OCR Interpretation

Twice-a-week plain dealer. (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa) 1895-1913, November 12, 1909, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88059319/1909-11-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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I V4
VOL. LI. NO. 22.
The Desire of This Bank is to Help the
Byron Mabon was a Cresco visitor
FOR SALE—A Jersey cow. Enquire
John A. Cray was down from Lime
Springs on Monday.
N. A. Blackburn, Lawyer office
opposite the National Bank.
The delinquent tax list for Howard
county appears in this issue of the
Plain Dealer.
We still have $1.00 each for every child in Howard
and adjoining counties, not having an account with us,
who will open a savings account of $2.00 or more the
account to be left at least one year. We pay 4 per cent
on all savings accounts and furnish a dandy savings bank
with each account. Do not wait, start now, make the
first deposit today.
Cresco Union Savings Bank
If you want a larm loan at a low rate
of interest, see American Loan & Trust
Company, Cresco, la.
Capital $100,000.00
Adam Petry made a business trip to
Ft. Atkinson on Wednesday.
Dr. W. T. Daly, physician and
Burgeon office over Glass's restaurant.
Two MEN WANTED—TO husk corn at
V. Kapler's. Will pay $1.50 per day.
James Toole and wife left yesterday
on their homward journey to Spokane,
Are they hot? What, the Laurel
Heater? You bet. For sale by W. S.
FRENCH, Lime Springs, la.
Joseph C. Bowers and family arrived
here last week from Germania, Iowa,
to remain during the winter.
Eskil Dahlberg went to Waucoma,
Wednesday to accompany his wife and
baby home the following day.
Why get up in the morning feeling blue,
Worry others and worry you
Here's a secret between you and me,
'Better take Rocky Mountain Tea.
—Wm. Connolly.
See the hottest thing in heaters
yet—the Laurel line. For sale by W.
S. FRENCH, Lime Springs, la.
Prof. Sheel and family of Decorah,
returned Tuesday after a few days vis
it at the Jacob Woellstein home.
A few good second hand stoves for
sale. W. S. FRENCH,
Lime Springs, la.
65 cents for double faced 10-inch
records. Come and hear them played.
If you want the real thing in the big
type of the Poland Chinas, see W. J.
Webster. Stock of both sexes for sale.
If you want to buy or sell Real Estate
call on Geo. H. Owens. Office over
First National Bank, Cresco, Iowa. Ia.
Just received another car load of
galvanized corrugated roofing, the best
and cheapest to use. Sobolik & Peter
E, M. Eldridge has moved from the
E. I. Barker house to the John Stein
man house one blpck east of the public
Makes blood and muscle faster than
any other remedy. Gives health,
strength and vitality. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea towers above all other
remedies for making sick people well,
and well people "weller." Take it to
night.—Wm. Connolly.
F. L. Daubersmith.
I am now prepared to take a few
roomers and boarders. Enquire of
Good Howard and Winneshiek county
farms for sale, any size. For partic
ulars call on A. SMITH.
A few good second hand stoves
sale. W. S. FRKNCH,
Lime Springs, la.
FOR RENT.—240 acre farm, with fine
buildings, one mile west of Davis
Corners. Enquire at Cresi-o Union
Savings Bank.
S. L. Barnes made a trip recently to
Winnebago county, Iowa, called there
to administer his cancer treatment to I Prlcet
several sufferers.
I If you want to buy, sell or exchange
your farm or Cresco property, list it
with W. F. MILZ. Office over Clem
mer's Drug store.
The ladies of the Evangelical church
I will hold their annual sale and serve
dinner on Saturday,|Nov. 27th. More
specific notice next week.
If you want correct abstracting done
and cheap prices too, it will pay you to
see the American Loan & Investment
Co., before ordering your abstract.
Special meeting of W. O. W. in
Woodmen Hall, Monday, Nov. 15th, at
18 o'clock sharp. Applications and
bills. A. MARSHALL, C. C.
I FOR SALE CHEAP—Three nice lots,
No. 8, 9 and 10, Beadle's sub-division
block 7, Cresco, Iowa. Address
M. VERBURG, Orange City, la.
All of my customers are requested to
call and get one of my fine calendars
for the year 1910. Come quick for
they are going fast. JACOB AGA.
Now that I am not working in the
store, I will take a limited number of
music pupils. Terms reasonable.
FOR SALE—New modern house, will
be sold at a sacrifice if taken before
Dec. 1st. We invite inspection. I
Received our second car load of'
Stewart ranges and heaters- They are
going like hot cakes. Come in and see
what makes them so popular. Sobolik
& Petersen.
C. D. Durfey is down from Beaulieu,
Minn., to arrange for the shipment of
some household goods still in Cresco.
