition that b}owp serve to strengthen and stiffen Brit: ish resolution. Lord Jtosebery (struck the popular note Tuesday, in a speech before the Glasgow students. He admitted that it was heart-break ing after all the expenditures of life, time and money, but, he added: "It will not dishearten us. We have got to see this thing through. We must take the blows which fortune deals us with equanimity, showing ourselves worthy of better fortunes." Beports from the continent that the defeat of Gen. Methuen was fol lowed up by another fight, also favorable to the Boers, occasion some anxiety, owing to the absence of news from Gen.^jGrenfeU's column of 1,300 men, which left Klerkedorp to join Gen. Methuen. It is thought that, possibly, Gen. Delarey may havp attacked Grenfell. The war secretary, Mr. Brodriek, when asked, in the house of commons Tuesday "what steps had been taken, in view of the success of the Boers against Gen. Methuen, to send Lord Kitchener reenforcements, said 0,000 yeomanry would be immediately em barked with large drafts of cavalry and infantry. Lord Kitchener would be given all the assistance he asked for. Washington, March 12.—C. H. Wea sels and A. D. W. Wolmarans, the Boer delegates in this country, had a talk with President Boosevelt Tues day at the conclusion of the cabinet meeting. They called to pay their respects and to say good-by, as they will leave for Europe about the 20th instant after visiting Chicago and a number of other places. In the course of their interview they stated that they desired to par ticularly make known to the presi dent that they neither asked for, de sired, nor expected intervention on the part of this country or any other country. "A number of mistakes have been print-, ed about our mission to this country* iinoel we came to Washington," said Mr. Wei gels, "and the worst one is that we are try ing to get intervention. We know that this is not possible, and as a matter of fact we don't want It. What we want, however, and what we have laid before the American government, Is a request that civilised war fare be Insured In Bouth Africa. We want a fair and square fight. We are confident that we will be able to keep this war going for a number of years yet, and we think that all civilized nations, especially th* United States, are Interested in the proper rules of warfare being carried out." Deafness Cunnot Be Oared by local applications, as they cannot readi the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed condition of the mu cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases of of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur* oend for circulars, tree. ,, P- J- Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Halls Family Pillg are the best. A Boon To Humanity Is what everybody sv* who hu used St Jacobs Oil For it cures the most diffi cult cases cf Rhsumattsm— after every other form af treatment has failed. St. Jacobs OU never (aUa. It Conquers Pain' Price, 38C awl fOC. SOLD ST IN, DKAIXAA HKDionor NO ACTION IS TAKEN. House Republicans Hold Another ^.Conference on Reciprocity. ltl LONG DEBATE ON CUBAN QUESTION. Adjournment Taken Until Next Tues day—Cabinet Ministers Also Dis cuss the Blatter—The Day In Congress. Washington, March J.2.—The fourth conference of the house republicans on the reciprocity question was fruit less, like those that preceded it, the conference adjourning at midnight un til next Tuesday. The victory was with the advocates of reciprocity as the mo tion to adjourn was carried, 72 to 54, after a motion to amend the motion to make it a sine die adjournment, offered by Mr. Littlefleld, of Maine, "one of the leaders of the opposition, had been* voted down, 61 to 79. The motion to adjourn was made by Speaker Hender son, and the opponents of reciprocity claimed after the adjournment that some of their friends did not care to offend the speaker by declining to heed his appeal for a further conference. Earlier in the evening the opponents of reciprocity had insisted on a vote upon the main proposition. The see don was a stormy one. Mr. Sibley, of Pennsylvania, offered a compromise proposition for a reciprocity arrange ment to last until December 1, 1003, which he claimed had the approval and indorsement of President Boosevelt. He also said he had assurances that if the house granted a 20 percent, con cession the senate would not in crease it. Cabinet Dlaenaaea Cuba. Washington, March 12.