OCR Interpretation

Twice-a-week plain dealer. (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa) 1895-1913, February 26, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88059319/1909-02-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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W. 52
W. J. Patterson left Tuesday even
ing for Chicago.
Cream Puffs at the Ideal Bakery next
Saturday. GEO. CHAMPLIN.
Oak posts for sale. Enquire of
Dr. W. T. Daly, physician and
surgeon office over Glass's restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Breedlove were
down from Chester a couple days this
LOST—Wednesday evening, a folding
key. Finder will please leave at this
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Norton were up
from Decorah to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Dow.
If you want a tarm loan at a low rate
of interest, see American Loan & Trust
Company, Cresco, la.
The New Oregon Cemetery Associ
ation will meet with Miss Emma Barth
Wednesday, March 3rd.
If you want to buy or sell Real Estate
call on Geo. H. Owens. Office over
First National Bank, Cresco, Iowa.
WANTED—To buy a young grade bull
of any breed, large enough for service,
The Waterloo Wagon Box Spreader is
guaranteed to do the work at half the
cost. Sold by C. C. Mclntire, Cresco,
Iowa. 26tf
Mrs. James Vrba, living north-east
of Protivin, died very suddenly of heart
failure at her home on Wednesday
If you want first class dry oak wood,
leave order with or 'phone to Donald
son's Feed Barn for prompt delivery
by James Green.
If you want correct abstracting done
and cheap prices too, it will pay you to
see the American Loan & Trust Co.,
before ordering your abstract.
We will make a very low price on
soft coal and wood heaters rather than
carry them over.
1909 CRESCO 1909
Begins Monday, June 28
Iowa's Banner Assembly
N. A. Blackburn, Lawyer office
opposite the National Bank.
FOR SALE—Some good second-hand
boiler flues for sale cheap. Enquire at
Joe Block's old stand.
We have a few soft coal and wood
heaters that we will give inducements
on, rather than carry them over.
A few cords of dry, poplar wood for
sale at $4.00 per cord if taken at once,
as I want to close it out. 'Phone
Ridgeway 7. LEON LEWIS.
FOR SALE—Three registered Short
Horn bulls one year old. All reds.
Write or Phone W. J. WEBSTER,
Cresco, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs R. F. Thompson left
Monday for a visit with old friends at
West Union. Their SOP, C._ E., and
brother left the week previous for their
new home in Kansas.
The Palm Cafe has been moved to
the north room in the Strother House
block and is now ready for the accom
modation of all parties desiring first
class service. OLE TIEGEN.
The west building of F. C. Woel
stein's will be at once repaired and fit
ted for occupancy. What will be done
in the way of rebuilding the one totally
destroyed is somewhat problematical
with Mr. Woellstein.
Your eyes may suit you but perhaps
your glasses do not. If you wish to
see all the latest styles in eyeglasses
call on Karl D. Fisk at the Strother
Hotel, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day, March 2d, 3rd and 4th.
The long winter Months- heavy foodt
—lack of exercises decrease your vital
ity, make you feel mean. Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea gives you vitality
—clears the blood—builds up flesh.
Makes you strong and robust. Great
Spring medicine. Tea or Tablets, 35
cents.—Wm. Connolly.
J. C. Porter will have an auction sale
on his place 4 miles northeast of Cres
coon next Tuesday, March 2nd, to dis
pose of six head of horses and colts, 11
head of cows and young cattle, a full
set of farm machinery and some house
hold goods. The usual terms given.
Free lunch at noon. Finegan is the
If you have any idea of buying a
wood or coal heater, we will make you
a very low price to save storage.
No more divorces.
"Hubby" will stay a lover true,
Every wife his only sweetheart, too,
Perpetual matrimonial bliss 'twill be,
If both take Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea.—Wm. Connolly.
I have rented my farm 14 miles
south of Cresco on the New Oregon
road and will have an auction sale of
horses, cattle and machinery at my
place on Thursday, March 4th.
Don't forget that F. C. Woellstein
will.open for business next Saturday
in the old Johnson store building next
to Huessellman's meat market, with
a big lot of salvage goods. Lots of
big bargains for lucky purchasers there.
Social functions of winter, midnight
lunches, loss of sleep tell on the health.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea clears
the blood, aids digestion, relieves fa
tigue makes and retains your health.
Greatest tonic. Tea or Tablets, 35
cents.—Wm. Connolly.
