Newspaper Page Text
s!' -4- %'V?? i ?v.' |^s?f .l^J! v I -«1 ,1 «m in ,d?i f'7 'i ^MltOTl ioix'J Jlrff it a? a ti 1 -,I»*J1U w*ft .'j I'-MlI'/f i' i J™ '1^ J* r«s& felitv, n tc' tiWl .4. jo A-* i fi" 'i* ER MAH1N & 80KC-'i?W "SI A omaiNAX., SerniOt'N^. ffT ft woman full o'^r1 tordwaiiten, 1 v thov are a preventive to all iTvijis and evils incident to th'n life. Nlvom iu evef jrcmamed at home anddisclrarl all her do mestic duties without cnjyityjod health a long life of happi^jess, grave. My sisters, rftiaeini) aod do them, and yoa will seeds of ini'iuity arid reap .Wiethe /od 4 jfyix y .n ^.*1 .til 13 For tltee" Jfla* Huitor: 1 \va%jj(0t3 preacher, but just n inspiration on, me. My things, txamint all thirigi) 0$ voucan Ce co^t^f, sgf _t_n A reason gays 0 devil-^carna quors and kttp our tbe nuUier ti gwiinjbefore short there i the last axteen 1 is of that sermen f%tbira is in t.hi'Flflftti Pn.ln.fl»' M. in tW 'Floati want! to be Palace.' My h« talk.'- Don't1 manias sou of a womau feniiher if s her rood na her virtue. rack your whieh her ci fait about justiee, the thousands otjres of land five about in a good lo proved, vbii Ki mm *W* hcfirt, fonnt?ifl •irwfcht1taAtatt*'f'n'0 A thousand stratm- at tlie i| Friiuall arciini'l, In-low above Ol' pure iilUv ti'm-i, joys itrown Koreive* and- ndb then oufetopaia, To lull like gentle flmwir* down. To cheer anl gladden hIivt train Who* fijim, no artist cm ei«mpam u Wliai he may fashion by li| .-jkill «fT«» *t:oil!ia J:-'* ,i rf (4«j .*!» Angelic, uciTc't all t',. To bp it .•ilave tfm.rtil wi I 1 l¥*« *ych aie.itvii r'jrt w E WIU, Hellcvtiujj piircst tliofglit-.-^itlun U(! t=t )n l«or nil J'lcd I'mm every stain ol iw'' t3 6 .Vfla *»tf« 7 f?|,i •41k' tliatlViweth ren vanity, and the •liireU «l- hr augtT sball taitt.'? ,t This t|xt you will find ui J1 a bot'tom of in the nijtory of e .^ jnlividual 11 V-k A 1 a w A 4 111 A 4 is "humility ani tllfearof the nr riches and honor and fe.' S Three Ihousand years n^o ^m«n, ITm^ 1 n :mSlt fc8 f'lSi 1» 9:1 fc«»K fclli ul !»(.,• ==. Sfll*,n2 jjjAU thoso wroioen in Uie ^on^jegation wl»o them ia pnvat) about w.^hng a *an ius:t taot defileJitheir hearts by dealing Qqtjj nnd water for mosquito bit^s, w)tn !io bad fiswjdal, citlior in Bmall or 'arge doses, will I tbo s^)al!-pox. If youliavj an 1 jnost r»c ifajg tVse lines. Wfcy tlii- long pause?— c'upation. follow it—but nt So cusfly that T$erc nStto 0 sing,'to will proceed you'ean't talk, i'ray fornl thoso jldfogici, to fcive jott^ho CSit^ ana a ftott diMOvrm' sucli as^UAlo," who ^ive jott tlereon^ I mean tho ^r-es, fioiK I ^rhon I siy women »eli eve tlfcv hatl no old maids iftbos^jfrvfi) «f Kings, Lords, and tho jrro«t»cn ql Jhe farth, asfvell as the wives oSio^mcq. »nd yourc maidens, high and 16 rioh and ,, ,, poor, allwere constantly emplhl in Idme *on,1:i1t"r"e^,1al ^L Bonorabil and useful cinployme^ asr •pinning (not "strjet yarn |not ^gcandal'-) ro!'uj an. Then humility was wruu pn countcnanco. Then she w s vir }t« »itd truo to hor lord. Then she em ."d 1&ir leisure hours in going about d-il| go6d. ... Und, ihcrifore, was contented a look of acorn upuujMnvoi.qu licn her feood qualities, her virtu. he» fi-1 coirso wardrobe, bad hor «M shono forth like gUtter.nj{ u»*in 'ontored Uia couotry—^arejli the lirmamont of heaven, a«4all Holjed derision and scorn. A.p.'i 011 lior valued and loved har. 1^- '500pl0' In Knglaml, to this day, thi u v| of lord-s and it eat men think ,d^.-.i^ii»g to work with their hands, auidi| ,ea.i .dijg, gp into,t'ueir kitchen and fhero |.crfi* 14. bor which in \Iineitini, some plor ed ucated on a farm among pigs ana shHnnd horses anJ ttlo, after being lifefrie' to* lil'fn wh* wears i fine at, \Mbuid worn to do. -M? aistorpy these tlwags iught at tX -NIo3t Sthoiu laughed, or It be. V^u aiay eoutraat hui)it« of ldl-iess, thaqgh^s..'rved her ri^ht! |)ut tho suiyd onu nuvcr be i.UQ. .lt 111.i be S i v i i i y i n i n s v Y s o s o fi '.on ls'.iip, truth air 1 virtue, it \i\u a rich and gohh 11 harvpit of (p«woyjtJ wnd htippines's in this Rfj,'nn'd S»c V) kioiiio joys everlasting, lint if it 6o n« h« «(K'liuf'iniquity, by ^loftling q.|t,MnuU auU Koa.idai: all «wr tow^iv|k rssnrcd l^i'l reaj) vunity and vexation ot s.iirit, tlui whereof vvilj bo old acje in 'hittohlr slia'iic and finallv the Uat&ffc'-S njj grave ot sliii darkne'S of cver!as:ing iiorr»w. in conchiswrt, by way 6f upplicatio would add: Be truo* to one another. Wi one of your sex commits some indiscieti perhaps iu receiving the attention^ of sjo^ gentleman, not thinking that he is a in sheeb's clothing, who, prow ing abcut^ devour her virtue, talking of friend"! ij love platonic, manners, wontar.*® rights every other toolcy, so ooiuai n in thie ag of vanities nnd lies, donot enno dovv i jradesj lie sut her like a pigeor. on a poke-ba-ry, aud tie-woman, savin: vour her fair form, for this s dearer to' ''Perhaps sh ht v than thcappWCf hv* 9jm Wy sist- i ,%i di.igutse. 