When he returns, his parents will ac
company him to reside at Beaulieu.
On Monday night. Nov. 22, we will
in Moving Pictures at the Family
Theater. Admission 5 cents. Two
performances and more if necessary.
Mrs. Logan of Oregon, a sister of
Geo. W. Harris, who has been visiting
him for some time, left Tuesday even-
ing for her home. She was accompa-
bied by George as far as Central City,
Neb., where they will visit a sister
who is very ill.
have Dr. Cook's return to civilization ted their son, Rev. Lauritz Larsen, in
Cresco Wednesday Miss Mabel Mel
vold of Cresco visited here Sunday and
took in "The Man from Home" A.
holding now 300 Suits, we are in a position to show you Men's and Boys' High Grade Suits and Overcoats in the best manner possible.
These Suits and Overcoats show a higher standard of excellency than you have ever seen, and the price is moderate considering the
We can show you Men's Suits at $10.00 and $12.00, made in this season's models and of good materials, that have more style, better
appearance and will wear longer than suits you have paid from $5.00 to $8.00 more for.
Our Overcoat Department is simply immense this season, showing all the new styles full length, three-fourth length, form fitting and
semi-form fitting, ranging in price from $6.00 to $25.00
Our Greatest Seller This Season to the Young Fellows
Is the New Military Coat, made so it can be worn with or with the Auto Collar. This coat sells at from $10.00 to $20.00. Come in,
boys, and see them.
Our Fur Department on the Second Floor
Will certainly attract the cold weather buyers.. We have all kinds and at all prices, from the Russian Dog Coats at $12.00 to the
$60.00 Coon Skin.
We have the Sheep Lined Corduroy and Duck Coats in all lengths, and the price is low enough so you can afford to go comfortable
this winter.
Fur Collar, Plush Lined Coats will be worn by the young and old this season. We have a large showing for men at from $15.00 to
$25.00 for boys, age 6 to 12 years, $5.00 to $8.00 for boys, age 12 to 20 years, $8.00 to $18.00.
See our Heavy Fleeced Underwear at 40 cents for men and 25 cents for boys. Heavy 10-ounce Husking Mittens at 48 cents a dozen.
You had better see what it will cost you at the New Store before buying,
Because You Can Honestly Save Money When You Trade at The
Twicc-a-Wcck Plain Dealer.
Mrs. J. W. Ballard left Tuesday for
her home in So. Omaha, Neb., after
Hn extended visit with relatives in
Elma and also in Cresco with her sister
in-law, Mrs.. F. J. Mead.
Rabbits arc reported to be in abun-1
dance all over the country. The game
is there. We can furnish new or slight
ly used guns and rifles at remarkably
Sobolik & Petersen. I
It will pay you to see me before plac
ing your Insurance. I can save you
money. Ten good reliable companies.
Office over Cresco Rest Room,
Cresco, Iowa. N. I. Phone No. 4.
As I am in poor health and unable to
make my usual trips, I have arranged
with Mr. F. C. Woellstein to place my
good in his store, and I will be pleased
to meet all my customers there.
I am offering 20 Duroc Jersey male
pigs for sale, these are of the smooth,
long kind with plenty of bone, and all
sired by a hog that took first prize at
West Union fair. Prices right.
Mrs. K. Watts will give a great
Thanksgiving sale of all millinery com-!
mencing to-day and positively closing
Dec. 1st. $1.50 untrimmed hats for
50c. Trimmed hats at less than cost.
Great reduction on plumes. Over Scb
olik & Petersen's hardware store.
There will be a dance in Ondrasek's
hall, Schley, Iowa, on Thursday even
ing, Nov. 18th. Good mysic will be
furnished. Dance tickets 50c, specta
tors 25c. Tickets will be sold at the
door. Supper will be served down
stairs. Everybody invited to this
The opening of the winter and Xmas
season at out Studio will begin Oct.
30th and last until Nov. 15th. One
piece of sheet music will be presented
to each customer having pictures
taken. Studio has lately been dec
orated and improved to the convenience
and comfort of our patrons. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Sunday sittings by
appointments. 'Phone, No. 306.
Cresco, Iowa.
Rev. Dr. Laur Larsen and wife visi-
W. R. Emery went to Cresco Saturday,
returning with her son, Willard, who
underwent an operation in that city.
F. C. Lent of the Howard County
Times, Fred Thayer, Chan Robinson
and Bert Webster of Cresco were here
Sunday to see "The Man from Home."
—Decorah Journal.
jw r- '.'