On our last page will be found an
advertisement of the closing out sale of
Malek Bros, stock at Schley, la. The
sale is in charge of Mr. Peters, a gen
tleman from Minneapolis, who has had
wide experience in such sales and who
has provided some tempting bargains.
The first spring term of the Water
loo College of Commerce and the Oel
wein Business University, begins
March 1st. 400 students now enrolled.
Positions as soon as qualified. Cata
logue free. Address either school, or
R. E. Ekland, President, W a tar loo or
Oelwein, Iowa.
For the latest eye glasses and the
new invisible bifocal lenses see Karl D.
Fisk about them. The new fused
Kryptok bifocal lense makes you young
again. That is what they say who use
them. Cresco at the Strother Hotel,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, March
2d, 3rd, and 4th.
Misery in Stomach.
Why not start now—to day, and for
ever rid yourself of Stomach trouble
and indigestion? A dieted stomach gets
the blues and grumbles. Give it a
good eat, then take Pape's Diapepsin
to start the digestive juices working.
There will be no dyspepsia or belching
of Gas or eructations of undigested
food no feeling like a lump of lead in
the stomach or heartburn, sick head
ache and Dizziness, and your food will
not ferment and poison your breath
with nauseous odois.
Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents
for a large case at any drug store here,
and will relieve the most obstinate case
of indigestion and Upset Stomach in
five minutes.
There is nothing else better to take
Gas from the Stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines, and besides,
one triangule will digest and prepare
for assimilation into the blood all your
food the same as a sound, healthy
stomach would do it.
When Diapepsin works your stom
ach rests—gets itself in order, cleans
up—and then you feel like eating when
you come to the table, and what you
eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all stomaoh
Misery is waiting for you as soon as
you decide to begin taking Diapepsin
Tell your druggist that you want
Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to
be thoroughly cured of Indigestion.
Good Words for Kull.
Editor Bishop of the New Hampton
Tribune, has paid the Iowa legislature
a visit, and has the following to say ot
Howard countys representative:
"Representative Kull of Howard
county, who lives just over the line
north of Saude, is a farmer, but he has
the trim, well groomed appearance of
a prosperous business man. At home
he is a practical farmer who
slops hogs, milks cows aid engages in
all kinds of farm work. In the legis
lature he is an active, influential mem
ber of the House and in the "Cherokee
Strip," which means the Democratic
side. We believe he is a good sort of
a fellow to know .and hope he will find
way over here to New Hampton
some day."
For Sale or Rent.
Our store building and fixtures in
Schley. Enquire of MALEK BROS
Expected Objections Are Made—A
Letter from Independence.
On next Monday evening the council
men will act on the propositions of
paving and curbing Elm street and one
block east and west from Elm street
on Railroad and Park streets.
As was expected, some opposition
has developed among the property
owners on Elm street. The first cost
of paving is admittedly somewhat ex
pensive, and it is natural that some
should seek excuses for avoiding the
cost to them.
The council expected opposition.
There has been opposition to our water
works system, opposition to granting
franchises for telephones and electric
lighting, objections to building our new
school houses and to our sewerage
system and all, save the telephone
franciiise, opposed because of its 2ost.
But has not the wisdom of those who
favored these improvements been en
dorsed by the results in every instance.
As we understand the matter, the
objectors do not claim that paving is
not needed or desirable, but wish it
postponed, or make the claim that the
whole city should bear the expense of
Those who belong to the first class
say, "wait till the Dan Patch air line
reaches Cresco and make it stand its
share of the expense." The PLAIN
DEALER earnestly wishes for the build
ing of the electric road, and believes
that within the course of a few years
Cresco will have the Dan Patch or some
other electric road, but it also believes
that at its present rate of progress—30
miles of grade in two years—that Cres
co can not afford to delay paving until
the Dan Patch reaches the city.
Those who say that the city should
pay all the cost are simply asking for
continuation of the plan that has
been followed for all the years of the
incorporation of Cresco—taxing the
city for the improvement of the busi
ness streets. With the exception of
some very good road work and tiling
during the past few years on some of
the quick sand streets of the town, but
little work has been done on the streets
in tha residence district, while some
years nearly every dollar of road tax
and a large slice of general fund has
been spent on the business streets.
It is true that paving is a consider
able expense but it is practically a
permanent improvement and enhances
to the extent of its cost the property
contiguous, and with its cost extended,
if desired, over a period of seven years
gives the property owners benefits
worth far more yearly than the cost of
paving as it falls due.