1 n loojfc you at tho iustuucco kind $ Not tnat ho th, have amongst ua in il-jscatinoi^nd tety n :|ovr his indin'ore 1 the product of other men's lallr and find out tho d-florence, if you can, Itwcen that ami stealing or fobbing. Tall 'nbouk the progtess of tho ago the vast in*o*rm*ntg that aro making in the nrtsb^ soienoasj tho vast difrercnco thero is bet^en tho in !teliigenoe and enturpriao of, th^ nation of 'talkers and those who uao tLit serious odi ition of ''comn\on-sengc" qu Aed'v ''Halo." Talk some about that priivfe 0 4tunibtf£.s, itho "science nf mcffcintf" Jk ttbut Mm in Sfmiti? gu«to with #hich thoyipoai of thera poItod as tbo gehaxain,' tht( "'regular bro'l," tho real ''aciontitic tlito uk 4.0 a man iu saft when a^.ew idea is advam^d. 30 .then kindly,/and pity tbeiu in t'teir ditrees fpr their io is deplorable. in eed. L- IJioh pa'e in ^omani life. Thert) 'are'nuv u 11 ITPS^xr at ii* thousand years Rrge this city, wha-opofly nvow that them grmnble—-they con do no 1»4**- My %omenkrje elevated t¥ a hiper position, i hearer*, talk, ask questions, and l$ wise.— ind en.oy more freedom, ad ftre far in Tho old adage' "ft still tougu sho*s a wise •dvancejn manners, retinemei, tftste, ed- head,''id jibout as_ near tru' asl'a mcation find virtues now, tty they were crfiif*'6fi\ of }i Horse shbWs aigxiJ two thoifeand years ago. W e lot us see. An Heiress ao Sffoatlo." i put on a mask and she w ,. ji»de9- flax," iieiap," aii^tBoiin- t^an-like, through tho city in whiolhr? hrrd ity wae w*ittt ft|i .the hjlh nto moved with so much --fny-anc AhfenilicenOc. She asked alms of t^se who brcatbiag, aiw, cons^uentiy? a greater of "iatj had knelt at her feet, and^i iier hand. Tliey knew kor no nu 1 13 tmo tue, industry and usefulness,,Ls no S re in verc of the poorer olass, '•ti the world jo far departed .ns i i tho tmited States, n^d no **4Hti the States, so much so, as ift tlie i^it|t|ffns scattered rtll over the West. .h it they were a p. loefui^J, tbfnes,, "'sow tne y," nor ui fail.* mp Hj| Word t*' *lV„?!.K^E,lS: to-hl» fountt in noibOrinj: damsel*. A tracer v.^1, wwiuuuu uouisoim. j\ traT«er in- l|it VOU to be on vour mai bul I^nu,t warn this ineniifc und the g»m«eoA»4w\tlt'iej hail .(teg ei for an "'anfot««Mij.^iii iip.—A writer in a 1 Quarter!v ite riow of. */fe tr all btiwc/i wii-re it rs collected mt ilinnt, who travels an Inivs up, nnd shea lf will tlo for ln e. spcakipo gam by .Malversation, and it is ^her %is collected by a oompanvaf i)ni j, 5- you .fjtbout foibles—when you /peak of whiel us good qualities, /or every hat are good. If #on stcak way8 sneak is siamlered by an insinuation against lk aboat "woir/in's rights,'' •in for some /xpedienij by iti^u tnay bo reform, 'jilk about fchefl euro licy,_ of 01/6 man owniim hen he don't uso morality ojfi iop, und #tting it lio uninit he neighborhood d. If /oa speak well ti her de 1, anVtarnish not «T iri^r- tlirf'w'.S'jsiie mxt?: w»1 *J ii»:c«4 a -a ili 11» is being improved, thereby e| value to fiva or t«n dollars pi the land and pocketing If .noilT joseeVf Hi -dj-wti ttuod nncjog its, aorr, then 0 money, ri .Ilioy are bo far jjehind tho ago that i' tboy'haj spee.' of a pigeon thevwonlf n^ileateh np lJun't nind Ihem lefrj lb Ire aster. for a S1x .»c A beautiful young heiress bad !i disgusted with the ilatterlng set pated, pomatum-haired, monstni strongly-perfumed suitors for her ltd, thai she shut heraolf out from the vlniable(?) orad 80 hppeti, deposited it all in banks donned a cheap! J« aud .She with i^trtcd tliM« id | be?Wwed f» proenre their own daily i i U»* y c^ild not turn a felloe -irt .Air ^^s£ry fimii liieir door, aud thexcCov scanty from thoir store. ^1^1 summer's day, a largo ^tnvlfcy met on —teaelj. rl'Uey Were 11 5tlv torn the citv "'The (Jlsgnised heiresfroif t.or*e ca^*or oth«r, had wand«r i.ther|. ibe ask-j from one or two, riaed uppev tens.» Tb^v apok« tiiuniin y, IjJt. gave nothi^, Wkat tiicy had s lid ha| bee# heard quite a number of tiiir eutlpanj*. or loo'.qd as if thvy 1'hc beggar woman tned aboAt, and w-as wlkiig sadiy iway Ion a good -lookiig. stepped krward, Bad catcbip^ hokipf .her arm, tlmLj^ke* i i^rgopd wou^ao—tolnie f1^T, want. -i "She want a sulKcc—onh/ a s(.ij*?-rr.'*' "Yrvi slilhnve ten times hat naeunt. Here,*-' heldnd, drawinij.irem bisjlQeJi^t aneagla, aii^,hieing it in gWvtlh^ufl of tbo woiii, ••tmko.shw, I th^W D^t ppoqgh, I lislgive yuU -niotjut*r'' K in a lovf trCm^'lnj 1 p^nco^nnd ctjiIu to the st-raafro ikjb side him, wiu\ nftor ihan^i|i^ thiif ou» donor, waiU slo.vly, ^*ay. Aff ini: laughed !i\)r so doin^, y liia in pursuit,oi' the uniitii, Buying w 3 WU'H Cfc what proof have yOu of the'uat hf ai.fcifd s^id, beside# kti^fviju^ hi -is '1 person you have go. "unceretu^Rmsly hnr.- strange femahViioni e 1 died? Not api»'a boad of jJjfof bat oitj'f soon overtook L*, nnd thus n the contrary, all tho scandal ®*ft lias becu^ *'l'ardon me, mi^no, irpt dealt out to woman.who havo een prov*1 lii i»nld know lh«ro4)ou voq. ipnocent of the base charges bfrjglit 4s tho speaker tealrf, the nk dri ^did, is now turning back likuf ehaf^f ti the faoe of the 4nale, au the ger to devour its hot pursuers 1 |4 Love and cultivnjte hidustrlhribitsy for its.-inhed gentlen an. vije» 1 fw.biH'PyJiq^^ad ifKien rd ay, tlf be gat ^jyi "h-jireai^r a si. V~ I!®t '^C%. Ck nuia^§r%? tie mislias the i0l- iuforination on thi*i!ieot adon iniporw abotrt|vo n| Q| |u- flarair# who go over to Jin l%ud ijt ord once t.year. And, who know fnni w ho|h »ir annually. lJlaekhVi- ct:nea'|a h- econoinyw the limited piov ^oiu llrixtany and the so^i ot' iu, 1 ion »f caiboit Mid hydro^ea tceasurvd^ from' rir to ro^s Mt) tan Ueiscribas thopeasnat jcirMfis attenjn- f»U'8. ,r theA arw 80,U0 at ir'.ito shears the their beau|tu t*W is boeku For in- per»]pUv willing to soil out. ^e s^w n ZZA?t £!!fi preached er,:|iris sheared, one after !,?. a spurious eonv to,)k hifc text £^0"1 Jf antl ?nan71?