We're sorry if you've tried other
medicines and they failed. As a last
resort try Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. It's a simple remedy, but it's
worked wonders, made millions well
and happy. Purifies the blood, makes
flesh and muscle, cleanses your sys
tern.-- Wm. Connolly.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor II. Morris, of
Minneapolis, visited Wednesday after-,
noon with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones.
Mr. Morris and Mrs. Jones being,
cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Morris were1
married recently and are on their
honey-moon trip, leaving Cresco in the
evening for Madison, Wis.
Miss Elizabeth Drumtn of Cresco:
spent yesterday in this city with her
friend, Miss Kittia B. Tierney she was
on her way to Waverly ...Mr. and!
Mrs. John Mullen of Cresco spent a I
couple of days here with her sister,
Mrs. D. A. Weaklin and husband.
They were on their way home from
Wagner, S. D.-New Hampton Tribune.
John Mintey will have an auction
sale at his place 3J miles south of
Cresco and 80 rods west of the New
Oregon cemetery, on Tuesday, Nov.
16th, and has listed for sale a span of
brood mares, one gelding, 8 milch cows,
14 head of young cattle, 19 ewes, 40
head of swine, farm machinery, hay.
corn, grain and household goods, all on offer "The Newly weds Honeymoon, a
the usual terms. Finegan is the auc-1 brand
tioneer and Tillson is the clerk. |the
At the meeting of the Booster Club
Monday evening the following officers
for the ensuing year were elected:
President, D. A. Lyons Vice President,
J. C. Webster Secretary, and Treas
urer, Wm. Kellow. The question of
the continuation of the Rest room
brought out the fact that there was
quite a demand for that institution and
it was voted to continue it if money
for its support could be obtained, and
at the meeting one-half the necessary
amount was subscribed.
About one hundred of the neighbors
and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Hovey, of Orleans, residents of that
township and the townships of Bluff-
ton, Lincoln and Madison, gathered at!waiver- y°u
their home last Saturday evening, giv-
ing them a complete surprise
spending a very pleasant social even-
ing. A neat purse of $28 was contrib-
to Mr. and Mrs. Hovey as a slight Cresco, la Nov. 10, 1909.
token of the esteem in which they ai
For Sale!
2 Aberdeen Angus Bulls coming 2
years old this fall. Will sell right if
taken soon. Pedigrees furnished.
J. A. BEAUMASTER, Elma, Iowa.
On Monday evening, Nov. 22nd, the
Frederick Amusement Company will
farce comedy fresh from
milla wherc
Waiver Notice
To owners of property on Elm street
for the cost of construction of curbing
and paving on Elm street from the
south line of Market street to the
north line of Peck street. By coming I
to the City Clerk's office and signing a
can have
P3*1"* y°ur
only baking powder
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
—made from Grapes—
all good comedies come.
Vic Crane, one of the best known com-
edjans jn the Middle West wi„ be scen
in the leading role, He is supp0rted
by an able ca8t The production is
completely staged with an spcciai 8cen.
ery and electrical effects, making it one
of the most elaborate productions to be
seen here this season. Don't forget
the day and date, Nov. 22.
Hakes Finest, Purest Food
Absolutely Pure
cessment tax in seven annual install-j
ments or at
Utne ,n
Time for
an re in 1 9 0 9
behalf of the guests, by Curtis Miller
s,£n,nS exP,res
City Clerk,
A. F. & A. M.
Special meeting Cresco Lodge 150,
Friday evening, Nov, 12, 1909. Work
on M. M. degree. Your attendance is
requested. Refreshments.
By order of W. M.
G. R. STORY, Sec'y.
E. E. Dawley,, who has been buying
flax at Elma for the Union Fiber Co.,
was taken suddenly and seriously ill at
that place on Wednesday morning and
during the day a good many startling
rumors concerning it were current on
the streets of Cresco, but according to
our information from Elma are entire
ly without foundation. The existing
facts are that Mr. Dawley has been
troubled with severe headache for the
past few days and Wednesday morning
was suffering worse than usual. While
sitting on a bale of tow near the press
he suddenly fell over unconscious and
most of the balance of the day he spent
in an unconscious condition, while at
times he would complain of a terrible
pain in his head. His brother Bert,
was summoned and went over in an
auto with Chan Robinson and E. O.
White. Late in the afternoon, Mr.
Dawley, still unconscious, was brought
to Cresco and taken to his home and at
last accounts is much better having
^ntirely recovered consciousness. The
attending physicians here do not state
the cause of his illness, but the Elma
physician diaognosed the ailment as
brain fever or something similar and
treated the case accordingly.
New Feed Barn.
1 have opened a feed barn in the
former Lenth livery barn directly op
posite the depot and am prepared to
care for your teams to your satisfac
tion. Give me a trial.
A* Jolln
Society Branfr
... SM

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