Opposition to paving is always found,
but it is never introduced in a city
without being rapidly extended. De
corah property owners bitterly resisted
in the courts payment for the first
paving in their city. The next year,
property owners on other streets asked
for paving. At Austin, injunction pro
ceediggs were resorted to, now their
paved streets are the pride and boast
of the city.
Paving will give an air of prosperity
and enterprise to Cresco that will be
worth much to the city, and will be
an improvement the economy of which
will be seen in future years. Moreover,
the money put out in this improvement
is principally used to pay for labor,
sand, crushed rock, etc., and will be a
stimulant to Cresco business and an aid
to its laboring men.
In connection with Cresco's paving
proposition, we append the following
letter dated Feb. 24th inst., from R.
G. Swan, Mayor of Independence to
one of Cresco's business men in re
sponse to an inquiry concerning the
cost, advantages and economy of pav
ing in that city:
"In reply to yours of yesterday, in
reference to the advantages of paving
in our city, would say that three years
ago we let our first contract, which
amounted to about $17,000, and I can
assure you that it was in the face of
the worst kind of opposition, but the
council voted it in. The next year we
entered into another contract of about
$13,000, and last fall made a contract
with the Turner Co., of Des Moines for
a $20,000 contract which will be put in
as soon as the weather permits the
gravel is now on the ground for the
work, and they commenced to unload
the brick this week. When this job is
completed, we think we will have one
of the best paved towns of its size in
Iowa, and we are all proud of the work
that has been done, and I do not think
that today you could induce any ot the
property owners to go back to the old
style of streets, in fact a number of
property owners have expressed them
selves as willing for us to pave the
residence streets in front of their prop
erty any time we want to. The pav
ing is kept very clean at a very small
expense, we bought a street sweeper
and sweep about twice a week, and sell
most of the sweepings when we deliver
and give it away where the parties do
their own hauling, so that the actual
cost is only nominal, and occasionally
we turn the fire hose on the paving,
which serves to flush the mains and
washes the streets absolutely clean
and at the same time destroys and gets
away with all germs. I might say
that when we let our second contract,
we had a street car line which was on
the streets we desired to pave and the
car company found that it would cost
them nearly $2000 to pay the paving
tax between the rails, and that they
could not possibly stand the expense.
We did not stop our work on that
account and the car line was taken up
and the paving went on.
If the city council of Cresco has any
backbone they will certainly order it
in and I am sure they .will never regret
their action, and again it is only a mat
ter of a short, tune when some other
council will do it, and get the credit of
doing something for the city they live
in. The advantages of paving are
cleanliness, economy, in that they do
not have to be graded and constantly a
source of expense and a great satis
faction to the public who use the streets.
Yours truly,
R. G. SWAN, Mayor.
List of Awards at (lie
The boy's contest was somewhat
disappointing as only four took part
but Mr. Ayery spoke a good word for
those that did take part and said that
they did as well or better than any
class he had ever had and we hope
another year if the same privilege is
given to them that there will be a large
class because it is a good study for the
young men and it is getting to an age
where man must farm with his brain
as well as with his hands. Prizes were
awarded as follows:
White.—Volney Vance, first Ralph
Doolittle, second Henry Bronner,
Yellow.—Ralph Doolittle, first
Richard Bigalk, second Volney Vance,
Calico.—Volney Vance, first, no com
Boys' judging contest.—John Daly,
first, scholarship, score 80 per cent
Ralph Doolittle, second, $2.00, score 78
per cent Volney Vance, third, $1.00,
score 71 per cent Richard Bigalk,
fourth, $.75, score 61 per cent.
Applies to Cresco.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Feb. ID—Spec
cial: The Southwestern Iowa Editorial
association in sepsiou here today, pass
ed a resolution censuring the national
government for the practice of solicit
ing the printing of envelopes at a price
less than the work can be done by the
country printers. It was stated that
these solicitations were sent through
the mail franked, a feature of theprac
tice which came in for consideration.
Press Report.