°'° Cntninrtn BBn.f k'* exceHeit work.— the Soaps, with tnoirc«tt)S in flT fm Common-sense „A ^otd stun ron leir long hair id 1.: siifmust have arcason.'* iivz/| their waists. SjKrth^f oft ftK "Halo," is the one dea was placed a largq8)*ekti .to tf. and Austria, where tho he ^l^essivo orppa of.^oiT^yi^, tbr binds tho soul and body ol eaeh&cd inn whisg by ittit'. i' uimlc| on- hcudW hnir about twenty snqs ijiiione jakingnis ife:»^r a gaudy handkfcrchief. Jhis 1 :1 is jfer his niock' lipt cauayr here most of our intelli- mind bo i« Ids gencc|8 the bipt way 0 obtain knowledge that is knowu. It i i bo regretted that Mr. '^Ia lo" dil not 0 iiu genuine cony of "coin mon-siise," tho most of his sermon i ejtCQll«f t* I n heartily sav Arpen to all ht ler, the slanderer, and thai who sells intoxicating 1 but wli he wants us to be wivM ouths shut, then I think bi wanted her John to leanj to went near the w^t&r-flh much humbugjgffjf ii. the fli ytest and most silken that eta be 1 cfirci* I'i^'bt hair all oomes from ?ermfi 1 »«'1! omi jpoui v.' fome^those peudant ti\ sses dc iu tl Jbs light, with \fhich our Eves, jfrtly entangling the snakv w their fn, tempt our eligible Adain jp 04ri tl-'TiiER.-i-Children ott^ht 1 1 honor, tb«ir 1 if tha mora the most jjacr^ Let nar bo your friend aii chi Conceal nothin£ffroip hy, acquainted wit 11 the eciipan A keep, the books which yoar o U i k their mother their mont Whilst thoiv remain thu. guisod, they awfitea fr0»' 4 obey your 'pntfents iu yda you aro no (OBgar uadMi vour rev ercaceibato. IfJb4tl ^|o of L»o4 sjiould I'isO aTu he worla, grow not upliftut^u hi lo they are heudiug under tlji ol old age, still continue to trBdt respect as well as affection. pro then inan then Some Facts worth Remembering. A vigorous man breaths foi th from his lungs e*ch day about tl.iity ouuees of pure carbon» This quantity of car: boo is equivalent to an equal weight of pure charcoal, burnt daily in Ms lungs, to develop tho etotro-dyhhmlc ctcUn' tion or constitutlng'animal heat and an itrial motive po.-ct. At tNisrate, n man burns aboat twice his weight of carbon eVcry year, and inMhe -fellottod term of trfriee Jc rtroaiid ten, corieumes about ten torts of enrhon ot charcoal, in develop ing animal h«eat arid motive power. l5y exposing dried blood in a coy WKf crttcible to a »e«l beat,.a reaihium of cntu-^oal will Us left* whicti camiot be distinguished from the charcoal lefi iu the Famo.c/q^iliJs.aX^r wood, bread, su gar, flesh, &c..* 6afq "Been rAH^rfy ex P-ose(v .... v .. The quantity of air passing through tho lung of a. man of ordinary size, cv cVvy Iwenty-four hofrt*, has bech fortnd $06 ctlbic'feet, of whichi 20 2-3 cubic feet are changed into carbonic aef(fgtis. i If the s'ujyp^bfbtygefnftndtiydro^eD be cutoff or diminished, the combufiion of carbon will diminish in a correspnhd ing porportiqn, and tjic uhy'sicaf strength and lodompii're power df-cfnitfialS will also' dimfnish. H«nce, on irteertdihg mountniusF, ai tHe oir becomes mori dense, it contains less oxygen and met anoi animals.sooner begin to pant, as ir th«y~had beea running, ia order to sup ply theinsel*«a with thft oxygen /Wkth which io c$4ismoo the carbon 4° Ut^jr food. ii'r Active „exercise prod«cc| rapid for I aBiount of oxygen enters the system, iifitintf aud products u inore 'lajud cofn.bustion oT.carbori'. If.tlie supply of oxygen is" cut otf in uny ^'av, as 'b^ working in nh rentifater! apartments, the poster of the operative it soon axhaiistej. H^ncetua mcwi imprSTed workahaps in iingUmi' aro supplitdi with fresh aii by.? tlus rnQ fbarrccil poWct of (an machiiUQi. .• A horse consuo»«a ulout ele*ea peauds of car boa aud hydrogen daily, in tha form of faqid,, hut o^ily about live and pounds appear to be barnLiu his lungs, from whence rt'fs iur?.rret^that^fialf.of his food is lasted This is'owing to tfie imperfect mas? tication of wiry dry hay on which he*ftj Itebigtsooasidots U»t--ftjcea of. un imaTs .to represent iat iui^erfectl^ burnud or oxydized portions o*f ilje r,fuoii, «ud oi^gare^ U to. ilu^ Uiy^bluck r«sylting from iinperlect "combusiioii tij urdljiary furnaces"." vA-. i e v i n s w a s preven "tVVs •. oft'4.rbort, ri^lHatiog animals are The hoire%:turried the engl ,exc!i»tnhig, 4I want a kp'.-nee—dh'iv K Sebing'th:'. fie could rfct be inwl"'?tako i i- the coin/ thelentltfmaii drew i'ar**«ii- I »ce«e .its ht^bei.u^ able ,ttt VWUtKv^ojr niau as^ maiy hodrs a 1 to' "Perhans she ta« heiress to niie u-ta ai." htthis.. H? wi ,, ..... ... to what s c^»ifd«s j-mwld'Ho* exc^e4 ci^ht, it 11- avii^ing u #ed u heiress was po^ayed bei jto t] 1 body fcurirtg the animak bf the tons polaf "Htfve •\vhite instehd of dark jsoxwriugs, Nvia it® tropicad cllnutes«. becaua% U»e white color diminishes the heats., .- -,.j .. .