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xs~' 05 vsF"' *K*r $*Ln, If .. 1 i8pS^R fnfr""' 3? #. V, H-' i-rv "i-V Church Dedication. jisT'V The dedication of the Catholic church at Plymouth Rock will occur on Tues day, June 9th. The Archbishop of the piocese has delegated the Very Rev. P. -A. Walsh, of Waukon, to perform the dedicatory service. Solemn High Mass at 10 o'clock. The ladies of the parish will serve a public dinner at noon. The ceremony of dedication, with sermon and solemn benediction, at 2 o'clock. Everybody is welcome. 5*V •~t'k i1\ ADMISSION 25C Velie Vehicles Primary Election Returns of Howard County. Senator Governor County Auditor County Treasurer V-H., Alii- Cum- Oar- Garst Cham- Jones Law- Kakac Wild- Wliito sou mins roll pllti son man, Albion. 14 39 22 19 24 31 4 25 14 19 Forest City 46 81 46 41 18 85 32 47 32 43 Chester 40 34 40 8 4 6 67 27 14 33 Oak Dale 8 18 9 12 12 1 13 15 1 11 •Jamestown 21 56 26 37 26 31 16 65 9 3 Saratoga 22 30 25 13 23 14 15 57 2 2 Howard Center 10 20 13 8 8 18 9 8 1 27 Vernon Springs 15 41 28 28 22 23 11 10 14 32 Cresco, First Ward .« 23 36 21 19 29 25 10 13 11 40 Second Ward 38 86 42 56 40 64 16 32 29 59 Third Ward 49 80 57 46 56 59 19 39 23 73 New Oregon, No. 1 2 21 5 16 15 8 0 5 2 15 New Oregon. No. 2 11 9 17 2 4 18 0 15 2 6 Paris, No. 1. 7 21 5 16 16 7 2 14 0 11 Paris, No. 2 5 14 8 4 7 5 8 9 3 7 Howard No. 1 9 30 12 25 17 12 6 23 4 6 Howard No. 2 0 7 3 2 0 5 4 10 0 1 Afton No. 1 22 16 17 16 12 24 9 12 1 22 Afton No. 2 14 30 5 0 0 6 0 0 '••#7: Totals 343 643 399 360 338 436 241 432 102 410 Majorities Lumber Sawing! We will saw lumber every Monday in each week at our mill in the village of Protivin. Bring your logs at any time when you are ready to build, and we will saw them for you into any kind of lumber you wish. Remember the date —every Monday in each week during the whole year. If you want to get a good job of lumber sawing, come and try us. We guarantee good work and reasonable prices. FRANK KALISHEK & FR. KLIMA & Co. "A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever" Having on hand the most complete assortment of Surreys, Buggies, Spring Wagons -i* and Road Wagons to be found in Northeastern Iowa, you will be enabled to make a, •A selection that will please you. It will pay you to look over the Velie work very carefully, i-Vand if you appreciate good honest construction in a vehicle, the channel iron single-reach, special dash brace, plugless body and elegant finish will certainly appeal to you. pais A Strong Guarantee Covers This Work Call early and make your selection. VOL. XLIX NO. 80 CRESCO, HOWARD COUNTY, IOWA, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1908. Clerk Dist. Court Blan* din 44 71 "41 20 76 38 11 23 31 56 63 8 5 5 2 15 3 17 7 Hoop er 7 10 10 4 4 8 13 12 12 41 37 7 10 21 18 17 6 12 0 Mar shall 6 32 12 1 2 6 *8 19 12 19 25 8 5 0 0 1 0 v- 4 0 536 1 160 M. W. A. and R. N. A. Notice. All mombers of the Modern Wood men and Royal Neighbors are request ed to meet at Woodman hall promptly at 8:30 a. m., Sunday, June 7th, and proceed to the cemeteries to dccorate graves of our deceased members. Committee. Ice Cream. Phone your orders for ice cream. Prompt delivery by quart or gallon. PALM CAFE. At Vernon Springs Called at 3 O'clock This is a Sure Thing. You will see a Good Game. Celebrate the 4th 4t Cresco. Sousa's Band plays "Whistle." Wanted—Girl to do cooking in the City Restaurant. A. Gravos. N. A. Blackburn, Lawyer office opposite the National Bank. FOR SALE—Seed buckwheat. En quire at Cresco Roller Mills. Watch the papers for 4th of July events—something doing all the time. Dr. W. T. Daly, physician and surgeon office over Glass's restaurant. Will Shea has been quite ill for a few days past, and has not been able to work. r- i. -.1 .'