This reminds us. Last week we re»
ceived through our box at the post
office a circular, without postage and
from the office of some Assistant Post
master General, setting forth the ad
vantages and the cheapness of govern
ment stamped envelopes. The circular
was in all probability placed in the box
of practically every person who uses a
considerable number of envelopes dur
ing the year. The plea set up in the
opening paragraph of the circular that
the use of stamped envelopes aids the
post office department and improves
the service" may be true. We can see
no good reason, however, for the post
master at. New Hampton turning him
self into a solicitor and pushing the
business in competition with local prin
ters. The distribution of this circular
may have been required by the depart
ment and in that case no one can find
fault. The soliciting for business which
the local postoffice officials engage in,
however, is open to criticism, and rais
es the question whether it would not
aid the department and1 improve the
service" if a parcels post were adopt
ed so that a farmer might have a
wagon or a harvesting machine deliver
ed to him through the mails.
The printing of envelopes for the
entire town would not amount to a large
revenue for the printers in New Hamp
ton, but the policy which appears to be
in vogue of having government agents
act as solicitors in competition with the
printers of this and every other town
is wrong. If a community of interests
exists here, the s|ogan to "trade at
home" applies to pur contention that
the envelopes sttould be bought at
home.—New Hampton Tribune.
Alice Rudd was boin in Centerville,
N. Y., July 4th, 1818. There she grew
to womanhood. In 1837 she was mar
ried to Asher C. Dow, who died in
Cresco Nov. 7th, 1893. In the year
1854 she moved to Wisconsin, which
was their home until 1867 when she
came to Iowa and settled in Orleans
township. Five children were born to
them, three of wshom are still living.
Mrs. D. A. Norton with whom she had
made her home during the last fifteen
years of her life Wm. Dow, Cal and
Dwight of Washington. Mrs. Dow
united with the M. E. Church in 1848
having at the tio^e of her death been a
member over fift* years. She depart
ed this life Fe». 20th, 1909, aged 90
years, 7 months fend 16 days. Funeral
services conducted by Rev. Gammons
were hold at the home Tuesday after
noon. Burial was in Oak Lawn.
Bring Your Jug Along.
I have 300 gallons best Cider Vinegar
worth 30 cents, now 15 cents.
U/^ *'•CV
Farmers In-
Mr. Avery's talk on corn was both
interesting and profitable it coming
from an experienced man he owns and
handles 240 acres. He explained how
it should be picked and handled after it
was gathered, also his method of test
ing it. It was similar to what we had
heard before, but such talk coming
from a practical farmer sets others to
thinking and a great many to acting
along his lines. Also his talk on the
silo and ensilage was interesting.
Plain Dealer.
Report of the
Recent Meeting Held in
The Institute opened Friday after
noon with the ladies' program. The
principal features of this program were
the paper by Mrs. Amos Barker and
the talk on Domestic Science by Miss
Luella Kilbourne of Mason City.
Mrs. Barker's subject, "Boys on the
Farm" was very ably and profitably
Miss Kilbourne showed a wide and
thorough knowledge of her subject and
aroused an intense interest on the part
of her hearers.
Mrs. O'Malley's solo was certainly
a treat to all music lovers.
The ladies of the Farmers' Institute
may well feel proud of the intelligence
and talent displayed in their success
ful program.
The Friday evening session was well
attended. Our High School Orchestra
favored us with two selections which
not only sustained their former reputa
tion but brought them new honors.
Mr. Brown the chairman of the meet
ing characteristically and cleverly in
troduced Ex-Mayor Lvons, who by his
words at once created a cordial, hospi
table atmosphere. We may well be
proud of our ex-mayor who heartily as
sured the institute of the co-operation
of the business men and citizens of
Mr. Charles Pergler then gave a
scholarly response filled with many
helpful suggestions to the institute.
Mrs. Scripture entertained us with a
humorous selection rendered in her
usual charming manner.
Next the audience listened with
pleasure to the Cresco male quartet
who sang several songs with their well
known musical ability.
Dr. Bennett of Upper Iowa Univer
sity gave the address of the evening,
The Making of American Citizens
out of our Boys and Girls." Dr. Bennett
is a polished, broad minded speaker,
and his address a delightful combina
tion of seriousness and humor was en
joyed by all who were privileged to
listen. His plea for the cultivation of
our boys into progressive American
citizens, strong in body and thoughtful
and sound in mind impressed his hear
ers deeply. May it be our pleasure to
have Dr. Bennett with us in this capac
ity again!
Mrs. Davenport's paper, "A trip to
Bohemia" showed much careful
thought and it was a privilege to listen
to it.
The program as a whole was exr
tremely interesting and instructive, a
credit to the Farmers' Institute.