* .» |... ^ilt cQmmopl^ reqoires tho coijrbus cubic feet ot ijrdinary |«. cor wooJ A/.Ji— trur?. WTi-»Wt •11 {M. expetHTithre pro vided with-rfltocles- fbr bringing from th'e Sto.rt^h to^fhe moath tho- «oU id Hgrtoous flbro«» vtrass^s, so as ta sutijfOt them to a nttw ioasiicatitiu». aud to eximct jroni thorn the catdou which elaborated ou Uie first ciieiviug. The liniQ and Uhor required by u bursa ox to niii^ticjate 25 lbs. of 1 n. ..r- uian cuii ^r,ork. A mah caTi wblh twelve j«aart.o« tlie earth, tbio iron from lias* b^'- hours, a horse only eight. The reason is *^a» ff gtiSi ftir-supper, -butore he .i^du lie 1 in our custom houses and exchanges, flow ii to re^t. Man's hours for Uhor sermons on the trii)l6al •kpea«Piti« »of -..It. :t V ut i^eA to, choA' his .raw. \^lieat and. co/n, **'~3 1 prepared for them Just :ae le^ JteHietieel tho fate which he had seen for some ards rried,Hhe i as tor their own taliki »r I.. tijne awaited him. Shortly before sU rn it^tr has alreadyimn^iied, for r"hftlifeiess i: 4 large ^portion q( tha «aU?on-in i 0 clock ou .Monday evejiing. while a few 1 hiy eod grait, tthich ia l^uiaed in Iriendg were sitting aroond his Vedside, tho lungs of animals^ go^s merely to^^® bnly Orfefe'he would altovr? in his Isny^jy uuimul hpat, without oiltribu .q^td cuotlre power or' nutrition warm tiS'raTtfch-dro'rfe. i, S°. ition. A g-i \¥7'the lift iipC e^sa'ry com'Bustion of much costly or-1 Hn5,4'carftwf in the 1 rings,"to sustain '.h^ }"noise—let me die quietly.' He refused doe lempefl tie clothed 4-e of the Mood Mat wiih shert hair. Certain oi cat! P." ftvelop st«,n „0we,cqul..le,ni0.1,0p0vet0fttS1„. gle t*m. r«M ot- Uni,.lt f. mateJ, will prodnca.„.u4Ity lMleot w.«d, wkich ol| i o w e S A U u e a a i a rule I,O aumi.1 gtowtli ol VSBUW Im lot. Ihfee, lWuJ'^l bflU. .ml five or hydrogen. A» faiid will adtiuallv produce about lbs of wootl whicn contains above J.3Q0 lbs af these elenmitafj* aobstaacee^car r^on and hydrogen. '•4 «oatof Ml for a Steam engine on the Atlantic seaboard is less than V to ML- 6 o a a i S a the eon und paniunlat, ij llhaU Uie co.u food (ot lie for aivo [eruvrjug, lamina all uiiilferj fq,ic and fpul who aro not afraid to coraaui hursc to dev-1— eal force. the Straits of Gibraltar, 9 distance of mora thau tea miles. This only hap* ficns In peculiar states of th wwitlien The sound of'u military bond hat been heard at the distance I 1 i -t* 1fBlWe,j.'«ni*"i~" MUSCATINE-/ 'IOWA: FRIDAY JUNE'S'* m». 'V li»M i.aj, two iadJ v /,! I,' i #»•.« ^volcanois aJjfjraing moua", tain. Morb than thtee bundfed have been discqvered upon tlie earth, Some of them are constantly throwing out fire, srtioke, ashes, and ittcltoct toc'k others bom for a lime and then cease, or perhaps break out iti a new place. Soma' of these volcnnor* hAr® thrown masses of melted matter, which has passed oflf In streams to the surrouoding country, cov ering a surface largec than aome of oor StaU8-. Tl»a matxer thus t^irown from volcanoes is called ltva and the hole or. openia^ /jrynv whi^h U is throwa, is called o crater. Tite ljgbest volcano Is in the Ante's mountains,'more $han 17, OfTO tee( high, \itiicfi "^me tim es' throws otft matter 6,000 ft*ct abrrvb its sunlmit Ift ?ome cases, tf»« (jurtnti^y tff m-rt'tcrr thrown frort a trfl(w^o is pretter than tins wltole mass 6i the mountain from which ii is thrown, Ia 1783, stream9 of lata flowed frtyp a volcano in Lc&r. land, *r.e hity ,iuiU» long and twelve brpajd, and the other forty iailes by seTeo~-averagiBg ooo hundred feet in thickness, dsatiojiag twenty villages, aud nina tjiousund inhabitants. Most of the isl,ftpd# in ttye. Pacific ocaan, and mauy iu o.ther parts of tho world, $re volcanoes., Some islands have risen Ironj. l^e mhlsf ot ihrf seji .i -7- .father.-i sick room, he. soddenly remarked tlutt he was dying. The watchers arqs$ to their feet, under.sOm? excitement, when lbe to Colonel saidr 'Be still—make no a»*s .»i^ "vtiuvu .ivn1 'M, 1 iu, 1 ion »f caiboit Mid hydrogen tceasurvd ^be Colonel said to him: ^Doctor, am fornia says he was present in the eon- it rs collected piiuci} l|\H y one 1 i.irM jip in.tb^ir bodiaa, iti tlie foxni of /at, dying. ..^t seeing as though I shalt n'ev-• g'regation of 'a brother Owen, whon a mf to by byrut in tha foitn qf fuftl, in ihi ir 1 or^get through with It.* ani dyiijg very babe in the arms of its mother began Weitk.—'A man who can give dreaming aud go to his daily tt^lrtiei— who can smoil^er down hi^i li^art, its loya ox ^oer antl take te the hard work of his baud-»-wlK aefiea-faic, anJ if he must die, dies fighting to the Iast--thatl man is lifu'a b(Ut he*o. a u wwa| to mar,- id i0l| n .»nHr4 #a aro, „0i,a„1y CI Je U o u u «o 114 DPI- o v e -l i u v o u W Turrr MIt Jniod^'rri tfmeS by the ^o'weir ofvoltfanoe'S. ,T«a S EWiFAl'KR—-KLO«UE*T Extbaci —^The following extract is takeu ftoui a sermou del^vQied by ^hfti^vAIlr. ams, of Now Ypak 1 fl(. .. .. ..j Why is atiytlung^more public,btit tfi©. belief that it wijf be of interest to others? Why is it artno^n'ced tfis't lsaHc and Rebe'cci weite Aiarricd*'6n a certain da^ list week, boion the BWpptmHon that it Afill give }*o"n jilfrashfe toknn^it. And then lower down on l'i« sireet, «n» der the startling head of deaths, your dye runs «long ultfaya witb apfrehan stoa least U fcailsoa soinc well kuown iume re^ds that the. agfd iT the young child, the beloved wife, ifi rich the poor, the admired, th^honbre.f, the beantiful,'Arc gone as it i# iot taban forgrahved that even strangers will heave a sigh for the afflicts*! lad the world respond io sympathy to tho incur^ionf, of n common foe I" Reader, ia this li^hi the .coipraone&t adve use nui a Is which crowd Qiir paper havp Et k,iudl.v Qdqr about tliem. Sav cnieUTn tno world, vVwn a Storc*j on« to announce afreih supply of tajlow be to wait on the customers, cao"j oii read it'without «utofia§ i«»Ao tho s pi tit of their new careerf Busiuess adver isemenis! Waste papar I You know not what you say. Those ships which axe to sail for every harbor in the world—those fabrics which have arrived from every comrm»rciak lea ?m- "thatwhotf thehorse has finished wrfrkins ii8» sugar froni Louisiana—do tbey nql n'lv 'for firs master, he must turn miller, and p*«'ac*i to us at *he corners of the streets' §petuf p^Vertit 1iiHrt*s in grvrKtii^his^a*-1 n from China, cotton from Geor* l'be" entering of the grtttjs, in oor dock, a• himself, ot t^e Sit- ^MoMEfffv*1^ Vtoa^PvisiDaxr fc y\^Qr of ill e milVer aiid baker. TTence. 