—The cabinet discussed at length Tuesday the Phil ippine legislation, and the necessity for preserving the "open door" features of our policy in the Philippines, exactly as this government expects to have them preserved in China and through the east. The Ciiban tariff situation also vas discussed. It js understood th^t the ef fort to secure reciprocity with Cub& fcs pn administration measure that Pres ident Roosevelt is carrying it out in pursuance not merely of the policy, but of the promise of President McKinley, and with the most hearty belief in it, as being morally called for thai thla administration, like the administra tion the policy of which it is contin uing, is pledged to the reliefjof Cuba. Senate.^ Washington, March 12.—Por several hours Tuesday the senate hadi the ship subsidy bill under consideration. Sen ator Mallory (Fla.) made an extended speech in opposition to the measure. He analyzed the bill carefully, and held that there was no good reason for its enactment into law, saying he believed ft would not accomplish the results hoped for by its promoters. His oppo sition was based chiefly on the ground that it would extend the favor of the United States treasury to private indi viduals and corporations without a just return for the expenditure. Prior to consideration of the subsidiary meas ure, a lively debate* occurred over an effort on the part of Senator Berry (Ark.) to ascertain when the commit tee on privileges and elections might be expected to report' tc the senate the resolution providing for the elec tion of senators by the direct vote of the people. Senator Hoar (Mass.) in dicated his vigorous opposition to such a resolution on the ground that it would subvert the fundamental princi ples upon which the senate .was founded. Honae. Washington, March 12.—The house Tuesday entered on the consideration pf the post office appropriation bill, but as usual during general debate on an appropriation bill, the members who spoke, devoted themselves to everything except the bill before thp house. Early in the day Mr. Thayer (Mass.) attempted to take advantage of the division among the republicans on the subject of reciprocity by bring ing forward a resolution to investigate reports that the sugar trust would be the chief beneficiary of Cuban recipro ity. He tried to overturn a (Decision of the speaker in order to secure action on his resolution, but the republicans came up solidly against such a course and he was checkmated. Mr. Brantley, a Georgia democrat, made a speech in favor of Cuban reciprocity, and Mr. Meyer, a Louisiana democrat, one against it. Mr. Hill (Conn) made some remarks on his monetary bill. The fenture of the day, however, was a speech by Mr. Burleson attacking Sec retary Hay for declining to request the Britishauthoritiea to filing pass ports to go through the British lines to Rev. Hiram W. Thomas and wife, who desire to go to South Africa to dip- tribute Boer relief funds collected In Illinois. Mr. Hitt (111.), chairman of the foreign affairs committee, made a spirited reply to Mr. Burleson, charg ing the Texas member with attempt ing to prejudice the case before the evidence wa6 in. Mr. Hitt pointed out that relief funds could be distributed through the Bed Cross or the Ameri can consuls, and added that it was con trary to international law and usage to allow those in sympathy with the enemy to go through the lines in time of war. Pensioned at Agre of 108. Washington, March 12.—The presi dent has approved the bill graattng tin increased pension to Iliram Cronk, pf Ava, Oneida county, N. y., who is the last surviving soldier pensioner of the war oi 1812. He is now 102 years old. Vetoed. Washington, March 12.