Saturday morning's session was
given over to Mr, C. S. Nichols who
discussed "Road Improvement." Mr.
Nichols has made a special study of
this subject and his speech was filled
with valuable information.
Saturday afternoon the institute was
addressed by Mr. A. M. Avery who
spoke on "Sorn." Mr Avery was
very familiar with his subject and his
talk was well received.
Dr. Aretas E. Kepford who is sent
out by the state to inform the people of
the danger of this disease, tuberculosis,
which is becoming so alarmingly wide
spread. He spoke well and earnestly,
urged the people to employ every pre
caution against this plague.
This closed the annual session of the
Farmers' Institute of Howard county.
School Officers Oppose a Change
A meeting for the discussion of the
proposed new school law of Iowa was
held by Winnesheik County school of
ficers at the Court house, Decorah,
on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. County
Superintendent Reque called the meet
ing to order. Mr. Geo. Phister was
elected chairman. A digest of the pro
posed new law was read. In the dis
cussion that followed it was shown that
there was but one opinion regarding
the school bill before the legislature.
The school officers were unanimously
opposed to any change at present. The
following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, The proposed radical change
in the school laws of Iowa having been
laid before the public very recently and
therefore almost entirely unknown in
scope and effect to the school officers
and electors,
Resolved, That we the school officers
of Winnesheik county, respectfully ask
and advise the Winnesheik county
members of the Iowa State legislature
to strenuously oppose any such radical
changes as are embodied in the bill
recommended by the educational com
mission in their report to the Thirty
third general assembly until the said
proposed law shall have been before
the public long enough to be thorough
ly understood.
Resolved, That we favor the repeal
of the present law whereby the State
Superintendent has charge of the tea
chers examinations.
Be it further Resolved, that the
County Superintendent have full charge
of the examination of the teachers in
the county.—Decorah Journal.
Sale Postponed.
On account of storm on Wednesday
of this week, was compelled to post
pone my auction sale until Wednesday,
March 3rd. P. A. WANLESS.
West Vernon.
The la grippe is visiting most every
family in our vicinity this week.
A number from our burg attended
the M. W. A. meeting in Cresco,
Saturday night.
We are sorry to report that Will
Fye has been quite ill. At this writing,
he is much better.
Miss Loretta Glass was a caller at
Schley, Monday afternoon.
The dance at Will Shafer's, Friday
night, was well attended and all report
a dandy time.
March 1st.
A number of our
attended the W. O.
Cresco, Monday night.
good time.
Clint., Charles and Ernest Thompson
departed Thursday morning for their
new home at Erie, Kansas. Mr. and
Mrs. Thompson are spending a week
with relatives and friends near Hawk
eye they expect to join the boys about Sunday at the Albertson home.
young people
W. dance at
All report a
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weaklen and1
Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker Sundayed at
the F. A. Miller home. in Illinois over Sunday.
Fred Fish called on F. A. Miller
Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Joe Burnikel entertained com
pany Thursday afternoon.
week with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Slifka.
Some of our young people attended
the dance at Albert Albertson's Mon
day night. A good time was reported.
Julius Doolittle sawed wood for Fred
Fish Monday.
Miss Margaret Miller called on Jessie
Bouska Saturday afternoon.
Miss Mary Malek of Schley spent the
first of the week with Miss Loretta
A number from our vicinity attended
Fred Bickford's funeral Monday.
Mrs. F. A. Miller spent from Monday
until Thursday with relatives in Cresco.
Lilly Farmer has been quite sick with
lung fever, but is slowly improving.
Frank and Joe Miller called on Jacob
Wilde Tuesday.
Mr. Leonard Sebastian moved on to
his farm Thursday, which he recently
purchased of R. F. Thompson
Mrs. Fye is entertaining her grand
daughter this week.
Miss Ellen Hanson spent the latter
part of the week with friends near
Misses Katie and Annie Lickteig at
tended the dance at Kapler's Monday
Miss Mina and Oscar Ferkingstad
were pleasent callers at the-F. A. Mil
ler home Saturday evening.
A number of our young folks attend
ed the dance at Schley Saturday night.
Mr. Will Schafer and family moved,
Monday, on to the L. Emmons' farm,
which they have recently rented. The
neighbors and friends gave a dinner in
honor of them, at their home, the
Tuesday before. Another good family
leaving our midst.
Turkey River Clippings.