'The StourtieVh Hepubiic'an has ^in Holland, tiorses. are freqieiltlr fed received irom Mr. F. iv. Beck—a kinifcg 1 witfi grjun reduced to the form of loaves, ™an tf. iho Vici^Vreaidont?«?a brief afi- .' A ft ise economy wotild lead those wlf® couai»f the U»t morneato of Mr. Kiag '«s« beasts of burden, to have their food|fl s^ys:^-"He was quiet and resigned to tMts Wo thc ,„J laying back i„ the r.H,r»v spent 'bj. ,i Cllwi.sting of ,»o', 23 JmoVvUi nnd iUv.u. m8 ,0ifui, u,Mb. 'f|,0 i*^S Kh111-' e h« «aM—and he (nighl litve .oKl. WaoJ?TOt.,o.50p.r c«t-ofc«- .liiifrj r»-'^ifcyr-riir.^iy-rfc n'lai' *t in* 1 9*U »1 :*fi*iai 9- aioi! V iw t-a ll vi I-' V* -*!rrr-. TO POlilTlCS, Lll'JBjMATCnB, tiOOAIi mTEIZUElSTS, c*o. v :.»-j vii- av«in*m wi mfl-rr^ T#c.* ifft/ -fKJ oW'Sf were diverted into courses, 9 Ami (inotRer remark* that, by bficut ia tba form qf fuel, in ihi ir or^get tnrougn witn tt." ara dyiijg very babe in the arms of its mother m*®ble parts of tb». bridae, ., (..lung^^afe njotioaless and tor.piJ during i Take the" pfltbws frbin undbrl to try.» 'A.'thing so uowsual in Califor 1 The value 01 tho ocean,ateaaa *es 1 wintef. Fu^Jl is ai necessary for rao- niy head.' The pillows were reaior*d i nia, attracted not a little attention, a^id 'ost is ,.ly 1(o|i haa hpme and-wjpek,"- Ue me and tvyU, ... .. k Work—work,—work It js the jron pjou^lisha^e tUa( gixis ovei Qyl^ tC lhe heai t. rooting up.all th,e pretty grass es, aud the beauiiful, and hurtful we^d* 4 i tu. .«v« \v» arming, laying all uiulfcr, f^i and 7pul ,vc-lope an equal ot pi,!,,, doll lortinfflia The ratio of costwrn^o# ab 1#ud ... "37 nntilal n^ihl:tiuici down in, tlje d#ep hearj 09'QC W ,or •. i !i u 5 5 U,„ t»^ f.t Aim Wiiltains, tlie Iixiiaa is tho nartural uiothti tijtud of seveaty •^esi clergyman, who ctaUM tO lh« Uau- "ul 011 a clear frosty morning. phin of France. 'fear, or praise the Lord,** ,0 th: time sw :11a u«hore T! itlil .HirJM V7 -1 is"lmpossIM(,W )(I U impoasibie!'' said som& one whon Peter thy Great determined on voyage of discovery and the cold and uninhabited (region Over which he reign, ed furukhed n'bthing but sotne larch trees' tO consutrcf hfs vessel But thongh the iroo, the cordrg*, thw sails, and till that was necewary, except the ptoyisions* for victualing theia, were'.to ba enatied.through the unmeuse dcserla o/Siberia, down »ivefs of dilli cult navigation, uad ulo^g roads aknoai impassable,. J.hc th^u^. y«s done, fur the comaiaiid of .the sovereign^ ami the per severance of tbe'" people guimounteJ ev^ry obstacle. l. V»' ».* !.»• ,. a ... I The ptfafahts were ast6irish«d at his proposition, and pronounced it imprac ticable aud every on© excused .hitfi*oli ou the ground of private business. Jic, hpwever, jeasyued with tht-uj, aod ad dad the afl'er of Ui» own ^example. No soouer had he pronounced these words,, tban, with a pickaxo, oji hrs shoulder, he proceeded to t'be s^ot, while h& as 16hfslj'bcl peasa n ts, ad ttjnaf by his ex artip!^, forgotHheif exposes, an3 hasten ed with one consent to letch liieir tools to follow hfm At' kn^h'tfvdry obsta cle was sur radun ted waits war a erect ed to support the earth, which appeared ready to givo way—uiountuiu loritiuij, .. -nsau named Dapn.tq convey the pines fftietltng' flower grbwin^' under the'iii1,' v'1 A^''"0,8^6'' J'00! from ih« top of the mouuUin W thai at first led «*?hto t1«e belief tfitri T/j^ taJi,bir"l.whfether thero any" Uke 0 ii, ucerae a u ^ue "V/iihout being- discouraged eeper adveruses hiswares, that it isail t^eir exclamatibng, he~ formed a Slide'1 l*af- or- tartg. wott peree4ve tlie spicy Wsetflahne$,, for if it is pleasant fcr 1 or 0f lreeSi am wool, hardware or maslins, is *t not ^x fcet —9nj this wlwch was er a Dtuca.of ypAiug partners in trade.j e0mp|etea iu 1812, and called the slide arable exprt of Ceylon, it i« of course advcrtisemo'.tt* i«- AtpMsoh."waa "kept moisU Its leugth- P^»-'V.vud wih care by the old PutpU tormaognhfl »»o»Ufc how Aappy tU«y bhpll was furi)--four thousand English cub 10 feet. It hpd, to be conducted over rocks, or aipog thftir^idatj, or uad/e«. gcouadv or o*rer de^ places, ^vhfre it h^^.to be susiainad by huge scatfoldings—aud yet skill and perseverance, overcame every obstacle, and the thing was done! The' trees {olle^l down frool tire Wonntaift intb tnJ^AVVIttr wond^^Af'-r»piidify. «too, Uie. groua4 'Mt »«*at !point, Kcare v bava tlfa balance of Ms' hOUsehetd I Tltposilorii fur^''Aprilthpt^"thfe^tlre i •. ginati.'iioiifiea of,Uis dyjug, c^ditio^ His is not universal! »(ovis-• physician came in aiid* examined liiuj. '""A brother Just rethrne'f from" Cali-,f 1 a ts ,cong.r egja nP andin- dustry ffo every thing."