—President Boosevelt Tuesday sent his first veto message to congress. It was directed to the senate, and the bill vetoed was one removing the cliareg of desertion from the naval record of John Glass. Exonerated. Battle Creek, Mich., March 12.—The coroner's inquest on the death of Ab ner Case, the sole victim of the sani tarium fire of February 18, exonerated the sanitarium management from blame Tuesday afternoon. It was shown that Case reached a place of safety, but went back after a gripcon taining $1,100. He was 83 years of aire and lived in Bath) N, V, v-$r ,"7" v- PRINCE HENRY SAILS. The Royal Visitor on The Ocean Bound for Germany...„ .... GREAT CROWDS BID HIM GODSPEED. Entlinalnatlc Seen en its the Dentsch lund Leaves Her Moorings— President and Prince Ex change Farewells,' r-t New York, March 12.—rrince Henry of Prussia sailed for Germany on board the Hamburg-American liner Deutschland Tuesday afternoon. His last day in America wns spent entirely on board the Deutschland, but it was well filled with pleasing incidents. The prince breakfasted early and about ten o'clock began to receive official fare well visits, including representatives of Germany in this country and those of the United StateB government. Mayor Low, of New York, was also a caller and the prince in bidding him farewell, gave a hint that he had some intftvtion of returning to America for a second visit. The members of the party that ac companied the prince on his tour were his guests at luncheon. Covers were laid for 28 persons in the dining-rooiq of the steamship and music wa^ fur? nished by the band from the II oh en' zollern. At the close of the luncheon when it came time to say good-by the prince, taking a rose from the table, said: "This is the badge of that which 1 have been admiring during my entire trip to the United States—American beauty." He placed the flower in his buttonhole and each guest followed his example. Immediately after the luncheon at the prince's invitation the party went to the commander's bridge of the Deutschland and was there photo graphed. Then the real leave-taking began. An Incident of the forenoon was the call, of the committee of 40 New Yor^c letter carriers, representing the Ne^y York branch of the National Letter Carriers' association. They came to present the prince with a bronze tab* let, in commemoration of the martyred presidents of tjie United States, Lin coln, Garfield nnd McKinley. The let ter carriers failed to see the prince, and were received by Admiral von 8ee kendorff in his behalf. The Deutschland sailed at 3:45. As she moTed away from the pier the cheering was continuous. The prince appeared on the bridge and bowed. All down North river the pn rising tugs nnd craft of every description gave the great liner and her distinguished pas senger a noisy send-off. At the Bat tery, which was reached exactly at four o'clock, a great crowd had gath ered and cheered as the vessel steamed on down the bay. The Deutschland reached the Xnrrows at 4:35. Po^t Waflsworth and Hamilton fired salutes, which were answered by the Deutsche land's whistle, and the garrison at Port Wadsworth lined up on the bluff until the steamer had passed out into the lower bay. The Deutschland is due nt Hamburg on Monday next. The imperial yacht Hohenzollern started on her homeward trip at 2:40 o'clock Tuesday. A crowd witnessed the departure of the 6hip at her pier, and a clieer from the people wo® an* swered with a-salute by whistle from the Hohenzollern. 111 FARRWBLU ARE SAID. Exchange of Messages Between Pres« ident and Prince. Washington, March 12.—The follow ing exchanges took place Tuesday be tween Prince Henry of Prussia, who sailed for Europe on thfe Deutschland, and President Roosevelt: "Hoboken. N. J., March 11, 1902.