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M-ILR -LILVFVIA 'V«. •$n* fee KF ii :llSf a 'IIS .|fe 4f 'v "Hr^ fe-'" »& sA i"' ifi -Iv t\ W •V* *i fc- »tv $ r si.' *V' fc $K/ 3&> «"\V i«' 04! te\ Ti' l¥ jsp .--•• ft v? if w5 11% 11/ ¥^v, &V*v •TJ jv*^Uj „M**, y% tu* ~r" ^-i fgvJJf^Vc'v TWICE-A-WEEK PLAIN DEALER FRIDAY, FEB. 26 1909. BY MEAD PUBLISHING CO. Jffcial Paper ot &i &% lily and fnu t* Boys on the Farm. Paper read by Mrs. A. E. Barker be fore the recent Farmers' Institute and published by request. When a member of the committee asked me to write on this subject I thought some grey haired mother who had reared three or a dozen boys suc cessfully was the one to prepare this paper, and still think so. They did not say young boys so'the old ones may have an inning. The town people are the ones who're in need of suggestions on brirging up boys, for the country boy is blessed with just doing and growing. If the town lad is inclined to work on a farm there are few who have the time and talent to teach him. Therefore bless your stars that you are on a farm with your boys. Boys you be thankful too. It is God's plan of rearing boys, his wholesome earlh beneath your feet, his bonny blue sky over, and his pure atmosphere about you. The city boy is denied the luxury of dirt, i. e., soil. There are quantities of filth but never a touch or smell of God's sweet earth in springtime or toasting August. Re j'.ice in it boys of all ages—count the blessings of farm life often and discuss them with the children, growing the virtues into every fiber of their being. Ther.e are some drawbacks but few compared to the limitations and buffet ing of city life. Nothing of trees, sky, birds or nature's beauties and consola tions. Gaslight in place of sunlight no woods to roam in or ft earn to pad dle through, no companionship of ani mals and but few boys, for the city boy is crowded into a man's place as soon as possible. Take off your caps boys and hurrah for joy that your youthful days are on the farm. When some croakar raises objections to the farm have a string of privileges ready to offset them or refer to the re strictions and hardships of city life. While little tots teach them the names of trees, grains and animals of other lands r.s well as our own and compare them. Raise and broaden their ideas by looking skyward, learning of the stars and planets their movements, vastness and inhabitants. Oh yes they will ask you questions you can not answer, but then is the time you can begin to teach them of the infinite powers of love of God who created these glories, and how there are more things that we do not and can not know and must leave in His trust than the few we do comprehend. Call the attention of the little folks to radiant sunsets, majestic storm banks and shifting countless clouds while they are forming into landscapes and animals, let them see the working of God's hand in these and impress it upon them how near and loving he is, and that they must notice and give praise for all these beauties about them and never feel that He is far away. So many people never com mune with the Lord Jesus in their joys and simple things of life only in times of dire sorrow. Don't let the children ever get an idea that God is a great way off, rather that he is always with them to guide and council with them and have the bond of companionship grow stronger as they grow older. There will be times in their lives that they will be entirely alone except for his everlast ing arms and gentle presence. Have religion grow in them and not force them to go out and get it any old place. Parents pray for wisdom in bringing up the family, see the needs and try to feel the very soul of each child, straighten the tangles the best you can and avoid others then have perfect confidence that Mary and Johnnie if given time and a clear field, with your love and God's help will come out vic torious. To be confident in their success does not mean to be care'ess of their read ing and company. But thoughts are things and your trustful, hopeful thoughts will tide them over weak places. If they fail at times assure them we all do from seven to seventy, don't let them feel that theirs are iso lated caseJ but that we I rd very much alike young and old. The tasks grow harder with the years but we have gained endurance and a good for getter. In times of perplexity when beyond your vision to solve, say son, we will do our best and leave the rest to God who knoweth all while we wait and abide by his loving decision. Wait is a fenrful word for ambitious energetic bojs. But waiting is sel dom wasting time. We often accom plish more in thoughtful waiting than in thoughtless haste. Have a room and tools where he can mend and make things. Invite their associates to your home and study their pedigree and gait. Be as particular about the boys room and clothing as with the girls toilet articles, soap, even a box of powder for new shoes and sunburn feels just as good to them. As much care in everything should be given our boys