-^^^^ iHft i'FizUfcs. s WII 11- 111 1.1 II I |ll f- *A»soHW4Tjpii o? IpjiA^-rrCrypyj, ,QbjHf dren iu church ere usuaUy. considered as uuisauces. and taken out, but'the following anecdote C[°'W thy Laities' my is perhaps, the sweelcgt music many a man has heard, since long time ago -he took leave of fits distant home.' The effect was instantaneous and poweriul, i fat nia ni,u,,tau- When near Sacra sA'.afi* 7*TS* a i*« «fa dtf a! Vtslq *£4 which hai !|UhertQ in.u^f^t^d. tb» ujead- shap*, but of a tigh color wheu it or re-! iirpt'sfioots outTt ij4Ted^-anfl1 iIlt0 bods"Sutecient^t9containJ grtdaatfy to greotf. 'ft^'n that he could only strike it ouce •with a stick, as it rushed by, however quickly he attempietl tojrepeat the bl«w,'» Say uot hastily, then, "It i# ita^s^i, .ble,"i U iuay .be-s^ toda^.tiiiug, in gq i hom^ a d^ of a weokr ot 1^- thuugiit i c^tel&ssuess,. aud indulemce act with wisdom., energy, and ^ersQvejrayce, is tq, Insure success.— "Time and patience," says a Spanish I author, "makes the muVberry'-feiif satin!w tiii 1*.» 0*' #1 fk-il* a: i Xbe Great Basiiu *be area of the Mississippi Valjiey IS uot lasp than 1.500.00tJ square mires more than ono-fourth of the en tire continent. Anl such is the genera! fertility, ija freedom from great moun: tain ranges, or other natural obstacles'^ its occtrp niWn for industrial purposes, tliat it is prfhftbly capable of Sustain ibg as dense population as now inhab its any considerable portion of the lobe. Alreerfy the population o# the states anJ ietritories witlun this valley, which fifty yearsngo did not exceed OOO, has. increased to about Lii UOO.Ot% one-half or -one-Itulf of the population of tho* Ua It it i,npo..iM«r' (W #»u«a.,0f,«ouw- E».oW. tlie •oon as theyhcard-of^%c!Wtft4-of,tJW''r^!fpopHlutioa. would ion 000 l£0 &s> lin's. To rescue his parishioners froin a Mussadiusett«, 150.009,000 as Delirium halt s*ragi state, he determined to open I 071,000,000 as ancient E«ypt 682 0(50: a communication with the high road (000,' '6i m^re \Than 'two-Thirds V iti'e to StrasboiMg,thM ibe product*^ of, presftirt "p'opuljltibri' of tho earth tho Ban de U Hoohe might find a mar-• The present population, as We have ket. Having assembled the people, he already said, amounts to 000, proposed that they should biast.^ t!jo i 000. To supply the wants1 wf thi? pop rack*, and qonvey j» sufficient quanutj' ulatloh, keeps in constant activity tm of epormous ma#s^3 to construct a wall hdnlrad 'railroads, a thousftml miles uf for a road, about a mile and a half lfi laites, and a- river navigation twenty length, along'the banks of the riv%if timea bs great as the distance betweea Criiche, and build aibridg^nciws it. ^.- Ware they densely inhabited -L.Qudoii.and St, Beteraburg. ,Cjoi.\AMpx FIELDS I morning was, as usual, on our first ar rival, taken up by visits in tlie after noon we, drove ia Sir E. flame's socia* bTe through the a -fanled cinnamon gardens, which covered *}r.Y*rd 17 (MM) acres-of land on the coast, tho »r»«gt of which arcncar Columbo-, 2 "IPfie plant sumctent tyi contain.- gWduaHy to greetf. 'not^-"©!!* t!iein—and the Ihlug vtas tldbe? The blossom, but I ana told tho flower is bridge sti I bears lHe''n£hik rff 'ffiej ^hite and appears, when in foil blos "Bridge of Charity." sow,to co-ver the garden. After hearing "ft is impossible!*' said some as they) 6® looked at the impenitrablo-forestj which-i l4ftd„4 w^s ntiich disa^ppuiated at not covered tho rogge4" ilanks and deep got-. beiy^ al^'yi lo^(it^epver any scent, at ges of Alount i'tlatus, in ywiuetUo^, I'-Ust from the planpassing through and jbarkei»e4 to tlw daring pU« «f l^'! Distance of nearly ^^t tfie cinnamon,- bat we were s°on \K fciet broad, and fMm three- -to i bear tliat tho llower had liule or nono 1 Vhe frirger pirfbs, which were' about a tiithQp llebef. u. hundred feet long, ran through the space i Of eight mile# in about si* minutes. A ge»ile«aaii who srtw -ahis e,vtat work say*, "such was the speed with .vhicb a tn e of the urgi»st siise jrissed any give^i A.s tha cinnamon formi the only consid tho penalty,lor cutting, a branch, was 111.1 less tl,^n the (oss bf a hand at' pr^s^nt a fine expiates tfie saine ofTence. The'neigfibbrhoo'd of Colombo is "pfjf*7 tictilarfy favorable to'ifs growth, being waffl"sheltered, with a high equable tern*-' perature, and a» showers fall frequently, ihougfh a ivhol# clajt's rain is jmux obj-? pai^Utd.rTT t^E HONOR 6^'t?oiiiesijf.^2_!t 011s to ob^erre that an itgly fkfr Ngefti erally the indication of a humorous', nnd liHl~e 0,1 t'ie 1 l|0(nia iHOUil t-a Ui.^. Wueil Utar oacxa .^_ ineujo a woman Rearing TiHR Skv.