! The Methodist ladies will serve din ner in the dining room of the church July 4th. Dr. J. W. Jinderlee, physician and surgeon office, Rooms 1 and 2, Luers' Building. Tom Hayes arrived yesterday from San Angelo, Tex as, where he spent the winter. Geo. H. Wetter and family departed from Lime Springs for their new home at Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Fred Williams came up from Marion, la., Monday, for a visit at the W. B. Lent home. Anew lot of Spring goods just re ceived, at D. AMUNDSON'S, Merchant Tailor, Cresco, Iowa. If you want a farm loan at a low rat of interest, see American Loan & Trust Company, Cresco, la. Anew lot of spring goods just re ceived at D. AMUNDSON s, Merchant Tailor Cresco. Iowa. I. S. Steenslan'd is down from Hutch inson, Minn., visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Roy and Ruby Watros arrived yester day from Illinois for a short visit with Cresco relatives and friends. W. C. Brown and family are out from New York sojourning at their summer home at Lime Springs. The 4th of July Celebration with the Chautauqua will make that the greatest gala day in the history of Cresco. There will be a market in the base ment of the Baptist church next Sat urday commencing at ten o'clock. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate call on Geo. H. Owens. Office over First National Bank, Cresco, Iowa. FARM FOR SALE—Three miles from Cresco, of 120 acres. Terms right Price right. Enquire at this office. Try a delicious Ice Cream Cone. The more you eat tlje more you want. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. The Belgian Stallion Talmage, will be at Button's Barn Saturday's during the season. F. H. KEUNE, Groom. FOR RENT—House, with barn, cis tern and city water. Enquire of CHAS. BYRNES. We are showing a line of pan goods that will make your mouth water. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. WANTED:—Wasfcings to do, or work by the day MRS. BOLGER, Cresco, Iowa. No Greeks employed in the candy factory who make the line we are sell ing. THE GRILT. CONFECTIONERY. Miss Nellie Genshow came down from St. Paul, Monday evening, for a short visit at the home of her father. Try a "Merry Widow." Very pop ular with the young men! See her at THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY, 0 John W. Buehler left Tuesday even ing for a visit at the home of his parents at Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. Our Ice Cream Parlor is', now open and we are serving sonife new drinks that are up-to-dato. r* THE GRILL C^FECTIONEI' GAME! Pasturage for horses and cattle. Plenty of feed and water. Enquire of VINCENT KAPLER, on the former Chas. Byrnes farm. W. H. Tillson was taken very ill with an attack of lumbago on Tuesday night while counting ballots and was taken home about 2 a. m. Mrs. Martha Painter came up from Waukon yesterday for a week's visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klaffke. N. B. Wheeler arrivad yesterday morning from Florida, having come by way of New York and stopping for a visit with relatives in Ohio. Mrs. Caspari, having rooms with Mrs. Bolger on the South side, would like some plain sewing to do at her home. Will work reasonably. If you want correct abstracting done, and cheap prices too, it will pay you to see the American Loan & Trust Co., before oriering your abstract. Dr. Button's Stock Tonic—the best thing you can gat for your poultry. Buy a 50c or $1.00 package at the Milz Drug Store and give it a trial. Ice cream by the dish, quart or gallon. Fancy brick cream in the colors for receptions. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. FOR SALE—A fine book-case and side board, both finished in golden oak and in good condition. Will be sold cheap. Enquire of MRS. J. L. SCRIPTURE. Try one of our delicious Ice Cream Sodas. Nothing but pure cream and fresh fruit used. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. Your lawn mower may cut, but does it run easy? When a mower comes out of our grinder it runs true and easy. Auto shop. A. W. WENTWORTH. If you want complete and correct Abstract of title of your farm or town property, you will save money by get ting your abstract of E. R. THOMPSON. Dr. Scripture is spt ndir.f .a couple of weeks at Lime Springs where he is in charge of Dr. Carpenter's practice while that gentleman is absent in Chicago. The laying of the corner stone of the Parochial school at Lourdes will occur next Sunday afternoon, June 7th, at 3 o'clock. The public will be cordially welcomed and invited to attend. Have you seen our new line of Home Made Candies? Come in! We have the "swellest" line of Home Made Candies in the city. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. Tying her bonnet under her chin, She tied her raven ringlets in Then to the store she went with glea, For Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. —Wm. Connolly. Come in and hear all about the last ball game while you are being served with one of our delicious Ice Cream Sodas. We have the goods. THE GRILL CONFECTIONERY. If you are thinking of rodding your buildings, it will pay you to see me. I can furnish you any lightning rod you want, and will guarantee my work. ANDREW SMITH. Don't wait until lightning strikes your buildings and burns them to the ground, but call on ANDREW SMITH. He will make them absolutely safe from lightning with the Dodd & Struther lightning rod. JUNK DEALER—I will pay the highest cash prices for old rags, rubbers, met als, iron, and for all kinds of hides and furs. Second door east of B. Isaac's residence. I guarantee square dealing. JOE FELDSTEIN. Pronounced by millions the greatest strength maker, appetite builder and health restorer. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you feel that life is worth living. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. —Wm. Connolly. 1 7th, '08 Cures dizzy spells, tired, feelings, stomach and liver troubles, keeps you well all summer. That's what Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Try it and*$ou will always buy it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.—Wm. Connolly. Poultry kept in confinement such as is necessary during the summer months need a good tonic. None better than the Dr. Button Stock Tonic. It is put up in 50c and $1.00 cartons for the con venience of those who need it in but small quantities. John M. Farnsworth marketed 73 pounds of cream last Thursday that tested 53 per cent., for which he re ceived 21c per pound, netting him $8.13. It was considered the best batch of cream and scored the highest test of any received at the Cresco Creamery. His separator is a De Laval that he purchased of W. H. Miller, the separ ator man. The imported Belgian stallian, Gamin de Ligne, No. 2375, Will make the seas on of 1908, at P. G. Button's barn in Cresco, in charge of John Streinz. This stallion is owned by the Burr Oak Horse Co. He was foaled in 1901, arid imported in 1904. His color is dark bay with black spots. Registered and certificated by both Iowa and Minne sota agricultural departments. I Jacob and John Smith, of Cumber land, Iowa, and Will Smith, of Deer field, Iowa, recently arrived at the home of Andrew Smith in Cresco where they met with the rest of the brothers, seven in number, to call on Grandpa Smith, who has been sick during the past month but is able to be around now. The meeting will long be remembered by the brothers as it was the first time that they have all met since parting about 33 years ago. The Imported Black Percheron stal 'lion Orginista (68735) 51470 (P. H. No. 1746), will make the balance of the season at P. -G. Button's barn, Cresco, Iowa, at the following terms. $10.00 to insure and $12.00 for a living colt. Also the imported chestnut Shire stallion Stuntney Sagamore (23928) 8669 (P. H. No. 1616), will be at the above barn during the season. Terms to insure, $12.00 for a living colt $15. The above horses are equal to the best to be had and it is a great opportunity for breeders to improve their stock at a very nominal fee. Come in and look them over. A. B. HOLBERT. Union Woodmen Memorial Services. The annual Memorial services of the Modern Woodmen, Woodmen of the I World. Royal Neighbors and Wood man Circle will be hold at the CoDgre gational church Sunday, June 7, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. H. J. Hinman will de liver the memorial address and Rev. Gammons and Rev. Hill will assist in the services. A special musical pro gram will be rendered. All members of the above orders are requested to be present at this their first union memorial service. Members will meet at Woodmen hall at prompt 2:00 p. m. and march to the church in a body. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this ser vice. Committee. •"s h- Cottage for Rent. A six room cottage with good cellar cistern. JOHN MCHUGH, 7(w3 Cresco, la. LADIES FREE Calumett Baking Powder Has a Record to be Proud of* vi?? $1 PER YEAR Primary Results. 1 A Returns have been very slow in coming in and not until Wednesday evening was it decided that Allison had carried the state by 11,000 for the re publican nomination for senator. In the county, the republican contests ^enteredIn the senatorial fight and, on the three county offices in which there were contests. The Allison vote in Howard County was a surprise, being much larger than expected, he carrying three of the precincts. The race for treasurer between Kakac and White was very close, Kakac win ning out with a plurality of 22. For auditor, the race was between Jones and Champlin, the former win ning with a plurality of 98. Blandin for clerk won over Hooper and Marshall with a vote larger than that of his competitors combined. The democrats had but one contest that caused any discussion, that for the congressional nomination for this district. Anders carried Howard County by a majority of 12, the vote-in the county by precincts being as follows: Plain Dealer. We believe the democrats of this county, as a whole, are not in favor of 'j placing the democracy of the state in control of the bushwhackers and we' propose to acquaint them with the-, political pedigree of those who wear. the cloak of democracy to aid them in connivance with the republican party to further their personal ambitions. Pony Stallion for Service. 1 My fine Shetland Stallion will stand for service this season for the accom-. modation of those owningpony^or-email mares ,and who wish to breed them to a pony stallion. For particulars en-' quire of Jaines Epps, at Epps' & Kel ly's barber shop, or of the undersigned at his farm east of Cresco. Sv «$ 5S Anders Geiser Albion 4 2 Forest City 6 0 Chester 7 10 Oak Dale 2....... 2 Vernon Springs 5... 8 Cresco—1st ward 7 3 2d ward 6... 19 3d ward 14 13 Howard Center 3....... 9 Saratoga 3 1 Jamestown 7 2 New Oregon—1st precinct. .15 8 2d ..12 21 Paris—1st precinct 5 18 Paris—2d 14 7 Howard—1st precinct 6... 10 Howard—2d 9 1 Afton—1st precinct 26 15 2nd 12 2 -iAA I* ~4 -i.® 1 163 151 The result in this district was against Mr. Anders, he conceding the election of Mr. Geiser by 120 votes. Anders carried Clayton by 96, Allamakee by 27, Winneshiek by 88, Howard by 12, Mitchell by g42. Geiser carries Chickasaw by 521 and Fayette by 14. Floyd, CerroGordo and Worth counties have not yet been heard from. The fight aganst Ander was a dirty 1 one, and nothing was left undone to create prejudice against him every where by the representatives of the Palmer andBuckner democracy (?)-anti Bryan. It is strange that democrats will allow themselves to be misled by the statements of the enemies of the true democracy. In Cresco, the political personnel of the cohorts lined up for Geiser should have been a warning to those democrats who believe in the democracy of Bryan. Chief among the Geiser workers was a man who in 1896 openly talked and voted for Palmer and Buckner. has been a republican ever since and only two years ago was one of the ardent Cummins republicans f. of the town. The democratic pedigree of others of the workers and some of the delegates to the county convention, shows similar crosses of the Cleve land-Wall Street democracy and will be discussed in later issues of the S. A. SUTTON. 3 early risers The famous little aUIs.