as our girls They are just as near and dear, just as dainty and sweet loving and true as the girls until they have been neglect ed by allowing them to be in rude com pany or grow up "like weeds" because they are boys. Boys are glorious! and every persom ought help them to the highest and best. See the time and money spent in this state on fine bred stoc1-, their span of life a few month-i and destination the Chicago stock yards. While the life of a boy culminates in years of noble manhood with capabilities unlimited and while the destiny of his life and deeds reach down to eternity. A destiny so lasting none can estimate it. Don't stint or stunt the boy. Select good stories and poems to read to him. While lit tle forming the taste for pure reading, later read to him and he to you. Talk over the improbable things teaching him to tlunk and reason independently. There are few who do. Provide read ing of their very own in their own name. Watch that others do not loan bad reading and be wise in your hor row if they do. You will have to think twice to know just what to say. Above all things do not expect your boy to grow up without guile if you have supplied him with no other read ing than the comic Sunday papers for Sabbath devotion. They teach disre spect to old age, low cunning and con tempt for parental control that is sure to work out during the week. When the child is five years old make him a birthday gift of a dollar or more and deposit in the savings bank, a bank book of his own, teach him to carry it himself for added savings and com puting of the interest, thus fostering the financial instinct. Teach economy but not stingynets for a stingy person is not happy and cannot be honest. IAMA»IMBR»?HIW)«.« Brothers and sisters honesty is com Teach him an open mind to all things good in what ever place or name but to a closed mind to lower rude things no matter in what beauty they be ar rayed. If you have a boy slow to ma ture take comfort with his calmness these strenuous times and enjoy keep ing him with you longer. Many boys are extremely sensitive and they will make the grandest men if not spoiled in the training. Your best colts are the ones that have to handle with the gentlest touch and wisest manner. How much more consequence is the training of your spirited high strung boy. Oh! but you will be proud of him when he grows to be a strong, sympathetic man with a heart as well as head. Don't call everything you do not feel yourself or understand temper or sulks. A proud boy will hide his misunder standings and cover his hurts in silence. Be sure you are calling things by the right name to him before you do then don't. Its bad enough to have stone bruises on the heels, but its hard er and more lasting to have them on the heart. Certainly all this takes time, prayer and study, but you are mellowing and developing yourself while helping the boy. Anyway Father for what are you living and striving after in Heaven? Your stock will die, your bank account be fought over and scattered, you will leave your farm on top the ground when you go beneath. And actually all you can take with you is the good you do, the lessons of love you teach, and the everlasting results of what you make of yourself, wife and children. Farmers have been mourning the scarcity of hired men late years. But me thinks a great good should work out for our boys, for you know boys seldom hear vile stories or learn to chew, smoke or swear from any one but the "hired man." Give the boy a chance to grow up clean and strong and woe be unto any person who sets them a bad example or plants wrong ideas in their minds for just as sure as these wrongs are done, just so sure is there a record of it which will confront them in the Judgment Day. Boys every thought and deed is pho tographed upon the finer either and will be an open page for all to scan in the Great hereafter. Make it as free from blots as you can with the knowl edge you have. Character is a thing of daily growth of what we see, hear, feel and think. So how necessary our children have proper surroundings, music, games and example. Be companions with your boys, if you are not a talker, a smile and a word will show him father cares. ^4* when he is standing up for the right thing. Above all things don't be afraid to praise the boy. We Americans are remiss in giving due appreciation in words. We are so squirmish about being gushers. Well, our families would be a whole lot hap pier if we would gush less at fault finding and more in praise. "Hello son you've got the chores well along," or "well lad you got ahead of father in waiting on mother," would sound mighty good from dad to the boy and rest his legs, lighten his heart and make the farm the place to live on and stick to. Surprise them with handing out a dollar or so after an extra exer tion. It will make dad a dandy in their mind. ing in- fashion. To learn to spend Study geography by team till that wisely is more conducive to happiness then the power to pinch. Now fathers if your boys are build ing