—'Gonie here," I you hoyv to read" the sky." When the God and when one part is cle%r Ulld tim0 n every day, hut Richard *«•**. read it wrong wiocher of the Her* J&eaaec. Wiiiiahis,4»be ^Uglit to love him h»fi reca^tW m»de«rfi nfikkiwk that sh MNavermind tb« thrives best in a poor, sandy eni'l, in ,aJ Bl'^'Skts." da«p aimdsphere it grows wild iu the w.oods^o the siz} ol.a large apple ireo but whea.,cnUiva^e»|, ia jio' flowed togroV mote than tea or twejv« fe$t iu hight,-each plant standing sepa*^te,-— The leaf is'somelhing fike the Taiirel in ehanlsesf 8 ^«t rf much of Ujo spicy pities from this ie«u g.'trderis. There 13' a very fragrant undocreived. *On pulling off*" tweiiy-fo'ttr thonsaiid pine1 «lorw«ry strohgly, bof.1 was surprised. wittr mind—it suggests mnumtrabl^ the rate »r".0 mik-m hour «.v exhilartting witticisms in the wearer himself, und ia tUe cause of wit in otiiT ers. There is scarcely a merry,* t^i^y?fellow in-^cyu^u^^ but ha£ the l»onor of ugliness attributed to him. -Esopyvas a very ugly little hunchback uglier still was Socrates, no less a^-man pf w'it'ahd a man of humor than a pHil- osOpher. The heroes of Rabelais were fo rn otts rh»ir p«?rsnnal deformity-^ Saucho Panza, his master, and Uoziurtte, I were, in their several .coruliiion^-ubs(% lately, patents of thia iatcrestiug qual ilioation, liu4ibitai and Kalpho were 6Ull mote con-^icuously ugly. Scaifou, the favorite wit of France, was ihe most .creature alovyly wuuian ever allowed herself to'coupl^ tif.9 l':• 91J ||A|||Q4 1 i Items* rh" ofage, was Chicago, a 1 '. a few days sincu, by having .her head 'crushed bewreuik im movable and iia- coast of thj Pacific,.be •nJ a largo portiou oi tl.8 coDgK.g.lion ,nd Moreted lus gMd. Won U« lire os- fT"f u.e «wW. ol^i e A fnead says ha iraS aacft n G^YernorJUowe,m Maryland,has refused 1 l_. three wagtail loads'of minora returning to commute the punishment of Thomas from .a three tnoiutis'eojouru ia the Gal- Connor, the lad convicted of the murder of Captain William Hutchinson, of Accomac V'.. Qity in passing a ,^T hey penitentiary, and'has issued his Tarrant fix tan ruoutug after a child. Afl ^he 8th day (Frida\) of Julv for his exe tno'ted by one Instinct, every man aim-1: eufcion,.' nUaneously rose and gave three cheats. 1 On *th6 tith' Wistant, a man bamed*' countT, Va., to imprisonment for life in tho Uid tween SdU Francisco aud Panama," with. ********»^vessel was amply «wpphe4 with in the pa^t three year*, ia more than ^ed at tUU island t¥o .... i ii I J*ars ago «Kl loundit ttiunhabited. tbtee Mil lOUS O o ars. ,, |^ate jmMKn advices (five us account of a rebellion B. B. lloney, of ]$eard&towi^ iMI heen China—the last eoaiitry iu the world where the arrested on a charge or causing tno groat r«mhitiauitry spirit w«4 looked for. The rebels hare fire in Beardstown in February lftst. He *,,^.,1 Xiiiikiii with a force of uiea- tvii.ig,n? had a of Nothing and jewelry well in- l5in[elvr -, 1 i. Miller made a full confession- before the •"^ipl'1-' said Martha's nnclo 10 her. *'aiui -you^ the forjreri'eh perpetrated upon several Blanks!"-^" sttemptwa* madeto Mow down the »u e|»l« pn cojne here tot), Richard. You have of that oifcy last winter. He says he drew the square, on Smidav niyht lawt Hokshad been read your bookstand now I will teach ial1 the money on cheeks which were exocu- ftorecHu thrw of the siuroontftng the beU.aiid 8 Miiuin|I .and another clottdy, then it mediately surrendered khewsc^ves iuto the1 says, •f.ove God, fear God'atitt^aUai haads of tho.uuiusiefs of God,' all at tho smite tini^" v Martha said tlie would read the sltv 0 minilthn^. Mtrfha, for von t*v. uc w,uu w| Pu"^° senthnont. -r A s a a i e n o u e a e o w e e y 0 •he would be s «ro, now and tueo» tQ ^feirv boat was en^agod in cresilng California She wouldfeatfitti when. KuttgrauunU AiC —IN" ADV4JTCR :..N TT" j?*V u'V.—NO. 1. 6IeaniD|» no* oca ucuAMCa. The Anyinm for tho Liiiiid, locutotl at Iqwi Citv, i no»r la sriecpfofiil ojicRitlon.' It *|pt«rj, lrtHii the Pciimoq Ofik6 Report, that Und Warrant* have been issued u tlie amormt of »,0r?.3,ri20aTns! Mr. La Fore, a respectable citizeu of ftreokMlie, In ilia Ki, died a ffcvr days since, wiiile umler the iuttocBut, ol tU| 'orm, oilmini.-it*ed for tlie (mrpwe of ptoda cin»l®i usibiKty during a nurjrical ojk1ration. Xuukiii, whii'h has lutely fall 11 into the liauds of the Chinese iuMiiryentH, was fonuM-Iy' a eity of jrroat size and splendor, betoro tlw iuip«viai rwitience win rt'Dmved to Pekin. Oa the --'th ult., the entire village of Gnrgrina, Hn rr,ut il,'nv^ the kttnnns to Panama, iraadestroyed lire, with the exception of one offiee. A I^plaud giantess.mca«irin-rfe«t titofochts, an-! Avrh^hirr t^CTity-r«inr stone, (lourtwn poaijA,) bt'uig exhibited at Aberdeen. Liind W'ftiTant". at }fpw York, on* tbe 10th, w«r« (|iih at ilol for loo acres, $3 for SO acres,tniil $43 fbr 40 WW. it ls.saM .thai tf bear# «f-dl*pat,h«». liiw been sent to t^anta Fo. An additional military foree will bo put into requisition to inaiutuin the ailcd^t elaiw ol the L'uit«d bUteri fc tlie Uwputed Territory in Xew ilexioo, Christian t'hurch should exclude from Chr ttiUowdiiP character, all slaveholder* and Fi-om what \re read and hear of the AnxtnUian ird U!M», ^.a»cl»16 that the chance* at' the 1 tuner tlx re not as go6il as they are iu Calif* ruia. The i-jipii mines arc hampered with govornmeat taxes and illations, from wiiich mirs are frtG—nnd long may they remain so. A murder waa'committed a* tieunoiLBlofld oonple of weeks store, tie victim- beiag J.