—The President of the United States: On this day of my departure, I beg to thank you personally, as well as the nation whose guest 1 have been, fo.r all t£e kindness, consideration and good feeling I have' met with during my visit to your interesting country. I hope that my visit may have Increased the feelings of friendship be tween the country 1 represent and the United States. Bidding you farewell, let me wish you every possible success, and pray remember me to Mrs. Roosevelt apfl Miss Boosevelt, who se charmingly and with so much pluck accomplished her task when launching his majesty's yacht Meteor. Once more, most hearty thanks. May we meet agalh. "HEINRICH. PRINCE VON PREUS 8EN." "White House," Washington, March 1 1902.—Henry, Prince of Prussia, Steamer Deutschland. Hamburg Doclf, flpboken, N. J.: Not only have I enjoyed your visit personally, but on behalf of my oountry men I wish to express to you the pleasure It has been to see you and the real good I think your visit has done In promlting a feeling of friendship between Germany and the United States. It Is my most earn est wish that this feeling may strengthen steadily. Mrs. Roosevelt sends her warm regards, and so would Miss Roosevelt If she were not absent. Pray present my heartiest greetings to his majesty, the German emperor. Again, I thank you for your visit and wish you all good luck wher ever you may be. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT-'' Fire In Cblonga Chicago, March 12.—Fire completely destroyed the storage and glass plant of the Brunswick-Balke Collender Co. at Superior and Orleans streets late Tuesday night. The structure, which was five storiea in .height, burned fiercely, and only by hard work the firemen confined the'fire to these two buildings. The manufacturing plant, which sets a little to the right, was badly scorched. The loss will be large, but cannot be estimated at this time. 8.A. OONVKRSK, President. 8. B. OARPKNTKR, Vice-Pres. O. Q. WANiiKBS, Oashiwr FIRST NATIONAL HANI oaisoo, IOWA. A GENERA! BANKING MV9U NESS TRANSACTED. Safety Seposit SQISS ts Ra & INTEREST PAID ON TIIIK DEPOSITS. Coa!, Wood, Posts. Lima, Cement. I At Uidisv'i StanA, Cnwa. bi« DELIVERED FGK2 IK TOWS. •r-. 2000 LBS. Fvr a Tea E«rj Tin»«l Qoality, Basest Weight aa4 Aeoarmt* Mwwnraraanf 9ua.rutua4. WM. F. RATKERT. Hiss Lanraine Pupil of Win. H. Sherwood, Chicago, TEACHER OF PIANO PLAYING ASSISTED BY MISS GENEVIEVE DISSMORE Pupil of Wm. H. Sherwood and Wm. E. Sn der. Ratea of Term 20 hr. lessons $12.00 20i-hr. 10.00 20ihf. 6.00 WITH HISS DI88MORK. Term 20 hr. lessons $10.00 20ibr. 8.00 201br. 5.00 Refereuces: Miss Mead Is a conscientious aqd Intelligent music teacher.—IFm. II. Sherwoodi Miss Mead studied in Boston one year, part of the time was under my immediate instruction in the branch of piano. Miss Mead is very studious and her progress was entirely satis factory. She has had experience- in teaching and it aflovds me great pleasure to recommend her.—F. M. Davis, Professor of Piano and VioMn, Boston Tminiruj School of Music. GREAT WESTERN T. Ofllce Bnrne4. Fremont, Neb., March 12.—Fire which started at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday after noon in the new building occupied by the Dally Tribune destroyed the en tire newspaper andi job printing plant of the Tribune company, leaving only the bare walls. Prnctically nothing was saved from the building, and the entire plant and stock of paper and stationery, value at $78,000, will be a total loss, 1 .. Miaalaaippl Han*iri«a. Brookhaven, Mass., March 12.—John J. Basser was hanged here Tuesday for the murder of Tom Laird. Ellisvllle, Miss., March 12.—Jake Gil more (colored) was hanged Tuesday, having been convicted of murdering his wife. Tunica, Miss., March 12.—For a mur der committed several years ago, Jim Troublefleld (colored) was legally ex ecuted here Tuesday. IbWWP^P ipsw^gm TIMB TABLS-OO SG MOBTH. NOV. 24,1901. Daily. Dally. Daily :S0p. m. 11:0Op.m. 6:46a. 11:40P.m. *.08a.m. 1:67p.ID 10:55a.m. 7:05p.m. 10:45pm 8:80 p. m. 2:30 a. m. 8:86 a.m 2:05 a.m. 7:05 a.m. 4:15 p.m 8:07 a, m, 8:P8 a, m. 5 20 p.m 8:35 a. m. 8:85 a. m, 5:47 p. 8:55 a, m. 8:56 a, m. 6 06 p. DO 4:06 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 6:17 p. n. 9:22a.m. 6:38p.m Chicago Dubuque Kanaaa City Dea Molnee Oelweln New Hampton E!m» Rlcevltlc *oIntlrefe«5 Taopi ifgtg At. Pan I Minneapolis .vilnneapoue St. Paul Taopi Motntlre Rloevlile Elma T:50a.m. 12:50 p.m. 10:00 p. S:25a. m, 1:25 p.m, 10:85 p.m GOING SOUTH. 