a steady bank account, buy their clothing without grumbling and let them save. Rejoice in the bank book growth and give it a boost, you'll never miss those little helps 1,000 years from now, and perhaps you will be amazed in the next life to find the things you deemed trivial will bring you the rich est harvest when He who knows all hearts judges you. Fathers get up close to your boy and keep there if every hog on the place dies. You will have an aching, empty heart some day if you don't. Talk with your boys from boyhood to manhood. Find out how things look to him. It will be a bond nothing can break. Talk over his schemes, if they are wild ones, help him tame them. How will he ever develop plans to run the ship of state or control the gigan- tic enterprises of the future if you destroy his schemer. Ask the boys questions you are neither well posted on, both look it up, you can do some guessing and speculating which will be good mental drill. Then things kinder come to folks too. I reckon the silence is chuck full of thoughts and knowledge we mortals can lay hold of if we are striving to grow higher. Be thankful your boy has will and determination, don't try to quell or break it, but teach him to "sick it" on to the right thing and it will be his making not maring. He needs it for success. If he has firmness don't call it stubbornness, even if it is, but put your own stubbornness aside and teach him to modify his opinions and get a view point from the other feller's side. He will need all his firmness to with stand temptation, hold fast to the good out in life's battles and blizzards. Say fathers how many times in their lives have you hitched up the team and invited the family or boys to go off and "see something." How many boys in this county have seen Decorah, New Hampton, Austin, Bluffton, and all the towns a long day's dnve from home. Don't worry about the things you can not do for your children, until you've done all you can first. Larger things will open for you when needed. Next summer begin these trips, com pare buildings, farming, soil and stock. You'll get new ideas and loose some old ones which will benefit you and Cresco. bank account gets big enough so a part of it will take you and the boy a trip to the stock show or state fair. Or raise a colt or steer for that special purpose. Money spent in travel is well invested cash may vanish but scenes and knowledge from trips remains as long or longer than you. Every paper has more interest to you after you've seen the places mentioned. Go with your boys and be boys—good ones. Let the boy raise a patch of corn or taters his fashion, even if he does eclipse yours, and offer him the best tools. Let him tend a pen of shoats or calves ard have the extra price they bring over your lunch. If he is going to be a farmer he must learn, and must see something in cash in his fist or he will be trying some business that will give down dollars. Ask his opinion of what land is the best for corn or oats, and his reasons, select some of his choice too. Send your boy to Ames and give him a business course if he does not care for High School or College, The time of pinching on the farm is about past. So there is time to devote to finer thoughts and development of the higher manhood and womanhood. Boys its up to you to make the most of yourselves in every way, walk, dress, talk, manner and thought to raise the manhood of this Century and the grandest nation of the planet. That's a pretty big contract but boys raised on Iowa soil can do it. The world has seen what some Iowa men have done and shall see more and great er ones. In each one of you are unlimited pos sibilities that will unfold if you con stantly try to live up to the best in your nature. Fill your mind full of good thoughts and bad ones will not tempt you. Be thoughtful of father and mother and charitable toward them knowing always they do for your good even though it be in an imperfect manner. Be chumy with sister and practice com pany manners on mother. It will keep her young and happy. Live daily in God's love. Look to the stars, flowers and nature for strength and humility. Believe strong ly in yourself. Say often I can and I will do my best in every place I am put. Listen to nothing or go to places where you would blush to meet sister or mother. Live each day so at even ing time you can look yourself in the face and be proud. Be sure you get the right idea of a good time, one that leaves no stain or bears a penalty. Mistakes will be made but as long as life lasts try again, it is the motive that God counts more then the deed. A patient, faithful, clean life in a hum ble place is a successful one. I Remember through all you have a soul which is dwarfed or elevated by your thoughts and habits. Recognize it and give it a chance to dominate your career. Let conscience help you choose your friends and decide prob lems. You will have new and queer thoughts of yourself, life and religion. Welcome them, talk them out and over with mother, some old gray friend and