(r. S.Mmicl. jitrp ]mmmI to be from Columbua, Ohio. One Jt. Muer wraa su»|»eoted tho crime, uid iu spite of Uk' authorities, tiie erai^rtuius took him. tded and hanged" hiiu. He l)ro:ested ius innocencetn the ia»tk .jg$ Maj. Loner. In one of his oxcui-siona oa the wcxt of tlMb Mi^i-',.n i 2wael over a desolate region—i*u 47-6S| iletrreefi north, ion. decrees west— whure he tout a lako on which there were bauka of puitt salt, aud white as snow. A foot under the surface of the ground tkt -f there watt a strata of jnu e ruck salt. v A suit was recently brought by the owners of tlie steamer Atlantic against tlie ownei"s of the prejteller Oitdeusbiirg for runniug into tlie former to the inmiem-e destruction of life, as our readers wUl nauepiber. The trial took place at "Columbus, Ohio, aud tlie damage* were, Lud at ^100,000. Corp-jral W liito. of the ttli Artillery, was senuneed by a court niart: il to be shot to death for attempting to kill Miyor Pembertoa. Pi-esidcat Pierce mitiffatod. his punishment to solitary conluicinent on la-ead waU-r fo* thirty laj-s, and the Lalauee of hw term of eult icut to hard labor, wearing ball und chain. ..I11.W iUianisburyh, -S .'utL Carolina, resides a wuiom tinned Singleton, who is noiv iu the one hundred and thii-t^--:ii»it ear ul hor oge^aiul well attd.limi'ty at that. She is i::idoabtnH)" the oJdt^t h.auan being in the world, alUtougli apt, lieiley was of opinion that wwe ot the Arab« whotn he olicen ed in crossing the Grac^ Dwert wem fully two bundled yearn of a*£e. A aud pretty woman, (as the paiier^ *v,) wjtlJk an imkat child,i^txluijiiiug in 13 k,ton. £fcs hu a veritable rtowinir benrd and whUkers, and bhavee tluv© times a week, ao regularly a.i a aon. Tfie pa jwnt bUite that oho id not a liomhug and therefore, very chllorciit from Itaruuu'tt 1 lofdairod hone. train ul care on the Mantuield iwul, paumuni eathiff ivitli Chwluuati, ou Uio 34Ui uitU, m.,viug ut a tkseeinliii- ri'dt.'ii" BO fin-1 to tiit) mile, were thrown off do*n au tuui ank MWnt near a bridge, aud eighteen cars were suianla^ to piecen. killintf Hie conductor aud tho enginea-. A. mirKlerous attiay Ux-k phuie at Uie Koiu^Kte I Hoi.-e. iieai- Calena, oue day last week- Jw.j trirtff meu coming out of Galena, were attacked at that Plat*, hy iieihiw. named Watcher, and oae kiUui. and the Othor badly injured an IHti to be a^wytrd to live. A tlilu. iuty whu'li oveucted a yow or Jijfe 1 a o i s s a i o y u e o o At Bowliutr Ureee. t., Valentine Sa^e, ia*if»t4f iuHttnity, eauued by Uw excitement often dtky-,' yn 1 trauted meetiiiK, killed ono ol' hid children, undr^t ap^tptei to destroy hU wife, lie irt mm »i„\ uiae in l\'rry^b»irji» jail, lut. perfect kuovvW^.^l what he has done, and juatUK s the act on the g(fpud that tlie child i« now iu Heaven. commuI(dere sure oi w a io o taiu Pa7- peror lias enlledon the people for kelp. The rebels are since been ascertained that ho had removed I ,, .. .. TL„_.. i,llcredibto party of the eiti/eiis, u short seiio'.Uy endangering jn(^. The actors of tragedy iut- tlur^ charge remained ou Monday mornin, of tjiti law, but w,ere through the ftiroe P^mytly acquitted St. Joseph Mo., on the 4th inet., while tfiefr^f ml ten \v» othor'poiCasw iu cou^u^uencc of some bad that becanse e hiin. 1 manageiuout, and rumors saj s that becatise ,lTl •c,a tiikt" fiiiid hkf UUfilel' ot thenAnifs haivn- drank too freely the *Mtit.r.-*n »w a «ua-e4 and nwat XT*-.^tv» ^„. fiortt wsfl snnk while orowiutr, and sut laaataiadihuitoek'.hy Ttpurtiug l^v no we §npdj 15c "Xo5f ot i tlie v»aiM t» tlie ivst 0* tiie gravev arattJ ftuu hu Y\ii« Ivi atiav tun?. i u The Yellow Fever ia reported ia very sevens a( tt» de Jauciio. It hart lieeu especkiUy fatal U» fuRi«ner» receruiy arrived in tho wintry, although many of tbf old residents as well as nativea ui Uia^il hav» U.«* carried ofl'by its violence^ Ihe n.)toriou.s j»efsoa known a^Parann Brownlow^ of Tcrinesaee, has beni appointed to dfltoe by ttn pre* eat atiininlstration, aliich aeemu to hum au eapucuit' regard for renejrato Whdss. The air,Iiti'tiu-ts of Illinois nu I in coii\ ention at1 tawa. e'l the ltii ult. They enUorseil the l'ittibur Platrtorin, uud revived tliat tlie tune liud "conit1 lt The jrrand juiy in the district of San Fraucl* ^l}i^l I ignored the bill against Capt. riampnoa, of the Uljly Iiendi neo, for manlaiighter but say if they had^l^u |awer they would laiug bilU against tho o\vuers aud agents of Vauderbilt'o line for miserable outlit, aad a^i Beawort^ints-, and negligence, wlueh caused thaW. of over OIK liundied livt-ii. Capt. Skinner, of tho chip Hermann, toia hod at the inland of Jiiau b'ei-nandez, ou tiie 27th of Marctv fiw i water, and sa^x Ue wu bufpt iced to tind there a ntfr tlement of alMMit tnreo hundred iiiliaiatautu who were directed by a Uovenior. Great kindness w&s .--hawa to kUkd The •, Ihe Alton Cooriei say* tho MLs.-uun nrer u» ranaia* out full, and strike.-* nvur a^ain^t the liiiuoia&hore with such trvineudoim force as to cut the bank away to an ^^'^NeaHvamHeanduhaifol i:r ,*u. telegraphic wuv, stretching aioug tho bunk at that point, has been t-wept into the river. The (Courier WITS Where we rode along iu our oonveyauvf^on the pulille rwd near thi» place, aoue three yettn. a§o( I- now lf0 fet-t out hi the stream of tae sivvcvpiiig J^is- .Tury of Cincinnati, as a party to The Wlllte*barre (Pa.) Ionics, ot'the2'2ad ult., says Ni'liols and others, implicated in {charges of powder put in, secured by plugs. A sawH Thedt- sii^n \va evidently to throw the steeple down oa to* main VuUdiUo to destroy ft." The Albany Transcript says that hmft(UliaC the fanuuLs w onianV rights ath-ocate, Mm. 13.0.SniCh. xjr, bii)ki u-!"\vii man, in eonseiuence of the bjid tR-atnient of his wife. He Is represented to ha\e oni.iftKvg, a man of ia!ent«. the anthordl' the vtlebra «d ".fSck t»»miinpr ratters,'' aad imwk-«*kJ e(.«vie K 1 .., .eJ. lUrco V. K. i to,lip quietly tiwich l"e