Mrs. Will Gilbert and daughter Vera
and Mrs. Clint Thomson spent Friday
at the Blaser home.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Painton visited
with Henry Smith and family from Fri
day until Monday.
The dance at Jess Hayes's Friday
well attended, and all enjoyed a
pleasant evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lewis drove to
Crane Creek Saturday, returning home
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bloomewrader and
daughters Grace and Mildred spent
Sunday at the John Blaser home.
Misses Mattie and Irene Barker, ac
companied by their brother McKinley,
called at the Cleghorn home Sunday.
Henry Smith entertained a number
of young folks Sunday evening.
Miss Margaret Smith accompanied
Mrs. Geo. Painton to Calmar Monday.
Mrs. Ernest Kack and sister, Miss
Florence Lewis, called on the Blaser
girls Monday afternoon.
A number of young folks enjoyed an
oyster supper at th£ Will Cleghorn
home Monday evening.
Geo. Meyer has recently moved on
the place known as the Carsten place.
Baking Powder
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor.
Hie only baking powder
made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar.'
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fish spent Satur-1 A few from here attended the calico
day with relatives in Cresco.
Mr. Fleck of Cresco spent Sunday
with Mr. Frank Bouska. I
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz of Cresco company from Grand Meadow, Minn,
spent Wednesday at the home of their Aunt Jane Stone has returned from
daughter, Mrs. Adolph Peters. her Cresco visit.
Miss Louise Korbel is spending this I Faank Walters had the misfortune
Tuesday to lose one of his best cows by
getting her back broken.
Howard Center.
Miss Anna Rethamel of Schley is
visiting at the Geo. Hoppie home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliot, Sr., and
Mrs. Mary Seavoy and children visited
from Thursday until Monday at the
home of their daughter and sister Mrs.
Will Stone.
Jake Derr and family have moved on
the place recently vacated by the Kif
family who moved near Ossian.
Fred Hanneman was a Chester visit
or one day of last week.
Sam Dinger and family visited his
brother Will at Maple Leaf Sunday.
Will Drew has been having a severe
attack of appendicitis and at this writ
ing we are glad to say he is better.
Henry Windmiller and family spent
An enjoyable time was had at the
Will Michel home Friday evening.
Ray Carroll is visiting old time
friends in this vicinity.
Orville Van Schoyck has moved on
the Howlett farm.
Will Weimer was visiting relatives
dance at Bonair Tuesday evening and
report a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith visited at
the Frank Walters home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dotzler enter
tained company Sunday.
Will Drew and wife are entertaining
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stone and family
visited with Sherm Culver and family
E. T. and E. J. Hanneman were
driving through our streets Tuesday
enroute home from Eldorado.
Mrs. Will Stone and children accom
panied her parents to Chester Monday
for her visit at the homes of her sister
and brother Mrs. John Leslie and Mat
Said to be Fine.
Few people here know that you can
cure that dread American disease,
Rheumatism, with just common, every
day drugs found in any drug store.
The prescription is so simple that any
one can prepare it at home at small
cost. It is made up as follows: Get
from auv good prescription pharmacy
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce Compound Kargon, one ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparrilla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle
and take in teaspoonful doses after
each meal and at bedtime. These are
all simple ingredients, making an ab
solutely harmless home remedy at lit
tle cost.
Rheumatism, as every one knows, is
a symptom of deranged kidneys. It is
a condition produced by the failure of
the kidneys to properly filter or strain
from the blood the uric acid and other
matter, which, if not eradicated, either
in the urine or through the skin pores,
remains iu the blood, decomposes and
forms about the joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de
formity of rheumatism.
This prescription is said to be a
splendid healing, cleansing and invig
orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives
almost immediate relief in all forms of
bladder and urinary troubles and back
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of expressing
our sincere thanks to all who assisted
and tendered their aid and sympathy
in our recent bereavement, and especial
ly to the members of Cresco Camp,
Woodmen of the World.
Mrs. Fred Bickford and Children.
S. R. Bickford and Children.
Having purchased the Ideal Bakery
of John Klein, I wish to inform the
public that I will endeavor to keep the
standard of excellency established by
my predecessor.
Joseph Mlady and Miss Mary Kostka'
of Howard county were united in mar
riage yesterday by Justice Noble at
office in this city.—New Hamptom
400 acre Howard
county farm. MYRON CONVERSE.

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