your minister. This is to be a century of moral and spiritual growth. Be amorg the leaders. Each day give praise that you are born of white par ents, in this Century and on American soil. Then aim to live up to your glori ous inheritance. James Whitcomb Riley was a farm boy and one of his mottoes is: "The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining. I therefore turn my clouds about and always wear them insida out to show the lining." The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist has discovered one secret of long life. His method deals with the blood. But long ago millions of Americans had proved Electric Bit ters prolonged life and makes it worth living. It purifies, enriches and vital izes the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the en tire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kidney trouble had blighted my life for months," writes W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., "but Electric Bitters cured me entirely. Only 50c. at P. A. Clemmer's. Most cough cures and cold cures are constipating, especially those that con tain opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is free from all opiates and it cures the cold by gently moving the bowels and at the same time it soothes irritation of the throat and lungs and in that way stops the cough. It is especially recommended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. We sell and recommend it.— Edward T. Lomas. & Home Modern Agriculture XIV.—Some Points on Stock Feeding By C. V. GREGORY, Agricultural "Dit)ision. Iota a State College Copyright, 1909. by American Press Association N order that the feeds fed to stock may be used to the best possible advantage it IK necessary that they should be of the proper kinds and fed in the proper amounts, One of the Important things to take tnto account in determining the value of a feeding FtutT is its digestibility. Some feeds, such as oat straw, are not more than BO per cent digestible, while In the liise of Hi? corn grain over i)U per cut is used by the animal. Feeds with a high percentage of digestibility, like the grains, are called concentrates, while those with a large amount of in digestible crude liber are called rough feeds. Every nniinal must have a certain amount of roughage otherwise the grain would lie in the stomach in a heavy, sodden mass, which could hard ly be penetrated by the digestive juices, and indigestion would ba sure to result. The crude tiber. while in digestible in Itself, dilutes the more concentrated feeds and greatly hastens the process of digestion. The rumi nants are able to obtain a large share of their feed from roughage. Ilorses use considerable, though owing to their smaller stomach they cannot use as large quantities as cattle do. Swine I are usually regarded as grain eating animals, yet they. too. do better for having some roughage. Mature hogs Another important quality In a feed stuff Is Its palatability. Stock will make greater gains on feeds that they like, even though they contain 110 more nutritive material thau those that are not so palatable. Closely re lated to palatability is succulence or juclness. Cows give a large flow of milk on pasture uot'so much because of its high feeding value, but because of its succulence and palatability. Stock of any kind will not make the best use of their feed if given notb ing but dry hay and grain. The most satisfactory means of pro viding succulent and palatable feed during the winter is by the use of the silo. Silage has a high feeding value and is cheap, since from eight to twelve tons can be raised on an acre. It finds its greatest use as a feed for dairy cows, but also makes a profita ble addition to the ration of nearly all classes of stock. The most important point to consid er In preparing a ration is the rela tive proportion of the different con stituents. Fats and carbohydrates are interchangeable and can be con sidered together, since they both go to furnish heat and energy or to build up animal fat. Neither of these sub stances, however, can take the place of protein, since neither of them con tains nitrogen. To build up the mus cles, organs and other parts of the body which require this element con siderable proteiu must tie fed. The ordinary feeds found on the farm contain too little proteiu In proportion to the other substances. To secure the best results a balanced ration that Is, one in which the amount of protein is In the proper proportion to the amounts of fats and carbohy drates—must be fed. It can readily be seen that what is a balanced ration for one class of stock may not be for another. Young calves, colts and pigs require more protein and ash in their food than do mature animals. A work horse needs large amounts of fat and carbohydrates to supply him with energy, but he also needs considerable protein to repair his muscles, which wear out very rapidly. A fattening steer needs only a minimum amount of protein, since ».e is neither growing nor using hin muscles. A milk cow needs a great