7:85p.m. 10:46p.m. 7:40a.m 11:20p.m. 8:10a.m 8:44 a.m. 11:80 a. 4:06 a. m. ll:45a. 4:18a. m. 11:66p.m 8:10 p.m. 11:45 p. m, 11:58 p. m. 12:12 a.m. ,, ».u., 4:40 a. m, 12:15p. Now Hampton 12:S7 a. m, 6:16 a. m. 12:40 p. Oelwelo 1:55 a.m. I:fl0a.m. 1:46 p.m Doa Molnee 7 00a.m. ll:4la.m. o.oop.m KanaaaClty 8:00p.m 8:10p.m. 7:00a,m Dubuque 4:08a.m. S:0Sa.m. 4:00p.m nhicago 9:80 a. m, 1:40 p.m. 9:80 r. Preeolialr earl,Pullman standard and com partmantileeplngoars. Dining care on gorr r-oa*) t?*n P« ELUER Ga P. 4 T. A*.OhlG&ffO. Livery and Jale Stable. "Vif My stable is furnished with New Rigs with Good Horses and Careful Driv ers when wanted. I am paepared to give the public first-class service at reasonable prices. Barn opposite the Depot, Cresco,. Ia W. C. LENTH, PROP, P. G. BUTTON, V. Office at Potter's Livery Barn, Cresco, Iowa. Northern Iowa Telephone No. 71. DR. J. J: AHERN Physician and Surpoii. Booms 1, 2, 3 and|4, over Am undson fc Lofthus'. Hours 1 to 5 p. m. Cresco, Iowa Amos E.JS Barker ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over the Andrew DR.R.A. MORTON. 'DENTIST. Rooms over Miller JOHN FAHN8WORTH,Mr, H. W. YOUNG, Cashiai BANK OF finEsoifl "l CRESCO, IOWA. Receives Deposits, and Makes Cq $1- Buys aul Sells Exchange, Government liond and other securities, aud does a general bank ng business. y-£?V.% n.-v•' -v ,v-. Drafts on Europe for Sale ma.* Improved and Unimproved- liea Estate Bought and Sold ,- ., on Commission. Passage Tickets at Reduced Rates AMERICAN Loan and Trust Co., iPfeRESCO, IOWA. J. C. WBBSTKR, Pres. H. T. RKKD, Vice Pres. -r "*3 P- DAVIS, Seoretary.^ Owner and Proprietor of-the Only Com plete SET BP ABSTRACT BOOp In Howard Connty. S Abstracta of Title to Lands and Town Lota furnished on short notice. Special advantages for making Farm Loans and selling Real Estate. Willard Converse •i Attorney and Counselor *1 JM „and AtlMr Booms 8 4 Berg Block. CRESCO, IOWA JOHN McCOOK Attorney and Conuselor at r©al l.nw CBBSCO, IOWA. Will practice in all the courts of tbe states' make loanB, and attend to buying and selling estate and securities. Office over Oresco Union Savings Bank. GS P. F. MoHUGH Attorney and Couneelor at W. K. Barker 8. Honor Graduate of tbe Ontario Veterinary Col •ejfe, Toronto, Canada, mem "or of tbe Onta rio Veterinary Medical Association. Treats all diseases of the domesticated ani mals by tbe most approved methods. Special attention dren to surgical operations and horse dentistry. AU calls, day or night, nromot ly attended to. Cbarges moderate. H. BOWKBS, Q. l' JohusoQ Go's Store, Oresco, Iowa. **?Uwr- & Webbcr'B Hardware Store, Crcsco, Law. Lyric Hall Block. ORESOO, IOWA. JOSEPHf GRIFFIN Attorney and Counselor 1 at Law. ZEjXJZMZA, XJSl. Offioe over Conway's Furniture 8tire. Will Practice in All the Courts of the State John M. Cannon Attoraey aii Co wlir At-Lai Real Estate Agent and General In saranoe Business. Front Booms in Flatt BnlldiogT^' fsco, '°W»gg J*"' Lloyd Barker- Barker & Barker Attorneys and Counselors at Law Bear of Cresco Union Savings Bank, Crtaco, Iova. Will Practice in All the Courts of the, ?United States. -L /r( TVT M. MOON, s^- JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OBXBOO, IOWA. Office with darker & Upton, In 'Union Bav lngg Bank Building. J. L. Scripture, M.D. p.. Physician and Surgeon Cresco, Iowa. Af' --f Rooms 8 *nd 4, over J. H.' Luer'g Drug Store. HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSIOIA*. OBBSOO, IOWA. Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Office over Lon^as Hardware minrn Office Hours a to a. ia. and to 4 p. m. OR. I. E. McM, DENTIST Office, Front Rooms over J. Liters' Drug Store* KEIXOGG, D. D. 8., I Booms 7 and 8 Berg Blook. OBESCO, Moa&rirst QK. G. H. KELLOGG, la. educate Tour Bowels witb Cascarma* I0WA?: 8nas,het,c^ssSra»A& DENTAL SUEGSN, OBBBOO, IOWA. Ilt0«