deal of protein and ash to use In mak ing milk, together' with a liberal amount of the other constituents, to supply energy and to make into but ter fat. A pregnant animal Is In espe cial need of protein and ash to use in building up the bones and flesh of Its offspring. All animals need larger quantities of the heat forming ele ments in the winter in order to keep the body warm. Another Important point, one that must not be lost sight of in preparing rations for any class of stock. Is the cost. It makes no difference how di gestible, palatable or well balanced a ration may be nor how rapid gains It will produce, if those gains are put on at too great an expense the feeding operations will result in a loss. For the last two years, for instance, bran and shorts have been so high In price that It is doubtful if they could be fed at a profit. Hran produces a large milk flow when fed to cows, but silage and clover hay are just as good and cost only a fraction as much. The question of how much farmer can afford to spend for concentrated byproducts is always a perplexing one. Something Is needed to balance the corn, which is the principal feed on most farms. If nothing else is fed mm wltli corn It will not be thoroughly digested and much of the nutriment which it contains will be wasted. When corn is cheap this does not mat ter so much, but when the price goes up to 50 or 00 cents a bushel It be comes nil important consideration. This applies not only to corn, but to other grains as well, since all contain an excess of carbohydrates and fat. Oats come the nearest to lieing a bal anced ration of any farm grain, but they are usually too expensive to be fed exclusively. Mixing oats with com does not make a balamod ration, since the oats have scarcely enough protein to balance their own carbohydrates and fats. Another factor which mint be taken into consideration i" the health of the animals. This will surely suffer if they are compelled to live long on a single kind of feed, especial ly one that is as low in protein as corn Is. will maintain themselves on a good Pr°tolu In a ton the price per pound rape or clover pasture without any grain at all, and fattening swine will make greater gain if fed on pasture. PIG. XXVII—THEKE 13 NO FOOD lilifTEll THAN M1I.K FOU VOUNO ANIMALS. In winter, when pasture Is not availa ble, hogs will cat considerable amounts of clover or alfalfa hay if they can get it and will be healthier and make better gains for having it. When grain is high in price the sav ing effected by the purchase of some supplementary feed rich In protein will usually much more than pay the cost. In buying feed to balance corn or other grain the chief consideration should lie the amount of digestible protein which it contains. Ash Is also Important, especially if it is to be fed with corn, which Is low in ash. By dividing the price per ton of a feed by the uumber of pounds of digestible of protein is easily determined. Thus the comparative cost of protein in the different byproducts can be figured out and the oiie used which will fur nish it in the cheapest form. For hogs there is probably no better or cheaper source of proteiu than tank age or meat meal. A ration of one part of this to ten parts of corn is an ideal one for fattening hogs. For growing pigs the amount of tankage should be doubled and some skimmilk added if it can be obtained. Milk is an almost perfect food for all young stock, and the farmer who has a large supply of it lias a big part or his feed ing problem solved. Another feed that is invaluable for young pigs and calves is dried blood or blood flour. Nothing else will stop scours so quickly nor do so much to ward starting along an unthrifty pig or calf. A heaping teaspoonful to a feed is enough for a young calf, wltli proportionate amounts for the pigs. The reason that these packing house byproducts are especially valuable for young animals is because of the large amount of ash which they contain. The use of such feeds insures strong bones and healthy, vigorous animals. fjiyfes •WtA tirj. 5 PIO. XXVIII CLOVIil! L'A •••T-JI:K IS AN EX CELLENT POOD ron SHEEP. A lack of ash is the chief fault that can be found with the corn byprod ucts. such as germ oil meal and gluten feed. l"or this reason these feeds are not so valuable for milk cows and young stock, although they are all right for fatteuing animals. Oil and cottonseed meals contain more ash than the corn produ Is. but not so much as tankage. They are usually a cheap source of protein. Oilmeal is especially valuable for keeping the system in tone, the bowels loose aud the coat sieek and glossy. Cottonseed meal should never be fed to hogs, us they oftc.i die from eaMag it. There is nothing better than clover pasture to balame the ration of fat teuing swine. Clover pasture, with perhaps a small allowance of grain, is an ideal feed for milk cows, calves and colts. The little pigs will learn to eat it also, but will need considerable gr^in and skimmilk in addition if they are to make rapid gains. Clove' hay aud corn is a ration for fattening cattle and sheep that cannot be beat en. Clover hay and silage with a lit tle corn and oilmeal added is a first class whiter feed for dairy cattle. Even for horses clover hay. If not dusty. Is the best of roughage. Its liberal use for all classes of stock will reduce the cost of feeding and add to the profits. So it Is evident that the wise farmer will not neglect to provide a clover pasture that Is ample You who have occasional trouble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, belching of gas, sour risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself and to others, are caused simply by undigested food in the stom ach. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indi gestion taken occasionally will soon re lieve you of all the simple stomach ail ments that you now have, but which may be more serious later. Try Kodol to-day and take it on our guarantee. We know it will do what we say it will do. It is sold by Edward T. Lomas. Httiiy Children ure Siukly, Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, Break up Colds in 24 hours, cure Feverish ness. Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c. Sam ple mailed FREE. AddresB, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. 50w4 When you take Kodol, the food you have eaten will be digested naturally, regularly atyl promptly, and in this way Kodol gives the stomach a chance to regain its lost strength and health, and after a little while you need not take Kodol longer, but take it while you do need it and if it fails to benefit you your money will be refunded to you. It is sold by Edward T. Lomas. I WW VVVl VVVl VVWWV One Profit Between You and the Tree That's the way it is when you buy Lum ber and Shingles of us. We don't expect any special credit for this—its simply the way we do business. We buy direct from the manufactures—saving any possible middleman's profit and this saving we pass on to you in lower prices. We meet you on a platform of Reliable Goods at reasonable prices—courteous treatment and quick deliveries, and we meet all competitors bar none—quality for quality and price for price. If you like Square Dealiug of that nature we want to shake hands with you. Yours to serve, COPELAND LUMBER COMPANY VWWWl For Sale Best Business Opportunity in this Section. Owing to the removal of part of the firm to Washing ton, we have decided to sell our nursery business and will give a buyer a fine bargain. We will dispose of the stock and business and either with or without the land on which it is now located at the option of the purchaser. See either Mr. J. H. Upton at the Nursery or A. J. Bark er at the office over O'Malley's Store. Phone 93Vfe. UPTON BROS, VVWWV*VW*WWWVWWVWV%.WWVWVWV%WWWWW BETTER MEAT Have you tried any meats bought in our shop cut from Corn Fed Stock—the best that money can buy. Give us a trial and be con vinced that WE have the best meat in town. IDEAL MEAT MARKET HOLLI8TER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggeis A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for OonaUpatiou, Indigestion, Liver and Kiduey troubles, Pimplea, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggluh Bowels, Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab* let form,35 cents a box. Genuine made by HOLLISTEU DUUG COMPANY, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Taken Upl A black Berkshire barrow, which came to my place about Feb. 1st. Owner will please call, prove property, pay charges and remove the animal. V. N. ZENDER, Proprietor. Headquarters for Fine Sausages. Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides. Cresco Union Savings Bank CAPITAL, $100,000 RO BERT THOMSON, CASHI. The man without a bank account is traveling on foot, while his neighbor who keeps an account at the bank is traveling at a rate of speed afforded by modern improvements. It does not require a large amount of money to start a bank account. Place the money with which you pay your bills, in. the bank. We will issue you a pass book. You can them write a check for each obligation these checks come back to the bank and are returned to you when we balance your pass: book. These checks are indisputable receipts for every cent you pay out. After you have started to carry on your business by a check ing account you will find it a necessity and that without a hank account you are at a disadvantage. P, A. WANLESS. II 1 •'t 4 25c. OR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER parts by the is sent direct to the diseased parts t. Improved Blower. Heala the ulcers, clears the air pasnagetL stops droppings in the throat and S[ay ermanently cures Catarrh and Fever. No harmful drugs. 25c, blower free: all dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N.Y. For Sale by P. A- Clemmer, Druggist PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Glttipei «nd beautlflw the hair. Promotes 4 luxuriant growth. Never Sail* to Bfftprp Ony Bair to its YoutTOVaTo$7 Cures scalp diseases hair loll lag. 60c,aodtL00at^